Ebook Clinical atlas of head and neck anatomy: Part 2

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Ebook Clinical atlas of head and neck anatomy: Part 2

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(BQ) Part 2 book Clinical atlas of head and neck anatomy presents the following contents: The ear, the larynx, the cranial cavity, the brain, the brain and spinal cord, radiographs ofhead and neck, appendix

TI{E MOUTH, PALATE AND PHARYNX The roof and floor of the mouth and the salivary glands B The floor of the mouth (with the tongue rernoved, together with the gingiva on the kft) A The left half of the roof of the mouth, mandible and parotid gland in a horizontal sectionofthe head 45 Epiglottis 46 Vallecula 47 Bodv I Dorsal root ganglion I of second ;;;i;;i;"*" ?:;i?li:s, I Spinal root ofaccessorynerve Lateral massof atlas Dens of axis Superiorconstrictorofpharynx Nasal part of pharynx Soft palate l0 Hard palate ll Palatalraphe 12 Alveolar processof maxilla 13 Vestibuleof mouth 14 Labial glands 15 Buccinator 16 Facial artery 17 Buccalfat pad 18 Masseter 19 Ramusof mandible 20 Lingual nerve 2l lnferior alveolarnerve 22 Inferior alveolarartery 23 Medial pterygoid 24 Styloglossus 25 Stylopharyngeus nerve 26 Glossopharyngeal 27 lnternal carotid artery 28 Hypoglossalnerve 29 Superiorcervicalsympatheticganglion 30 Vertebral artery 3l Transverseprocessof atlas 32 Vagus nerve 33 Internal jugular vein 34 Stylohyoidligament 35 Stylohyoid 36 Posteriorauricularartery 37 External carotid artery 38 Retromandibularvein 39 Parotid gland 40 A zygomatic brdnch of facial nerve 4l Posteriorbelly of digastric 42 Accessorynerve 43 Occipital artery 44 Sternocleidomastoid O The submandibularduct is cm long It emergesfrom the superficialpart of the gland near the posteriorborder of mylohyoid and passesforward betweenmylohyoidand hyoglossusand then betweenthe sublingualglandand genioglossus.It opensin the floor of the mouth on the sublingualpapilla at the sideof the frenulum of the tongue 'l ii 6iJit"' t'o- J of hvoidbone 49 50 5l $2 53 54 55 56 57 58 Hyoglossus Geniohyoid Mylohyoid Genioglossus Edentulous body of mandible Frenulumoftongue Sublingual papilla Sublingual fold Sublingual gland Submandibularduct c Isolated left parotid gland and the mandible' from the medial side (For the lateral surfaceof the gland seepage 112) D Isolated right sublingual and submandibular glands and the mandible, from the medial side 59 Condylar processof mandible 60 Maxillary artery 61 Parotid gland o 63 g 65 ffi 67 68 69 70 7l 72 73 74 75 External carotid artery Great auricular nerve Posterior $ivpjon ] of retromandibularvein Anterror cllvrsron ) Ramus of mandible Accessoryparotid gland Parotid duct Lower secondmolar tooth Sublingual gland Submandibularduct Mylohyoid line of body of mandible gland of submandibular Ylil part )J Deep tlll Facial arterv O The submandibulargland hasa largesuperficialand small deep part, continuousround the posteriorborder of mylohyoid O The superficialpart lies in the digastrictriangle Important relations include: below - skin, platysma,the investinglayer of deepcervical fascia,the facial vein, the cervicalbranchof the facial nerve, submandibularlymph nodes lateially - the submandibularfossaof the mandible(below the mylohyoid line), the insertionof the medialpterygoid, the facial artery medially - the mylohyoid and vessels,the lingual nerveand submandibularganglion,the hypoglossalnerve, the deep lingual vein, the hyoglossus O The deeppart of the gland lies on hyoglossuswith the lingual nerve above, and the hypoglossalnerveand the submandibularduct below sst' *,fft'r,:.' :,.o * Ft" "*#' ru "rdf \' {' g : & TIIE MOUTH, PALATE AND PHARYNX The inside of the mouth and the hard and soft palates A Therighthalf of themouth, fromthelcft(with skull dissectionto show the trigeminal, ptery gopalatine and otic ganglia) B The left half of the roof of the mouth, from below (in a horizontal sectionthrough the head below the level of the hard palate) C The right half of the soft palate, from behind (in a deepdissectionwith adjacentstructures after removal of much of thepharynx) I l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 lt 19 20 2l 22 23 A 25 Xi 27 2t 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45 45 Sphenoidalsinus Maxillary nerve Sphenopalatineforamen and artery Pterygopalatineganglion Greater palatine nerve Nerve of pterygoid canal Tensor veli palatini Nerve to tensor veli palatini Nerve to medial pterygoid Lingual nerve Otic ganglion Mandibular nerve Greater petrosal nerve Trigeminal ganglion Internal carotid artery Chorda tympani Auriculotemporal nerve Middle meningealartery Maxillary artery Inferior alveolar nerve Medial pterygoid Occipital artery Posterior belly of digastric External carotid artery Facial artery Deep part of submandibulargland Tendon of digastric Stylohyoid Hypoglossalnerve Stylohyoid ligament Middle constrictor of pharynx Epiglottis Vallecula Lingual artery Hyoglossus Vena comitans of hypoglossalnerve Geniohyoid Mylohyoid Submandibularduct Submandibularganglion Nerve to mylohyoid Superior constrictor of pharynx Pterygomandibularraphe Buccinator Pterygoid hamulus Palatopharyngeus 47 Soft palate 48 Dens of axis 49 Lateralmass of atlas 50 Nasal part of pharynx 5l Uwla 52 Tonsil 53 Stylopharyngeus 54 Vagus nerve 55 Internal jugular vein 56 Stylohyoid 57 Styloglossus 5t Parotid gland 59 Masseter 60 Ramus of mandible 6l Palatal glands 62 Hard palate 63 Vestibule of mouth 64 Base of styloid process 65 Intra-articular discof temporomandibularjoint 66 Lateral pterygoid 67 Inferior alveolar artery 6t Posterior part of submandibulargland 69 Superior thyroid artery 70 Superior laryngeal artery 7l Inferior constrictor of pharynx 72 Lamina of thyroid cartilage 73 Piriform fossa 74 Aryepiglottic fold 75 Internal laryngealnerve 76 Thyrohyoid 77 Thyrohyoid membrane 78 Greater horn of hyoid bone 79 Glossopharyngealnerve t0 Palatine aponeurosis 81 Levator veli palatini 82 Musculus uvulae 83 Cartilaginous part of auditory tube E4 Longus capitis 85 Posterior nasal aperture (choana) E6 Nasal septum (vomer) a All the musclesof the palateare suppliedby the pharyngealplexusexcepttensorveli palatini which is supplied by the nerve to the medial pterygoid (mandibularnerve) O The mucousmembraneof the palateis suppliedby the nasopalatine,greaterand lesserpalatineand glossopharyngeal O The surfaceof the tonsil is pitted by downgrowthsof the epithelium to form the tonsillar crypts O A deepcrypt-like structurenear the upper pole of the tonsil is the intratonsillar cleft, and representsthe proximal end of the embryonicsecondpharyngealpouch O The mucousmembraneon the surfaceof the tonsil is and lesserpalatinenerves suppliedby the glossopharyngeal a After entering the oral cavity beneath the lower border of the superior constrictor of the pharynx, the lingual nerve lies in contact with the periosteum of the mandible immediately below and behind the third molar tooth THE MOUTH, PALATE AND PHARYNX The pharynx-external and internal surfaces A The external surface; from the right (after deep dissectionof the right inlraternporal fossa and neck) I Roots of auriculotemporalnerve Middle meningealartery Mandibular nerve Lateral pterygoid plate Maxillary artery entering pterygomaxillary fissure Chorda tympani Lingual nerve Tensor veli palatini Levator veli palatini 10 Pharyngobasilarfascia l l Superior constrictorof pharynxand ascending palatine artery 12 Stylopharyngeusand glossopharyngealnerve 13 Styloglossus 14 