Thành ngữ tiếng Anh (idioms) hay gặp trong đề thi 7

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Thành ngữ tiếng Anh (idioms) hay gặp trong đề thi 7

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1 cut and dried: tiên đoán trước, biết trước, chán (predictable, known beforehand, boring) e.g: The results of the national election were rather cut and dried, the Republicans won easily (Kết bầu phiếu nước biết trước, Đảng Cộng hoà dễ dàng thắng phiếu) to hear of: nghe nói về, quen thuộc với, suy xét (to know about, to be familiar with, to consider) e.g: When I asked for directions to Mill Street, the police officer said that he had never heard of it (Khi hỏi đường đến phố Mill, viên cảnh sát nói chưa nghe nói cả.) as a matter of fact (also: In fact): thật vậy, thực (really, actually) e.g: Tom thinks he knows English well, but, as a matter of fact, he speaks very poorly (Tom cho giỏi tiếng Anh thực nói tiếng Anh tồi) once in a blue moon: khi, hoạ hoằn (rarely, infrequently) e.g: Once in a blue moon my wife and I eat at a very expensive restaurant (Thật vợ ăn nhà hàng đắt tiền) to take into account: xét đến, lưu ý đến, quan tâm đến e.g: Educators should take into account the cultural background of students when planning a school curriculum (Các nhà giáo dục nên quan tâm đến bối cảnh văn hoá sinh viên vạch chương trình giảng dạy) to come to: hồi tỉnh lại, ngang với, lên đến (to regain consiciousness, to equal, to amount to) e.g: At first they thought that the man was dead, but soon he came to (Lúc đầu họ tưởng người đàn ông chết sau ông ta tỉnh lại.) to take advantage of: lợi dụng (to use well, to profit from; to use another person's weaknesses to gain what one wants) e.g: Teddy is such a small, weak child that his friends take advantage of him (Teddy cậu bé nhỏ con, ốm yếu bạn bè thường lợi dụng no matter: không kể đến, (là hình thức rút gọn thành ngữ "it doesn't matter" ) (regardless of) e.g: No matter how much money he spends on his clothes, he never looks well dressed (Không kể đến có tiền bạc tiêu xài cho quần áo, không trông ăn diện ) to take up: đảm nhận, chiếm chỗ / thời gian, bắt đầu làm / học (to undertake, to occupy space / time, to begin to / study) e.g: The piano takes up too much space in our living room (Cây đàn dương cầm chiếm nhiều chỗ phòng khách ) to take up with: tham khảo ý kiến (to consult someone about an important matter) e.g: Can I take the problem up with you right now? (Tôi tham khảo ý kiến vần đề với bạn lúc không?) to take after (also: to look like): trông giống (to resemble a parent or close relative) e.g: Which of your parents you take after the most? (Bạn giống nhiều nhất, ba hay mẹ?) in the long run (also: sooner or later) : sau cùng, rốt cuộc, sau thời gian dài (eventually, after a long period of time) e.g: In the long run, the synthetic weave in this carpet will wear better than the woolen one You won't have to replace it so soon (Cuối cách dệt nhân tạo thảm lại bền loại len nhiều Bạn thay sớm đâu.) on one's toes: cảnh giác, thận trọng (thành ngữ thường dùng với động từ stay keep) (alert, cautions) e.g: We'd better keep on our toes while we're walking along the dark portions of this street (Chúng ta nên cảnh giác dọc theo vùng tối tăm của lộ này) to get along: đạt tiến bộ, cố sống tình trạng sức khoẻ (to make progress, to manage, to live in a certain state of health) e.g: John is getting along very wekk in his English studies (John tiến khả quan việc học tiếng Anh anh ta.) hard of hearing: lãng tai, nghe không rõ (partially deaf, not able to hear well) e.g: Please don't shout I'm not hard of hearing (Xin đừng la lớn Tôi lãng tai đâu.) to see eye to eye: đồng ý, đồng tình (to agree, to concur) e.g: I'm glad that they see eye to eye on the matter of the conference location (Tôi lấy làm vui mừng họ đồng ý địa điểm buổi hội nghị.) to have in mind: suy tính, xem xét, cân nhắc, suy nghĩ (to be considering, to be thinking) e.g: I don't want to see a movie now I have in mind going to the park (Tôi không muốn xem phim Tôi cân nhắc việc đến công viên.) to keep in mind (also: to bear in mind) : ghi nhớ, đừng quên (to remember, not to forget) e.g: Please keep in mind that you promised to call Sue around noon (Đừng quên bạn hứa gọi điện cho Sue vào khoảng 12h trưa.) for once: lần mà thôi, lần mà (this one time, for only one time) e.g: Dad, for once would you please let me drive the new car? (Bố ơi, cho thử lái xe lần không?) to go off: đổ chuông báo thức, bất thình lình, nổ (to sound as an alarm, to leave suddenly without explanation, to explode) e.g: David