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Anh van chuyen nganh thuc pham tran thi duyen

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Unit BEER AND ALE malt (n) /mɔːlt/ : mạch nha, đại mạch nảy mầm [uncountable] grain, usually barley, that has been left in water for a period of time and then dried, used for making beer, whisky, etc beverage (n) /ˈbevərɪdʒ/: đồ uống, thức uống any type of drink except water fermentation (n) /ˌfɜːrmenˈteɪʃn/: lên men the process of chemical change caused by the action of yeast or bacteria, often changing sugar to alcohol e.g: Sugar is converted into alcohol by a process of fermentation characteristic (adj) /ˌkỉrəktəˈrɪstɪk/: đặc trưng, đặc tính, riêng characteristic (of something/somebody): very typical of something or of somebody’s character e.g his highly characteristic features Flavor (n) [uncountable, countable]: /’fleivə/:mùi vị,mùi thơm a substance that is added to food to make the flavor stronger e.g sweets with different flavours Aroma (n)/əˈroʊmə/: hương vị, mùi thơm a pleasant, noticeable smell e.g the aroma of fresh coffee e.g A delicious aroma was coming from the kitchen alcohol (n) [uncountable]: /ˈælkəhɑːl/ : rươu, cồn alcoholic (adj): thuộc chứa đựng cồn drinks such as beer, wine, etc that can make people drunk e.g He never drinks alcohol e.g Levels of alcohol in the blood e.g Wine contains about 10% alcohol e.g a low alcohol beer volume (n) /ˈvɑːljuːm/ [uncountable, countable]: thể tích, dung tích, khối lượng the amount of space that an object or a substance fills; the amount of space that a container has e.g What volume of water would be needed to fill the aquarium? e.g jars of different volumes gallon (n) /ˈɡælən/: đơn vị đo lường chất lỏng a unit for measuring liquid In the UK, Canada and other countries it is equal to about 4.5 litres; in the US it is equal to about 3.8 litres There are four quarts in a gallon quart: (n) /kwɔːrt/lít Anh; 1,14 lít, ¼ gallon about 1.14 litres in the UK and Canada, and 0.95 of a litre in the US • lb: British English) • (North American English lb.)(pl lb, lbs) pound in weight, equal to about 454 grams Cách đọc số mũ: mũ 6: (56): five to the pwer of six: lũy thừa 83/4 eigh to the power of three quarters 1/3: one-third (số đếm-số thứ tự) 10 procedure (n) /prəˈsiːdʒər/: tiến trình, trình [countable, uncountable] procedure (for something) a way of doing something, especially the usual or correct way 11 bottom (n) /ˈbɑːtəm/: phần cùng, đáy [countable, usually singular] bottom (of something) the lowest part of something e.g Allow the tea leaves to settle to the bottom of the cup 12 Top (n) /tɒp/: phần trên, đỉnh, đầu, [countable] the highest part or point of something e.g the top of the milk (= the cream that rises to the top of a bottle of milk) 13 yeast (n) /jiːst/: nấm men a fungus used in making beer and wine, or to make bread rise e.g: The type of yeast used in making ale is Saccharomyces cerevisiae by top fermentation 14 Beer (n) /bɪr/: bia [uncountable, countable] an alcoholic drink made from malt and flavoured with hops e.g There are many types of beer e.g Are you a beer drinker? 15 ale (n) /eɪl/ [uncountable, countable]: rượu bia a type of beer, usually sold in bottles or cans There are several kinds of ale e.g the growth in demand for real ale 16 temperature (n)/ˈtemprətʃər/: nhiệt độ the measurement in degrees of how hot or cold a thing or place is e.g high/low temperatures e.g rise in temperature e.g The temperature has risen (by) five degrees e.g Temperatures below freezing are common here (nhiệt độ mức đóng băng phổ biến đây) e.g The product can be stored at room temperature (sản phẩm lưu trữ nhiệt độ phòng) nut (n) /nʌt/: hạch (often in compounds) a small hard fruit with a very hard shell that grows on some trees: (Thường hợp chất) trái nhỏ với vỏ cứng mọc số e.g nuts and raisins (Hạt nho khô) peanut (n) /ˈpiːnʌt/: đậu phụng (cây lạc); hạt đậu phung (củ lạc) British English also groundnut) [countable]: a nut that grows underground in a