World english 1 kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

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World english 1 kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

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scope andseqirence Unit Peop," Videoloufna 12 Unit2 Work,Rest, andPay VideoJouÍna )4 Unit GoÌnqP ac VideoJournal 26 36 Unit Food 38 48 Unit5 Spo[s 50 60 V deololrrnàl Unit6 Destlnations VÌdeolourna 62 72 Unit T Communcat Videolourna 74 B4 Unit I B6 96 Ìhe FutuÍe VideoJournal Unit Shopping forClothes Unit lo Lfesry es V deoloLrrnal Unit I I Achlevernents VÌdeo1ourna 98 108 'l l0 124 122 132 Unit 12 Consequences VideoJo1rrna 134 144 Bonus Communicatlon ActÌvitÌes 5ki s ndex 146 150 152 CredÌts contents iii F Ê , Ê w o f p Í c Ê nrÍ ê Ê : ^ ! ( f o r ã i d S i ! Ép e r l o n r ì Ì a I a b o ! r p Ê o p Laen dt h c i l ' a a r nv d : Ì ã l k a b o üat w o r k l a y D Ê s c r l b et eàs t v ao r i m p ep e s e n l Ì e n t e oÍÍreq!en.y Adverb5 t{rlllng a { ompâred fL.reftfenl!â15 Askï;ììd!ì !e peEofa rnperaillesàfdjhourd 5harcrpÊ.rãveilps Wrltinga c o m p a r e ! ê r y a yd f d p Í Ê s e n trÌ e a ! i t i e r r Ì kabolt ãvorile5portt r Lls.us5.dvcnturê ho r E x h a n qi e niofnìaton LlsÊrú'/rvef.p to des.Íibê peEorãlexpenence Ìir k abolt a dÈcơvery Gilềid wr;lêdowi ph Des.rbinqslqhts, D o f i D ê ! r b e h a r a c t enf c s Endnq5 4/iid aonìparÊ d fferenÌ Ìyp-"rof Genêren ng: "F!teEnerqy' DiscLÍonSêrìdshoft ]\4a predcuorìs keweather t oth f9 L l r d e r l a na dn dd e s c r t b e RÌ5r9 andla ill (o,thỊuld,mun,harc ta CeJìeraistênng: Di5cussing Loig L ÍÊ" SLrggwalstonìprove WriÌng a parâqÍaplr Ci! n! adv.e for Evallareyolf feÍy € Ìd kabolttod.y!.hes pe.Ì tensevs Presenr a a t h i n gL r p w t h LÈlenng íor lúakeclìoceson howro Ì a k d b o L rhto w o ! r a c t l o n s DisclsswaysÌo prevenr VÌsitthelastfacroryin Flencetomakesi k by hafd frcdit ionol Silkl",lokin? I ) I A 5ãn Íl4iguel Countries and Nationalities AuEtralia Australan Jordãn Jordanian ïh;iliìnd reland lfríìì F l,r ìa,l_ìir rt llra ,.,r.,nÌn! Thài lÍish T ìl! i JiìÌÍ'n 5lì.r a Occupations engine T.ì!.l\,li i',h.'iil ì , , : r r F Í r : , : l T r : , : i i l a o r rL r , ' , r travêlaqênt h i ! ( , , r1:rr Ì ì - - F - ! r L :': ' '] Tì a r F'ìtaaaì'ìr-ail rr | ì, ÍrÊe lifìr.i ': l! ],r,./ial': ,ì ì í f r , r i r r L r " , i , Ì ì _ :i r : T ' AB RealLangge i-ìrirrÌ,r!ri:, i r r ri L l i r : f , , l lÍrrìì Grammar: Be Statements with be SubjectpÍonoqn + óe Be contractions Subiect am t'm be Negative pronoun You'rê am You/We/They are Wete You,^/e/ïhey are not a danceÍ ïhai They're Thai He/5he/lt ts Het f€slnoquestions He/Stìe/ t is She's It's Be Pronoun Shortan5wers you/they Yes,am .