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Week: Teaching date: Period: Preparing date: UNIT 2: SCHOOL TALKS VOCABULARY Vocabulary Pronunciation Meanings A. READING 1. attitude (n) ['ỉtitju:d] thái độ 2. flat (n) [flỉt] căn hộ 3. household task (n) ['haushould tɑ:sk] công việc nhà 4. mall (n) [mɔ:l] khu buôn bán 5. narrow (adj) ['nỉrou] Hẹp 6. opinion (n) [ə'piniən] ý kiến 7. safety (n) ['seifti] sự an toàn 8. traffic (n) [trỉfik] giao thông 9. worry (v) ['wʌri] lo lắng 10.stuck (adj) [stʌck] bị kẹt, bị tắc 11.profession (n) = job [prə'fe∫n] nghề nghiệp B. SPEAKING 12. awful (a) ['ɔ:ful] khủng khiếp 13. backache (n) ['bỉkeik] đau lưng 14. conversation (n) [,kɔnvə'sei∫n] cuộc hội thoại 15. headache (n) ['hedeik] đau đầu 16. toothache (n) ['tu:θeik] đau răng C. LISTENING 17. alone (adv) [ə'loun] một mình 18. comfortable (adj) ['kʌmfətəbl] thoải mái 19. enjoy yourself [in'dʒɔi jɔ:'self] thích 20.Go for a swim = go swimming đi bơi 21. plan (v) [plỉn] dự đònh 22. semester (n) [si'mestə] học kì 23. experienced (adj) –experience (n,v) [iks'piəriənst] có kinh nghiệm D. WRITING 24. block capital (n) [blɔk 'kỉpitl] chữ in hoa 25. employee (n) [,implɔi'i:] người lao động 26. employer (n) [im'plɔiə] người sd lđộng 27. enrolment form (n) [in'roulmənt] mẫu ghi danh 28. female (adj) >< male (adj) ['fi:meil] (thuộc) phái nữ >< (thuộc) phái nam 29. fill in (v) ['filin] điền vào 30. provide (v) [prə'vaid] cung cấp 31. somewhere (adv) ['sʌmweə] nơi nào đó 32. occupation – job (n) [,ɒkjʊ'pei∫n] nghề nghiệp 33. occasion (n) [ə'keiʒn] dòp, cơ hội 34. surname (n) ['sə:neim] tên họ 35. marital status (n) ['mỉritl 'steitəs] tình trạng hôn nhân E. LANGUAGE 36. as a result [ri'zʌlt] kết quả là 37. cousin (n) ['kʌzn] anh/chò/em họ 38. guy (n) [gai] anh chàng, gã (tiếng lóng) 39. improve (v) [im'pru:v] cải thiện 40. in a hurry ['hʌri] vội vã 41. look for (v) ≠ find (v) tìm kiếm 42. marvelous (adj) ['mɑ:vələs] kỳ diệu 43. memory (n) ['meməri] trí nhớ 44. nervous (adj) ['nə:vəs] hồi hộp 45. pay attention to [pei ə'ten∫n] chú ý đến 46. post (v) = send (v) [poust] = [send] gởi thư 47. relaxing (adj) [ri'lỉksiη] thư giãn 48. situation (n) [,sit∫u'ei∫n] tình huống 49. target (n) ['tɑ:git] mục tiêu 50. threaten (v) ['θretn] đe doạ GRAMMAR: A. WH – QUESTIONS Câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng: Wh – words (what, who, whom, when, where, why) How (old/ long/ far/ many/ much) 1. Tobe: Ex: - What is the time? It’s 8.00. S - What are you interested in? C 2. Auxiliary verbs (many, might, can, could, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to…) a. Khi Wh-word là tân ngữ: Ex: When will you leave? Auxi. V b. Khi Wh-word là chủ từ: Ex: Who can play volleyball? Auxi. V 3. Ordinary verbs (live, play, get, go, want, love…) Ex: Where do you live? What did you do yesterday? 4. The present perfect and the past perfect tense: Ex: Where have you studied so far? V-ed How has he come here? V3 B. GERUND – TO-INFINITIVE AND BARE INFINITIVE Wh – word + be + S + C (complement) WH – word + Auxi. + S + V + ….? Wh - word + do/ does/ did + S + V + ….? Wh - word + have/ has / had + S + V3/ed +? WH – word + V + O? Auxi. + V + O? I. Gerund: 1. Definition: Gerund is verb ending with “ing” and has functions as a noun, a subject, an object, complement … (Danh động từ là động từ thêm đuôi “ing” và có các chức năng như một danh từ, một chủ từ, một tân ngữ, bổ ngữ…) 2. Functions: (Chức năng) a. Subject of a sentence: (Làm chủ từ của câu) Ex: Playing tennis is fun. S (gerund phrase) Walking is good exercise. S (gerund) b. Subject complement: (Làm bổ ngữ) Ex: My hobby is singing. be C c. Object of a verb: (Làm tân ngữ của động từ) (enjoy/ finish/ mind/ practise/ avoid/ admit/ miss/ postpone/ consider/ quit/ delay/ like/ love/ hate/ deny (phủ nhận) / detest (ghét)/ dislike/ imagine/ involve/ risk (đánh liều)/ spend/ waste/ …) Ex: She enjoys playing tennis. (Cô ấy thích chơi tennis.) V O d. Object of a preposition: (Làm tân ngữ của giới từ) Ex: He’s excited about playing tennis. Prep O e. Go+ V-ing: → recreational activities (Các hoạt động giải trí) Go fishing/ shopping/ swimming/ dancing/ boating/ bowling/ sightseeing/ camping Ex: I always go fishing at weekend. f. After some expressions. (Làm tân ngữ sau một số các thành ngữ) - can’t bear, can’t face, can’t stand, can’t help, feel like, … - It’s no use/good + V-ing sth.: Không ích gì … - There’s no point in + V-ing