IT training the mathematica guide for programming trott 2004 10 28

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IT training the mathematica guide for programming trott 2004 10 28

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Contents PREFACE to The Mathematica GuideBooks CHAPTER Introduction and Orientation 0.1 Overview 0.1.1 0.1.2 0.1.3 0.1.4 0.2 Requirements 0.2.1 0.2.2 0.3 Exercises Solutions The Books Versus the Electronic Components 0.5.1 0.5.2 0.5.3 0.6 Doing Computer Mathematics Programming Paradigms Exercises and Solutions 0.4.1 0.4.2 0.5 Hardware and Software Reader Prerequisites What the GuideBooks Are and What They Are Not 0.3.1 0.3.2 0.4 Content Summaries Relation of the Four Volumes Chapter Structure Code Presentation Style Working with the Notebook Reproducibility of the Results Earlier Versions of the Notebooks Style and Design Elements 0.6.1 0.6.2 0.6.3 0.6.4 0.6.5 0.6.6 0.6.7 Text and Code Formatting References Variable Scoping, Input Numbering, and Warning Messages Graphics Notations and Symbols Units Cover Graphics 0.7 Production History 0.8 Four General Suggestions © 2004, 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc Printed from THE MATHEMATICA GUIDEBOOKS @ @ References P R O G R A M M I N G CHAPTER Introduction to Mathematica 1.0 Remarks 1.1 Basics of Mathematica as a Programming Language 1.1.1 General Background In and Out Numbering † General Naming, Spelling, and Capitalization Conventions for Symbols † Options and Option Settings † Messages † Add-On Packages 1.1.2 Elementary Syntax Common Shortcuts † Parentheses, Braces, and Brackets † Comments Inside Code † Font Usage † Referring to Outputs † Functional Programming Style † “Ideal” Formatting 1.2 Introductory Examples 1.2.0 1.2.1 Remarks Numerical Computations Periodic Continued Fractions † Pisot Numbers † Fast Integer Arithmetic † Digit Sums † Numerical Integration † Numerical ODE Solving † Burridge–Knopoff Earthquake Model † Trajectories in a Random Two-Dimensional Potential † Numerical PDE Solving † Benney PDE † Sierpinski Triangle-Generating PDE † Monitoring Numerical Algorithms † Hilbert Matrices † Distances between Matrix Eigenvalues † Special Functions of Mathematical Physics † Sums and Products † Computing a High-Precision Value for Euler’s Constant g † Numerical Root-Finding † Roots of Polynomials † Jensen Disks † De Rham’s Function † Logistic Map † Built-in PseudoCompiler † Forest Fire Model † Iterated Digit Sums † Modeling a Sinai Billiard 1.2.2 Graphics Gibbs Phenomena † Fourier Series of Products of Discontinuous Functions † Dirichlet Function † Counting Digits † Apollonius Circles † Generalized Weierstrass Function † 3D Plots † Plotting Parametrized Surfaces † Plotting Implicitly Defined Surfaces † Graphics-Objects as Mathematica Expressions † Kepler Tiling † Fractal Post Sign † Polyhedral Flowers † Gauss Map Animation † Random Polyehdra © 2004, 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc THE MATHEMATICA GUIDEBOOKS to PROGRAMMING—GRAPHICS—NUMERICS—SYMBOLICS 1.2.3 Symbolic Calculations Differentiation † Integration † Symbolic Solutions of ODEs † Vandermonde Matrix † LU Decomposition of a Vandermonde Matrix † Redheffer Matrix † Symbolic Representations of Polynomial Roots † Solving Systems of Polynomials † Eliminating Variables from Polynomial Systems † Series Expansions † L’Hôspital’s Rule † Radical Expressions of Trigonometric Function Values † Prime Factorizations † Symbolic Summation † Proving Legendre’s Elliptic Integral Identity † Geometric Theorem Proofs Using Gröbner Bases † Medial Parallelograms † Inequality Solving † Symbolic Description of a Thickened Lissajous Curve † Simplifications under Assumptions † Numbers with Identical Digits in the Decimal and Continued Fraction Expansions † Conformal Map of a Square to the Unit Disk † Vortex Motion in a Rectangle † Magnetic Field of a Magnet with Air Gap † Localized Propagating Solution of the Maxwell