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cách sử dụng tính từ trong tiếng Anh chuẩn theo bài giảng của Trường Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, rất cần thiết cho học sinh, sinh viên đang cần ôn luyện tiếng Anh để thi tốt nghiệp THPT, thi vào các trường Đại học, cao đẳng

TÍNH T (ADJ) I Tóm tắt giảng A Lý thuyết Các loại tính từ a) Chỉ định ( demonstrative): this, that, these, those b) Phân biệt (distributive): each (mỗi), every (mọi) either, neither c) Số lượng (quantitative): some, any, no, (a) little/ (a) few, many, much one, twenty d) Nghi vấn (interrogative), which, what, whose e) Sở hữu (possessive): my, your, his, her, its, our, their f) Phẩm chất (quality): clever (khôn ngoan, thông minh), dry (khô), fat (béo, mập), golden, good, heavy, (nặng, đầy), square (vuông) This/these, that/those tính từ đại từ định:  This/these, that/those tính từ định: This/ That + Danh từ đếm số Ví dụ: This house (This tính từ định) These/ Those + Danh từ đếm số nhiều Ví dụ: These houses (These tính từ định) Ví dụ: This beach was quite empty last year (Năm ngoái bãi biển hoàn toàn vắng người) These people come from that hotel over there (Những người từ khách sạn đàng đến) What does that notice say? (Bảng thông báo nói vậy?) Do you see those birds at the top of the tree? (Bạn có nhìn thấy chim không?)  This / these / that / those dùng đại từ: This is my umbrella That’s yours (Đây dù Kia anh) These are the old classrooms Those are the new ones (Đây lớp học cũ Kia lớp học mới)  This/ these, that/ those dùng với one/ ones: This shirt is expensive I'll buy that one These shirts are expensive I'll buy those ones  Cách dùng với sở hữu cách This shirt is mine This is my umbrella That is yours./ That is Ms Phuong's This /these / that / those + danh từ + of + possessive (sở hữu cách) Ví dụ: a friend of mine = my friend a friend of Ms Phuong's = Ms Phuong's friend This book of mine = my book  Lưu ý cách dùng đại từ định this/ these, that/ those thay cho danh từ nhắc đến The bookshelf of my room is better than that of his room The bookshelves of my room are better than those of his room  Those có mệnh đề quan hệ xác định theo sau: Those who couldn’t walk were carried on stretchers (Những khiêng cáng)  This / that / these/ those cụm từ hay mệnh đề đề cập trước: He always tell lies That makes me tired = He always tell lies, which makes me tired (Anh ta nói dối Điều khiến mệt mỏi.) They’re digging up my road They this every summer (Họ đào đường Họ làm việc mùa hè) He said I wasn’t a good wife Wasn’t that a horrible thing to say? (Anh ta nói người vợ tốt Đó điều kinh khủng để nói à?) Vị trí chức tính từ phẩm chất a Tính từ làm tính từ (attributive use) bổ ngữ (predicate use) - Tính từ thường đứng trước danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ Ví dụ: It is a hot day This is a new car – Những trường hợp đặc biệt: + Đứng sau đại từ bất định everything, anything, something, nothing I’ll tell you something new There is nothing new He’ll provide everything necessary + Đứng sau nhóm từ ngụ ý đo lường The river is two hundred kilometers long The man is eighty years old = An eighty – year – old man The road is four metres wide + Đứng sau danh từ cần nhóm từ bổ nghĩa cho I need to find an employee responsible for this job He wants a glass full of milk He is a man greedy of money + Trong trường hợp nhiều tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ, đặt sau He has a face thin and worn, but eager and resolute b Làm bổ ngữ – Tính từ làm bổ ngữ kết hợp với động từ làm thành vị ngữ câu Các động từ gọi “linking verb” - động từ nối, ví dụ: “to be, to turn, to become, to fall, to keep, to, remain = stay, …” Ví dụ: It is cold, wet and windy Nam fell asleep Tom became rich (Tom trở nên giàu có) Ann seems happy (Ann dường sung sướng) Các linking verb thường gặp:  Chỉ tri giác, cảm giác: look (trông), hear (nghe), smell (ngửi), sound (nghe), taste (nếm) Ví dụ: The idea sounds interesting (Ý kiến nghe hay đấy) She looks tired today (Hôm cô ta trông mệt mỏi) The dish tastes delicious  Cấu trúc make + sb/sth + adj Ví dụ: Don't make your parents sad (Đừng làm cho bố mẹ bạn buồn.)  