Tài liệu Practical Database Programming With Visual C#.NET- P18 pptx

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9.12 Build ASP.NET Web Service to Update and Delete Data for Oracle Database 873 9.12.1 Build Web Service Project Web S ervice O racle U pdate D elete In this section, we will modify an existing Web Service project WebServiceSQLUpdateDelete to make it our new Web Service project WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete, and enable it to update and delete data in our sample Oracle database. Open Windows Explorer and create a new folder Chapter 9 under the root directory if you have not done that. Open Internet Explorer and browse to our desired Web Service project WebServiceSQLUpdateDelete at the folder DBProjects\Chapter 9 located at the accompanying ftp site (see Chapter 1 ). Copy and paste this project into our new folder Chapter 9. Rename it WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete. Perform the following modifi ca- tions to this project in the Windows Explorer window: 1. Change the main Web Service page from WebServiceSQLUpdateDelete.asmx to WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete.asmx . 2. Open the App_Code folder and change the name of our base class fi le from SQLBase.cs to OracleBase.cs . 3. Open the App_Code folder and change the name of our code - behind page from WebServiceSQLUpdateDelete.cs to WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete.cs . Now open Visual Studio.NET 2008 and our new Web Service project WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete to perform the associated modifi cations to the contents of the fi les we renamed above. First, let ’ s perform modifi cations to our main Web Service page WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete.asmx . Open this page by double - clicking on it from the Solution Explorer window and perform the following modifi cations: • Change CodeBehind= " ~ /App_Code/WebServiceSQLUpdateDelete.cs " to CodeBehind= " ~ /App_Code/WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete.cs " . • Change Class= " WebServiceSQLUpdateDelete " to Class= " WebServiceOrac leUpdateDelete " . Second, open the base class fi le OracleBase.cs and perform the following modifi cations: • Change the class name and the constructor ’ s name from SQLBase to OracleBase . • Change the name of the fi rst member data from SQLOK to OracleOK . • Change the name of the second member data from SQLError to OracleError . Go to the File|Save All menu item to save these modifi cations. 9.12.2 Modify Connection String Double - click on our Web confi guration fi le web.config from the Solution Explorer window to open it. Change the content of the connection string that is under the tag < connectionStrings > to: < add name= " ora_conn " connectionString= " Server=XE; User ID=CSE_DEPT;Password=reback; " / > c09.indd 873c09.indd 873 2/11/2010 3:02:48 PM2/11/2010 3:02:48 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 874 Chapter 9 ASP.NET Web Services The Oracle database server XE is used for the server name, the user ID is the name of our sample database CSE_DEPT , and the password is determined by the user when adding a new account to create a new user database. 9.12.3 Modify Namespace Directories First, we need to add an Oracle Data Provider Reference to our Web Service project. To do that, right - click on our new project icon WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete from the Solution Explorer window, and then select the item Add Reference from the pop - up menu to open the Add Reference dialog box. Browse down along the list until you fi nd the item System.Data.OracleClient , click to select it and then click on the OK button to add it into our project. Now double - click on our code - behind page WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete.cs to open it. On the opened page, add the Oracle namespace to the namespace area on this page. using System.Data.OracleClient; Also change the name of our Web Service class, which is located after the accessing mode public class , from WebServiceSQLUpdateDelete to WebServiceOracle UpdateDelete . Perform the same modifi cation to the constructor ’ s name of this class. Next we will perform the necessary modifi cations to four Web methods developed in this Web Service project combined with those fi ve differences listed above. 