ASTM D288-61(1978) Definitions of Terms Relating to Petroleum (Withdrawn 1980)

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ASTM D288-61(1978) Definitions of Terms Relating to Petroleum (Withdrawn 1980)

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AMERICAN NATIONAL ANSI/ ASTM D 288 - 61 (Reapproved 1978) STANDARD Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to PETROLEUM 1 This S1undard , issued under lhe fixed dc~1i:na11on D 288: 1hc number immediu1ely followini: lhe deS•f na11on ind1ca1es lhc ycJr or original udoption or m lhe case of rev1s1on the )Car or lasl revision I\ number in parenlhe~e., 1ndi~"lllC> 1he year or las1 rcariprovul I n case of a d ispu te re•ordln ll t he t erm s here defined, t he d efinit ions contained in t h is stan dard are t a be used In their entirety, all not es and s upplementary comments belnst considered 01 part of the defin it ion asphalt -black to dark-brown solid or semi- le um d istillate similar to naphtha, but often solid cementitious material which grad ually or higher distillation range liquefies when heated, in which the predom- extraction naphtha-naphtha suitable for ex- inating constituents are bitumens, all of traction purposes which occur in the solid or semisolid form in nature or are obtained by refini ng petro- Non-Specifications for cxlraclion naphtha leum, or which are combinations of the bi- appear in ASTM Method D 1155 Analysis or tumens mentioned with each other o r with Oil-Soluble Sodium Petroleum Sulfonates.1 petroleum or derivatives therec;if fuel oil-any liquid or liquefiable petroleum beftzine-this ter m is archaic and misleading product burned for the generation of heal in a furnace or firebox, or for the genera- and should not be used tion or power in an engine, exclusive of oils with a nash point below 100 F (38 C), tag Non -The lcrm "petroleum bcnzin" has closed tester, and oils burned in cotton or appeared in the U.S Pharmacopoeia for man} woolwick burners Fuel oils in common use years design ating u relined light naphtha used for fall into one of four classes: extraction purposes This term should onl} be (/) residual fuel oils, which are topped used for ma terial meeting lhe U.S Pharmaco- crude petroleums or viscous residuums ob- poeia spccifica1ions The term "benzm" should tained in refinery operations; never be used without the prefix ·•pel role um." (2) distillate fuel oils, which are distillates derived directly or indirectl> from c rude crude pe troleum-a natural(} occurring mix- petro le u m ; ture, consisting predominantly of hydrocar- (3) crude petroleums and weathered bons, or of sulfur or both, nitrogen or ox- crude petroleums of relatively low commer- ygen de rivatives of hyd rocarbons or both, cial value; and which is removed from the earth in liquid (4) blended fuels, which arc mixtures or stale or is capable of being so removed two or more of the three preceding classes Non -Crude petroleum is commonly accom- gas oil-a liquid petroleum distillate having a panied by var} ing quanhlies of extraneous sub- stances such as waler inorganic muller and gas 'Thcs.: defin11ions arc und.:r lhe jurisdic11on or /\STM The removal of such cxlrJneous substances alone Commillcc D-2 on Pc1rol.:um Pmducl> :ind I uhn.: 1111\ docs nol cha nge the status of the mixture as c rude pet roleum If such removal appreciably Cum:nt •-dllion effective Scpl IK 1%1 Oru 1nJll\ - affects lhc compo~it1on or lhc oil mixture than sued 19211 Replaces D 211K 57 lhc rcsulling product is no longcr crude petro- leum In 1961 dclini1ions for p,.,,,,,,.,,,,, Wu.~ ;inJ /'1•1r11/u111111 crude shale oil-oil obtained as a distillate by were added the dest r uctive distillation or oil-shale ' Ann"a/ 8 110A oj ASTM Stu111/urtf.r Pan H cymogene-lhis term is archaic and should not be used engine distillate-refined or unrefined pelro- 190 viscosity intermediate between that of kero- 0 288 ~ine and lubricating oil 95 percent of which distills below 464 F (240 Non-It should be understood that oils C) when subjected lo distillation in accord- other than !;las oil as defined above ma} be and ance with ASTM Method D 86, Test for Dis- an: used in the manufa cture of gas tillation of Petroleum Products.2 gasoline-a refined petroleum naphtha which Non- The "naphthas" used for specific pur- by its composition is suitable for use as a poses such us cleaning, manufacture of rubber carburant in internal combustion engines manufacture of puinl' and vam i, hes etc arc made to conform lo specifications which ma) kerosioe-A relined petroleum distillate suit- require products of considera bly grc:aler vola111it} able for use as a n illuminant when burned than that sci by the limiL~ of lhis generic defini- in a wick lamp tion Non- The nash point may not be below 73 F petroleum spirits (mineral splrlts)-rcfinc:d (23 C), as determ ined by the Abel Tester (which petroleum di:>tillate with volatility, nash is approximately equ1valcnl lo 73 F (23 C) is point, and other properties, making it suit- determined by the T Jg Closed Tester, ASTM able as a thinner and solvent in paints vJr- Method D 56, Test for Flash Poinl by the Tag nishcs, and similar products Closed Tester).' In the United Stutes of Amer- ica, local ordinances or insurance regulations NTI I- Specifications arc set forth in detail n:quire Oash points higher than 73 F (23 C) in ASTM Specifications D 235, for Petroleum Spirits (Mineral Spirits).> ligroioe-a saturated petroleum naphtha boiling in the range 20 to 135 C (68 to 275 N OTI 2- The term "turpentine substllute," as F) and suitable for general laboratory use applied to petroleum spints, 1s to be condemned as false and misleading In Great Britain the Non- This term should be use ' 191 properties making it suitable for use as a 0 288 drycleaning solvent crude petroleum NoTF.-Srccilication~ :ire set forth tn detail in tops-unrefined distillate obtained in lopping ASTM Specific.ition~ D 484 for Hydrocarbon Dryclc;tning Solvc·n1s ' a crude petroleum weathered crude petroleum-product resulting topped c rude petroleum-a residual product remaining after the removal, by distillation from crude petroleum through loss, due to or other artificial means, of an appreciable na tural causes during storage and handling, quantity of the more volatile components of of an appreciable quantity of the more vol- atile components This s1011tlord Is rubj1w to rcvnion at any lime by the re.spontible uehmeal committee' 01111 must be rt:•ic11ed t •

Ngày đăng: 23/03/2024, 12:07

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