Lesson 6

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Lesson 6

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Trang 1

I Vocabulary

1 negotiation n / nəˌɡəʊʃɪˈeɪʃən/ sự thương lượng, đàm phán

2 adrenaline n /əˈdrenəlɪn/ một loại hocmon tiết ra khi cơ thể cáu giận hay mệt mỏi

làm náo động, quấy rầy sự náo động, quấy rầy

II Structures

3 getting off = becoming excited phấn khích

4 sit on the fence = delay making a decision trì hoãn đưa ra quyết định 5 take the stories with a pinch of salt tạm tin, không tin hoàn toàn

Trang 2

7 be cut out for sth/ be cut out to st: có đủ phẩm chất và khả năng cần thiết

9 own up to (doing) st thừa nhận, thú tội làm gì 10 confess to (doing) st thừa nhận, thú tội gì

17 ill-gotten wealth/gains: của cải, tài sản kiếm được nhưng phi pháp

III Practice exercise 6

Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 1: She had promised to g o halves with him if he got anywhere in the negotiations.

Question 2: Have you dedicated the last ten years to getting ahead in your career and the rewards that

come with that?

Question 3: He was obviously getting off on the adrenaline of performing before the crowd.

Question 4: They want someone to make all their choices for them, so they just sit o n the fence and

wait to be told what to do.

Question 5: Since I had no recourse to take this route, I took the stories with a pinch of salt and never

checked them out.

A believed the whole stories B didn't believe anything in the stories C paid no attention to the stories D believed only part of the stories

Question 6: One of the aims of most Lay Organizations is to disseminate knowledge about Huntington's

disease to local doctors, social workers and nursing homes.

Question 7: Cynthia was on edge all day about the important presentation she had to give to the local

citizens group.

A nervous and excited B doing well C satisfied D working hard

Question 8: Are you certain that you are cut out for that kind of job?

A are determined to take B don't want to take

Question 9: His physical conditions were no impediment to his career as a violinist.

Trang 3

A help B impotence C hindrance D impossibility

Question 10: One of the fundamentals of education, mathematics is taught from the earliest grades in

Question 11: In 1969, the Beatles officially broke up after playing together as a band for more than a

Question 12: Nobody owned up to breaking the window.

A objected to B decided on C confessed to D allowed for

Question 13: I don't really go in for winter sports very much.

A am not good at B do not hate C do not practice D am not keen on

Question 14: The museum was o verrun with tourists, so we decided to go back another day.

C having tourists running D not having enough tourists

Question 15: The victim of the racial discrimination settled for the apology from the company.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 16: I slipped my other shoe into my bag and made after him - he wasn't hard to locate.

Question 17: Despite its worldwide popularity, golf has never caught on in big way in St Lucia.

A saw for a moment B became popular C became limited D spread widely

Question 18: From most rooms, there are uninterrupted views of the castle.

A nothing blocks the views B the views with lots of impediment

Question 19: The castle d ominates the landscape for miles around.

A is unable to observe from a far distance B can be seen from a long way away C can be found from every direction D is likely to notice from any distance

Question 20: You'll love the secluded beaches.

A without many people B Sequestered C sheltered D congested

Question 21: To preserve anonymity, the contributors' names were removed.

Question 22: Keeping animals in these conditions is unbelievably cruel The farmer ought to be

Question 23: I'd love to come, but I am snowed under at the moment.

A am busy B have free time C have a bad cold D am on the move

Question 24: III-gotten wealth is disgusting

Question 25: One of our group's main goals is to discourage the use of chemical fertilizers.

Question 26: Many people l ost out when the new regulations were enforced.

Question 27: The exercise was a piece of cake : I can do it with my eyes closed.

Trang 4

Question 28: Research has shown that sending young offenders to prison can be counterproductive.

A achieving good results B achieving bad results C achieving unfortunate results D achieving indirect result

Question 29: As you can see, my father does a lot of gardening and those rose bushes are t he apples of h is eye He's so proud of them.

A the things that he likes very much B the apples that he prefers C the things that is very important to him D the things that he dislikes

Question 30: Laura loves to talk to anyone Sometimes her chatter really gets on my nerves

Ngày đăng: 07/04/2024, 09:17

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