jQuery in Action phần 6 pptx

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jQuery in Action phần 6 pptx

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102 CHAPTER 4 Events are where it happens! In addition to the bind() command, jQuery provides a handful of shortcut commands to establish specific event handlers. Because the syntax of each of these commands is identical except for the method name of the command, we’ll save some space and present them all in the following single syntax descriptor: jQuery also provides a specialized version of the bind() command, named one() , that establishes an event handler as a one-shot deal. Once the event handler exe- cutes the first time, it’s automatically removed as an event handler. Its syntax is similar to the bind() command and is as follows: Command syntax: specific event binding eventTypeName(listener) Establishes the specified function as the event handler for the event type named by the method’s name. The supported commands are as follows: ■ blur ■ change ■ click ■ dblclick ■ error ■ focus ■ keydown ■ keypress ■ keyup ■ load ■ mousedown ■ mousemove ■ mouseout ■ mouseover ■ mouseup ■ resize ■ scroll ■ select ■ submit ■ unload Note that when using these shortcut methods, we cannot specify a data value to be placed in the event.data property. Parameters listener (Function) The function that’s to be established as the event handler. Returns The wrapped set. Command syntax: one one(eventType,data,listener) Establishes a function as the event handler for the specified event type on all elements in the matched set. Once executed, the handler is automatically removed. Parameters eventType (String) Specifies the name of the event type for which the handler is to be established. data (Object) Caller-supplied data that’s attached to the Event instance for avail- ability to the handler functions. If omitted, the handler function can be spec- ified as the second parameter. listener (Function) The function that’s to be established as the event handler. Returns The wrapped set. The jQuery Event Model 103 These commands give us many choices to bind an event handler to matched ele- ments. And once a handler is bound, we may eventually need to remove it. 4.2.2 Removing event handlers Typically, once an event handler is established, it remains in effect for the remainder of the life of the page. Particular interactions may dictate that handlers be removed based on certain criteria. Consider, for example, a page where multiple steps are pre- sented, and once a step has been completed, its controls revert to read-only. For such cases, it would be advantageous to remove event handlers under script control. We’ve seen that the one() command can automatically remove a handler after it has completed its first (and only) execution, but for the more gen- eral case where we’d like to remove event handlers under our own control, jQuery provides the unbind() command. The syntax of unbind() is as follows: This command can be used to remove event handlers from the elements of the matched set at various levels of granularity. All listeners can be removed by omit- ting parameters, or listeners of a specific type can be removed by providing that event type. Specific handlers can be removed by providing a reference to the function orig- inally established as the listener. For this to be possible, a reference to the function must be retained when binding the function as an event listener in the first place. For this reason, when a function that’s eventually to be removed as a handler is Command syntax: unbind unbind(eventType,listener) unbind(event) Removes events handlers from all elements of the wrapped set as specified by the optional passed parameters. If no parameters are provided, all listeners are removed from the ele- ments. Parameters eventType (String) If provided, specifies that only listeners established for the specified event type are to be removed. listener (Function) If provided, identifies the specific listener that’s to be removed. event (Event) Removes the listener that triggered the event described by this Event instance. Returns The wrapped set. 104 CHAPTER 4 Events are where it happens! originally established as a listener, it’s either defined as a top-level function (so that it can be referred to by its top-level variable name) or a reference to it is retained by some other means. Supplying the function as an anonymous inline reference would make it impossible to later reference the function in a call to unbind() . So far, we’ve seen that the jQuery Event Model makes it easy to establish (as well as remove) event handlers without worries about browser differences, but what about writing the event handlers themselves? 4.2.3 Inspecting the Event instance When an event handler established with the bind() command is invoked, the Event instance is passed to it as the first parameter to the function. This eliminates the need to worry about the window.event property under Internet Explorer, but what about accessing the divergent properties of the Event instance? Even when using jQuery to establish handlers, the Event instance passed to the event handler is a clone of the native object as defined by the browser. That means that in standards-compliant browsers, the Event instance will follow the standardized layout of properties, and under Internet Explorer, the instance will use the proprietary layout. Before the proprietary instance is passed to the event handler, jQuery does its best to fix up the object so that the most commonly accessed properties and methods of that object follow the standardized format. So once again, except for the most obscure of Event properties, we can write the code for our event handlers without regard for browser platform. Table 4.1 shows the Event properties that are safe to access in a platform- independent manner. Table 4.1 Safe Event instance properties Property Description altKey Set to true if the Alt key was pressed when the