Medieval violence in northern france

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Medieval violence in northern france

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MEDIEVAL VIOLENCE OXFORD HISTORICAL MONOGRAPHS Editors p clavin l goldman j innes r servi ce p a slack b ward -perkins j l watts Medieval Violence Physical Brutality in Northern France, 1270–1330 HANNAH SKODA Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University press in the UK and in certain other countries # Hannah Skoda 2013 The moral rights of the author have been asserted First Edition published in 2013 Impression: All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available ISBN 978–0–19–967083–3 Printed in Great Britain on acid-free paper by MPG Books Group, Bodmin and King’s Lynn For all victims of violence and for those who grow up believing violence to be acceptable or inevitable This page intentionally left blank Contents Preface List of Illustrations Abbreviations Introduction What was Violence? Scholarly Approaches to Violence The Region and the Period The Sources ix xi xii 14 Grammars of Violence: Frameworks of Meaning Violence as Communication The Violence of the Law Who Was to Read Violence? Conclusion 18 19 23 38 44 48 Violence on the Street in Paris and Artois: The Space of the Street The Role of Street Violence The Perpetrators of Street Violence Types of Violence The Contingency of Street Violence Social Memory Conclusion 50 51 56 62 69 74 81 87 ‘Oés comme il fierent grans caus!’: Tavern Violence in Thirteenth- and Early Fourteenth-Century Paris and Artois: Tavern Violence and the Authorities Tavern Violence in North-East France Tavern Violence in Paris and the Ile-de-France Conclusion 88 92 96 108 118 Student Violence in Thirteenth- and Early Fourteenth-Century Paris: Stereotypes Student Misbehaviour Conclusion 119 124 136 157 Contents viii Urban Uprisings: Theatre Forms of Legitimate Violence Civic Ceremonial Liturgical Processions Carnivals and Contestations Conclusion 159 164 169 173 178 183 190 Domestic Violence in Paris and Artois: Legal Prescription The Practice of Domestic Violence The Prosecution of Domestic Violence Conclusion 193 197 210 218 231 Conclusion Violence as Communication Indeterminacies Emotional Reactions Ambivalence Select Bibliography Index 232 232 234 238 242 245 277 Preface This book aims to explore the meanings, functions, and place of violence in northern French society before the outbreak of the Hundred Years’ War It begins from the premise that the very presence of violence is socially contingent, and explores the ways in which it was used and the responses it provoked A number of methodological approaches are used, in part suggested by the nature of the surviving evidence: from legal material, legislative documents, letters, and sermons, to the literary offerings of poets and early vernacular playwrights Historiographical interest in violence has risen dramatically in recent years, and is often focused upon the relationship between violence and the development of states This book focuses not upon military or judicial violence, but upon the quotidian brawls and brutality which, in many ways, made up the fabric of everyday life It aims to show just how ‘normal’ violence could become, whilst at the same time provoking horror and outrage And it aims not to lose sight of the very real suffering engendered by these actions Studying violence is an important counterpoint to an often romanticized view of the