Cấu trúc keep + sb/sth + adj Keep your roon clean and tidy  Ngoài ra, động từ nối khác hay dùng là: appear (xuất hiện), feel (cảm thấy), get/ grow (trở nên), keep (giữ), look (trông), turn (trở nên) Ví dụ: Tom felt cold ( Tom cảm thấy lạnh) He got/ grew impatient (Anh ta trở nên nôn nóng/ sốt ruột) Lưu ý: Các linking verb không dùng động từ nối chúng bổ nghĩa trạng từ theo cách dùng quen thuộc Sau số ví dụ khác cách dùng trạng từ tính từ: He looked calm (tính từ) (Anh ta trông điềm tĩnh) He looked calmly (trạng từ) at the angry crowd (Anh ta điềm tĩnh nhìn vào đám đông giận dữ) She turned pale (tính từ) (cô ta trở nên xanh xao) He turned angrily (trạng từ) to the man behind him (Anh ta giận quay sang người đàn ông đứng sau anh ta) The soup tasted horrible (tính từ) (Súp nếm kinh khủng thật) He tasted the soup suspiciously (trạng từ) (Anh ta nếm cách nghi hoặc) c Một số trường hợp đặc biệt: Tính từ có nhiều nghĩa - Nghĩa early (sớm) late (muộn) tùy thuộc vào vị trí chúng: an early/ a late train (một chuyến xe lửa sớm/ muộn) [câu có nghĩa chuyến xe lửa chạy lịch trình sớm hay muộn ngày] the train is early/ late (xe lửa đến sớm/ muộn) [câu có nghĩa xe lửa đến sớm hay muộn theo ấn định] - poor (nghèo): This is a poor family - poor (nghèo nàn): poor working condition B Bài tập: Đặt tính từ ngoặc vào vị trí (Chữa video) Bring me something to drink (cool) The leaves turn in Autumn (yellow) Woollen clothes keep our bodies (warm) Shelly is a poet (famous) I have nothing to give you (interesting) The corn waved in the wind (ripe, golden) Vietnam is a country (rich and beautiful) I found him still in his bed (asleep) Aren’t these oranges (delicious)? 10 Is she a girl (pretty)? II Tài liệu đọc thêm  “and” dùng để nối nhiều tính từ Ví dụ: a green and brown carpet ( thảm xanh nâu) a red, white and blue flag (một cờ màu đỏ, trắng xanh) The day was cold, wet and windy (Ngày lạnh, ẩm ướt có gió)  Tính từ theo sau động từ tân ngữ để làm bổ ngữ cho tân ngữ Ví dụ: The sun keeps us warm This doesn’t make me happy Tính từ (Adj) Dùng phân từ tính từ I Tóm tắt giảng Phân từ từ tạo thành từ động từ kết thúc -ing, -ed Ví dụ: Từ động từ interest ta cấu tạo phân từ là: interesting, interested  Phân từ có loại: - Hiện phân từ: kết thúc -ing, ví dụ: interesting - Quá khứ phân từ: kết thúc -ed, ví dụ: interested Ví dụ: The film interests me (interest động từ) The film is interesting (Mang nghĩa chủ động: Bộ phim thú vị) I am interested in the film (Mang nghĩa bị động: Tôi bị hứng thú phim đó) Hiện phân từ có chức tính từ như: amusing (vui tính), boring (tẻ nhạt, chán ngán), tiring (mệt nhọc, chán ngán) v.v… chủ động có nghĩa “có ảnh hưởng này” Quá khứ phân từ có chức tính từ amused, horrified, tired, v.v… thụ động có ý nghĩa: “bị ảnh hưởng theo cách này” Ví dụ: Jane is bored because her job is boring It was surprising that he passed the exam Every body was surprised that he passed the exam The work was tiring (công việc mệt nhọc, chán nản) The scene was horrifying (quang cảnh khủng khiếp) An infuriating woman (một phụ nữ gây phẫn nộ) [cô ta làm phẫn nộ] An infuriated woman [điều làm cô ta phẫn nộ]  Tính từ/ phân từ theo sau giới từ: Động từ amuse Hiện phân từ Amusing: hài hước Quá khứ phân từ amused by/at bore Boring: buồn tẻ bored with tire tiring = exhausting : mệt tired of tired from mỏi Shopping can be very Lưu ý: tired of chán gì; tired from mệt mỏi làm tiring Ví dụ: I am tired from teaching all day (Tôi bị mệt dạy ngày ) shock shocking I am tired of teaching (Tôi chán việc dạỵ học) shocked at/ by surprise Surprising surprised at/ by disappoint Disappointing disappointed by horrify Horrifying: đáng sợ, gây Horrified by sốc scare Scaring Scared of excite Exciting Excited about/ at/ by Lƣu ý: Cách nghĩ phân từ dùng với người, khứ phân từ dùng với vật sai Ví dụ: He is boring (Anh người tẻ nhạt.) Bài tập: Chọn đáp án (Chữa video) We were all (horrifying/horrified) when we heard about the disaster It’s sometimes (embarrassing/embarrassed) when you have to ask people for money Are you (interesting/interested) in football? I enjoyed the football match It was quite (exciting/excited) It was a really (terrifying/terrified) experience Afterwards everybody was very (shocking/shocked) I had never expected to be offered the job I was really (amazing/amazed) when I was offered it The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages It was really (disgusting/ disgusted) Do you easily get (embarrassing/embarrassed)?   