các mô hình ứng dụng thành công thương mại điện tử

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các mô hình ứng dụng thành công thương mại điện tử

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Phu luc 1: Cfic mO hinh thtro'ng mai diet' tir ding teen the gied DELL - eng dung thwang mai din tir ding B2B va B2C Cau hoi: Bai hoc kinh nghiem? Yeu t6 dam bao ding? So sanh vai website ding nganh tai Viet Nam? I Ca hOi va hiem h9a Dell Computer Corp &roc Michael Dell lap nam 1985 la cong ty dAu tien cung cAp may tinh ca nhan qua thu Dell to thi'et ke cac may tinh ca than va cho phdp khach hang to cAu hinh va lira ch9n he thong tiry y th6ng qua mo hinh Build-to-Order Mo hinh a va dang tao nen cong m6t nam nha san dm Dell Computer Den nam 1993, Dell tr& xudt may tinh hang au tren the giai, de d9a truc tiep den cac nha san xuAt may tinh ca than khac nhu Compaq, bang mot cuOc chien tranh gia ca Vao thai diem nay, chin tranh gia ca dAy Dell tir thua 18 den thua 18 khac Nam 1994, Dell chiu khoan 18 khoang 100 trieu d6 la M C6ng ty thuc su gap phai kh6 khan vao thai diem II Giai 014 Internet &roc thucmg mai hoa vao nam 1990 va web tra nen ph6 bien tir nam 1993 dem lai cho Dell co hOi ma rOng hoat d6ng kith doanh cfra minh Dell trien khai he thong dat hang truc tuyen (Online-order-taking) va ma cac chi nhanh tai Chau Au va Chau A Dell bat au chao ban cac san phAm dm minh qua website Dell.com Chinh hoat &Ong tao the manh cho Dell et* canh tranh vai Compaq, an nam 2000 Dell tr.& cong ty cung cAp PC hang au the giai Vao thai diem doanh thu dm Dell qua mang dat 50 trieu USD Mgay (khoang 18 ty USD/nam) Hien nay, doanh se kinh doanh qua mang dm Dell.com vao khoang 50 tS, USD/nam d6i veri cac san phArn lien quan den may tinh tir b0 chuyen d6i den may in a 415 Marketing tivc tiep la hoat dOng thucmg mai dien tir chinh cila Dell, cac nhom khach hang chinh dm Dell g6m có: - Ca nhan sir dung cho gia dinh va van phong - Cac doanh nghiep nho, duoi 200 nhan vien - Cac doanh nghiep vira va lom, tren 200 nhan vien - Cac t6 chirc chinh phu, gido due, y t6 Ca hai nhom khach hang B2B va B2C deu thvc hien cac giao dich qua mang tai dell.com th8ng qua N th6ng catalogue dien tir va xir 1Sr don hang to dOng Dell ding trien khai he th6ng dau gia dien tir tai dellauction.com de thu but them khach hang va cling c6 thucmg hieu Mo hinh tInrcrng mai din tv B2B ciia Dell Phan lan doanh thu dm Dell tir B2B, B2C dugc thvc hien qua quy trinh tucmg d6i chuAn boa (Catalogue, giO mua hang, town bang the tin dung ) cac giao dich B2B dugc ho trg nhieu dich vu Dell cung cap cho hon 100.000 khach hang doanh nghiep dich vu ho trg khach hang dac biet (Premier Dell service) British Airways (BA) sir dung Dell nhu d6i tac chitin lugc Dell cung cap khoang 25.000 may tinh xach tay va d6 ban cho nhan vien dm BA Dell cung cap hai he thong mua sam trvc tuyen cho BA, qua docho phep BA theo doi, mua va kiem tra cac don hang qua website Tai website, BA có the lva chon va cAu hinh may tinh khac cho phu hop voi timg b0 phan kinh doanh ciia minh Nhan vien dm BA thong qua N th6ng mang nOi b0 Intranet dugc ket not voi he th6ng dm Dell ding (lucre phdp Iva chon va dat mua may tinh phu hop voi nhu cAu sir dung cua minh Dell ding sir dung m8 hinh mua thiet bi, linh kien tir cac nha cung cap cua minh, day la m8 hinh thuong mai dien tir cong tac ThinIng mai dign tir cong tic Dell sir dung he th6ng rat nhieu nha cung cap do nhu cAu lien lac va ph6i hop glib cac d6i tac rat lOn Vi du de phan ph6i san pham, Dell sir 416 dung dich vu oh FedEx va UPS; Dell ding sir dung dm cac cong ty Logistics nh4n, luu kho va van chuyen linh kien, thiet bi tir cac nha cung chia cap khac Dell sir dung lgi the dm cong nghe th8ng tin va web se thong tin gifra cac d6i tac nham giam thieu hang hoa luu kho a a Cac no luc tich hgp (B2Bi) dm Dell bat dAu tir nam 2000, Dell sir dung PowerEdge