Equation † Customized Notations † Schmidt Decomposition of a Two-Particle State 1.2.4 Programming Large Calculations † Partitioning Integers † Binary Splitting-Based Fast Factorial † Bolyai Expansion in Nested Radicals † Defining Pfaffians † Bead Sort Algorithm † Structure of Larger Programs † Making Platonic Solids from Tori † Equipotential Surfaces of a Charged Icosahedral Wireframe † Tube along a 3D Hilbert Curve 1.3 What Computer Algebra and Mathematica 5.1 Can and Cannot Do What Mathematica Does Well † What Mathematica Does Reasonably Well † What Mathematica Cannot Do † Package Proposals † What Mathematica Is and What Mathematica Not Is † Impacts of Computer Algebra † Relevant Quotes † Computer Algebra and Human Creativity † New Opportunities Opened by Computer Algebra † Computer Mathematics—The Joy Now and the Joy to Come @ @ Exercises @ @ Solutions Computing Wishes and Proposals † Computer Algebra Systems 100 Proposals for Problems to Tackle † Sources of Interesting and Challenging Problems † ISSAC Challenge Problems † 100$–100Digit Challenge © 2004, 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc Printed from THE MATHEMATICA GUIDEBOOKS @ @ References CHAPTER Structure of Mathematica Expressions 2.0 Remarks 2.1 Expressions Everything Is an Expression † Hierarchical Structure of Symbolic Expressions † Formatting Possibilities † Traditional Mathematics Notation versus Computer Mathematics Notation † Typeset Forms † Heads and Arguments † Symbols † Nested Heads † Input Form and the Formatting of Programs 2.2 Simple Expressions 2.2.1 Numbers and Strings Formatting Fractions † Integers † Autosimplifications † Rational Numbers † Approximate Numbers † Real Numbers † Complex Numbers † Autonumericalization of Expressions † Strings † HighPrecision Numbers † Inputting Approximate Numbers † Inputting High-Precision Numbers † Approximate Zeros 2.2.2 Simplest Arithmetic Expressions and Functions Basic Arithmetic Operations † Reordering Summands and Factors † Precedences of Simple Operators † Algebraic Numbers † Domains of Numeric Functions † Autoevaluations of Sums, Differences, Products, Quotients, and Powers 2.2.3 Elementary Transcendental Functions Exponential and Logarithmic Functions † Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions † Exponential Singularities † Picard’s Theorem † Secants Iterations † Exact and Approximate Arguments † Postfix Notation † Infix Notation 2.2.4 Mathematical Constants Imaginary Unit † p † Autoevaluations of Trigonometric Functions † Base of the Natural Logarithm † Golden Ratio † Euler’s Constant g † Directed and Undirected Infinities † Indeterminate Expressions 2.2.5 Inverse Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions Multivalued Functions † Inverse Trigonometric Functions † Inverse Hyperbolic Functions † Complex Number Characteristics † Real and Imaginary Parts of Symbolic Expressions † Branch Points and Branch Cuts † Branch Cuts Not Found in Textbooks 2.2.6 Do Not Be Disappointed Real versus Complex Arguments † Seemingly Missing Simplifications † Principal Sheets of Multivalued Functions 2.2.7 Exact and Approximate Numbers Symbols and Constants † Numericalization to Any Number of Digits † Precision of Real Numbers † Precision of Complex Numbers 2.3 Nested Expressions 2.3.1 An Example Constructing Nested Expressions † Canonical Order † Displaying Outlines of Expressions † Displaying Nested Expressions © 2004, 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc THE MATHEMATICA GUIDEBOOKS to PROGRAMMING—GRAPHICS—NUMERICS—SYMBOLICS 2.3.2 Analysis of a Nested Expression A Large Expression † Parts of Expressions † Recursive Part Extraction † Depths of Expressions † Extracting Multiple Parts † Extracting Parts Hierarchically † Locating Subexpressions in Expressions † Level Specifications † Length of Expressions † Leaves of Expressions 2.4 Manipulating Numbers 2.4.1 Parts of Fractions and Complex Numbers Rational Numbers as Raw