Anthony crosland the mixed economy

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Anthony crosland the mixed economy

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ANTHONY CROSLAND Also by David Reisman ADAM SMITH'S SOCIOLOGICAL ECONOMICS ALFRED MARSHALL: Progress and Politics ALFRED MARSHALL'S MISSION CROSLAND'S FUTURE: Opportunity and Outcome THE ECONOMICS OF ALFRED MARSHALL GALBRAITH AND MARKET CAPITALISM MARKET AND HEALTH THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF HEALTH CARE THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF JAMES BUCHANAN RICHARD TITMUSS: Welfare and Society STATE AND WELFARE: Tawney, Galbraith and Adam Smith THEORIES OF COLLECTIVE ACTION: Downs, Olson and Hirsch Anthony Crosland The Mixed Economy David Reisman tt M First published in Great Britain 1997 by MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0-333-65928-7 « First published in the United States of America 1997 by ST MARTIN'S PRESS, INC., Scholarly and Reference Division, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y 10010 ISBN 0-312-15950-1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Reisman, David A Anthony Crosland : the mixed economy / David Reisman p cm Includes bibliographical references (p ) and index ISBN 0-312-15950-1 (cloth) Crosland, Anthony, 1918-1977 Economists—Great Britain-Biography Legislators—Great Britain—Biography Economics—Great Britain—History—20th century Socialism-Great Britain—History—20th century I Title HB103.C7R45 1996 320.5'312'092—dc20 96-1509 [B] CIP © David Reisman 1997 All rights reserved No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or-under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 9HE Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages The author has asserted his rights to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources 10 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Printed in Great Britain by The Ipswich Book Company Ltd Ipswich, Suffolk 99 98 97 Contents vii Acknowledgements Introduction Anthony Crosland 3 The World of the Revisionist 55 3.1 The world of the Future 56 3.2 The mixed economy 67 3.3 Gaitskellite economics 92 3.4 Crosland and Gaitskell 101 Ownership 123 4.1 Looking backward 124 4.2 Looking forward 135 4.3 Performance and politics 145 Control 153 5.1 The principles of control 154 5.2 Industrial policy 164 5.3 The environment 174 5.4 Macroeconomic policy 181 5.5 The principles of de-control 194 Conclusion 205 Notes and References 212 Index 240 v Acknowledgements The author and publishers wish to thank the Estate of Anthony Crosland and Jonathan Cape Ltd for permission to quote from The Future of Socialism, The Conservative Enemy and Socialism Now, all by C.A.R Crosland They would also like to thank Susan Crosland for permission to reproduce unpublished material from the Crosland Papers, in the British Library of Political and Economic Science, and Dr Angela Raspin and her colleagues at the Library for their interest and support Introduction The Future of Socialism was a work of moderation born into a world of consensus A rigorous reappraisal of the scope for the State, it established itself almost immediately as British Labour's most influential manifesto since Durbin's Politics of Democratic Socialism in 1940 if not since Tawney's Equality in 1931 Anthony Crosland's important contribution to the theory of the middle ground was published in 1956 Two decades later The Guardian was still describing it as 'a great seminal work which remains the main intellectual fount of modern British democratic socialism' and The Economist was treating it as a classic that had stopped the clocks at the moment of its birth: 'To a shaming extent, the Labour party (or at least its moderate wing) has been living off the intellectual capital of The Future of Socialism ever since.'2 The Future of Socialism is a political economist's analysis of the proper balance between the individual and the collectivity, the market and the State It is not the only attempt that was made by the Oxford economist turned Member of Parliament to shed light on the crucial relationship between the self-reliance of exchange and the guiding hand of authority Anthony Crosland, public figure as well as prolific author, took opportunity after opportunity to develop and expound his vision of a pragmatic Centre-Left, neither too greedy nor too stifling The result is a remarkable body of insights and theories in which the Summa of the Future is joined by The Conservative Enemy (1962) and Socialism Now (1974), by articles