IT training data mining using grammar based genetic programming and applications wong leung 2000 02 29

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IT training data mining using grammar based genetic programming and applications wong  leung 2000 02 29

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DATA MINING USING GRAMMAR BASED GENETIC PROGRAMMING AND APPLICATIONS GENETIC PROGRAMMING SERIES Series Editor John Koza Stanford University Also in the series: GENETIC PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURES: Genetic Programming + Data Structures = Automatic Programming! William B Langdon; I S B N : 0-7923-8135-1 AUTOMATIC RE-ENGINEERING OF SOFTWARE USING GENETIC PROGRAMMING, Conor Ryan; ISBN: 0-7923-8653- The cover image was generated using Genetic Programming and interactive selection Anargyros Sarafopoulos created the image, and the GP interactive selection software DATA MINING USING GRAMMAR BASED GENETIC PROGRAMMING AND APPLICATIONS by Man Leung Wong Lingnan University, Hong Kong Kwong Sak Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS NEW YORK / BOSTON / DORDRECHT / LONDON / MOSCOW eBook ISBN: Print ISBN: 0-306-47012-8 0-792-37746-X ©2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow All rights reserved No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without written consent from the Publisher Created in the United States of America Visit Kluwer Online at: and Kluwer's eBookstore at: Contents LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF TABLES xi PREFACE xiii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 DATA MINING MOTIVATION CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE BOOK OUTLINE OF THE BOOK CHAPTER AN OVERVIEW OF DATA MINING 2.1 DECISION TREE APPROACH 2.1.1 ID3 10 2.1.2 C4.5 11 2.2 CLASSIFICATION RULE 12 2.2.1 AQ Algorithm 13 2.2.2 CN2 14 2.2.3 C4.5RULES 15 2.3 ASSOCIATION RULE 16 2.3.1 Apriori 17 2.3.2 Quantitative Association Rule Mining 18 2.4 STATISTICAL APPROACH 19 2.4.1 Bayesian Classifier 19 2.4.2 FORTY-NINER 20 2.4.3 EXPLORA 21 2.5 BAYESIAN NETWORK LEARNING 22 2.6 OTHER APPROACHES 25 CHAPTER AN OVERVIEW ON EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS 27 3.1 EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS 27 3.2 GENETIC ALGORITHMS (GAs) 29 3.2.1 The Canonical Genetic Algorithm 30 Selection Methods 34 Recombination Methods 36 Inversion and Reordering 39 3.2.2 Steady State Genetic Alg 40 3.2.3 Hybrid Algorithms 41 3.3 GENETIC PROGRAMMING (GP) 41 3.3.1 Introduction to the Traditional GP 42 3.3.2 Strongly Typed Genetic Programming (STGP) 47 vi Contents 3.4 3.5 EVOLUTION STRATEGIES (ES) EVOLUTIONARY PROGRAMMING (EP) 48 53 CHAPTER INDUCTIVE LOGIC PROGRAMMING 57 4.1 INDUCTIVE CONCEPT LEARNING 4.2 INDUCTIVE LOGIC PROGRAMMING (ILP) 4.2.1 Interactive ILP 4.2.2 Empirical ILP 4.3 TECHNIQUES AND METHODS OF ILP 4.3.1 Bottom-up ILP Systems 4.3.2 Top-down ILP Systems FOIL mFOIL 57 59 61 62 64 64 65 65 68 CHAPTER THE LOGIC GRAMMARS BASED GENETIC PROGRAMMING SYSTEM (LOGENPRO) 71 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 LOGIC GRAMMARS 72 REPRESENTATIONS OF PROGRAMS 74 CROSSOVER OF PROGRAMS 81 MUTATION OF PROGRAMS 94 THE EVOLUTION PROCESS OF LOGENPRO 97 DISCUSSION 99 CHAPTER DATA MINING APPLICATIONS USING LOGENPRO 101 LEARNING FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMS 101 6.1 6.1.1 Learning S-expressions Using LOGENPRO 102 6.1.2 The DOT PRODUCT Problem 104 6.1.3 Learning Sub-functions Using Explicit Knowledge 110 INDUCING DECISION TREES USING LOGENPRO 115 6.2 6.2.1 Representing Decision Trees as S-expressions 115 The Credit Screening Problem 117 6.2.2 6.2.3 The Experiment 119 LEARNING LOGIC PROGRAM FROM IMPERFECT DATA 125 6.3 6.3.1 The Chess Endgame Problem 127 6.3.2 The Setup of Experiments 