Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 34 docx

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Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment Part 34 docx

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der is the spinal decompression syndrome, which can be seen in scuba divers. When the time requirement for decompression after deep diving is not ade- quately followed (decompression sickness), microembolisms of non-resolved nitrogen gas emboli can obstruct small branches of the anterior spinal artery and cause a spinal ischemia. This can induce an anterior/central cord syndrome or even complete SCI and represents one of the most serious complications in div- ing [2, 19, 57, 59, 87]. In contrast hemorrhagic disorders are mostly based on arteriovenous malformation or spontaneous spinal bleeding in patients with anticoagulation treatment and often result in complete paraplegia. Neurodegenerative Disorders Neurodegenerative disorders can be easily confused with spinal disorders particularly in the early stages Based on its frequency,multiple sclerosis is the most important differential diag- nosis in suspected disorder of the spinal cord. Increased reflexes, ataxia, numb- ness and paresis of limbs and bladder dysfunction can occur in both multiple sclerosis and myelopathy. However, the presence of MRI signal changes (white spots in T2 weighted images) in the brain and of the spinal cord without or with only minor spinal cord compression indicating neurodegenerative-immunologic disorders should be taken into the differential diagnosis. The definitive differen- tial diagnosis demands further diagnostics, particularly the examination of evoked potentials and the CSF [14, 50, 52, 63, 94]. Also very rare neurodegenerative disorders, e.g. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), in combination with minor degenerative spinal disorders can potentially mimic a spinal disorder. Inflammatory Disorders Anumberofinfectiousdiseasescanbeassociatedwithmyelitis.Variousviruses, i.e. herpes virus, human immune deficiency virus or poliomyelitis, may affect the spinal cord, roots or peripheral nerves. With regard to the opportunities for ther- apy, the diagnosis of a bacterial or viral infection of the spinal cord is particularly important. Inflammatory disorders are often associated with systemic signs of infection such as fever or respiratory infection and can show cutaneous efflores- cences particularly in herpes zoster infection ( Case Introduction). In patients with assumed herpes zoster infection, immediate treatment with antiviral medi- cation (acyclovir) is recommended. Recapitulation Epidemiology. Even though neurological symp- toms in spinal disorders are not frequent, the neu- rological examination is most important for the planning of further diagnostic assessments and therapy. In contrast to patients with traumatic spi- nal disorders, who are mainly young patients suffer- ing from non-traumatic spinal disorders, most pa- tients are elderly. The most frequently involved nerverootsareC5,C6,L5andS1.InSCIabout45% of patients suffer from tetraplegia. Classification. Neurological symptoms should be related to the involved neural structures and differ- entiate lesions of the central and peripheral ner- vous system. Depending on the impaired spinal segments, spinal cord injury is classified as paraple- gia or tetraplegia and complete or incomplete. Pathogenesis. Traumatic and non-traumatic spinal lesions are distinguished while the neurological symptoms are non-specific to the cause of lesion. Therefore, in spinal disorders with unknown pathol- ogy, a broad differential diagnosis has to be consid- ered. In patients with acute onset of symptoms, spi- nal, radicular and peripheral nerve disorders should be distinguished. 312 Section Patient Assessment Clinical presentation. The medical history focuses on the time of onset and duration of actual com- plaints, dependence on physical activities as well as other disorders that might impact spinal cord func- tion. Radicular and peripheral lesions mostly cause localized pain, muscle paresis and sensory disor- ders in the related dermatomes. In contrast, deteri- oration of spinal cord function results in more bilat- eral and complex symptoms (impaired upper limb – hand function, gait disorder, bladder and bowl dys- function). Duration of symptoms is important for the definition of etiology and urgency of therapy (e.g. cauda equina syndrome). While acute trau- matic disorders are most obviously degenerative, metabolic and infectious diseases have be consid- ered carefully. Neurological examination. In spinal disorders it is absolutely mandatory to exclude any neurological lesions. Depending on the neurological deficit, fur- ther diagnostic assessments should be initiated. To assure a timely and thorough assessment, the clinical examination has to follow an appointed algorithm. After observing the gait, proprioceptive reflexes and pathologic reflexes have to be assessed. In peripheral lesions, proprioceptive reflexes are absent or diminished, while in central lesions they might be increased (cave: spinal shock). Pathological reflexes indicate central (spinal and supraspinal) lesions. Motor strength is subdivided into six grades (M0–M5), and key muscles both for radicular and spinal lesions should be examined. The muscle tonus has to be tested to differentiate spasticity (modified Ashworth scale 1–5) from flabby paresis. Subsequently, a sensory examination for touch and pinprick sensation is performed. Impairment of pos- terior column is diagnosed by assessing the sense of vibration. Deterioration of sympathetic fibers appears in changed hidrosis. In every case with or without complained of bladder or bowel dysfunc- tion, the sacral segments have to be examined. However, the neurological examination is not sensi- tive to the assessment of autonomic disorders (blad- der, bowl, sexual and cardiovascular dysfunction). In SCI the ASIA protocol enables the neurological examination to be performed