Pterygomandibularraphe 15 Parotid duct 16 Buccinator 17 Molar glands lE Facial artery 19 Mucoperiosteum of mandible 20 Sublingual gland 2l Submandibularduct 22 Geniohyoid 23 Mylohyoid Z Nerve to geniohyoid 25 Hypoglossalnerve 26 Hyoglossus 27 Stylohyoid ligament 28 Middle constrictor of pharynx 29 Lingual artery 30 Greater horn of hyoid bone 3l Internal laryngealnerve 32 Superior hom of thyroid cartilage 33 Thyrohyoid membrane 34 Body of hyoid bone 35 Thyrohyoid 36 Superiorbelly of omohyoid 37 Sternohyoid 3E Stemothyroid 39 External laryngeal nerve 40 Inferior constrictor of pharynx 41 Cricothyroid 42 Arch of cricoid cartilage 43 Cricotracheal ligament Truchea 45 Recurrent laryngealnerve 45 Inferior laryngeal artery 47 Inferior thyroid artery 48 Middle cervical sympatheticganglion 49 Vagus nerve 50 Scalenusanterior 5l Ventral ramus of fourth cervical nerve 52 Sympathetictrunk 53 54 55 56 57 5t 59 60 61 62 63 Ascending pharyngealartery Superior laryngeal nerve Superior root of ansacervicalis Occipital artery Transverseprocessof atlas Accessorynerve Posterior auricular artery Internal jugular vein Stylohyoid Styloid process Longus capitis B The right internal surface (after removal of the mucousrnembraneandpharyngobasilarfasci.a The tongueand uvula havebeendisplaced forwards, and the epiglottis backwards) 64 Sphenoidalsinus 65 Vomer (posterior part of nasalseptum) 66 Tensor veli palatini 6l Cartllaginous part of auditory tube 68 Levator veli palatini 69 Soft palate 70 Uvula 71 Palatopharyngeus 72 Salpingopharyngeus 73 Superior constrictor 74 Longus capitis 75 Attachment of pharyngealrapheto pharyngeal tubercle 76 Middle constrictor 77 Inferior constrictor 78 Piriform fossa 79 Larnina of cricoid cartilage t0 Epiglottis El Pharyngealwall overlying superior horn of thyroid cartilage E2 Greater horn of hyoid bone 83 Stylohyoid ligament t4 Glossopharyngealnerve 85 Postsulcalpart ofdorsum oftongue E5 Palatoglossus joining it) O Palatopharyngeus(with salpingopharyngeus passesdownwardsinternal to the superiorconstrictor O Stylopharyngeuspassesdownwardsbetweenthe superior and middle constrictors reach a Fibresfrom palatopharyngeusand stylopharyngeus the posterior border of the laminaof the thyroid cartilage, and together with the inferior constrictorof the pharynxare important in helping to elevatethe larynx during swallowing O All the musclesof the pharynxare suppliedby the which is pharyngealplexusexceptthe stylopharyngeus supplied by the muscularbranchof the glossopharyngeal nerve The cricopharyngealpart of the inferior constrictor an additional supplyfrom the externallaryngeal leceives O Passingsuperficialto hyglossus:the lingual nerve, submandibularduct and hypoglossalnerve O Passingdeepto the posterior border of hyoglossus:the glossopharyngealnerve, stylohyoidligamentand lingual artery THE MOUTH, PALATE AND PHARYNX The pharynx from behind A From behind (with the sympathetictrunk and part of the intemal carotid artery removedon the right) B The left half, from behind (after removal of the left part of thepharyngobasilar fascia and parts of the middle and inferi.or constrictors) I Attachment of pharyngealraphe to pharyngeal tubercle Pharyngobasilarfascia Ascending pharyngealartery Internal carotid artery Vagus nerve Glossopharyngealnerve Accessorynerve E Hypoglossalnerve Inferior ganglion of vagusnerve 10 Posterior meningealartery ll Stylopharyngeus 12 Pharyngealbranch of glossopharyngeal nerve 13 Pharyngealbranchofvagus nerve 14 Vagal branch to carotid body 15 Superior laryngealbranch of vagusnerve 16 Carotid sinus 'tip 17 ofgreater horn ofhyoid bone lE Internal laryngealnerve 19 Superior thyroid artery 20 External laryngealnerve 2l Common carotid artery 22 lnternal jugular vein 23 Lateral lobe of thyroid gland Z Cricopharyngealpart \ of inferior 25 Thyropharyngeal part I constrictor 26 Sympathetictrunk 27 Upper border of inferior constrictor 2E Superior cervicalsympatheticganglion 29 Middle constrictor 30 Upper border of middle constrictor 3l Superior constrictor 32 Upper border of superior constrictor 33 Pharyngealveins 34 Levator veli palatini 35 Tensor veli palatini 36 Ascending palatine artery 37 Medial pterygoid 3E Posterior border of lamina of thvroid cartilage a The pharynx extendsfrom the baseof the skull to the level of the sixth cervicalvertebra, a distanceof about 12cm O The nasalpart (nasopharynx)extendsasfar down asthe lower border of the soft palate It containsthe openingof the auditory tube and the pharyngealrecesslaterally,the pharyngealtonsil on the posteriorwall, and opensanteriorly into the nasalcavity through the posteriornasalapertures (choanae) the soft palateand O The oral part (oropharyni the upper border of the epiglottis,containsthe (palatine) tonsil and palatopharyngealarch in its lateralwall, and opens anteriorly into the mouth through the oropharyngealisthmus (palatoglossalarches) O The laryngealpart (laryngopharynx)extendsfrom the upper border of the epiglottisto the lower border of the cricoid cartilage,and is continuousbelow with the oesophagus The larynx projectsbackwardsinto it, with the piriform fossae on either sideof the laryngealinlet O The pharyngobasilarfasciais the thickenedsubmucosaof the pharynx that extendsbetweenthe upper border of the superior constrictor and the baseof the skull O The buccopharyngealfascia(which is very much thinneq than the pharyngobasilarfascia)lies on the externalsurfaceof the pharyngealconstrictors,and is continuedanteriorly on to the outer surfaceof the buccinator O Someof the uppermostfibresof the superiorconstrictor and of the palatopharyngeusform a muscularbandthat during ridge) on swallowingraisesa transverseridge (Passavant's the posterior pharyngealwall which, togetherwith elevationof the soft palate, closesoff the nasalpart of the pharynxfrom the oral part O The pharyngealplexuses(of nervesand of veins)are situated mainly on the posterior surfaceof the middle constrictor O The pharyngealplexusof nervesis formed by the and vagus pharyngealbranchesof the glossopharyngeal componentis afferentonly; the nerves.The glossopharyngeal vagal componentis motor to the pharynx and palateaswell as containing afferent fibres O Glossopharyngealnerveparalysis: No detectablemotor disability, asthe nervesupplies only one small muscle,stylopharyngeus Loss of taste from the posteriorone-third of the tongue, with anaesthesiain the sameareaand in part of the pharyngealmucousmembrane a Vagus and cranial accessorynerveparalysis: Paralysisof the soft palateon the affectedside(the palate is pulled towardsthe unaffectedsideon saying 'Ah') Dysphagia(diffrculty in swallowing)due to paralysisof pharyngealmuscles Hoarsenessof voice due to paralysisof laryngeal muscles O Spinalaccessorynerveparalysis: Paralysisof sternocleidomastoidand trapezius O Hypoglossalnerve paralysis: Paralysisofthe tongueon the affectedside(with deviation towardsthe affectedsideon protrusion,due to the unopposedaction of the intact side) The Ear The external ear A Right auricle, from the lateral side B Right auricular cartilage, from the lateral side C Rigbt auricular cartilage, from the medial side I Helix Scaphoid fossa Upper crus of antihelix Lower crus of antihelix Triangular fossa Crus of helix Cvmba conchae 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Z 25 26 E Concha Cavum conchae l0 External acoustic meatus 1l Tragus 12 Intertragic notch 13 Antitragus 14 Lobule 15 Antihelix Position of auricular tubercle (if present) Spine of helix Terminal notch Tail of helix Antitragohelicine