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NGÀY 1.Abide ( v ): Tồn tại, kéo dài ( + by ): Tôn trọng, giữ, tuân theo, chịu theo = To comply with, to conform EX:1 The mistakes won’t abide for ever ( Những sai lầm kéo dài ) For years he has abided by a commitment to annual employee raises ( Trong nhiều năm ông giữ cam kết hang năm tang lương cho nhân viên ) The two parties agree to abide by the judge’s decision ( Hai bên đồng ý tuân theo định tòa án ) Agreement ( n ): Sự đồng ý, thỏa thuận, hợp đồng, hiệp định, hiệp nghị, giao kèo = a mutual arrangement = a contract EX: 1.According to the agreement, the caterer will also supply the flower for the event ( Theo thỏa thuận, nhà cung cấp lương thực thực phẩm cung cấp hoa cho kiện ) The landlord and tenant were in agreement that the rent should be prorated to the middle of the month ( Chủ nhà người thuê nhà thỏa thuận tiền thuê nhà tính theo tỉ lệ tháng ) Assurance ( n ): Sự đảm bảo, cam đoan, chắn, tin = a guarantee = confidence EX: The sales associate gave his assurance that the missing keyboard would be replaced the next day.( Đối tác bán hang cam đon bàn phím lỗi thay vào ngày mai) Her self – assurance made it easy to see why she was in charge of negotiation ( Sự tự tin dễ dàng giải thích lí cô phụ trách việc đàm phán ) Cancellation ( n ) Sự hủy bỏ, bãi bỏ = annulment EX:1 The cancellation of her flight caused her problems for the rest of the week ( Việc hủy chuyến bay gây cho cô nhiều vấn đề ngày lại tuần ) The cancellation clause appears at the back of the contract Determine ( n ) Xác định, định = to find out = to fluence EX: After reading the contract,I was still unable to determine if our company was liable for back wages ( Sau đọc xong hợp đồng, xác định liệu công ty chúng tơi có phải chịu trách nhiệm hồn trả lại lương khơng bị phá sản ) Engage ( v ) Tham gia, đính ước, hứa = participate = invovle Engagement ( n ) kiện, hứa hẹn, ràng buộc … EX: He engaged us in a fascinating discussion about current business law ( Anh thảo luận sôi luật kinh doanh hành ) The engagement begins at 7.30 ( Sự kiện bắt đầu vào 7.30 ) The entire office was invited to her engagement party ( Tồn văn phòng mời đến bữa tiệc đính ) Establish ( v ): Thiết lập, tạo nên = to bring about = to institute permanently EX: The meger of the two company established a powerful new corporation ( Sự liên kết hai cơng ty tạo nên tập đồn kinh tế mạnh ) Obligate ( v ): Ràng buộc, ép buộc = to bind legally or morally EX:The contractor was obligated by the contract to work 40 hours a week ( Nhà thầu buộc phải theo hợp đồng làm việc 40 tiếng tuần ) 9 Party ( n ): Bên, phía, người tham gia, người tham dự EX: The parties agreed to settlement in their contract dispute ( Các bên đồng ý giải tranh chấp hợp đồng ) 10 Provision ( n ): Dự phòng, chuẩn bị, điều khoản, cung cấp = stipulation = a measure taken beforehand EX: The father made provision for his children through his will ( Người cha để lại di chúc cho đứa ) 11 Resolve ( n ): Giai quyết, định, tâm = to declare = conviction EX: The manager resolved to clean out all the files at the end of the week ( Người quản lí định xóa liệu vào cuối tuần ) 12 Specific ( adj ): Đặc biệt, cụ thể, riêng , đặc trưng = particular EX: The customer’s specific complain was not address in his e – mail ( Khiếu nại cụ thể khách hang không giải email anh ấy) NGÀY Attract /ə'trækt/ to draw by appeal (v): Hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn, thu hút attraction (n) sức hút, sức hấp dẫn ; = gaiety (n): trò vui attractive (adj): có sức hấp dẫn, có sức hút Compare /kəm'peə/ to examine people or things to see how they are similar and how they are different (v): So, so sánh, đối chiếu compare (v) = to contrast : so sánh = to collate = to antagonize = to confront: đối chiếu comparison (n) comparable (adj) Competition /,kɔmpi'tiʃn/ (n): Sự cạnh tranh, tranh chấp, thi đấu competitive (adj) :tánh cạnh tranh = emulative (adj): tánh ganh đua Consume /kən'sju:m/(v)= to absorb = to use up: Tiêu dùng, sử dụng,làm hao mòn consumer (n) consumable (adj) Convince /kən'vins/(v) = to persuade : Thuyết phục Currently /ˈkʌrəntli/ at the present time (adv): Hiện thời , Fad /fæd/ something that people are interested in for only a short period of time, a craze (n): Mốt thời, thích