in The Sunday Times and the Tribune, Socialist Commentary and Encounter, by Fabian Tracts and academic papers, by interviews in the media and speeches in the House, by unpublished letters kept in Oxford and unpublished manuscripts kept in London Seldom has a philosopherruler devoted more time and effort to the formulation of the philosophy that would legitimate the rule The ideas are dispersed but still the vision is one That vision is the subject of this book and of its sister-book, Crosland's Future: Opportunity and Outcome Uniting those books is the contention that the disparate parts are not random ad hoes but rather the inter-dependent pieces of a unified whole Anthony Crosland was a systemic thinker who recognised that there could be no middle way without a reliable map It is the task of this book and of its sister-book to demonstrate that Anthony Crosland did 234 5.2 Industrial Notes and References Policy H Morrison, An Easy Outline of Modern Socialism (London: Labour Party, 1938), p Emphasis added J.A Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1942) (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1976), p 196 Pigou, Socialism versus Capitalism, op cit., p 102 Ibid., p 118 I.M.D Little, A Critique of Welfare Economics, 2nd ed (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1957), p 271 Ibid., p vii FS, p 343 (500) FS, p 346 (504) Crosland, 'The Nature of Capitalist Crisis', op cit 10 Jay, The Socialist Case, op cit., p 303 11 Crosland, 'The Transition from Capitalism', loc cit., p 64 12 Crossman, The Spectre of Revisionism', loc cit., p 27 13 Crosland, paper to a Fabian Society conference, Oxford, January 1950, op cit., in CP 13(23) 14 Ibid 15 Ibid 16 See on this C.A.R Crosland, 'Legislating against Monopoly', Socialist Commentary, January 1951 17 C.A.R Crosland, 'Curbing the Trade Associations', New Statesman, July 1955, p 34 18 Ibid 19 C.A.R Crosland, Tomatoes and Cucumbers', Tribune, 28 July 1950, p 20 SN,p 238 21 Schumpeter, op cit., p 106 22 Ibid 23 Galbraith and Salinger, Almost Everyone's Guide to Economics, op cit., p 39 24 J.K Galbraith, American Capitalism (1952) (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1967), p 106 25 C.A.R Crosland, The Arrogance of Austerity', The Listener, Vol 54, December 1955, p 976 26 SN, pp 235-6 27 C.A.R Crosland, Statement in the House of Commons, 30 April 1968, Parliamentary Debates (Hansard), Vol 763, Cols 1006-7 28 SN,p 239 29 SN,p.236 30 Crosland, Statement in the House of Commons, 30 April 1968, loc cit., Col 1006 31 Crossman, Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, Vol Ill, op cit., p 186 32 C.A.R Crosland, 'Advertising: Is It Worth It?', The Listener, Vol 55, 13 December 1956, p 977 In view of the fact that Crosland's Listener papers of 1955 and 1956 appear so directly to be answering Galbraith, it is important to remember that they appeared after American Capitalism (1952) but before The Affluent Society (1958) and long before The New Industrial State (1967) Notes and References 235 33 Ibid This passage is particularly close to The New Industrial State, as is that cited in n.25, above 34 Ibid 35 CE,p 50 36 SN,p 53 37 Crossman, Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, Vol II, op cit., p 464 38 Crosland, The British Economy in 1965, op cit., p 39 Ibid., p 10 5.3 The Environment C.A.R Crosland, 'A Riposte to Galbraith' (original title: The Anti-growth Heresy'), New Statesman, January 1971, in SN, p 95 Crosland, A Social-Democratic Britain, in SN, p 85 C.A.R Crosland, 'Protecting the Environment', The Sunday Times, 25 June 1972, in SN, p 155 Crosland, A Social-Democratic Britain, in SN, p 72 Crosland, 'Socialists in a Dangerous World', in SN, p 70 Crosland, 'A Riposte to Galbraith', in SN, p 95 Galbraith seems to have been in England when A Social-Democratic Britain was published Concerned that Crosland had misinterpreted The Affluent Society and his other writings, Galbraith sought to clarify his views on growth (a guarded defence if accompanied by the correction of State-sector poverty) His statement, 'Galbraith Answers Crosland', appeared in the New Statesman of 22 January 1971 Before sending it to the editor, he showed it to an academic at Kings College, Cambridge, who promptly reported the matter to Crosland See Letter from Robin (perhaps Robin Marris) to C.A.R Crosland dated 16 January 1971, in CP 13(13) E.J Mishan, The Costs of Economic Growth (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1969), p 142 Mishan apparently did not wait to secure a copy of A Social-Democratic Britain