notch Cartilageof external acousticmeatus Scaphoid eminence Triangular eminence Transverseantihelicine groove Conchal eminence Ponticulus The middle and internal ear D Dissectionthrough the right mastoid process (in a dried skull) from the right E Dissectionthrough the right mastoid process, from the right and behind F Section through the right temporal bone showing the lateral wall of the middle ear, from the left (with a black bristle indicartng the chordatympani) G Section through the right temporal bone showing the medial wall of the middle ear, from the right H The left auditory tube and the lateral wall of the middle ear, and the nasal part of the pharynx, ftom the right (magnifiedx1.5) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Anterior I Lateral I semicircularcanal Posterior I Canal for fdcial nerve External acousticmeatus Tympanic part of temporal bone Postglenoidtubercle Mastoid air cells Mastoid foramen Dura mater of middle cranial fossa Head of malleus in epitympanicrecess Chorda tympani Tympanic membrane Facial nerve Sheath of styloid process Styloid process Occipital condyle Dura mater of sigmoid sinus Tegmen tympani Incudomallear joint Body of incus Epitympanic recess Aditus to mastoid antrum Mastoid antrum Stylomastoidforamen Semicanalfor auditory tube Semicanalfor tensor tympani Arcuate eminence(overlying anterior semicircularcanal) 55 Oval window (fenestravestibuli) 56 Promontory 57 Trochleariform (cochleariform) process 58 Position of opening of auditory tube 59 Carotid canal 60 Jugular bulb 61 Round window (fenestracochleae) 62 Incudostapedialjoint 63 Handle of malleus 64 Tendon of tensor tympani and 57 65 Medial lamina \ of cartilaginouspart of 66 Lateral lamina J auditory tube 67 Opening of auditory tube 68 Inferior nasalconcha 69 Soft palate 36 37 3t 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 O The external ear consistsof the auricle (pinna) and the external acousticmeatus,at the medial end of which lies the tympanic membrane,separatingthe externalear from the middle ear O The middle ear (tympaniccavity) is an irregularspacein the temporal bone, lined with mucousmembrane,containing the auditory ossicles(malleus,incusand stapes)and filled with air that communicateswith the nasopharynxthrough the auditory tube (Eustachiantube) O The tympaniccavity consistsof the cavity proper and the epitympanic recess O The epitympanicrecessis the part of the tympaniccavity that projects upwardsabovethe tympanicmembrane,and lodgesthe headof the malleusand the body of the incus.It leadsbackwardsthrough the aditusihto the mastoidantrum, which is an enlargedmastoidair cell 149 - carotid, common91,95,97,I0l-109,147 ,205 - - external97, 101-105,Il3, l4l, t43, t99,205 - - internal25, 95,n, 101-109,tI7, l2I, I23, 135,141., 143, L47, l5r, 165-169, L87, 199, 205, 2ll - central, long 187 - - of retina 125 - of central sulcus179 - cerebellar,anterior inferior L87,2I3 - - posterior inferior 185, 187, 199 - - superiorI25,159,167,t87, I89,213 - cerebral,anterior 159,165,l7 5, t79, I83, lU, 2ll - - haemorrhage187 - - middle 165,t67, 179,183,187,zLI - - posteriorI25, 1.59,165,L67,183,187,189,2I3 - cervical, ascending103-109 - - superficial99-109 - choroidal,anterior l87,2Il - - posterior213 - ciliary, anterior 123 - - posterior L23 - communicating,anterior165,183,187 - - posterior 187 - cortical of middle cerebral187 - ethmoidal,anterior29,IzL - - posterior121 - facial9I, 97, 101,103,1,1I,lI3, 117,139-145 - - transverse1.1.3 - frontal, anteromedial183 - - intermediomedial183 - - of middle meningeall6L, L71.,209 - - posteromedial183 - frontobasal,lateralt79,187 - - medial 183 - infra-orbital 123 - labial, superior113 - labyrinthine25, 15I, I87, 199 - lacrimal 121.,L25 - laryngeal, inferior t45, L53 - - superior97,L01,103,143,155 - lingual97, l0I, t03, tL7,139,L43,145,155 - - deep 139 - maxillaryII3, LI7,l4L-L45,l5l - meningeal,accessory1.1.7 - - of ascendingpharyngeal109, 169 - - of lacrimal 169 - - m i d d l e1 , ' 1 , I , I , l LL, - t , - - of occipital169 - - of ophthalmic 169 - - posterior 147 - mental111 - nasal,dorsal119 - occipital 97, 99, 1,09,'i.I3, 717, 14L-145,201 - oesophagealofinferior thyroid 109 - ophthalmic25, 127-125,1.65-1.69, 21.1 - palatine,ascendinglI7, I39,145, L47 - paracentral 183 - parietal of middle cerebral 179 - - of middle meningeall6t, t7t,209 - parieto-occipital 183 - pericallosall83,2ll - pharyngeal, 97,IW, t17,I45,I47 ascending - of postcentralsulcus179 - of precentral sulcus179 - precuneal L83 - radicular 201 recurrent of anterior cerebral 187 scapular,dorsal109 sphenopalatine25, L29, 143 spinal,anterior25,I87 - posterior 25, I99, 201 sternocleidomastoidof occipital 1L7 striate 187 subclavian85, 99, 105-109,205 sublingual 139 submentaln,I01.,103 suprahyoid97, l0I, I53 supra-orbital lll, Il9 -I23 suprascapular99-109 supratrochlear111 temporal, anterior 179 - deep II7 - intermediate \79 - middle 187 - posterior 179,187 - superficial 11.1,113,151,161 thoracic, internal 105-109,205 thyroid, inferior 101-109,145,155 - superior97, 101-105,I43, I47, I55 tracheal of inferior thyroid 107 vertebral25, 107,IW, L4l, 159,167,169,185,187,199, 20r,205,2L3 Asterion 15 AtlasTT,79,83,91, L09,127,137, L4L-145,I59,L99,201 Atriuml2T Auricle 149 Axjs 77, 79, 83, L27,L37,l4I, 143,L59,20t, 203,207 Band, tendinous155 - inferior longitudinal 201 - superior longitudinal I59,20L 81, 83 Bar costotransverse Baroreceptor101 Baseof brain 185,187 - of mandible35,37 - of skull 23,65-69, t47 - of stapes151 Basi-occiput45, 67 Basisphenoid43, 67 Bell's palsy111 Bifurcation of commoncarotidartery91, 97,l0l' Body, carotid 101,107 - ciliary L25 - of clavicle 87 - ofcorpus callosum181 - of fornix 1.59,I87,791.-195 - geniculate,lateral 189 - - medial 189 - of hyoid bone 91, 97, I0l, I03, I37, I39, t45 , I53-L57, 203 - of lateralventricle191,195 - mamillary159,181,189 - of mandible11,1.5,t9 , 35,75,93,97, 103,111, t37-t4l - pineal159,181,I9l,193,197 - of rib 85, 89 - of sphenoidbone33, 43,57,61,65-71 - of vertebra77-83,137,20t,203 227 Bone(s), seealso individual names - of skull 11 - - ethmoid 41 - - frontal 39 - - inferior concha49 - - lacimal47 - - mandible35 37 - - maxilla 47 - - nasal47 - - occipital 45 - - palatine 49 - - parietal 53 - - sphenoid43 - - sutural 19 - - temporal51 - - vomer 43 - - zygomatic53 Brain 159,163,l7I-20I Brainstem165,167,17I, 183,189,195-199 Bregmat5,19,Zl Broca'sarealTT Buds, taste139 Bulb of internaljugular vein 149,15l' - olfactory 165,169,185,189 - ofposteriorhorn 191,193 Bulla ethmoidal33, 4t,6I,129, L3L Bursa 153 Calcar I9I, L93 Calcification L53,203, 207 Calvaria 11 Canal, carotid23, 25, 51, L49,t5L - condylar23,45 - for facial nerve 1.49,l5l,167 - hypoglossal23, 25, 29, 3l , 45, 20I - incisive33,47,135 - infra-orbital 47, t33 - nasolacrimal33, 59, 63 - optic 11,,25, 29-33, 43, 57, 133,189 - palatine, greater129 - - lesser49 - palatovaginal23,T3 - pterygoid43,I33, t43 - semicircular,anterior 5t,t49 - - lateral 149,L5I - - posterior 149,l5L - vertebral81, 161 - vomerovaginal23,T3 Canaliculusfor chorda tympani 1'5L - cochlear5t,l5t - lacrimal 119 - mastoid51 - tympanic51, 151 Canthus119 Capsuleof carotid bodY L0L - external 193 195 - extreme193,I95 - internal llI, t23, I87, t93, t95 - joint, acroryioclavicular89 - - atlanto-axial.lateral199 - - atlanto-occipital25 - - costotransverse85 - - head of rib 85 228 - - sternoclavicular85, 89, 103,105 - - temporomandibular25,36, tll - ofparotid gland95, 113 - of submandibulargland 95 - Tenon's119 - of thyroid gland 105 