Objects † Numerators and Denominators † Complex Numbers as Raw Objects † Real and Imaginary Parts 2.4.2 Digits of Numbers Digits of Integers † Digits of Real Numbers † Writing Numbers in Any Base † Counting Digits of Numbers † Fibonacci Chain Map Animation @ @ Overview @ @ Exercises Analyzing the Levels of an Expression † Branch Cuts of Nested Algebraic Functions † Analyzing the Branch Cut Structure of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions † “Strange” Analytic Functions @ @ Solutions Principal Roots † Analyzing a Large Expression † Levels Counted from Top and Bottom † Branch Cuts of Iz4 M Branch Cuts of z+ 1êz z- 1êz † Riemann Surface of arctanHtanHz ê 2L ê 2L Singularities † 1ê4 † Repeated Mappings of @ @ References CHAPTER Definitions and Properties of Functions 3.0 Remarks 3.1 Defining and Clearing Simple Functions 3.1.1 Defining Functions Immediate and Delayed Function Definitions † Expansion and Factorization of Polynomials † Expansion and Factorization of Trigonometric Expressions † Patterns † Nested Patterns † Patterns in Function Definitions † Recursive Definitions † Indefinite Integration † Matching Patterns † Definitions for Special Values † Functions with Several Arguments † Ordering of Definitions 3.1.2 Clearing Functions and Values Clearing Symbol Values † Clearing Function Definitions † Clearing Specific Definitions † Removing Symbols † Matching Names by Name Fragments † Metacharacters in Strings © 2004, 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc Printed from THE MATHEMATICA GUIDEBOOKS 3.1.3 Applying Functions Univariate and Multivariate Functions † Prefix Notation † Postfix Notation † Infix Notation 3.2 Options and Defaults Meaning and Usage of Options † Lists as Universal Containers † Options of Functions † Plotting Simple Functions † Extracting Option Values † Setting Option Values 3.3 Attributes of Functions Meaning and Usage of Attributes † Assigning Attributes to Functions † Commutative Functions † Associative Functions † Functions Operating Naturally on Lists † Numerical Functions † Differentiation of Functions † Protected Functions † Preventing the Evaluation of Expressions † Forcing the Evaluation of Expressions 3.4 Downvalues and Upvalues Function Definitions Associated with Heads † Function Definitions Associated with Specific Arguments † Downvalues and Upvalues † Timing for Adding and Removing Definitions † Caching † Values of Symbols † Numerical Values of Symbols 3.5 Functions that Remember Their Values Caching Function Values † Multiple Assignments † Simplification of Expressions † Timings of Computations † Takeuchi Function 3.6 Functions in the l-Calculus l-Calculus † Functions as Mappings † Functions without Named Arguments † Self-Reproducing Functions † Splicing of Arguments † Sequences of Arguments † Pure Functions with Attributes † Nested Pure Functions 3.7 Repeated Application of Functions Applying Functions Repeatedly † Iterative Maps † Solving an ODE by Iterated Integration † Iterated Logarithm in the Complex Plane † Fixed Points of Maps † Fixed Point Iterations † Newton’s Method for Square Root Extraction † Basins of Attractions † Cantor Series 3.8 Functions of Functions Compositions of Functions † Applying Lists of Heads † Inverse Functions † Differentiation of Inverse Functions @ @ Overview @ @ Exercises @ @ Solutions Predicting Results of Inputs † Nice Polynomial Expansions † Laguerre Polynomials † Puzzles † Unexpected Outputs † Power Tower † Cayley Multiplication Matching Unevaluated Arguments † Equality of Pure Functions † Invalid Patterns † Counting Function Applications © 2004, 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc THE MATHEMATICA GUIDEBOOKS to PROGRAMMING—GRAPHICS—NUMERICS—SYMBOLICS @ @ References CHAPTER Meta-Mathematica 4.0 Remarks 4.1 Information on Commands 4.1.1 Information on a Single Command Built-in Function Definitions as Outputs † Information about Functions † Listing of All Built-in