Ebook thực hành sử dụng giới từ tiếng anh (phần 2)

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Ebook thực hành sử dụng giới từ tiếng anh (phần 2)

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S e c t i o n F iv e PHẦN 5 COMPARISON This section is divided into three categories : 1 Round and about Xấp xỉ và khoảng 2 Comparing and contrasting So sánh và tương phản 3 Doing sum s Làm toán All the prepositions in this section express relationships of com parison betw een two objects, places, people or num bers. S O SÁ N H Phần này được chia thành ba mục : (approximation) (sự phỏng chừng) {comparison a n d contrast (so sánh và tương phản) {addition a n d subtraction) (cộng và trừ) Tất di giới từ trong phân này đêu diễn tả mối quan hệ so sánh giữa hai vật, nơi chốn, con người hoặc con số. 1. ROUND AND ABOUT XẤP x ỉ VÀ KHOẢNG about around at by in near abou t A pproxim ate position (used Vị trí gần chính xác (được sử dụng w ithout specified noun) không có danh từ cụ thể) Ive looked everyw here but I cant fin d m y magazine. I saw it this morning so it m ust be somewhere about the place. Tôi nhìn khắp nơi nhưng tôi không thể tìm ra cuốn tap chí. TỎI có thấy nó sáng nay vì vậy ắ t hẳn là nó ờ đâu đây thói A pproxim ate tim e M eet me at about m idnight. Thời gian gân chính xác H ãy gặp tói vào khoảng nửa đêm. Here an d there Đây đó The horses w andered aim lessly all about the field. N hững chú ngựa lang th an g dây dó trê n cánh dồng. rou n d As a b o u t, in all th ree cases Giống about trong tất cả ba trường hợp I think he lives som ew here around A thens. Tôi nghĩ anh ấy sống đâu dó ở A thens. I can only stay around an hour. Tôi chỉ có th ể n án lại khoảng m ột tiến g dồng hồ. Throw ing things around the room w ont help; try to calm down. N ém đồ v ậ t k h ắp phòng chẳng có ích gì dâu, cô gắng bình tĩnh lại. it A pproxim ate p osition (not Vị trí gần chính xác (không phải thời tim e) gian) He said hed m eet me £f the station but he d idnt say exactly where. A nh ấy nói an h ấy sẽ gặp tôi ở nhà ga nhưng anh ấy không nói chính xác ờ đâu. »y A pproxim ate, b u t close, posi Vị trí gân chính xác nhung kê cận tion They w ant to m ove house because they live bỵ the site o f the new airport. Họ muốn chuyển n h à bởi vì họ sông bên cạnh sân bay mới. n A pproxim ate area, nu m b ers Khu vực, con số và tuổi tác gân chính an d a g e s xác T heyre hoping to rent a chalet som ew here in The A lps this year. Họ hy vọng sẽ mướn được m ột ngôi nhà gỗ đâu đó trong rận g Alps n ăm nay.