went off without saying goodbye to anybody (David mà không nói lời từ biệt với ) to grow out of: lớn nhanh, kết (to outgrow, to be a result of) e.g: The need for the salary committee grew out of worker dissatisfaction with the pay scale (Nhu cầu tiền lương uỷ ban kết không hài lòng công nhân mức lương.) to make the best of: vui vẻ chấp nhận (to the best that one can in a poor situation) e.g: Even though the Martine family is having financial problems, they make the best of everything by enjoying the simple pleasures of life (Mặc dù gia đình Martine gặp vấn đề tài chính, họ vui vẻ chấp nhận thứ việc thưởng thức thú vui đơn sơ sống.) to cut off: cắt ngắn bớt, cắt ngang (to shorten by cutting the ends, to disconnect or stop suddenly) e.g: The operator cut our long-distance phone conversation off after two minutes (Người trực tổng đài điện thoại cắt ngang điện đàm đường dài sau phút.) to cut it out (also: to knock it off) : ngưng làm (to stop doing sth) e.g: He kept bothering her, so finally she told him to cut it out (Anh ta quấy rầy cô cuối cô bảo chấm dứt đi.) to become of: xảy đến (thành ngữ thường dùng mệnh đề với what ) (to happen to) e.g: I wondered what became of you (Tôi tự hỏi việc xảy đến với bạn) on the other hand: nhiên, mặt khác, trái lại (however, in contrast) e.g: My sister takes after my father in appearance On the other hand, I take after my mother (Chị giống ba hình dáng Mặt khác lại giống mẹ tôi.) fifty-fifty: chia phần, 50/50 (divided into two equal parts) e.g: The political candidate has a fifty-fifty chance of winning the election (Ứng cử viên trị có hội ngang việc thắng cử) to break in (also: to cut in): ngắt lời, xen ngang (to interrupt) e.g: While Carrie and I were talking, Bill broke in to tell me about a telephone call (Trong Carrie trò chuyện Bill ngắt lời để nói với điện thoại ) a lost cause: hết hy vọng, không mong thay đổi (a hopeless case, a person or situation having no hope of positive change) e.g: It seems that Charles will give it up I suppose he's a lost cause (Có vẻ Charles từ bỏ Tôi cho hết hy vọng rồi.) above all: chủ yếu, đặc biệt (mainly, especially) e.g: Above all, don't mention the matter to Gerard He will the last person we should tell (Đặc biệt đừng có đề cập vấn đề với Gerard Anh ta người cuối nên nói.) to take for: nhận ra, cho (to perceive or understand as) e.g: What you take me for - a fool? I don't believe what you're saying at all (Bạn cho - đồ ngốc sao? Tôi chẳng tin bạn nói đâu.) to tear down: giật sập (to destroy by making flat, to demolish) e.g: The owners had to tear the house down after it burned down in a fire (Những người chủ phải phá sập nhà sau bị thiêu trụi trận hoả hoạn) to tear up: xé nát thành mảnh nhỏ (to rip into small pieces) e.g: He told the lawyer to tear the old contract up and then to prepare a new one (Anh ta bảo luật sư xé hợp đồng cũ chuẩn bị mới.) to go over: đánh giá cao, đón nhận (thành ngữ thường theo trạng từ well ) (to be appreciated or accepted) e.g: The teacher's organized lessons always go over well with her students (Những học chuẩn bị cô giáo học sinh cô đón nhận ) to be bound to: chắn (to be certain to, to be sure to) e.g: You are bound to be late if you don't hurry up (Chắc chắn bạn trễ bạn không nhanh lên.) at heart: thực chất, (basically, fundamentally) e.g: James sometimes seems quite unfriendly but at heart he's a good person (Thỉnh thoảng James không thân thiện thực chất người tốt.) to bite off: nhận lấy trách nhiệm, có bổn phận làm (to accept as a responsibility or task) e.g: When I accepted the position of chairman, I didn't realize how much I was bitting off (Khi nhận chức chủ tịch, tôi phải cố gắng đến đâu.) to tell apart (also: to pick apart, to tell from): phân biệt người vật (to distinguish between) e.g: The two brothers look so much alike that few people can tell them apart (Hai anh em trông thật giống đúc nên người phân biệt được.) all in all: nói chung, nhìn chung, xét mặt (considering everything) e.g: Leonard got a low grade in one subject, but all in all he's a good student (Leonard đẽ bị điểm thấp môn nhìn chung cậu ta sinh viên giỏi.) to pass out: phân phát (also: to hand out); mê man, ngất xỉu (to distribute) (to lose consciousness) e.g: Please help me pass out these test papers (Xin giúp phân phát trắc nghiệm ) to go around: loanh quanh, di chuyển từ nơi đến nơi khác (to circulate, to move from place to place) e.g: Mike has been going round tell people that he was accepted to Havard University Do you believe him? (Mike khắp nơi báo cho người biết cậu ta nhận vào trường Havard Bạn