9.12.4 Modify Web Method SQLUpdateSP and Related Methods The following issues are related to this modifi cation: 1. The name of this Web method and the name of the returned data type class 2. The content of the query string used in this Web method 3. The stored procedure used in this Web method 4. The names of the data components used in this Web method 5. The user - defi ned SQLConn() and ReportError() methods 6. The names of the dynamic parameters Let ’ s perform those modifi cations step by step according to this sequence. Open the Web method SQLUpdateSP() and perform the modifi cations shown in Figure 9.138 to this method. Let ’ s take a closer look at these modifi cations to see how they work. A. Rename this Web method OracleUpdateSP and change the name of the returned class to OracleBase . B. Modify the content of the query string by changing the name of the stored procedure from dbo.WebUpdateCourseSP to UpdateCourse_SP . The former is an SQL Server stored procedure and the latter is an Oracle stored procedure that will be developed in the next section. c09.indd 874c09.indd 874 2/11/2010 3:02:48 PM2/11/2010 3:02:48 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 9.12 Build ASP.NET Web Service to Update and Delete Data for Oracle Database 875 C. Change the prefi x from Sql to Oracle for all data classes and from sql to ora for all data objects. Also change the returned instance name from SQLResult to OracleResult . D. Change the name of the returned instance from SQLResult to OracleResult and member data from SQLOK to OracleOK . E. Change the name of the subroutine from SQLConn to OracleConn . F. Change the prefi x from sql to ora for all data objects. using System.Data.OracleClient; [WebService(Namespace = "http://www.ieee.org/9780521712354/")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] // To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line. // [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] public class WebService Oracle UpdateDelete : System.Web.Services.WebService { public WebService Oracle UpdateDelete() { //Uncomment the following line if using designed components //InitializeComponent(); } [WebMethod] public Oracle Base Oracle UpdateSP(string FacultyName, string CourseID, string Course, string Schedule, string Classroom, int Credit, int Enroll) { string cmdString = " UpdateCourse_SP "; Oracle Connection ora Connection = new Oracle Connection(); Oracle Base Oracle Result = new Oracle Base(); Oracle Command ora Command = new Oracle Command(); int intUpdate = 0; Oracle Result. Oracle OK = true; ora Connection = Oracle Conn(); if ( ora Connection == null) { Oracle Result. Oracle Error = "Database connection is failed"; ReportError( Oracle Result); return null; } ora Command.Connection = ora Connection; ora Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; ora Command.CommandText = cmdString; ora Command.Parameters.Add(" FacultyName ", Oracle Type. VarChar ).Value = FacultyName; ora Command.Parameters.Add(" inCourseID ", Oracle Type.Char).Value = CourseID; ora Command.Parameters.Add(" inCourse ", Oracle Type. VarChar ).Value = Course; ora Command.Parameters.Add(" inSchedule ", Oracle Type.Char).Value = Schedule; ora Command.Parameters.Add(" inClassroom ", Oracle Type. VarChar ).Value = Classroom; ora Command.Parameters.Add(" inCredit ", Oracle Type.Int 32 ).Value = Credit; ora Command.Parameters.Add(" inEnroll ", Oracle Type.Int 32 ).Value = Enroll; intUpdate = ora Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); ora Connection.Close(); ora Command.Dispose(); if (intUpdate == 0) { Oracle Result. Oracle Error = "Data updating is failed"; ReportError( Oracle Result); } return Oracle Result; } A B C D E F G H I WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete OracleUpdateSP() Figure 9.138 Modifi ed Web method OracleUpdateSP. c09.indd 875c09.indd 875 2/11/2010 3:02:48 PM2/11/2010 3:02:48 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 876 Chapter 9 ASP.NET Web Services G. Modify the nominal names for all seven input parameters to the stored procedure by removing the @ symbol before each nominal name. Also change the data type of the top fi ve input parameters from SqlDbType.Text to OracleType.VarChar . Change the data type for the last two input parameters from SqlDbType.Int to OracleType.Int32 . The prefi x in for the last six parameters matchs the input parameters used for the stored pro- cedure UpdateCourse_SP(). H. Change the prefi x from sql to ora for all data objects. I. Change the name of the returned instance from SQLResult to OracleResult and change the second member data from SQLError to OracleError . Your modifi ed Web method OracleUpdateSP() is shown in Figure 9.138 . All modifi ed parts have been highlighted in bold. Next let ’ s perform modifi cations to two related user - defi ned methods SQLConn() and ReportError(). Perform the following modifi cations to the SQLConn() method: A. Change the name of this method from SQLConn to OracleConn and return class name from SqlConnection to OracleConnection . Also change the connection string from sql_ conn to ora_conn . B. Change the data type of the returned connection object to OracleConnection . Perform the following modifi cations to the ReportError() method: C. Change the data type of the passed argument from SQLBase to OracleBase . D. Change the name of the fi rst member data from SQLOK to OracleOK . E. Change the name of the second member data from SQLError to OracleError . Your modifi ed methods OracleConn() and ReportError() should match that shown in Figure 9.139 . All modifi ed parts have been highlighted in bold. Next let ’ s develop the stored procedure UpdateCourseSP to perform