11 từ VỰNG

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11  từ VỰNG

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11 TỪ VỰNG NHỮNG CỤM TỪ THÔNG DỤNG THƯỜNG GẶP TRONG ĐỀ THI STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa Have a great impact/ influence on sb/ st Có ảnh hưởng lớn đến ai/cái Have an inspiration = have a sudden good Có ý nghĩ idea By the way Nhân tiện, Have a natural ability to st Có khả thiên bẩm đế làm On a wide/massive scale Trên quy mô rộng lớn Make/earn a living Kiếm sống Seek one’s fortune Tìm kiếm vận may Launch the campaign Phát động chiến dịch Go green Theo lối sống thân thiện với môi trường 10 Immediate benefits Lợi ích trước mắt 11 Pose threat to sb/st Đe dọa tới ai/cái 12 Adopt a green lifestyle có lối sống "xanh", mơi trường 13 Humble beginnings Khởi đầu khiêm tốn 14 Waste disposal/garbage Xử lý chất thải 15 Gain one's independence Giành độc lập 16 Repair the damage Khắc phục thiệt hại 17 Make prediction about st Dự báo 18 Study for a degree Học để tây 19 Make a profit Sinh lời 20 In the company of sb Đồng hành ai; 21 Say hello to sb Say goodbye to sb Chào Tạm biệt 22 Claim one’s life = kill sb Giết chết 23 Make jokes about/of st = make fun of sb Trêu chọc, châm chọc điều 24 Get (one’s) permission to st Xin phép làm 25 Cheat in the exam Gian lận thi cử 26 Be/make friends with sb Làm bạn với 27 Judge sb by one's looks/appearances Đánh giá qua vẻ bề họ 28 In the company of sb Đồng hành 29 Lead an independent life Có sống độc lập 30 Donate st to sb/st = make a donation to Qun góp cho ai/cái sb/st 31 Achieve a goal Đạt mục tiêu 32 Show respect for sb/st Thể tôn trọng ai/cái 33 Raise money for st/doing st Quyên góp tiền cho gì/làm 34 Cut/reduce/limit emissions cắt/giảm/hạn chế lượng phát thải 35 Make way/room for Nhường chỗ, dọn chỗ cho 36 Have severe /serious/ consequences/ impacts/ effects on negative Có hậu quả/tác động nghiêm trọng/tiêu cực tới 37 Upset the ecological balance Làm cân sinh thái 38 Take a gap year Nghỉ năm chừng (dành năm mà bạn định "nghỉ hiệp” trình học tập hay làm việc, cho phép bạn tìm đến kế hoạch khác biệt (so với sống thường ngày) 39 See the point of st/doing st Hiểu tầm quan trọng hay lý cho = understand the importance of or the reason for st 40 Damage one’s reputation Hủy hoại danh tiếng 41 Make judgment Phán xét/đánh giá 42 Make criticism Come under criticism Chỉ trích, phê bình Nhận/ hứng trích 43 Find faults with st Bắt lỗi với 44 Graduation ceremony Lễ tốt nghiệp 45 Make progress Tiến 46 Make sense of = understand Hiểu 47 Miss a chance to st Lỡ hội làm 48 Be on display Được trưng bày 49 Make no hesitation to st Đừng ngần ngại làm việc 50 Take precautions Có biện pháp phòng ngừa 51 Heavy lifting Việc nặng nhọc 52 Lose/reduce weight Gain/ put on weight Giảm cân Tăng cân 53 Conquer one’s nerves to st Chế ngự nỗi sợ hãi để làm By chance = by mistake = by accident = by Ngẫu nhiên, tình cờ coincidence 54 Meet/face the challenge Đương đầu với thách thức 55 Pay a heavy price to st Trả giá đắt để làm 56 Table manners Quy tắc bàn ăn 57 Realize the dream/ambition/goal Thực giấc mơ/tham vọng/mục tiêu 58 Travel sickness Say xe 59 Set st in motion = begin st Bắt đầu cho 60 Have st in common Có điểm chung 61 Have (no) objection to doing st Object to doing st (không) phản đối làm Phản đối làm 62 Major fouls Minor fouls Những lỗi (trong thể thao) Những lỗi nhỏ (trong thể thao) 63 Commit fouls Phạm lỗi 64 Defend the title Bảo vệ danh hiệu 65 Lose one’s temper Mất bình tĩnh 66 The home team The visiting team Đội chủ nhà Đội khách BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG 11 He had a(n) _ - why not apply for some government money? A determination B imagination C inspiration D ambition The anti-smoking campaign has had quite a (n) _ on young people A power B usage C contribution D impact By the _, I heard that Phyllis may be moving to Dallas A road B path C route D way Healing is the natural _ of one person to restore health in another A ability B capacity C possibility D likelihood The very wealthy man had _ beginnings, having been raised in poverty A modest B humble C moderate D medium This crime spree has already _ the lives of 10 innocent people-when will the perpetrator be caught? A announced B declared C stated D claimed It was a scandal that _ a lot of reputations A destroyed B demolished C devastated D damaged The first thing you must is make a (n) _ of the situation A measure B estimation C assessment D appraisal The actress has come under _ for her comments about her co-stars A criticism B objection C disapproval D reprimand 10 I was disappointed whenever my boss found _ with my work A error B fault C mistake D foul 11 "We're addressing the problem," he said, "and I think we're making _." A progress B