period, but equally a closer look reveals that a gloomy portrait of a brutal and incessantly cruel Middle Ages is also misleading: violence provoked ambivalent and troubled reactions, and was never passed over in silence The book aims at a broad readership It is hoped that those interested in the France of the later Middle Ages will find something of interest or at least provocation here, but it is also hoped that those studying constructions of deviance from an interdisciplinary perspective will respond to some of the ideas and that their relevance may extend beyond northern France 1270–1330 Many people have been more than generous with their time and comments on this work Unfortunately I cannot name them all here, but none have been forgotten In particular though, I would like to acknowledge the ever-kind support and inspirational guidance of my D.Phil supervisors, Dr Malcolm Vale and Dr Gervase Rosser, and of Dr Matthew Kempshall My D.Phil examiners Professor David D’Avray and Dr Jean Dunbabin provided crucial criticism and comment More widely, members of the History Faculty at Oxford have been always ready to offer ideas and encouragement, notably Professor Chris Wickham and Dr Patrick Lantschner Versions of chapters of this book have been presented at numerous seminars, and the comments received there have 268 Select Bibliography Marx, E ‘Some Social Context of Personal Violence’, in M Gluckman (ed.), The Allocation of Responsibility (Manchester: Manchester Uinversity Press, 1972), 281–321 Maschke, E., and Sydow, J (eds.), Stadt und Universität im Mittelalter und in der früheren Neuzeit (Berlin: Verlag Sigmaringen, 1977) Mazo Karras, R., From Boys to Men: Formations of 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52, 54–5, 57n 40, 59–62, 71–2, 79–89, 190, 213, 218, 222 bailli of 17n 65, 41–2, 45, 75–7, 225 theatre in, see theatre; see also Adam de la Halle, Jeu de la Feuillée; Courtois d’Arras; Jehan Bodel, Jeu de Saint Nicholas; Miracles de Nostre Dame par personnages; plays uprising in 160–1, 164, 169, 174–9, 183 arson 32, 46, 76, 82 artisans 9, 52, 62, 97, 110, 166, 175, 185, 213 Artois 9–18, 34, 40, 44, 50, 57–8, 57n 39, 63–84, 86, 89, 94n35, 97–98, 103, 105, 106–11, 118, 174, 190, 213, 218, 222 bailli of 16–17, 45, 77, 82, 95–6 Aubigny and Avesnes 10, 63–4, 70–1, 76–9, 101 Augustine, Saint 12n 44, 33, 116n 146, 131n 61, 173, 198, 235n Avicenna 22 banishment 34, 44–5, 84, 86, 219 banking 9, 96, Bapaume 10, 44, 58–60, 71, 76–9, 226 Bartolo da Sassoferrato 27 bataille 105–6 battre 29, 71, 204, 216 Beauvais 10, 152 uprising in 160, 180–3 beggars 66 bells 157, 176 blasphemy 21, 209 bodies 84, 86, 115 signs on 19–23, 233 wounds to 23–5, 48, 144 Bourdieu, Pierre brigands 51 carnival 141–2, 183–5 carnivalesque 56, 227–9 Chartularium universitatis parisiensis 122 chivalry, see violence, chivalric chronicles 122–3, 135, 154–5, 159–62, 170, 180–1, 186–7, 191; see also Grandes Chroniques, Guillaume de Nangis church 19, 32, 42, 51, 53, 93, 117, 126, 143, 151, 164, 177–80, 187, 197–8, 206, 211–12, 227, 241 clerics 18, 20, 42–3, 64, 70, 80–1, 92–3, 110, 116, 122, 125–6, 129, 134n 86, 144–9, 157, 171–2, 176–7, 207 cloth, production of 12–13, 163 clothing, torn 106–7, 116, 222n 121 loss of 71, 93, 111, 116 coinage, debasement of 13 re-valuation of 185 common good 35–9, 44–5, 47, 55, 93–5, 170, 173, 208, 219, 225, 236–7, 241–3 compositions 16, 37, 44, 181, 225 Confrérie de Notre Dame des Ardents 13, 62, 91, 101, 166 consuetudo 27 corporate