the course updating function. protected OracleConnection OracleConn() { string cmdString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ora_conn"].ConnectionString; OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = cmdString; conn.Open(); if (conn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Database Open is failed"); conn = null; } return conn; } protected void ReportError(OracleBase ErrSource) { ErrSource.OracleOK = false; MessageBox.Show(ErrSource.OracleError); } A B C D E WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete OracleConn() Figure 9.139 Modifi ed methods OracleConn and ReportError. c09.indd 876c09.indd 876 2/11/2010 3:02:49 PM2/11/2010 3:02:49 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 9.12 Build ASP.NET Web Service to Update and Delete Data for Oracle Database 877 Develop Stored Procedure Update C ourse_ SP A very detailed discussion of creating and manipulating packages and stored procedures in Oracle database is provided in Section in Chapter 5 . Refer to that section to get more detailed information for creating Oracle ’ s stored procedures. The topic we discuss in this section is to update and delete data in the database. Therefore no returned data is needed for these two data actions. We only need to create stored procedures in Oracle database, not packages, to perform the data updating and deleting function. As discussed in Section in Chapter 5 , different methods can be used to create Oracle ’ s stored procedures. In this section, we will use the Object Browser page provided by Oracle Database 10g XE to create our stored procedures. Open the Oracle Database 10g XE home page by going to Start|All Programs|Oracle Database 10g Express Edition|Go To Database Home Page items. Finish the login process by entering the correct username and password such as CSE_DEPT and reback . Click on the Object Browser and select Create|Procedures item to open the Create Procedure window. Click on the Create button and select the Procedure icon from the list to open this window. Enter UpdateCourse_SP into the Procedure Name box and keep the Include Argument checkbox checked, and click on the Next button to go to the next page. The next window is used to allow us to enter all input parameters. For this stored procedure we need to perform two queries. Therefore we have seven input parameters. The fi rst query is to get the faculty_id from the Faculty table based on the faculty name that is an input and selected by the user. The second query is to update a course record that contains six pieces of information related to a current course in the Course table based on the faculty_id that is obtained from the fi rst query. The seven input parameters are FacultyName, CourseID, CourseTitle, Credit, Classroom, Schedule, and Enrollment. The fi rst input parameter FacultyName is used by the fi rst query, and the following six input parameters are used by the second query. Enter those input parameters one by one into the argument box. The point is that the data type of each input parameter must be identical with the data type of each data column used in the Course table. Refer to Section in Chapter 2 to get a detailed list of data types used for those data columns in the Course data table. For the Input/Output parameter defi nitions, select IN for all seven parameters since no output is needed for this data updating query. Your fi nished argument list should match that shown in Figure 9.140 . Click on the Next button to go to the procedure defi ning page. Enter the codes shown in Figure 9.141 into this new procedure as the body of the procedure using the language of so - called Procedural Language Extension for SQL or PL - SQL. Then click on the Next and on the Finish buttons to confi rm creating this procedure. Your fi nished stored pro- cedure should match that shown in Figure 9.142 . Seven input parameters are listed at the beginning of this procedure with the keyword IN to indicate that these parameters are inputs to the procedure. The intermediate parameter faculty_id is obtained from the fi rst query from the Faculty table. The data type of each parameter is indicated after the keyword IN , and it must be identical with the data type of the associated data column in the Course table. An IS command is c09.indd 877c09.indd 877 2/11/2010 3:02:49 PM2/11/2010 3:02:49 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 878 Chapter 9 ASP.NET Web Services attached after the procedure header to indicate that an intermediate query result, faculty_id , will be held by a local variable facultyID declared later. Two queries are included in this procedure. The fi rst query is used to get the faculty_id from the Faculty table based on the input parameter FacultyName , and the second query is to update a course record based on six input parameters in the Course table. A semicolon must be attached after each PL - SQL statement. One important issue is that you need to create one local variable FacultyID and attach it after the IS command as shown in line 