Commands † Messages † Printing Text and Cells † Warnings and Error Messages † Wrong and “Unexpected” Inputs † Suppressing Messages † Carrying out Multiple Calculations in One Input 4.1.2 A Program that Reports on Functions Converting Strings to Expressions † Converting Expressions to Strings † String Form of Typeset Expressions 4.2 Control over Running Calculations and Resources 4.2.1 Intermezzo on Iterators Do Loops † Multiple Iterators † Possible Iterator Constructions † Iterator Step Sizes 4.2.2 Control over Running Calculations and Resources Aborting Calculations † Protecting Calculations from Aborts † Interrupting and Continuing Calculations † Collecting Data on the Fly † Time-Constrained Calculations † Memory-Constrained Calculations † Time and Memory Usage in a Session † Expressions Sharing Memory † Memory Usage of Expressions 4.3 The $-Commands 4.3.1 System-Related Commands Mathematica Versions † The Date Function † Smallest and Largest Machine Real Numbers 4.3.2 Session-Related Commands In and Out Numbering † Input History † Collecting Messages † Display of Graphics † Controlling Recursions and Iterations † Deep Recursions † Ackermann Function 4.4 Communication and Interaction with the Outside 4.4.1 Writing to Files Extracting Function Definitions † Writing Data and Definitions to Files † Reading Data and Definitions from Files † File Manipulations 4.4.2 Simple String Manipulations Concatenating Strings † Replacing Substrings † General String Manipulations † Case Sensitivity and Metacharacters † A Program that Prints Itself 4.4.3 Importing and Exporting Data and Graphics Importing and Exporting Files † Importing Web Pages † Importing From and To Strings † Making Low-Resolution JPEGs © 2004, 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc Printed from THE MATHEMATICA GUIDEBOOKS 4.5 Debugging Displaying Steps of Calculations † Evaluation Histories as Expressions † Recursion versus Iteration † Interactive Inputs 4.6 Localization of Variable Names 4.6.1 Localization of Variables in Iterator Constructions Sums and Products † Scoping of Iterator Variables 4.6.2 Localization of Variables in Subprograms Scoping Constructs † Lexical Scoping † Dynamic Scoping † Local Constants † Temporary Variables † Variable Scoping in Pure Functions † Creating Unique Variables † Nonlocal Program Flow 4.6.3 Comparison of Scoping Constructs Delayed Assignments in Scoping Constructs † Temporarily Changing Built-in Functions † Variable Localization in Iterators † Scoping in Nested Pure Functions † Nesting Various Scoping Constructs † Timing Comparisons of Scoping Constructs 4.6.4 Localization of Variables in Contexts Contexts † Variables in Contexts † Searching through Contexts † Manipulating Contexts † Beginning and Ending Contexts 4.6.5 Contexts and Packages Loading Packages † General Structure of Packages † Private Contexts † Analyzing Context Changes 4.6.6 Special Contexts and Packages Developer Functions † Special Simplifiers † Bit Operations † Experimental Functions † Standard Packages 4.7 The Process of Evaluation Details of Evaluating an Expression † Analyzing Evaluation Examples † Standard Evaluation Order † Nonstandard Evaluations † Held Arguments @ @ Overview @ @ Exercises @ @ Solutions Frequently Seen Messages † Unevaluated Arguments † Predicting Results of Inputs † Analyzing Context Changes † Evaluated versus Unevaluated Expressions Shortcuts for Functions † Functions with Zero Arguments † Small Expressions that Are Large † Localization of Iterator Variables † Dynamical Context Changes † Local Values © 2004, 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc THE MATHEMATICA GUIDEBOOKS to PROGRAMMING—GRAPHICS—NUMERICS—SYMBOLICS @ @ References CHAPTER Restricted Patterns and Replacement Rules 5.0 5.1 Remarks Boolean and Related Functions 5.1.1 Boolean Functions for Numbers Truth Values † Predicates † Functions Ending with Q † Numbers and Numeric Quantities † Integer and Real