breakthrough C betterment D promotion 12 She missed a _ of promotion when she turned down the job of assistant manager A opportunity B chance C luck D fortune 13 The disadvantage of nuclear weapons is that they cause destruction on a massive _ A extent B area C scale D sphere 14 She worked as an assistant in the firm for several years before she finally left to seek her _ as an independent contractor A opportunity B chance C luck D fortune 15 Today police _ a campaign to reduce road accidents A launched B raised C held D celebrated 16 The Chancellor proposed a crackdown on car and plane emissions, and the introduction of tax incentives to _ green A come B get C go D arrive 17 Drunken drivers pose a serious _ to other road users A danger B risk C threat D hazard 18 People should _ green lifestyle to help conserve the natural resources A adopt B adapt C adjoin D adjust 19 Waste _ includes the activities and actions required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal A rubbish B litter C trash D disposal 20 Cuba _ independence from Spain in 1898 A obtained B got C gained D achieve 21 Is it too late to _ the damage we have done to our planet? A repair B amend C mend D fix 22 It's difficult to make accurate _ about the effects on the environment A anticipations B predictions C guesses D estimation 23 She studied for a _ in engineering in a famous university A certificate B diploma C qualification D degree 24 She makes a big _ from selling waste material to textile companies A profit B interest C bargain D benefit 25 Don't go without _ goodbye to me, will you? A talking B saying C telling D speaking 26 We tried to make a _ of our situation, but it wasn't really funny A joke B fun C tease D humor 27 He had to get _ from his parents to audition for the show A allowance B agreement C permission D approval 28 “Anyone caught _ in the exam will get zero marks”, said my teacher A deceiving B cheating C tricking D fooling 29 Simon finds it hard to make _ with other children A friends B mates C companion D buddy 30 You have no right to judge other people by their _ A shapes B looks C observations D appearance 31 James had a cozy birthday party at home last Friday in the _ of his close friends A company B business C atmosphere D residence 32 Most young people want to _ an independent life without being influenced by anyone A lay B put C lead D bring 33 I'd like to make a small _ to charity in my mother's name A donation B contribution C volunteer D devotion 34 Do you think I'll be able to _ my goal of losing five kilos before the summer? A gain B obtain C achieve D approach 35 In their senseless killing of innocent people, the terrorists have _ their lack of respect for human life A indicated B suggested C demonstrated D shown 36 The school needs to raise _ for new playground equipment A cash B cheque C money D currency 37 Many countries are reluctant to cut _ if it means sacrificing economic growth A emissions B releases C discharges D leaks 38 Some beautiful old buildings were torn down to make _ for the new parking garage A road B path C route D way 39 Australians and New Zealanders often have a/an _ year before going to college or after finishing high school to travel overseas independently A gap B hole C empty D distance 40 They couldn't see the _ of more training A view B opinion C point D viewpoint 41 If you are due to graduate soon, you’re probably wondering what happens at a graduation _ A ceremony B celebration C anniversary D festivity 42 There's an Egyptian art collection on _ at the museum at the moment A exhibition B display C demonstration D show 43 I have no _ in recommending Ms Shapur for the job A reluctance B unwillingness C hesitation D obligation 44 They failed to take the necessary _ to avoid infection A precautions B preventions C deterrence D avoidance 45 Have it delivered from your local store or order online so you can skip the heavy _ A raising B rising C lifting D evaluating 46 My weight _ when I stop eating sugar A reduces B decreases C diminishes D lowers 47 The young star managed to conquer his _ to ease past his opponent in the first round A worries B nerves C anxieties D fears 48 I've paid this bill twice by _ A error B fault C mistake D foul 49 Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest _ faced by scientists today A challenges B difficulties C troubles D complexes 50 If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the _ when you're older A cost B value C charge D price 51 Your table _ are awful - don't you know how to use a knife and fork? A behaviors B actions C manners D etiquettes 52 He had _ all his ambitions by the age of 30 A realized B recognized C reckoned D acknowledged 53 Travel _ is a feeling of illness, especially of needing to