Cartilage, arytenoid 153,t57,203 - auricular 149 - corniculate 153,t57 - costal85, 89 - cricoid 9L, t03-I07 ,137, I45,147, I53, I57 - cuneiform 153, t57 - elastic 153 - epiglotticI37,153 - of external acousticmeatusII5,149 - hyaline 153 - of larynx 1.53 - nasallZT - rings of trachea I03, t37, t55,157 - septal6'1,,75,I27 - thyroid lDt, I37,'143-147,153-L57,203 - triticeal 153 Caruncle, lacrimal 119 Cave, trigeminal 167 Cavity, cranial LI, I07, L25,159-169,185 - glenoid 87 - of mouth 137 - nasalLl, 33, 35, 75, 125-129,t35, 147 - orall3T - orbital 1.1,33 - of skull 11 - tympanict49,151,167 Cavum conchae149 Cells, air, ethmoidal39, 41, 65, L2l-t25, t29, t3L, I35, 2W,209 - - mastoid t49 , I5t, 163,2W - anterior horn 95, 193 - glomus 10L - nerve 195 - neurosecretory181 Cerebellumt25, 135,159,167-I73, 181,185,189,191, t97 t99 Cerebrum (cerebralhemisphere)I59 -163, 169-L73, 7 - L , , 9139, Chamber, anterior 125 Cheek ILl 137 Chemoreceptor101 Chiasma,optic 123,159,t69,181, 189 23, 73, tn, I37, 143,t47 Choana'1.L, Choroid 125 Circle, arterial (of Willis) 187 Cistern, cisterna, - cerebellomedullary1'59, 173,t8l - interpeduncular 181 - magna159,L73,181 - pontis 167 Claustrum 193 195 Clavicle87-95, 99, 103,105 Cleft, intratonsillar l'43 Clivus29, 31,137,167 Cochlea151 Colliculus facial 199 - inferior 159,165,181,189,lgt,t99 - superior123,1,59,181, 191 Column, of fornix, anterior I91.,I93 - vertebral81, 95, 199,203 Commissure,anterior181 Concha of auricle 149 - nasal,inferior tt, 23, 33, 49,61, 63, 127-t35, 149,207 - - middle 23, 33, 4t , 6l , 127-I35 - - s u p e r i o2r , 3 , , I ,t 7, ,L - - supremeI27,I29 - sphenoidal42 Condyle,of mandible15 - occipital 23, 27, 3I, 45, 149 Confluenceof sinuses169 ConjunctivaIl9,l2l Conuselasticus153,155 Cord, spinal95, 137,159,,161,17I, 189,199,201 - vocalI37, I55,1.57 - - false157 Cornea1.1.I,l2L-L25 Corona radiata193,195 Corpuscallosum159,L75,181,189-195 - striatum 195 Cortex of cerebellum173 - ofcerebrumLtl,l73,183, 193,195 CraniumLL,75 - vault 21 Crest,conchal,of maxilla33,47,61,63 - - of palatinebone33,49,6I - ethmoidalof maxilla47, 6L - - of palatinebone49, 61 - f r o n t a l2 I - infratemporal23,43 - lacrimal,anterior tl,, 15, 17, 33,47, 55,59, 1L9 - - posteriorLI, 15,17,33, 47, 59,\I9 - nasalof maxilla31,,47 ,61, L27 - - of palatinebone31.,49,6I,127 - occipital, external23, 45 - - internaI29.45 - of sphenoidbone43 Cristagalli29-33,4I,61,65,I21, L27,135,159,165, 169,207 Crus of antihelix149 - ofcerebral peduncle18L - of fornix 191,193 - of greater nasalcartilage127 - of helix 149 Crypts, tonsillar 143 Culmen 199 Cuneus183 Curvature of vertebral column 83 Cymba conchae149 Cyst, thyroglossal139 Deafness111 Declive 199 Demifacets83 Dens of axis71, 79, 83, I27, 137,l4l, 143,t59, 203,207 Depressionfor arachnoidgranulations21 Diaphragmasellae125,16I, t67,169 Diencephalon171 Diplo€ 21,29,I31 Diplopia 121 Disc, intervertebral83, 20t, 203 - of temporomandibular joint 117,t43,151 - of sternoclavicularjoint 107 Diverticulum, thyroid 139 Dorsum.of nose111 - sellae29, 3I, 43, 65, 125, 159 - of tongue137,139,145 Duct(s), cochlear151 - frontonasal33,129 - of lacrimalgland 119,125 - lymphatic107,109 - nasolacrimalll9 129 I35 - parotid tLL, 113,ll7, 147,1.45 - semicircular151 - of sublingualgland 139 - submandibulargland 1.I7,139-145 - thoracic101-109 - thyroglossal139 Dura mater I35, 1.49,159-163, 167,171.,L99,201 - cerebral161 - spinal161 Dysphagia147 Ear 149,l5l - externalI49, l5l - internal 1.49.L5l - middle L49.l5l 167 Ectoderm 181 Element,costal81 Elevation levator 127 - over molar tooth 133 - tuball27 Eminence,arcuate29, 5I, 149 - canine 47 - collateral191 - conchal149 - medial 199 - median181 - scaphoid149 - triangular149 Endolymph 151 Ependyma191 Epiglottis 137-147,1.55,L57,203 Epithelium of ventricles191 Ethmoid bone 15,4L, 59, 6l , 65, I2I, I27, 129, 1'67 , r89 Eye, eyeballILg,123,125,135,I89 Eye field, frontal 123 Eyelid 111,1.L9,121,125 Face75, LLI-LI7 - skeleton11,55,75 Facet,articular77, 83, 85 Falx cerebelli159,1.6I,1.69 - cerebri 127,159,1.6t,165-169 Fascia,buccopharyngeal147 - cervical,deep95, 99,1.41 - clavipectoral99 - of eyeball119 - investinglayer of deep cervical95, II3, l4l - lacrimal119 - orbital 119 - pharyngobasilar 117,1.45,1.47 - pretracheal95 103 - prevertebralg5,gg - temporalis113,115 229 Fat, buccalpad97, ll3, l4l - orbital pad 119 Fenestracochleae149 - vestibulae149 Fibres, afferent 195 - arcuate 195 - association123,195 - commissural195 - corticobulbar 193 - corticonuclear111.,I87,193,195' 199 - corticospinallST, 193,195,t99 - projection 195 - sympathetic167 - taste139 Fibrocartilage153 Filum terminale 161 Fimbria 191.193 Fissure,choroidal191,195 - dorsolateral 197 - longitudinal 173 - palpebral135 - posterolaterall9T - postpyramidal199 - prepyramidal199 - primary I97,199 - secondary199 - of skull - - orbital,inferiorI1,23,25,33,57,l2l,123 - - - superiorll, 25, 29, 33, 43,57, 133,167,207 - - petrosquamous 23, 51 - - petrotympanic23,51, 151 - - pterygomadllarY 27,7I,ll7,I45 - - squamotymPanic 23,27,5L - - tympanomastoid27, 51 Flocculus177, L89, I97 Floor of anterior cranial fossa209 - of carotid triangle 97 - of digastric triangle97 - of fourth ventricle199 - of internalacousticmeatus1.51 - of middle ear 151 - of mouth I39,I4L - of musculartriangle 97 - of nose61 - of posteriortriangle95, 99 - of submentaltriangle 97 - of suboccipitaltriangle 201 Fluid, cerebrospinal151,76t, l9l Fold, aryepiglottic1.37,I43,I57 - glosso-epiglottic,lateral 139 - - median139 - salpingopalatall2T - salpingopharyngeal 127 - sublingual139 - vestibularI37 139,t57 - vocal91, l3l , 139,155 Folia, folium 173,197 - of vermis199 Fontanelle,anterior15, 75 - mastoid15,75 - posterior15,75 - sphenoidal15,75 Footplateof stapes151 230 Foramen, foramina - caecumof skull29,3L,39 - - of tongue 139 - of cribriform plate of ethmoid bone 29 - ethmoidal,anterior33, 39 - - posterior33, 39 - frontal 39 - infra-orbital11, 13, 25, 33,47, llr - innominate 29 - interventricular181,191-195 - intervertebral81, 83, 201,203 - iugular23, 25, 29, 3l , 67, 69 - iuJe.uttt23,25,29,67,69, 133,151,167 - magnum ll, 23, 25, 29, 3L, 45,L27,137,159,1'61,199 - mandibular25, 35 - mastoid23,29,51,149 - mental ll-15, 25, 35, 37, lll - ovale 23-29, 43, 67, 69, Ll7 , 123,133,1'67, 169 - palatine, greatet23 - - lesser23 - parietal 19,21,53 - petrosal29 - iotundum 25, 29, 43,57, 133,L67,207 - sphenoidal,emissary29 - sphenopalatine 25, 27, 33,6I,71, 129,L33,,143 - spinos.rm23, 25, 29, 43,67, 69, ll7, 133,1'67,169 - siylomastoid23, 25, 5'1,75, I49, 167 - supra-orbital1.1,1.3,25, 33,39, ltl - in transverseprocess77-81, I07 - vascularof nasalbone 47 - venous (Vesalius)29 - vertebral 77-83 - zygomaticofacial 15,53 - zygomatico-orbital53, I23 - zygomaticotemPoral 23, 53 Forcepsmajor 193 - minor 193 Forebrain171,181 ForeheadL11 Fornix of brain 159,181,191-195 - conjunctival125 Fossa(e),canine4T - cerebellar45 - cerebral 45 - condylar 45 - cranial 169 - - anterior29,65,135,169,209 - - middle 29, 65, 67, lI7 , 149, L69 - - posterior29,65,67,1'69 - digastric35 - incisive23,47 - for incus 151 - infraclavicular91 r - infratemporalTl, ll7, 139,145 - jugular 51 - for lacrimalgland39,125 - for lacrimalsac11, 15,33, 59 - mandibular23, 27, 51, ll7 - piriform 143-1'47,157 - pituitary 29, 31, 43, I33, 209 - pterygopalatine 71, lt7,123, l5l - scaphoid of.ear 149 - - of skull 23, 43 - subarcuate51 - sublingual35, 139 - submandibular35, 141 - supraspinous 87 - temporalIl5,lLj - triangular 149 Fovea,pterygoid35 - trochlear39 Fracturesof skull 167 