English unlimited a1

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English unlimited a1

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English Unlimited Starter Unit 01 a /ə/ neurčitý člen, nějaký, jeden a sentence Unit 01 about /əˈbaʊt/ o, okolo What about you? Unit 01 an /ən/ neurčitý člen, nějaký, jeden an apartment Unit 01 and /ænd/ a tea and coffee Unit 01 apartment /əˈpɑːtmənt/ byt I live in an apartment in Dubai r Unit 01 are /ɑː / sloveso "být": jsi, jste, jsme, jsou Are you from England? Unit 01 bed /bed/ postel What time did you go to bed last night? Unit 01 big /bɪg/ velký, obrovský I come from a big family Unit 01 boy /bɔɪ/ chlapec, kluk We've got three children - a boy and two girls Unit 01 bye /baɪ/ na viděnou, ahoj Bye, see you tomorrow Unit 01 campus /ˈkỉmpəs/ kampus, kolejní arếl I live on a big campus with 1,000 students Unit 01 car automobil My brother has an old car Unit 01 desk pracovní stůl This is a desk Unit 01 door /kɑːr/ /desk/ /dɔːr/ dveře Please shut the door behind you Unit 01 eat /iːt/ jíst We have a big kitchen, where we eat Unit 01 eight /eɪt/ osm We have eight children Unit 01 England /ˈɪŋglənd/ Anglie Are you from England? Unit 01 father /ˈfɑːðər/ otec, táta This is my father Unit 01 fine /faɪn/ dobře, fajn I'm fine Unit 01 five /faɪv/ pět We have five children Unit 01 flat /flæt/ byt a large block of flats Unit 01 four /fɔːr/ čtyři We have nine children We have five girls and four boys Unit 01 from /frɒm/ z, od I'm from England Unit 01 girl /gɜːl/ dívka, děvče We have three children - a boy and two girls Unit 01 goodbye /ˈgʊdbaɪ/ nashledanou, na viděnou Goodbye Vicki! See you next week Unit 01 have /hỉv/ mít, vlastnit I have a flat in Paris Unit 01 hello /helˈəʊ/ ahoj, čau Hello, Christina, how are you? Unit 01 hi /haɪ/ ahoj, čau Hi! How are you? Unit 01 house /haʊs/ dům We went to my aunt's house for dinner Unit 01 how /haʊ/ jak How are you? Unit 01 chair /tʃeər/ židle This is a chair Unit 01 child /tʃaɪld/ dítě We have only one child – a boy Unit 01 children /ˈtʃɪldrən/ děti We have three children - a boy and two girls Unit 01 China /ˈtʃaɪnə/ Čína We’re from China Unit 01 I /aɪ/ já I've bought some chocolate Unit 01 in /ɪn/ v, ve It's in England Unit 01 is /ɪz/ je Hello My name is Peter Newman Unit 01 it /ɪt/ to It's in England Unit 01 kitchen /ˈkɪtʃən/ kuchyně We have a big kitchen, where we eat Unit 01 know /nəʊ/ vědět, znát I don't know Unit 01 letter /ˈletər/ písmeno the letter K Unit 01 live /lɪv/ žít, bydlet They live in New York Unit 01 married /ˈmærid/ ženatý, vdaná a married couple Unit 01 mother /ˈmʌðər/ matka, máma My mother and father are divorced Unit 01 my /maɪ/ můj, moje, má My name is Carlos Unit 01 name /neɪm/ jméno What's your name? Unit 01 near /nɪər/ blízko, poblíž near London Unit 01 new /njuː/ nový I need some new shoes Unit 01 new /njuː/ nový Their house is quite new Unit 01 nice /naɪs/ pěkný, hezký, milý It's very nice Unit 01 Nice to meet you Rád/a Vás poznávám Nice to meet you Unit 01 nine /naɪn/ devět We have four children Unit 01 no /nəʊ/ žádný, ne I have no children Unit 01 normal /ˈnɔːməl/ normální, běžný It's normal for couples to argue now and then Unit 01 not /nɒt/ záporka ne No, he's not r Unit 01 number /ˈnʌmbə / číslo What's the number of his house? Unit 01 OK /ˌə  ˈkeɪ/ v pořádku, dobře Are you OK? Unit 01 old /əʊld/ starý an old flat Unit 01 one /wʌn/ jeden, jedna I have a flat in Paris It’s very small, only one room Unit 01 picture /ˈpɪktʃər/ obraz, obrázek, fotografie She's got pictures of pop stars all over her bedroom Unit 01 question /ˈkwestʃən/ otázka, dotaz Is it OK if I ask you a few questions? Unit 01 restaurant /ˈrestrɒnt/ restaurace an Italian restaurant Unit 01 room /ruːm/ pokoj, místnost a hotel room Unit 01 Russia /ˈrʌʃə/ Rusko Are you from Russia? Unit 01 See you /siː juː/ Uvidíme se See you (soon/there) Unit 01 sentence /ˈsentəns/ věta Practise saying the sentences Unit 01 seven /ˈsevən/ sedm We have seven children Unit 01 six /sɪks/ šest We have six children Unit 01 small /smɔːl/ malý We teach the children in small groups Unit 01 student /ˈstjuːdənt/ student a law student Unit 01 study /ˈstʌdi/ studovat, učit se I studied biology before going into