có tin không?) to be in (the / one's) way (also: to get in the / one's way): gây trở ngại, làm cản trở (to block or obstruct, not to be helpful) e.g: Our child tried to help us paint the house, but actually he just got in our way (Thằng bé muốn giúp sơn nhà thực chất lại gây trở ngại cho chúng tôi.) to put on: lên cân, trình diễn (to gain, to present, to perform) e.g: Bob has put on a lot of weight recently He must have put at least fifteen pounds on (Gần Bob lên cân nhiều Chắc cậu ta lên 15 pao) to put up: xây dựng, dựng lên, nâng lên (to construct, to lift) e.g: Please put your hand up if you have never studied French before (Xin giơ tay lên bạn chưa chưa học tiếng Pháp trước to put up with: chịu đựng (to tolerate) e.g: While I'm studying, I can't put up with any noise (Trong học, chịu đựng tiếng ồn nào.) in vain: vô ích, hiệu mong đợi (useless, without the desired result) e.g: We tried in vain to reach you last night (Chúng cố gắng liên lạc với bạn vào tối hôm qua vô ích ) day in and day out (also: year in and year out, day after day, year after year): ngày lại ngày (continuously, constantly) e.g: During the month of May, it rained day in and day out (Trong suốt tháng 5, trời mưa từ ngày qua ngày khác.) to catch up with (also: to keep up with): theo kịp (to work with the purpose of fulfilling a requirement or being equal to others) e.g: She was absent from class so long that it took her a long time to catch up with others (Cô vắng mặt lớp thật lâu cô ta phải nhiều thời gian theo kịp người khác) to hold still: giữ yên, đứng yên, không cử động (not to move) e.g: Please hold still while I adjust your tie (Xin đứng yên chỉnh lại cà vạt cho bạn ) to know by sight: nhận (to recognize) e.g: The woman said that she would know the thief by sight if she ever saw him again (Người phụ nữ nói cô ta nhận tên trộm nhìn thấy lần nữa) back and forth: di chuyển tới lui (in a backward and forward position) e.g: The restless lion kept pacing back and fort along the front of its cage (Con sư tử bồn chồn tới lui trước cửa chuồng ) to bring up: nuôi dưỡng, đề cập, đặt vấn đề (to rear, to raise from childhood, to mention) e.g: Parents should bring up their children to be responsible members of society (Bố mẹ nên nuôi dưỡng thành người có ích xã hội ) to get lost: lạc đường, tránh xa để đừng quấy rầy (to become lost, to go away in other not to bother) e.g: Todd kept bothering me while I was studying, so I told him to get lost (Todd quấy rầy lúc học, báo tránh xa ra) to hold up: làm hoãn lại, chậm trễ, trì chất lượng tốt (to delay, to make late; to remain high in quality) e.g: Deidre is amazed at how well her car has held up over the years (Deidre ngạc nhiên làm mà xe cô dùng tốt qua nhiều năm) to run away: trốn thoát, bỏ không xin phép (to escape, to leave without permission) e.g: The young couple ran away and got married because theirs parents wouldn't permit it (Cặp đôi trốn kết hôn với cha mạ họ không cho phép họ kết hôn ) to rule out: bỏ qua, ngăn cấm (to prohibit) e.g: I'd like to watch a good movie on TV tonight, but a ton of homework rules that out (Tôi thích xem phim hay chiếu TV tối đống tập không cho làm điều by far: xa, rõ ràng (thường dùng so sánh để nhấn mạnh so sánh (by a great margin, clearly) e.g: This is by far the hottest, most humid summer we've had in years (Đây rõ ràng mùa hè nóng nực ẩm ướt mà phải chịu đựng nhiều năm nay) to see off (also: to send off): tiễn đưa (to say goodbye upon departure by train, airplane, bus, etc) e.g: We're going to the airport to see Peter off on his trip to Europe (Chúng sân bay để tiễn đưa Peter chuyến hành trình đến châu Âu ) to see out: đưa tiễn tận nơi (tận cửa, tận xe, tận nhà ) (to accompany a person out of a house, building) e.g: Please see her out to the car It's very dark outside (Vui lòng đưa cô tận xe nhé! Trời bên tối no wonder: chẳng có đáng ngạc nhiên (là thể rút gọn thành ngữ It's no wonder that ) (it's no surprise that, not surprisingly) e.g: Jack has been out of town for several weeks No wonder we haven't seen him recently (Jack rời khỏi thành phố vài tuần Thật chẳng ngạc nhiên gần không thấy đâu cả) to go up (also: to drive up) : tăng lên, mọc lên, xây lên, dựng lên (to increase, to be constructed) e.g: A new office is going up in the downtown area (1 văn phòng vừa xây lên trung tâm thành phố ) to go up to (also: to up to) : tiến tới, tiến lại gần (to approach) e.g: After the lecture, several in the audience went up to the Jane to congratulate her (Sau thuyết trình, nhiều thính giả tiến đến Jane để chúc mừng cô ) to hand in: đệ trình, giao