servers dua teen ki'en trim dm Intel va he th6ng giai phap phAn mem webMethods B2B tich hgp de ket n6i cac he th6ng quan tri ngu6n luc doanh nghiep cua khach hang va he th6ng mua hang true tuyen dm Dell vai cac d6i tac san xuat va thucmg mai Dell da xay dung dugc he th6ng th6ng tin vai 15.000 nha cung cap dich vu tren khap the giai Dich vu khfich hang MO tir (e Customer Service) - Dell sir dung rat nhieu cong cu va phucmg tien dien tir nham cung cap dich vu khach hang tot nhat De trien khai tot nhat hoat dOng quan tri quan he khach hang (CRM-Customer Relationship Management), Dell cung cap dich vu hO trg truc tuyen qua mang 24h/7 ding nhu dich vu quay s6 trkrc tiep cho cac chuyen gia hO trg ky thu4t Cac dich vu hO trg da dang tir xir ly su co, huang can sir dung, nang cap, downloads, tin tire, cong nghe moi FAQs, thong tin tinh thuc hien don hang, "My Account", dien dan de trao d6i thOng tin, cong nghe va kinh nghiem, ban tin va cac hoat &Ong tucmg tac gift khach hang va khach hang khac Sir dung cac phArt mem xirlS, du lieu, Dell có the phan tich va tim hieu dirge nhieu van de lien quan den nhu cAu va hanh vi cua khach hang tir co ke hoach va giai phap phuc vu tot hon Thiromg mai MO tir nOi bq doanh nghib (Intrabusiness EC) nang cao kha nang san xuat theo don hang (build-to-order), nang cao dO chinh xac dm du doan nhu cAu va hieu qua du frit de san xuat, giam thoi gian tir dat hang den giao hang (order-to-delivery), nang cao dich vu khach hang Dell hgp tac vai Accenture de xay dung he th6ng quan tri chuOi cung cap Hien he th6ng dugc sir dung tai tat ca cac nha may dm Dell tren khap the gi6i cho pile') Dell cc') the thich nghi vai moi truong kinh doanh va cong nghe bin d6i nhanh d6ng then tri dugc hieu qua hoat dOng cao nhat 417 Dell cling da to dOng hoa viec lap ke hoach san xud't, du down nhu cdu, quan tri kho qua sir dung cong nghe thong tin va mo hinh chuOi cung umg dien tir Ket qua Dell da trot mgt cong ty &roc danh gia cao nhAt ciia tap chi Fortune tir nam 1999 Dell da xay dung han 100 website cho timg thi truamg qu6c gia khac va tri lqi nhudn a mirc khoang tS , la My/nam 10 nghin la my dau to vao c6 phieu dm Dell nam 1987 den deu da có gia hang trieu USD Dell ding la nha tai trq chinh cho hoat dOng nghien eau ve thuang mai dien tir tai Dai h9c Texas nam tai Austin nai Dell dat till so chinh Dell ding tich cuc tham gia hang boat cac chuang trinh tir thien va cac chuang trinh ho tra dao tao tin h9c, giam khoang cach s6 cho cac yang ding thon Wit so bai h9c Dell da xay dung mot ma hinh thircmg mai dien tir dien hinh Bat dAu bang mo hinh marketing true tiep d6i vbi may tinh ca nhan, sau bat dAu kinh doanh qua mang Tier) den Dell ap dung mo hinh build-to-order (BTO) yeti quy ma lon, cho phdp khach hang lira ch9n san phAm theo nhu eau Dell thu dirge 19i nhuan nha giam trung gian va giam lugng hang ltru kho De dap img nhu cdu l&n, Dell ap dung mo hinh thin la mua sam trirc tuyen nham nang cao hieu qua mua nguyen lieu, thiet bi ddu vao (SCM), ph6i hop vai cac d6i tac va nang cao hieu qua hoat dOng ben doanh nghiep (B2Bi) Tiep den Dell ap dung mo hinh e-CRM de tri quan he tot khach hang M6 hinh kinh doanh cila Dell da troy dien hinh va ducc nhieu nha san xudt khac ap dung, dac biet la cac nha san xudt to 418 AMAZON.COM : Vua ban le tren mgng Cau Bai hoc kinh nghitm? Ytu t6 dam bao ding? So sanh vai website ding nganh tai Vitt Nam? I Co' hOi Jeff Bazos, ngtroi nhin thay co hOi ban hang qua Internet va da lua chgn &roc san pham phit hgp that dt ban qua mang Qua cac nam, san pham dugc lien tic mop rOng tir sach dtn cac san pham khac, nang cao dich vi khach hang, b6 sung cac dich va cac doi tac chitin lugc Amazon.com phat then tu cua hang sach lcm nhat the Dot cua hang ion nhat the giai Amazon.com da nhan thay tam quan cua vitc t6 chirc thut hitn dcm hang va kho van Dau tu hang tritu USD vao xay dung he thtng