- N o I mn o t l\,lercanl Yes, tneyare he/she/Ìt No,heisn't A.lúatchthequestions andtheanswers L Areyou a doctor?-l 2lssheKorean?É lsBenBritÌsh7-rÌ eyouArnercan? !1 Arel"lario andTeresa students? f a.Yes,he is b.No,sheisn't ShesJapanese c.Yes, theyare.They corÌìefromArgentna d No,l'mnot.l'ma nurse e.No, m not 'm Canadian B.F in the b anksw th a pÍonor tn andthecorrect formoftheverbbe Where frornlapan.l'm fromThaand írom ndonesla?Yes, I arÌì fro.n7 Thee fÌoanChna an archÌtect He'sa doct Íorn Canada? No,we'refrornthe llnited state5 Conversation A Listento the conversation Wh,.res Seanfrom? -r;ck I Sean: So,C auda,whereareyoufrorn? Claudiâ:l'mfrornChÌe Sean: 50,you'feCh ean,eh.50Llnds coo AreyoufronrSantÌaqo1 Claudia:Yes,anì.Andyou,Sean?Where areyoufrom? 'rnCanadian Seani Claudia: WowlCanadaId loveto go to C;nada.Whlchcityareyoufrorn? 'rn Sêân: fiomTofonto B Practlce the conversatÌon with a partnef.Switchroesand practce Ìt agn worI w th è pèrta.cÍeatenew psona Usethe conversat on aboveto meeteachotheT LessonA < H v í d l dì Í r o r ì k5 e f l "' \ ! t ' " I < l n o r r h o r Lrir o r l Fớeèa(è t[-ỡỗ qr r5l on5vr lh ,r p,rfLnc,f A lis.u!\ llrc,5e L hasa,rì ÌlÌr ! nk.iì afìnaJ olaxfÌnafon Wl rf Ír (lo LlÍry vel f ,,"r' ì ìl (in(ìol lrìb l.ìl? , W h y ! i l i r Ì ì Ì x Ì l r r ìlLo ( x ) ( ( ì l f c r i r Ìr ì J r,ìl)i1,ìLsl í ì8,4fìlwlÌ I / O(]DANS llìa quc!l oÌì,, W l l ) ' ! L l ì ff u Ì l r l ) ( ' o f l I , , 1lìl o i Ì x lr 1 ) w r ì l I !\/a!L(Ì) I \ ì r(J,I\/ n]Lw r,ìf)lx'f1 l Wlìy ! I fÌìpofL,lflL()(x)k,ìlLí:'f wc'trrxl,,? \ /ll r h ,ÌÌ(,!!a (J!lrì(Ì fÌÌJÍ, rÌriaky, a,r fl!lt (Ì wcl.ìrìd!? i Habitat Destruction !V ryrÍr corr Í.c1!dyníll Iìishrrc lìÌ(cnìoncyin lhc banh.ll you overspcncl, soon yo will h.ìvcn()nìoncy.ll {'c ovcrÍìsh, soonwc willh,ìvrno rììorc1ìslì.Ëislìcrnìcnnow lr,ìvc bìligcì borìlslhrìn in lhc lrrìsl;ììlcl lheyciìnc.ìlchnÌ)fc Íìsh,so Lhc ounÌbcrol lìshis gngdolvn.ManyscicrÌrists w.ìntto rcducc stopíìslìingconìpÌelcly in nranyprrrts oeLr'occâns so tlìc nunbcr of lìsh crn rccover wril t.ANr)s t* I t ì ,t( |;'N D' O 142 a \r Ì.!rr-cs ' ,' ' -.1, N E 's;íl;-F iìeslìwalard sallwrìter wctlâÌrdsrìovc pollutantsând provide bâbitrìtlor lìslÌ, birds, âod other arìinìâls.M.