nộp thời hạn (to submit or deliver sth that is due) e.g: All the sales people hand their weekly reports in on Friday (Cứ vào ngày thứ tất người bán hàng giao nộp báo cáo hàng tuần họ ) to take apart: tách rời, tháo rời (to disassemble, to separate the parts of sth) e.g: It is much easier to take a watch apart than it is to assemble it (Tháo rời đồng hồ dễ lắp ráp lại ) to put together: ráp lại (giới từ back dùng tháo để ráp lại) (to assemble) e.g: After the teenager took the broken video game apart and fixed it, he was unable to put it back together again (Sau cậu thiếu niên tháo trò chơi video bị hư sửa lại, cậu ta lắp lại now and then (also: now and again, at times, from time to time, off and on, once in a while, every so often): thỉnh thoảng, (occasionally, sometimes) e.g: I don't see him very often, but now and then we arrange to have lunch together (Tôi không gặp thường xuyên xếp để ăn trưa ) to be well-off (also: to be well-to-do) : nhiều tiền bạc để hưởng sống sung túc, giàu có (to have enough money to enjoy a comfortable life, to be rich) e.g: By the time I reach the age of fifty-five, I hope to be well-off and to travel frequently (Vào lúc đến 35 tuổi hy vọng giàu có du lịch thường xuyên ) to take by surprise: làm ngạc nhiên (to surprise, to amaze, to astonish) e.g: The offer of a high-paying position with another company took me by surprise (Lời đề nghị chức vụ trả lương cao với công ty khác làm ngạc nhiên ) to keep in touch with (also: to stay in touch with): giữ liên lạc (to maintain contact with) e.g: You can telephone me every few days, and in that way we can keep in touch with each other (Cứ vài ngày bạn gọi điện cho cách giữ liên lạc với ) to hold on: nắm chặt, giữ chặt; chờ đợi, kiên nhẫn (to grasp tightly or firmly, to wait, to be patient) e.g: The little girl held on to her mother's hand (Cô bé nắm chặt lấy bàn tay mẹ ) little by little (also: step by step): dần dần, từ từ, bước (gradually, slowly) e.g: If you study regularly each day, little by little your vocabulary will increase (Nếu bạn học đặn ngày, vốn từ vựng bạn tăng lên to take one's time: thong thả làm, chẳng vội vàng (to without rush, not to hurry) e.g: There's no need to hurry doing those exercises Take your time (Chẳng cần phải vội làm tập Cứ thong thả ) to stop by: ghé qua (to visit or stop somewhere briefly in order to sth) e.g: Let's stop by the supermarket and pick up a few grocery items (Chúng ta ghé lại siêu thị mua vài đồ tạp hoá ) to come across (also: to run accross, to come off): tình cờ gặp, tìm thấy (to meet or find unexpectedly) e.g: While Cheryl was cleaning the attic, she came across some very old coins (Trong Cheryl lau chùi gác xếp, tình cờ cô tìm vài đồng xu cổ) to stand for: tượng trưng, biểu cho, chịu đựng, tha thứ (to represent, to signify, to tolerate) 10 e.g: On the American flag, each star stands for one of the fifty states, and each stripe stands for one of the original thirteen colonies of the 1800s (Trên cờ Mỹ, tượng trưng cho 50 tiểu bang sọc biểu cho 13 thuộc địa ban đầu năm 1800 Mỹ ) to stand a chance: có khả hoàn thành (thành ngữ thường với good hay excellent Đôi với tính từ much ) (to have the possibility of accomplishing sth) e.g: The New York baseball team stands a good chance of winning the World Series this year (Đội bóng chày New York có khả giành thắng lợi giải đấu giới vào năm ) to take pains: làm việc cẩn thận tận tâm (to work carefully and conscientiously) e.g: She takes pains to everything well (Cô làm tất công việc thật cẩn thận tận tâm ) few and far between: không liên tục, khác thường, (not frequent, unusual, rare) e.g: The times that I get to stay up late are few and far between (Những lúc mà phải thức khuya ) to look on: nhìn với tư cách khán giả, quan sát (to watch as a spectator, to observe) e.g: Hundreds of people were looking on as the police and firefighters rescued the passengers in the wrecked train (Hàng trăm người đứng nhìn cảnh sát cà người lính chữa lửa cứa sống hành khách xe lửa bị phá hoại ) to look up to: ngưỡng mộ, tôn kính (to admire, to respect greatly) e.g: Everyone looks up to the director of our department because he is a kind and generous person (Mọi người kính trọng ông giám đốc quan ông người tốt hào phóng) to look down on: coi thường, khinh rẻ (to feel superior to, to think of someone as less important) e.g: Why does Anna look down on Mario just because his family is so poor? (Tại Anna lại coi thường Mario nhà anh nghèo? ) 11 to pull off: thực hiên thành công việc khó khăn, rẽ qua bên xa lộ (to succeed in doing sth difficult, to exit