thú kì cục Inspiration /,inspə'reiʃn/ (n): Nguồn cảm hứng, linh cảm inspire (v) = to spur on: Cảm hứng Market /'mɑ:kit/ to advertise and offer a product for sale (v): Mua bán, bán thị trường market(n): chợ, thị trường, buôn bán 10 Persuasion /pə'sweiʤn/(n): Sự thuyết phục, tin 11 Productive /prəˈdʌktɪv/ (adj): Năng suất, thu hoạch produce (v) product (n) 12 Satisfaction /,sætis'fækʃn/ (n): vừa lòng, thỏa mãn, bồi thường, trả nợ satisfy (v) to make happy NGÀY Lesson 3: Warrranties - Sự Bảo Hành 25 Characteristic /,kæriktə'ristik/ (adj): Đặc trưng, đặc thù, riêng (n): Đặc điểm, đặc tính Example: She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm 26 Consequence /'kɔnsikwəns/ (n): Hậu quả, kết Example: This decision could have serious consequencces for the industry 27 Consider /kən'sidə/ (v): Cân nhắc, xem xét Example: I would like some time to consider 28 Cover /'kʌvə/ (v): Bao bọc, bao gồm Example: The survey covers all aspects of the business 29 Expiration /,ekspaiə'reiʃn/ (n): Sự hết hạn, hết hiệu lực, kết thúc Example: The license can be renewed on expiration (=expiry) 30 Frequently /ˈfriːkwəntli/ ( = often) (adv): Thường xuyên Example: Buses run frequently between the city and the airport 31 Imply /im'plai/ (v): Ngụ ý, nói bóng Example: Are you implying (that) I am wrong ? 32 Promise /promise/ (n): Lời hứa (v): Hứa Example: The college principal promised to look into the matter 33 Protect /protect/ (v): Bảo vệ Example: Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack 34 Reputation /,repju:'teiʃn/ (n): Sự tiếng, danh tiếng Example: She soon acquired a reputation as a first-class cook 35 Require /ri'kwaiə/ (v): Yêu cầu Example: These pets require a lot of care and attention 36 Variety /və'raiəti/ (n): Sự đa dạng Example: There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from NGÀY Lesson 4: Business Planning - Kế Hoạch Kinh Doanh 37 Address /ə'dres/ a formal speech that í made in front of an audience (n,v): (n) diễn văn; (v) trình bày Example: 1.There will be a televised presidential address tonight Marco's business plan addresses the needs of small business owners 38.avoid /ə'vɔid/ to prevent something bad from happening (v): Tránh, ngăn ngừa Example: 1.The acident could have been avoided To avoid going out of business, owners should prepare a proper business plan 39 demonstrate /'demənstreit/ to show something clearly by giving proof or evidence (v): Chứng minh, giải thích, biểu tình Demonstration (n ), demonstrative ( adj ) Example:1 These results demonstrade convincingly that our campaign is working The professor demonstrated through a case study that a business plan can impress a lender 40.develop /di'veləp/ to gradually grow or become bigger, more advanced (v): Phát trển, mở rộng, trình bày, bày tỏ, cải tiến Development ( n ), developer ( n ) Example: 1.The child is developing normally he restaurant Wanda opened ten years ago has developed into a national chain 41 evaluate /i'væljueit/ to form an opinion of amount, value or quality of something (v): Định giá, đánh giá Evaluation ( n ), evaluator ( n ) Example: Our research attemps to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs It's important to evaluate our competition when making business plan 42 gather /'gæðə/ to come together, or bring people together (v): Tổng kết, thu thập, tụ họp, hiểu Example:1 His supporters gathered in the main square We gathered information for our plan from many sources 43 offer /'ɔfə/ to say that you are willing to something for somebody (n,v): (n) lời đề nghị, trả giá, chào hàng ; (v) đề nghị, đưa Example: He offered some useful advice We offered the job of writing the business plan to Devon 44 primarily /'praimərili/ mainly (adv): Trước hết, chủ yếu, chính, ưu tiên, Đầu tiên Primary ( adj ) Example:1 The report is primarily concerned with aircraft safety The primarily reason for writing a business plan is to avoid common errors 45 risk /rɪsk/ the possibility of something bad happening at some time in the future (n): Rủi ro, nguy cơ, mối nguy hiểm, mạo hiểm Example:1 Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease Expanding into a new market is a big risk 46 strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/ a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose (n): Chiến