128 6.3.3 Comparison of LOGENPRO With FOIL 131 6.3.4 Comparison of LOGENPRO With BEAM-FOIL 133 6.3.5 Comparison of LOGENPRO With mFOIL1 133 6.3.6 Comparison of LOGENPRO With mFOIL2 134 6.3.7 Comparison of LOGENPRO With mFOIL3 135 6.3.8 Comparison of LOGENPRO With mFOIL4 135 6.3.9 Discussion 136 CHAPTER APPLYING LOGENPRO FOR RULE LEARNING 137 7.1 7.2 GRAMMAR 137 GENETIC OPERATORS 141 vii EVALUATION OF RULES 143 7.3 7.4 LEARNING MULTIPLE RULES FROM DATA 145 7.4.1 Previous Approaches 146 Pre-selection 146 Crowding 146 Deterministic Crowding 147 Fitness Sharing 147 7.4.2 Token Competition 148 7.4.3 The Complete Rule Learning Approach 150 7.4.4 Experiments With Machine Learning Databases 152 Experimental Results on the Iris Plant Database 153 Experimental Results on the Monk Database 156 CHAPTER MEDICAL DATA MINING 161 8.1 A CASE STUDY ON THE FRACTURE DATABASE 161 8.2 A CASE STUDY ON THE SCOLIOSIS DATABASE 164 8.2.1 Rules for Scoliosis Classification 165 8.2.2 Rules About Treatment 166 CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 169 9.1 9.2 CONCLUSION 169 FUTURE WORK 172 APPENDIX A THE RULE SETS DISCOVERED 177 A.1 THE BEST RULE SET LEARNED FROM THE IRIS DATABASE 177 A.2 THE BEST RULE SET LEARNED FROM THE MONK DATABASE 178 A.2.1 Monk1 178 A.2.2 Monk2 179 A.2.3 Monk3 182 A.3 THE BEST RULE SET LEARNED FROM THE FRACTURE DATABASE 183 A.3.1 Type I Rules: About Diagnosis 183 A.3.2 Type II Rules: About Operation/Surgeon 184 A.3.3 Type III Rules: About Stay 186 A.4 THE BEST RULE SET LEARNED FROM THE SCOLIOSIS DATABASE 189 A.4.1 Rules for Classification 189 A.4.1.1 King-I 189 A.4.1.2 King-II 190 A.4.1.3 King-III 191 A.4.1.4 King-IV 191 A.4.1.5 King-V 192 A.4.1.6 TL 192 A.4.1.7 L 193 A.4.2 Rules for Treatment 194 A.4.2.1 Observation 194 A.4.2.2 Bracing 194 viii Contents APPENDIX B THE GRAMMAR USED FOR THE FRACTURE AND SCOLIOSIS DATABASES 197 B.1 B.2 THE GRAMMAR THE GRAMMAR FOR THE FRACTURE FOR THE DATABASE SCOLIOSIS DATABASE 197 198 REFERENCES 199 INDEX 211 List of figures FIGURE 2.1: FIGURE 2.2: FIGURE 3.1 : A DECISION TREE 10 A BAYESIAN NETWORK EXAMPLE 23 CROSSOVER OF CGA A ONE-POINT CROSSOVER OPERATION IS PERFORMED ON TWO PARENT, 1100110011 AND 0101010101, AT THE FIFTH CROSSOVER LOCATION TWO OFFSPRING, 1100110101 AND 0101010011 ARE PRODUCED 32 FIGURE 3.2: MUTATION OF CGA A MUTATION OPERATION IS PERFORMED ON A PARENT 1100110101 AT THE FIRST AND THE LAST BITS THE OFFSPRING 0100110100 IS PRODUCED 33 FIGURE 3.3: THE EFFECTS OF A TWO-POINT (MULTI-POINT) CROSSOVER A TWOPOINT CROSSOVER OPERATION IS PERFORMED ON TWO PARENT, 11001100 AND 01010101, BETWEEN THE SECOND AND THE SIXTH LOCATIONS TWO OFFSPRING, 11010100 AND 01001101, ARE PRODUCED 37 FIGURE 3.4: THE EFFECTS OF A UNIFORM CROSSOVER A UNIFORM CROSSOVER OPERATION IS PERFORMED ON TWO PARENST, 1100110011 AND 0101010101, AND TWO OFFSPRING WILL BE GENERATED THIS FIGURE ONLY SHOWS ONE OF THEM (1101110001) 38 FIGURE 3.5: THE EFFECTS OF AN INVERSION OPERATION AN INVERSION OPERATION IS PERFORMED ON THE PARENT, 1100110101, BETWEEN THE SECOND AND THE SIXTH LOCATIONS AN OFFSPRING, 1111000101, IS PRODUCED 40 FIGURE3.6: A PARSE TREE OF THE PROGRAM (* (+ X (/ Y 1.5)) (z 0.3)) 43 FIGURE 3.7: THE EFFECTS OF CROSSOVER OPERATION A CROSSOVER OPERATION IS PERFORMED ON TWO PARENTAL PROGRAMS, (* (* 0.5 X) (+ X Y) AND (/ (+ X Y) (* (-X Z) X)) THE SHADED AREAS ARE EXCHANGED AND TWO OFFSPRING GENERATED ARE: (* (X Z) (t X Y)) AND (/ (+ X Y) (* (* 0.5 X) X)) 46 FIGURE 3.8: THE EFFECTS OF A MUTATION OPERATION A MUTATION OPERATION IS PERFORMED ON THE PROGRAM (* (* 0.5 X) (+ X Y)).THE SHADED AREA OF THE PARENTAL PROGRAM IS CHANGED TO A PROGRAM FRAGMENT ( / ( + Y ) Z ) AND THE OFFSPRING PROGRAM (* (/ (+ Y 4) Z) (+ X Y)) IS PRODUCED 47 FIGURE 5.1 : A DERIVATION TREE OF THE S-EXPRESSION IN LISP (* (/W1.5) (/W1.5) (/W1.5)) 75 FIGURE 5.2: ANOTHER DERIVATION TREE OF THE S-EXPRESSION (* (/W1.5) (/W1.5) (/W1.5)) 80 FIGURE 5.3 : THE DERIVATIONS TREE OF THE 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determining coverage, 65 empirical ILP, 62 encoding length restriction, 67 Evolution Strategies, 48 Evolutionary algorithms, 27 Evolutionary Programming, 53 exact rule, 143 extensional concepts, 58 extensional coverage, 63 F fact, 61 fitness proportionate selection, Fitness scaling techniques, 35 Fitness sharing, 147 frozen sub-trees, 75 function, 60, 72 function symbol, 60 G generation gap, 147 Genetic algorithms, 29 global discrete recombination operator, 50 global intermediate recombination, global recombination operators, 50 ground formula, 61 ground model, 63 ground term, 61 H Horn clause, 61 hybrid genetic algorithm, 41 I ij-determination, 65 Inductive concept learning, 58 212 Index intensional concepts, 58 intensional coverage, 62 Interactive ILP, 61 intermediate recombination operator, 50 intraconstruction, 62 inverse resolution, 62,64 K knowledge-level learning, 57 L language bias, 58 Laplace estimate, 68 likelihood ratio statistic, 69 Linear scaling, 35 literal, 60 logic goals, 73 logic grammar template, 102 logic grammars, 72 M m-estimate, 68 Meta-GAs, 40 most specific inverse resolvent, 64 multiple concept learning, 58 multi-point crossover, 36 MUTATED-SUB-TREE, 95 MUTATE-POINT, 96 mutation, 94 N negation-as-failure, negative literal, 60 NEW-BINDINGS, 96 NEW-NON-TERMINAL, 96 NON-TERMINAL, 95 Non-terminal symbols, 73 normal program, 61 normalized confidence factor, 144 number of programs processed, 107, 113 O object description languages, 58 P parse trees, 75 Partially Matched crossover, 39 positional bias, 38 positive literal, 60 positive unit clause, 61 Power law scaling, 35 predicate definition, 61 predicate symbol, 60 premature convergence, 34 Pre-selection, 146 primary derivation tree, primary parent, 81 PRIMARY-SUB-TREES, 81 R rank-based selection, 35 Raw fitness, 45 refinement operators, 61 Relational concept learning, 59 relative fitness, 30 relative least general generalization, 64 remainder stochastic sampling method, 34 roulette wheel selection, 32 S search bias, 58 secondary derivation tree, 81 secondary parent, SECONDARY-SUB-TREES, 82 SEL-PRIMARY-SUB-TREE, 82 SEL-SECONDARY-SUB-TREE, 82 SIBLINGS, 82 Sigma truncation, 35 Similarity, 147 Simple Genetic Algorithm, single concept learning, 58 SLD-resolution proof procedure, 62 specialization operator, 65 standardized fitness, 45 steady state genetic algorithm, 40 Stochastic Universal Sampling, 34 strong language bias, 58 strong methods, 28 strong rule, 143 strong search bias, 58 213 Strongly Typed Genetic Programming, 47 SUB-TREES, 94 Support, 143 Symbol-level learning, 57 T TEMP-SECONDARY-SUB-TREES, 82 term, 60,72 terminal symbols, 72 theory, 61 token competition, 148 Tournament selection, 36 truncation, 62 two-point crossover, 36 U Uniform crossover, 36 V variable, 60, 72 W weak language bias, 58 Weak methods, 27 weakrule, 143 weak search bias, 58 well-formed formula, 61 θ θ-subsumption, 65 .. .DATA MINING USING GRAMMAR BASED GENETIC PROGRAMMING AND APPLICATIONS GENETIC PROGRAMMING SERIES Series Editor John Koza Stanford University Also in the series: GENETIC PROGRAMMING AND DATA. .. generated using Genetic Programming and interactive selection Anargyros Sarafopoulos created the image, and the GP interactive selection software DATA MINING USING GRAMMAR BASED GENETIC PROGRAMMING AND. .. generating and collecting a huge amount of data The size of data available now is beyond the capability of our mind to analyze It requires the power of computers to handle it Data mining, or

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