kho hang dugc thitt kt phu hgp vai vitc giao hang btru kin nho dtn hang tram nghin khach hang Thir thach Lan nhat cua amazon.com van la lam tht nao de tip tic cong hang loat cong ty khac da that bai, lam thu dugc va tri lgi nhuan sau da dau tu mot khoan von rat Lan vao mo hinh kinh doanh II Ging ngh0 cua Amazon.com Ben canh cua hang truc tuytn, amazon.com da mop rOng hoat dOng rat nhitu huong khac nhu: cua hang chuyen dung nhu cua hang ky thuat, cit) chm Amazon.com ding ma rOng dich vu bien tap nhitu linh vx.rc khac th6ng qua mang hied cac chuyen gia nhitu linh vuc Amazon.com ma rOng danh muc san pham them hang tritu dau sach da qua sir dung va kh6ng xuat ban nira Ngoai Amazon.com ma rOng sang cac san pham ngoai sach ban, nhu lien lc& voi Sony Corp Nam 2002 d ban cac san pham dm Sony online Dac ditm not bat cua cua hang true tuytn Amazon.com la a tim ki6m, de xem va at hang; nhitu thong tin ye san pham, nhitu bai Binh luan, danh gia, nhitu gioi thitu, ggi y hop 15, va 419 chuyen nghiep; danh mug san phAm rOng, phong phu, gia thap horn cac cua hang truyen thing; he thing toan an toan va thug hien dan hang chuyen nghiep Amazon.com lien tug b6 sung cac tinh nang khien qua trinh mua sam teen mang hap dan han dii yeti khach hang Mug "Gift Ideas" dua cac tuerng v'e qua tang mai me, hap clan theo tong thai diem nam Mug "Community" cung cap th8ng tin ye san pham va nhang y kien chia se dm khach hang vori Mug "E-card" cho phep khach hang chgn lua va giri nhimg buu thiep dien tir mien phi cho doanh nghiep be, ngueli than dm minh Amazon.com da va dang lien tic b6 sung them nhimg dich vu hap clan nhu tren cho khach hang cua minh Amazon.com ding da ma rOng sang dich vu ho trg doanh nghiep nhu san giao dich va dau gia dien dr Amazon Auctions cho phep cac ca nhan va doanh nghiep nho tham gia dau gia trIrc tuyen tren khap the giai Dich vu zShops cho cac doanh nghiep thue gian hang tren Amazon.com vai mirc phi hqp 1St hang thang, cho phdp cac doanh nghiep nhe hien dien teen mpg va c6 the sir dung N thing thug hien dan hang hang dau cua Amazon.com Khach hang co the mua sam teen Amazon.com tir PCs, cell phones, PDAs, Pocket PCs va dich vu dien thoai 121 dm AT&T He thing CRM cita Amazon.com hoat dOng hieu qua thong qua cac hoat dOng marketing ca biet tai timg khach hang Tir nam 2002, khach hang vao trang web ciia Amazon tir Lan thin tra di, mot file cookie dugc sir dung de xac dinh khach hang va hien till dong chao hoi "Welcome back, Tommy", va dua nhang ggi y mua sam dua ten cac hoat &Ong mua sam tnrac dm khach hang Amazon gang phan tich qua trinh mua sam cua cac khach hang thuemg xuyen va giri nhimg email ggi y ve cac san pham mgi cho khach hang Amazon.com da tien hanh thing key kien, danh gia cua khach hang d6i vai san pham va cho phep khach hang dua cac ltra chgn chinh xac va nang cao long tin dm khach hang qua trinh mua sam tai Amazon.con han han so yeti mua sam truyen thing Tat ca nhirng no km dm Amazon.com nham tao cho khach hang sv thoai mai va yen tam han mua hang ding tiled khuyen khich khach hang quay lai mua sam 420 tiEp BEn canh cOng cu tim kiEm dugc xay dung tinh to va hieu qua, amazon.com co he thong kho hang khang la gifip dem lai nang luc canh tranh han han so vai cac d6i thu canh tranh Tu nam 1997, Amazon.com triEn khai hoat dOng lien k'Et vai cac ding ty khac DEn nam 2002 Amazon.com da co han 500.000 dai tac hop tac gi6i thieu khach hang cho Amazon.com vai muc hoa hang 3-5% ten cac giao dich dugc thisc hien Tir nam 2000, Amazon.com ding triEn khai hoat d'Ong hgp tac vai nhiEu clai tac khac nhu Carsdirect.com , Health and Beauty; Drugstore.com va Toys"R"Us Amazon.com cling 14 hop clang vai tap doan Borders Group Inc., cho phep khach hang mua hang teen amazon.com dEn lay hang tai cac cfra hang dm Borders Ngugc lai, Amazon.com ding tra dra hang tren web ciia cac tap doan ban le toan cau nhu Target va