S e c t io n F iv e PHẦN COMPARISON S O SÁ N H Phần chia thành ba mục : T his section is divided in to th ree categories : R ound a n d ab o u t (approxim ation) (sự chừng) Xấp xỉ khoảng C om paring an d c o n tra stin g {com parison a n d contrast] So sánh tương phản Doing sum s (so sánh tương phản) {addition a n d subtraction) (cộng trừ) Làm toán All the prepositions in th is section Tất d i giới từ phân đêu diễn express re latio n sh ip s o f co m p ariso n tả mối quan hệ so sánh hai vật, betw een tw o objects, places, people nơi chốn, người số or num bers ROUND AND A BO U T about around XẤP x ỉ VÀ KHOẢNG at by a b o u t A pproxim ate p o sitio n (used in Vị trí gần xác (được sử dụng w ith o u t specified no u n ) I've looked everyw here but this m orning so it m ust be near danh từ cụ thể) I can't fin d m y magazine I som ew here about the place saw it Tôi nhìn k h ắp nơi không th ể tìm ta p chí TỎI có th sán g ắ t h ẳ n thói 78 - Thực hành sử dụng giđi từ tiếng Anh A p p ro x im ate tim e Thời gian gân xác M e e t m e at about m idnight H ãy g ặp tói vào k h o ả n g n a đêm H ere a n d th e re Đây The horses w andered aim lessly all about the field N hữ ng ngựa lan g th a n g d ây dó tr ê n cán h dồng r o u n d As a b o u t, in all th re e c a s e s Giống about tấ t ba trường hợp I th in k he lives so m ew h ere around A th en s T ôi n g h ĩ a n h số n g đ âu dó A thens I can o n ly sta y around an hour Tôi có th ể n n lạ i k h o ả n g m ộ t tiế n g dồng hồ T h ro w in g th in g s around the room w o n 't help; try to calm down N ém đồ v ậ t k h ắ p p h ò n g c h ẳ n g có ích dâu, cô g ắ n g b ìn h tĩn h lại it A p p ro x im ate p o sitio n (n o t tim e) Vị trí gần xác (không phải thời gian) H e said h e 'd m eet m e £f the station but he d id n 't say exa ctly w here A nh nói a n h ấ y g ặp tô i n h ga n hư ng a n h k h ô n g nói c h ín h xác đâu »y A p p ro x im ate, b u t clo se, p o si- Vị trí gân ch ín h xác n h u n g kê cận tion T h ey w ant to m ove house because th e y live bỵ the site o f the n ew airport Họ m uốn chuyển n h họ sông b ê n c n h sâ n bay n A p p r o x im a te and a g es a rea , n u m b e r s Khu vực, số tuổi tác gân xác T h e y 're hoping to re n t a chalet som ew here in T he A lp s this year Họ hy vọng mướn m ộ t n h gỗ tro n g rậ n g Alps n ă m Thực hành sử dụng giới từ tiếng Anh - 79 n ea r A pproxim ate close p o sitio n Vị trí kê cận gân xác D on't stand near the fire , you'll burn yourself Đừng đứng gần lửa, bị bỏng Set phrases A round and about Cụm từ cô định See you around A round about H ẹn gặp lại In the tw enties (i.e th e 1920s) Vào nhữ ng n ăm 20 (tức th ậ p niên 1920) l_n his/her tw enties (i.e b e tw e e n th e ag e s o f 20 a n d 29) T rong độ tuổi 20 (tức tuổi 20 đến 29) 1 E X E R C IS E S Choose the correct preposition BÀI TẬP Chọn giới từ a) He said he'd m eet me im m ediately after work - at/neariũbout - his office b) The cup-final should finish - near/in/about - six-thirty, but it may go on longer if th ere's extra-tim e c) There are m eant to be fish and chip shops all - near/in/around ■ London but haven't seen one d) I’d like to visit your colleague w ho lives - by/near/at - Cairo e) If w e're lucky, we'll be able to spend a few hours - in around/about ■ Singapore f) The flight will cost - about/atlnear - a hundred dollars g) I'll m eet you - in/by/arcund - the ticket office h) I don't know her age, but she m ust be - in/at/about - forty Complete the following sentences a) Let’s have a picnic b y _ Hoàn th àn h nhữ ng câu sau b) It’s a very convenient location, very n e a r _ c) If we w ant to get good seats, w e’d b etter m eet a b o u t _ d) W hat a badly-matched pair ! He's i n _and she's