o o Adjective + preposition (Tính từ với giới từ) A afraid of angry / annoyed / furious about sth (tức giận) with sb for doing sth o accustomed to V-ing ( = used to ) Ví dụ: I am accustomed to driving on the left o addicted to sth: nghiện Ví dụ: He's addicted to computer games o anxious about sth/ for sb (anxiety danh từ anxious): lo lắng He seemed anxious about the meeting Parents are naturally anxious for their children o ashamed of: hổ thẹn, bối rối She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party o amazed / astonished + at / by + sth/ sb : ngạc nhiên My parents looked astonished at my news We were amazed by his generosity o acquainted with (quen với gì) Hay dùng: get acquainted with (Mở rộng: acquaintance: ngƣời quen) The students are already acquainted with the work of Shakespeare o allergic to: bị dị ứng với Ví dụ: I'm allergic to cats o appreciated for: đƣợc đánh giá cao Ví dụ: I was appreciated for my help o associated with: cộng tác với, liên quan tới the risks associated with taking drugs He no longer wished to be associated with the party's policy on education o aware of: nhận thức >< unaware of Ví dụ: He was well aware of the problem o attached to: đính kèm với, gắn bó với We've grown very attached to this house B bad at bored with brilliant at = very intelligent or skilful, Ví dụ: He’s brilliant at football based on: dựa Ví dụ: This novel is based on a real story beneficial to = advantageous, favourable: có lợi cho Ví dụ: A good diet is beneficial to health boastful for/ about: ba hoa, khoác lác busy with sth / sb (hoặc busy doing sth) C clever at crazy about: điên cuồng capable of: có khả committed to: tận tâm (commitment(n): cam kết) = devoted to= dedicated to concerned about / for sth: lo lắng, quan tâm The President is deeply concerned about this issue He didn't seem in the least concerned for her safety content with : lòng với careful with/ about/ of sth: cẩn thận Be careful of the traffic Please be careful with my glasses (= Don't break them) I’m very careful about washing my hands before eating (= I make sure I it) certain about/ of: chắn characteristic of: đặc trƣng cho tính cách vật She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm connected with: kết nối với, liên hệ với They are connected by marriage jobs connected with the environment The two issues are closely connected conscious of: nhận thức , ý đến She's very conscious of the problems involved crowded with sth = packed with Ví dụ: a room crowded with books curious about: tò mò D disappointed at/ by / with / in They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game I was disappointed by the quality of the wine I'm disappointed in you—I really thought I could trust you! I was very disappointed with myself dedicated / devoted to: tận tụy Ví dụ: She is dedicated to her job discouraged by: bị làm nhụt chí dissatisfied with: không hài lòng doubtful about: hoài nghi, không chắn Ví dụ: Rose was doubtful about the whole idea delighted at/ by/ with: vui vẻ, hài lòng She was delighted by/at the news of the wedding I was delighted with my presents derived from: bắt nguồn từ E excited about excellent at/ in eager for: hào hứng Ví dụ: I am eager for my next trip eligible for: đủ điều kiện Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment enthusiastic about: hứng thú You don't sound very enthusiastic about the idea experienced in: có kinh nghiệm He's very experienced in looking after animals exposed to: phơi bày envious of: ghen tị , thèm muốn thứ ngƣời khác có (= jealous) Ví dụ: They were envious of his success F famous for fed up with/ about: chán ngấy In the end, I just got fed up with his constant complaining H happy about/ with + sb/ sth I'm not happy with his work this term If there's anything you're not happy about, come