Circuit City Amazon cling c6 trang ding cu tim kiern cua rieng minh tai dia chi a9.com Theo nghien cfru dia Retail Forward, Amazon.com dugc xEp hang so vt ban le teen mang Doanh thu nam 2003 dat 5.3 ty USD, nam 2005 dat gan tS, USD, chitin lchoang 25 doanh so ban le qua mang Theo danh gia tinh hinh hoat Ong dia Amazon.com hien dang co xu htrorng tot vai chi phi dang giam dan va lgi nhuan dang tang dan Hien nay, Amazon.com dang co danh muc san pharn vai 17 trieu dAu sach, nhac va DVD/video va khoang 20 trieu khach hang, Amazon.com ding c6 danh !nue trieu sach tiEng Nhat Q1.4 nam 2001, Amazon tuyen 1)6 Ian dau tien co lai Nam 2003, tang lai thuan dat 35 trieu la my Day c6 1e la ding ban dAti va ding la thir thach lam nil& hien dia Amazon.com ding nhtr cac ding ty ban le qua mpg khac 421 P& G: Quang cao tryr tuyin Cau holt: Bai hoc kinh nghiem? So sanh veri website ding nganh tai Viet Nam? Tai quang cao tnrc tuyen cang hieu qua horn cac hinh thirc quang cao truyen thong? P&G da sir dung cac hinh thirc nghien ciru thi truong nhu the nao? I Vain de Thi tru6ng hang tieu dang yen c6 tinh town cau va canh tranh khec kiet Cac cong ty kheng 16 nhu: Procter & Gamble, Colgate Pamolive, Unilever, Nettle, va Coca Cola deu dang c6 gang canh tranh voi hang tram san pham to kern danh rang, to giay den c/6 ueng De ton tai nhimg cong ty phai lien tic nghien ciru thi tut/11g, phat trien cac san pham mei va quang cao lien Arc Nghien ciru thi tnr6ng va quang cao moi tnamg canh tranh cang khec tiet c6 the chiem ten 20% doanh se, tir lam giam lqi nhuan horn nun nhUng that bai quang cao lam giam doanh thu va danh mat thi phan tham chi pha san Dieu cho thay chitin luqc quang cao hieu qua bao gem ca quang cao tnrc tuyen (web Ads) la het sirc can thiet Doi voi cac cong ty nganh cong nghe tieu dung P&G la cong ty san xuat hang dOng g6i lan nhat a my, voi horn 300 nhan hieu va doanh se ban hang nam han 55 tS, USD P&G dau to va quang cao nhieu han bat k5/ cong ty nao khac, khoang tS, $ mOt nam V'a'n de P&G la lam the nao sir ding tot nhat ngfin sach quang cao de dat ducfc cac mic tieu de II Giai phip: P&G bat du sir ding quang cao trkrc tuyen tren Internet cu6i 'thong nam 1990 Teen cac cong thong tin 16n (sir ding Popup cho cac nhan hieu nhu Scope & Tide) va tren website cua rieng minh Vao nam 2000 cong ty co 72 website dang hoat dOng Thong thuong mOi site cho mOt san pham chinh (pampers.com, tide.com va crest.com) MOt se website cho cac thi tnrtmg not chung nhu beinggirl.com , cho phdp cac khach hang thieu nien co the tim cau tra 16i cho nhang ban khan 422 cua minh; pantene.com cho cac khach hang tao cac mau toe rieng va duqc tu van ve tOc; reflect.com cho cac khach hang hm chQn d6 my pham Den nay, P&G la ding ty ban le di dau then khai cac du an tren web chir yeu tap trung vao nghiem ciru thi tnremg va quang cao tivc tuyen Myc tieu chinh dm P&G la xfiy dung xung quanh moi san pham chinh mot cong dong ngued sir dung tren web Thong qua vie'c xay dr,mg va tri website cong ty huang tai cac mix dich sau: - Phat tritn su nhfin biet ved cac nhfin hieu va xfiy dung uy tin cho nhimg nhfin hieu chinh; thu thip thong tin \ft khach hang; giam chi phi quang cao; tien hanh quang cao den tong khach hang Ban hang trirc tuyen va ca biet h6a san pham theo tong yeu eau cua khach hang nhu reflect.com - Cac dac ditm khac cua chi& lucyc quang cao tivc tuyen bao Xfiy dung dOi tac Marketing chien ltrac nhu eVillage.com , dau tu vao cac cong ty med co titm nfing nhu Plumtree Software va tham gia vao cac san giao dich dien tir B2B cong vol cac ding ty khac nhu Unilever, Coca Cola, Hershey Foot, cong ty tin tuang rang cac chi& luqc thuang mai dien tir se dem lai vi tri dan dau ve thucmg mai dien tir tren thi truong Tuy nhien, P&G ding nhfin thay kha nfing chi cong viec quang ba cac nhfin hieu 147 chinh khien P&G tung cac website nhu tide.com, beingme.com la