sth.: Không cần thiết … - It’s (not) worth + V-ing sth.: Không đáng để làm … Ex1 : I can’t help seeing him . Ex2: It’s not use helping lazy people Notes: - Một số động từ được theo sau bởi danh động từ và động từ nguyên mẫu, nhưng nghóa không khác nhau (start, begin, continue, intend, …) eg. She starts to study/ studying French. - Một số động từ được theo sau bởi danh động từ và động từ nguyên mẫu, nhưng nghóa khác nhau VERB + TO INFINITIVE VERB+ GERUND Stop + to inf. : ngừng lại để làm việc khác Stop + gerund : ngừng hẳn việc gì đó, từ bỏ Remember + to inf. : nhớ việc cần phải làm Remember + gerund : nhớ lại việc đã xảy ra Try + to inf. : cố gắng làm việc gì Try + gerund : thử làm việc gì Mean + to inf. :có ý đònh làm việc gì Mean + gerund : có nghóa là Need + to inf : ai đó cần làm việc gì Need + gerund : việc gì cần được làm Regret + to inf. : lấy làm tiếc khi nói điều gì Regret + gerund : ân hận vì đã làm việc gì II. Infinitive: 1. Infinitive with to: ta dùng To-infinitive trong các trường hợp sau: a. V + to + V (sau một số động từ như afford, agree, appear, arrange, attempt, ask, choose, decide, demand, determine, expect, fail, happen, hesitate (do dự), hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, pretend (giả vơ)ø, promise, refuse, resolve (quyết tâm), seem, threaten, want, wish, would like) eg: He agreed to help me b. V + O + to + V: - advise sb (not) to do sth. = advise + V-ing + sth. - allow sb to do sth. = allow + V-ing + sth. - invite sb to do sth. - permit sb to do sth. = permit + V-ing + sth. - persuade sb to do sth. Thuyết phục ai làm gì - remind sb to do sth. - tell sb (not) to do sth. - warn sb (not) to do sth. eg: The tourist guide advised us to see the old tower. c. S + to be + adj + (for sb) + to + V … = To + V… +to be + adj eg: His explanations were difficult to understand = To understand his explanations were difficult d. To-infinitive is used in these sentences to express a purpose eg: He saved money to/ in order to/ so as to buy a car e. V + wh + to + V… eg: He taught me how to play the game 2. Infinitive without to: ta dùng trong các trường hợp sau. a. After modal verbs MV + bare infinitive (can, could, do, does, will, shall, did, may, must, should, ought to, would rather, had better …) eg: She doesn’t know where to go b. S + make/ let/ have + O + V(without to) eg: Why don’t you let him go? Note: Khi động từ make được dùng trong câu bò động, nó phải được theo sau bằng “to-infinitive” c. Infinitive without to after verbs of sensation (động từ chỉ giác quan) S + see/hear/watch/notice/find/feel + O + V(without to) eg: I saw that man take your bike Note: Các động từ trên cũng được theo sau bằng V-ing với ý nghóa “nghe hoặc thấy ai đang làm gì” EXERCISES: Exercise 1: Make question for the following sentences: 1. They do their homework at night. (when) 2. Mr. Robertson came to the party alone. (who) 3. I like the red blouse, not the blue one. (which) 4. She felt better after she took a nap. (how) 5. She talked to him for an hour. (how long) 6. My parents have two cars. (how many) 7. I don’t get up early because I like to sleep late. (why) 8. We have an English class every day. (how often) 9. They like to dance on weekends. (what) 10. The club is not far from their house. (where) 11. Their favourite kind of music is Latin Jazz. (what) 12. The train arrived at ten o’clock. (what time) Exercise 2: Complete sentences, using gerund, infinitive with to and infinitive without to. 1. It’s obvious he’s only interested in (make) ________________ money. 2. Anne couldn’t find a taxi so I offered (drive) ________________ her to the station. 3. I managed (book) ________________ two seats on the morning flight. 4. I promise (send) ________________ you our new brochure as soon as it’s available. 5. Peter was delighted (meet) ________________ a former colleague at the conference. 6. I avoid (take) ________________ the car whenever possible, especially in big cities. 7. My father hates (wear) ________________ a tie to work. 8. We can’t afford (take) ________________ a vacation this summer. 9. The company was pleased (receive) ________________ your thank-you letter. 10. Would you mind (open) ________________ a window? Exercise 3: Choose the best answer. 