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Kế hoạch tổ chức thi thăng hạng chức danh nghề nghiệp giáo viên từ hạng IV lên hạng III và từ hạng III lên hạng II của cả nước năm 2018; Sở Nội vụ công bố ôn thi thăng hạng chức danh nghề nghiệp giáo viên từ hạng IV lên hạng III và từ hạng III lên hạng II

CÂU HỎI TRẮC NGHIỆM TIN HỌC VĂN PHÒNG Sau lưu trữ tệp vừa soạn thảo với tên cũ với tên mới, để kết thúc rời khỏi Microsoft Word ta thực sau: Trong Microsoft Word, muốn di chuyển nhanh trỏ cuối văn ta lựa chọn: Trong Microsoft Word, để chuyển chữ đoạn văn chọn từ chữ dạng đứng sang chữ dạng nghiêng: Trong soạn thảo Microsoft Word, muốn chèn kí tự đặc biệt vào văn bản, ta thực hiện: Trong Microsoft Word, muốn đánh chữ số (ví dụ: X 2) ấn tổ hợp phím sau đây? Trong Microsoft Word, muốn đánh chữ số (ví dụ: H 20) ấn tổ hợp phím sau đây? Trong Microsoft Word, phím Home có tác dụng gì: Trong Microsoft Word, phím End có tác dụng gì: Trong Microsoft Word, phím Delete có tác dụng gì: 10 Chức (biểu tượng) Columns Microsoft Word dùng để: 11 Trong Microsoft Word, để canh lề trái, ta thực thao tác sau: 12 Trong Microsoft Word, để canh lề giữa, ta thực thao tác sau: 13 Để bơi tồn văn Microsoft Word, ta dùng tổ hợp phím sau đây: 14 Trong Microsoft Word, để bơi đen từ vị trí trỏ đến đầu dòng, ta dùng tổ hợp phím sau đây: 15 Trong Microsoft Word, để bôi đen từ vị trí trỏ đến cuối dòng, ta dùng tổ hợp phím sau đây: 16 Trong Microsoft Word, để chép định dạng đoạn văn đó, sau bơi đoạn văn đó, ta thực hiện: 17 Trong Microsoft Word, thao tác Shift + Enter có chức gì: 18 Trong Microsoft Word, muốn mở cửa sổ cho văn mới, ta bấm tổ hợp phím: 19 Trong Microsoft Word, muốn mở văn lưu, ta bấm tổ hợp phím: 20 Microsoft Word là: 21 Trong Microsoft Word, muốn lưu văn bản, ta bấm tổ hợp phím: 22 Trong Microsoft Word, chức (biểu tượng) Numbering có tác dụng sau đây: 23 Trong Microsoft Word, chức (biểu tượng) Bullets có tác dụng sau đây: 24 Trong Microsoft Word, ta nhấn lệnh in, muốn in 10 giống ta nhập vào ô sau: 25 Trong Microsoft Word, ta nhấn lệnh in, muốn in từ trang 01 đến trang 10 ta nhập vào sau: 26 Trong Microsoft Word, ta nhấn lệnh in, muốn in trang thời ta chọn mục sau đây: 27 Trong Microsoft Word, chức Print Preview có tác dụng sau đây: 28 Trong Microsoft Word, chức Header có tác dụng sau đây: 29 Trong Microsoft Word, chức Footer có tác dụng sau đây: 30 Trong Microsoft Word, chức Page Number cho phép: 31 Trong Microsoft Word, chức Find cho phép: 32 Trong Microsoft Word, chức Replace cho phép: 33 Trong Microsoft Word, để tăng cỡ chữ ta sử dụng tổ hợp phím: 34 Trong Microsoft Word, để giảm cỡ chữ ta sử dụng tổ hợp phím: 35 Trong Microsoft Word, tổ hợp phím Ctrl + Z dùng để: 36 Trong Microsoft Word, chức (biểu tượng) Undo dùng để: 37 Tệp tin tạo từ Microsoft Word có phần mở rộng (đuôi) là: 38 Trong Microsoft Word, thao tác với bảng biểu (Table), chức Split Cells có tác dụng: 39 Trong Microsoft Word, thao tác với bảng biểu (Table), chức Merge Cells có tác dụng: 40 Trong Microsoft Word, chức (biểu tượng) Chart dùng để: 41 Trong Microsoft Word, để mở hộp thoại in tài liệu ta nhấn tổ hợp phím: 42 Trong Microsoft Word, để mở hộp thoại điều chỉnh Font chữ ta nhấn tổ hợp phím: 43 Trong Microsoft Word, để đẩy khối văn sang phía bên trái trang, ta chọn chức (biểu tượng) sau đây: 44 Trong Microsoft Word, để đẩy khối văn sang phía bên phải trang, ta chọn chức (biểu tượng) sau đây: 45 Trong Microsoft Word, chức Font Color dùng để: 46 Trong Microsoft Word, chức Sort dùng để: 47 Trong Microsoft Word, thực lệnh xếp ký tự, muốn theo vần A, B, C ta chọn chức nào? 48 Trong Microsoft Word, thực lệnh xếp dãy số, muốn theo chiều giảm dần ta chọn chức nào? 49 Trong Microsoft Word, chức Margins dùng để: 50 Trong Microsoft Word, chức Page Size dùng để: 51 Trong Microsoft Word, chức Page Orientation dùng để: 52 Trong Microsoft Word, hiệu chỉnh trang dạng Portrait có nghĩa là: 53 Trong Microsoft Word, hiệu chỉnh trang dạng Landscape có nghĩa là: 54 Trong Microsoft Word, dùng tổ hợp phím Shift + ↓ để: 55 Trong Microsoft Word, dùng tổ hợp phím Shift + ↑ để: 56 Để hình Microsoft Word hiển thị thước đo, ta chọn: 57 Trong Microsoft Word, hộp thoại lựa chọn chế độ in, muốn in trang chẵn ta chọn mục: 58 Trong hộp thoại lựa chọn chế độ in Microsoft Word, muốn in trang lẻ ta chọn mục: 59 Trong Microsoft Word, muốn chuyển sang dạng chữ đậm ta nhấn tổ hợp phím: 60 Trong Microsoft Word, muốn chuyển sang dạng chữ nghiêng ta nhấn tổ hợp phím: 61 Phát biểu sau sai nói Microsoft PowerPoint 2010? 