de thu thip gill lieu khach hang Nhimg th8ng tin giup cong ty ditu chinh chien lucyc marketing va quang cao hieu qua va chinh xac hon Cu tht nhu: - Beingme.com cho phdp khach hang tra led cac cfiu hoi ditu tra tir d6 giai thieu san pham phir hop nhat vol nhu cau cim ho - Reflect.com chao ban nhong san pham dua tren cac se, thich cua khach hang - Physique.com cung cap cac kitu toe cho ham 600 nghin khach hang III Ket qui: P&G dang tr6 cong ty hang Mu vt hang tieu dimg tren mang vi ho san sang thu tat ca cac chi& luqc thuong mai dien tir Thanh cong cira P&G (mg dung throng mai dien tir giup cling ty hoat &Ong tot th6i ky kinh to suy thoai 2000-2003 Bang chirng la co phieu tang 50% gia c6 phieu binh tai san giao dich chimg Ichoan New York giam 30% 423 COVISINT: San Giao dich din ht nganh o to Cau hoi BAi hoc kinh nghiem tir viec dau gia cac thiet bi san xuat to? M8 to quy trinh mua sAm qua dAu thAu truc tuyen? Mo to quy trinh hoat dOng cua Covisint hien nay? COVISINT Tren the giai hien c6 khong nhieu cac nhA san xuat o to khac nhau, nhien ho mua linh kien, nguyen lieu va cac b0 phan tir hang nghin cac nhA cung cap, nhang nha cung cap tiep tuc mua linh kien tir hang nghin cac nhA cung cap khac Truac day qua trinh mua sam thueyng cham, ton kern va khong hieu quA Vao 25/2/2000, General Motor, Ford Motor va DaimlerClysler khai trucmg san mua sam dien tir B2B voi ten g9i Covisint Muc tieu cua san giao dich nham giam cac khau khong can thiet qua trinh mua sam thong qua tich hqp va ph6i hqp gala cac nha cung cap nham giam chi phi tang mirc dO thuan tien va nang cao hieu quA town b0 ngAnh o to Ten gqi Covisint la su ket hqp nhiing nguyen tic dugc sir dung lap san giao dich nay: CO c6 nghia lien ket, phi hqp, giao tiep; VIS c6 nghia tnrc quan va cling c6 nghia IA tam nhin va tuang lai cua quan 15, he thong cung cap; INT co nghia lA giai phap tich hop, cling c6 nghia la pham vi giao dich tren khap qu6c te Muc dich cita san giao dich nham ket n6i nguii mua va nguai ban nganh o to mot mang luai nhat Su minh bach ve thong tin lam tang tOc dO quyet dinh va cho phep khA nang giao dich duqc thuc hien m9i not m9i bk ThOng qua web he th6ng cho phep nguai san xuat lAp ke hoach va cap nhat lien tpc va thong bao nhimg thay d6i cho toin b0 vien cua chuOi cung img, ket quA lA can it hang luu kho hom, tang kha nang dap irng nhu cau tnrac nhang thay gi tren thi tnr6ng nhanh hon Teen thuc to cac nhA san xuat o to sir dkuig mang luoi hang tram chuOi cung (mg khac Do dO, he th6ng thong tin h.& nen vo ding phirc tap vi 424 communication at another electronic address of the addressee is the time when it becomes capable of being retrieved by the addressee at that address and the addressee becomes aware that the electronic communication has been sent to that address An electronic communication is presumed to be capable of being retrieved by the addressee when it reaches the addressee's electronic address An electronic communication is deemed to be dispatched at the place where the originator has its place of business and is deemed to be received at the place where the addressee has its place of business, as deter- mined in accordance with article Paragraph of this article applies notwithstanding that the place where the information system supporting an electronic address is located may be different from the place where the electronic communication is deemed to be received under paragraph of this article Article 11 Invitations to make offers A proposal to conclude a contract made through one or more electronic communications which is not addressed to one or more specific parties, but is generally accessible to parties making use of information systems, including proposals that make use of interactive applications for the placement of orders through such information systems, is to be considered as an invitation to make offers, unless it