medicine Unit 01 teacher /ˈtiːtʃər/ učitel/ka a science teacher Unit 01 ten /ten/ deset We have ten children Unit 01 thanks /θỉŋks/ Díky Can you pass me the book? Thanks very much Unit 01 the USA /ðəˌjuːesˈeɪ/ Spojené státy americké I’m from the USA Unit 01 think /θɪŋk/ myslet, domnívat se I think it's about 3.00 Unit 01 this /ðɪs/ tento, tato, toto This is a desk Unit 01 three /θriː/ tři We have three children – two girls and a boy Unit 01 town /taʊn/ město It's a small town in the north of England Unit 01 two /tuː/ dvě, dva We two new apartments in Dubai Unit 01 very /ˈveri/ velmi very good Unit 01 we /wiː/ my My wife and I both play golf and we love it Unit 01 what /wɒt/ jaký, který, co What's your name? r Unit 01 where /weə / kde, kam Where you work? Unit 01 window /ˈwɪndəʊ/ okno Open the window if you're too hot Unit 01 with /wɪð/ s Who did you go with? Unit 01 with /wɪð/ s with four rooms Unit 01 word /wɜːd/ slovo, výraz 'Hund' is the German word for 'dog' Unit 01 you /juː/ ty, vy Are you from England? Unit 01 your /jɔːr/ tvůj, váš Can I borrow your pen? Unit 02 at /æt/ na, v at university Unit 02 bicycle /ˈbaɪsɪkl/ kolo My brother has a bicycle Unit 02 birthday /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/ r narozeniny birthday card Unit 02 brother /ˈbrʌðə / bratr an older brother Unit 02 café /ˈkæfeɪ/ kavárna I’m a student, but I also work in a café Unit 02 camera /ˈkæmrə/ kamera, fotoaparát My bother has a camera Unit 02 card /kɑːd/ blahopřání, karta a birthday card Unit 02 cat /kæt/ kočka, kocour My brother has a cat Unit 02 company /ˈkʌmpəni/ společnost a computer company Unit 02 computer /kəmˈpjuːtər/ počítač We've put all our records on computer Unit 02 couple /ˈkʌpl / pár, dvojice a married couple dcera This is my daughter, Molly Unit 02 daughter r /ˈdɔːtə / r Unit 02 doctor /ˈdɒktə / lékař, doktor She's a doctor Unit 02 dog /dɒg/ pes My brother has a dog Unit 02 eighteen /eɪˈtiːn/ osmnáct He's eighteen Unit 02 eleven /ɪˈlevən/ jedenáct She's eleven ə Unit 02 family /ˈfæm li/ rodina I'm from a big family Unit 02 fifteen /ˌfɪfˈtiːn/ patnáct She's fifteen Unit 02 for /fɔːr/ pro I work for Dell Unit 02 for /fɔːr/ pro For a boy or a girl? Unit 02 fourteen /ˌfɔːˈtiːn/ čtrnáct He's fourteen Unit 02 friend přítel, kamarád Sarah's my best friend (=the friend I like most) Unit 02 has má (3 osoba č.j mít) He has an Australian wife and three children Unit 02 he /frend/ /hæz/ /hiː/ on When is Paul coming? "He should be here soon." Unit 02 her /hɜːr/ její her sister Unit 02 his /hɪz/ ə jeho his sister Unit 02 hospital /ˈhɒspɪt l/ nemocnice He was in hospital for two weeks Unit 02 hotel /həˈtel/ hotel He works in a hotel Unit 02 husband /ˈhʌzbənd/ manžel This is my husband Unit 02 job /dʒɒb/ práce, zaměstnání What's your job? Unit 02 less /les/ méně You should eat less Unit 02 listen poslouchat listen to the radio Unit 02 lives osoba j.č žít, bydlet My sister lives in Australia Unit 02 look /ˈlɪsən/ /lɪvz/ /lʊk/ dívat I'm looking for my keys Unit 02 look (at) /lʊk ət/ podívat se, dívat se (na) Look at the picture on page two Unit 02 manager /ˈmỉnɪdʒər/ manažer, vedoucí She's the manager of the local sports club Unit 02 many /ˈmeni/ mnoho, spousta I don't have many clothes Unit 02 maybe /ˈmeɪbi/ možná, snad Maybe we're too early Unit 02 mobile /ˈməʊbaɪl/ mobilní mobile phone Unit 02 more více There are a lot more people here today than there were yesterday Unit 02 most většina most people Unit 02 mp3 player /mɔːr/ /məʊst/ /ˌem.piːˈθriː ˈpleɪər/ mp3 přehrávač I have an mp3 player Unit 02 nineteen /ˌnaɪnˈtiːn/ devatenáct She's nineteen Unit 02 office /ˈɒfɪs/ kancelář an office worker Unit 02 one /wʌn/ jeden, jedna this one Unit 02 parents /ˈpeərənts/ rodiče My parents live in New York Unit 02 people /ˈpiːpl/ lidé Our company employs over 400 people Unit 02 phone /fəʊn/ telefon I have a mobile phone Unit 02 read /riːd/ číst, přečíst read the paper Unit 02 say /seɪ/ ə říkat, říct How you say ? Unit 02 seventeen /ˌsev nˈtiːn/ sedmnáct He's seventeen Unit 02 she /ʃiː/ ona She's 16 Unit 02 shop /ʃɒp/ obchod a book shop Unit 02 school /skuːl/ škola at school r Unit 02 sister /ˈsɪstə / sestra an older/younger sister Unit 02 sixteen /ˌsɪkˈstiːn/ šestnáct