ìn)'pcopÌc, in Soulhexst especi:ììly Asic, dependon wetÌandsfor food One hundrcd thirty two nationshâvcsigncdtlìe Conventiì on \{ellxnds However,llìe reslslrovebeendisâppointing Fforì tÌìe ^rÌìâzon Basinto lraq, wc ârc drâiring wetÌandsfor agrictLÌre, drÌÌns,and devopÌnent.Scientistsestinàte lhâl we ha\.elost 50 pcrccnt ofourwctlânds ìn thc last I00 years-If e cì1il1lìe, lhere will be Do wetÌâÌìdsÌeft nÌ 100years Word Focus Íecov = lo qet l:rac( tfìa snrn,oaDloufl dfain to Ícrnov-oweler disappointing = Whef 5rrmcthng i! Ji5dppoifÌihrl It i5 nol wlìatyoLrwantcdor expected explosive- keebomb poison = à.lrerÌìi.athark ls vinq th Jỡls Wt;'!tinỗ aoỡpl.Lcfh FLl.:f lo a fèr.ỡq.ỡzlnc cdiLorlls lh( lnlnì.ìl o r youlrJvccnrnedin l ìe.ìrla e.l|a your lear Edlor, ^ ( rrrJ ri l! (t I Ì !Í0' {l I feadyourartc e withlnterest andI agfee\,vth a yoL.r say.ButwhatcanthelndvidL-tiì do? COIìAI,REIFS ^ qflcr ìllrÌDinrs th.ìtlivcìn thc scrìÌivcin coriìl rccÍs.IhcyrìfclhcrâinÍìrcslsol thcsc.ì.ììo$,cvc4wc huvckrst pcrccnt 27 our cor.ìlrccl.s ìn thc l.Ìst 5(ìycrìfsrìccdìng lo thc(inrìl ììccl^llirncc.WhyiìÌc tÌrcydying?Mâ,ìsonìctinrcs difcctlv,sonìclinrcs in(ìircclly-is lhc pf(ítcnr.lrishcrnrcn usc cxpbsivcstìDdpoisonl{, kill Íìsh lhcykilÌthclìslìL)urlhcy tÌsr.r kill tbc corrl.Occantfnrpcf.ìtrìÍcs havcìncrc seddrÌck) (]lìnr.ìLe ch.üìgc (iìf.ìl ncc(lsi\r.ìlcrlo L)crìtfx.ìctÌy tlìc rìglìL lcnì|crilrrrc.ì1tlìc n.ìlcr is loo lÍ)1,Lhccof.rl$,ì1lcÌic So nì.ìnls activilics.ìfc iÌìcliÌccll)' killingthc cor.l rccl:s lheanswer pÍolìenì]ssinìpe to theoveffighing le ol op,a.i9 | _ ThepÍobem of the\,!etand5i5nrore c o m p l i c a tbeêdc a u s e l tpi o s i t i c a l.p e o p l e wtre ro rner senoT5, re ossofcofàress pty caLtsed by c líìate cfranqe, so il , thaÌu/lllhep Buthowcanone person ahingeevêryfhÌnq,, you frear say We , feveryonedoessorÌìctlìinq, ;ì.*"ï.i :! $"- Yours y, s ncere EàdB Butler Wsaonsin )e= Ìr \t ^ Goal4 PiNÀM ^ e f r d d n q e r e d o f ar r e [ j Workwtha ptnerTa kallouttfìetlì rìq! yo! w ll to prevent halltatdestrlaton ].{rsson D 143 YouWatch Before A b l L l i melt I i l glaci€r dorestâtlon ìo mi]keir B,lìcidthc clìiìlÍìol actofìsJfd (of5eq!enaes NLrTnb the5enlìaes s m n fc h a l n caÌsandalÌplanespÌodu.e cârbondioxidemakêsthe hotter.> Ìhe glãciêÍs Kilimãnjomelt atmosphe qetsmner The!l a.