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SHOES (TOPIC FOR ALL TEST DATES TILL 30TH APRIL 2022) I VOCABULARY ➢ comfy shoes ➢ dressy shoes ➢ a comfortable to-go pair of shoes ➢ a shoe person II QUESTION Do you like to wear shoes that are comfortable or good-looking? Do people like to wear shoes that are comfortable or good-looking? What is your favourite type of shoes? a IDEAS it depends on the occasion ➢ everything depends on what I will be doing and where I will be going comfortable ➢ I opt for comfortable shoes as: ➢ I’m on my feet all day ➢ I won’t be able to walk in uncomfortable shoes for too long ➢ I don’t want to wince in pain at the end of the day ➢ I hate feeling the pinch in my toes ➢ I don’t like to hobble all day on aching feet ➢ I don't have to worry about my feet ➢ beauty isn’t worth enduring pain ➢ uncomfortable ones can bring excruciating pain ➢ I don’t want to experience tired and sore feet ➢ wearing uncomfortable ones can have a negative effect on health ➢ wearing tight shoes can have a terrible effect on my toes ➢ wearing uncomfortable footwear will lead to creation of corns on the soles and toes ➢ uncomfortable ones affect the movement of the body, and having to adjust gait in the process puts pressure on the back, hips, ankles, and knees ➢ uncomfortable footwear makes me experience discomfort and pain, and can have an effect on the way I walk and move ➢ uncomfortable ones cause painful blisters ➢ I don’t want to sprain my ankles good-looking ➢ I opt for good-looking shoes as: ➢ I consider shoes an indicator of your sense of style ➢ they make my look complete ➢ they make me look elegant and stylish ➢ they transform any outfit ➢ wearing stylish shoes makes me look irresistible ➢ I opt for good-looking shoes: ➢ I opt for good-looking shoes: ➢ only when I want to look fabulous during special occasions ➢ if I want to impress someone with my looks ➢ if I’m not going to walk a lot b ANSWER Do you like to wear shoes that are comfortable or good-looking? -I prefer comfy shoes, for instance, sneakers or ballerina flats when it’s warm and wedge flat boots in cold weather because, in most cases, I’m on my feet all day and I don’t like to hobble all day on aching feet or wince in pain in the evening I like when I look good, but I’m sure that beauty isn’t worth enduring pain I wear dressy high heel shoes only if I’m not going to walk a lot Do you like to wear shoes that are comfortable or good-looking? -Of course, I like shoes which make me look good without compromising comfort But if I had to choose between the two, I would definitely go for shoes that are comfortable as uncomfortable footwear makes me experience pain and, first of all, can have an effect on the way I walk and move Also, uncomfortable shoes cause painful blisters and lead to creation of corns on the soles and toes Do people like to wear shoes that are comfortable or good-looking? -You know, everything depends on what I’ll be doing and where I’ll be going There's a time and place for comfy shoes such as sneakers, and a time and place for a pair of stylish stilettos, which just cannot be comfortable At least, I’ve never had a single pair of wearable heels Do people like to wear shoes that are comfortable or good-looking? -I know that many people go for dressy shoes as they consider shoes an indicator of a sense of style So if the shoes turn out to be beautiful but uncomfortable, these people choose to bear the pain as long as their feet look good Have you ever bought shoes online? a IDEAS yes ➢ Now buying shoes online is as easy as buying any other items ‘cause: ➢ some websites provide comprehensive shoe fitting guides, so it’s easy to find a perfect fit ➢ almost all the websites offer free exchanges so that customers can order shoes, try them on in their home, and send them back in exchange for a different pair of shoes at no additional charge no ➢ it’s important for me to touch, feel and check the quality goods before making ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ purchases it is difficult to order the right size, but even if the size is right, the fit may be a little wrong I prefer to try on shoes before buying them and with an online shoe store this simply isn’t possible I don’t want to waste a lot of time sending stuff back I don’t want to wait several days for delivery just to find out that the size is wrong different brands have different sizes, for example, a shoe in size could be uncomfortable in one brand but could fit comfortably in another brand you cannot try the shoes on before buying to see if they are comfortable or not b ANSWER Have you ever bought shoes online? -Yeah, I’ve bought several pairs of shoes online recently At first, I was a bit afraid and thought it would be impossible to order the right size But I found out that nowadays websites provide comprehensive shoe fitting guides so it’s easy to find a perfect fit Moreover, almost all the websites offer free exchanges so that customers can order shoes, try them on in their home, and send them back in exchange for a different pair of shoes at no additional charge And it’s obvious that the price is hard to beat Have you ever bought shoes online? -Never, and I don’t want to I prefer to try on shoes before buying them and with an online shoe store this simply isn’t possible It’s also important for me to touch, feel and check the quality goods before making purchases And if, God forbid, the size is wrong I’ll have to waste a lot of time sending stuff back How often you buy shoes? a IDEAS how often: ➢ as often as I can afford it ➢ at the beginning of every new season ➢ at least once a month ➢ quite often ➢ not as often as I would like to ➢ quite seldom ➢ only when my old shoes get worn out why: ➢ I have a passion for buying shoes ➢ I am obsessed with shoes ➢ I need different shoes for different outfits and occasions ➢ I just can’t get away with wearing the same pair of shoes every day why not: ➢ shoes cost a lot these days ➢ I always buy high-quality shoes and wear them for a long time ➢ it’s hard for me to find really comfortable shoes as shoes sold in our shops are usually either too big or too small for me b ANSWER How often you buy shoes? -Well, I try to it as often as I can afford it as, first of all, I am really obsessed with shoes, and secondly, I need different shoes for different outfits and occasions How often you buy shoes? -Well, not as frequently as I would like to, to my regret, as shoes cost a lot these days and I can’t afford to purchase new ones more often than once a season Why some people have too many shoes? a IDEAS ➢ they have a passion for buying shoes ➢ they are obsessed with shoes ➢ nobody can stop a woman from buying another pair of shoes no matter how many she already has ➢ people buy them and then never wear ➢ people buy shoes which they then put in the wardrobe and never wear because they are uncomfortable ➢ all their shoes are unwearable ➢ people need different shoes for different occasions ➢ one pair of shoes will not fit for every occasion ➢ some people constantly buy shoes that don’t fit ➢ they can't get away with just wearing the same pair of sandals every day b ANSWER -Well, I guess one of the reasons why some people have loads of shoes is that all their shoes are unwearable So they put these uncomfortable shoes in the wardrobe and never wear Also, there are people who can't get away with just wearing the same pair of shoes every day They need many different shoes for different occasions, for instance, a few pairs of running sneakers (for running in the woods and on concrete), a pair of flip-flops, many pairs of brightly-coloured sandals (if we are talking about women), sandals with heels, ballet flats, high heel and low heel boots, cold-winter shoes The list is endless ... pair of shoes every day why not: ➢ shoes cost a lot these days ➢ I always buy high-quality shoes and wear them for a long time ➢ it’s hard for me to find really comfortable shoes as shoes sold... like to ➢ quite seldom ➢ only when my old shoes get worn out why: ➢ I have a passion for buying shoes ➢ I am obsessed with shoes ➢ I need different shoes for different outfits and occasions ➢... people like to wear shoes that are comfortable or good-looking? -I know that many people go for dressy shoes as they consider shoes an indicator of a sense of style So if the shoes turn out to

Ngày đăng: 19/01/2022, 00:12

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