She's sixteen Unit 02 some /sʌm/ některé, nějaké Some shops are open Unit 02 son /sʌn/ syn This is my son, Alex Unit 02 supermarket /ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkɪt/ supermarket, velkoobchod She works in a supermarket Unit 02 talk (about/to) /tɔːk/ bavit se, mluvit o We were just talking about Simon's new girlfriend Unit 02 they /ðeɪ/ oni, ony, ona I saw Kate and Nigel yesterday - they came over for dinner Unit 02 thirteen /θɜːˈtiːn/ třináct She's thirteen Unit 02 TV /ˌtiːˈviː/ televize What's on TV tonight? Unit 02 twelve /twelv/ dvanáct He's twelve Unit 02 twenty /ˈtwenti/ dvacet He's twenty Unit 02 university /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsɪti/ univerzita Cambridge University Unit 02 village /ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ vesnice She lives in a small village outside Oxford r Unit 02 waiter /ˈweɪtə / číšník He's a waiter Unit 02 who /huː/ kdo Who's this? Unit 02 wife /waɪf/ žena, manželka He has an Australian wife and three children Unit 02 work /wɜːk/ pracovat She works for Sony corporation Unit 02 works /wɜːks/ osoba č.j pracovat My sister lives in Tokyo and works for Sony Corporation Unit 02 write /raɪt/ psát Write your name at the top of the page Unit 03 a few /ə fju:/ pár, několik I'm just here for a few days Unit 03 a.m /ˌeɪˈem/ dopoledne, 12:00 6.00 a.m Unit 03 about /əˈbaʊt/ okolo, kolem I think it's about 3.00 Unit 03 afternoon /ˌɑːftəˈnuːn/ odpoledne I played tennis on Saturday afternoon Unit 03 airport /ˈeəpɔːt/ letiště She's at the airport Unit 03 always /ˈɔːlweɪz/ vždy, pořád It's always busy Unit 03 answer /ˈɑːnsər/ odpovědět I asked when she was leaving but she didn't answer Unit 03 answer /ˈɑːnsər/ odpověď Did you get the answer to Question 6? Unit 03 at /æt/ v, ve at 3.00 ə Unit 03 beautiful /ˈbjuːtɪf l/ krásný, nádherný a beautiful woman Unit 03 box /bɒks/ krabice, rámeček Learn the words in the box Unit 03 bus station /bʌs ˈsteɪʃən/ autobusová stanice Café Metro is in King Street, near the bus station Unit 03 busy /ˈbɪzi/ zaměstnaný, rušný I'm busy in the morning Unit 03 cinema /ˈsɪnəmə/ kino Mike’s is in the centre, next to the Adelphi Cinema Unit 03 close /kləʊz/ zavřít close the door Unit 03 closed /kləʊzd/ zavřený The shops are closed Unit 03 coffee /ˈkɒfi/ káva Do you want a cup of coffee? konverzace, hovor a telephone conversation Unit 03 conversation ə /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃ n/ r Unit 03 cover /ˈkʌvə / zakrýt, přikrýt Cover the page Unit 03 day /deɪ/ den the days of the week Unit 03 drink /drɪŋk/ pít He was drinking a glass of milk Unit 03 drink /drɪŋk/ nápoj a cold drink Unit 03 evening /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ večer Are you doing anything this evening? Unit 03 Excuse me /ɪkˈskjuːz mi:/ Promiňte Omlouvám se Excuse me, what's the time? Unit 03 fifty /ˈfɪfti/ padesát We’re in Room 50 Unit 03 forty /ˈfɔːti/ čtyřicet She’s 40 today Unit 03 free /friː/ svobodný, volný When are you free? Unit 03 Friday /ˈfraɪdeɪ/ pátek OK, let’s meet on Friday Unit 03 garden /ˈgɑːdən/ zahrada the front/back garden Unit 03 get up /get ʌp/ vstávat, vstát I got up at five o'clock this morning! Unit 03 go /gəʊ/ jít go out Unit 03 go /gəʊ/ jít go shopping r Unit 03 here /hɪə / zde, tady Is Mr Yamamoto here? Unit 03 here /hɪər/ zde, tady It's Seiko here Unit 03 holiday /ˈhɒlɪdeɪ/ prázdniny, volno Friday is a holiday Unit 03 home /həʊm/ domov at home r Unit 03 hour /aʊə / hodina I sleep eight hours Unit 03 How about…? /haʊ əˈbaʊt/ Co tak…? How about Café Metro? Unit 03 cheap /tʃiːp/ levný a cheap flight Unit 03 church /tʃɜːtʃ/ kostel We used to go to church every Sunday morning Unit 03 ice-cream /ˌaɪsˈkriːm/ zmrzlina vanilla ice cream Unit 03 in /ɪn/ v, po in the morning Unit 03 Italian /ɪˈtæljən/ italský Dino’s is a small Italian café Unit 03 late /leɪt/ pozdě, pozdní We're late Unit 03 late /leɪt/ pozdě, pozdní I get up late 10 Unit 04 paper /ˈpeɪpər/ noviny read the paper Unit 04 party /ˈpɑːti/ večírek go to a party Unit 04 pasta /ˈpæstə/ těstoviny Spaghetti is my favourite pasta Unit 04 piano /piˈỉnəʊ/ klavír Do you like the piano? Unit 04 pizza /ˈpiːtsə/ pizza Good pizzas and pasta dishes Unit 04 play /pleɪ/ hrát play