vomit, which some people get in a moving vehicle A illness B sickness C disease D unwellness 54 The governor's request set in _ the process for receiving federal funds A movement B fluctuation C motion D mobility 55 I didn’t think Larry and Patricia had anything in _, but they talked all evening A common B popular C shared D universe 56 We have no _ to a slight postponement A protest B objection C opposition D disapproval 57 According to the FIFA Laws of the Game, there are _ fouls in soccer and several minor fouls A main B large C major D chief 58 He will _ his 1,500 metre title this weekend A preserve B defend C protect D guard 59 The children behaved so badly that I lost my _ and shouted at them A mood B temper C disposition D emotion 60 The _ team is a team in a sport that is playing in the usual area that they play in A home B house C shelter D accommodation BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG 12 - TỪ CÙNG TRƯỜNG NGHĨA The Internet bill was too far high due to a computer _ A error B mistake C fault D defect We sell 32 different _ of ice cream A flavours B savours C odors D scents The smell of stale meat always makes me feel _ A ill B sick C unwell D pale It's very rare that a book is so good you actually _ out loud A smile B chuckle C giggle D laugh If any of these symptoms _ while you are taking the medication, consult your doctor immediately A happen B take place C ensue D occur It was a long journey, _ I’m really tired now A so B therefore C thus D hence A block in the pipe was _ the water from coming through A hindering B preventing C avoiding D deterring The school plans to _ more teachers A rent B hire C lease D employed However hard I try to _ my teacher’s accent I’ll never speak like a native A emulate B copy C imitate D forge 10 The letter _ a number of typing errors A contains B includes C consist D comprises 11 It is not a good idea to miss meals and _ them with snacks A substitute B replace C change D exchange 12 You can't complain of being _ when you don't make any effort to meet people A lonely B private C sole D individual 13 The disease that once claimed millions of lives has now been _ A deleted B erased C eradicated D abolished 14 We ought to _ a public relations consultant to help improve our image A rent B lease C purchase D hire 15 She teaches the students to have respect for different races and appreciate the _ of other cultures A diversity B range C mixture D variety 16 Life _ is the major factor influencing senior life insurance premiums A expectation B expectancy C suspense D anticipation 17 If you get bitten by a dog, you have to make sure the _ is properly cleaned, or an infection could set in A scar B pain C wound D strain 18 This coffee is about half the price of that one and yet you really can't _ the difference A tell B speak C talk D say 19 We will have _ with employee representatives about possible redundancies A debates B discussions C quarrels D arguments 20 Don't put anything wet on a polished surface, or it will leave a _ A point B trace C hint D mark 21 He described sport as a _ of peace and a means of promoting fraternity between nations A signature B motto C symbol D sign 22 Of course we don't want to alarm people unnecessarily, but they should be alerted to _ dangers A potential B capable C expected D able 23 The company is reducing its workforce by _ 500 employees A retiring B firing C rejecting D withdrawing 24 If you want to learn to play a musical _, it might be a good idea to begin on something simple A device B equipment C mechanism D instrument 25 I know it's not my _ to tell you how to run your life, but I think you've made a mistake A chore B job C work D career 26 The accident was caused by people driving too fast in bad _ A conditions B features C traits D properties 27 She missed the _ of promotion when she turned down the job of assistant manager A occasion B possibility C chance D prospect 28 My personal is that the students should more work outside the classroom A sight B vision C scene D view 29 Smoking is a causative _ in the development of several serious diseases, including lung cancer A factor B aspect C part D side 30 The money I get from teaching evening classes provides a supplement to my main _ A pension B income C salary D wage 31 Buying a house often places a large financial _ on young couples A weight B heaviness C load D burden 32 The country is now enjoying a period of relative _ and prosperity A certainty B stability C sureness D guarantee 33 Unemployment in the first half of the year was 2.5 percent lower than in the same _ the year before A state B decade C period D era 34 Police are investigating a possible _ between the murder and a robbery that took place last year A relation B association