lược, vạch kế hoạch Strategize ( n ), strategic ( adj ) Example: It is all part of an overall strategy to gain promotion A business plan is a stratery for running a business and avoiding problems 47 strong /strɔɳ/ having a lot of physical power (adj): Bền, vững, chắn, mạnh mẽ, kiên cố Example: He is strong enough to lift a car! Even in a strong economic climate, many businesses fail, so your planning carefully 48 substitution /sʌbsti'tju:ʃn/ to take the place of somebody / something else (n): Sự thay thế, thay đổi Substitute ( v ): thay thế, chỗ Example: Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you Don't try to substitution for good planning NGÀY Lesson 5: Conferences - Hội Nghị 49 accommodate /ə'kɔmədeit/ to provide somebody with a room or place to sleep, live or sit (v): Điều tiết, cung cấp (ăn, ) Example: The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests 50 arrangement /ə'reindʤmənt/ a plan or preparation that you make so that something (n): Sự tổ chức, xếp Example: I'll make a arrangements for you to be met at the airport 51 association /ə,sousi'eiʃn/ an officcial group of people who have joined together for a particular purpose (n): Sự liên hợp, hội liên hiệp, đoàn thể Example: Do you belong to any professional or trade associations ? 52 attend /ə'tend/ to be present at an even (v): tham dự, tâm Example: The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders 53 get in touch N/A to communicate / contact with somebody (v): Giữ liên lạc với Example: I'm trying to get in touch with Jane Do you have her number ? 54 hold /hould/ to have a meeting (v): tiến hành, dàn xếp Example: It's impossible to hold a conversation with all this noise 55 location /lou'keiʃn/ a place where something happens or exists (n): địa chỉ, vị trí Example: What is the exact location of the ship? 56 overcrowded /əʊvəˈkraʊdɪd/ with too many people or things (adj): Chật, đông nghịt Example: Too many poor people are living in overcrowded condition 57 register /'redʤistə/ to record your/ / somebody / something name on an official list (n, v): (n) danh sách, (v) đăng ký Example: The ship was registered in Panama 58 select /si'lekt/ to choose somebody / something from a group (v): lựa chọn Example: He has not been selected for the team 59 session /'seʃn/ a period of time that is spent doing a particular activity (n): Buổi họp Example: The court is now in session 60 take part in N/A to be involved in something (v): Tham dự Example: How manu countries took part in the last Olympic Games? NGÀY Lesson 6: Computers and the Internet - Máy Vi Tính Mạng Internet 61 access /ˈækses/ the opportunity or right to use something (n, v): (n) quyền sử dụng; (v) truy cập Example: You need a password to get access to the computer system 62 allocate /ˈæləkeɪt/ to give something officially to somebody / something for a particular purpose (v): Chỉ định, phân bổ Example: They intend to allocate more places to mature students this year 63 compatible /kəm'pætəbl/ able to be used together (adj): Tương thích Example: The new system will be compatible with existing equipment 64 delete /di'li:t/ to remove something that has been written or printed (v): Xóa Example: This command deletes files from the directory 65 display /dis'plei/ to put something in a place where people can see it easily (v, n): (v) trưng bày, biểu lộ; (n) trưng bày Example: The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to display their work 66 duplicate /'dju:plikit/ to make an extract copy of something (v): Tạo Example: There's no point in duplicating work already done 67 failure /'feiljə/ lack of success in doing or achieving something (n): Sự thất bại Example: She is still coming to terms with the failure of her marriage 68 figure out N/A to calculate an amount or the cost (v): Tìm hiểu, luận Example: Have you figured out how much the trip will cost ? 