football Unit 04 please /pliːz/ prosím Could I have a coffee, please? Unit 04 poetry /ˈpəʊɪtri/ poezie I read poetry Unit 04 radio /ˈreɪdiəʊ/ rádiopřijímač a car radio Unit 04 radio /ˈreɪdiəʊ/ rádio We heard him speaking on the radio this morning Unit 04 rice /raɪs/ rýže Good chicken and rice dishes Unit 04 salad /ˈsæləd/ salát They also have good steaks and salads Unit 04 shopping /ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ nakupování go shopping Unit 04 sometimes /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ někdy He does cook sometimes, but not very often Unit 04 speak /spiːk/ mluvit speak English Unit 04 sport sport winter sports Unit 04 steak steak They also have good steaks and salads Unit 04 strong silný strong tea Unit 04 sugar /spɔːt/ /steɪk/ /strɒŋ/ /ˈʃʊgər/ cukr coffee with milk and sugar Unit 04 teapot /ˈtiːpɒt/ čajová konvice People make it in a small teapot Unit 04 technology /tekˈnɒlədʒi/ technologie computer technology Unit 04 tennis /ˈtenɪs/ tenis I play tennis Unit 04 too /tuː/ příliš not too expensive Unit 04 too /tuː/ také Me too 16 Unit 04 vegetable /ˈvedʒtəbl/ zelenina I eat vegetables every day Unit 04 verb /vɜːb/ sloveso a verb Unit 04 water /ˈwɔːtər/ voda hot/cold water Unit 04 weak /wiːk/ slabý weak coffee/beer Unit 05 again /əˈgen/ znovu, opět Ask her again Unit 05 all /ɔːl/ všichni, všechny We were all dancing Unit 05 ask /ɑːsk/ zeptat se, optat I asked him about his hobbies Unit 05 ask /ɑːsk/ požádat He's asked for a bike for his birthday Unit 05 bag /bæg/ taška, sáček a paper bag Unit 05 black černý a black jacket Unit 05 blouse halenka, blůza Women often wear jeans and a shirt or a blouse Unit 05 bottle /blæk/ /blaʊz/ /ˈbɒtl  ̩/ láhev a bottle of wine Unit 05 Britain /ˈbrɪtən/ Británie Peter from Britain Unit 05 brown /braʊn/ hnědý dark brown hair Unit 05 carpet /ˈkɑːpɪt/ koberec Do you like this carpet? Unit 05 casual /ˈkỉʒjuəl/ neformální, ležérní People in offices wear quite casual clothes in Germany Unit 05 coat /kəʊt/ kabát a winter coat Unit 05 colour /ˈkʌlər/ barva What colour shall I paint the kitchen? Unit 05 cool /kuːl/ chladný, studený a cool drink Unit 05 cotton /ˈkɒtən/ bavlna a cotton shirt Unit 05 cupboard /ˈkʌbəd/ skříň, kredenc They’re in the cupboard Unit 05 doesn't /ˈdʌzənt/ pomocné sloveso pro tvoření záporu He doesn't like black clothes v přítomném čase ve osobě č.j Unit 05 dollar(s) ($) /ˈdɒlər/ dolar It’s $15.95 17 Unit 05 dress /dres/ šaty a black dress Unit 05 each /iːtʃ/ každý 10 euros each Unit 05 eighty /ˈeɪti/ osmdesát That’s 4.80, please Unit 05 euro /ˈjʊərəʊ/ euro They’re 10 euros each Unit 05 everyone /ˈevriwʌn/ každý I've received a reply from everyone now r Unit 05 floor /flɔː / podlaha a wooden floor Unit 05 formal /ˈfɔːməl/ formální a formal dinner party Unit 05 Germany /ˈdʒɜːməni/ Německo People in offices wear quite casual clothes in Germany Unit 05 glasses /glɑːsɪz/ brýle a pair of glasses Unit 05 grey /greɪ/ šedivý, šedý grey clouds Unit 05 hat /hæt/ klobouk, čepice a cowboy hat Unit 05 Here you are Tady máte That's £30 "Here you are." Unit 05 hundred /ˈhʌndrəd/ sto two hundred and fifty Unit 05 jacket /ˈdʒækɪt/ sako a leather jacket Unit 05 jeans /dʒiːnz/ džíny a pair of jeans Unit 05 jumper /ˈdʒʌmpər/ svetr What size is this jumper? Unit 05 kiosk kiosek, stánek street kiosk Unit 05 lamp lampa I have a lamp next to my bed Unit 05 large /ˈkiːɒsk/ /læmp/ /lɑːdʒ/ velký, rozsáhlý a large bottle of water Unit 05 man /mỉn/ muž a young man Unit 05 medium střední It's medium Unit 05 men muži Men and women often wear jeans and a shirt Unit 05 mineral water /ˈmiːdiəm/ /men/ /ˈmɪnərəl ˈwɔːtər/ minerální voda mineral water Unit 05 much /mʌtʃ/ mnoho, spousta How much is the skirt? 