clearly indicates the intention of the party making the proposal to be bound in case of acceptance Article 12 Use of automated message systems for contract formation A contract formed by the interaction of an automated message system and a natural person, or by the interaction of automated message systems, shall not be denied validity or enforceability on the sole ground that no natural person reviewed or intervened in each of the individual actions carried out by the automated message systems or the resulting contract Article 13 Availability of contract terms Nothing in this Convention affects the application of any rule of law that may require a party that negotiates some or all of the terms of a con498 tract through the exchange of electronic communications to make available to the other party those electronic communications which contain the contractual terms in a particular manner, or relieves a party from the legal consequences of its failure to so Article 14 Error in electronic communications Where a natural person makes an input error in an electronic communication exchanged with the automated message system of another party and the automated message system does not provide the person with an opportunity to correct the error, that person, or the party on whose behalf that person was acting, has the right to withdraw the portion of the electronic communication in which the input error was made if: (a) The person, or the party on whose behalf that person was acting, notifies the other party of the error as soon as possible after having learned of the error and indicates that he or she made an error in the electronic communication; and (b) The person, or the party on whose behalf that person was acting, has not used or received any material benefit or value from the goods or services, if any, received from the other party Nothing in this article affects the application of any rule of law that may govern the consequences of any error other than as provided for in paragraph CHAPTER IV FINAL PROVISIONS Article 15 Depositary The Secretary-General of the United Nations is hereby designated as the depositary for this Convention Article 16 Signature, ratification, acceptance or approval This Convention is open for signature by all States at United Nations Headquarters in NewYork from 16 January 2006 to 16 January 2008 This Convention is subject to ratification, acQeptance or approval by the signatory States 499 This Convention is open for accession by all States that are not signatory States as from the date it is open for signature Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval and accession are to be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations Article 17 Participation by regional economic integration organizations A regional economic integration organization that is constituted by sovereign States and has competence over certain matters governed by this Convention may similarly sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention The regional economic integration organization shall in that case have the rights and obligations of a Contracting State, to the extent that that organization has competence over matters governed by this Convention Where the number of Contracting States is relevant in this Convention, the regional economic integration organization shall not count as a Contracting State in addition to its member States that are Contracting States The regional economic integration organization shall, at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, make a declaration to the depositary specifying the matters governed by this Convention in respect of which competence has been transferred to that organization by its member States The regional economic integration organization shall promptly notify the depositary of any changes to the distribution of competence, including