Frenulum141 Frontalbone 11, 15,21,29, 33,39, 55,57,6I, 65,75, 125, t3l Galeaaponeurotica113,161 Ganglion,ganglia195 - basal195 - cervical.inferior 107.109 - - middle 107.109.145 - - superiorI07,109,141.,147 - cervicothoracic107 - c i l i a r yI , I , - dorsalroot 141.I99.201 - genicularof facialnerve 139,167 - glossopharyngeal 139 - otic 113,123,143 - parasympathetic 123 - pterygopalatineLL7, 123, 125,129,1.43 - stellate 107 - submandibular117,123,t41,1.43 - sympathetic107 - thoracic107 - trigeminal1.I7,IzL, 1.43,167 - vagal,inferior t09,139, L47 Genu, of corpuscallosum181,193 - of internalcapsule193 GingivaeI37, L4l Glabella Il, 39, lll Gland(s),labial 141 - lacrimal lI9-I25 - molar 145 - palatal I37, L43 - parathyroid103,105 - parotid91, 95-99,103,111,It3, l4l - - accessoryll3, l4L - pituitaryI2L, I27, l3l, L59,169,181 - of sacculeof larynx 157 - salivary141 - sublingual139,1.41., L45 - submandibular91, 95, 97, lI5 , 139-143 - thyroid 91, 95, 97, 103-107, 137, 139, 1.47 , t55 - - lingual 139 Globus pallidus I93, I95 Glottis 139,I57 Granulations,arachnoid21, 16l, 163,77I, I81 Gray matter 195 Groove,alar 111 - for auditory tube 43, 69 - carotid29.43 - ethmoidal,anterior29,4I - - of nasalbone 47 - - posterior41 - for greaterpetrosalnerve51, 169 - for inferior petrosalsinus29, 31,45,51,67 - infra-orbital33, 47, 58,59, I2l - lacrimal33,47,58, 59,61,63 - for lesserpetrosalnerve 51 - median of fourth ventricle 199 - for middlemeningeal vessels 2I,29,31, 51,53 - for middle temporal artery 51 - mylohyoid 35 - for nasopalatinenerve and vessels43 - occipital23, 51 - palatine23,47 - - greater47,49 - for petrosquamous sinus51 - prechiasmatic29, 43, 165, 167 - of pterygoidhamulus43 - for sigmoidsinus29, 3I,45,51,53,67 - for spinalnerve81,201 - for subclavianartery 85 - for subclavianvein 85 - for subclavius87 - for superiorpetrosalsinus29, 45, 51 - for superiorsagittalsinus2!, 29, 45,53 - transverseantihelicine 149 - for transversesinus29 31 45 - for vertebral artery 77 Gums 137 Gyrus, gyri I73 - angular I77 - cingulate183 - dentate183 - frontal, inferior 177 - - medial 183 - - middle123,173,I77 - - superiorL73,L77 - lingual l83 - longlTT - occipitotemporal,medial183 - parahippocampal 183,195 - paraterminal183 - postcentralL73,177 - precentralL73,t77,179 - rectus183,185 - short 177 - supramarginallTT - temporal,inferior 177 - - middle 177 - - superiorL77,179 '187 Haemorrhage111, Hamulus,lacrimal47, 59 - pterygoid 23, 27, 31, 43, 143 Handle of malleusl49,I5I Head of caudatenucleus197,193 - of malleus149,l5l - of mandible35, 111,117,209 - of pterygoidmuscle117 - of rib 85, 89 - of stapes151 - of sternocleidomastoid 9t.97.99 Helix 149 Hemisphere,cerebellar163,173,I77, 187,t97, 199 - cerebral159-163,169-173,I77-I83,189, 193,195 Hiatus for greater petrosalnerve 29, 51 - for lesserpetrosalnewe29,5I - maxillary33, 47, 6I, 63 - semilunar33,129 Hindbrain 171 231 Hippocampus191,195 Hoarsenessof voice t47, t55 Horn of hyoid bone, greater9I,97, t}l, 139-147' t53-r57,203 - - lesser153,155 - of lateralventricle,anterior191 - - inferior 189,191,195 - - posterior1.91 - of thyroid cartilage,inferior t53-157 - - superior I45, 153, 157 Humour, vitreous125 Hyoid bone91,97, 101-105 ,153-157,203 ,117,137-147 Hyperacusis111 Hypophysiscerebri181 Hypothalamus159,181 Impressionfor alar ligament79 - for costoclavicularligament87 - trigeminal29, 51, L67 lncus 149,l5l Infundibulum of frontal sinus129 - of pituitary gland 181 Inion 15, 19 Inlet of larynx 139,147,155 - thoracic 89 Insula 175-179,I93, I95 Iris 119 Isthmus,oropharyngeal137,147 - of thyroid gland91, 103-lU,137 J a w s1 7 L I Joint, acromioclavicular87, 89 - atlanto-axial,lateral83, 199,201,203 - - median 77 - atlanto-occipitaL25, 79, I99, 20t - costotransverse85 - crico-arytenoid157 - cricothyroid 103, 155, 157 - of head of rib 85 - incudomalleart49 - incudostapedial 149,151 - manubriosternal85 - sternocl4vicular 85-91, 103-107 - temporomandibular 25,37,1I5,lI7, t43' L5I - zygapophysial83, 20I, 203 Jugum29, 43, 65, t65, 167 119 Junction,sclerocorneal Labyrinth, ethmoidal4t, 61,65 - membranous151 - osseous 151 Lacrimalbone 15,33,47,59-63 - eland II9-I25 Limbda 15 19.2l Lamina of cartilaginouspart of auditory tube 149 - of cricoid cartilage 137, I45, I53, 157 - osseousspiral 15l - terminalis181 - of thyroid cartilage137,t43-147,153-t57,203 - of vertebra 79-83, 199,201 232 Laryngopharynx 147 Larynx lS, 97, 103,lW, 137,139,t45, 147,153-I57, 203 Lens 125 Leptomeninges159 Ligament(s), ligamentum - alar of dens79, t59,201 - apical of dens 159 - capsularof joints, seeCaPsule - check 1L9,125 - conoid 89 - coraco-acromial89 - coracoclavicular89 - costoclavicular85-89 - costotransverse, lateral85 - cricothyroidt53, L57 - cricotracheal 145, I55 , L57 - cruciform 159,201' - denticulate161,,189,199,201' - hyo-epiglottic153,157 - of larynx 157 - lateral of temporomandibularjoint 115 - longitudinal,anterior109 - - posterior 201 - nuchae201 - palpebral,lateral53 - - medial13,17,LIl,1'L9 - petrosphenoidal I2l, 1'67 - sphenomandibular37 - stylohyoid tl7, I39-I45, 153 - stylomandibular37 - suspensoryof eyeball 119 - thyro-epiglottic 153, 157 - transverseof atlas79, t59, 201 - trapezoid 89 - vocal 153, I57 Limb of incus 1.51 - of internalcapsuleI23, t87, L93 - of stapes151 Limbus 119 Limen of insula 177 Line, mylohyoid35, 139 - nuchal,inferior t9, 23, 45 - - superior19,23,45 - - supreme19,45,lL3 - oblique of mandible 35 - - of thyroid cartilage153 - temporal,inferior 15, 39, 53, 115 - - superior15,39, 53, 115 - trapezoid 87 Lingula of cerebellum199 - of mandible 34 - of sphenoidbone 42 Lip 137 - posterolateral81 Lobe(s) of cerebrum 177 - frontal 169, 175, l'17, t85 - lateralof thyroid gland 103-107,147, L55 - occipitalL77,I83 - parietaIITT - of pituitary gland 181 - pyramidal of thyroid gland 1'05,L39 - iemporal t69,175,177,183-t87 - of thymus 107 Lobule ofearl49 - central of cerebellum199 - paracentral 183 - parietal, nfeior I77 - - superior 177 Lung 105 Lymph nodes, cervical99,107, lL3 - jugulodigastic9f,99 - submental97 - submandibular97 "1.4 - trunk, jugular 105, 109 - - mediastinal107, 109 - - subclavian107 Malleust49.1.5I Mandible LL, t5, 19, 35, 37, 9L-97, L03,tIl-tt7, r37-r45,207,209 - edentulous37, I39, l4l - fetal75 Manubrium of sternum85-89, 105, 137 Margin of foramenmagnum31, t27,137,I59,I99 - frontal of greaterwing of sphenoidbone 43, 57 - - of parietal bone 53 - infra-orbitalof maxilla Il, 13, 33,47, 55, 57,75, llt, 2U - lambdoid of occipital bone 45 - mastoidof occipitalbone 45,67,69 - maxillary of zygomaticbone 53 - occipital of parietal bone 53 - - of petrouspart of temporalbone51, 67, 69 - orbital of zygomaticbone 53-59 - parietal of frontal bone 39 - - of greater wing of sphenoidbone 43 - - of squamouspart of temporal bone 51 - posterior oflesser wing ofsphenoid bone 165-169 - sagittal of parietal bone 53 - sphenoidalof squamouspart of temporal bone 51, 69 - - of zygomaticbone 53 - squamousof greaterwing of sphenoidbone 43, 69 - - of parietal bone 53 - superior of petrous part of temporal bone 51, 165 - supra-orbitalof frontalbone1L, 33,39,55,75, tll,207 - temporal of zygomaticbone 53 - of tentorium cerebelli, attached165-t69 - - free 1.65-169 - zygomatic of greaterwing of sphenoidbone 43,57 Mass,lateralof atlas77,1.41.,I43,199,203 Mastication,musclesof LL7 1.I7, Maxilla Il, 15,23,27,33, 47, 55-61,71,75,1.1.5, rn,133,r35,t4r Meatus, acoustic,externalll, 15,23,27, 51, ll5, I49, t5t, L63,209 - - i n t e r n a2l , , ,5 , 1 ,1 ,1 , 9 - nasal,inferior 33,47, II9, L27,I29, L35 - - m i d d l