before he fired off an angry letter to its author: 'If The Times reported you correctly then it appears to me that your arguments are dis[ing]enuous, and if you did read my book I can only say that you understood it very imperfectly.' Letter from E.J Mishan to C.A.R Crosland dated 12 January 1971, in CP 13(13) Three days later Mishan wrote again, saying that he wanted to substitute 'mistaken' for disingenuous' It is not clear what had upset him: perhaps it was Crosland's reference to his more extreme (arguably tongue-in-cheek) solutions such as the reinstatement of the horse-drawn carriage Like The Affluent Society, The Costs of Economic Growth is not above exaggeration for effect If Mishan and Galbraith were indeed misunderstood by Crosland, it is tempting to say that the fault was in part the authors' own for cutting corners in an attempt to appeal to a non-academic audience Crosland, A Social-Democratic Britain, in SN, p 78 SN,p 53 10 Crosland, A Social-Democratic Britain, in SN, pp 77, 85 11 CE, p 183 12 Crosland, Speech to the Oxford Union, n.d [probably 1946], op, cit 13 CE,p 187 236 Notes and References 14 CE,p 183 15 Crosland, The Future of the Left', in CE, p 124 16 C.A.R Crosland, interview with J Whale and N Taylor, published as 'Mr Environment', The Sunday Times, 25 January 1970, p 12 17 F Hirsch, Social Limits to Growth (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977), p 18 Ibid., p 173 19 'Mr Environment', op cit 20 C.A.R Crosland, Speech to GLC election meeting, Hampstead, April 1973, unpublished manuscript, in CP 13(26) 21 C.A.R Crosland, Fiftieth Anniversary Address, Ancient Monuments Society's Transactions, Vol 21, 1975-76, p 17 22 CE,p 183 23 Crosland, Fiftieth Anniversary Address, loc cit., p 19 24 Cited in E Jacobs, 'Chief of Staff (Environment)', The Sunday Times, 19 October 1969, p 24 25 Crosland, 'Mr Environment', loc cit 26 CE,p 185 27 C.A.R Crosland, The Right Machinery of Government', The Guardian, 23 July 1970, p 10 28 C.A.R Crosland, Speech in the House of Commons, 18 Febmary 1970, in SN, p 174 29 Ibid., pp 178-9 5.4 Macroeconomic 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Policy Keynes, General Theory, op cit., p 220 Crosland, The Transition from Capitalism', loc cit., p 40 Ibid., p 50 C.A.R Crosland, Speech at the Festival of International Cooperation, Greenwich, July 1972, unpublished manuscript, in CP 13(24) Ibid SN,p.54 FS, 1956 edition only, p 448 C.A.R Crosland, 'Wage/Price Reactions Further Scrutinized', The Times Review of Industry, August 1958, p 35 A.W Phillips, T h e Relation between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom 1861-1957', Economica, New Series, Vol 25, 1958, p 299 Crosland, Speech at the Festival of International Cooperation, loc cit Crosland, A Social-Democratic Britain, in SN, p 83 Crosland, Address to the Trade Union Public Services International, in SN, p 248 Crosland, A Social-Democratic Britain, in SN, p 83 Crosland, Social Democracy in Europe, op cit., p 11 C.A.R Crosland, 'Manpower', Socialist Commentary, April 1947, p 604 Crosland, Speech at the Festival of International Cooperation, op cit Crosland, 'Manpower', loc cit C.A.R Crosland, 'My Budget', News Chronicle, 28 Febmary 1952 Notes and References 237 19 C.A.R Crosland, 'Curbing Price Rises', Socialist Commentary, October 1951 20 Crosland, Speech at the Festival of International Cooperation, op cit 21 Crosland, Address to the Trade Union Public Services International, in SN, p 249 Emphasis added 22 C.A.R Crosland, Speech to a Fabian meeting, Brighton, September 1974, unpublished manuscript, in CP 13(29) 23 C.A.R Crosland, Speech in Grimsby, October 1974, unpublished manuscript, in CP 13(29) 24 Ibid 25 Castle, The Castle Diaries, op cit., p 542 26 Crossman, Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, Vol I, op cit., p 591 27 C.A.R Crosland, Speech to the North Lincolnshire Society of Quantity Surveyors, 21 Febmary 1975, unpublished manuscript, in CP 13(31) 28 Cited in S Crosland, Tony Crosland, op cit., p 296 29 Crosland, Speech to the North Lincolnshire Society of Quantity Surveyors, op cit 30 Ibid 31 FS, p 263 (349) 32 C.A.R Crosland, 'Industrial Democracy and Workers' Control' (original title: 'What Does the Worker Want?'), Encounter, Vol 12, Febmary 1959, in CE, p 218 33 SN,p 29 34 C.A.R Crosland, 'Labour and "Populism"', The Sunday Times, April 1971, in SN, p 99 35 Crossman, Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, Vol HI, op cit., p 501 36 Cited in Pimlott, Harold Wilson, op cit., p 525 37 G Radice, 'Labour and the