new transfers of competence, specified in the declaration under this paragraph Any reference to a "Contracting State" or "Contracting States" in this Convention applies equally to a regional economic integration organization where the context so requires This Convention shall not prevail over any conflicting rules of any regional economic integration organization as applicable to parties whose respective places of business are located in States members of any such organization, as set out by declaration made in accordance with article 21 500 Article 18 Effect in domestic territorial units If a Contracting State has two or more territorial units in which different systems of law are applicable in relation to the matters dealt with in this Convention, it may, at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that this Convention is to extend to all its territorial units or only to one or more of them, and may amend its declaration by submitting another declaration at any time These declarations are to be notified to the depositary and are to state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention extends If, by virtue of a declaration under this article, this Convention extends to one or more but not all of the territorial units of a Contracting State, and if the place of business of a party is located in that State, this place of business, for the purposes of this Convention, is considered not to be in a Contracting State, unless it is in a territorial unit to which the Convention extends If a Contracting State makes no declaration under paragraph of this article, the Convention is to extend to all territorial units of that State Article 19 Declarations on the scope of application Any Contracting State may declare, in accordance with article 21, that it will apply this Convention only: (a) When the States referred to in article 1, paragraph 1, are Contracting States to this Convention; or (b) When the parties have agreed that it applies Any Contracting State may exclude from the scope of application of this Convention the matters it specifies in a declaration made in accordance with article 21 Article 20 Communications exchanged under other international conventions The provisions of this Convention apply to the use of electronic communications in connection with the formation or performance of a contract to which any of the following international conventions, to which a 501 Contracting State to this Convention is or may become a Contracting State, apply: Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 10 June 1958); Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods (New York, 14 June 1974) and Protocol thereto (Vienna, 11 April 1980); United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna, 11 April 1980); United Nations Convention on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals in International Trade (Vienna, 19 April 1991); United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit (New York, 11 December 1995); United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade (New York, 12 December 2001) The provisions of this Convention apply further to electronic communications in connection with the formation or performance of a contract to which another international convention, treaty or agreement not specifically referred to in paragraph of this article, and to which a Contracting State to this Convention is or may become a Contracting State, applies, unless the State has declared, in accordance with article 21, that it will not be bound by this paragraph A State that makes a declaration pursuant to paragraph of this article may also declare that it will nevertheless apply the provisions of this Convention to the use of electronic communications in connection with the formation or performance of any contract to which a specified international