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PART PICTURE DESCRIPTION I PEOPLE Gesture with face a Eyes No Word/ Part of Collocation Check sth speech V Examine sth Gaze at sth Glance at sth Inspect sth V V V V Phonetic Meaning Example /ʧɛk/ Kiểm tra The woman is checking some Kiểm tra, khảo information He is examining an X-ray image /ɪgˈzỉmɪn/ /geɪz ỉt / sát Nhìn chằm chằm A man is gazing at the computer /glɑːns ỉt/ Liếc nhìn screen Both of them are glancing at the /ɪnˈspɛkt/ Kiểm tra, screen She is inspecting some documents Look at sth V /lʊk ỉt/ tra Nhìn Review sth V /rɪˈvjuː/ Xem xét Stare at sth V /steər/ /æt/ View sth 10 Watch sth on the table The man is looking at the door He is reviewing some papers Nhìn chằm chằm The woman is staring at the V /vjuː/ Xem, xem xét window They are viewing some slides V /wɒʧ/ Quan sát, nhìn They are watching movies in the theo dõi living room b Mouth No Word/ Part of Collocation 11 Talk to sb speech V Phonetic Meaning Example /tɔːk/ /tʊ/ Nói chuyện The man is talking to the woman 12 Speak to sb V /spiːk/ /tʊ/ Nói The policeman is speaking to a /həv/ /ə/ / Có hội kid They are having a conversation ˌkɒnvə thoại 13 Have a conversation V with their teacher with sb 14 Give a lecture to sb 15 Make a call 16 Address oneself to 17 Deliver a speech 18 Give a speech 19 Laugh at sth 20 Smile at sb/ V ˈseɪʃən/ /wɪð/ /gɪv/ /ə/ / Giảng bài, The professor is giving a lecture V ˈlɛkʧə/ /tʊ/ /meɪk/ /ə/ /kɔːl/ thuyết trình Gọi điện to the class The business woman is making a /əˈdrɛs/ thoại Nói chuyện call at her office The teacher is addressing herself V /dɪˈlɪvər/ /ə/ riêng với Phát biểu to the pupil at the front table The speaker is delivering a V /spiːʧ/ /gɪv/ /ə/ /spiːʧ/ Phát biểu speech in the meeting room A woman is giving a speech to V V V /lɑːf/ /æt/ /smaɪl/ /æt/ Cười the audience People are laughing Cười comedies The child is smiling at his sth at the puppies Gestures with hands No 21 22 23 24 Word/ Part of Collocation Carry sth Move sth Hold sth speech V V V Use sth V Phonetic Meaning Example /ˈkæri/ /muːv/ /həʊld/ Mang, vác Di chuyển Cầm, nắm He is carrying a box full of items They are moving a heavy object A woman is holding a pen in her Dùng right hand He is using a public phone on the /juːz/ 25 26 Operating sth Shake hands V V /ˈɒpəreɪtɪŋ/ /ʃeɪk/ Vận hành Bắt tay street She is operating the machine The businessmen are shaking hands 27 Point at sth V /hændz/ /pɔɪnt/ /æt/ Chỉ with each other The speaker is pointing at the Vỗ tay screen The audience are applauding at a concert They are 28 Applaud V /əˈplɔːd/ 29 Clap for V /klæp/ /fɔː/ Vỗ tay 30 31 Touch sth Reach for sth V /tʌʧ/ /riːʧ/ /fɔː/ Chạm, sờ Với performance She is touching her cheek The doctor is reaching for the Chọn, cầm lên monitor They are picking up some apples 32 Pick up sth V /pɪk/ /ʌp/ clapping for the 33 Stretch V /strɛʧ/ Kéo, duỗi from the shelf A woman is stretching one of her arms Postures No 34 35 Word/ Part of Collocation Stand on speech V Stand across Phonetic Meaning Example /stænd/ /ɒn/ Đứng The conductor is standing on V /stỉnd/ /ə Đứng phía trước across from the men The cashier is standing in front Ngồi xung quanh of the counter They are all sitting around a Ngồi đối diện conference table One woman is sitting across 36 Stand in V ˈkrɒs/ /stænd/ /ɪn/ 37 front of Sit around V /frʌnt/ /ɒv/ /sɪt/ /əˈraʊnd/ 38 Sit across V /sɪt/ /əˈkrɒs/ Đứng đối diện the platform The women are standing 39 40 Sit in rows Sit on V V /sɪt/ /ɪn/ /rəʊz/ /sɪt/ /ɒn/ Ngồi theo hang Ngồi from the rest The people are seated in rows There are passengers sitting on 41 Lean on V /liːn/ /ɒn/ Dựa vào the bus One woman is leaning on the 42 Lean against V /liːn/ /əˈgɛnst/ Dựa vào other The women are leaning against Nghỉ ngơi the lamp post The women are resting on the 43 Rest V /rɛst/ 44 Walk through V /wɔːk/ /θruː/ Đi xuyên qua benches They are walking through the 45 Walk hand in V /wɔːk/ Đi tay forest The girls are walking hand in /hænd/ /ɪn/ tay hand /hænd/ /wɔːk/ /əˈkrɒs/ Đi sang phía Some /strəʊl/ /əˈlɒŋ/ bên Đi bộ/ tản dọc hand 46 47 Walk across Stroll along V V theo Appearance people are walking across the street People are strolling along the waterfront No 48 49 Word/ Part of Collocation Wear sth speech V Have sth on 50 Be dressed V Phonetic Meaning Example /weə/ Đeo, mặc They are wearing protective Đeo, măc helmets The couple have sunglasses /hæv/ /ɒn/ V formally on They are dressed formally /biː/ Mặc trang trọng, /drɛst/ / lịch Mặc không trịnh The 51 Be dressed V ˈfɔːməli/ /biː/ / drɛst/ 52 casually Put on sth V /ˈkæʒjʊəli/ /pʊt/ /ɒn/ trọng Mặc vào, đeo vào casually at the school festival A man is putting on his name 53 Try on sth V /traɪ/ /ɒn/ Thử đồ tag A woman is trying on some Tháo, cởi Tháo, cởi shoes He is removing his glasses He is taking off his striped 54 55 Remove sth Take off sth/ V V /rɪˈmuːv/ /teɪk/ /ɒf/ take sth off students are dressed sweater II THINGS DESCRIPTION Transportation a Vehicle No Word/ Part of speech V Phonetic Meaning Example 56 Collocation Park alongside /pɑːk/ /əˈlɒŋ Đỗ xe dọc theo Each truck is parked alongside 57 sth Park next to sth V ˈsaɪd/ /pɑːk/ Đỗ xe bên cạnh another truck Trucks have been parked next V /nɛkst/ /tuː/ /pleɪs/ /ɒn/ Đặt to the building A car has been placed on the Để mở truck The car door has been left 58 59 Place on sth Left open V /lɛft/ / Được nâng lên open The vehicles have been raised Được nâng lên into the air The vehicle has been elevated 60 Be raised into V ˈəʊpən/ /reɪz/ /ˈɪntuː/ 61 Be elevated for V /biː/ / sth/ doing sth 62 Be loaded in ˈɛlɪveɪtɪd/ V /fɔː/ /biː/ / for repairs Được xếp lên Some bags have been loaded 63 64 Be left near sth Put air into the V ˈləʊdɪd/ /ɪn/ /biː/ /lɛft/ V /nɪə/ /pʊt/ /eər/ / tire Được để gần in the back of the vehicle Three bicycles have been left Bơm xe near the tracks People are putting air into the ˈɪntuː/ /ðə/ / tires ˈtaɪə/ No 65 Word/ Collocation Land on Part of speech V Phonetic Meaning Example /lænd/ /ɒn/ Hạ cánh The helicopters have landed on V Adj /teɪk/ /ɒf/ /ɒn/ /ðə/ / Cất cánh Trên đường bang the grass