9 in Figure 9.142 , and this coding line has been highlighted with shading. Click on the Edit button to add this local variable with its data type of VARCHAR2(10) . This local variable is used to hold the returned faculty_ id from the execution of the fi rst query. Another important issue in arranging the input parameters or arguments in the UPDATE command is that the order of those parameters or arguments must be identical with the order of the columns in the associated data table. For example, in the Course table, the order of the data columns is course_id, course, credit, classroom, schedule, enrollment , and faculty_id . Accordingly, the order of input parameters Figure 9.140 Finished argument list. SELECT faculty_id INTO FacultyID FROM Faculty WHERE faculty_name = FacultyName; UPDATE Course SET course=inCourse, credit=inCredit, classroom=inClassroom, schedule=inSchedule, enrollment=inEnroll, faculty_id=FacultyID WHERE course_id=inCourseID; Figure 9.141 Stored procedure body. c09.indd 878c09.indd 878 2/11/2010 3:02:49 PM2/11/2010 3:02:49 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 9.12 Build ASP.NET Web Service to Update and Delete Data for Oracle Database 879 Figure 9.142 Completed stored procedure. placed in the UPDATE argument list must be identical with the data columns ’ order displayed above. To make sure that this procedure works properly, we need to compile it fi rst. Click on the Compile button to compile and check our procedure. A successful compilation message should be displayed if our procedure is a bug - free stored procedure. Close the Oracle Database 10g Express Edition by clicking the Close button. 9.12.5 Modify Web Method Get SQLC ourse and Related Methods The function of this Web method is to retrieve all course_id , which includes the original and the new inserted course_id , from the Course table based on the input faculty name. This Web method will be called or consumed by a client project later to get back and display all course_id in a listbox control in the client project. Recall that in Section in Chapter 5 , we developed a joined - table query to perform the data query from the Course table to get all course_id based on the faculty name. The reason for that is because there is no faculty name column available in the Course table, and each course or course_id is related to a faculty_id in the Course table. In order to get the faculty_id that is associated with the selected faculty name, one must fi rst go to the Faculty table to perform a query to obtain it. In this situation, a join query is a desired method to complete this function. Open this Web method and perform the following modifi cations that are shown in Figure 9.143 to this method. All modifi ed parts have been highlighted in bold. c09.indd 879c09.indd 879 2/11/2010 3:02:49 PM2/11/2010 3:02:49 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 880 Chapter 9 ASP.NET Web Services Let ’ s take a closer look at these modifi cations to see how they work. A. Change the name of this Web method from GetSQLCourse to GetOracleCourse . Also change the name of the returned instance from SQLBase to OracleBase . B. Modify the query string to match it to the ANSI 89 standard. Recall that we developed a join - table query string for SQL Server database using the ANSI 92 standard in Section in Chapter 5 . Since the ANSI 89 standard is still being used in the Oracle database, we need to modify this joined - table query string by using that standard. C. Change the prefi x of all data classes from Sql to Oracle and from sql to ora for all data objects used in this method. Also change the name of the returned instance from SQLResult to OracleResult . Change the fi rst member data from SQLOK to OracleOK . D. Change the name of the user - defi ned method from SQLConn to OracleConn . Change the second member data from SQLError to OracleError . E. Change the prefi x of all data objects from sql to ora . Change the second member data from SQLError to OracleError . F. Modify the nominal name for the input parameter to the stored procedure by removing the @ symbol before the nominal name fname . Also change the data type of this input parameter from SqlDbType.Text to OracleType.VarChar . [WebMethod] public Oracle Base Get Oracle Course(string FacultyName) { string cmdString = "SELECT Course.course_id FROM Course, Faculty " + "WHERE (Course.faculty_id = Faculty.faculty_id) AND (Faculty.faculty_name =: fname)"; Oracle Connection ora Connection = new Oracle Connection(); Oracle Base Oracle Result = new Oracle Base(); Oracle Command ora Command = new Oracle Command(); Oracle DataReader ora Reader; Oracle Result. Oracle OK = true; ora Connection = Oracle Conn(); if ( ora Connection == null) { Oracle Result. Oracle Error = "Database connection is failed"; ReportError( Oracle Result); return null; } ora Command.Connection = ora Connection; ora Command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; ora Command.CommandText = cmdString; ora Command.Parameters.Add(" fname ", Oracle Type. VarChar ).Value = FacultyName; ora Reader = ora Command.ExecuteReader(); if ( ora Reader.HasRows == true) FillCourseReader(ref Oracle Result, ora Reader); else { Oracle Result. Oracle Error = "No matched course found"; ReportError( Oracle Result); } ora Reader.Close(); ora Connection.Close(); ora Command.Dispose(); return Oracle Result; } A B C D E F G H WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete GetOracleCourse() Figure 9.143 Modifi ed Web method GetOracleCourse. c09.indd 880c09.indd 880 2/11/2010 3:02:50 PM2/11/2010 3:02:50 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 9.12 Build ASP.NET Web Service to Update and Delete Data for Oracle Database 881 G. Change the names of two passed arguments to the method FillCourseReader() from SQLResult to OracleResult and from sqlReader to oraReader . H. Change the name of the returned instance from SQLResult to OracleResult , change the second member data from SQLError to OracleError , and change the prefi x for all data objects from sql to ora . The modifi cations to the related user - defi ned FillCourseReader() method are rela- tively simple. Perform the following modifi cations to this method: A. Modify the data types of two passed arguments by changing the data type of the fi rst argu- ment from SQLBase to OracleBase and changing the data type of the second argument from SqlDataReader to OracleDataReader . B. Change the method from GetSQLString(0) to GetOracleString(0) . Your modifi ed user - defi ned FillCourseReader() method should match that shown in Figure 9.144 . All modifi ed parts have been highlighted in bold. Next let ’ s modify another Web method GetSQLCourseDetail(). 9.12.6 Modify Web Method Get SQLC ourse D etail and Related Methods The function of this Web method is to retrieve the detailed information for a selected course_id that works as an input parameter to this method, and store the retrieved information to an instance that will be returned to the calling procedure. The following three modifi cations need to be performed for this Web method: 1. Modify the codes of this Web method. 2. Modify the related user - defi ned FillCourseDetail() method. 3. Modify the content of the query string and make it equal to the name of an Oracle Package WebSelectCourseSP we developed in Section 9.10.7 . Open this Web method and perform the modifi cations shown in Figure 9.145 to this Web method. Let ’ s take a closer look at these modifi cations to see how they work. A. Change the name of this Web method from GetSQLCourseDetail to GetOracleCourseDetail . Also change the name of the returned base class from SQLBase to OracleBase . protected void FillCourseReader(ref Oracle Base sResult, Oracle DataReader sReader) { int pos = 0; while (sReader.Read()) { sResult.CourseID[pos] = Convert.ToString(sReader. GetOracleString(0) ); //the 1st column is course_id pos++; } } A B WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete FillCourseReader() Figure 9.144 Modifi ed method FillCourseReader. c09.indd 881c09.indd 881 2/11/2010 3:02:50 PM2/11/2010 3:02:50 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 882 Chapter 9 ASP.NET Web Services B. Modify the content of the query string and make it equal to the name of the Package we developed in the Section 9.10.7 . Change this query string from dbo.WebSelectCourseSP to WebSelectCourseSP.SelectCourse . The prefi x WebSelectCourseSP is a Package and the SelectCourse is a stored procedure. C. Change the prefi x of all data classes from Sql to Oracle and from sql to ora for all data objects used in this method. Also change the name of the returned instance from SQLResult to OracleResult . Change the fi rst member data from SQLOK to OracleOK . D. Add two OracleParameter objects paramCourseID and paramCourseInfo . Because some differences exist between the SQL Server and Oracle databases, we need to use different ways to assign parameters to the Parameters collection of the Command object later. E. Change the name of the user - defi ned method from SQLConn to OracleConn . Change the second member data from SQLError to OracleError . [WebMethod] public Oracle Base Get Oracle CourseDetail(string CourseID) { string cmdString = " WebSelectCourseSP.SelectCourse "; Oracle Connection ora Connection = new Oracle Connection(); Oracle Base Oracle Result = new Oracle Base(); Oracle DataReader ora Reader; OracleParameter paramCourseID = new OracleParameter(); OracleParameter paramCourseInfo = new OracleParameter(); Oracle Result. Oracle OK = true; ora Connection = Oracle Conn(); if ( ora Connection == null) { Oracle Result. Oracle Error = "Database connection is failed"; ReportError( Oracle Result); return null; } paramCourseID.ParameterName = "CourseID"; paramCourseID.OracleType = OracleType.VarChar; paramCourseID.Value = CourseID; paramCourseInfo.ParameterName = "CourseInfo"; paramCourseInfo.OracleType = OracleType.Cursor; paramCourseInfo.