about e) He's a shipping millionaire He owns a r o u n d _ f) Ibiza's g reat for swimming : th ere are beautiful beaches all around (*) C c h nói n ay không phổ b iến tiếng V iẻt vl ta nói ’ cò ta c n j « g '*•*' "1JOI* hoic •trong đò tuổi hai m ưoi’ ta khòng ch o cô ta ò lứa tuổi 28 ch ản g - a '“ 80 - Thưc hành sử dụng giới từ tiếng Anh Make sensible se n ten ces from Tạo câu có n ghĩa từ n h ữ n g cụm từ th e s e p h rases i) n ear th e sea a) A ccording to th e m ap th e re are g o o d views o f th e m o untains ii) at a lakeside re so rt this year b) Did you know th a t Victor Hugo lived so m ew h ere c) D on’t go to o iii) aro u n d this p art o f Paris ? d) She lives e) My g n d p a re n ts love having iv) a b o u t te n hours v) in th e n o rth o f Sw eden, but young people d o n ’t know w hich tow n I'd like to sp en d a w eek vi) a b o u t fifty f) g) The b o a t jo u rn e y tak es h) W ouldn’t it be nice to live i) vii) around th e w hole o f this area, viii) in th e m ou n tain s ? ix) around th em She looks young b u t sh e ’s Express th e relatio n sh ip s sho w n in Diễn tả m ối q uan hệ trìn h bày th e se diagram s tro n g n h ữ n g h ìn h vẽ For e x a m p le : Ví dụ : he bus sto p is b) ear th e school T h ực h ành sử dụng giới từ tiếng Anh - 81 How's your geography ? Express approxim ate relationships using th ese prom pts Hiểu biết vẽ địa lý cùa bạn n h thí ? Diễn tả mối quan hệ gàn đúng, sử dụng n h ữ n g gợi ý a) Versailles/Paris b) Colisseum/Rome c) Alps/Switzerland d) Crown Jew els/Tow er o f London e) Australia/New Zealand f) m ines/the north o f England CO M PA RIN G A N D CO N TRA STIN G SO S Ả N H V Ả T Ư Ơ N G PHAN after near a fte r again st b e lo w b e s id e b e tw e e n over under u n lik e up to C o m parable to lik e So sán h với This n ew a rtist's w ork is after the sty le o f Rousseau T ác p h ẩm cùa nghệ sĩ m ới n ày p h ỏ n g theo phong cách cùa Rousseau a g a in s t C o n tra stin g w ith Tương phản với You need to show that picture against a dark background A nh cần p h ải th ể h iệ n h ìn h tương p h ả n C om pared w ith VỚ I m ột nến sảm So với Look at these fig u res against last ye a r's; th ey're so m uch better this year H ãy n h ìn n hữ ng số n ày so với n ã m ngoái; n ă m chúng tốt nhiều b e lo w L ess/few er th a n Kém Shopkeepers are asked to keep th eir price increases beloii' the rate o f inf.ation N hững người chủ tiệ m yêu cầu giữ giá tă n g ti lệ lạm p hát 82 - Thức hành sử dung giđi từ tiếng Anh id e C om pared w ith So với Beside h er siste r sh e's n o t in the least beautiful So với chị cùa cô ta , cô ta h o n to n k h n g dẹp w e e n D iffe re n tia tin g tw o th in g s P hân biệt hai vật S h e ’s so colour-blind she c a n 't tell the difference betw een blue and g reen Cô ta bị b ệ n h mù m àu , th ê cô ta k h ô n g th ể n h ậ n khác b iệ t m àu x a n h b iể n m àu x an h ỉ S im ila r to Tương tự với Y o u 'v e g o n e so brow n, you look like an Italian A nh d ã trờ n ên rá m n ắ n g h ẳ n , a n h trô n g giống n h m ộ t người Ý jr S im ila r to /a p p ro a c h in g Tương tự với/tiếp cận N o one can com e near h im in stu p id ity K h ô n g có th ể s n h b ằ n g a n h ta m ặ t ngu ngốc ĩr M ore th a n , a g re a te r n u m - Hơn, m ộ t sô/số lượng lớn b e r/a m o u n t th a n H e 's g o t over ten thousand stam ps in his collection A nh có hơ n mười n g n te m tro n g sưu tậ p m ình d er L e ss/fe w e r th a n Kém T he E cology P arty g o t u n d er a thousand votes in m y area Đ ản g X anh có m ộ t n g n p h iếu bầu tro n g khu vực sống lik e N ot s im ila r to Không giống với That child is unlike eith e r o f its parents Đứa bé k h ô n g giố n g b ố m c h ẳ n g giống mẹ to C om p ared