and ask I'm not too happy about her living alone hopeless at: very bad, with no ability or skill Ví dụ: I'm hopeless at science hopeful of/ about He is not very hopeful about the outcome of the interview She is hopeful of returning to work soon I interested in involved in/ with: liên quan đến; dành nhiều thời gian, ý We need to examine all the costs involved in the project first She was deeply involved with the local hospital I was so involved in my book I didn't hear you knock identical with/ to: giống, tƣơng tự immune to/ from: miễn dịch, không bị ảnh hƣởng bởi, tránh khỏi Adults are often immune to German measles Few men are immune to her charms Not even the President’s wife was immune from criticism by the press impressed with/ by: ấn tƣợng Ví dụ: We were all impressed by her enthusiasm inferior to: hơn, không tốt Modern music is often considered inferior to that of the past indifferent to: thờ ơ, không quan tâm, hờ hững The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion innocent of: ngây thơ, vô tội She was found innocent of any crime incapable of: khả J jealous of: gen ghét, đố kỵ K keen on known for kind to L late for limited to lucky at N nervous of/ about: lo lắng notorious for: đƣợc biết đến tiếng xấu The country is notorious for its appalling prison conditions O opposed to: bất đồng P proud of pleased with patient with pessimistic about: bi quan polite to popular with: đƣợc yêu thích số đông These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters I'm not very popular with my parents (= they are annoyed with me) at the moment punished for: bị trừng phạt puzzled by/ about Q qualified for R responsible for ready for related to relevant to respectful for/ of be/ get + rid of S sick of sorry about/for scared of similar to surprised at/ by shocked at/ by satisfied with sensitive to/ about: nhạy cảm She is very sensitive to other people's feelings She's very sensitive to criticism serious about skillful at slow at successful in suitable for/ to: thích hợp This programme is not suitable for children a suitable place for a picnic I don't have anything suitable to wear for the party sure of/ about suspicious of/ about sympathetic to / towards : thông cảm Ví dụ: I did not feel at all sympathetic towards Kate T tired of tired from Lƣu ý: tired of chán gì; tired from mệt mỏi làm Ví dụ: I am tired from teaching all day (Tôi bị mệt dạy ngày ) I am tired of teaching (Tôi chán việc dạỵ học) terrified of thankful to sth/ for sth Ví dụ: I was thankful to see they'd all arrived safely He wasn't badly hurt—that's something to be thankful for troubled with typical of U used to upset about unaware of W worried about wrong with/ about You were wrong about Tom; he's not married after all There's something wrong with the printer II Bài nhà: Hoàn thành câu sau tính từ đuôi ing ed Chữ tính từ cho sẵn Bài I seldom visit art galleries I’m not very in…………………in art We went for a very long walk It was very ti………… Why you always look so b………….? Is your life really so b……? He is one of the most b…………people I’ve ever met He never stops talking and never says anything in………… I’m starting a new job next week I’m quite ex………………about it Đáp án interested tiring bored, boring boring, interesting excited Bài Hoàn thành câu sử dụng từ cho sẵn Amusing / amused Annoying / annoyed Confusing / confused Disgusting / disgusted Exhausting / exhausted Interesting / interested Boring / bored Exciting / excited Surprising / surprised He works very hard It’s not …………….that he’s always tired I’ve got nothing to I’m ………………………………… The teacher’s explanation was………………………………… Most of the students didn’t understand it The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages It was really……………………… I seldom visit art galleries I’m not particularly ………………………… in art There’s no need to get…………………….just because I’m a few minutes late The lecture was…………………… I feel asleep I’ve been working very hard all day and now I’m……………………… I’m starting a new job next week I’m very………………………… about it 10 Steve is very good at telling funny stories He can be very……………………… 11 Liz is a very……………………person She