62 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint , thao tác chọn thẻ File, chọn Exit có tác dụng gì? 63 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, để mở cửa sổ trợ giúp Help ta làm cách nào? 64 Mỗi trang trình chiếu Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 gọi là: 65 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, để mở 1tệp thuyết trình có máy tính ta làm sau: 66 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, để tìm mở tệp tin dùng gần ta làm sau: 67 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, để tạo thuyết trình ta dùng tổ hợp phím tắt nào? 68 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 để tạo thuyết trình theo mẫu thiết kế bạn mẫu sưu tầm lưu đĩa ta làm sau: 69 Để lưu thuyết trình soạn thảo Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 với tên ta làm nào? 70 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, để có thêm Slide ta dùng tổ hợp phím nào? 71 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, để tạo Slide giống hệt slide hành ta kích chuột phải Slide chọn? 72 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, trình chiếu thuyết trình, muốn dừng việc trình chiếu ta sử dụng phím nào? 73 Để giãn dòng cho đoạn văn PowerPoint ta làm cách nào? 74 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, muốn chèn bảng vào Slide ta dùng cách nào? 75 Khi xử lý bảng trang Slide làm việc PowerPoint, muốn gộp ô chọn ta thực nào? 76 Muốn xoay chữ ô chọn bảng PowerPoint ta làm nào? 77 Trong phần mềm PowerPoint, muốn tô cho textbox chọn ta thực hiện: 78 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, muốn thêm biểu đồ Slide thời ta làm nào? 79 Ảnh động chèn vào bảng trình chiếu PowerPoint có định dạng gì? 80 Khi trình chiếu PowerPoint, muốn chuyển sang hình chương trình ứng dụng khác (đã mở trước) để minh họa mà không kết thúc việc trình chiếu, ta phải: 81 Khi trình chiếu PowerPoint trình diễn, muốn mở chương trình ứng dụng khác (đã có menu programs) để minh hoạ mà khơng phải kết thúc việc trình chiếu người sử dụng thực hiện: 82 Đang trình chiếu thuyết trình PowerPoint, muốn dừng trình diễn ta cần chọn biểu tượng hình chữ nhật phía dưới, bên trái hình chọn: 83 Khi trình chiếu PowerPoint, muốn trở lại slide trước ta ấn phím: 84 Chức note thiết kế trang trình chiếu PowerPoint để làm gì: 85 Trong Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, để xem số lượng slide trang in trước in phải thực nào? 86 Trong PowerPoint, Slide chế độ trình chiếu gõ bấm Enter kết sau thực hiện? 87 Trong PowerPoint, kích hoạt vào nút tác động có dạng ð Slide trình chiếu thì: 88 Trong PowerPoint, vào Transition, mục after nhập 00:05 giây bấm Apply to all thực lệnh trình chiếu: 89 Trong làm việc với Excel, để nhập vào cơng thức tính tốn cho ơ, trước hết ta phải gõ: 90 Trong bảng tính Excel, tính có kí hiệu #####, điều có nghĩa gì? 91 Trong bảng tính Excel, hàm sau cho phép tính tổng giá trị kiểu số thoả mãn điều kiện cho trước: 92 Trong Microsoft Excel, địa “A1” loại địa gì: 93 Trong Microsoft Excel, địa “$B1” loại địa gì? 94 Trong Microsoft Excel, địa “$C$1” loại địa gì? 95 Trong Microsoft Excel, gõ công thức xong nhấn Enter, máy #N/A có nghĩa là: 96 Trong Microsoft Excel, để cuộn chữ thành nhiều dòng ơ, ta dùng chức năng: 97 Trong Microsoft Excel, cách ghi địa ô đúng? 98 Muốn dịch chuyển trang tính Excel, ta sử dụng: 99 Muốn sửa đổi nội dung bảng tính Excel, ta có thể: 100 Phần mở rộng (đi) tập tin sổ tính Excel gì? 101 Bạn chọn cách muốn tạo sổ tính Excel? 102 Trong Microsoft Excel, công thức viết đúng? 103 Trong Microsoft Excel, sử dụng nút lệnh để vẽ biểu đồ? 104 Các số trang tính Excel bạn có chữ số thập phân Bạn sử dụng nút lệnh để giảm bớt số chữ số thập phân chúng? 105 Các số trang tính Excel bạn có chữ số thập phân Bạn sử dụng nút lệnh để tăng số chữ số thập phân chúng? 106 Trong bảng tính Excel, A2 có sẵn giá trị số không (0); Tại ô B2 gõ vào công thức =5/A2 nhận kết quả: 107 Trong Microsoft Excel, dạng địa sau đây, địa địa tuyệt đối? 108 Khi làm việc với Excel, tổ hợp phím cho phép đưa trỏ ô (ô A1) bảng tính? 109 Khi làm việc với Excel, di chuyển từ sheet sang sheet khác cách sử dụng phím tổ hợp phím: 110 Trong bảng tính Excel, A2 có sẵn liệu dãy kí tự "Tin hoc van phong"; Tại B2 gõ vào cơng thức =UPPER(A2) nhận kết quả? 111 Trong bảng tính Excel, khối ô tập hợp nhiều ô kế cận tạo thành hình chữ nhật Địa khối thể câu sau đúng? 112 Trong Microsoft Excel, viết sai tên hàm tính tốn, chương trình thơng báo lỗi? 113 Trong Microsoft Excel, A2 có giá trị số 2008 Tại B2 gõ cơng thức =LEN(A2) nhận kết ? 