delict 161 corruption 163, 175, 189–90 fiscal 77, 225 judicial 40–6, 61 Council, Fourth Lateran 19, 197, 206 Courtois d’Arras 97, 101, 104, 107, 117, 165 Courtrai, battle of 12 Crimes, general 7, 14–17, 26, 45, 60, 69, 75n 134, 77, 161, 172, 200, 208, 212, 228 of passion 47, 228, 230, 238–9, 241 of violence 32, 41, 46–7, 50, 57–9, 61, 63n 73, 64, 66–9, 74, 78–80, 83–6, 95, 97, 133, 156, 217, 219, 226 278 Index crowd 167–8, 191, 219 theories of 160 violence by 159–62, 168–70, 177–8, 181–3, 190 cruelty 1–3, 23, 25, 43, 133, 148, 200n 29, 205–6, 214, 240–1 culture, urban 165, 168, 184 dagger 57, 70 Dante Alighieri 2, 53 deviance, constructions of 4, 124, 127–8, 196 devil 21, 115, 118, 132, 162, 198n 24, 209, 212, 239, 241 disability 81 discipline 46, 131, 143, 193–223, 226–9, 231, 236 disputes 54, 72, 78, 102–3, 110, 112, 189, 205, 229 town-gown 122, 141–3, 152–6 dissensio 152, 181 Dit de Niceroles 115–16 dits 11n 41, 14, 52n 8, 95n 37, 115n 140, 174n 62, 212n 79, 227n 149 divorce 205 Douai 47, 54–5, 172n 50 drowning 41, 100–1, 107 drunkenness 47, 89n 5, 128; see also alcohol ecclesiastical courts 15, 64, 72, 92n 22, 122, 171, 188, 193, 202, 205, 214, 218, 238 échevinage 17, 40, 97, 175–6, 189 efforcier 71 Elias, Norbert 6n 19, 7n 20, 242 England 7, 62n 63, 66–7, 172–3, 205 Enguerrand de Coucy 41 enquête ordinaire 34 par turbe 34 publique 34 Etablissements de Saint Louis 29–32 Etienne Boileau Etienne de Bourbon 20–1, 136n 93 Eucharist 19, 116–17 everyday life 2, 8–9, 14, 21, 65, 70, 95, 106, 120–2, 159, 167, 171, 194, 206, 211, 233–4, 245 exempla 20–2, 33, 37–8, 92, 123, 127, 132, 210–14, 228, 233, 236 fabliaux 13–14, 21–6, 30, 98–100, 126, 197, 199–200, 203–4, 209–10, 214, 229–30 faction 56–8, 172, 190 fama 34–6, 40 family 44–5, 48, 58–9, 61–2, 64, 68, 71, 79–81, 86, 98, 105, 126, 144, 172, 175, 184, 196n 15, 215, 219, 225–7, 234 famine 13 festivals 130, 142, 184 feud 40, 48, 58, 79, 106, 171–2 fines 16, 31–2, 41, 44–5, 47, 51n 7, 58, 60, 69, 85, 106, 171–2, 177–8, 181, 184, 191n 128, 205, 218n 100, 222, 225–6 Flanders 12, 54, 64–5, 77, 151, 159n 1, 169n 40, 189, 215 Foire du Lendit 141 foreigners 64–5, 79, 149, 163 Fortune, Wheel of 12, 111 Foucault, Michel 242n 25 Franciscans 20; see also friars fratricide 101, 106 friars 121, 133, 153–4 gambling 88, 94, 102–4, 107 gangs 54, 71, 134, 139–40, 145 Gautier de Coinci 14, 35, 193, 215–17, 239 Gauvard, Claude 7, 15, 56n 32, 75 Gender 24, 61, 64, 115n 141, 127, 138, 146–8, 158, 194, 215, 228–32, 242–5 Gilbert Prévostin 127 Gilles li Muisis 121, 125 goliards 108–9, 112–16 gossip 19, 40, 52, 85, 212 Grandes chroniques 154, 155n 169, 185 Gratian 198–9, 201, 209 Guillaume de Nangis 153, 155n 169 Guillaume de Saint Pathus 12n 45, 41n 140, 73, 81 Guillaume de Tournai 123, 131 Guillaume du Breuil 37 Guillaume Peraldus 209, 236 Gurevich, Aron 2n hagiography 19, 22, 36, 48, 215 haine 40 hanging 38, 41, 44–5, 84, 86, 92, 155, 189, 238 Hesdin 10, 44–5, 58, 60–1, 76–9, 81, 227 homicide 30–1, 37, 58n 47, 60n 55, 69, 80n 156, 84, 89n 5, 94n 35, 128, 133n 74; see also murder honour 8, 38, 56–9, 61, 71, 79, 86, 108, 127, 134, 139, 145–6, 155n 169, 182, 225, 227, 232–3, 237 hue and cry 85, 219, 223–4 humiliation 4; see also insults Index Hundred Years War 13, 77n 141, 172n 54, 238 infanticide 30–1, 213, 228 injuria 152 inns 24, 88, 90n 15, 97, 105 inquisitorial process 35–6 insults 64, 68, 72, 78, 89, 101, 105, 111, 115, 131, 133, 145, 148, 153, 156–7, 176, 201, 203, 209, 217, 221, 227; see also violence, verbal Isidore