Ìersol'Kllmanjaro There5 -oss v/àtin the atmosphefe L []eoplecut clowrìLfees _The s les5Í.rlnàndsnow WhileYouWatch 34 144 Con!equence! A A- h h de L ) l her-mber andd, e: K lnrinjaros neary I t sa T o u n l ^ ' m eshiqh d ' / \ o l d o yeaÍso o The!l âcierson K lrn:nlaroare Expcft5 nowpredlalthalthemountàns q acler5 aouldaolÌìpetey yeJf Dy rÌre Sappe ,hl B.Answer theQL,restlons L Whyaretheg aciers of Klimanjafo lrnportant forthepeope who ve neafthe mountan? ) Whyaretheg aciers of KilÌmanjo importanÌ forTanzania? Whyarelheglacersdlsappear ng? AfterYouWatch Âl Discuss thisquestion w th a partnerlsthereanythtng thatyoucando to stopthe nreltìngof KlljnìanJaro's glaciers? Communication J I roo ì pìO o Uo\- ll _O OL,p.t 1Ll ,^r 'r r r , L d or / o D rL.5êdr STUDENTA ST ^ the Rhone G âcer n 5wÌ2,.r;nd,1849 l theRh.rne Gl.certoday VideoJournâl 145 Activity 8r I ook.ìllhep ct!Íe.Dlí r55theqLrcstìons a b d c I al Wìere r ( nÍrÌìen lfoml low ol,:l155hel Laf youreadherwÍil ng? ^rc LhcfcirnyrÌìlstnke!i r slrer.ronr:d? (csw t r youfE rqlÌ5 ì1 l)o yo! rn.r(a m sLn ^fe nì !ldke!lrÌìftorLnnll Activity ll Wrrkw Llr,rÍr,rrtrrr S T U D E NAT )c5(rlje N,r(hnlfì! a arlha!fo i plrfÌìar S T U D E NBÏ l(),i f) rf rìar L)e!Lfbe lvle(lhrrìn'! c o1ììc,s )i!(u!s1lìcsc q!r!L o r\ LÍnlc,1lì(,.f r Díryiiullì r ( N.r(5fÌ.ìlrn lkosÀ4.qì,rnrls lolhos?lou/.loyoukÌìow? b Doiu| ì f ( yo!nq people5houklwcirf (,lvc!o!f feir!of5 al{rfhasÌ lÌadllon,rl ^ N d k 5ì r Í | ì Ê d d y , i n dh e f d L r ! i h r ri úr c q h n 146 ComÌÍ{ìniration A(tivitìêg Activity3 A Workw th a partner S T U D E NAT llcs,:ribc thcp clrrrc1o,ì pnÍÌnWhntj Kokodo |q? Wh,ìtcxpfa!skrn doc! lìohnva on h ! fa(f?Whnlrro rnrìaifìe's íÊelnqs? ranano l]aLtsorì.Ìfd Koko S T U D E NBT De!crbc fhcplcfuretoa partner Whal.ìfelarìềfd F ìnt ngì l)es.rbethe r íee nqs D scuss togother Whch p.turedo youpfeíer? whv? ^ lane Gooda -n.l t nt WoÍldEnglish 147 Activity ll Workwlth paÍtner S T U D E NAT lle.iaril)e Lìe phoLoo,ì fnrLn{.r I ow rÌrdnyah dfrrì nÍe llìere? Whcf ,ìfcthcy fflì?Whnt.f l l ì o y d o r ( l ? Wì c Í r , l r I ì o y ^f( I r('y bof(\ll S T U D E NBT De!.ribetfìeplì,rlolo youf pnrtnWhefearethe people? Whatrrc thcydolnq? Whit arc \r!earÌnq? lhey Whatarelher lcclinqsl Dlsauss lheseque5lon5 peop a Do e n yourcountfyliketo Íead? b Do you preferto reada book qo to thc 148 {ohrÍìünicãtiDnA.Ìivities Activity li V i o r kv , t, h r p r r t n e rl ú ì k e e l i s t o rf t h e o b j e t r l ftrf r , p L L r f e y o u r ! ì r ì r ì ! ì r Í ì r lfì [!c, Ír rr ir]! Ilrid vo !f fr)| rc aiirs! :1 ii Activity6 I A \ ' \ / tov r /L ì , r ] r , rl r ì r , ( l ì o o r Í ' ,lìÌ , r ! ( Ì l l í a Ì r ì o rr (il LIìÍr Í) ( Lrr||r,, )(",(:rbf lrlmor lr.r la y(nr ÌrÌL rr,Ì\1./ì,r (lÌ'! lìÍrfn,í,,orìo(t( (l]/ W l ì , r,Lj l r ( , o , , l r ( , i { r Ì r t l Wr rr ,,lr,t , r r r f r r r lÊrt,rÌrt!lLue!! | ìr | ì.