event was triggered, false if not. The Alt key is labeled Option on most Mac keyboards. ctrlKey Set to true if the Ctrl key was pressed when the event was triggered, false if not. data The value, if any, passed as the second parameter to the bind() command when the handler was established. keyCode For keyup and keydown events, this returns the key that was pressed. Note that for alphabetic characters, the uppercase version of the letter will be returned, regardless of whether the user typed an uppercase or lowercase letter. For example, both a and A will return 65. You can use shiftKey to determine which case was entered. For key- press events, use the which property, which is reliable across browsers. continued on next page The jQuery Event Model 105 Importantly, the keypress property isn’t reliable cross-browser for non-alphabetic characters. For instance, the left arrow key has a code of 37, which works reliably on keyup and keydown events. Safari returns nonstandard results for these keys on a keypress event. We can get a reliable, case-sensitive character code in the which property of keypress events. During keyup and keydown events, we can only get a case- insensitive key code (so a and A both return 65), but we can determine case by checking shiftKey . The Event instance contains not only properties that give us information regarding the event that’s handled, but also possesses a handful of methods that lets us control the propagation of the event. Let’s dig into those. metaKey Set to true if the Meta key was pressed when the event was triggered, false if not. The Meta key is the Ctrl key on PCs and the Command key on Macs. pageX For mouse events, specifies the horizontal coordinate of the event relative from the page origin. pageY For mouse events, specifies the vertical coordinate of the event relative from the page origin. relatedTarget For some mouse events, identifies the element that the cursor left or entered when the event was triggered. screenX For mouse events, specifies the horizontal coordinate of the event relative from the screen origin. screenY For mouse events, specifies the vertical coordinate of the event relative from the screen origin. shiftKey Set to true if the Shift key was pressed when the event was triggered, false if not. target Identifies the element for which the event was triggered. type For all events, specifies the type of event that was triggered (for example, click). This can be useful if you’re using one event handler function for multiple events. which For keyboard events, specifies the numeric code for the key that caused the event, and for mouse events, specifies which button was pressed (1 for left, 2 for middle, 3 for right). This should be used instead of button, which can’t be relied on to function consistently across browsers. Table 4.1 Safe Event instance properties (continued) Property Description 106 CHAPTER 4 Events are where it happens! 4.2.4 Affecting the event propagation In addition to standardizing the most-used properties of the Event instance, jQuery provides the same benefit for the standard methods used to affect event propagation. The stopPropagation() method will prevent the event from bubbling further up the DOM tree (if needed, refer back to figure 4.4 for a reminder of how events propagate), and the preventDefault() method will cancel any semantic action that the event might cause. Some examples of such semantic actions are link tra- versal for <a> elements, forms submissions, and toggling the state of check boxes on a click event. If we want to both stop the propagation of the event, as well as cancel its default behavior, we can return false as the return value of the listener function. In addition to allowing us to set up event handling in a browser-independent manner, jQuery provides a set of commands that gives us the ability to trigger event handlers under script control. Let’s look at those. 4.2.5 Triggering event handlers Event handlers are designed to be invoked when their associated event triggers the propagation of the event through the DOM hierarchy. But there may be times when we want to trigger the execution of a handler under script control. We could define such event handlers as top-level functions so that we can invoke them by name, but as we’ve seen, defining event handlers as inline anonymous functions is much more common and so darned convenient! jQuery has provided means to assist us in avoiding top-level functions by defining a series of methods that will automatically trigger event handlers on our behalf under script control. The most general of these commands is trigger() , whose syntax is as follows: Command syntax: trigger trigger(eventType) Invokes any event handlers established for the passed event type for all matched elements Parameters eventType (String) Specifies the name of the event type for handlers which are to be invoked Returns The wrapped set The jQuery Event Model 107 Note that the trigger() command (as well as the convenience commands that we’ll introduce in a moment) does not cause an event to be triggered and to prop- agate through the DOM hierarchy. As there’s no dependable cross-browser means to generate an event, jQuery calls the handlers as normal functions. Each handler called is passed a minimally populated instance of Event . Because there’s no event, properties that report values, such as the location of a mouse event, have no value. The target property is set to reference the element of the matched set to which the handler was bound. Also because there’s no event, no event propagation takes place. The handlers bound to the matched elements will be called, but no handlers on the ancestors of those elements will be invoked. Remember, these commands are convenient ways to call an event handler, not to try and emulate an event. In addition to the trigger() command, jQuery provides convenience com- mands for most of the event types. The syntax for all these commands is exactly the same except for the command name, and that syntax is described as follows: In addition to binding, unbinding, and triggering event handlers, jQuery offers high-level functions that further make dealing with events on our pages as easy as possible. 