of Seville 53 Italy 54, 215 ius commune 27 Jacques de Vitry 21, 127, 129, 133–4, 147, 151 Jacques de Voragine 20, 136, 170n 44, 211–12 Jean de Garlande 123 Jean de Jandun 9, 11–12, 121n 10 Jehan Bodel, Jeu de Saint Nicolas 88–9, 97, 99–104, 107, 116n 145, 165–6 Jeux partis 14, 193 Jews 67; see also anti-semitism jongleurs 22, 62, 75, 91, 101, 166 jurisdiction 35–6, 44, 47–8, 50, 60–1, 63, 81–2, 84, 86, 122, 128, 169, 224 conflicts of 14–18, 27, 29, 38, 41–2, 51, 60, 63, 68, 71, 79, 83, 85, 100, 121, 148, 162–3, 167, 169, 171–2, 177–8, 180, 182–5, 188, 233 knife 50, 69, 95, 106, 110, 112, 219–21 labelling theory 124 Laon 10, 160–1, 169, 176–7, 187 latrocinium 29 law 2, 4, 8, 18–19, 27, 39–43, 48, 56, 93, 95, 101, 106, 121, 147, 161, 163, 173–4, 187, 194–5, 197, 201, 229, 231, 236–41, 245 canon 27, 37, 196–8, 200–1, 206, 209–11, 214, 217–19, 223, 231, 235 customary 27–31, 33–7, 48, 66–7, 206, 210 Roman 27, 33, 55, 105n 88, 161, 198 royal 26, 35, 37–8 secular 27, 178, 196–7, 218, 238 Lens 38, 59, 225 lepers 9, 67 Lille 65, 172n 50 Lombards 65–6, 151 Louis IX 28n 45, 37, 41 Lyons, Second Council of 20 279 manslaughter 30, 69, 106, 222 manuals of behaviour 123, 135 marginalization 1, 12, 64, 66–7, 75n 134, 97, 110–11, 138, 140–1, 145, 157, 190 marriage 27, 29, 39, 61, 193–8, 201, 205–8, 211, 218–19, 224, 231–2, 240, 243 masculinity 24, 71, 111, 126–7, 146–8, 194, 200, 204, 217, 230, 232 Matthew Paris 135, 154 medicine 22–3, 69n 95, 121 mehaignier 29 mêlée 29–31, 105 memory 81, 83 collective 187–8 social 86, 100, 157 merchants 18, 52n 7, 65n 82, 66, 75, 90–1, 96, 111, 174–5, 186, 214 Miracles de Nostre Dame par personnages 14, 36, 136n 95, 238–42 Miracles de Saint Louis 73, 81 Muchembled, Robert 57n 39, 63n 73, 70, 94n 35, 104 murtrir 30 mutilation 43, 50, 132–3, 144, 199 navrer 29 Nicholas de Pressoir 131 night 32, 54, 57, 64, 80, 85, 91, 127–8, 164, 191, 220 nobles 3, 24–5, 41, 43, 51–2, 170, 176–7, 181, 187, 190, 200n 29 ocir 30 Olim 17, 105 Ordinances of1254: 41, 93 otherness 64, 66, 171 paedophilia 65 pain 23, 33, 48, 185, 199, 215, 224 Paris, châtelet of 15, 37 city of 2, 9–18, 50, 55, 57, 67, 69, 79–82, 108, 110–11, 113, 118–19, 160 prévôt of 15, 95 uprising in 160, 162, 185–7 see also Parlement of Paris; University of Paris Parlement of Paris 17, 35–7, 42, 52n 7, 60, 67, 70, 106, 144, 156, 161, 168, 177–8, 183–5, 220 Patenostre du vin 117 patricide 105, 135 penance 37, 170, 178, 181, 199, 207–8 Péronne 10, 160, 168 persecution, religious Philip IV 77, 126, 137, 151, 155n 172, 173, 185, 191n 128 280 Index Philip V 9n 38 Philippe de Beaumanoir 28n 45, 29–35, 45, 197n 16, 202–6, 237–8 physicians 9, 22–3 Picardy 28n 45, 81, 104, 149, 165, 199 pirates 51 playfulness 4, 25, 63, 74, 80, 119, 130, 132, 142–3, 154, 158, 162, 185, 233; see also violence, ludic plays 14, 35, 89, 92, 96–9, 102, 104, 107–8, 116–19, 162, 165–8, 179–80, 185, 239–42; see also Adam de la Halle, Jeu de la Feuillée; Jehan Bodel, Jeu de Saint Nicholas; Courtois d’Arras; Miracles de Nostre Dame par personnages; theatre Poetry, satirical 1–14, 91, 96, 101–2, 108–10, 113–18, 138–9, 174–5, 190–1, 193–4, 227 Poix 10, 160, 184 Ponthieu 42, 100, 172 Pope 120, 131, 133, 140, 143, 148, 150, 161, 177–8 poverty 12, 114 preachers 14, 20, 22, 91–3, 119, 123, 127, 129–30, 133, 142, 210–13, 243; see also sermons prison 42, 46, 48, 61, 66, 97, 171, 175, 177, 182, 185, 189, 199, 201, 224–5, 225n 138 privilegium canonis 122 privilegium fori 122 procedure ex officio 40, 219 processions 55, 164, 