ìliotì,ìlv .-iqerFês5)irelnãfn-,!J?ltr'': Âl B o o r , r tl l ì i ' n ( ì J r I ! { r ! ' , Lì \ ( , q r ( , ! l( i f , \ , v i rihr Ì ) r f f r ( , r ! / l r, ,, lì lr( , f (, ,rIiI )II! |ì l i Ì A Ì Lr f \ ,l r i í ' Ì ì ( l ' ,{, )l )Lì Ì , r f r (' lì , , ( ,ì ÌL, r \) ì ( l ,ìrÌl wil(,,iÍ' I rfy lì,ìl))y LÍÌlrllìcÍ?\l/lì,r ì,rpp(,ì 1r.íor.,I x, f)h{ro vi.,r!Ln(erl I l Communication, 5€eo/5oListening;Speaking;Writing b ort5,ar7 LOntaatnlorÌÌìntlon, /9 con5,ii,l i Í n r â kr q , l l nrlrÍììq,55!Íams,85 f o l ep â y , , i , , 9170,9 Gramm Lìc+ddlectve(+noLrn 9),I aomparJtlvc, l0l conìpoLrnal, ll6 cnrpì.rL(, 4r8 fxnÍ.55ve,9,79 \Lrp.ritlvcs 04 05 ,ìd!.rh5 ffoqLrcnl:y, )0 ) I { (Ììlrn{.1 orl,,olơrt d r(\ L;ìrìdn(lifrclohlclLt,/6 // /r//Ìr1/ah | ì(l/rowrìÌrìl wil ì qr,r'ìLI ars,45 r/r hL !f!, l:lar 1)/, 40 41 hi\ol, a [a\,r,0 htllt,ll) mo.liì|s, ll l ( olrnÌ(ìrÌ1rrorì( oLfL 4(l p{r!Í",\ \ropfl]rì1)t íì5,t9 f ) f t f Ì )l \o r ! o l m c , l / q!.51.Ìì! w Llìh.rrl lơ l7 r{' ( orìÍiilírn!ì,,, 16 17,l/10 l1 rho!/d for advi.r, l l JorrÉàfd dfìI 40 ! l 5ublectpronoun bq VCTD! bÉ',5,8 1,68 ar.l bctoirg tq 88 89 luturetense,136,140 fÍcqLr ar pa!ttefse,77 n kf g , 8 l pre5ent cont nuou5tcn5c,53 pre5cnt pÉflectlenle,ll4 125 pre5eftpefrcattense vs past s mp e tcnsc,l28 limp e pãeltens,À, ar465,68 69 çimpe pre5ent tense,I7, 136,1,10 statve,57 150 Slii:3irc,ìx rtts/wete,6i)69 rrlÍ ior pf,.dlctof 5,9, 9l ú// in rcalcondt onas,136 137,1/101/ll Listening.seed/soPronunciation qLr,:s1 âsklng ândens\r'r'eflnq ons,4l ionveridtkrrì.,,5,9, 17,tl, )9 10,44,41,45,tj,,tf ,65,66, , ,1 r, , : ,r , , 1 , ,88 t , ,0 ,r t)t t18,t11 rl Íu\!i!, I l4 ntcÍvi.[/s,] 8,90,l2ú |;]do proqf.rnr,7ll 42 /13 feslirurirnt ofders, tc cphoncaa15,54 le -Àvis on pfogf.ìììs, PÍonunciation conlfacLonsol 1,.€, / € ìd ìgs /ynnrl l.err,78 fcd! d Í(Ìrn qo,ìq tg 90 fcduccdíorÌÌì hírvc,1rl 'ili fa{lLr{ a(l iorrÌì ú//)d arra lr.rr , àrr)wotltly.t lÌkt, 4l r{Ìl!({rdkÌfrì5ol r.rloirltava l i f q ì n d r f i l n q l n l o n a l o ì , l r1, | i n nl L o Ì ì a L i o r ì5o1r 5ìl l l \lt.rltl\lnrkltlt, 14 v.rÍlif e'ndinrlin ,.1,6() vcÍb!cndiÌì(liÌì j, lll R e a d i n gs k i f f s r, ,) r , 1 - , , \598, / , ú , , r c l t l l ,1 t 0l l l , l Readings llLiJt dsI o.