in a standardized form. Further neurological tests depend on the results of the clinical examination (detailed examination of hand function, exclusion of cerebral damage, peripheral nerve lesion, etc.). Key Articles Maynard FM, Jr, Bracken MB, Creasey G, Ditunno JF, Jr, Donovan WH, Ducker TB, et al. (1997) International Standards for Neurological and Functional Classification of Spinal Cord Injury. American Spinal Injury Association. Spinal Cord 35(5):266 – 74 This article describes the internationally standardized classification of a neurological deficit after a traumatic spinal cord injury to score the extent (complete–incomplete) and level of the spinal cord damage. It is the standard used in almost all SCI studies since 1996. Siddall PJ, Loeser JD (2001) Pain following spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 39(2):63 – 73 For the distinction of the frequently present different pain syndromes after SCI, the paper presents the first internationally accepted clinical algorithm to qualify the complained of pain and to distinguish the potential different causes. Priebe MM, Sherwood AM, Thornby JI, Kharas NF, Markowski J (1996) Clinical assess- ment of spasticity in spinal cord injury: a multidimensional problem. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 77(7):713 – 6 The clinical description and quantification of spasticity in SCI can be semiquantitatively documented by a standardized score and allows for monitoring changes over time. VroomenPC,deKromMC,WilminkJT,KesterAD,KnottnerusJA(2002)Diagnostic value of history and physical examination in patients suspected of lumbosacral nerve root compression. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 72(5):630 – 4 This paper demonstrates that the medical history provided by the patient about the onset and characteristics of radicular pain is of highest value for the diagnosis of a lum- bar-sacral nerve root compression. The study outlines that clinical tests and neuro-imag- ine provide additional information but are only relevant in combination with a thor- oughly taken medical history. Verbiest H (1954) A radicular syndrome from developmental narrowing of the lumbar vertebral canal. J B one Joint Surg 36:230 – 237 Landmark paper describing the clinical characteristics of the neurogenic claudication due to lumbar spinal canal stenosis. Neurological Assessment in Spinal Disorders Chapter 11 313 References 1. Aguirre-Quezada DE, Martinez-Anda JJ, Aguilar-Ayala EL, Chavez-Macias L, Olvera- Rabiela JE (2006) Intracranial and intramedullary peripheral nerve sheath tumours. Case reports from 20 autopsies. Rev Neurol 43(4):197–200 2. 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Spine 15;23(22):2391–7 318 Section Patient Assessment 12 Neurophysiological Investigations Armin Curt, Uta Kliesch Core Messages ✔ Neurophysiological investigations go beyond electromyographic recordings ✔ Evoked potentials (motor and sensory) allow for the assessment of spinal fiber tracts ✔ Electromyography and nerve conduction studies focus on the peripheral nerves ✔ Electrodiagnostics distinguish between acute nerve damage and preexisting neuropathies ✔ Neurophysiological reflex studies provide additional information about clinical reflexes ✔ Intraoperative monitoring improves neuropro- tectioninscoliosissurgery ✔ Electrodiagnostics predict clinical recovery in spinal cord injury (SCI) ✔ Subclinical spinal cord impairment can be objectified by neurophysiological recordings ✔ Electrodiagnostics confirm the clinical rele- vance of spinal cord pathologies exposed by neuroimages (morphological description by CT or MR) Historical Background Electrical activity within the muscle is recorded by electromyography The history of electrodiagnostics started in the 17–18th centuries with the dis- covery in frogs that stroking a nerve generates a muscle contraction (Jan Swam- merdam, 1637–1680) and the development by Alessandro Volta (1745–1827) of the first device to produce electricity and to stimulate muscles (the term “volt” is named in his honor). Luigi Galvani (1737–1798) made the first approaches to neurophysiology by applying electrical stimulation to muscular tissue and recording muscle contractions and force. The proof of electrical activity in vol- untary muscle contractions was demonstrated in 1843 by Carlo Matteucci (1811–1868) in frogs and by Emil Du Bois-Reymond (1818–1896) in humans. Thiswasthebasisfortheterm“electromyography” (EMG). Following Charles Sherrington’s (1857–1952) proposal of the concept of the motor unit in 1925 and theinventionoftheconcentricneedleelectrodebyE.D.AdrianandD.E.Bronkin 1929, the clinical application of electrophysiological observations was developed [23]. Finally, Herbert Jasper (1906–1999) developed the first electromyography machine at McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute), marking the broad introduction of EMG into clinical practice [3]. Evoked potentials allow for online surveillance of spinal cord function during surgery The assessment of spinal pathways has been made possible by the introduc- tion of somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) recording since 1970 [the first guidelines for SSEPs by the American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AAEM) were released in 1984] and motor evok ed p oten tial (MEP) recording from about 20 years ago. In 1980, P.A. Merton and M.H. Morton published the first study on the stimulation of the cerebral cortex in the intact human subject [28]. Anthony Barker at the University of Sheffield introduced a device for trans- cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as a new clinical tool for non-invasive and painless stimulation of the cerebral cortex [9]. Using the principle that a time- Patient Assessment Section 319 varying magnetic field will induce an electrical field for the activation of excit- atory neurons enables MEPs to be recorded from several muscles. Intraoperative neuromonitoring started in the late 1970s Inthelate1970s,intraoperative neuromonitoring using