4.2.6 Other event-related commands There are often interaction styles that are commonly applied to pages in Rich Internet Applications and are implemented using combinations of behaviors. Command syntax: eventName eventName() Invokes any event handlers established for the named event type for all matched elements. The supported commands are as follows: ■ blur ■ click ■ focus ■ select ■ submit Parameters none Returns The wrapped set. 108 CHAPTER 4 Events are where it happens! jQuery provides a few event-related convenience commands that make it easier to use these interaction behaviors on our pages. Let’s look at them. Toggling listeners The first of these is the toggle() command, which establishes a pair of click event han- dlers that swap off with each other on every other click event. Its syntax is as follows: A common use for this convenience command is to toggle the enabled state of an element based upon how many times it has been clicked. We can simulate this using the image element of our previous examples, changing its opacity to reflect whether it’s enabled (fully opaque) or disabled (partially transparent). We could do this example for real by toggling the read-only state of a text input control, but that would not make as clear a visual statement for demonstration purposes. Let’s fake it with the image example. Consider figure 4.8, which shows a page containing the image in a time-lapse display of the page in three states: 1 On initial display 2 After clicking the image once 3 After clicking the image again The code for this example is shown in listing 4.6 and can be found in the file chapter4/toggle.html. Command syntax: toggle toggle(listenerOdd,listenerEven) Establishes the passed functions as click event handlers on all elements of the wrapped set that toggle between each other with every other trigger of a click event Parameters listenerOdd (Function) A function that serves as the click event handler for all odd- numbered clicks (the first, the third, the fifth, and so on) listenerEven (Function) A function that serves as the click event handler for all even- numbered clicks (the second, the fourth, the sixth, and so on) Returns The wrapped set The jQuery Event Model 109 <html> <head> <title>jQuery Toggle Command Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" src=" /scripts/jquery-1.2.1.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $('#vstar').toggle( function(event) { $(event.target) .css('opacity',0.4); }, function(event) { $(event.target) .css('opacity',1.0); } ); }); </script> </head> <body> <img id="vstar" src="vstar.jpg"/> </body> </html> Listing 4.6 Invoking complementary listeners on every other click event Figure 4.8 The toggle() command makes it easy to toggle the visual state of the image. Applies toggle() command to image b Odd listener grays out the image c Even listener restores full opacity d 110 CHAPTER 4 Events are where it happens! In this example, we apply the toggle() command b to the images supplying an odd listener c that reduces the opacity value to 0.4 (graying out the image, a com- mon term for indicating disablement) and an even listener that restores the opac- ity to its full value of 1.0 d . Because the toggle() command handles all the swapping out for us, we don’t need to bother keeping track of whether the current click is odd or even. How convenient. All we accomplished in this example was the toggling of the image from full to partial opacity, but it’s easy to imagine supplying listeners that would toggle any complementary states: enabled versus disabled, for example. Another common multi-event scenario that’s frequently employed in Rich Internet Applications involves mousing into and out of elements. Hovering over elements Events that inform us when the mouse pointer has entered an area, as well as when it has left that area, are essential to building many of the user interface elements that are commonly presented to users on our pages. Among these element types, the menus used as navigation systems for web applications are a common example. A vexing behavior of the mouseover and mouseout event types often hinders the easy creation of such elements when a mouseout event fires as the mouse is moved over an area and its children. Consider the display in figure 4.9 (available in the file chapter4/hover.html). This page displays two identical (except for naming) sets of areas: an outer area and an inner area. Load this page into your browser as you follow the rest of this section. Figure 4.9 This page helps demonstrate when mouse events fire as the mouse pointer is moved over an area and its children. The jQuery Event Model 111 For the top set, the following script in the ready handler establishes handlers for the mouse events: $('#outer1') .bind('mouseover',report) .bind('mouseout',report); This statement establishes a function named report as the event handler for both the mouseover and mouseout events. The report() function is defined as follows: function report(event) { $('#console').append('<div>'+event.type+'</div>'); } This listener merely adds a <div> element containing the name of the event that fired to a <div> named console that’s defined at the bottom of the page, allowing us to see when each event fires. Now, let’s move the mouse pointer into the area labeled Outer 1 (being careful not to enter Inner 1). We’ll see (from looking at the bottom of the page) that a mouseover event has fired. Move the pointer back out of the area. As expected, we’ll see that a mouseout event has fired. Let’s refresh the page to start over, clearing the console. Now, move the mouse pointer into Outer 1 (noting the event), but this time continue inward until the pointer enters Inner 1. As the mouse enters Inner 1, a mouseout event fires for Outer 1. If we wave our pointer over the inner area, we’ll see a flurry of mouseout and mouseover events. This is the expected behavior. Even though the pointer is still within the bounds of Outer 1, when the pointer enters a contained element, the event model considers the transition from the area of Outer 1 for its contained element to be leaving the outer area. Expected or not, we don’t always want that behavior. Often, we want to be informed when the pointer leaves the bounds of the outer area and don’t care whether the pointer is over a contained area or not. We could write our handlers to detect when a mouse event is the result of leav- ing the area or the result of merely entering a contained element, but luckily we won’t have to. jQuery comes to our aid with the hover() command. The syntax of this command is as follows: [...]