114 Trong bảng tính Excel, hàm sau cho phép đếm giá trị thoả mãn điều kiện cho trước: 115 Trong bảng tính Excel, hàm sau cho phép tính trung bình cộng giá trị kiểu số thoả mãn điều kiện cho trước: 116 Trong bảng tính Excel, cho biết kết cơng thức sau: = SUMPRODUCT(B2:B6) gì? 117 Khi nhập liệu kiểu ký tự vào bảng tính Excel liệu thẳng lề? 118 Khi nhập liệu kiểu số vào bảng tính Excel liệu thẳng lề? 119 Hàm “SUM()” Excel dùng để? 120 Hàm “AVERAGE” Excel dùng để? 121 Trong bảng tính Excel, hàm “MAX” dùng để? 122 Trong bảng tính Excel, chức Fill color dùng để: 123 Trong bảng tính Excel, chức Accounting Number Format dùng để: 124 Trong bảng tính Excel, chức Persent Style dùng để: 125 Trong bảng tính Excel, chức Middle Align dùng để: 126 Trong bảng tính Excel, chức Bottom Align dùng để: 127 Google KHÔNG hỗ trợ cách tìm kiếm đây? 128 Trong tên đâu tên miền hợp lệ? 129 Trong tên đâu tên miền không hợp lệ? 130 Tất Web Server hiểu chạy file nào? 131 Để máy tính Internet liên lạc với nhau, máy tính cần có địa liên lạc địa gọi gì? 132 Khi sử dụng Yahoo Mail, thư mục chứa thư gửi đến cho bạn? 133 Để sử dụng dịch vụ thư điện tử, yếu tố bắt buộc khơng có khả thay được? 134 Việc ghi nhớ địa email người khác khó khăn Chức Yahoo Mail hỗ trợ bạn việc ghi nhớ địa email? 135 Khi sử dụng Yahoo Mail để đính kèm tệp tin bạn bấm vào nút sau đây? 136 Wi-Fi tên viết tắt cụm từ nào? 137 Để chia sẻ thông tin vấn đề quan tâm thông qua việc tạo chủ đề, đăng bài, phản hồi… bạn sử dụng dịch vụ sau đây? 138 Trong tên miền, dấu sử dụng làm dấu phân cách? 139 Tên miền sau KHÔNG thuộc quốc gia Việt Nam? 140 Mạng cục LAN viết tắt cụm từ tiếng Anh nào? 141 Mạng diện rộng WAN viết tắt cụm từ tiếng Anh nào? 142 Mục cấu trúc email mô tả ngắn gọn nội dung email? 143 Để xem trang tài liệu siêu văn (trang web) Internet, bạn sử dụng dịch vụ sau đây? 144 Dịch vụ tải tệp tin dùng để làm gì? 145 Để khởi động trình duyệt web, bạn nhắp (click) chuột vào biểu tượng nào? 146 Đâu tên trình duyệt Web? 147 Khi tìm kiếm Google để tìm kiếm xác bạn sử dụng dấu nào? 148 Khi tìm kiếm Google để tìm kiếm kết hợp bạn sử dụng dấu nào? 149 Trong trình duyệt Web, bạn thực thao tác đây? 150 Khi sử dụng Yahoo Mail, thư mục chứa thư bạn gửi đi? Part Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences 1.You are using my mobile Where is ……….? “What’s ……….?” – “It’s my identity card.” He often ……… the radio every morning My grandmother ……… TV when I came back home last night Her story is ……… than mine He ……… late for his class Don’t forget to ……… your umbrella when you go to London She ……… swim so she doesn’t go swimming They ……… to school yesterday 10 Listen! These birds ……… 11 Why ……….? Class isn’t over yet 12 Johnny ……… the paper when I interrupted him last night 13 We ……… to buy that car yet 14 Look at those cars! They ……….! 15 “Who ……… at the party?” – “I saw Stefan” 16 Children under five years old ……… swim without an adult 17 Could you talk ……….? I’m trying to work 18 I bought this new software ……….English 19 Please take ……… your lab coats before you leave the laboratory 20.My grandmother is not ……… as she was last year 21.When ……… president of the United States? 22.He put some biscuits and an apple in a bag for his ……… 23.The teacher has ……… come into the room 24.You ……… be late It is a very important meeting 25.I’m going to take the train there because I hate driving ……… the tunnel 26.The shop doesn`t open ……… Thanksgiving Day 27 My brothers ……… when I came home 28.Who ……… to the cinema with you yesterday? 29 Jane was tired ……… she didn’t go to her English class 30 I ……… to Singapore before This is my first time 31 He ……… Sam how to use it 32 My mother wants to ……… a car for our trip 33.Can you tell me what ……….? 34 I don't remember her birthday I think it's ……… the middle of June 35.Bob and Anna ……… a party this Sunday 36.He never gives things to other people He is a ……… person 37.He took a bus to the zoo and got off outside the ……… entrance 38 Sam sent an e-mail ……… to his friend Billy to tell him about his nice present 39 Lisa came to Sam’s house and they did their geography ……… together 40 They were ……… because they found some information about rivers on the internet 41 They ……… playing a new computer game together 42 Where did you want ……… after getting to Egypt? 43 He lives ……… a small city 44 She is a/an ……… She designs buildings 45 She goes to school ……… bus 46 “Can he play the piano?” – “ ……… “ 47 Some men say shopping is ……… favorite hobby 48 There is an English examination ……… Saturday morning, 19th January 49 Ellen asked me ……… her the truth 50 He ……… at the monkeys eating some bananas 51 What ……… you like to eat? 52 There are a lot of ……… jobs in this company 53.“ Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” –“……… .” 54 Last week I met a European woman who gave me ……… information about European countries 55 As a rule, my sister gets up, cleans her teeth, ……… her face and has breakfast 56 This pair of jeans ……… too expensive for me to buy 57 “Where ……… she come from?” – “Make a guess!” 