e3 , , I n , I - - superior33, I27 - - supreme127 Medulla oblongata95, I59, 169,171, I77, 181,185,189, r95-t99 - spinal171 Membrane, atlanto-occipital,anterior 159 - - posterior 159,2OI - basilar of cochlea151 - cricothyroid 155 - cricovocal 157 - mucous, of larynx I55, I57 - - of middle ear L49 - - of mouth 37.lI5.139 - - ofpalate 143 - - of pharynx145,147 - - of tongue 139 - - of tonsil 143 - quadrangular157 - suprapleural85 - tectorial I59.20I - thyrohyoid 97, I0I, L03, 1.43, L45, t53-t57 - tympanicl49,I5l - - secondary151 I7 I, L89 Meninges t59, 1,61,, - cerebral161 - spinal161 Mesencephalon171 Metencephalon171 Midbrain I25, I59, 165,169,t7 L, l8t, 189,l9l, I99 Middle ear L49, I51.,t67 Modiolus of cochlea151 - of facial muscles111 Mouth l.l.l.,11.5,L37-t47,I8I Mucoperiosteumof mandible LI7, 145 - of hard palate I37 Muscle(s), aryepiglottic 157 - arytenoid, oblique L53,I57 - - transverset37, 153, t57 - auricular 113 - buccinator 13, 17, 37, LIl., Il7 , t39 , t4I-147 - chondroglossusL53 - ciliary 123 - constrictorof pharynx,inferior 97,IOt,I03, L43-I47, - 153-r57 - middle 97,I39, L43-1.47,L53 - superior25, 37, LL7, t4t-t47 corrugator supercilii 13, 17 crico-arytenoid, lateral I53, t57 - posteriorI53,1,57 cricothyroid I03, 145, 153-157 deltoid 89, 91, 99 depressoranguli oris 13, 17, 37, Ll3 - labii inferiorist3, I7 ,37 , Lt3 - septi 13, 17 - supercilii lI3, Llg digastric25, 37, 97-t03, 109,L13, 1.15,1.41,L43 epicranius113 of eyeball121 facial 113 genioglossus3T, 137-141, 153 geniohyoid37, I37-I45,153 hyoglossus 97, l0I,103, LI1,123, I39-t45,153, 155 intercostal85 of larynx 147,155 levatorangulioris 13,17,1I3,1.I9 - labii superioris13, I7, tI3, LI9 - labii superiorisalaequenasi1.3,t7,Il3,Il9 : - palpebraesuperiorisII9, I2l-125 - scapulae89, 95, 99, 101,109 - of thyroid gland 105 - veli palatini 25,117,143-147 longissimuscapitis25, 201 - longuscapitis25, L07,I09, 1'43,1,45,159,199 - colli 109 masseter13,17,25,37, 91,97,103,111-115,141',I43 of masticationllT mentalis 13, 17, 37, 113 mylohyoid37,97,103,lI7 ,137-145,153 nasalis13, l7, II3, ll9 oblique of eyeball, inferior ll9-I25 - superior lI9-123 obliquus capitis inferior 201 - superior25,201 occipitofrontalis 17, 25, 99, 111, 11.3,ll9 , 16l, 201 omohyoid89,91,97-L03,145,153,155 orbicularisoculi 13, I7 ,53, ll3, lt9 - oris 113 orbitalis121 139,145 palatoglossus 25, 143't47,153 palatopharyngeus pectoralismajor 85, 89,9I,99, 103 of pharynx L45 ll3 , 137, 141 platysma13, 17, 37, 93, 1.1.1, prevertebral95, 109 procerusL3,17, lI3, lI9 pterygoid,lateral25,37, ll7 ,1'43 - medial 25, 37, Lt3-ll7 , 139-143,I47 rectuscapitisanterior25 - - lateralis25 L09.199 - - posteriormajor 25,201 minor 25,201 - - of eyeball, inferior 121-125 - - - lateral 111.,tl9-I25 -medial1.I9-L25 -superiorl2l.-I25 - risorius113 - salpingopharyngeus 145 - scalenusanterior85, 99-103,I09, I45, I99 - - medius85, 101,103,109 - semispinalis capitis25,99,201 - - cervicis201 - serratusanterior 85 - smooth 121 - spleniuscapitis25, 95, 99,201 - stapediusL51 - sternocleidomastoid I7,25,85,89, 91,95-103,109, 1 ,1 ,l l , l - sternohyoid 85, 89, 97, l}L, t03,1.t7,145, 153,155 - sternothyroid85, 97, 1.01,103,145,153,155 - styloglossus 25, ll3, ll7,139-145 - stylohyoid25, 97, 101,103,lI3, 137,I4l, 145, 153 - stylopharyngeus 25, 97, ll3, Ll7 , 141.-147 ,153 - subclavius85-89 - supraspinatus89 - temporalis 13, 17, 37, 11.5 , II7 , t5I - temporoparietalis113 - tensor tympani 149, L5L - - veli palatini 25,I17,143-1.47 - thyro-arytenoid153,157 - - superior 157 - thyro-epiglottic153,157 - thyrohyoid97, l}L, I03, Il7 ,143,145,153,155 - of tongue L39 - trapezius25, 89, 9t, 95-99, t47 , 20t - uvulae25,143 234 - vocalis 157 - zygomaticus major L3,17,1!3,lI9 - - minor 13, t7 , tl3, Ll7 Myelencephalon171 Naris, anterior L1L N a s a lb o n e1 ,1 ,3 , 3 , 7, 5 , t , I Nasion11 15 Nasopharynx127,1.47 N e c k9 - - great vessels101,103 - of malleus151 - of mandible35, 115 - of rib 85, 89, 107 - root 105,107 Nerve(s),nervus - abducent25, l2l, 123,135,167,169,185,189 - accessory 25,9I,95-t01.,109,141,I45,147,L67,169, 185-189,199 - - cranial95, 1.69 , 185-189,199 - - spinal95, 99, 109, 147, 1.67 , 1'69,187,189,199 - alveolar,inferior 25, lI7 , 141' , 1,43,167 - - superiorll7 , 135,1.67 - ansacervicalis 95, 97,101,103,145 - - subclavia33 - auricular,great95-101,113,1.4I - - of vagus51 - auriculotemporal11L, 1'13,II7, 143,145,L67 - autonomic195 - buccal of facial II3, ll9 - - of mandibtiar1.\7,167 - cardiac107 - carotid,internal25,107,L09,1.67 - to carotid body 147 - cervical95-103, I07, 109,I41,,145,L69,I99, 201 - - of facial93 113.141 - - transverse95-99 - chordatympani L11,1l7, 139-1.45,I49,I51,t67 - ciliarv 1.I9.I23 - - long I21.,I23 - - short l2l, t23 - cranial1,69,I7I,189,193,195 - ethrhoidal,anterior29, 41,l2l, 123,r29,135, L69 - - posterior41 - f a c i a 2l , , , , 11, ,1 ,1 ,1T9,125, r39,r4r, r49, 151,1.67,169,185,189 - frontal ll7, l2I, t23 - to geniohyoid145 - glossopharyngeal25,95, 109,tI3, I17, L39-I47, I5L, 167, 169,185-189,199 - hypoglossal2s ,9I,95,97, l}t, 103,ll7 , I39-t47,155, , , 92,0 - to inferior oblique123 - to inferior rectus 123 - infra-orbital25, 11.I,1.I9-123, I35, 167 - infratrochlearI2l I23 - intermediusL25.I39 - lacrimalI2l-125 - laryngeal,external97, 101-105,I45,147,155,157 - - internal 91, 97, 101, 103, t39, 143-147, 155, 157 - - recurrent103,107,L09,145,I55, 1.57 - - superior L45,147 - to lateral pterygoid 117 - lingual lI7, I23, I39-t45, 167 - mandibular25, Il7, L23,I43,145, t67, t69 - - marginal97, Lll,ll3 - masseteric117 - maxillary25, tL7, 123,125,I43, 1.67 - to medialpterygoidII7,143 - to medial rectus 123 - meningeal169 - mental 25,LIl - mylohyoid97,I03, Ll1,I43 - nasal, posterior inferior 129, I35 -superior129,135 - nasociliaryI2l-125 - nasopalatine43,135,t43 - occipital, greater 99, II3, 201 - - lesser95, 99, 101,113 - - third 99 - oculomotor25, ILt, 117,l2l-125, 1.59,165-169, 185,189 - ophthalmic25, ll7, l2l, 167 - optic25, ll7-125, I65-L69,185-189 - palatine,greater129,143 - - lesser143 - petrosal,deep 167 - - greater25,5I, LL7,125,143,167, 169 - - lesser25,5I, LI3, L67,169 - pharyngealof glossopharyngeal 147 - - of vagus147 - phrenic 99-109 - - accessory105 - of pterygoidcanal25, L25,L43,t67 - scapular,dorsal99, 101 - spinalL59,I7I, I95, 201 - to stapediusL11 - to subclavius99 - supraclavicular 93, 95, 99 - supra-orbital 25, lll , ll9-t23 , 1.61 - suprascapular 99, 101 - supratrochlearL1L,121,123 - sympathetic l2I,167 - temporal,deep117 - - of facial 113 - to tensorveli palatini 143 - thoracic107 - to thyrohyoidgT,I01.,103,117,155 - to trapezius95, 99 - trigeminalIL7, l2l, 135,1.65-169, 185,189 - trochlear25, l2l-125, L65-I69,185,189,199 - tympanic113,151 - vagus25, 95, 103, 107, t09 , t4I-1.47, 167, 169, 185-189,199 - vestibulocochlear25, 189,199 llL, 151,167,169,185, - zygomaticI23,I25 - - of facial113.119.141 - zygomaticotemporal L13 Nervoussystem,autonomic171 - centrall7l.195 - peripheral171.,t95 - sympatheticL07 Neurectoderm181 Neurohypophysis181 Nodule 199 Nose39 61 63 - externallll,127 Nostril 111 Notch, antitragohelicine149 - cerebellar197 - clavicular 85 - for costal cartilage85 - ethmoidal of frontal bone 39, 65 - frontal LL, 33, 39, lll - intertragic 149 - jugular of occipitalbone 45,67 - - of manubriumof sternum85, 89, 91, 137 - - of petrouspart of temporalbone51, 69 - mandibular 35 - mastoid23, 51 - nasalof maxilla47, 55 - parietal51 - pre-occipital 177 - pterygoid 43 - sphenopalatine 49,71 - supra-orbital111 - terminal 149 - thyroid 153 - vertebral81 83 Nucleus,nuclei - abducent111 - ambiguus95 - amygdaloid 195 - basal193,195 - caudate191-195 - ofcentral nervoussystem195 - dentate199 - Edinger-Westphall2L, 123 - of facialnerve 111 - Ientiform 193.195 - motor of cranialnerves193 - red 195 - salivary,inferior 113 - - superior 125,I39 - subthalamic195 - of thalamus195 - of tractussolitarius139 Obex 199 Occipitalbone 15, L9,2t, 43, 45,67, 69,75, 133,20t Occiput 19 Oesophagus97,103,107,109, L37,L47,L53-757 Olive 189.197 Opening of aqueductof vestibule51 - of auditory tube 127,137, l4"l-l5I - of cochlearcanaliculus51 - of nasolacrimalduct ll9,129 - of paranasalsinuses129 - of superior cerebralveins 161 Operculum L77 Ora serrata 125 Orbit 11, 33, 39, 55-59, It7, LI9-I25 Organ, vomeronasal127 Orifice of submandibularduct 139 Oropharynx 147 Ossicles,auditory 149,l5l Pachymeninx159 Palate I37-I47 - hard Il,3l, I27, t35-1.43 - soft 95 I27.137-149 235 Palatinebone 23, 27, 33, 49, 58-61,7l, 73, 127,129 Papilla(e),fungiform 139 - lacrimal119 - sublingual 139, l4l - vallate 139 Paralysis,abducentnewe tII, t2I - accessorynewe 147 - Bell's palsy111 - external laryngealnerve L55 - facialnerve 111 - glossopharyngealnerve 147 - hypoglossalnerve I47 - of limbs 187 - oculomotor newe l2l - recurrent laryngealnerve 155 - trigeminal nerve 117 - trochlearnerve121 Parathyroidglands103,105 Parietalbone 15, 19,21,,29, 53, 65,75 Parotid gland91, 95-99, 103,111, ll3, l4l Parsanterior 18L - distalis181 - intermedia181 - nervosaL81 - opercularis177 - triangularis177 - tuberalis181 Pedicleof vertebra79-83,201,203 Peduncle,cerebellar,inferior 199 - - middle 189,199 - - superior199 - cerebral175,181,189,195 Pericranium161 Perilymph151 Periorbita119 Periosteum161 - orbital II9,121 Peshippocampi191 Pharynx103,107,137-147,155,159 - laryngcal part 137,'1.47 - muscles145 - oral part 137,I39, I47,209 - nasal part L3l , l4L , 143,1,47 , I49 , 209 Philtrum 111 Pia mater.159,16l, l7l, t9t Pinna 149 Pit, suprameatal51 Pituitary gland121,I27, t37,159, 169,181 Plate,cribriform of ethmoidbone29-33,4I,61,65, - - carotid, internal 167 - - cervical 99 - - pharyngeal139, 1.43-1.47 - - sympathetic167 - - tympanic113 - venous - - basilar 169 - - pharyngeal147 - - pterygoid117 - - vertebral 199 Plica semilunaris119 Pole, frontal 173,177, 185,193 - occipital 173, 177, 183,185 - temporalL35,177 ,183, 185 - of tonsil L43 Pons 11L,125,t35, 159,167-I7L, L77,l8l, 189, r95-r99 Ponticulus149 Pouch, pharyngeal143 - Rathke's 181 Precuneus183 Process,alveolarof maxilla47,55, t33,135, L4I - anterior of malleus151 - articular of vertebra 79-83,203 - of cerebraldura mater 161 - ciliary 125 - clinoid, anterior 29, 31, 43, I25, 167 169, 209 - - posterior 29, 43, L67, L69, 209 - cochleariform149.151 - condylarof mandiblet5, 35,75, l4I - coracoid of scapula87 - coronoidof mandible15,35, 115,I17,20'7 - descendingof lacrimalbone33, 47, 61,63 - ethmoidalof inferior concha33 49,6I - frontal of maxillaIl , 1.5, 33,47, 55, 58-63,119, I27 - - of zygomaticbone 53-59 - jugular of occipitalbone45 - intrajugularof temporalbone51 - lacrimalof inferior concha33,49,6I,63 - lenticularof incus151 - mastoidof temporalbone 1.1., t5, 19,23, 27, 3I, 51, 75, 91, r09, 1L3,149,2W - maxillary of inferior concha49, 63 - - of palatinebone 49,61,63 - muscularof arytenoid cartilage153,t57 - odontoid of axis 79 - orbital of palatinebone33, 49, 58, 59,71, 73 - pafatineof maxilla23, 33, 47, 61, t35 - Dosteriorof malleus151 - pterygoidof sphenoidbone43,57,7I r21,,r27,167 , r89 - pyramidalof palatinebone23, 27, 49, 58, 59,71,73 - horizontalof palatinebone23, 33,49,6L,73 - septalof greaternasalcartilage127 - orbital of ethmoidbone 33 41 59 - sphenoidalof palatinebone49, 58-61',71,73 - perpendicularof ethmoidbone31, 4I,61, t27 - spinousof vertebra 77-83, 199-203 - - of palatinebone33,49,61,63,71,I29 - pterygoidof sphenoidbone,lateral23,27,3I,43,71, - styloid of temporalbone 11, t5, 23, 27, 51, 113,115, r ,r , 73.1.r7.145 - temporal of zygomaticbone 53 - - m e d i a2l , , I , 3 , , L , L ,l - transverseof vertebra77-85,91, lW , I09, l4l, I45, Pleura 85 r99-203 Plexus,choroid 191 - trochleariform149,151 - - of fourth ventricle159,181,189,191,199 - uncinateof ethmoidbone33, 41',6I, L29 - - of lateral ventricle 189-195 - vaginal of sphenoidbone 43, 73 - - of third ventricle159.181.213 - vocal of arytenoid cartilage153, L57 - nerve - zygomaticof frontal bone 39, 55 - - brachial9t,99,101, 105-109 236 - - of maxilla23, 47, 55, 58, 59, 115 - - oftemporalbone51, 111 Prominence,laryngeal9L, 103,153,155 Promontory 149,151,167 Prosencephalon171 Protuberance,mental 11, 15,35 - occipital, external "J.5,19, 23, 45, I59, 163 - - internal 29, 3I, 45 Pterion11, 15, 161 Ptosis121 Pulvinar 189 Punctum, lacrimal 119 Pupil 13, II9-L25 PutamenI93,195 Pyrarnid,of vermis197,I99 - of medullaoblongata167,189,I95,197 - of middle ear I49 Radiation,optic 191,193 Radiographs203-213 Rami communicantes107 - ofspinal nerves101-105,109,145,L99,20t Ramus of accessorynerve 95 - of lateral sulcus175 177 - of mandible11, 15, 19,35,75,ll1,-1,t7,1,4I,143 Raphe,palatal141 - palpebral,lateral53, 119 - pharyngeal25, t45, t47 - pterygomandibular 37, Lt7,143,I45 Recess,epitympanicI49, tst,167 - infundibular of third ventricle 181 - lateral offourth ventricle I9l.l99 - optic 181 - pharyngealIn,137,147 - pineal 181 - spheno-ethmoidal 33,61, t27,129 - suprapineal181 123 Reflex, accommodation-convergence - pupillary Eghtl23 Region, infratemporal 27 RetinaI23,I25 Rhombencephalon171 Rib, first 85, 89, 105,107 Ridge of Passavant147 Rima of glottis 139 Ring, common tendinousof eye muscles121 - trachealt03, L37,1.55,t57 - tympanic 75 Roof of cavernoussinus125 - of ethmoidal air cells65 - of ethmoidal sinus131 - of fourth ventricle 191 - of middle ear 151" - of mouth L4l,143 - of nasalcavity 135 - of posterior cranial fossa169 - of posterior triangle 95 - of third ventriclet75.I9t Root(s) of accessorynerve 141, 167, 169, 189, 199 - of ansacervicalis95,97,101, 103,145 - ofauriculotemporal nerve 117, 145 - ofcervical nerve 141 - of ciliary ganglion 141 - offacial nerve 189 - of glossopharyngealnerve 1.67,1,69,199 - of noseLL1 - ofspinal part ofaccessorynerve 189 - of zygomaticprocessof temporal bone 111 Rootlets of cranial nerves185 - of hypoglossalnerve 189 - ofspinal nerves159,t99,201 Rostrum, of corpuscallosum181,191 - of sphenoidbone 43,73 Sac,lacrimal11, 15, 59, LLI, LI9 SacculeI5l t57 Saliva111 Scalatympani 151 - vestibuli 151 Scalp161,163 Sclera119,I23,I25 Secretion, lacrimal 125 - parotid 113 - sublingual111,139 - submandibular111,139 Sella turcica 29, 43 Semicanalfor auditorytube 51, 149,I51 - for tensor tympani 5L, t49, I57 Septumpellucidum159,181,191-195 - nasalII,3I,61,75, IlI, Ln, I35, t37, I43, I45,207 - orbital 119 - subarachnoidL3T,L6I Sheath,carotid95,97,103,107,109 - for cranial nerves161 - dural 201 - for eyeballmuscles119 - fascialof eyeball119 - ofoptic nerveL2l-125 - of styloid process15, 23, 27, 51,,L49 - of thyroid gland95, 103 Sinus(es),carotid LOL,L47 - of larynx 157 - paranasal131.,I33, 207 - - ethmoidal 4l, l3l, 133 - - frontal21,29-33,39,6t, I27-t3I,135, 169,207 ,209 - - maxillary47,75,129-135,1,51,,167,2W ,209 - - sphenoidal31, 33, 43, 1,I7,L25-L37,L43,145,Lsl, r59.209 - venous161 - - basilar135,159,161.,169 - - cavernous 125,135,t5t, t61,,167,L69,I75,2ll - - confluence169 - - intercavernous 161,169 - - occipital161,169 - - petrosal,inferior 25, 29, 3t, 51,67, t6I, 169 - - - superior29,5t, 16I, 165-169,175 - - sagittal,inferior I59, t61,1,65,t67 - - - superior29,159-165,169,l7l, L75 - - sigmoid29,31,,51, 