The plane is taking off There are several airplanes on 68 Be tied up V ˈrʌnweɪ/ /biː/ /taɪd/ Được cột vào the runway The boats are tied up along the 69 Pass under sth V /ʌp/ /pɑːs/ / Đi phía water’s edge A boat is about to pass under V ˈʌndə/ /bɔːd/ /ə/ Lên máy bay the bridge The passengers are boarding a Tiếp viên hàng plane A flight attendant is serving 66 67 Take off On the runway 70 Board a plane 71 Flight attendant N /pleɪn/ /flaɪt/ /ə 72 Ground crew N ˈtɛndənt/ /graʊnd/ không Nhân viên kỹ water to the passenger The ground crew is examining 73 In the departure Adj /kruː/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /dɪ thuật mặt đất Phòng chờ khởi the aircraft People are waiting to board in ˈpɑːʧə/ hành lounge the departure lounge /laʊnʤ/ b Road & Street No Word/ Part of 74 Collocation a lot of traffic speech N 75 curves into sth V 76 one - way traffic N Phonetic Meaning Example Nhiều phương There is a lot of traffic on the tiện lưu thông Uốn cong theo street The road curves into the Đường chiều distance The street is open to one - way traffic only 77 on the road 78 be resurfaced Adv đường There aren’t any cars on the road (mặt đường) The road is being resurfaced V làm lại, làm Architecture a Building No Word/ Part of 79 Collocation At the foot of sth speech Adj Phonetic Meaning Example /æt/ /ðə/ chân (núi, There are buildings at the foot Adj /fʊt/ /ɒv/ /əˈraʊnd/ tháp, ) Xung quanh tòa of the mountain Workers are standing around nhà Gần sông the building There are buildings near the 80 Around the 81 building Near the river Adj /ðə/ /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ /nɪə/ /ðə/ / 82 Overlook sth V ˈrɪvə/ /ˌəʊvəˈlʊk/ Nhìn ra, xoay /ɒn/ phía phía 83 On both sides of Adj sth /bəʊθ/ river Buildings overlook the lake Buildings are on both sides of the street /saɪdz/ /ɒv/ b Construction No Word/ 84 Collocation building Part of Phonetic Meaning Example speech N /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ /mə 85 material Be painted V ˈtɪərɪəl/ /biː/ / Được sơn piled up behind the vehicle The building is being painted 86 Be demolished V ˈpeɪntɪd/ /biː/ /dɪ Bị phá hủy A fence is being demolished V ˈmɒlɪʃt/ /biː/ (Đường) lát The path is being paved with V /peɪvd/ /wɪð/ /pɔː/ /ðə/ / Đổ bê tông bricks The workers are pouring the 87 Be paved with 88 sth Pour the concrete Vật liệu xây dựng Some building materials ˈkɒnkriːt/ concrete in to the tank Scenery No Word/ Part of Phonetic Meaning Example are 89 Collocation Flow over speech V Chảy qua The water is flowing over the /biː/ / Được trồng theo rocks The trees have been planted in rows ˈplɑːntɪd/ /ɪn/ hàng 91 In the Adj /rəʊz/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ / Ở phía sau There is a mountain in the 92 background In the forest Adj ˈbækgraʊnd/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ / Ở rừng background There is a lot of grass in the 93 Flow down V ˈfɒrɪst/ /fləʊ/ /daʊn/ Chảy xuống forest The river is flowing down the 90 Be planted in 94 At the bottom of 95 sth Extend from sth 96 Rough 97 