59 Yesterday morning, he left home early, but he was still late ……… work 59 He likes going to the cinema, ……… she never has time for it 60 You ……… get near to that dog It’s dangerous 61 The lions were sleeping under a tree because it was very ……… 62 How you ……… the word “student”?~“S-T-U-D-E-N-T.” 63 Who ……… the song “Imagine”? 64 It is so hot here I have to ……… my coat 65 Tim ……… some photos of the elephants 66 John drives very ………., he has never had any accidents 67 “Is this the right place for the lesson with Jane?” ~ “Yes, ……… .” 68 She ……… a promise that she would never steal again 69 ……… you please bring me my notebook? 70 We usually have a really big party ……… the end of the year 71 Greg isn't at work this week He's ……… vacation 72 He didn't pass the exam That was ……… he didn't study hard 73 I don’t want ……… milk today 74 There are three generations in my house Me, my mother and father, and my ……… 75.I am ……… in the story 76 It's ……… Take an umbrella 77 He gave the police a ……… of the man he saw 78 A new restaurant has just ……… near our house 79 They wanted to see some important buildings and ……… some famous museums 80 It ……….them three hours to get to the big city by coach 81 This orange tastes ……… 82 I have had a headache ……… yesterday 83 I’ll try to ……… my best What about you? 84 They felt ……… when they arrived, so they went to the coffee shop 85 His secretary ……… he would be back in an hour 86 My watch is slow and ……… is my sister’s 87 Someone is knocking ……… the door 88 ……… she plays the piano! 89 They ……… some postcards to their parents and friends 90 I took the wrong book ……… mistake 91 His father and mother were ……… for him in the car 92 ……… without milk is yours 93 It was a long ……… to their hotel by the sea 94 When they arrived there, it was getting ……… 95 Their rooms were on the top floor so they ……… the lift 96 After supper, they were quite ……… so they went straight to bed 97 The weather is ……… today than yesterday 98 Have you read ……… chapter of your book? 99 At lunchtime, John gave Sally an apple and ……… her all about the school 100 We fell asleep because the movie was ……… 101 ……… the moon last night? 102 Tom ……… his clothes into a suitcase 103 I ……… to a pop concert with some friends last Friday 104 On ……… we went out 105 With one hand Liz is opening the door What is she doing with ……….? 106 I spent half an hour ……… for the tickets 107 I don’t want much sugar in my coffee Just ………., please 108 We ……… an excellent time at the concert 109.My mother often asks me to ……… up the vegetables for her 110 Everybody in our family ……… fish to meet 111 His father has not seen him ……… five years 112 Michael is going to study ……… next year 113 Cooking a good meal can ……… a long time 114 On sunny afternoons, Maria likes to ……… around the lake near her house 115 In the summer, Sam sometimes ……… swimming in the lake 116 Jim has not worked ……….this year 117 ……….either of your cousins here? 118 Some beautiful flowers ……… near the lake 119 "Who found that flower in the garden?" – "I ……… ." 120 "Are you thirsty? "– " ……… ." 121 Kate likes to ……… a lot of time at the lake 122 Good evening! Can I take your coat? – " ……… ." 123 “ Do the children go to school every day?” – “……… .” 124 He telephoned his mother ……… her birthday 125 This lovely cake is full ……… nuts 126 “Do you want another cup of coffee?” –“……… .” 127 Henry arrived ……… station at 128 I'm sorry but you ……… several mistakes 129 Can you ……… me five pounds? 130 He can play the guitar, the piano, and a couple of other ……… 131 It was exciting at the zoo! The ……… was feeding the lions 132 ……… you play badminton? 133 The short course ……… him three hundred dollars 134 He ……… English with an American accent 135 Mark is always afraid ……… travelling by air 136 She was shocked at the ……… scene in the street 137 She has her own friends; she does not want ……… 138 The man felt ……… again after a sound sleep 139 You should take more exercises if you want to keep ……… 140 She hopes to ……… a photographer for a newspaper one day 141 The boy looks ……… his father 142 ……… he speaks! 