Numbers † Compound Numeric Quantities † Exact and Inexact Numbers † Primality † Gaussian Primes † Stating Symbolic and Verifying Numeric Inequalities † Comparisons of Numbers † Ordering Relations † Positivity 5.1.2 Boolean Functions for General Expressions Testing Expressions for Being a Polynomial † Vectors and Matrices † Mathematical Equality † Equality and Equations † Structural Equality † Identity of Expressions † Equality versus Identity † Canonical Order † Membership Tests 5.1.3 Logical Operations Boolean Operations † And, Or, Not, and Xor † Rewriting Logical Expressions † Precedences of Logical Operators 5.1.4 Control Structures Branching Constructs † The If Statement † Undecidable Conditions † While and For Loops † Prime Numbers in Arithmetic Progression 5.1.5 Piecewise Functions Piecewise Defined Functions † Canonicalization of Piecewise Functions † Composition of Piecewise Functions † Interpreting Functions as Piecewise Functions † Specifying Geometric Regions † Endpoint Distance Distribution of Random Flights 5.2 Patterns 5.2.1 Patterns for Arbitrary Variable Sequences Simple Patterns † Patterns for Multiple Arguments † Testing Patterns † Named Patterns † Trace of Products of Gamma Matrices † Shortcuts for Patterns † Avoiding Evaluation in Patterns † Literal Patterns 5.2.2 Patterns with Special Properties Optional Arguments † Default Values for Optional Arguments † Repeated Arguments † Excluding Certain Patterns † Alternative Arguments † Restricted Patterns † Pattern Tests † Conditional Patterns † Recursive Definitions † Pattern-Based Evaluation of Elliptic Integrals † Generating Tables † Selecting Elements from Lists † All Syntactically Correct Shortcuts © 2004, 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc Printed from THE MATHEMATICA GUIDEBOOKS 10 5.2.3 Attributes of Functions and Pattern Matching Pattern Matching in Commutative and Associative Functions † Arguments in Any Order † Nested Functions † Automatic Use of Defaults † Analyzing Matchings and Recursions in Pattern and Attribute Combinations 5.3 Replacement Rules 5.3.1 Replacement Rules for Patterns Immediate and Delayed Rules † One-Time and Repeated Replacements † Unevaluated Replacements † Common Pattern Matching Pitfalls † Finding All Possible Replacements † Scoping in Rules † Replacements and Attributes † Modeling Function Definitions † Options and Rules † Replacing Position-Specified Parts of Expressions 5.3.2 Large Numbers of Replacement Rules Optimized Rule Application † Complexity of Optimized Rule Application 5.3.3 Programming with Rules Examples of Rule-Based Programs † Splitting Lists † Cycles of Permutations † Sorting of Complex Numbers † Cumulative Maxima † Dividing Lists † House of the Nikolaus † Polypaths † Rule-Based versus Other Programming Styles 5.4 String Patterns Strings with Pattern Elements † Patterns for Character Sequences † String-Membership Tests † Shortest and Longest Possible Matches † Overlapping Matches † Counting Characters † Replacing Characters † All Possible Replacements † Analyzing the Online Documentation † Cumulative Letter Frequencies @ @ Overview @ @ Exercises Rule-Based Expansion of Polynomials † All Possible Patterns from a Given Set of Shortcuts † Extending Built-in Functions † General Finite Difference Weights † Zeta Function Derivatives † Operator Products † q-Binomial Theorem † q-Derivative † Ordered Derivatives † Differentiating Parametrized Matrices † Ferrer Conjugates † Hermite Polynomial Recursions † Peakons † Puzzles † Catching Arguments and Their Head in Calculations † Nested Scoping @ @ Solutions Modeling Noncommutative Operations † Campbell–Baker–Hausdorff Formula † Counting Function Calls Using Side Effects † q-Deformed Pascal Triangle † Ordered Derivative † Avoiding Infinite Recursions in Pattern Matchings † Dynamically Generated Definitions © 2004, 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc THE MATHEMATICA GUIDEBOOKS to PROGRAMMING—GRAPHICS—NUMERICS—SYMBOLICS 237 GluedPolygons[n_Integer?