1. ________________ do you want? – A box of chocolates. a. What b. Which c. Who d. How 2. ________________ is this building? – It’s about two hundred years old. a. How long b. How far c. How old d. How 3. ________________ money do you earn? – About £250 a week. a. How much b. What c. How many d. Which 4. ________________ bag are you carrying? – Judy’s. a. Which b. What c. Who’s d. Whose 5. ________________ first stepped on the moon? – Neil Amstrong, wasn’t it? a. Whose b. Who c. Where d. When 6. ________________ is your new school? – It’s very big and friendly. a. What b. How c. Where d. Which 7. ________________ is it to the post office? – About two hundred meters. a. How far b. How long c. How often d. How much 8. ________________ is your national flag? – Red and yellow. a. What b. Which of color c. What color d. Which 9. ________________ do you take a holiday? – Once a year. a. When b. How long c. What time d. How often 10. ________________ is Greg like? – He’s tall and thin with brown hair. a. What b. How c. Who d. Whom 11. Ann is interested in ________________ young children. a. teach b. teaches c. to teach d. teaching 12. I finished ________________ the book and went to bed. a. reading b. to read c. read d. to be read 13. I must go now. I promised ________________ a. not being b. not to be c. to not be d. I wouldn’t be 14. Dad allowed Dora ________________ to the party. a. going b. to go c. go d. gone 15. My teacher always expected me ________________ well in exams. a. do b. doing c. to do d. to have done 16. Will you please stop ________________ TV channels? a. to change b. change c. be changed d. changing 17. My glasses are in my book bag, but I don’t remember ________________ them there. a. putting b. to put c. I put d. put 18. I’d like ________________ somewhere different for a change. a. to go b. going c. go d. to have gone 19. He agreed ________________ the job as soon as possible. a. start b. starting c. to start d. to be started 20. Our teacher made me ________________ all the questions. a. answer b. to answer c. answering d. answered Key: Exercise 1: 1. When do they do their homework? 2. Who did Mr. Robertson come to the party with? 3. Which blouse do you like? 4. How did she feel after she took a nap? 5. How long did she talk to him? 6. How many cars do your parents have? 7. Why don’t you get up early? 8. How often do you have an English class? 9. What do they like to do on weekends? 10. Where is the club? 11. What is their favourite kind of music? 12. What time did the train arrive? Exercise 2: 1. making 2. to drive 3. to book 4. to send 5. to meet 6. taking 7. wearing 8. to take 9. to receive 10. opening Exercise 3: 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. c 9. d 10. a 11. d 12. a 13. b 14. b 15. c 16. d 17. a 18. a 19. c 20. a ………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: Teaching date: Period: Preparing date: GENERAL EXERCISES OF UNIT 2 A. TÖÏ LUAÄN. I. Give the correct form of the verbs. 1. I (try) ________________ to learn English for years, but I (not succeed) ________________ yet. 2. We (understand) ________________ it after the teacher (explain) ________________ it to us. 3. Be quiet! The baby (sleep) ________________ 4. Light (travel) ________________ faster than sound. II. Reorder the words to make sentences. 5. children/ household/ young/ with/ tasks/ enjoy/ helping 6. you/ letter/ forget/ post/ gave/ don’t/ the/ I / to 7. Mr. Ha/ about/ traveling/ does/ worry/ son’s/ why/ his? III. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words given. 8. Peter wishes he had attended Mary’s birthday party. Peter regrets not 9. He wants to learn a foreign language. He’s interested in it. He’s interested in 10. Phong rides a bike to school every day. Phong goes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B. TRAÉC NGHIEÄM. I. PHONETIC Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1. a. marvel b. package c. farther d. lastly 2. a. study b. student c. studio d. stupid Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern 3. a. Physics b. History c. Biology d. Chemistry 4. a. children b. student c. professor d. teacher II. VOCABULARY- GRAMMAR: Choose one correct option for the blank in each sentence. 