C bond D mixture 35 She's a young politician who manages to bridge the generation _ A distance B space C gap D hole 36 I tried to _ in my speech how grateful we all were for his help A convey B carry C deliver D transfer 37 Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the _ of the moon A appearance B surface C outside D exterior 38 The council is considering banning vehicles from the town centre to _ congestion A abandon B dispose C relieve D discard 39 People under a lot of stress may _ headaches, minor pains, and sleeping difficulties A undertake B experience C assume D shoulder 40 One of the organization's aims is to _ information about the disease A cast B scatter C disseminate D toss 41 As it was such a special _, she permitted herself a small glass of champagne A occasion B prospect C possibility D chance 42 The report will examine unequal pay as well as other types of gender _ in the workplace A distinction B discrimination C judgment D prejudice 43 There were so many different _ of bread that I didn't know which to buy A forms B styles C fonts D types 44 The disease can be caused by a variety of viruses, bacteria, and other small organisms that _ food or water A contaminate B demolish C eradicate D eliminate 45 They reported a sudden _ of the disease in the south of the country A breakthrough B outbreak C breakdown D breakage 46 They _ that a major earthquake will strike the east coast before the end of the decade A expect B await C predict D wait 47 To _ electricity, we are cutting down on our heating A support B protect C safeguard D conserve 48 I only go to see films that are _ favorably A reviewed B examined C inspected D investigated 49 I'll give you this booklet to read, which gives advice about feeding _ of under four months A kids B infants C toddlers D teenagers 50 He is determined to _ the memory of a disappointing debut two years ago A delete B erase C abandon D eliminate 51 Scientists fear that a volcanic _ on the Canary Island of La Palma will send a chunk of island collapsing into the sea A eruption B outbreak C explosion D discharge 52 Environmental groups want a substantial reduction in the _ of greenhouse gases A disposal B emission C eruption D radiation 53 Under the new _ spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled A regulations B instructions C guidelines D directions 54 We are trying to get the baby into a _ for feeding and sleeping A grid B network C routine D path 55 Rescuers used a special _ for finding people trapped in collapsed buildings A instrument B software C machine D device 56 One of the minus points of working at home is not having social _ with colleagues A touch B link C approach D contact 57 Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to _ their behaviour A exchange B modify C maintain D return 58 The successful applicant for the _ will be a well-motivated self-starter who has excellent communication skills A location B situation C position D place 59 We constantly seek to improve the _ of service we give to our customers A quantity B capacity C quality D extent 60 I can't _ you how grateful I am for your help A speak B say C talk D tell 61 Tiredness, loss of appetite and sleeping problems are all classic _ of depression A indicators B displays C symptoms D diagnoses 62 He described sport as a _ of peace and a means of promoting fraternity between nations A signature B signal C symbol D sign 63 A change of course may be needed if the current _ of violence continues A rank B position C level D limit 64 At what age are children able to _ between right and wrong? A distinguish B categorize C clarify D separate 65 The group is trying to raise public _ about homelessness A awareness B experience C capability D knowledge 66 Dayton was _ for Williams in the second half of the game A replaced B substituted C changed D exchanged 67 _ is the process of having babies Women should be taken care of carefully in this stage A childbearing B childrearing C childbirth D childhood 68 His outspoken views would frequently bring him into _ with the president A agreement B conclusion C quarrel D conflict 69 We've set ourselves a series of _ to achieve by the end of the month A ambitions B goals C purposes D aspirations 70 I was given the wrong tablets when the chemist misread my _ A direction B instruction C guidance D prescription 71 She complained of an ache in her shoulder which kept her _ at night A conscious B aware C awake D rousing 72 The successful _ for the position will be a well-motivated self-starter who has excellent communication skills A competitor B contestant C participant D applicant 73 Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging _ on the environment A power B force C faculty D effect 74 Using a _ of bananas, the zoo-keeper persuaded the monkey back into its cage A pack B flock C bunch D herd 75 Despite all the _ in modern medicine, demand for alternative therapies and faith healing keeps growing A expansions B advances C escalations D extensions 76 He'd been _ her for months and then she finally agreed to go out with him A pursuing B hunting C following D tracking 77 We generally use the _ "MP" instead of writing out "Member of Parliament" in full A reduction B cutback C abbreviation D diminution 78 Some studies have suggested a link between certain types of _ sweetener and cancer A false B fake C counterfeit D artificial 79 People are becoming far more aware of environmental _ A troubles B matters C issues D disputes 80 I'm not _ anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight? A implying B inferring C concluding D deducing 81 From the window we could _ the children playing in the yard A look B view C see D glare 82 "Can I _ to Isobel, please?" "She's still in bed I'll just go and see if she's conscious yet." A tell B say C communicate D speak 83 If we carry this argument to its logical conclusion, we _ that further investment is not a good idea A identify B realize C distinguish D recognize 84 My relationship with my father played a major part in shaping my _ towards men A view B idea C attitude D sense 85 Children make up a large _ of the world's population A amount B percent C proportion D component 86 The economy is regarded as the key _ in the outcome of the election A ingredient B trait C feature D factor 87 He was _ from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence A released B emitted C fired D expelled 88 The new president said she would _ herself to protecting the rights of the sick and the homeless A support B dedicate C assist D aid 89 Studies suggest that regular _ of the vitamin significantly improves brain function A intake B ingest C swallow D eating 90 He died in mysterious circumstances, and there is still a _ that it was murder A occasion B opportunity C prospect D possibility 91 Choosing between cupcakes and ice-cream, I prefer the _ A late B later C latter D latest 92 Children _ to listen and speak from their parents A learn B study C know D acquire 93 I was _ about missing the bus A insane B mad C crazy D demented 94 Our rival firm was established _ the city last month A nearly B nearby C near D almost 95 We've got five accounts of what happened and _ of them agree A none B nope C not D no 96 Villagers voluntarily contribute money and other things to _ the festival A hold B celebrate C organize D set 97 Quan _ swimming yesterday A went B played C did D got 98 I haven’t yet found a tyre pressure gauge that is wholly _ A exact B precise C correct D accurate 99 Mary still has some _ with her colleague A matters B problems C issues D troubles 100 In order to win this competition, you must _ a code hidden in that room A find B look for C search D seek 101 The eclipse should only be _ through a special lens A viewed B saw C looked D watched 102 Don’t take your mobile phone with you to the exam or else the examiners will _ it if they found it on you A seize B impound C confiscate D sequester 103 Dense _ is affecting roads in the north and visibility is poor A haze B fog C smog D smoke 104 When my husband left me, I was advised to put the matter into the hands of a _ A adviser B solicitor C attorney D counsellor 105 Most teenagers go through a rebellious _ for a few years but they soon grow out of it A stint B span C duration D phase 106 The programme attracted millions of _ A viewers B spectators C audiences D onlookers 107 I _ my ankle while playing football A sore B hurt C pain D harm 108 One good thing about the Scottish climate is that it keeps your skin _ A wet B damp C watery D moist 109 The police asked him if he could _ out the killer from a series of photos A choose B select C pick D decide 110 The meat was so _ that I didn’t have to cut any fat off A slim B lean C skinny D slender ... one’s temper Mất bình tĩnh 66 The home team The visiting team Đội chủ nhà Đội khách BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG 11 He had a(n) _ - why not apply for some government money? A determination B imagination C inspiration... 10 I was disappointed whenever my boss found _ with my work A error B fault C mistake D foul 11 "We're addressing the problem," he said, "and I think we're making _." A progress B breakthrough... the usual area that they play in A home B house C shelter D accommodation BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG 12 - TỪ CÙNG TRƯỜNG NGHĨA The Internet bill was too far high due to a computer _ A error B mistake

Ngày đăng: 19/09/2021, 23:07

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