18 Unit 05 newspaper /ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpər/ noviny I read about his death in the newspaper Unit 05 ninety /ˈnaɪnti/ devadesát That’s 2.90, please Unit 05 of /ɒv/ vyjádření pádu made of cotton Unit 05 on /ɒn/ na on the shelf/wall Unit 05 packet /ˈpækɪt/ krabička, krabice a packet of cigarettes r Unit 05 pair /peə / pár a pair of glasses Unit 05 pair /peər/ pár, dvojice In pairs Unit 05 partner /ˈpɑːtnər/ partner Ask your partner Unit 05 pen pero, prupiska How much are these pens? Unit 05 plate talíř a dinner plate Unit 05 postcard /pen/ /pleɪt/ /ˈpəʊskɑːd/ pohlednice How much are these postcards? Unit 05 pound(s) /paʊnd/ libra a hundred pounds/£100 Unit 05 price /praɪs/ cena high/low prices Unit 05 red /red/ červený a red shirt Unit 05 right /raɪt/ správně That's right Unit 05 sell /sel/ prodat Do you sell stamps? Unit 05 seventy /ˈsevənti/ sedmdesát That’s 2.70, please Unit 05 shelf /ʃelf/ police, polička a book shelf Unit 05 shirt /ʃɜːt/ košile How much is the shirt? Unit 05 shoes /ʃuːz/ boty a cheap pair of shoes Unit 05 sixty šedesát That’s 2.60, please Unit 05 size velikost It's an area about the size of Oxford Unit 05 skirt sukně How much is the skirt? Unit 05 stamp /ˈsɪksti/ /saɪz/ /skɜːt/ /stỉmp/ známka (poštovní) Do you sell stamps? 19 Unit 05 suit /suːt/ kostým She wore a dark blue suit Unit 05 sunglasses /ˈsʌŋˌglɑːsɪz/ sluneční brýle They're sunglasses Unit 05 these /ðiːz/ tyto, tito I like these plates Unit 05 this /ðɪs/ tento, tato, toto I like this bag Unit 05 tie /taɪ/ kravata How much is the tie? r Unit 05 together /təˈgeðə / spolu, dohromady All together Unit 05 trousers /ˈtraʊzəz/ kalhoty a pair of trousers Unit 05 T-shirt /ˈtiːʃɜːt/ tričko How much is the T-shirt? Unit 05 wall /wɔːl/ stěna, zeď There were several large paintings on the wall r Unit 05 wear /weə / nosit na sobě I wear jeans a lot of the time Unit 05 white /waɪt/ bílý a white T-shirt Unit 05 woman /ˈwʊmən/ žena a 30-year-old woman Unit 05 women /ˈwɪmɪn/ ženy Men and women often wear jeans and a shirt or a blouse Unit 05 yellow /ˈjeləʊ/ žlutý a bright yellow tablecloth Unit 06 arrive /əˈraɪv/ přijet, dorazit We arrived in Paris at midday Unit 06 bar /bɑːr/ tabulka (čokolády), tyčinka a bar of chocolate Unit 06 because /bɪˈkəz/ protože I'm calling because I need to ask you something Unit 06 before /bɪˈfɔːr/ před I have breakfast before 7.00 Unit 06 bike /baɪk/ kolo I go by bike Unit 06 boat /bəʊt/ loď a fishing/sailing boat Unit 06 breakfast snídaně have breakfast Unit 06 bring přinést Did you bring an umbrella with you? Unit 06 bus /ˈbrekfəst/ /brɪŋ/ /bʌs/ autobus a school bus 20 Unit 06 by /baɪ/ s použitím čeho (zde: vlakem) by train Unit 06 can /kæn/ moci, umět You can go by underground Unit 06 come /kʌm/ přijít come home Unit 06 crowded /ˈkraʊdɪd/ přeplněný a crowded train Unit 06 cycle /ˈsaɪkl  ̩/ jezdit na kole I cycle to work večeře have dinner dolů down the Amazon řídit I drive to work r Unit 06 dinner Unit 06 down Unit 06 drive /ˈdɪnə / /daʊn/ /draɪv/ Unit 06 early /ˈɜːli/ brzy I get up early Unit 06 everywhere /ˈevriweər/ všude You can go everywhere by underground Unit 06 fast /fɑːst/ rychlý fast cars Unit 06 finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ končit finish work Unit 06 first zaprvé, nejdříve First I have a shower Unit 06 get dostat How can I get to the airport? Unit 06 hammock /ˈfɜːst/ /get/ /ˈhỉmək/ houpací síť Bring a hammock to sleep in Unit 06 have /hỉv/ dát si, mít have lunch Unit 06 have /hỉv/ dát si, mít have a shower Unit 06 chocolate /ˈtʃɒklət/ čokoláda a bar of chocolate Unit 06 journey /ˈdʒɜːni/ cesta a train journey Unit 06 leave /liːv/ odjet, odejít The train leaves at 6.00 Unit 06 lunch oběd Shall we have lunch? Unit 06 meal jídlo, pokrm have a meal Unit 06 metro /lʌn ʃ/ /mɪəl/ /ˈmetrəʊ/ metro the Paris metro Unit 06 plane /pleɪn/ letadlo What time does her plane get in (=arrive)? 21 pomalý He's a very slow reader so /sləʊ/ /səʊ/ tak I was tired so I went to bed Unit 06 start /stɑːt/ začít start work Unit 06 take /teɪk/ trvat The journey takes six hours Unit 06 then /ðen/ pak, poté Then we went to Unit 06 through /θruː/ skrz The River Seine flows through Paris Unit 06 train vlak We could go by train Unit 06 tram tramvaj There are no trams, but there are buses Unit 06 underground /treɪn/ /træm/ /ˌʌndəˈgraʊnd/ metro the London Underground Unit 06 wake up /ˈweɪk ʌp/ vzbudit se First, I wake up Unit 06 walk /wɔːk/ chodit pěšky Olga walks Unit 06 week /wiːk/ týden every week Unit 06 weekend víkend at the weekend Unit 06 wide široký a wide road Unit 07 asleep /ˌwiːkˈend/ /waɪd/ /əˈsliːp/ spící The children are asleep Unit 07 bad /bỉd/ špatný bad weather Unit 07 barbecue /ˈbɑːbɪkjuː/ grilování, barbecue Do you want to bring some chicken for the barbecue? Unit 07 boring /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ nudný a boring job Unit 07 by /baɪ/ od (autora) It's by (Shakespeare) Unit 07 called /kɔːld/ nazývaný It's called Unit 07 can't /kɑːnt/ nemoci, neumět Sorry, I can't Unit 07 circle kroužkovat, zakroužkovat circle the word Unit 07 cooked minulý čas slovesa cook - vařit Then I cooked some lunch Unit 07 cooking /ˈsɜː.kl / /kʊkt/ /ˈkʊkɪŋ/ vaření I the cooking Unit 06 slow Unit 06 22 Unit 07 cross /krɒs/ křížek put a cross Unit 07 cross out /krɒs aʊt/ vyškrtnout Cross out the word Unit 07 different rozdílný, jiný Jo's very different from her sister, isn't she? Unit 07 film film a cowboy film Unit 07 good /ˈdɪfərənt/ /fɪlm/ /gʊd dobrý a good book Unit 07 good dobrý The food at this restaurant is very good Unit 07 got minulý čas slovesa get - dostat I got a job Unit 07 grandfather /gʊd /gɒt/ /ˈgrænfɑːðər/ dědeček My grandfather worked babička My grandmother stayed at home minulý čas slovesa have - mít We had a very good meeting yesterday pomoc Thank you for helping r Unit 07 grandmother Unit 07 had Unit 07 help /ˈgrænmʌðə / /hæd/ /help/ Unit 07 holiday /ˈhɒlɪdeɪ/ dovolená, prázdniny on holiday Unit 07 housework domácí práce housework Unit 07 ill nemocný He was in bed, ill Unit 07 interesting /ˈhaʊswɜːk/ /ɪl/ /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ zajímavý an interesting person Unit 07 last /lɑːst/ minulý, poslední last night Unit 07 listened /ˈlɪsənd/ minulý čas slovesa listen poslouchat I stayed at home, and I listened to music Unit 07 long dlouhý It's quite long Unit 07 looked minulý čas slovesa look – dívat I looked at family photos Unit 07 meeting schůzka We're having a meeting on Thursday to discuss the problem Unit 07 met minulý čas slovesa meet – potkat I met a friend in town Unit 07 no problem /lɒŋ/ /lʊkt/ /ˈmiːtɪŋ/ /met/ /nəʊ ˈprɒbləm/ bez problémů Can you get me to the airport by 11.30? "No problem." Unit 07 of course /ɒvkɔːs/ samozřejmě Yes, of course Unit 07 phone /fəʊn/ zavolat, telefonovat phone friends 23 Unit 07 phoned /fəʊnd/ minulý čas slovesa phone telefonovat I phoned a friend and we went into town Unit 07 put /pʊt/ dát, položit put a tick Unit 07 same /seɪm/ stejný the same Unit 07 saw /sɔː/ minulý čas slovesa see - vidět We saw a film Unit 07 short /ʃɔːt/ krátký a short book Unit 07 stay /steɪ/ zůstat stay at home Unit 07 stayed /steɪd/ minulý čas slovesa stay - zůstat My grandmother stayed at home with the family Unit 07 terrible /ˈterəbl / strašný a terrible accident Unit 07 tick /tɪk/ odškrtnutí, fajfka put a tick Unit 07 tick /tɪk/ zaškrtnout Tick the sentences that are true Unit 07 underline /ˌʌndəˈlaɪn/ podtrhnout Underline the word Unit 07 use /juːz/ užít, použít Can I use your computer? Unit 07 walk procházka go for a walk Unit 07 was /wɔːk/ /wɒz/ Maria was in hospital and Boris was on holiday Unit 07 wasn't /ˈwɒzənt/ I wasn’t at the meeting Unit 07 watched Unit 07 went minulý čas slovesa go - jít I went to school Unit 07 were /wɒtʃt/ /went/ /wɜːr/ minulý čas slovesa be - být minulý čas slovesa be – být v záporu minulý čas slovesa watch - sledovat minulý čas slovesa be - být They were on holiday Unit 07 weren't /wɜːnt/ minulý čas slovesa be – být v záporu You weren’t late Unit 07 wonderful úžasný, skvělý We had a wonderful time in Spain Unit 07 wrote minulý čas slovesa write - psát I worked on my computer, wrote some emails Unit 08 April /ˈwʌndəfəl/ /rəʊt/ /ˈeɪprəl/ duben Is it good to go to Dubai in April? Unit 08 arrived /əˈraɪvd/ minulý čas slovesa drive - přijet We arrived at the airport 24 I watched TV Unit 08 art gallery /ɑːt ˈgæləri/ umělecká galerie I never go to art galleries Unit 08 August /ˈɔːgəst/ srpen Is it good to go to Dubai in August? Unit 08 bought /bɔːt/ minulý čas slovesa buy - koupit I bought a new laptop Unit 08 camping /ˈkỉmpɪŋ/ kempování I want to go camping in the Rocky Mountains Unit 08 cold /kəʊld/ studený, chladný cold water/weather r Unit 08 December /dɪˈsembə / prosinec t’s dry and sunny from December to July Unit 08 desert poušť the Sahara Desert Unit 08 did /ˈdezət/ /dɪd/ Did you go to ? Unit 08 didn't /ˈdɪdənt/ minulý čas slovesa - dělat pomocné sloveso