to n o r m a l So với b ìn h thường This w ork is n ’t up to yo u r norm al standard; a re n 't you fe e lin g w ell ? C ông việc n y k h ô n g hợp với tiê u chuẩr th ô n g thư ng an h , anh có cảm th ấ y tố t k h ô n g ? Thực hành sử dụng giới từ tiếng Anh - 83 S et p h r a se s c ụ m tư C6 định Up to scratch (th e r e q u ir e d s ta n d a r d ) H oàn hảo {tiêu ch u ẩ n dược yêu c ầ u ) U nder the w eather (ill) Khó (bệnh) E X E R C IS E S BÀI TẬP Fill in th e gaps w ith a suitable preposition Điên vào chỗ trống m ột giới từ thích hợp a) Good grief ! The child’s te m p e tu re i s _ 103°F b) As you’re w earing a dark d ress for this p h o to you'd b e tte r s ta n d a light background c) You’re old enough to know th e d iffe re n c e right and wrong d) That s m e lls _som ething burning Are you sure you turned the cooker off ? e) Video recorders are becom ing ch eap er ; you can now get older models f o r _£300 f) I'm afraid the beauty o f th e Alps is n o th in g _th a t o f th e Dolomites g) You need a few m ore driving lessons I d o n ’t think y o u 'r e _test standard yet h) That new German au th o r w rites very m u c h _ th e style o f Boll Provide questions for th e following Cung cấp câu hỏi cho n h ữ n g câu trả answ ers lời sau For ex am p le : Ví dụ : No, under a hundred pou n d s a w eek Q u estion : Câu hỏi Do you earn a lot ? a) Over 1.50 m etres b) No, m ore like my m oth er, really c) Yes, it is, but n o t beside St P eter’s in Rome d) You have to be over eighteen e) Not up to th e usual stan d ard , no f) No, it ju s t looks like leather 84 - Thực hành sử dụng giới từ tiếng Anh : ) In France it’s below 10% a t th e m om ent ) No, sh e ’s unlike m e in m o st ways, ex cep t th a t w e ’re b o th fair Paraphrase th e follow ing sen te n ce s jsing th e p rep o sitio n given a) Diễn giải n h ữ n g câu sau, sử dụng giới từ cho sẵn You really d o n ’t know if th a t’s m argarine or betw een b u tte r, you ? b) You have to be e ig h teen to vote Y ou're n o t old u n d er enough :) F ourteen ! But th e cookery class can only take over tw elve people d) The sound o f th a t in stru m e n t is very sim ilar to a like guitar i) An o ran g e b ackground ? But w o n ’t red clash ? f) You th in k sh e's stu p id ? You should m e e t h er ag a in st n ear husband ị) I d o n ’t think sh e ’s g o o d en o u g h to jo in my class .ook at this info rm ation about jo p u latio n levels COUNTRY ?enland ng Kong SR \ Ita up to Hãy n h ìn vào th ô n g tin vê m ậ t độ dân số AREA (KM2) POPULATION NUMBER OF PEOPLE PER KM2 (DENSITY) ,176,00 56,000 000 4,514,000 4,320 22,402 000 62,402,000 12 229 0.02 244,000 55 852 000 9,363,00 216,817,000 23 300 32,000 1,051 294 10,000 3,056,000 ina 9,597,00 958,030,000 90 lia 3,288,000 625,018,000 190 )anon Now a n s w e r th e s e q u e s tio n s Bây trà lời n hữ ng cáu hỏi W hich Đất nước bảng có : co u n trie s in th e c h a rt have: a) an area o f over 5,000,000 square kilom etres ? b) an area of under 1,000,000 square kilom etres ? c) a population o f over 100,000,000 peo p le ? d) a population o f under 1,000,000 people ? e) a population density o f over 100 people p er sq km f) a population density o f u n d er 100 people per sq km Now look at this paragraph about ? ? Bây nh ìn vào đoạn văn nói vè Malta Malta Malta is a small country w ith ju st Malta m ộ t đất nước nhò với over 300,000 inhabitants It is un­ 300.000 dân rnột c h ú t Diện tích cùa d er five hundred square kilom etres 500 km ng có m ật dộ dân in area, but has a population d en ­ số m ột ngàn nguời cảy sity o f over one thousan d people số vuông Nó giống H ông Kỏng per square kilom etre It is like Hong hai đêu có diện tích dất dai nhò Kong, in th