Be reflected in 98 sth along the edge 99 of sth Line sth V /fləʊ/ /ˈəʊvə/ rows Adj /æt/ /ðə/ / Ở chân/ mountain There is a lake at the bottom V ˈbɒtəm/ /ɒv/ /ɪksˈtɛnd/ đáy Kéo dài từ of the hill A ramp extends from the shore Adj /frɒm/ /rʌf/ Dữ dội, gồ ghề to the boat The water in the harbour is V /biː/ /rɪ Phản chiếu vào rough The birds are reflected in the Adj ˈflɛktɪd/ /ɪn/ /əˈlɒŋ/ /ði/ Ven theo mép pond The horse is walking along the V /ɛʤ/ /ɒv/ /laɪn/ Kéo dài dọc theo edge of the water Many trees line the water Household Items a Store & Product, Interior Decoration No Word/ Collocation 100 Lay out sth Part of speech V Phonetic Meaning Example /leɪ/ /aʊt/ Bày ra, để Different kinds of bread are 101 Attach to sth V /əˈtỉʧ/ /tuː/ Đính kèm laid out for sale Labels have been attached to 102 Stack on sth V /stæk/ /ɒn/ Xếp chồng lên the bottles The bottles are stacked on top 103 Decorate V /ˈdɛkəreɪt/ Trang trí of each other The cakes have been 104 Be displayed V /biː/ /dɪs Được trưng bày decorated The items are displayed in the 105 flower N ˈpleɪd/ /ˈflaʊər/ /ə Bình hoa showcase A large flower arrangement is arrangement 106 Fill with sth 107 Be on sth 108 Above the V ˈreɪnʤmənt/ /fɪl/ /wɪð/ V /biː/ /hʌŋ/ Adj /ɒn/ /əˈbʌv/ /ðə/ / fireplace Làm đầy on the table The vases are filled with Được treo flowers Pictures are on the wall Trên lò sưởi near the windows There are candles above the ˈfaɪəˌpleɪs/ fireplace b Appliance and Equipment No Word/ Collocation To be located 109 110 Cover with 111 Be neatly Part of Phonetic Meaning Example /tuː/ /biː/ Được đặt The table is located in front of V /ləʊˈkeɪtɪd/ /ˈkʌvə/ Bao phủ the sofa The table is entirely covered V /wɪð/ /biː/ / speech V with a table-cloth Được xếp gọn Pillows are neatly arranged on arranged ˈniːtli/ /ə 112 Folded blanket N ˈreɪnʤd/ /ˈfəʊldɪd/ / 113 in the corner of Adj ˈblæŋkɪt/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ / Ở góc blankets on the sofa There is a television in the sth 114 Be arranged by V ˈkɔːnər/ /ɒv/ /biː/ /ə Được xếp corner of the room The saucepans are arranged by ˈreɪnʤd/ theo kích cỡ size /baɪ/ /saɪz/ /ɒn/ /ðə/ Ở phía bên trái /lɛft/ of the bed /saɪd/ /ɒv/ /tɜːn/ /ɒf/ Tắt The hall lights have all been size 115 on the left side Adj of sth 116 Turn off V gàng the bed Chăn gấp There are some folded There is a lamp on the left side turned off ... ˈfaɪəˌpleɪs/ fireplace b Appliance and Equipment No Word/ Collocation To be located 10 9 11 0 Cover with 11 1 Be neatly Part of Phonetic Meaning Example /tuː/ /biː/ Được đặt The table is located in front...with sb 14 Give a lecture to sb 15 Make a call 16 Address oneself to 17 Deliver a speech 18 Give a speech 19 Laugh at sth 20 Smile at sb/ V ˈseɪʃən/ /wɪð/... arranged ˈniːtli/ /ə 11 2 Folded blanket N ˈreɪnʤd/ /ˈfəʊldɪd/ / 11 3 in the corner of Adj ˈblæŋkɪt/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ / Ở góc blankets on the sofa There is a television in the sth 11 4 Be arranged by V

Ngày đăng: 28/11/2019, 21:28

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