knows a lot, she’s travelled a lot and she’s done lots of different thing Đáp án surprising bored confusing disgusting interested annoyed boring exhausted excited 10 amusing 11 interesting TÍNH T (ADJ) Quy tắc cấu tạo tính từ I Tóm tắt giảng Tính từ đơn • Noun + y Ví dụ: rain + y –> rainy: mưa nhiều, ví dụ: a rainy day wind + y –> windy: nhiều gió sun + y –> sunny: nhiều nắng snow + y –> snowy: nhiều tuyết fog + y –> foggy: nhiều sương mù • Noun + ly Ví dụ: day + ly –> daily: hàng ngày, ví dụ: daily news man + ly –> manly: nam tính friend + ly –> friendly: thân thiện love + ly –> lovely: đáng yêu • Noun + ful Ví dụ: care + ful –> careful beauty + ful –> beautiful harm + ful –> harmful • Noun + less Ví dụ: care + less –> careless home + less –> homeless harm + less –> harmless • Noun + en Ví dụ: gold + en –> golden : vàng wool + en –> woolen wood + en –> wooden • Noun + some Ví dụ: trouble + some –> troublesome quarrel + some –> quarrelsome: hăng, thích gây gổ • Noun/adjective + ish Ví dụ: book + ish –> bookish: ham mê sách white + ish –> whitish: trắng girl + ish –> girlish child + ish –> childish: tính cách trẻ • Noun + ous Ví dụ: humour –> humourous : hài hước danger –> dangerous Tính từ ghép • Adjective + adjective Ví dụ: a dark-blue coat, a red-hot iron bar • Noun + adjective Ví dụ: snow-white cotton, the oil-rich Middle East • Noun + participle Ví dụ: a horse-drawn cart: xe ngựa kéo, a heart-breaking story: câu chuyện xúc động • Adjective + participle Ví dụ: ready-made clothes : quần áo may sẵn , a good-looking girl : cô gái ưa nhìn • Adverb + participle Ví dụ: a newly-built house: nhà xây mới, a well - dressed man: người đàn ôn ăn mặc thời thượng • Noun + noun-ed Ví dụ: a tile-roofed house: nhà lợp ngói • Adjective + noun-ed Ví dụ: a dark-haired girl: cô gái tóc sậm màu • A group of words Ví dụ: a twenty- year- old girl, an eight-day trip, an air-to-air missile ADJECTIVE ENDINGS – ent : independent, sufficient, absent, ambivalent, ancient, apparent (= obvious), ardent – ant : arrogant, expectant, important, significant , abundant, brilliant – ful – ic – less ignorant, : beautiful, graceful , powerful, grateful, forgetful, mournful,doubtful Exceptions: handful, mouthful, spoonful are nouns : civic, classic, historic, artistic, economic, : doubtless, fearless, hatless, powerless, countless, tireless, faceless, legless, careless, helpless – ive : authoritative, demonstrative, figurative, imitative, qualitative, talkative, active, passive, comparative, possessive, native – ous – able : dangerous, glorious, murderous, viscous, ferocious, hilarious, – ible 10 – al : audible, compressible, edible, horrible, terrible : charitable, separable, bearable, reliable, comfortable, suitable : central, general, oral, colossal, tropical, tidal, economical (tiết kiệm) Exceptions : rival, arrival, proposal, withdrawal, survival are nouns 11 – ory : mandatory, compulsory, predatory, satisfactory Exceptions : dormitory, promontory, territory are nouns 12 – ary : arbitrary, budgetary, contrary, primary, temporary, necessary 13 – y : angry, happy, icy, messy, milky, tidy, chilly, haughty, slippery, rainy 14 – ly : beastly, cowardly, queenly, rascally, friendly, lovely, lively, daily, manly 15 – (r)ate (10%): temperate, accurate, considerate (ân cần), immediate (ngay lập tức), literate 16 – ish: boorish, boyish, foolish, womanish, bookish, feverish, bluish, reddish Bài tập vận dụng (Chữa video) Bài 1: Tìm tính từ tương ứng với từ đây: (Chữa video) Beauty, man, woman, girl, gold, cheer, care, week, month, sun, rain, fog, cloud, help, brave, wonder, pain, wood, storm, boy Bài 2: Thay tính từ ghép A house with yellow walls A dress of the same blue as the sky A man in a black coat Flowers which smell sweet A plough drawn by an oxen A country which produces tea A face as white as the moon A girl whose hair is long Lƣu ý: a black-coated man đƣợc dịch là: ngƣời làm việc công sở em nhé! Thứ tự tính từ phẩm chất Có nhiều cách xếp thứ tự khác tính từ phẩm chất thường thứ tự xếp sau: (a) Sự miêu tả tổng quát (Opinion): beautiful, excellent, luxurious… (b) Kích thước (Size): big, small (c) Tuổi