to the side of a highway) e.g: The group of investors pulled off a big deal by buying half the stock in that company (Nhóm nhà đầu tư thành công việc mua lại nửa cổ phần công ty ) to take turns: luân phiên, thay phiên (to alternate, to change people while doing sth) e.g: During the trip, Danny and I took turn driving so that neither of us would tire out (Trong suốt hành trình, Danny thay phiên lái xe để không bị mệt ) over and over (again) (also: time after time, time and again) : liên tục (repeatedly) e.g: The actress studied her lines in the movie over and over until she knew them well (Nữ diễn viên học học lại mẫu câu phim đến cô ta thuộc lòng chúng ) to make do: xoay sở được, đương đầu (to manage, to cope) e.g: During difficult economic times, many people have to make with less (Trong thời buổi kinh tế khó khắn, nhiều người phải đành đương đầu với thiếu thốn ) to give birth to: sinh nở (to bear a human being or animal) e.g: Jane's mother has just given birth to twin girls (Mẹ Jane vừa sinh bé giá sinh đôi) close call (also: close shave): thoát nguy hiểm gang tấc (a situation involving a narrow escape from danger) e.g: Bob, that car nearly hit us What a close car! (Bob, xe gần tông Thật chết! ) to get on one's nerves (also: to bug): làm bực mình, quấy rầy (to annoy or disturb) e.g: Laura loves to talk to anyone Sometimes her chatter really gets on my nerves (Laura thích nói chuyện với Đôi câu chuyện huyên thuyên cô khiến bực ) to put down: đàn áp, dập tắt, trích không (to suppress, to quell, to criticize unfairly) 12 e.g: The police arrived just in time to put down the disturbance before it got very serious (Cảnh sát đến vừa kịp lúc để dập tắt hỗn loạn trước trở nên thật nghiêm trọng ) to go for: cố gắng, bán với giá (to seek or strive for, to be sold at a certain price) e.g: Peter was going for first place in the swim contest, but he wasn't able to better than third place (Peter cố gắng trong thi bơi làm tốt đứng hạng ) Sunday, 14 June sell / go like hot cakes : bán đắt tôm tươi e.g During the days when the temperature dropped under 10oC, electric heaters sold / went like hot cakes in the Northern cities of Vietnam Suốt ngày nhiệt độ tụt xuống 10oC, lò sưởi điện tử bắt đắt hàng tôm tươi thành phố miền Bắc Việt Nam find fault with : trích, kiếm chuyện, bắt lỗi e.g It is very easy to find fault with the work of others Rất dễ mà trích công việc người khác off and on / on and off : không đặn, e.g We don't go there often - just off and on Tụi không đến đặn, make believe : giả bộ, giả vờ e.g I tried to make believe she was happy, but knew deep down it wasn't true Tôi cố làm cô ta hạnh phúc, tận đáy lòng biết không make good time : di chuyển nhanh, nhanh (trong lữ hành) e.g We made good time and were at the hotel by lunchtime Tụi nhanh nên trước ăn trưa có mặt khách sạn Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space He could always _ something, either in my writing or in my personality We _ on our trip to Florida last month The book has only just been published and copies are already _ in both Britain and America We've been going out together for five years, _ George _ that he was sick so that he would not have to go to school KEY (các bạn tô đen) find fault with made good time made believe selling / going like hot cakes 13 off and on / on and off Monday, 15 June pull someone's leg : trêu chọc e.g He never seems to be serious when talking with me He is always trying to pull my legs Nó chẳng nghiêm túc nói chuyện với tao Nó luôn tìm cách trêu chọc tao hit the roof / ceiling : giận e.g Ranieri returned, saw the mess, and hit the roof Ranieri trở về, thấy đống lộn xộn giận look daggers at someone : giận nhìn e.g Their relationship is not free and easy but at least Red is no longer looking daggers at her Quan hệ họ không thoải mái dễ chịu, tối thiểu Red không hay giận nhìn cổ be out of question : e.g You can't go in that old shirt - it's out of the question Mày cố mặc đầm cũ kỹ vô - Thật all at once : e.g All at once there was a loud banging on the door Thình lình có tiếng dộng lớn vào cửa Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space When I asked him whether he could go with us, he said that it was _ at this time of year _ the sky became dark and it started to rain I haven't won, have I? You're _ He _ the security guard of the supermarket when this man asked him to open his bag The teacher _ when she knew that more than ten students cheated in her test KEY (các bạn tô đen) out of question All at once pulling my legs looked daggers at hit the roof / ceiling Tuesday, 16 