5. Mai is interested ________________ taking an art course a. in b. on c. of d. with 6. Don’t worry ________________ me. I’ll be fine. a. to b. about c. with d. for 7. It was ________________ first time I enjoyed such ________________ good film. a. no article/ the b. the/ a c. a/ the d. the/ no article 8. What is your job? a. occupation b. career c. profession d. all are correct 9. Most people start to lose their memory as they get older. a. ability to remember b. ability to impress c. feeling of admiration d. ability to affect 10. The Internet is an important ________________ of communication in modern world a. mean b. means c. meaning d. meaningful 11. Young people are usually full of ________________, but lack of experience. a. enthuse b. enthusiasm c. enthusiastic d. enthusiast 12. A: Would you like to go somewhere for a drink? B: All right. ________________ for a drink. a. We go b. Let’s go c. Could you go d. Don’t you go 13. high/ aunt/ teaches/ a / my/ English/ at/ school a. My aunt English teaches at a high school. b. My aunt teaches at a high school English. c. My aunt at a high school teaches English. d. My aunt teaches English at a high school. III. ERROR IDENTIFICATION 14. I enjoy to talk with my classmates about their future plans a b c d 15. Why don’t you let him riding his bicycle to school? a b c d IV. READING: Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. Getting good results in your studies comes from developing good study habits. The best place to study is a comfortable room with good lighting. The best chair for studying would be one which you would be comfortable in, but not so comfortable that you may fall asleep in it after a while! Before you study, look for a quiet environment with no distractions. If you find your home too noisy for studying, try the library or community centre instead. When you study set realistic targets for yourself to achieve. For example, don’t aim to study five chapters of Geography in one sitting when you know that you take more than an hour to read one chapter. Furthermore, remember not push yourself too hard. When you have studied for a period of time, reward yourself by taking a short break. You could perhaps take a short walk or listen to some music for a while. If you begin to feel sleepy when studying, do not force yourself to go on as you may lose your power of concentration. Instead, you may want to take a short nap to refresh yourself. Studying may also tire the eyes. When you study, it may be a good idea to lift your eyes away from your books occasionally. Looking at objects at a distance or at greenery can help soothe tired eyes. 16. Why shouldn’t you choose the chair which is so comfortable to sit in? a. Because you may fall off it. b. Because it isn’t good for your health. c. Because you may fall asleep in it. d. Because you may stay awake in it. 17. If your house is too noisy, you should ________________ a. go to your friend’s house instead. b. go to the library or community centre to study c. study later when the house is quiet. d. try to study 18. What should you do when you have studied for a period of time? a. Change to another subject. b. Have a short break. c. Keep on studying d. Go to sleep. 19. When you feel sleepy, ________________ a. go out for a walk. b. listen to music for a while. c. refresh yourself by taking a nap. d. encourage yourself to go on. 20. Lifting the eyes away from your books can ________________ a. make you lose your concentration. b. tire them. c. refresh you. d. soothe them. Keys: A: I 1. have tried – haven’t succeeded 2. understood – had explained 3. is sleeping 4. travels II. 5. Young children enjoy helping with household tasks. 6. Don’t forget to post the letter I gave you 7. Why does Mr. Ha worry about his son’s traveling? III. 8. Peter regrets not attending Mary’s birthday party. 9. He’s interested in learning foreign language. 10. Phong goes to school every day by bicycle B. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. d 9. a 10. b 11. b 12. b 13. d 14. a 15. b 16. c 17. b 18. b 19. c 20. d . yourself [in'dʒɔi jɔ:'self] thích 20 .Go for a swim = go swimming đi bơi 21 . plan (v) [plỉn] dự đònh 22 . semester (n) [si'mestə] học kì 23 . experienced (adj) –experience (n,v) [iks'piəriənst] có. noun, a subject, an object, complement … (Danh động từ là động từ thêm đuôi “ing” và có các chức năng như một danh từ, một chủ từ, một tân ngữ, bổ ngữ…) 2. Functions: (Chức năng) a. Subject of. wearing 8. to take 9. to receive 10. opening Exercise 3: 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. c 9. d 10. a 11. d 12. a 13. b 14. b 15. c 16. d 17. a 18. a 19. c 20 . a ………………………………………………………………………………………… Week:

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