tác (Age): Old, Young, New >< Old (d) Hình dạng (Shape): round, oval, square… (e) Màu sắc (Color): blue, red, yellow… (f) Nguồn gốc (Origin): Vietnamese, Japanese… (g) Chất liệu (Material): cotton, woollen, golden… (h) Mục đích (Purpose) từ danh động từ dùng để hình thành danh từ kép: walking stick (gậy chống), riding boots (ủng cưỡi ngựa), reading lamp: đèn ngủ, sleeping bag: túi ngủ II Bài nhà Bài Sắp xếp tính từ ngoặc theo trật tự trước danh từ Aunt Betty wants a coffee table (stone, square, gray) The king took a trip (2-week, exhausting) These are cookies! (chocolate chip, delicious, huge) Alice prefers furniture (leather, Italian, black) Archeologists get very excited when they find bones (animal, large, prehistoric) Đáp án: Aunt Betty wants a square gray stone coffee table The king took an exhausting 2-week trip These are delicious huge chocolate chip cookies! Alice prefers black Italian leather furniture Archeologists get very excited when they find large prehistoric animal bones Bài Cho tính từ ngoặc vào vị trí thích hợp a beautiful table (wooden / round) Ví dụ: a beautiful round wooden table an usual ring (gold) an old house (beautiful) black gloves (leather) an American film (old) a long face (thin) big clouds (black) a sunny day (lovely) an ugly dress (yellow) 10 a wide avenue (long) 11 a red car (old / little) 12 a new sweater (green / nice) 13 a metal box (black / small) 14 a big cat (fat / black) 15 a little village (old / lovely) 16 long hair (black / bautiful) 17 an old painting (interesting / French) 18 an enormous umbrella (red / yellow) Đáp án an usual gold ring a beautiful old house black leather gloves an old American film a long thin face big black clouds a lovely sunny day an ugly yellow dress 10 a long wide avenue 11 a little old red car 12 a nice new green sweater 13 a small black metal box 14 a big fat black cat 15 a lovely little old village 16 beautiful long black hair 17 an interesting old French painting 18 an enormous red and yellow umbrella TÍNH T Tóm tắt giảng I Prefixes (tiền tố) Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different meaning For example: prefix un- new word unhappy under underdeveloped: quốc gia chậm phát triển, undergrowth (bụi thấp), underpass: đường cầu chui, undercook: nấu chưa chín multiover- multicultural overwork, overweight, oversleep (ngủ quên), overhear (nghe trộm), overdose (quá liều) cyber- cyberspace super- supermarket, superman, supernature (siêu nhiên) sub subtitle, subway (tàu điện ngầm), subcontinent sur dis out surface (bề mặt) disagree outnumber (lớn hơn), outweigh (lớn hơn, quan trọng hơn) mis mistake, misunderstand, misbehave, misuse, misspell re rewrite, redo en ensure, enable, enclose (đính kèm), endanger (gây nguy hiểm), enlarge (mở rộng), enrich (làm giàu) non nonsmoking (adj: không hút thuốc) inter international (quốc tế), Tiền tố phủ định Ví dụ Im- (đứng trước tính từ bắt đầu m p) Immature (chưa trưởng thành), impatient (mất kiên nhẫn), impossible, impractical (không thực tế) Ir- (đứng trước tính từ bắt đầu r) Irreplaceable irregular, irresponsible Il- (đứng trước tính từ bắt đầu l) Illegal, illegible, illiterate, illogical In- Inconvenient, inedible, incomplete, independent, indivisible (không thể chia tách được) Dis- Disloyal, dissimilar Un- Uncomfortable, unsuccessful, unhappy, unreal, untrue, unlucky, unequal Ex (Chữa video) A Form the adjective and its antonym by adding appropriate prefixes Attention attract comfort competence formality rely B Now use the negative adjectives to fill the blanks My watch is very if that chair is offend predict reason , so I'm not sure of the correct time , try this one over here The atmosphere was very He was so health and everyone was on first-name terms that he sent everybody the wrong information Was it of me to expect them to so much homework? That terrible make-up makes her look most He was a very pupil and seemed to spend most of the time looking out of the window He keeps saying that eating all this fast food is _ , especially if you don't get much exercise He's very _ You never know what he's going to next 10 I thought It was an