143 His parents never allowed him ……… 144 There was a ……… about competition in a photography magazine 145 Jane ……… the first prize for one of her pictures 146 What about ……… to dinner with me? 147 Last week, Louise ……… some friends at her new school 148 She wrote the things she needed to buy for the meal on a ……… of paper 149 Thisshirtis……….smallformetowear 150 Haveyougota……….carpetthanthis? Part Read the following passage and answer the questions A1 Canada's Tallest Tree A man named Randy liked to hunt trees He looked for big trees and old trees He made maps to show where these trees were He did not want to cut them down He wanted people to take care of them Randy was told of a very tall tree on Vancouver Island The tree was said to be 314 feet tall That would make it the tallest tree in Canada Randy set out to find the tree But someone else found it first It was found by a logger Loggers wanted to cut down Canada’s tallest tree and all the trees around it Randy made a path in the forest so people could see the tall tree The tree was so big and beautiful it would fill them with awe More and more people wanted to save that forest Thanks to these people, that forest is now a park Canada’s tallest tree is still there There may still be a bigger tree out there Maybe you will find it But there are only a few old forests left in Canada Many are still at risk of being cut down A2 Two sisters and the cat Mrs Wilson and Mrs Smith are sisters Mrs Wilson lives in a house in Duncan and Mrs Smith lives in a condominium in Victoria One day Mrs Wilson visited her sister When her sister answered the door, Mrs Wilson saw tears in her eyes "What's the matter?" she asked Mrs Smith said "My cat Sammy died last night and I have no place to bury him" She began to cry again Mrs Wilson was very sad because she knew her sister loved the cat very much Suddenly Mrs Wilson said "I can bury your cat in my garden in Duncan and you can come and visit him sometimes." Mrs Smith stopped crying and the two sisters had tea together and a nice visit It was now five o'clock and Mrs Wilson said it was time for her to go home She put on her hat, coat and gloves and Mrs Smith put the dead Sammy into a shopping bag Mrs Wilson took the shopping bag and walked to the bus stop She waited a long time for the bus so she bought a newspaper When the bus arrived, she got on the bus, sat down and put the shopping bag on the floor beside her feet She then began to read the newspaper When the bus arrived at her bus stop, she got off the bus and walked for about two minutes Suddenly she remembered she had left the shopping bag on the bus (Story by Laurie Buchanan) A3 Sydney is Australia's most exciting city The history of Australia begins here In 1788 Captain Arthur Philips arrived in Sydney with 11 ships and 1624 passengers from Britain (including 770 prisoners) Today there are about 3.6 million people in Sydney It is the biggest city in Australia, the busiest port in the South Pacific and one of the most beautiful cities in the world In Sydney, the buildings are higher, the colors are brighter and the nightlife is more exciting There are over 20 excellent beaches close to Sydney and its warm climate and cool winter have made it a favorite city for immigrants from overseas There are two things that make Sydney famous: its beautiful harbor, the Sydney Harbor Bridge, which was built in 1932 and the Sydney Opera House, which was opened in 1973 A4 Rebecca Stevens was the first woman to climb Mount Everest Before she went up the highest mountain in the world,she was a journalist and lived in a small flat in south London In 1993, Rebecca left her job and her family and travelled to Asia with some other climbers She found that life on Everest is hard “You must carry everything on your back,” she explained, “so you can only take things that you will need You can't wash on the mountain, and in the end I didn't even take a toothbrush I am usually a clean person but there is no water, only snow Water is very heavy so you only take enough to drink!” When Rebecca reached the top of Mount Everest on May 17 1993, it was the best moment of her life Suddenly she became famous Now she has written a book about the trip and people often ask her to talk about it She has a new job too, on a science programme on television Rebecca is well known today and she has more money, but she still lives in the little flat in south London among her pictures and books about mountains! A5 Nicola Peet left school at eighteen, went to college and then worked at a local airport After nine months, she went to work for Saudi Arabian Airlines and then she joined British Airways as an air hostess Four years later, she got her present job as a manager This is what she told us about her job: “My office is at Heathrow Airport, but I spend 60% of my time in the air I teach air hostesses and help them with any problems I also go to lots of meetings My hours are usually from a.m to p.m but sometimes I work from p.m to p.m At work, the first thing I is check plane times on my computer and then I speak with some of the air hostesses Sometimes I go on long flights to check how the air hostesses are doing That's my favouritepart of the job, but I like office work, too