convention, treaty or agreement applies to which the State is or may become a Contracting State Any State may declare that it will not apply the provisions of this Convention to the use of electronic communications in connection with the formation or performance of a contract to which any international convention, treaty or agreement specified in that State's declaration, to which the State is or may become a Contracting State, applies, including any of the conventions referred to in paragraph of this article, even if such State has not excluded the application of paragraph of this article by a declaration made in accordance with article 502 Article 21 Procedure and effects of declarations Declarations under article 17, paragraph 4, article 19, paragraphs and 2, and article 20, paragraphs 2, and 4, may be made at any time Declarations made at the time of signature are subject to confirmation upon ratification, acceptance or approval Declarations and their confirmations are to be in writing and to be formally notified to the depositary A declaration takes effect simultaneously with the entry into force of this Convention in respect of the State concerned However, a declara- tion of which the depositary receives formal notification after such entry into force takes effect on the first day of the month following the expira- tion of six months after the date of its receipt by the depositary Any State that makes a declaration under this Convention may modify or withdraw it at any time by a formal notification in writing addressed to the depositary The modification or withdrawal is to take effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the date of the receipt of the notification by the depositary Article 22 Reservations No reservations may be made under this Convention Article 23 Entry into force This Convention enters into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the date of deposit of the third instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession When a State ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Convention after the deposit of the third instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, this Convention enters into force in respect of that State on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession Article 24 Time of application This Convention and any declaration apply only to electronic commu503 nications that are made after the date when the Convention or the declaration enters into force or takes effect in respect of each Contracting State Article 25 Denunciations A Contracting State may denounce this Convention by a formal notification in writing addressed to the depositary The denunciation takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of twelve months after the notification is received by the depositary Where a longer period for the denunciation to take effect is specified in the notification, the denunciation takes effect upon the expiration of such longer period after the notification is received by the depositary DONE at New York this twenty-third day of November two thousand and five, in a single original, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Convention 504 TAI LIEU THAM KHAO Tieng Viet BO Cong thuong (2006), Bao cao Dieu tra ve TMDT na'm 2006 dm Vu Thucmg mai dien tir BO Cong twang (2007), Bao cao Thuang mai dien tir Viet Nam 2006 BO Cong thucmg (2007), Bao cao Thuang mai dien tir Viet Nam 2006 BO Cong thuang (2008), Bao cao Thixong mai dien tir Viet Nam 2007 BO C6ng thuang (2008), Th6ng to s6 09/2008/TT-BCT 21/7/2008 va Giao kat hop don ten website Thucmg mai dien tir BO Cong thucmg (2009), Bao cao Thucmg mai dien tir Viet Nam 2008 BO Cong twang, Thong to s6 09/2008/TT-BCT 21/7/2008 va Giao kat hop citing tren website Thucmg mai dien tir Chinh phu (2005), 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