thin shell [đếm được]: hạt mà phát triển lòng đất bọc vỏ mỏng e.g a packet of salted peanuts e.g peanut oil coconut (n) /ˈkoʊkənʌt/: dừa [countable] the large nut of a tropical tree called a coconut palm It grows inside a hard shell and contains a soft white substance that can be eaten and juice that can be drunk (hạt lớn nhiệt đới gọi dừa Nó phát triển vỏ cứng chứa chất trắng mềm ăn nước trái uống e.g She broke to open the coconut and drank its sweet milk e.g a bay fringed with swaying coconut palms shea-nut (n) /ˈʃiːnʌt /: hạt mỡ (loài Tây Phi) hạt cho chất mỡ trắng shea-butter /ˈʃiː bʌtər/: a type of fat obtained from the nuts of the shea tree, used in foods and cosmetics 10 palm (n)/pɑːm/: cọ (also palm tree) a straight tree with a mass of long leaves at the top, growing in tropical countries There are several types of palm tree, some of which produce fruit e.g a coconut palm: trái dừa e.g palm oil: dầu cọ 11.kernel (n) /ˈkɜːrnl/: hạt, hạnh, nhân (quả), the inner part of a nut or seed e.g pine/apricot kernels: hạt thông, hạt mơ 12 mesocarp (n) /’mesouka:p/: vỏ giữa, cùi cọ để ép dầu 13 pericarp (n) /’peri¸ka:p/: vỏ 14 time-consuming (adj)/ˈtaɪm kənsjuːmɪŋ/: tốn nhiều thời gian taking or needing a lot of time e.g a difficult and time-consuming process e.g It’s quite time-consuming to check all the labels individually 15 strenuous (adj) /ˈstrenjuəs/: vất vả needing great effort and energy e.g a strenuous climb e.g Avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a meal e.g How about a stroll in the park? Nothing too strenuous e.g Avoid tasks which require strenuous physical activity Tránh cơng việc đòi hỏi vận động thể vất vả 16 paste (n)/peɪst/: bột nhão, hỗn hợp nhão, patê (thịt, cá) [singular] a soft wet mixture, usually made of a powder and a liquid e.g She mixed the flour and water to a smooth paste.Cô trộn bột nước thành khối bột nhão mịn [countable] (especially in compounds) a smooth mixture of crushed meat, fish, etc that is spread on bread or used in cooking 17 husk (n)/hʌsk/: vỏ (khô), vỏ (hạt), trấu (thóc, lúa) the dry outer covering of nuts, fruits and seeds, especially of grain e.g Brown rice has not had the husks removed Gạo màu nâu khơng có vỏ trấu 18 accessible (adj) /əkˈsesəbl/: that can be reached, entered, used, seen, etc e.g The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter 19 affordable (adj)/əˈfɔːrdəbl/: cheap enough that people can afford to buy it or pay it e.g affordable prices/housing 20 expeller (n) /ek'spelə/ : máy ép phun 21 ghanis (n): máy ép 22 plate press (n) /pleɪt pres/: máy ép mài trục vít 23 institution (n) /ɪnstɪˈtjuːʃn/: quan, tổ chức countable] a large important organization that has a particular purpose, for example, a university or bank e.g an educational/financial, etc institution 24 consult (v) /kənˈsʌlt/: hỏi ý kiến, tham khảo to go to somebody for information or advice e.g consult somebody If the pain continues, consult your doctor e.g a consulting engineer (= one who has expert knowledge and gives advice) 25 extent (n)/ɪkˈstent/: kích thước, mức độ, quy mô, phạm vi how large, important, serious, etc something is e.g It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage the physical size of an area e.g You can't see the full extent of the beach from here 26 decorticator (n) /di’kɔ:tikeitə/: máy bóc vỏ, máy xay 27 grater (n)/ˈɡreɪtər/: máy nghiền, nạo (= a tool) with a rough surface, used for grating food into very small pieces 28 tedious (adj) /ˈtiːdiəs/: tẻ nhạt, chán ngắt, làm mệt mỏi, synonym boring lasting or taking too long and not interesting e.g The journey soon became tedious e.g We had to listen to the tedious details of his operation 29 arduous (adj)/ˈɑːrdʒuəs/: khó khăn, gian khổ, involving a lot of effort and energy, especially over a period of time e.g The work was arduous e.g It was physically arduous work Đó cơng việc khó khăn thể chất 30 motorized (adj)/ˈmoʊtəraɪzd/: giời hóa, nối với động having an engine e.g motorized vehicles: xe giới e.g a motorized wheelchair: xe lăn có động 31 copra (n)/ˈkɑːprə/: cùi dừa khô the dried white flesh of coconuts 32 refining (n) /rɪˈfaɪn/: tinh luyện, lọc trong, refine (v)/rɪˈfaɪn/:lọc trong, luyện tinh refine something to make a substance pure by taking other substances out of it e.g the process of refining oil/sugar 33 neutralization (n)/njuːtrəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/: trung hòa (chemistry) the act of making a substance e.g the neutralization of peroxides: Sự trung hòa peroxit 34 decolourisation=decoloration:/diːˌkɒləˈreɪʃn/: khử màu,sự làm phai màu, làm bay màu 35 filtration (n) /fɪlˈtreɪʃn/: lọc, cách lọc the process of filtering a liquid or gas: Quá trình lọc chất lỏng khí filtrate=filter: lọc, thấm qua, ( filter (n): lọc, giấy lọc) 36 deodorization (n) /dioʊdəˌraɪˈzeɪʃn/: khử mùi, mùi deodorize (v)/diˈoʊdəˌraɪz/: to remove or hide an unpleasant smell in a place e.g You can use dried flowers to deodorize your home 37 rural (adj) /ˈrʊrəl/: thuộc nông thôn, thôn dã connected with or like the countryside e.g rural areas e.g a rural economy e.g rural America: nông thôn Mỹ e.g a rural way of life: Một lối sống nơng thơn 38 clarification (n) /klỉrəfɪˈkeɪʃn/: lọc, gạn the act or process of making something clearer or easier to understand 39 palatability (n /pælətə’biliti/): vị ngon, mùi vị palatable (adj) /ˈpælətəbl/ : (of food or drink) having a pleasant or acceptable taste e.g a very palatable local wine: Một loại rượu địa phương ngon miệng 40 sterilizing (n) /ˈsterəlaɪzɪŋ/: khử trùng sterilize (v)/ˈsterəlaɪz/: làm tiệt trùng, khử trùng sterilize something to kill the bacteria in or on something e.g to sterilize surgical instruments e.g sterilized milk/water 41 pulp (n) /pʌlp/: thịt quả, khối nghiền nhão, thịt, cùi, cơm (phần bên trái cây) [singular, uncountable] a soft wet substance that is made especially by crushing something e.g Cook the fruit gently until it forms a pulp e.g Mash the beans to a pulp pulp (v): nghiền nhão ra, nhão bét 42 pound (v) paʊnd/: nghiền, giã, lắc EXERCISES Read and translate into Vietnamese • Sunflower, sesame, mustard, groundnuts, peanuts, palm kernel nuts, coconuts, shea-nuts, palm fruit, strenuous, husk, accessible, affordable, scoop off, expeller, ghanis, plate press, mesocarps, decorticator, fiber, be cracked, cracker, be roasted, roaster, coconut graters, scraper blade, groove, grating stage, tedious, arduous, copra, chipping, grinding, refining stage, neutralization, decolourisation, deodorization, charcoal, palatability, bearing material, gap, pounding, loosen pulp Answer the following questions What are the main oil seeds existing in Vietnam? What is the first step for oil seed processing? Why are the expellers normally used in ghanis for extract of hard seeds and nuts? Why are the pressed plates normally used for extracting oil from mesocarp fruits? What are the main stages for refining of commercial oils? Translate into English Trước hiểu trình sản xuất dầu ăn đại, cần hiểu rõ số phương pháp cổ điển áp dụng vào sản xuất Trong phương pháp cổ điển, hiệu suất trích ly dầu đạt khoảng 40% (có nghĩa hiệu suất chiết tức phần trăm dầu trích ly so với hàm lượng dầu có hạt tính theo lý thuyết) Quy trình chế biến dầu thường bao gồm công đoạn sau: tách hạt khỏi vỏ, nghiền hấp chín hơi, ép tách dầu tinh chế dầu thô thành dầu tinh khiết • ... 75% tổng doanh số bán bia Anh 53 Substitute (n) /ˈsʌbstɪtuːt/: thay a person or thing that you use or have instead of the one you normally use or have to substitute for somebody/something 54 ash... (of something) the lowest part of something e.g Allow the tea leaves to settle to the bottom of the cup 12 Top (n) /tɒp/: phần trên, đỉnh, đầu, [countable] the highest part or point of something... /kənˈvɜːrt/: đổi, biến đổi to change or make something change from one form, purpose, system, etc to another convert (from something) (into/to something) e.g The ruptured starch grains are converted

Ngày đăng: 24/06/2019, 16:38

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