pro tvorbu záporu v minulém čase Unit 08 disco /ˈdɪskəʊ/ diskotéka I never go to discos Unit 08 don't /dəʊnt/ Unit 08 dry Unit 08 February /draɪ/ /ˈfebruəri/ Unit 08 hostel Unit 08 pomocné sloveso pro tvorbu záporu v přítomném čase suchý We didn't see Don't write a dry summer únor For skiing, go in February /ˈhɒstəl/ hostel, mládežnická ubytovna a student hostel hot /hɒt/ horký, teplý a hot summer's day Unit 08 January /ˈdʒænjʊri/ leden For skiing, go in January Unit 08 July /dʒʊˈlaɪ/ červenec It’s dry and sunny from December to July Unit 08 June /dʒuːn/ červen From June to September it’s very hot Unit 08 kebab /kɪˈbæb/ kebab We had kebabs, bread and salad Unit 08 love /lʌv/ milovat I love the people that work here Unit 08 March /mɑːtʃ/ březen What’s Rome like in March? Unit 08 May /meɪ/ květen It’s usually warm in May Unit 08 month /mʌn θ/ měsíc Next month will be very busy 25 Unit 08 museum /mjuːˈziːəm/ muzeum a museum of modern art Unit 08 next /nekst/ další, příští next week Unit 08 November /nəˈvembər/ listopad From August to November it’s hot and very wet Unit 08 October říjen What’s the south of Mexico like in October? Unit 08 pot konvice coffee pot Unit 08 pyramid pyramida I didn’t visited the Pyramids Unit 08 sat minulý čas slovesa sit - sedět We sat by the Nile Unit 08 September /ɒkˈtəʊbər/ /pɒt/ /ˈpɪrəmɪd/ /sæt/ /sepˈtembər/ září From June to September it’s very hot Unit 08 sightseeing chození po památkách a sightseeing tour of London Unit 08 sit sedět Emma was sitting on a stool Unit 08 skiing /ˈsaɪtˌsiːɪŋ/ /sɪt/ /ˈskiːɪŋ/ lyžování For skiing, go in February Unit 08 summer /ˈsʌmər/ léto We usually go away in the summer Unit 08 sunny /ˈsʌni/ slunečný a lovely sunny day Unit 08 swimming /ˈswɪmɪŋ/ plavání The doctor recommended swimming as the best all-round exercise Unit 08 things věci, záležitosti things to Unit 08 top horní top five things Unit 08 trip výlet a business trip Unit 08 visit /θɪŋz/ /tɒp/ /trɪp/ /ˈvɪzɪt/ navštívit Did you visit St Petersburg while you were in Russia? Unit 08 visited /ˈvɪzɪtɪd/ minulý čas slovesa visit - navštívit We visited my brother Unit 08 walking /ˈwɔːkɪŋ/ chození I often go walking Unit 08 warm /wɔːm/ teplý It's nice and warm in here Unit 08 weather počasí bad/good weather Unit 08 wet /ˈweðər/ /wet/ vlhký, mokrý a wet and windy day Unit 08 What … like? Jaký….? What was it like? 26 Unit 08 winter /ˈwɪntər/ zima We went skiing last winter Unit 09 asking /ɑːskɪŋ / ptát se (přítomný čas průběhový) She’s asking questions Unit 09 beach /biːtʃ/ pláž In the afternoon we go down to the beach Unit 09 call /kɔːl/ zavolat I'll call you later Unit 09 coming /ˈkʌmɪŋ/ přicházet (přítomný čas průběhový) Two friends are coming for diner Unit 09 could /kʊd/ mohl/a bych We could see a film Unit 09 country /ˈkʌntri/ venkov drive into the country Unit 09 /du/ dělat What are you doing? Unit 09 doing /ˈduːɪŋ/ dělat (přítomný čas průběhový) What are you doing? Unit 09 going /ˈgəʊɪŋ/ jít (přítomný čas průběhový) I'm just going to a meeting r Unit 09 hairdresser /ˈheəˌdresə / kadeřník, holič He’s going to the hairdresser Unit 09 having mít (přítomný čas průběhový) He’s having a party Unit 09 I'd I would - rád/a bych I'd love to Unit 09 idea nápad, myšlenka That's a good idea Unit 09 just právě, nedávno We just had a baby Unit 09 just pouze, jen I'm just going to a meeting Unit 09 later /hævɪŋ/ /aɪd/ /aɪˈdɪə/ /dʒʌst/ /dʒʌst/ /ˈleɪtər/ později I'll call you later Unit 09 mall /mɔːl/ centrum, středisko shopping mall Unit 09 midday /ˌmɪdˈdeɪ/ poledne Beware the heat of the midday sun Unit 09 picnic piknik We're going to have a picnic down by the lake Unit 09 playing hrát (přítomný čas průběhový) Where are The Morgs playing? Unit 09 pray modlit se Let us pray for all the sick children Unit 09 really /ˈpɪknɪk/ /pleɪɪŋ/ /preɪ/ /ˈrɪəli/ opravdu I'm really busy Unit 09 rock /rɒk/ rockový rock concert 27 Unit 09 sitting /ˈsɪtɪŋ/ sedět (přítomný čas průběhový) They’re sitting in a café Unit 09 swimming pool /ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl/ plavecký bazén, koupaliště Sit by the swimming pool Unit 09 talking /tɔːkɪŋ/ mluvit (přítomný čas průběhový) He’s talking on the phone Unit 09 that /ðæt/ tamto, toto That's a nice photo Unit 09 theatre divadlo the Arts Theatre Unit 09 this tento, tato, toto this week Unit 09 watching /ˈθɪətər/ /ðɪs/ /wɒtʃɪŋ/ sledovat (přítomný čas průběhový) I'm watching a football match Unit 09 wearing /ˈweərɪŋ/ mít na sobě (přítomný čas průběhový) He’s wearing a black jacket Unit 09 working /ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ pracovat (přítomný čas průběhový) I’m working next Saturday Unit 09 would love to rád by (podle osoby) Unit 10 adult /ædʌlt/ dospělý Would you like to come?' 