69 ignore /ig'nɔ:/ to pay no attention to something (v): Lờ đi, không đề ý Example: He ignored all the 'No Smoking' signs and lit up a cigarette 70 search /sə:tʃ/ an attemp to find somebody / something, especially by looking acrefully for them /it (n, v): (n) tìm kiếm, nghiên cứu; (v) tìm Example: Detectives carried out a thorough search of the building 71 shut down N/A it stops being often for bussiness (v): Đóng cửa (nhà máy), kéo(cửa) xuống Example: We left the hotel only to discover that the whole city shuts at 10.30 72 warning /'wɔ:niɳ/ a statement, an event, etc telling somebody that something bad or unpleasant (n): Lời cảnh báo Example: Many people continue to ignore warnings about the dangers of sunbathing NGÀY Lesson 7: Office Technology - Công Nghệ Cho Công Sở 73 affordable /əˈfɔːd/ cheap enough for most people to buy (adj): Phải chăng, vừa phải Example: There are many affordably priced apartments on Aple street 74 as needed N/A In need (adv): Cần thiết, nhu cầu Example: We're going to train them new accounting principles as needed 75 be in charge of N/A be responsible for (v): Trông nom, chăm sóc; bổn phận, trách nhiệm Example: I'm in charge of selling the modernest televisions 76 capacity /kə'pæsiti/ the number of things or people that a container or space can hold (n): Sức chứa Example: The theatre has a seating capacity of 2000 77 durable /ˈdjʊərəbl/ likely to last for a long time (adj): Bền bỉ, bền Example: Painted steel is likely to be less durable than other kinds 78 initiative /i'niʃiətiv/ the ability to decide and act on your own without waiting for somebody to tell you what to (n): Sự khởi đầu; chủ động Example: You won't get much help You'll have to use 79 physically /ˈfɪzɪkli / in a way that is connected with a person's body rather than their mind (adv): Về thân thể, theo luật tự nhiên Example: I don't find hime physically attractive 80 provider /provider/ a person or an organization that supplies somebody with something they need (n): Nhà cung cấp Example: We are one of the largest providers of employment in the area 81 recur /ri'kə:/ to happen again (v): Lặp lại, tái diễn Example: This theme recurs several times throughout the book 82 reduction /ri'dʌkʃn/ an act of making something less or smaller (n): thu nhỏ, giảm Example: There has been some reduction in unemployment 83 stay on top of N/A Have the newest informatiion (v): Nắm bắt thông tin / diễn biến kịp thời Example: How to stay on top of the lastest technology ? 84 stock /stɒk/ a supply of goods that is available for sale (v, n): (v) tích trữ; (n) kho dự trữ, hàng kho Example: That particular model is not currently in stock NGÀY Lesson 8: Office Procedures - Các Quy Trình Trong Cơng Sở 85 appreciation /ə,pri:ʃi'eiʃn/ pleasure that you have when you recognize good qualities (n): Sự đánh giá cao, hiểu rõ giá trị Example: She shows little appreciation of good music 86 be made of N/A be produced of (v): Được làm từ / Example: People say that the negotiator has nerves made of steel 87 bring in N/A to hire or recruit (v): Thuê, mướn; tuyển dụng Example: The company brought in new team of project planners 88 casually /ˈkæʒuəli/ not showing much care or throught (adv): Không trang trọng Example: On Fridays, most employees dress casually 89 code /koud/ a set moral principles or rules of behaviour (n): Luật, quy tắc, chuẩn mực Example: Even the most traditional companies are changing their dress code to something less formal 90 expose /iks'pouz/ to show something that is usually hidden (v): Phơi bày ra, bộc lộ Example: My job as a glimpse of her in the crowd 91glimpse /glimps/ a look at somebody / something for a very short time (n): Cái nhìn, lướt qua Example: He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd 92 out of N/A no longer having (adj): Hết, cạn kiệt Example: The presenter ran out of time before he reached his conclusion 93 outdated /aut'deitid/ not currently in use (adj): Hết hạn sử dụng Example: These fingures are now outdated 94 practice /'præktis/ action rather than ideas (n, v): (n) thực hafnhl (v) thực hành Example: She's determinted to put her new ideas into practice 95 reinforce /,ri:in'fɔ:s/ to make a feeling, an idea, etc stronger (v): Tăng cường, củng cố Example: The experience reinforeced my sense of loss 96 verbally /'və:bəli/ in spoken words and not in writing or actions (adv): Bằng lời nói Example: The company had received complaints both verbally and in writing ... Example: She shows little appreciation of good music 86 be made of N/A be produced of (v): Được làm từ / Example: People say that the negotiator has nerves made of steel 87 bring in N/A to hire or

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