June blow one's trumpet : bốc phét, khoác lác e.g Anyone will tell you she's one of the best journalists we've got, although she'd never blow her trumpet Ai nói với anh cổ nhà báo giỏi mà tuyển dụng, cổ chẳng khoác lác (về điều sleep on it : suy nghĩ thêm điều e.g You don't have to give me your decision now Sleep on it, and let me know tomorrow Anh không cần cho biết định anh Hãy suy nghĩ thêm cho biết ngày mai 14 fight tooth and claw / nail : đánh dội, cấu xé e.g We fought tooth and nail to retain our share of the business Chúng cấu xé để giữ cổ phần doanh nghiệp take into account / consideration : xem xét, xét đến e.g In judging her work you should take into account / consideration that she has been quite sick recently Khi phê phán công việc cổ, anh nên xem xét gần cổ bị bệnh play tricks / jokes on : trêu chọc, chọc phá e.g The older boys are always playing tricks / jokes on Carl They hide his hat, steal his books, etc Mấy thằng trai lớn luôn chọc phá Carl Chúng giấu nón, ăn cắp sách nó, v.v Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space The two groups of bullies _ before the police cam last night I really hate my boss because he keeps _ - saying that he is the number-one businessman in the whole country The kids are always _ their teachers Coursework is _ as well as exam results You should _ and give me your answer at the end of this month KEY (các bạn tô đen) fought / had fought tooth and claw / nail blowing his trumpet taken into account / consideration sleep on it playing tricks / jokes on Wednesday, June 17 drop someone a line / note : viết thư cho (thư ngắn) e.g Drop me a line / note when you get there Hãy viết cho vài dòng thư anh đến know someone / something like the back of one's hand : rõ lòng bàn tay, biết tường tận e.g This is where I grew up I know this area like the back of my hand Đây nơi trưởng thành Tôi biết rõ vùng nơi lòng bàn tay down the drain : đổ sông đổ biển (nghĩa bóng) e.g It's just money down the drain Đó tiền đổ sông đổ biển once and for all : lần mà thôi, lần chót mà thôi, dứt khoát e.g I told him once and for all that I wouldn't go there Tao bảo lần chót tao không chịu tới have / get one's own way : làm theo điều muốn (thích) e.g If Helen doesn't have / get her own way, she gets very angry Nếu Helen không làm muốn, trở nên tức tối Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space 15 She always _ in the end We need to settle this _ Remember to remind him to _ me _ when you come to Thailand to visit him I regret buying this second-hand car It was a lot of money _ He has been working at this museum for more than 30 years and _ KEY (các bạn tô đen) has / get her own way once and for all drop / a line (note) down the drain knows it like the back of his hand Thursday, June 18 smell a rat : hoài nghi, linh cảm chuyện không ổn e.g The minute I came in, I smelled a rat Ngay lúc bước vô, linh cảm có chuyện bất ổn the last straw : giọt nước tràn li (nghĩa bóng) e.g When she showed up late a third time, that was the last straw We had to fire her Khi cổ xuất trễ phần ba thời gian, giọt nước tràn li khiến phải đuổi việc cổ get the hand of something : nắm được, sử dụng e.g After three weeks of using this computer I think I've finally got the hang of it Sau tuần lễ sử dụng máy điện toán này, nghĩ cuối nắm cách xài hard of hearing : lãng tai, nặng tai e.g Tom is hard of hearing, but is not totally deaf Tom bị lãng tai, không điếc đặc keep an eye on : coi chừng, ngó chừng e.g Please keep an eye on the baby Làm ơn ngó chừng thằng nhỏ Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space A computer is something very strange to this old woman, but she soon _ it _ my suitcase while I buy my ticket You will have to speak a little louder Mr Evans is _ He said there was nothing that happened, but I began to _ when he kept beating about the bush The fact that the team lost the last match was _ The coach was forced to resign KEY (các bạn tô đen) gets the hang of Keep an eye on hard of hearing 16 smell a rat the last straw Friday, June 19 have a bee in one's bonnet (about something) : đặt nặng chuyện gì, chấp chuyện e.g She has a bee in her bonnet about going to America Cổ đặt nặng chuyện Mĩ a splitting headache : nhức đầu búa bổ e.g Today, I woke up with a splitting headache Hôm thức dậy mà đầu nhức búa bổ pay through the nose (for something) : trả giá cao, trả giá mắc để mua e.g If you want a decent wine in a restaurant, you have to pay through the nose for it Nếu ông muốn uống rượu hảo hạng nhà hàng, ông phải trả giá cao ghê để mua on second thoughts : suy