Unions', in Lipsey and Leonard, eds., The Socialist Agenda, op cit., p 125 38 Benn, Against the Tide, op cit., p 61 39 Crosland, A Social-Democratic Britain, in SN, p 83 40 Crosland, 'Preparing for the Next Election', in SN, p 104 41 Crosland, Social Democracy in Europe, op cit., p 11 42 Benn, Against the Tide, op cit., p 61 43 Ibid., p 47 44 Ibid., p 329 5.5 The Principles of De-control C.A.R Crosland, 'A Reply', Socialist Commentary, September 1959, p FS, p 354(521) FS, p 357 (524) FS, p 354(521) FS, p 355 (522) C.A.R Crosland, 'Pilkington and the Labour Party', Socialist Commentary, August 1962, p FS, p 355 (522) FS, p 355 (522) FS, pp 355-6 (522) Appropriately enough, it was a fellow revisionist Roy Jenkins - who, as Home Secretary under Wilson in the 1960s, was 238 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Notes and References instrumental in the liberalisation of regulations in morally-charged areas such as this See Crossman, Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, Vol Ill, op cit., p 837 CE,p 210 C.A.R Crosland, 'Policies for the People, by the People', Socialist Commentary, November 1971, p CE,p 209.' CE,p 205 Cited in S Crosland, Tony Crosland, op cit., pp 214-5 Crosland, 'Pilkington and the Labour Party', loc cit., p C.A.R Crosland, 'Patterns of Revolt', New Statesman, Vol 62, October 1961, p 477 CE,p 206 Cited in C Stuart, ed., The Reith Diaries (London: Collins, 1975), p 510 See also I Mclntyre, The Expense of Glory: A Life of John Reith (London: HarperCollins, 1993) and Crosland's chapter on The Mass Media' in CE, esp pp 207-8 CE,p 208 CE,p 211 CE,p 211 FS, p 356 (523) Cited in S Crosland, Tony Crosland, op cit., p 47 Crosland, The Nature of Capitalist Crisis', op cit C.A.R Crosland, unpublished manuscript [circa 1950], in CP 13(21) Ibid The Grimsby Gent', Daily Mirror, 21 February 1977 Crossman, Backbench Diaries, p 199 B Walden, 'A Critique of Revisionism', New Statesman, 25 June 1971, p 874 C.A.R Crosland, notebook entry (1974), in CP 16(8) Jenkins, 'Anthony Crosland', loc cit., p 68 S Crosland, Tony Crosland, op cit., p 62 Crosland, The Nature of Capitalist Crisis', op cit Cited in S Crosland, Tony Crosland, op cit., p 47 FS, p 355 (521-2) FS, p 361 (529) These are the concluding words of the book See, for example, FS, p 355 (522) FS, p 355 (522) W Deedes, 'Party records', Sunday Telegraph, 31 March 1974 Crosland, 'Radical Reform and the Left', in CE, p 131 C Fletcher-Cooke, 'War on two fronts', Crossbow, Jan-Mar 1963 C Randall, 'A British Socialist on Ground Thought Reserved to Capitalism', Chicago Tribune, 10 March 1963 'Growth is not a four-letter word', New York Times, 17 February 1972 H Schmertz, Letter to C.A.R Crosland dated February 1972, in CP 13(25) Keynes, The End of Laissez-Faire', op cit., p 294 Notes and References 239 Conclusion 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 A Briggs, 'Socialism and Society', The Observer, 30 September 1956 L.A Coser, 'Visions and Revisions', Commentary, August 1963, p 178 Pimlott, Hugh Dalton, op cit., p 587 Cited in ibid FS, p 347 (505) C.A.R Crosland, 'Out of the Rut', review of W.A Lewis, The Theory of Economic Growth, The Observer, November 1955, p 10 Ibid R.H.B., 'Reshaping Socialist Doctrine', Financial Times, October 1956 B Crick, 'Socialist Literature in the 1950s', Political Quarterly, Vol 31, 1960, p 362 C.A.R Crosland, notebook entry (1976), in CP 16(18) Crosland, Letter to Williams dated 13 March 1945, in CP 3(26), Pt ii Crick, 'Socialist Literature in the 1950s', loc cit., p 368 S Haseler, Letter to The Guardian, March 1977 Writing at the time of Crosland's death, Haseler, then Secretary of the Social Democratic Alliance, was clearly rather pessimistic about the future of the Labour Party's CentreRight Vaizey, in Young et al., 'Memoir', loc cit., p 87 Young, in ibid., p 84 CE Lindblom, Politics and Markets (New York: Basic Books, 1977), p It is presumably the freedom of manoeuvre that growth facilitates that led Crosland in Venezuela to observe of his Future that it was '100 per cent correct everywhere exc in UK': 'Much easier to see what Soc means in poorer country: my definition precisely fits Ven.' See C.A.R Crosland, notebook entries (1976, 1975), in CP 16(8) Evidently he did not regard the lower profile of the boarding schools and the absence of a Clause IV to reform as a significant impediment to the transfer of his revisionism Crosland, Social Democracy in Europe, p 13 D Marquand, The Unprincipled Society (London: Fontana, 1988), pp 97-8 Welch, 'Crosland Reconsidered', loc cit., pp 