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; //this is very important Oracle Command ora Command = new Oracle Command(cmdString, ora Connection); ora Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; oraCommand.Parameters.Add(paramCourseID); oraCommand.Parameters.Add(paramCourseInfo); ora Reader = ora Command.ExecuteReader(); if ( ora Reader.HasRows == true) FillCourseDetail(ref Oracle Result, ora Reader); else { Oracle Result. Oracle Error = "No matched course found"; ReportError( Oracle Result); } ora Reader.Close(); ora Connection.Close(); ora Command.Dispose(); return Oracle Result; } A B C D E F G H I WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete GetOracleCourseDetail() Figure 9.145 Modifi ed Web method GetOracleCourseDetail. c09.indd 882c09.indd 882 2/11/2010 3:02:50 PM2/11/2010 3:02:50 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. [...]... 748–751, 753–893, 897–919 AssemblyInfo.cs file, 657 Attributes, 11, 44, 243–244 AutoPostBack property, 652, 673, 680–683, 745, 822, 826 AutoSizeColumnsMode, 291 AutoSizeRowsMode, 291 Practical Database Programming With Visual C#.NET, by Ying Bai Copyright © 2010 the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc 895 896 Index B BindingNavigator, 11, 144, 267–269, 330, 463 BindingSource, 269–270,... Server database and building a client project to use a Web Service to access the Oracle database For example, you can use any client project, such as either WinClientSQLUpdateDelete or WebClientSQLUpdateDelete, which we developed in the previous sections, to use this Web Service project with small modifications The main 890 Chapter 9 ASP.NET Web Services modification is to replace the Web Reference with. .. can be used to create Oracle’s stored procedures In this section, we will use the Object Browser page provided by Oracle Database 10g XE to create our stored procedures Open the Oracle Database 10g XE home page by going to Start|All Programs|Oracle Database 10g Express Edition|Go To Database Home Page items Finish the login process by entering the correct username and password such as CSE_DEPT and reback... international conferences Since 2003, he has also published 6 books; his first book was also translated to Russian in 2005 Most books are about software programming, serial port programming, fuzzy logic controls in industrial applications, and database programming 903 ... constraint relationship between the Course and the StudentCourse tables with an On Delete Cascade mode (refer to Figure 2.65) This mode means that all records with a course_id that is equal to a course_id in the Course (parent) table in the StudentCourse (child) table will be deleted if that course_id is deleted from the Course (parent) table With this On Delete Cascade mode, we can use a single statement... 3 into our Web Service project WebServiceSQLSelect and develop codes to perform the student data query via our sample SQL Server database CSE_DEPT The project file is located at the folder DBProjects\Chapter 9 at the site ftp://ftp.wiley.com/public/sci_tech_med /practical_ database 5 Develop a Windows-based Web Service client project WinClientSQLStudent to consume the Web Service developed in question... ASP.NET Web Service to Update and Delete Data for Oracle Database 885 Develop Stored Procedure WebDeleteCourseSP The topic we are discussing in this section is to delete data against the database Therefore, no returned data is needed for this kind of data action, and we only need to create stored procedures, not packages, in Oracle database to perform the data deleting function As we discussed... 106, 107, 109, 110, 742, 743, 910, 913 one-to-many relationships, 49 Open DataBase Connectivity, 117, 121, 169 Open() Method, 9, 126–128, 167, 210, 211, 217, 333, 522, 664, 765 Oracle client reference, 547 Oracle Database 10g Express Edition, 13, 89, 112, 432, 446, 449, 548, 567, 637, 740, 871, 891, 904, 906, 912, 913 Oracle Database 10g Release, 327, 433 Oracle package, 13, 32, 453, 455, 464, 465,... Fortunately we have only one child table related to our parent table in our sample database Refer to Section 2.5 and Figure 2.5 in Chapter 2 to get a clear relationship description among different data tables in our sample database From this discussion, it can be found that to delete a course record from our sample database two deleting queries should be performed: The first query is used to delete... stored procedure Close the Oracle Database 10g Express Edition by clicking on the Close button At this point, we have finished all modifications to our new Web Service project WebServiceOracleUpdateDelete Now it is the time for us to run this project to test the data updating and deleting function 9.12 Build ASP.NET Web Service to Update and Delete Data for Oracle Database 887 Implement and . provided by Oracle Database 10g XE to create our stored procedures. Open the Oracle Database 10g XE home page by going to Start|All Programs|Oracle Database 10g. provided by Oracle Database 10g XE to create our stored procedures. Open the Oracle Database 10g XE home page by going to Start|All Programs|Oracle Database 10g

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