Travelling can be hard work When I get back from a long journey, all I can is eat something and then go to bed! I don't earn much money, but I'm happy with British Airways and want to stay there and continue to travel.” A6.Litter on Mount Everest Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world It is also the highest trash pile in the world.About 400 people try to reach the top every year Having many climbers means a lot of trash.It is very dangerous to climb Mt Everest The air is very thin and cold Most people carry bottlesof oxygen; they could die without it When the oxygen bottles are empty, people throw them onthe ground When strong winds rip their tents, people leave them behind They don't have theenergy to take the trash away They only have enough energy to go down the mountain safely.Trash is a terrible problem Since people first began to climb Mt Everest, they have left 50,000kilos of trash on the mountain Several groups have climbed the mountain just to pick up thetrash When people plan to climb the mountain, they have to plan to take away their trash A7 THE BEATLES In the 1960s, The Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the whole world Since then, there have been a great many groups that have achieved enormous fame, so it is perhaps difficult now to imagine how sensational The Beatles were at that time They were four boys from the north of England and none of them had any training in music They started by performing and recording songs by black Americans and they had some success with these songs Then they started writing their own songs and that was when they became really popular The Beatles changed pop music They were the first pop group to achieve great success from songs they had written themselves After that it became common for groups and singers to write their own songs The Beatles did not have a long career Their first hit record was in 1963 and they split up in 1970 They stopped doing live performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them – their fans were so excited that they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes as souvenirs! However, today some of their songs remain as famous as they were when they first came out Throughout the world many people can sing part of a Beatles song if you ask them A8 The Man Who Could See the Future Nostradamus was born in France in 1503 He studied medicine and was a very clever student When he became a doctor he helped many sick people, even those that other doctors could not save He read many books about magic and started writing books himself In one book he wrote about things that would happen the next year Many of these things did happen and people came to see him because they wanted him to tell them about their own future He wrote many books about things which he could see in the future He wrote about Napoleon and the kings of Europe He also talked about a man called Hister who killed millions of people in the twentieth century Nostradamus also saw and wrote about his own death in 1566 He wrote that the end of the world would come in the year 7000 A9 Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past arestaurant There was a large pot of soup on the table The poor man held his bread over the soup,so the steam from the soup went into the bread, and gave it a good smell Then he ate the bread The restaurant owner was very angry at this, and he asked the man for money, in exchange for thesteam from the soup The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin,who was a judge at that time Nasreddin thought about the case for a little while Then he took some money from his pocket He held the coins next to the restaurant owner's ear,and shook them, so that they made a jingling noise "What was that?" asked the restaurant owner "That was payment for you," answered Nasreddin "What you mean? That was just the sound of coins!" protested the restaurant owner "The sound of the coins is payment for the smell of the soup," answered Nasreddin "Now go back to your restaurant." A 10 Shah Jahan built the TajMahal in Agra, India, in the 1600s He wanted to make a beautiful place where he could bury his wife MumtazMahal was only one of Shah Jahan's wives, but he liked her the most After MurntazMahal died, the Shah built for her the TajMahal, a beautiful building made of white marble and covered by a white round roof It took twenty-two years to complete all of the work on the TajMahal Today, it is one of the most famous things to see in India The Jumna River runs beside the north wall of the TajMahal, and a smaller river runs through a beautiful garden that grows inside the building People who study history have found