(# >= 3&), angle:α_?(Im[N[#]] === 0&), iter Integer?(# >= 0&), faceShape:(Polygon | Line), opts _Rule] := Module[{c = N[Cos[α]], s = N[Sin[α]], myUnion, Y, 9, allm, argch, makeHole, makeLine, U = #/Sqrt[#.#]&, ∂ = 10^-6}, (* a completely transitive Union *) myUnion[l_] := Union[l, SameTest -> ((Plus @@ (#.#& /@ (#1 - #2))) < ∂&)]; (* construction of next layer *) (* rotate a point *) Y[point_, rotPoint_, {dir1_, dir2_, dir3_}] := Module[{δ = point - rotPoint, parallel, normal}, parallel = δ.dir1 dir1; normal = Sqrt[#.#]&[δ - parallel]; rotPoint + c normal dir2 + s normal dir3 + parallel]; (* rotate points *) 9[l_] := Module[{dir1, dir2, dir3, first}, (* orthogonal directions *) dir1 = U[Subtract @@ Take[l, 2]]; dir2 = U[(Plus @@ l)/Length[l] - (Plus @@ Take[l, 2])/2]; dir3 = -Cross[dir1, dir2]; Map[N[Y[#, l[[1]], {dir1, dir2, dir3}]]&, l, {-2}]]; (* prepare lists *) allm[l_] := Table[RotateLeft[l, i], {i, Length[l] - 1}]; argch[l_] := Join[Reverse[Take[l, 2]], Reverse[Drop[l, 2]]]; (* make a hole in a polygon *) makeHole[l_] := With[{mp = (Plus @@ l)/Length[l], h = Append[#, First[#]]&[l]}, MapThread[Polygon[Join[#1, Reverse[#2]]]&, {Partition[h, 2, 1], Partition[mp + 0.8(# - mp)& /@ h, 2, 1]}]]; (* wireframe or polygons *) makeLine[l_] := Line[Append[l, First[l]]]; (* show graphics *) Show[Graphics3D[If[faceShape === Polygon, makeHole[#], makeLine[#]]& /@ Join[{Table[N[{Cos[ϕ], Sin[ϕ], 0}], {ϕ, 0, 2Pi - 2Pi/n, 2Pi/n}]}, (* build layer on layer *) If[iter > 0, Flatten[NestList[myUnion[argch /@ (9 /@ Flatten[Join[allm /@ #], 1])]&, Join[argch /@ (9 /@ #)]&[(* one face *) Table[Table[N[{Cos[ϕ], Sin[ϕ], 0}], {ϕ, ϕ0, ϕ0 + 2Pi - 2Pi/n, 2Pi/n}], {ϕ0, 0, 2Pi - 2Pi/n, 2Pi/n}]], iter - 1], 1], {}]]], opts]] These are the functions we are interested in interestingFunctions = {Reverse, Join, Dot, Map, Partition, Apply, Take, MapThread, Drop, Table, Part, Flatten}; To monitor the number of calls to the built-in function func, we unprotect these functions and add a new rule to it The new rule never matches (the False in the condition), but as a side effect of the test, we monitor that they were called (Unprotect[#]; counter[#] = 0; HoldPattern[#[ _]] := Null /; (counter[#] = counter[#] + 1; False))& /@ interestingFunctions; Now, we run the construction of the glued polygons GluedPolygons[5, 3Pi/4, 1, Polygon, DisplayFunction -> Identity]; Here is the actual number of calls to the functions under consideration {#, counter[#]}& /@ interestingFunctions © 2004, 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc Printed from THE MATHEMATICA GUIDEBOOKS 238 As a side effect in the condition testing, we not only monitor the call itself, but we also store the arguments used to call func Here, this is implemented (Unprotect[#]; bag[#] = Bag[]; HoldPattern[#[args _]] := Null /; (bag[#] = Bag[bag[#], Bag[args]]; False))& /@ interestingFunctions; Now, we run the construction of the glued polygons again GluedPolygons[5, 3Pi/4, 1, Polygon, DisplayFunction -> Identity]; For instance, Apply was called 16 times with Plus as its first argument Count[bag[Apply], Plus, Infinity] Σ (* session summary *) TMGBs`PrintSessionSummary[] References ÷1 P Abbott The Mathematica Journal 3, n1 (1992) fi1 ÷2 L Aceto, D Trigiante Rend Circ Mat Palermo S 68, 219 (2002) fi1 ÷3 A Adler Math Intell 14, n3, 14 (1992) fi1 ÷4 A Adler, L C Washington J Number Th 52, 179 (1995) fi1 DOI-Link ÷5 Y Aharonov, L Davidovich, N Zagury Phys Rev A 48, 1687 (1993) fi1 DOI-Link ÷6 M Ahmed, J De Loera, R Hemmecke arXiv:math.CO/0201108 (2002) fi1 Get Preprint ÷7 R Albert A.-L Barabási 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Expressions † Formatting Possibilities † Traditional Mathematics Notation versus Computer Mathematics Notation † Typeset Forms † Heads and Arguments † Symbols † Nested Heads † Input Form and the Formatting

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