83, 84 Cited in S Crosland, Tony Crosland, op cit., p 390 Index AC refers to Anthony Crosland throughout abortion 195, 196 advertising 172, 199 affluent society 56-7 Albu, Austen 93-4 Aldermaston March 60 Altrincham, Lord 118 altruism 96 American Dream 61 Asquith, H.H 74-5 Attlee, C.R 11, 20, 23, 45,46, 57, 69,81,83-4,98,99,107,125, 126, 133, 138, 154, 192 Boothby, R 200 Bottomley, Arthur 10 Bow Group 203 Briggs, Asa 205 Brittan, Samuel 14 Brown, George 9, 20, 25, 50, 107, 108-9, 180, 188 Bulganin, N 59 bureaucracy 166 Butler, R.A 58 Butskellism 31, 181 Byatt, Ian 21 balance of payments 38 Balogh, Thomas 15 Bank of England 57, 86, 88-9,125, 126,209 banks, nationalisation 125 BBC 198-9 Beer, Samuel 95 Bell, Daniel 17 Benn, Tony 8-9, 25, 33, 35-6, 38, 40, 53, 117, 133, 192, 193-4, 205 Bentham, Jeremy 68 Berlin blockade 58 Bernstein, Eduard 159 Berthoud, Roger 49-50 Bevan, Aneurin 57, 58, 59, 60, 92, 99-100,103,106,127-8,129, 131,161,205 In Place of Fear 95-7,119 Bevanites 101,105,119 Beveridge Report 57 Beveridge, William 54,75-7, 78, 80, 121,165,209 Bevin, Ernest 11 Bimbaum, Norman 121 block vote, trade unions 192 Blue Streak rocket 60 Board of Trade 22-6 Bonham Carter, Mark 77 Callaghan, Jim 25, 36-7,40,41,45, 50, 53, 54, 99,108,191 Campaign for Democratic Socialism 84, 107-8 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 60, 105, 106 Campbell, John 97 capital gains tax 173 capitalism 90-1 market 161-2 Castle, Barbara 10,13, 25,47, 101, 105, 191 censorship 195 Chicago Tribune 203 China 58 Churchill, W.S 30,57, 165 City of London 125 civil service 155, 160 Clark, Colin 73 class structure 109-10 Clause IV 19, 66, 77, 83, 96, 105, 114,121, 123,127,130,131,136, 137 Clay Cross councillors 28 Clockwork Orange 197-8 closed shop 191 cloth cap image, Labour party 63, 64 Club of Rome 175 240 Index Co-operative movement 16 coal 149 nationalisation 79, 135 Cod Wars 17,37 Cold War 58,182 Cole, G.D.H 11, 81-2, 92, 93, 126, 164, 165 Cole, Margaret 94 collective bargaining 65,184,190 collecti vi sation 124 collectivism 153 command economies 129-30, 208 Commission of Inquiry into the Co-operative Movement 16 Common Agricultural Policy 33 Communist bloc 129-30, 133 Communist Party, Soviet 155 comprehensive education 21-2 consensus 135, 161, 196, 210 Conservative Party 6, 18, 30, 56-7 constitutions 155 consumer welfare 23 consumers choice 168-9 wants 156-7 Consumers' Association 169 consumption, politics of 63-4 corporations, large 163 Coser, Lewis 205—6 Cousins, Frank 105 Crick, Bernard 207, 208 Cripps, Sir Stafford 13, 23, 25 Crosland, Anthony 93, 99, 100, 106, 107 at Oxford 5, 7-9 attitude to Europe 33-6 Britain's Economic Problem 11, 14-15, 138 Campaign for Democratic Socialism 107 character 42-5,48-50,199-201 Co-operative movement 16 compared with Gaitskell 109-14 compared with Macmillan 78-80 The Conservative Enemy 1,16, 17-19,21,31,99, 115, 116, 180,205-6 death 41 demand management 181-4 241 Department of Economic Affairs 20-1 devaluation 24-5 en vi ronment 174-81 Environment Secretary 33,174, 176,207 family background 3-4 Foreign Secretary 37-8,40-1 freedom from 194-204 The Future of Socialism 1, 11, 15, 17,18,19-20,21,22,28-9,31, 52, 56-67, 77, 87, 95,97-8, 99, 109,117-21,128,130,138, 139,145, 167, 183, 190, 194, 202 House of Commons 9,13-14, 16-17,81 idea of socialism 114-21 industrial policy 164-74 influence of Cole 81-2 influence of Dalton 67, 84-7 influence of Durbin 90-2 influence of Jay 87-90 influence of Pigou 67, 70-1 influence of Tawney 82-4 intellect 45-8 Labour leadership election 108-9 liberalism 77-8 Local Government and Regional Planning Secretary 27, 174 nationalisation 125, 126-7, 128-9, 131-7, 145-52 New Fabian Essays 94, 118-19 on economic policy 38-9 on housing 140-1,146 on industry 137-40, 146 on land 142-5, 146 party leadership contest 36 President of the Board of Trade 22-6 reading relations with Dalton 9-12 relations with Gaitskell 101-5 relations with Wilson 50-4 revisionism 56-67 Secretary for Education and Science 21-2 selected for South Gloucestershire 12-13 242 Index Crosland, Anthony cont socialism 205-11 Socialism Now 1, 21-'hi speaks on economic affairs 25-6 state control 153-64 trade unions 184-94 views on Marxism 5-6 war service Crosland, Hilary Crosland, Susan 8, 10,41, 49, 101-2, 103, 201 Crossman, R.H.S 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 22-3, 24-5, 27, 43, 45-6, 50, 51, 59,93,95,101,103,104,105, 121, 129-31, 136, 159, 164, 166-7, 191 Cunard 173 Curran, Charles 98 Daily Mirror 200 Dalton, Hugh 4-5, 30, 53, 70, 73, 84, 89,102,107,118-19, 121, 133, 