-)d,46/11 aôni /L1l: Ane festial, l\,4ô ny,) ) )) ( Pic.hLttlteLr.idlcol lhc lncdI tpìí:,1l ll lht: Ìlyal l"4ochu Clirbnqthe Dra.lans 'px€t, 58 59 FtLüteEnêtqy:ltvheíe Willl/leGelOü Enetaly,9l95 I)Alruction,14) 14) l)ccplcfrcmAroLtndthelA/ôld,lA 11 Ihe seúetLonquatle a[Da]phns,a) 8) Ihesecteltala LongLile,118119 5iik 1/r,:Orce]r ol lextilet 106 107 sr.tctthaveler, )1 35 lJncaverÌnglhe l\.4yneietal rhÉUriversÉ','lI0 l l'l Speaking ; ! k ì q a n da n l w e nr q q u e 5ot n , 71, ,1 , , , onvcÍsetons,5,9, 17,2l , )9,1,1,11,15,53,5 /,6\, t:9,11, , , 10, , , 0| 53 , | , t , ,] ] ] ] , 1,| d e c i b i n7g,I,6 ,2 , 11,4 - l l dlscussing, 103,146 givngadvlce, 115 lob ntviews,127 narnÌng objects,149 role-p êyng,37,43,6l, 97,109 t Í i pp l a n n i n g , Test-taking skills,37 DangerausDìnner, 48-49 Hula,24-25 TheLdstaftheWamon Diveỗ,l213 l\,4ochLt Picchu,72 73 fhe l\4is,ỡng Snawtof Kỡlimdnjara, 144 I 45 TheScíence afStress,120 121 'aldrCaaking,96 97 Spocewolk,132 133 TrcdìtianaI SiIkl,/1 akìng, 1A8-1A9 WildAnintdlTracker 5,84 85 categoriz ng,56 check nganswers, 43,55,66,73,90,96 circingansweÍs, 9,16,18,25,37,66, 78,85, I00,108,114 Vocabulary competlngcharts, I33,I39 achievements, 128 deintions,24, T36 anma habitats, 140 fi | n theb anks,4, 5,6,8,12,24,45,61,69,13, 101,1A5, 112, chores, 12,1 126,129,144 c othlng, I 00,104 flowcharts, l2l communication nìethods, 76 abelngp ctLrres, 16,52,76, 124,128 cornpound adjectves, I 16 matchng,5, 45,48,60,64,69,84,89,96,I00,102,108,1I6, coLJntr esandnatonalÌties,4 124,125,137 daiyroltine,16 multlple cholce, 18,25, ó6,85, 108-109, 138 descrpt ve adjectlves, S p ctufes,28 derlng ernphatic adjectlves, 6B ordefing sentences, 25,144 fivasandceebíations,20 rewÍtÌng sentences,93 faod,4A,44 scrlelcccolpprio l- :0 )8 )o 1) 65 68 ó9 9- heathyhabts,112 01, 11, 5r,1 1, 51, 61, 91, money,32, 136 stÌngansweTs infoco ur.lfi, 8, 13 41-44,76, 112, 127 occupat ons,4 tfu€orfase,10,13,22,30,35,37,48,59,61,66,73,84,9A,partyword5, 20 104,108,120,133 peope,4 planning, underinlnganswers,59,61,70,94,'100 SS unscramb ingsentences, 9,21,65,17,89,137 senses,80 wrtingqueỗtons,33,I 17 sports, 52,56 travel, 28,32,64 weather conditons,92 Topics Achievements,122 l3l CommunÌcation,75 85 ConseqLJences, 134-145 D e s t n a t o n s ,7632 Food,38 49 TheFuture,86 97 GoingPaces,26-37 Lllesty es,110 121 People,2 1l ShoppÌn9 forCothes,98-109 Sports,50-61 Work,R,arìdPay,1,125 Writing quions, answefing 23,47 emai,59 ,3 etterto edtor,143 ist-maklng,l3 p a r a g f a pl hl ,s1, 71, plctograms, S5 poÍcafds,7l Íecpes,47 Íatements aboLrt thefuture,95 textrfessages,8l travetlps,:5 VideoJournal Beaqle Patra1,36 37 Cheese'Rolling Racet,60 61 skillslndex 151 TEXÏ ILLUSTRATION PHOTO 2 - 3\ r ) l r Í f ì h.