174n 60 civic 178 liturgical 166, 170, 175, 179 prostitution 43, 52, 66, 88, 94, 97, 110–11, 120, 127–8, 146–7 proverbs 18, 151n 153 Pseudo-Boethius 123, 128–9 psychopath punishment, judicial 3, 16n 62, 21, 37–45, 48, 86, 164, 169–71, 178, 198, 200–3, 206, 224–6 Puy of Arras 13, 96, 193; see also Confrérie de Notre Dame des Ardents quodlibets 22 rape 25–6, 29, 31, 40–1, 47, 65, 68–72, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84–5, 120, 128, 148–9, 232, 239–41 rat 29 rebellions 4, 78, 159, 164; see also uprisings in Abbeville, Arras, Beauvais, Laon, Paris, Péronne, Poix, St Omer, Saint Riquier, Saint Valéry relics 117, 164, 166–8, 175, 179–80 remission 15, 19, 33, 36–8, 94n 35, 97, 130–3, 144–5, 149, 217–18, 222, 226 ritual 8, 108n 105, 11, 145n 131 Robert of Flamborough 207–9, 236 robbery 32, 76, 82, 84, 226 Roman de Renart 23–6, 48, 126 rumour 19, 34–5, 46, 85–6, 145, 239 Rutebeuf 14, 109, 114–15, 123, 128, 132, 138 Saevitia 38, 205–6, 214 Saint Denis, Vie de 9, 52 Sainte-Geneviève, seigneurie of 15, 45, 66, 81, 82, 94, 112, 147 Saint-Germain-des-Près, monks of 156–7 seigneurie of 15, 40, 45, 82, 113, 143–4, 224, 233 Saint-Martin-des-Champs, seigneurie of 15, 40, 57, 73, 82, 113, 116, 213, 219, 224 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, seigneurie of 15, 45, 57, 82, 213, 219, 221, 224, 228n 154 Saint Omer 79, 196, 221, 225n134–5 uprising in 160, 161n 9, 162, 163n 18, 188–90 Saint Riquier 10, 160, 163n 18, 164–5, 167–8, 179–80 Saint Valéry 179 Satire, see poetry, satirical Seine, river 9, 140 self defence 30, 32, 78, 155–6, 225 semiology 19–23, 98, 105, 115–18, 222, 233 sermons 3, 14, 18–22, 34, 48, 91–3, 119–20, 123, 126–33, 142, 147n 137, 207, 210–13, 233, 236; see also preachers, exempla Shepherd’s Crusade 67 soldiers 64–5, 77–8, 97, 127n 35 solidarities, familial 44–5, 48, 58–64, 68, 79–81, 86, 172, 195, 219, 225, 227, 232 based on geographical provenance 79–81, 129–30, 138, 150–3 neighbourly 47, 59, 63, 219–20 professional 73, 138, 153–7, 165–6, 175, 183, 189–90 Sorbonne, college of 125 space, implications of 4, 32, 70, 88, 93, 111, 118, 159, 185, 194–5, 242 modern theories of 4n Index public 51–6, 157, 159, 166, 179, 233–4 strategic use of 70, 92, 140–1, 166, 169, 171, 175–9, 184, 233–4 spectacle, civic 55, 164; see also processions spectacle, religious 55, 164; see also processions stagflation 13 state 5–8, 195, 242 status, social 33, 37, 197, 227; see also noble, artisan, merchant stereotypes gendered 228–9 of rebels 161 see students, stereotypes of street, conceptions of 51–6, 87, 233 violence in 4, 45–9, 50–87, 95, 113, 116, 119, 148, 154, 189, 223, 234, 242 students, ages of 121 letters by 123, 136–7, 156 poetry of 14, 123, 128–9, 132, 138–9 stereotypes of 119–39, 140–6, 150–3, 155–8, 243 violence by 4, 43, 64, 80, 119–58, 232–4, 243 subaltern suicide 41, 60, 76, 82, 101 Summae dictaminis 137 surgeons 23, 67 swords 51, 70, 74, 106, 143–5, 154, 157, 170, 177, 180 taverns, development of 90–1 violence in 4, 88–118, 119, 121, 141–2, 154, 233–4, 243 taxation, complaints about 77, 168, 174, 177, 184 theatre 13–14, 35–6, 75, 89–92, 95–7, 107–9, 145n 131, 164–9; see also Adam de la Halle, Jeu de la Feuillée; Jehan Bodel, Jeu de Saint Nicholas; Courtois d’Arras; Miracles de Nostre Dame par personnages.; plays Thomas Aquinas 18n 1, 53 torture 155, 171, 175 tournaments 174 town square 4, 55, 165–6, 173–9 trade, cloth 9, 75, 96, 174 wine 9, 75, 96 wool traison 30, 31 Trésor des Chartes 15 Trésor des Chartes des comtes