146, 153,209 influence on AC 67, 82, 84-7 relations with AC 9-12 Davenport, Nicholas 10 Deakin, Arthur 107 death duties 92, 111 Deedes, William 203, 204 defence 58, 182 deflation 38-40 demand management 181-4 Department of Economic Affairs 20-1,25,165, 180 Department of Education and Science 21-2 Depression 81 devaluation 23-5 development land 142-3, 146 Dickinson, H.D 165 directors, government-appointed 160-1 disarmament, nuclear 60 distribution, resources 157-8 divorce 196 Donaldson, Lord 42, 48, 50 Donnelly, Desmond 107 Doomwatch 174 Driberg,Tom 101 Dulles, John Foster 58 Dunn, Peter 44 Durbin, Elizabeth 125 Durbin, Evan 1, 11, 34, 73, 90-2, 102,109,119, 144,145 Durham, Ian earnings, real, rising 98 economic growth 91, 112 slow or zero 28-9, 175, 176 economic policy, AC's views on 38-9 Economist, The 1, 12, 18, 19, 31 economy, controlled 162 Eden, Anthony 11,57 education 21-2, 111-12 comprehensive 21-2 EEC 64 Elliott, P 118 embourgeoisement 62,91,100 employment, full 183 Encounter 9, 15, 17 Engels, Friedrich 128, 145 English Electric 171 environment 174-81, 203 equality 73, 110, 136-7 European Community 33-6,41,108 European Defence Community 35 European Free Trade Association 168 exchange rate, over-valued 24 executive, independence 155 Fabian Society 92-3 Falkender, Marcia 25, 43-4, 50, 51 Falklands 41 Faringdon, Lord 93 films 197-8 Financial Times 31, 207 fiscal policy 181 Fletcher-Cooke, Christopher 203, 204 food, subsidies 185 Foot, Michael 36, 38,41,44, 96, 97, 101, 105, 192 Foote, G 98 Forestry Commission 146 Foxwell, H 68 free market 208 freedom from 76, 194-204 Index freedom to 75,76, 103, 199 Freeman, John 58,100 Friedman, Milton 183 full employment 124 Gaitskell, Hugh 3, 9, 10-11, 16, 20, 24, 30, 34-5, 43, 50, 53, 58, 59, 73,84,92,96,97,108, 109,118, 125,143,161,206 AC's views of 115-17 attitudes towards 106-7 ideas on socialism 109-14 Party leader 55,79,99-100 relations with AC 101-5 Gaitskellites 19, 50-1, 60, 75, 83, 105, 119,206 attitude to Wilson 106 Clause IV 123 objectives 55,92-101 Galbraith, J.K 15, 19, 56, 94-5, 144, 145, 150, 156, 169-70, 175 gas industry 57 Gaulle, Charles de 6, 58, 60, 108 General Electric 171 General Strike 103 George, Henry 144 Gladstone, W.E 74 Godley, Wynne 39 Goldthorpe, John 210 Gollan, John 59 Gollancz, Victor Gordon Walker, Patrick 21,50,100, 107, 115 Gould, Bryan 55 government intervention 172-3 grammar schools 22 Great Depression 181 Green, T.H 74 Greenwood, Anthony 105 Grimond, Jo 77 Grimsby, AC's constituency 16-17 Guardian 1, 27, 29, 111, 180 guild socialism 81 Hall, Robert 7,9,69, 159 Halsey, A.H 21 Hammond, J.L and Barbara Hardie, Keir 80 Harris, John 49 75 243 Haseler, Stephen 61, 108, 116, 131, 208 Hattersley, Roy 36,211 Hayek, F.A von 75-6, 87, 154, 161, 165, 194,202 Healey, Denis 5, 36, 37, 38, 43, 47-8, 53, 94, 100, 107 health service, free 96 Heath, Edward 27, 30, 33, 36, 133, 168,180, 186 Henderson, David 177 Hinden, Rita 108,121 Hirsch, Fred 178 Hitler, Adolf 73,75 Hobhouse, L.T 75 Hobson, J.A 72, 74 Hoggart, Richard 103 Holland, Stuart 162 Home, Lord 57 homosexuality 195 House of Lords 202 housing 140-1, 146 Howard, Anthony 106 Howell, D 98, 100 Hungary 59 Hutton, Graham 120 Iceland 17 Imperial Chemical Industries 128 In Place of Strife 191 income, distribution 132 income tax 88,92, 110-11 incomes, control 195 incomes policy see wage policy indicative planning 158,174 individualism 90 individuals, judgement 155-6 Indo-China 58 industrial policy 164-74, 202-3 industrial relations 191 see also trade unions Industrial Reorganisation Corporation 170 industry nationalisation 137-40, 146 rationalisation 170-1 inflation 65,76, 183, 186 containing 184 International Monetary Fund 38-40 244 investment, government invisible hand 147 Iron Curtain 58 Index 74 Jagan, Cheddi 108 Jay, Douglas 13, 14, 24, 48, 73, 82, 87-90,94, 100,106,107,121, 133, 144,145, 166,209 Jenkins, Arthur 52 Jenkins, Peter 45 Jenkins, Roy 10, 13, 25, 31, 33, 36, 45,47,49,50,52,53,54,61, 100-1, 103-4, 106, 107, 108, 115, 123 views on AC 5, 7-8, 20,42-3, 46, 104-5,119,201 judiciary 155 Kaldor, Nicholas 10, 14,54 Kennedy, J.F 115 Keynes, J.M 54, 57, 71-4, 78, 80, 92,94, 121, 165,181,204,209 Keynesian economics 57-8, 71^-, 102, 181, 182 Khrushchev, N.S 59 Kinnock, Neil 31,32 Kissinger, Henry 37-8, 44 Kogan, Maurice 121 Korean War 58 labour, organised 163 Labour Government, 1945-5157 Labour Party AC's views 115-16 alternative name 63^4Conference 65, 66-7, 192 inter-war 124-5 Keynes' views 72-3 leadership contests 36-7, 98-100, 105-7 moderate tradition 80-1 Labour Representation