\r'/nLli!.ÌÌrfrrd I tr! i ì!rr(-1ìi iìd l lb!A a e i r i Ì r l ' [ ì ] t r / Ì e , l l l ì r l i 9 12, 2 A r l , t È ' l f r o Ì r : l rì , , l \ l ! 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Í l f , Ì r l r Ì r r l L r (| q r n Ì r r l r : ( ) l r i , i r / N r r | Í r ) r l i Ì )i ( Í i r l ( o r L o r i , t ) \V l ÌÌiLlxJrl rÍl/Nitr r In:.nlriÌrì ìiLt r! t o r,i ri ,! i /t Dr Ì ^ if'l/Nil ! ìr l.oqrif ìr Íìf.tu:o 1of,(b)Robdt i5e NIi, l r l ) n :( r ) t r \ ' nl r \ F f f l , n l , qn t, rf!rlc! t.r)!t;fj!ì! íìo.r.r.JL./!n t[! | Wlì ír\ ÌD', ^ d c li i Ê/]r,-t.ì Ar Ì, 1, photos.r 5Làrirr! Kìo!l!ro/5 r!tt-r||Í:t, llrI \'p.i rê/AFP/,/ mi.Jc!;12: ( rl r tllfrã( ( nì/N.Ì.Ììi rrnph.niqeao ton ib) ^ t d f t l l i I l ì ! t ! : f d \ e / a r r L ! ; :( n ) r Ê n n ì b i lhllter5to.r (bl F Edwir KÍr/i\;to È a e q r p h n i q e ( ì e t n - s : (t o i F l (.ỗk /!e fcton k, tÌ\i tl \'.!rn \'! fÍ/ I rotoEilt,\'! ìi^Lrlrt^ ìfllN,rtonâ Ìiqei t.i r\NMlr Íìi,lc \\/o a 16r( ì rraFm.tal:h!11ÈrÍo.k, (r) Lr5t Foro.kírtoL(photo, rll Okrq! LnÉ lVÊdia/ 152 CrediG (b)Richard 5hLr tsto.( (4)Plrotoconì, (5ro 7)phoros Yoliq/shll-Íocki37: O sên!y (8) (9) , PàllKinì/5hLrusto.(photo5 com,ll0) Nato Geoqraph hìâgeCole.tor 3&39:(l10 Photonoco conì,(l 1, r 2) íockphorojI a: r)KO!Íegâcl/Cole Cro!/agetotor:k, haqeehop/5uper51 k; t 9: PaLr Krn/5h!tteÍ51o.k; ChfÍoph.rP t/Getty maqe5d.vd sanqef (1,islo.kphoto, (b) 5amAbe/ 2Or(t), plrotogDphy/A àmy,)èvidlblenìdn/Alanìyr 4r: (r) LiLreflFenallí Ndtoni Geogriphc nìaleto e.ton,(bdlồnna (t) bràmd a/ShLrtier5lock, (b) Ulartn FrLrs/ B Pin€o/Na1ìona c€ogÍâph.lmaqeaoledionl 5lrirfteEtoc( no.kpìotor42: 22: (11) DLrd êy^4.Brcok/Nat ona ceo.traph Câüìerne K;nv/Nrton GeogEphcmêqe (b)Chr5 ow rìrallÉ to ctÌoi,(m) Stephan ÊUaze/Naliona Co ecronr43:(1)Cu ÌLrra/Corbis, C.o.rDphc m.rìeCo ectì,(bÌ)Ìyron!rner/ W l PàcesPholoqrap[,/Aarny;44: (top, to r] Nà1lon ceollraph.hêgc ao le.1lonr23: ['1dìae ShLrlterslo.((al F]enê ),(bouì,Ìto r)isíoc[photo, N.fror4'.laloii Geoqrãph c mageCoÊ.tori 5.hwetzerlSh!fi eEtock, dyonìa/Sh!uerro.( 23-24:( to r)!.ott Leiqlì/ roro,Sleve CË.iVdora/shLrlterlock;45: Lee5nd/Tìe l.ymer/Nalionâ CcoghphicmdqeCo e.Ìion, hìaqÊWotu;46: ( ) KevÍrFoy/Aam, (Í)À/lebi M keBr:kc/5hLtt.rsto.

Ngày đăng: 14/11/2019, 15:13

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