'I'd love to.' On the first morning of Tet, adults give children a red envelope with ‘lucky money’ Unit 10 after /ˈɑːftər/ po What did you after school? r Unit 10 after /ˈɑːftə / poté After they got married Unit 10 became /bɪˈkeɪm/ minulý čas slovesa become – stát se He became leader of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 Unit 10 beginning /bɪˈgɪnɪŋ/ začátek, počátek We met at the beginning of 1998 Unit 10 born narozen Claudia was born in 1985 Unit 10 cake dort birthday cake Unit 10 candle /bɔːn/ /keɪk/ /ˈkỉn.dl / svíčka How many candles are on the cake? Unit 10 cleaner /ˈkliːnər/ uklízeč/ka She was a cleaner Unit 10 died /daɪd/ minulý čas slovesa die - zemřít She died in 1954 Unit 10 Egyptian /ɪˈdʒɪpʃən/ egyptský She was an Egyptian singer Unit 10 envelope /ˈenvələʊp/ obálka On the first morning of Tet, adults give children a red envelope with ‘lucky money’ Unit 10 far /fɑːr/ daleký, daleko How far is the town centre? 28 Unit 10 flag /flæg/ vlajka, prapor People put a flag outside the house or flat to show that someone has a birthday Unit 10 get /get/ dostat get married Unit 10 grew up minulý čas slovesa grow up - vyrůst I grew up in Canada Unit 10 grow up vyrůst I grew up in Canada Unit 10 how /gruː ʌp/ /grəʊ ʌp/ /haʊ/ jak How far is the town centre? Unit 10 important /ɪmˈpɔːtənt/ důležitý My family is very important to me Unit 10 invite /ɪnˈvaɪt/ pozvat They've invited us to the wedding r Unit 10 leader /ˈliːdə / představitel, leader a religious leader Unit 10 left minulý čas slovesa leave - odejít I left school Unit 10 lived minulý čas slovesa live - žít As a child, she lived in a small village Unit 10 long /left/ /lɪvd/ /lɒŋ/ dlouhý How long were you in ? Unit 10 lose ztratit He lost his job Unit 10 lost minulý čas slovesa lose - ztratit He lost his job Unit 10 lucky /luːz/ /lɒst/ /ˈlʌki/ šťastný I'm going on holiday "Lucky you!" Unit 10 marry /ˈmỉri/ vzít si She married Diego Rivera Unit 10 mean /miːn/ znamenat What does mean? Unit 10 Mexican /ˈmeksɪkən/ mexický She was a Mexican painter Unit 10 move /muːv/ stěhovat I moved to London Unit 10 moved /muːvd/ minulý čas slovesa move – stěhovat I moved to London se Unit 10 musician /mjuːˈzɪʃən/ hudebník a jazz musician Unit 10 noodles nudle They invite family and friends to lunch and they eat noodles Unit 10 paint malovat He painted the Mona Lisa in 1505 Unit 10 painted /ˈnuː.dl z/ /peɪnt/ /peɪntɪd/ minulý čas slovesa paint - malovat She painted a picture 29 malíř He was an Italian painter pay /ˈpeɪntər/ /peɪ/ platit Unit 10 present /ˈprezənt/ dárek Who pays for the meal? When a child has a birthday, parents put all the presents by the bed in the night Unit 10 probably /ˈprɒbəbli/ možná, pravděpodobně I'll probably be home by midnight Unit 10 salesman /ˈseɪlzmən/ prodejce, obchodní zástupce He worked as a salesman Unit 10 singer zpěvák / zpěvačka a jazz singer Unit 10 sold minulý čas slovesa sell - prodat He sold computers Unit 10 special /ˈsɪŋər/ /səʊld/ /ˈspeʃəl/ speciální I'm cooking something special for her birthday Unit 10 painter Unit 10 ə Unit 10 special /ˈspeʃ l/ speciální You need to use a special kind of paint Unit 10 studied /ˈstʌdid/ minulý čas slovesa study - studovat I studied business Unit 10 waltz /wɒls/ waltz On her 15th birthday, a girl wears a white dress and dances the waltz 15 times Unit 10 writer /ˈraɪtər/ spisovatel He was a Russian writer 30 ... /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ někdy He does cook sometimes, but not very often Unit 04 speak /spiːk/ mluvit speak English Unit 04 sport sport winter sports Unit 04 steak steak They also have good steaks and salads

Ngày đăng: 09/03/2020, 09:06

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