Committee 80 laissez-faire 76, 78, 142, 151, 157, 204, 209 land nationalisation 142-5, 146, 195 public ownership 85-6, 114 land-use, planning 179 Lange, O 165 Laski, Harold 4,75,81,93 Lawther,Will 107 Lee, Jennie 100 Left Book Club legislation, trade unions 191-2 Lend-Lease 60 Lenin, V.I 128 Leonard, Dick 42, 116 Lerner, A 165 Lewis, Arthur 206-7 Lib-Lab pact 78, 116 Liberal Party 6,80, 116 Liberalism 74-5,77-8 licensing 166 Lindblom, Charles 209 Lipsey, David 49 Listener, The 15 Little, Ian 9, 165, 166 living standards, rising 91, 98, 132 Lloyd George, David 75, 79, 90 local authorities 181 London Passenger Transport Board 126 low pay 81,133,134 MacArthur, Douglas 58 McCarthy, Joseph 60 MacDonald, J Ramsay 80-1 McGahey, Mick 193 machine-tool industry 139, 209 Macmillan, Harold 18, 56, 57, 61-2, 83,92,125-6, 131, 133, 196 compared with AC 78-80 Macrae, Norman 58 Magee, Bryan 45-6 Malaya 58 Malenkov, G.N 59 Malthus, Thomas 72 managerial revolution 173—4 managerialism 150 Manchester Guardian 94 Mandeville, Bernard 164 Maplin 174 markets, failure 158-9 Marquand, David 45, 53, 79, 120, 210 Marsh, Richard 53 Marshall, Alfred 68-9, 70, 71, 85, 87,92,121,138,157,209 Index Marshall, T.H Martin, Kings ley 106-7 Marx, Karl 5, 6, 11, 72, 94, 128, 129, 145,207 Marxism 5-6, 18, 72, 102, 128, 129, 132 Mason, E.S 15-16 Mayhew, Christopher 9,100 media 197-9 mergers 23,170,171,209 middle ground 61-2, 79, 204, 209, 210-11 Mikardo, Ian 94,95, 101 Miliband, Ralph 100 Mill, J.S I l l , 156,172 miners 133-4 minimum wage 83 Mishan, E.J 175 Mitterrand, Francois 32 mixed economy 89-90, 114, 127, 146, 150 Mobil Oil 203 monetarism 40, 168, 183, 210 monopolies 23, 167-8 Monopolies and Mergers Commission 23, 167, 171 Morris, William 119, 201, 205 Morrison, Herbert 71, 79,98-9, 104, 164,200 Mosley, Oswald 79 motorcars 177-8 motorways 174, 178 Mulley, Fred 46 Mummery, A F 72 Murdoch, Iris Nagy, Imre 59 Nasser, G.A 59 National Board for Prices and Incomes 188 National Coal Board 57 National Government 80 National Health Service 57, 127 national insurance 75 National Investment Board 83, 86 National Plan 158 National service 59 National Trust 146 245 National Union of Railwaymen 189-90 nationalisation 18, 31, 57, 74, 78, 79, 81,82,83,85-6,88-9,91,96, 110, 113-14,121, 123-4, 145-52, 161,162, 169,209 creeping 139-40 industry 137-40, 146 Labour atti tudes 124-3 land 142-5, 146, 195 NATO 35, 58, 60 neo-Liberalism 105 New Fabian Essays 93-5 New Left 30 New Party 79 New Right 30,66,210 New Society 31 New Statesman 9, 105, 106-7, 129, 145 New Towns 57, 85 New York Times 31,203 Newsom, Sir John 22 newspapers 199 Next Five Years Group 79 Nkrumah, Kwame 108 nuclear deterrent, British 59 Observer, The 30 office-buildings, limits to 176 old age pensions 75 organisations, large 169-70 Overseas Sterling Area 24 Owen, David 5, 37, 47 Oxford University Democratic Socialist Club 5, Oxford University Labour Club 5, parastatals 152,170 Parliamentary control, nationalised industries 152 Parliamentary Labour Party 192 paternalism 103-4,156 pay settlements, inflationary 189 Pelling, Henry 51 Penty, A J 126 perfect competition 169 Phillips, A.W 183 Pickles, William 118 246 Index Pigou, A.C 67, 73, 76, 80, 85, 86, 88,92, 121, 138, 153, 157, 165, 174, 209 influence on AC 70-1 Pimlott, Ben 10, 11,25,51,52,99, 206 planning 57, 78, 79, 86, 96, 130, 131, 148, 153, 165 failures 159-60 indicative 158, 174 land-use 179 locational 176-7 socialist 164-5 Plymouth Brethren 3, 201 Poland 59 political failure 160 political opposition 155 pollution 178-80 polytechnics 22 positional goods 178 Post Office 147 Postan, Michael 34-5 pound, devaluation 24-5 prescription charges 58, 96 press, free 155 Price, Morgan Phillips 11 price system, control 89 price mechanism 165-6 prices public utilities 149 rising 182-3 setting 148-9 prices and incomes policy 186 private enterprise 86-7, 90-1 private property 127 private sector housing 141 uncoordinated 176 privatisation 140 producers' boards 168 public accountability 150 public corporations 85,93-4,126 public enterprises, competitive 147-8 public ownership see nationalisation public schools 22,83, 111 Public Schools Commission 22 public sector, leverage 153 public spending 58, 181-2, 210 public utilities, prices 149 Pugh, Patricia 94 Radice, Giles 192 railwaymen 133-4 railways, nationalisation 209 Randall, Clarence 203, 204 rationing 166 Raven, Jessie, AC's mother rearmament 58, 106 referendum, EEC membership 35-6 Reith, John 198 Renault 147 rent 142, 143-4 rented housing 141 resale price maintenance 168,185 restrictive practices 