d’Artois 15 Trois dames de Paris 115–16 tuer 30 281 University of Paris 9, 13, 80, 113, 119–58, 232, 243 Arts, Faculty of 130, 150, 152 colleges of 119, 125, 149, see also Sorbonne, college of faculties 121 nations of 129–30, 129n 45, 149–53, 232, 243 statutes of 43, 120, 122, 128, 130–5, 140, 142, 146, 149–50 uprisings 4, 42, 136, 159–92, 233, 243; see also Abbeville, Arras, Beauvais, Laon, Paris, Péronne, Poix, Paris, rebellions, Saint Omer, Saint Riquier, Saint Valéry urbanisation 10–11, 51–6, 160 usury 91 uxoricide 198, 207–8, 224, 230 Vaudoy, Clerc de 115 vengeance 4, 25, 31–2, 38, 58–9, 68, 86, 232, 234, 237–8 violence, ambivalence towards 2–3, 14, 17, 19, 38–9, 45, 51, 88, 94, 193–7, 200, 206, 209, 211, 217–19, 223–5, 231, 234–44 chivalric 3, 7, 23n25, 37, 58, 106, 112, 139, 154, 170, 176 crowd, see crowd definitions of 3, 6, 43, 195, 206, 220, 231, 242–3 as disordering 3–5, 25–6, 101, 104, 129, 162, 194, 198, 206, 208, 213, 226–7, 229–31, 234–44 domestic 4, 193–231, 232, 234–5, 238, 243 group 42, 48, 51, 58–9, 62, 65, 69, 71, 73–4, 106, 113, 116, 120–1, 132, 134, 139–46; see also gangs historiography of 7–8, 159n iconography of 52 ludic 25, 80, 102, 143, 165, 175, 180, 232, 243; see also playfulness military 3, 65, 77, 176, 182, 184, 188; see also war as ordering 3–5, 24, 26, 56, 101, 147, 170, 173, 194–5, 198–203, 206, 209, 211, 216, 219, 226, 229–31, 232, 234–44; see also discipline by students, see students, violence by verbal 68, 72, 76, 78, 82, 112, 132–3, 143, 171, 189, 211, 221, 239n 21, 241; see also insults violentia 3, 89 vis 282 Index war, public 12–13, 31, 77, 106, 152–3, 172n50, 173–4, 176n 72, 189–90, 238, private 8n 30, 51, 237 Watriquet de Couvins 115 weapons, prohibitions of 55, 154, 201, 237 carrying and use of 60, 69–70, 74, 76, 78, 82, 106, 112, 131, 140, 142, 145, 152–6, 180–2, 214, 220 women, as perpetrators of violence 33, 60–1, 64, 80, 115, 240, as victims of violence 60–1, 64, 78, 128, 140, 146, 149, 193–231, 232 xenophobia 163 youths 51, 63, 74, 123–4, 130–9, 139–46, 156–8 ... with lepers sounding their clappers, physicians examining urine, and young people fishing and swimming in the Seine: in this portrayal, it is a hive of bustling activity, of learning and leisure,... Oxford Late Medieval History Seminar, the Oxford Medieval French Seminar, the Seminar in Medieval History at the Institute of Historical Research, the Oxford Medieval Church and Culture Seminar, and.. .MEDIEVAL VIOLENCE OXFORD HISTORICAL MONOGRAPHS Editors p clavin l goldman j innes r servi ce p a slack b ward -perkins j l watts Medieval Violence Physical Brutality in Northern France,

Ngày đăng: 25/02/2019, 13:31

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Mục lục

  • Cover

  • Contents

  • Preface

  • List of Illustrations

  • Abbreviations

  • Introduction

    • 1. What was Violence?

    • 2. Scholarly Approaches to Violence

    • 3. The Region and the Period

    • 4. The Sources

    • 1. Grammars of Violence

      • 1. Frameworks of Meaning

      • 2. Violence as Communication

      • 3. The Violence of the Law

      • 4. Who Was to Read Violence?

      • 5. Conclusion

      • 2. Violence on the Street in Paris and Artois

        • 1. The Space of the Street

        • 2. The Role of Street Violence

        • 3. The Perpetrators of Street Violence

        • 4. Types of Violence

        • 5. The Contingency of Street Violence

        • 6. Social Memory

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