out that Shah Jahan was also a cruel man After the TajMahal was completed, Shah Jahan killed the man who made the TajMahal because he did not want him to ever build anything more beautiful than the TajMahal The Shah also cut off the hands of all of the artists who took part in building the TajMahal As for Shah Jahan, when he died he was also buried in the TajMahal, next to his wife Part Read the passage and choose the best word A, B, or C for each space A1 Gwen Stefani (1) ……… born in Orange County, California(2)……… October 3rd 1969 (3) ……… are five people in Gwen's family; her mum and dad, her sister Jill and her brothers Eric and Todd The family has (4) ……….liked music and her brother started the famous band called No Doubt in 1987 Gwen became the lead singer in the band in 1988 (5)……… she was only 18, and she wrote one of the band's biggest hit songs (6)……… is called Hey Baby Eric left the band in 1995 (7)……… he got a job as a cartoon artist He now draws (8) ……… of the pictures you see on The Simpson: cartoon programme(9) ……… television Gwen really likes musical films and her favourite is (10) ……… one called The Sound of Music A2 The Globe Theatre Visiting the theatre in London 400 years (1) ……….was very different from visiting a modern theatre The building was round, (2) ……… was no roof, and people got cold and wet (3)……… the weather was bad The queen loved (4)……… to the Globe Theatre, by the River Thames, to see the plays of William Shakespeare All the actors at that time (5)……… men The visitors ate, talked to (6) ……… friends, walked about during the show, and (7) ……… people even threw things at the actors! Today, it is still possible to (8) ……… the Globe Theatre A new theatre stands in the same place (9) ……….the river You can enjoy a Shakespeare play there or just learn (10) ……… life in the seventeenth century A3 BUILDINGS People (1) ……… always made buildings We need house to keep us warm and dry and we build stadiums (2) ……… we can watch football matches and pop concerts We use (3) ……… buildings, like museums, to keep beautiful things in (4) ……… people work together on a building The architect decides how the buildings is going to look and (5) ……… pictures that show people his or her ideas Engineers make sure the building will (6) ……… strong and safe Then, the workers carefully build (7) ……… The Sydney Opera House is a famous modern building with a lovely roof But the building is beautiful from (8) ……… side, not only from the top There is also a famous roof on the Olympic Stadium (9) ……… Munich This interesting building looks like a tent that is(10) ……… of glass A4 BEATRIX POTTER (1866 -1943) Beatrix Potter was born (1) ……… London When she was young, she spent her holidays in the area of England (2)……… The Lake District Her family stayed at WrayCastlenext to Windermere, (3) ……… of the lakes Later they had several houses (4) ……….great gardens Beatrix loved life in The Lakes (5) ……… always drew pictures of the animals she saw She was also very good (6) ……….writing stories A friend told her (7) ……….she should make the stories into books Her first book The Tale of Peter Rabbit went on sale in 1901 With the money she earned from (8) ……… book, she bought a farmhouse in The Lake District She got married (9) ……….she was fortyseven years old After that, she spent (10) ……… time working as a sheep farmer than writing books A5 Michael Faraday, the great English physicist was born (1) ……… 1791 in London His family (2) ……… verypoorandhedidn’tlearn (3) ……….Whenhewas14,heworkedinabookshop(4) ……….hehada goodchancetoreadbooks.He(5) ……….tosometalksaboutscience.OnedayMichaelwentto a(6) ……….byHumphryDavy,England’s(7) ……….scientistofthetime.Helikedhistalksverymuch, and(8) ……….monthslaterhebecameDavy’slaboratoryassistant.LikeDavy,hebecame (9) ……….in electricity.Hespentalotoftime (10) ……….itandatlasthesawthatelectricitycouldbemadebyamachine Hediedin1867 A6 Last summer I went to Los Angeles to stay (1) ……… my cousin for a few weeks One afternoon we were having lunch in a nice (2) ……… in the centre of town when my cousin got a call on her mobile phone and (3) ……… outside to talk (4) …… she was speaking to her friend, I (5)……… noticed a man in a black hat who was sitting at the next table It was the actor Johnny Depp! He was alone, and I decided to take my chance So I got up and went to his table “Excuse me, could I have my photo taken with you?” I asked He said yes, so I stopped a waitress (6) ……… was passing by and gave her (7) ……… camera She (8) ……… the photo of me and Johnny, I thanked them both, and then I returned to my table When my cousin came back, I was smiling “Why (9) ……… you looking so pleased with yourself?” She