66 Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1968 23 Review of Economics and Statistics 95 revolution Rhodesia 37,41 Robbins, L.C 86,87,165 Robens, Alfred 10, 100 Robson, W.A 102 Rodgers, Bill 5, 47, 53, 107, 119, 120 Roll, Sir Eric 21 Rome,T Herzl 17-18 Roosevelt, F.D 73 Rowan, Ivan 28-9, 30 Russell, Bertrand 60 Say's Law 72 Scandinavia 193 Scanlon, Hugh 66, 192 Schlesinger, Arthur Jr 95 Schmertz, Herbert 203, 204 Schumpeter, J.A 164-5, 169-70, 207 Scotland Yard 174 Shaw, G.B 124, 143-^, 147, 157 Shaw, Norman 174 Shinwell, Emmanuel 92 Shonfield, Andrew 5, 14 Shore, Peter 106 Short, Edward 21,36 Silverman, Sidney 101 Smith, Adam 67-8,91, 164, 170, 207 social contract 187-8, 189 social costs 174, 177, 178 247 Index social democracy 32, 64, 132-3, 162 Social Democratic Party 5, 80, 120 social mobility 63 Social Science Research Council 21 Socialist Commentary 9, 29, 107-8, 116, 121 Socialist Vanguard Group 108 Soskice, Frank 100,115 Soviet Union 6, 86, 108, 131, 153, 155 Spectator 120 Stansted Airport 174 State control 153-64 intervention 92 markets and 72 minimal 74 regulation 89 welfare 76 steel 57, 149 nationalisation 138-9 sterling, parity 29 Sterling Area 24 Stewart, Michael 21 Strachey, John 4, 14, 15, 81, 94, 97, 100,128-9,145,200 Strachey, Lytton strikes 189-90 Suez Canal 59,106 Sunday Times 27,31 Sweden 168 Taverne, Dick 31,32 Tawney, R.H 1,5,7, 32, 34, 54, 55, 81,82-4,88,92, 102, 103,120, 124,126, 143, 144,145,154,157, 161-2, 172, 194 taxation 142 selective 179 Temple, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 79 Thatcher, Margaret 30, 32, 33, 41, 168 Thorneycroft, Peter 62 Time Magazine 31, 32-3 Times 31,94,117 Times Review of Industry, The 183 Titmuss, Richard totalitarianism 154 tourism, mass 175 Townsend, Peter 210 trade associations 168 trade unions 28, 76, 82, 106, 184-94 block vote 192 curbing 76 Labour party links 64-7 Trades Union Congress (TUC) 188, 193 transport, policy 177-8 Treasury 21 Trend, Lord 10 Tribune 9,11,31,33,94, 105 Turvey, Ralph 177 under-consumption 72 unemployment 57, 72, 181, 183-4, 210,734 unilateral nuclear disarmament 60 unions see trade unions United States 35, 60-1, 108, 121, 131,153, 168, 173 Vaizey, John 3, 14,208 Victory for Socialism Group Volkswagen 148 105 wage policy 183, 184, 185-6, 193 wages, negotiation 193 Walden, Brian 46, 200 Wallas, Graham 75 Watkins, Alan 43, 45 wealth distribution 132, 133 taxation 111 Webb, Sidney and Beatrice 119, 120, 123,129,164,195,201 Welch, Colin 2, 210 welfare 29,32,182 Welfare State 132, 181 Western Alliance 61 Williams, Marcia (later Falkender) 25,43-4,50,51 Williams, Philip 3, 6, 15, 41,49, 104, 107 Williams, Raymond 19 Williams, Shirley 5,51 Williamson, Tom 107 248 Wilson, Harold 7, 20, 21, 23-4, 31, 33,36,48,58,96,99,101,116, 117,129,165,191,192,196 Labour Party leader 108-9 leadership contest 105-7 relations with AC 50-4 Winter of Discontent 66 Wood, David 104 Wootton, Barbara 164 working class 96,132 organised 66 Index revisionists' attitudes to 103-4 upgrading 62-3 Wren, G Howard 17,19 Wright, David McCord 95 Wyatt, Woodrow 115-16 Young, Michael 169 21, 43, 63-4, zero growth 175, 176 Zilliacus, Konni 101, 106 ... (on The World of the Revisionist), the politician-theorist's life and career the subject of Chapter (on Anthony Crosland) Chapter concludes the book by accepting that the story of Anthony Crosland. .. to be the American co-publisher of Crosland' s subsequent venture: the 18 Anthony Crosland: The Mixed Economy volume sounded 'too English', they said to Cape It was, in the circumstances, rather... Chancellorship At the end there was the position of literary executor that safeguarded Dalton's reputation when the elder statesman at last passed 12 Anthony Crosland: The Mixed Economy from the scene

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2020, 13:56

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Mục lục

  • Cover

  • Half-Title

  • Title

  • Copyright

  • Contents

  • Acknowledgements

  • 1 Introduction

  • 2 Anthony Crosland

  • 3 The World of the Revisionist

    • 3.1 The world of the Future

    • 3.2 The mixed economy

    • 3.3 Gaitskellite economics

    • 3.4 Crosland and Gaitskell

    • 4 Ownership

      • 4.1 Looking backward

      • 4.2 Looking forward

      • 4.3 Performance and politics

      • 5 Control

        • 5.1 The principles of control

        • 5.2 Industrial policy

        • 5.3 The environment

        • 5.4 Macroeconomic policy

        • 5.5 The principles of de-control

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