remark but apparently she was deeply insulted Ex2: (Chữa video) A Put one of the prefixes dis-, mis-, en- or un- in front of each of the words in the list below to form verbs agree load appear inform understand large lock approve wrap judge behave obey danger sure B Now use the verbs you have formed to complete the sentences Use each verb once only in its correct form I'm afraid you've been _ We never give discounts By _ the photo, we were able to read the words on the note The porter the door and let me in If those children _ once more, they'll go straight to bed! Unfortunately, my father _ of my new girlfriend The money can't just have ! Somebody has stolen it! After they've _ the furniture from the lorry, I'll make them a nice cup of tea I spoke very slowly and clearly so that nobody would what I was saying The soldier was put in prison for a week for orders 10 We all gathered round to watch as she _ the parcel 11 I _ the width of the stream and fell into the water 12 You must always that the car's brakes are on properly before you start working on the engine 13 We must not use chemicals that will the environment and maybe ruin it for future generations 14 Mandy and I completely about where to go on holiday She wants to go somewhere warm by the sea - and I want to go skiing! II Tài liệu đọc thêm Suffixes (hậu tố): Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word For example: word child work taste idol like suffix -ish -er -less -ize/-ise -able new word childish Worker Tasteless idolize/idolize Likeable Các tiền tố thường gặp: Tiền tố Anti- Ý nghĩa Chống lại Ví dụ Anti-war, antisocial AutoBi- Tự động Hai, hai lần Auto-pilot, autography Bicycle, bilingual Ex- Trước Ex-wife, ex- smoker Micro- Nhỏ bé Microwave, microscopic Mis- Tồi tệ, sai MonoMulti- Một, đơn lẻ Nhiều Over- Nhiều, mức Misunderstand, misinform Monotone, monologue Multi-national, multi- purpose Overdo, overtired, overeat Post- Sau Postwar, postgraduate Pre- Trước Pre-war, pre-judge Pro- Tán thành, ủng hộ Pseudo- Già Pro-government, pro- revolutionary Pseudo- scientific ReSemiSubUnder- Lần nữa, trở lại Phân nửa Bên Thiếu, không đủ Retype, reread, rewind Semi-final, semicircular Subway, subdivision Underworked, undercooked III Bài nhà COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH A WORD DERIVED FROM THE WORD IN CAPITAL LETTERS Artists must be Why are you so , otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear of his work? He's just doing his best Have you made up your mind? We need to know your He's too shy to look people as soon as possible yet? They put too many unnecesary I CRITIC when he talks to them Have they put the Christmas think that there's no point in arguing with him Just ignore him Why don't you call the DECIDE DIRECT DECORATE in food Extraterrestrial life has not been CREATE proved yet if the lights don't work? ADD HONEST SCIENCE ELECTRIC 10 Music and television are forms of ENTERTAIN 11 The concert didn't live up to our EXPECT 12 The electric company admitted their 13 Did you use to have for the blackout as a child? 14 I don't like those trousers, no matter how 15 Life RESPOND ALLOW they are FASHION varies according to country and gender EXPECT Đáp án creative additives 11 expectations critical honestly 12 responsibility decision scientifically 13 allowance directly electrician 14 fashionable decorations 10 entertainment 15 expectancy ... khủng để nói à?) Vị trí chức tính từ phẩm chất a Tính từ làm tính từ (attributive use) bổ ngữ (predicate use) - Tính từ thường đứng trước danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ Ví dụ: It is a hot day This... sau động từ tân ngữ để làm bổ ngữ cho tân ngữ Ví dụ: The sun keeps us warm This doesn’t make me happy Tính từ (Adj) Dùng phân từ tính từ I Tóm tắt giảng Phân từ từ tạo thành từ động từ kết thúc... dùng động từ nối chúng bổ nghĩa trạng từ theo cách dùng quen thuộc Sau số ví dụ khác cách dùng trạng từ tính từ: He looked calm (tính từ) (Anh ta trông điềm tĩnh) He looked calmly (trạng từ) at

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2017, 21:18

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