... Summary Building upon the jQuery knowledge that we’ve gained so far, this chapter introduced us to the world of event handling We learned that there are vexing challenges to implementing event handling in web pages, but such handling is essential for creating pages in Rich Internet Applications Not insignificant among those challenges is the fact the there are three event models that each operate in different... using events in our pages In the next chapter, we’ll look at how jQuery builds upon these capabilities to put animation and animated effects to work for us Sprucing up with animations and effects This chapter covers ■ Showing and hiding elements without animations ■ Showing and hiding elements using core jQuery animated effects ■ Other built -in effects ■ Writing our own custom animations 1 26 Showing... JavaScript code? ■ As diners are selecting (and deselecting) their choices, you could provide a running total of the order amount How would you go about keeping track of the order total? ■ If the use of custom attributes is not to your liking, refactor the page to eliminate them But be sure that the price information remains defined in one place only! ■ Perhaps the biggest flaw in the code is that it... reaction than we intended Be mindful that effects should be used to enhance the usability of a page, not hinder it With that caution in mind, let’s see what jQuery has to offer 5.1 Showing and hiding elements Perhaps the most common type of dynamic effect we’ll want to perform on an element or group of elements is the simple act of showing or hiding them We’ll get to more fancy animations (like fading... command to them in the page’s ready handler This prevents them from being displayed on the client, and also makes sure everything is in a known initial state and will behave as expected during subsequent hide and show operations Let’s see about putting these commands to good use 5.1.1 Implementing a collapsible list Inundating a user with too much information at once is a common and classic user interface... propagation We set the mouse cursor shape to the active pointer using the css() command f and hide the child elements for the active items, performing the actions defined within the else clause of the if statement in the click handler, by invoking the click handler g As the final step before users can interact with the page, we need to sledgehammer some styling elements for the leaf items h We’ve set the list-styleimage... to ask for information in digestible chunks that are under their control This is a tiny glimpse into a larger principle known as progressive disclosure (which we were introduced to in the previous chapter) in which the data presented to users is kept to the minimum and expanded as required to perform the task at hand A good example of this might be browsing the filesystem of a computer This information... graphic to indicate that the item can be expanded ■ The mouse cursor changes to the hand when it hovers over these items Clicking these active items reveals their children as shown in the series of displays in figure 5.3 Let’s examine how we apply this behavior to the DOM elements of the list, setting it up within the ready handler, as shown in listing 5.1 Listing 5.1 Ready-handler code that instruments... relationships of the elements in an appetizer entry This allowed the markup to remain simple but at the expense of both creating a strong binding between the structure of an entry and the supporting code and introducing complex jQuery selectors How would you go about making the code more robust so that changes to the structure of an entry would have less impact on the code? Adding CSS class names to tag... with no parameters As simple as these methods may seem, we should keep a few things in mind First, jQuery hides elements by changing the display value of the style property to none If an element in the wrapped set is already hidden, it will remain hidden but still be returned for chaining For example, suppose we have the following HTML fragment: This will start hidden This . follows: In addition to binding, unbinding, and triggering event handlers, jQuery offers high-level functions that further make dealing with events on our pages as easy as possible. 4.2 .6 Other. start over, clearing the console. Now, move the mouse pointer into Outer 1 (noting the event), but this time continue inward until the pointer enters Inner 1. As the mouse enters Inner 1, a mouseout. which shows a page containing the image in a time-lapse display of the page in three states: 1 On initial display 2 After clicking the image once 3 After clicking the image again The code for this

Ngày đăng: 05/08/2014, 09:46

Mục lục

    Events are where it happens!

    4.2 The jQuery Event Model

    4.2.3 Inspecting the Event instance

    4.2.4 Affecting the event propagation

    4.3 Putting events (and more) to work

    Sprucing up with animations and effects

    5.1 Showing and hiding elements

    5.1.1 Implementing a collapsible list

    5.1.2 Toggling the display state of elements

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