SSEPs during the cor- rection of scoliosis was introduced, while recording using MEPs due to electrical stimulation was introduced in the mid 1990s [14]. Neuroanatomy The spinal cord covers upper and lower motoneuron pathways In spinal disorders, an involvement of the central (CNS) and/or peripheral (PNS) nervous systems has to be considered [35]. While radiculopathies and lesions of the cauda equina exclusively affect branches of the PNS (radicular motor and sensory nerve fibers), spinal disorders inducing spinal cord malfunction almost always compromise both CNS and PNS structures. The alpha-motoneuron locatedinthecentralpartofthespinalcord(ventralhornofthegraymatter)rep- resents the most proximal part of the peripheral motor fibers. Motor fibers from the alpha-motoneuron up to the motor endplates in the muscles constitute the secondary motor pathways, and lesions within this system show characteristic (clinical and electrophysiological) findings of a PNS lesion (lower motoneuron), e.g., flaccid weakness with muscle atrophy and signs of neurogenic denervation. In contrast, the peripheral sensory nerve fibers originate at the dorsal root gan- glion, which is located outside the spinal canal. Therefore, in contrast to the motor fibers, even severe intramedullary lesions do not affect the peripheral branch of the sensory nerve fibers, and sensory nerve conduction studies remain normal. Severity of SCI is related to localization, somatotopic extent and completeness of the lesion The somatotopic organization (Fig. 1) of the longitudinal as-/descending spi- nal tracts (corticospinal, dorsal column, spinothalamic) allows the differentia- tion of the axial distribution of a lesion affecting more the anterior, posterior or central part of the cord, as well as the hemicord or total cord [24]. The sagittal localization and extension of a lesion are represented in the affection of motor Figure 1. Somatotopic organization of the spinal cord 320 Section Patient Assessment and sensory segments and can be demonstrated by the affected motor levels (extent of segments with denervation) as assessed by EMG. It has to be acknowl- edged that the intramedullary segments are more rostrally located than the related nerve roots and the alpha-motoneurons are distributed in columns over several segments. Neurophysiological Modalities The purpose of this section is not to provide detailed technical and procedural descriptions but to outline the general indications (strengths) of the specific techniques and their limitations (weaknesses) in answering clinical questions. The section aims to give guidance about the various electrophysiological tech- niques and enables the correct technique to be chosen for the diagnostic assess- ment of a spinal disorder with an assumed or obvious neurological affection. Electromyography EMG is the modality of choice for the diagnosis of a peripheral nervous lesion Electromyography (EMG)is one of the most frequently applied electrophysiolog- ical techniques in spinal disorders and the term “EMG” is often almost synony- mously used when asking for electrophysiological testing. It is the modality of choice for identification of a lesion within the peripheral nervous system affect- ing the lower motoneuron at any level (from the alpha-motoneuron within the spinal cord down to the distal motor endplates located in the muscle). Technique Needle and surface EMG recordings should be distinguished. Surface EMG recordings (cup electrodes attached to the skin) are primarily used for kinesiolo- gical studies (when investigating to what extent a muscle is activated during a complex motor task, such as walking) ( Fig. 2), while needle EMG recordings are used to search for lower motoneuron lesions. They are performed with bi- or monopolar needles that have to be inserted into the target muscle. The insertion induces some discomfort comparable to when taking blood. It is an invasive pro- cedure and therefore the specific indications and contraindications (anticoagula- tion treatment) need to be acknowledged. The EMG records the electrical activ- ity within a muscle and is applied in the resting and activated muscle (some cooperation from the patient is needed). Besides the proof of a neurogenic lesion, myogenic motor disorders (myopathy, myotonic and muscle dystrophic disor- ders) can also be diagnosed [19, 25, 29]. Indications Signs of denervation in EMG are temporarily delayed while innervation patterns change immediately In spinal disorders, EMG is the method of choice for the identification of damage within the per ipheral motor nerve fibers (highest sensitivity). However, the delay between the time of the actual damage and the first signs of denervation (acute denervation potentials occur after a mean of 21 days) must be considered. Also the activation pattern (complete or reduced interference) assessed during voluntary activation (here the patient needs to cooperate and perform a volun- tary activation) can be applied as soon as the very first few days after a lesion to disclose a pathological innervation. The performance of EMG in several muscles allows the specific localization of the nerve damage (somatotopic localization of a lesion) to be indicated and for the differentiation of acute, subacute and chronic axonal damage (denervation). EMG is also the method of choice for the demon- Neurophysiological Investigations Chapter 12 321 . disorder of the spinal cord. Increased reflexes, ataxia, numb- ness and paresis of limbs and bladder dysfunction can occur in both multiple sclerosis and myelopathy. However, the presence of MRI. (cave: spinal shock). Pathological reflexes indicate central (spinal and supraspinal) lesions. Motor strength is subdivided into six grades (M0–M5), and key muscles both for radicular and spinal. Standards for Neurological and Functional Classification of Spinal Cord Injury. American Spinal Injury Association. Spinal Cord 35(5):266 – 74 This article describes the internationally standardized

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