nghĩ kĩ e.g On second thoughts, it was a dumb movie Suy nghĩ kĩ, phim ngớ ngẩn in vain : vô ích, uổng công e.g Government agents tried in vain to kidnap him Đặc vụ chánh phủ cố bắt cóc hắn, song bất thành Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space I drank too much beer at the party last night and now I have _ _, I've decided it would be better o travel by sea My brother has just bought a flat in Hochiminh City but he said that he had to _ for it All the doctor's efforts were _ and the man soon died My mother never buys red meat when she goes to market because she always _ about it doing harm to our health KEY (các bạn tô đen) a splitting headache bonnet On second thoughts pay through the nose in vain Saturday, June 20 chip in : góp tiền e.g If everyone chips in, we'll be able to buy her a really nice present Nếu người góp tiền mua tặng cổ quà đẹp off one's head : điên, loạn trí e.g The old man's been off his head for at least a year Ông lão bị loạn trí năm death warmed up : chết rồi, ma chết trôi e.g Poor Carol said you look like death warmed up Carol tội nghiệp nói anh trông chết 17 has a bee in her get cold feet : hết can đảm, chùn bước, sờn lòng e.g I'm worried she may be getting cold feet about our trip to Patagonia Tao e cổ chùn bước trước chuyến tới xứ Patagonia tụi run an errand / errands : làm việc vặt (việc việc kia) e.g I've got to run an errand I'll be back in a minute Tao cần làm số việc vặt Tao quay lại vòng phút Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space At first, I was eager to go abroad to find a job but later I _ You look like _ What time did you go home from the party last night? When we need him to _, he is never here On Tet occassion this year, we had a meeting and decided to _ to hold a party and invited all the teachers who had taught us at high school That young man must be _ when driving his car so fast KEY (các bạn tô đen) got cold feet death warmed up run an errand chip in Sunday, June 21 jumpt the traffic lights : vượt đèn đỏ e.g They ignore people who jump the traffic lights Họ phớt lờ người vượt đèn đỏ fly off the handle : dễ giận, dễ phát cáu e.g No one will fly off the handles for no reason Không dễ giận mà lí off the peg : may sẵn e.g If I buy trousers off the peg, they're always too short Mỗi lần mua quần may sẵn chúng luôn ngắn the apple of one's eye : đồ quý đó, người quý báu e.g Her grandson is the apple of her eye Cháu trai bả cục cưng bả by the skin of one's teeth : sát sao, e.g We managed to win the game by the skin of our teeth Tụi tao xoay sở thắng chơi sát Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space You should never touch her laptop It is always _ her _ 18 off his head He was in a hurry and decided to _ As a result, he was fined 120,000 VND by the police I overslept this morning and caught the last bus to school _ my _ Buying clothes _ is normally cheeper than having the tailor make them I can't stand his behavior It is very easy for him to _ KEY (các bạn tô đen) the apple of / eye jump the traffic lights the handles by the skin of / teeth off the peg fly off Monday, June 22 beat about the bush : nói loanh hoanh, nói vòng vo tam quốc e.g Don't beat about the bush! Thôi trò nói vòng vo tam quốc đi! bucket down : mưa xối xả, mưa trút nước e.g It's been bucketing down all day Trời mưa xối xả nguyên ngầy close shaves : lần thoát hiểm đường tơ kẽ tóc e.g Phew, that was a close shave Phùuuu, thiệt lần thoát hiểm đường tơ kẽ tóc drop a brick : nói lỡ lời e.g The boss came in and dropped a brick Ông chủ vô nói lỡ lời get butterflies in one's stomach : cảm thấy bồn chồn e.g Tom told us how his son gets butterflies in his stomach before he plays soccer Tom kể tụi bồn chồn trước chơi đá banh Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space I found out that I had just _ when saying that I met her boyfriend at the restaurant because he had told her that he went to an important meeting at the company Don't waste my time Please stop _ and tell me what you want We had no sooner set off for a picnic than it started to _ Every student _ his _ before an important examination When he was young, he was an excellent spy He sometimes tells me about his _ before he retired and moved to this city 19 KEY (các bạn tô đen) dropped a brick beating about the bush shaves bucket down gets butterflies in / stomach close Tuesday, June 23 off the record : không thức, không công bố e.g What the President said is not to be printed It's off the record Những điều ông Tổng thống nói không in thành văn Nó không chánh thức one's cup