67, 149,l5l, 16l, 163,169,199 - - sphenoparietal 161,t65-I69 - - straight I59, 16l,165-169 - - transverse29, 31, 45, t6t, t63, 169,175 Siphon,carotid 211 Skeleton articulated89 - facial 11, 55 Skin 135.161 237 167 Skull L1-33, 1,59-1'63, - base23,25,29,65 - bone articulations55-73 - cap 11 - fetal75 - individual bones35-53 - see"also named bones - newborn 15 - vault 21.159-163 Sling, digastric155 Space,subarachnoid123,t37, t5l, I6t, I9l - - spinal 159 - subdural161 Sphenoidbone1L, 15,27, 29,33, 43,57,61,65'75, tW, 1.r7 , r25,r6s-r69,207 Sphincter pupillae 123 Spine of helix 149 - mental 35 - nasal,anteriorof maxilla lI, t5 , 31,47, 55 - - of frontal bone39, 55, 61 - - posterior of palatine bone 49,73 - - posterior23,49,73 - palatineZ3,47 - of scapula87 - of sphenoidbone23, 27,43,69,109 - suprameatal51 - of vertebra81 Spleniumofcorpus callosum175,181,189,193 Squamouspart of frontal bone 131 - of occipitalbone 1.9,65 - of temporal bone 15, 29, 51, 65-69, 75 Squint 121 Stalk, pituitary 125,I59, 167,169,181,189 Stapes149,15L Strabismus121 Sternum85-89 105,137 Striae,medullary199 Stroke 187 Sublingualgland 1.39,l4L,I45 Submandibulargland91, 95, 97, ll5 , 139-143 Submucosaof pharynx 147 Substance,perforated,anterior175,L87,I89 - - posterior181,189 Substantianigra 18L,195 SynapsetL3, 123,t25, 139 Sulcus.sulci - cerebral173 - - calcarine183 - - central 173,I77, I83 - - - of insula 177 - - cingulate 183 - - circular 177 - - collateral183.195 - - corpus callosal183 - - frontal, inferior 177 - - - superior173,I77 - - intraparietal 177 - - lateral 175-179 lunatet77,183 - - occipital, transverse177 - - parieto-occipital173,I77,L83 - - postcentral177 - - precetfiral177 - - rhinal 183 238 - - subparietal183 - - temporal, inferior 177 -superior177 - terminalis 139 Surfacemarkingsof ear 149 - of eye 119 - of face 111 - of neck 91 Suture,coronal15, t9, 31,75, l6L, 209 - frontal39.75,161 - frontomaxillary11, 33, t27 - frontonasal lI, I27 - frontozygomatic11, L5,33, 53,207 - lambdoid 15, 19,21, 3L, 75, 207 - metopic39,75,161 - nasomaxillary127 - occipitomastoid 15, 19,67,69 - palatine,median23 - - transverse23 - parietomastoid15, L9 - petro-occipital 29, 67, 69 - sagittal15, 19,21,75 , t6l, 207 - sphenofrontal15 - sphenosquamosal 15,67, 69 - squamosal15,3L - zygomaticomaxillary ll, 23, 33 Swallowing 103, 145, 1.47 Symphysismenti 75 43,67, 69 spheno-occipital Synchondrosis, - sphenopetrosal6T,69 Tablesof skull21, 29 Tail of caudatenucleus193,195 - of helix 149 Tapetum191,193 TarsuslI9.I25 TasteL11,139,I47 Tectum 181 Teeth, tooth 11.1,137 - deciduous27, 75 - m o l a rI , 7, I , I 3 , l L - permanent27,35, 47, I37 - premolar 13 Tegmentympani23,29,51,149,151 Tegmentum181,199 Tela choroidea of fourth ventricle 199 - of third ventricleI75, t9l Telencephalon171 Temporal bone 15, L9, 23, 27, 29, 5t, 65-69,75, L09, tt7, t49,151.,167,2W Tendon of digastric103,tL1,143, I55 - of eyeballmuscleslt9,123, t25 - of oesophagus 153,157 - of omohyoid 101 - of superior oblique LIg, I23 - of superior rectus 125 - of temporalis115 - of tensortympani I49,l5l Tentorium cerebelliI25, t59, 161,165-169 ThalamusI59,l9I-I95 Thymus 107 Thyroidectomy 103 Thyroid gland91, 95, 97, 103-107,I37, 139,147,L55 Tissue, connectiveof scalp161 - fibrofatty of nose 127 - subcutaneous161 Tongue L1,1,I37, I39, 145, t47 Tonsil (palatine) 137, L39,I43, I47 - ofcerebellum 185,L89,197 - pharyngealIn,I37,147 Trachea91, 103-1.09,137,145,I55,203 Tract, olfactory165,169,185-189 - optic L23,t89,195 Tragus 149 Triangle, anterior 97 - carotid 97 - digastric97, L41 - hypoglossal199 - muscular97 - posterior 95, 99 - submental97 - suboccipital201 - suprameatal 15,5l - vagal 199 Trigone, collateral 191 - olfactory 189 Trochlea of superior oblique lL9-L23 Truncus nervi accessorii95 Trunk of brachialplexus91, 99-t03, lU,109 - linguofacial103 - lymphatic 105-109 - sympathetic1.03,107,L09,L45,t47 - thyrocervical 101-109 Tube, auditory 43,127,I37, I43-L5L - Eustachian149 Tuber cinereum181 - of vermis 199 Tubercle, articular of temporal bone 23, 27, 51, Il7 - ofatlas anteiorTT - - posterior77,201 - auricular 149 - carotid 83 - of cervical transverseprocess201 - conoid 87 - cuneate199 - gracile 199 - jugular 45 - marginal11, 53, 57, lI9 - of maxilla 23 - mental35 - pharyngeal23,27, 45,145,L47 - postglenoid5L,149 - of rib 85, 89 - scalene85 - of spinousprocess81 - thyroid, inferior 153 - - superior153 - of transverseprocess81, 83 - trochlear 39 - Whitnall's53 Tuberculum sellae29, 43 Tuberosity,frontal 39, 75 - o f m a x i l l a2 , , 7, L - oarietal53 75 Uncus 183.185,189 - of vertebra81, 83, 203 Utricle 151 Uvula 137,I43,I45 - of vermis197,I99 ValleculaL37-143,I57 Vault, cranial 21, 159-t63 Vein(s), vena - anastomotic175 - angular119 - auricular,posterior51,97,99 - basal159,175 - brachiocephalic 91, 105,107 - cephalic91, 99 - cerebral,anterior175 - - deepmiddle 175 - - external 175 - - g r e a t1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 - - inferior 165,175 - - internal175,191 - - superficialmiddle i75 - - superiorI59, L63,l7l-175 - cervical, ascending107 - - superficial95, 99 - choroidal175 - comitansof hypoglossal nerve101,103,139 - facial91,97,101,103,111,11.3,llg,141 - jugular, anterior91-97 - - external 9l-99, LL3 - - internal25, 9L, 95, 99-109, t4l-t47, I51.,199 - lingual 97, l0l - - deep 141 - mastoid emissary51 - meningeal,middle 161 - occipital5L,99,tL3 - ophthalmic25, I27-I25 - palatine,external139 - paratonsillar 139 - pharyngeal147 - pterygoid 117 - retromandibular97, 99,ll3,14l - striate 175 - subclavian 85,91, 101,105-109 - submental97 - suprascapulart07 - thalamostriateI75 191-195 - thoracic, internal 105 - thyroid, inferior 97, L03-t07 - - middle 103, 105 - - superior 103, 105 - vertebral 105, 107 Velum, superior medullary 199 Ventricle, fourth 1.35,159,181,I89,t9I,199 - of larynxI37,157 - lateral'187-195 - third 159,165,17t, t75, l8l,.l9I-I95, 2I3 Vermis 191,197 239 -I45, Vertebra(e), atlas77, 79, 83,9I, 109,127,I37, 1.41 r59.199.201 - axjs 77, 79, 83, 127, t37 , L4t, I43, 759, 2OI, 203, 207 - cervical77-83, 89, 101,103,107,137,147,199,201, 203 - prominens81 - thoracic83.89 103 Vertex 19 Vessels.alveolar.inferior 25 - ciliary 119 - ethmoidal29.41 169 - hypophysialportal 181 - infra-orbitalzs, tII - meningeal,accessory 169 - - middle 21, 25, 29, 31, 5I, 53, 169 - mental25 - mylohyoid97, t4l - nasopalatine 43 - submental97 - supra-orbital25 - vertebral109 240 Vestibuleof labyrinth 51,,l5l, 167 - of larynx 1,57 ,203 - of mouth 137-143 - of nose127- I29- L35 Vomer t7, 23, 31.,43, 61,73, L27, 143, 145 Whistling 111 White matter 195 Willis, circle of 187 Window, oval 149 - round 149 Wing of sphenoidbone, greater1.I,1.5,29, 33, 43, 57, - r , , r 7, - lesser71, 29, 33, 43, 57, 65, 67, 125,765-169,207 Zygomaticbone 11, 15, 33, 53-59, 75, 207 ... removal of much of thepharynx) I l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 lt 19 20 2l 22 23 A 25 Xi 27 2t 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45 45 Sphenoidalsinus Maxillary nerve Sphenopalatineforamen and. .. Mucoperiosteum of mandible 20 Sublingual gland 2l Submandibularduct 22 Geniohyoid 23 Mylohyoid Z Nerve to geniohyoid 25 Hypoglossalnerve 26 Hyoglossus 27 Stylohyoid ligament 28 Middle constrictor of pharynx... Ramusof mandible 20 Lingual nerve 2l lnferior alveolarnerve 22 Inferior alveolarartery 23 Medial pterygoid 24 Styloglossus 25 Stylopharyngeus nerve 26 Glossopharyngeal 27 lnternal carotid artery 28

Ngày đăng: 20/01/2020, 06:25

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