asked “I had my photo taken with Johnny Depp.” “Johnny Depp? Where is he?” “He is sitting over there Look!” She turned around to look and then started to laugh “That’s not Johnny Depp!” I looked at the man in (10) ……… black hat – he was laughing too A7 The Amazon (1) ……….the second longest river in the world today It carries more water than (2)……… other river The Amazon starts (3)……… the centre of Peru and travels across Brazil(4)……… about four thousand kilometers (5)……… the river gets to the end of its long journey, it opens into the Atlantic Ocean At (6)……… point, it is eighty kilometres wide Brazil, with a third of the world's rainforest, (7) ……… fifty-five thousand kinds of flowering plant Half of these are(8)……….found in the Brazilian Amazon (9) ……… is possible that many of these plants could become important medicines This is perhaps why many people today (10)……… to help protect this special area of the world A8 The Ruwenzori Mountains Mary Daniels is a student in England This year she (1)……… a very interesting summer holiday She travelled (2) ……… fifteen other people to the Ruwenzori Mountains in Africa They went there to help make a road (3) ……… a forest between two big towns 'It was very difficult (4) ……… there was no water to drink and no shops where we (5)……… buy food,' said Mary 'It was also very cold and wet in the mountains It is (6) ……… of the wettest places in the world.' Mary stayed in the mountains (7) ……… six weeks It was hard work, but she says it was the (8)……… thing she has ever (9)……… She is hoping to return next year to (10)……… more work there A9 Nasreddin Goes Shopping One day Nasreddin went to town (1) ……… new clothes First, he tried (2) ……… a pair of trousers He didn't like the trousers, (3) ……… he gave them back to the shopkeeper Then he tried a robe (4) ……… had the same price as the trousers Nasreddin was (5) ……… with the robe, and he left the shop Before he climbed (6) ……… his donkey to ride home, the shopkeeper and the shop-assistant ran (7) ……… "You didn't pay for the robe!" said the shopkeeper "But I gave you the trousers in exchange for the robe, (8) ……… I?" replied Nasreddin "Yes, (9) ……… you didn't pay for the trousers, either!" said the shopkeeper "But I didn't buy the trousers," replied Nasreddin "I am not so stupid as (10) ……… for something which I never bought." A10 Madame Tussaud's One very famous place (1) ……… tourists in London is Madame Tussaud's museum Here people (2) ……… see figures of famous people made of wax Madame Tussaud was born (3) ……… France in 1761 Her uncle, a doctor, (4) ……… wax figures of people He opened (5) ……… museum of these figures in Paris Marie helped (6) ……… in his work In 1789, during the French Revolution, Marie (7) ……… sent to prison Here she had to copy (8) ……… heads of famous people when they were dead, including Queen Marie Antoinette's In 1795, Marie married Francois Tussaud (9) ……… in 1802 she came to London with her wax figures Here she opened a museum and her figures can (10) ……… be seen today ... Trong Microsoft Word, chức (biểu tượng) Undo dùng để: 37 Tệp tin tạo từ Microsoft Word có phần mở rộng ( uôi) là: 38 Trong Microsoft Word, thao tác với bảng biểu (Table), chức Split Cells có tác... thao tác với bảng biểu (Table), chức Merge Cells có tác dụng: 40 Trong Microsoft Word, chức (biểu tượng) Chart dùng để: 41 Trong Microsoft Word, để mở hộp thoại in tài liệu ta nhấn tổ hợp phím:... thức sau: = SUMPRODUCT(B2:B6) gì? 117 Khi nhập liệu kiểu ký tự vào bảng tính Excel liệu thẳng lề? 118 Khi nhập liệu kiểu số vào bảng tính Excel liệu thẳng lề? 119 Hàm “SUM()” Excel dùng để? 120

Ngày đăng: 18/11/2018, 21:46

Từ khóa liên quan

Mục lục

  • A1. Canada's Tallest Tree

  • A9. Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup

  • One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past arestaurant. There was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man held his bread over the soup,so the steam from the soup went into the bread, and gave it a good smell. Then he ate the bread.

  • The restaurant owner was very angry at this, and he asked the man for money, in exchange for thesteam from the soup. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin,who was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case for a little while.

  • Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins next to the restaurant owner's ear,and shook them, so that they made a jingling noise.

  • "What was that?" asked the restaurant owner.

  • "That was payment for you," answered Nasreddin.

  • "What do you mean? That was just the sound of coins!" protested the restaurant owner.

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