of tea : thứ mà ta ưa thích e.g Jazz really isn't my cup of tea Nhạc Jazz thứ thích cut it fine : đến sát e.g Only allowing half an hour to get from the station to the airport is cutting it fine, isn't it? Chỉ có nửa tiếng để từ trạm xe tới phi trường sít quá, phải không? golden handshake : tiền hậu hĩnh dành rặng cho người nghỉ việc e.g He has just been given a golden handshake Hắn vừa thưởng tiền hưu hậu hĩnh go to one's head : làm cho trở nên kiêu căng, tự phụ e.g All this money is going to his head Tất tiền nầy làm tự phụ Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space All the staff agree to give the president of the company of one hundred thousand dollars when he retires The information you've got is _ so be careful if you intend to use it for publication Luckily I _ this morning They were about to leave without me when I came Listening to a piece of classical music is the first thing I everyday Classical music is really _ He used to be very modest but the recent success in business has _ KEY (các bạn tô đen) a golden handshake off the record cut it fine my cup of tea gone to his head Wednesday, June 24 take things to pieces : tháo tung thành mảnh e.g Men like to take things to pieces and put them together again Đàn ông khoái tháo tung đồ vật thành mảnh lắp chúng lại với put on an act : giả vờ, làm e.g We know you're a good swimmer-stop putting on an act Tụi tao biết bơi cừ-đừng có mà làm 20 keep something quiet : giữ kín chuyện e.g She kept quiet about her plans to change jobs Cổ giữ kín dự định đổi việc cổ come to light : trước ánh sáng công luận e.g Other details have come to light because of this investigation Những chi tiết khác mang trước ánh sáng công luận nhờ vào điều tra nầy put one's foot in it : gây nhầm lẫn, bối rối, phạm sai lầm gây bối rối e.g I really put my foot in it when I asked her about her job I didn't know she'd just been fired Tôi thực phạm sai lầm gây bối rối hỏi việc làm cổ Tôi cổ vừa bị đuổi việc Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space I don't know for what reason he _ his recent promotion _ I _ when I told Tuan that Mai was beautiful and that I really liked her I didn't know that he was her boyfriend I liked such as watches or radios _ to see what there were inside but rarely could I reasseble them I don't think she was so disappointed She just _ The embezzlement in this company has _ when suddenly the accountant defected KEY (các bạn tô đen) kept / quiet put my foot in it taking things / to piecies put on an act come to light Wednesday, June 24 take something for granted : coi hiển nhiên, không coi trọng, không đánh giá cao e.g Children take it for granted that their parents will feed them Em nhỏ coi việc ba mẹ chúng nuôi chúng điều hiển nhiên take eyes off someone : không ngắm nghía, không nhìn nữa, rời mắt khỏi e.g Ken couldn't take his eyes off Judy Thằng Ken không tài rời mắt khỏi Judy pull one's weight : nỗ lực, lo tròn trách nhiệm e.g The rest of the team complained that Sarah wasn't pulling her weight Đám lại đội phàn nàn Sarah không nỗ lực make (both) ends meet : sống đủ e.g I have to work at two jobs to make both ends meet Tao phải làm hai việc để sống đủ get hold of the wrong end of the stick : hiểu lầm e.g I think I must explain to her that she got hold of the wrong end of the stick again Tôi nghĩ cần phải giải thích với cổ cổ hiểu lầm lần Practice: Use one of the five expressions above to fill in each space 21 She is such an attractive woman that no one can _ her when seeing her I used to _ the colleagues at my office _ but now I know that it was my biggest mistake Her friend saw us arrive at the party together and _ We will not finish the construction of this bridge on time if each of us not _ I can't _ with my salary so I have to extra work KEY (các bạn tô đen) take eyes off take / for granted both ends meet got hold of the wrong end of the stick 22 pull our weight make ... original thirteen colonies of the 1800s (Trên cờ Mỹ, tượng trưng cho 50 tiểu bang sọc biểu cho 13 thuộc địa ban đầu năm 1800 Mỹ ) to stand a chance: có khả hoàn thành (thành ngữ thường với good hay. .. dòng thư anh đến know someone / something like the back of one's hand : rõ lòng bàn tay, biết tường tận e.g This is where I grew up I know this area like the back of my hand Đây nơi trưởng thành. .. tận đáy lòng biết không make good time : di chuyển nhanh, nhanh (trong lữ hành) e.g We made good time and were at the hotel by lunchtime Tụi nhanh nên trước ăn trưa có mặt khách sạn Practice: Use

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