a t they both have small n hư ng điểm khác biệt chúng lả land areas, but the difference b e­ dân số Hồng Kông cao nhíẽu tw een them is th at Hong Kong's population is much higher W rite similar paragraphs about Hãy viết n hữ ng đoạn vãn tương tự vé Greenland, Hong Kong, Russia and Greenland, Hông Kông, Nga TrunẾ China, and also about your own Quốc, vê đất nước bạn bạn country, if you know th e statistics biết số th ố n g kê (Hãy cần thận (Be careful not to use th e above as đừng dùng doạn văn làm khuôn an exact m odel as each paragraph m ẫu xác m ỗi doạn will be slightly different.) khác nhau.) 86 - Thực hành sừ dụng giới từ tiếng Anh LÀM TOÁN d o in g s u m s b e s id e s tim e s d iv id e d b y in ad d itio n to (togeth er) w ith isides As w ell a s m inus plus Bên cạnh I'v e g o t three o th er dogs, besides the dachshund T ôi có chó k h c n goài chó chồn ưided by (U sed o n ly in a rith m e - (Chỉ sử dụng số học) tie) T en d ivid ed by tw o is fiv e Mười ch ia h b ằ n g n ăm addition to As w ell a s , b e sid e s Bên cạnh, In addition to a 20% p a y-rise the w orkers are askin g fo r a reduction in the n u m b er o f hours p er w eek N goài 20% lương tă n g , công n h â n d an g yêu cầu c ắ t giảm số m việc tro n g tu ầ n inus W ith o u t K hông tín h đến; The explorers re tu rn e d to base m in u s their n ative guide, who had fa lle n 500 m etres to his death N h ữ n g n h th m h iể m quay k h ô n g với người d ẫ n đư ờng b ả n xứ, người đâ ngã c h ế t từ độ cao 500 m ét S u b tra c tio n (o n ly a rith m e tic ) Trừ (chỉ số học) T en m in u s six equals fo u r Mười trừ sáu bốn US As w ell a s Và The w hole fa m ily a rrived at once, plus the tw o dogs T o àn gia đ ìn h đ ến n gay h a i chó A d d itio n (o n ly a rith m e tic ) T hree plus fo u r equals seven Ba cộng bốn b ằ n g bảy Cộng (chỉ số học) C) d) his stupidity the radio on e) gaslight f) pure silk men only g) h) separate cover Now make sentences from the ex­ Bay gid tao nhting cau tu nhumg ngu: tren pressions above Fill in this crossword, using the clues opposite Each answer is a Dien vao o chur nay, sii dyng nhiimg d lu moi ¿1 phia doi di?n Moi trf Idi la m pt gidi tOr preposition ACROSS Take advantage of her now, while s h e 's a good mood the bad lighting, I m anage to read under the bedclothes a glass o f wine That's ridiculous ! _ a different sports centre; one th at's cheaper _ _ _ _ alabaster (3,2) That beautiful statue is made Two p o u n d s _ I want to change _ DOWN I'd like to insure my jewellery theft and loss Only take these pills ifyou really f e e l the w eather their bad start, the team w ere soon tw o goals ahead (2,5,2) The company changed the h eat­ ing system electricity to gas last year It's only m a d e glass, not diamonds 130 - Thiic hanh suf dung gicii t£r tieng Anh KEY S E C T IO N O N E 1 a) on b) down c) up d) off e) up to f) onto g) down a= iii b = iv e = vi f = i l h) down to c = ii d = v a) You’ll be able to see the parade is always one front of the others all the rime f) People say that Leonardo da Vinci get some milk was ahead of his time f) The plant has climbed up to the top of the window Gerald Ruskin Roy Davies down c) up to d) up e) off f) on Mandy Selby Chris Pride a) along b) past thinking but lost him the roof Andrew Jameson c) along Louise Mitchell e) up and down g) past a = vb = i e) into a) Baby ducks always swim close e) The winner was a few steps in e) I'm just going down the road to Consolidation h) across c = iii d = vi b) at c) for d) down f = ii a) out of d = ii horse has jumped up the charts e = iv c= vi d) The police chased after the thief d) Another tile has just fallen off f = iii c) Never walk behind a frightened c) The Rolling Stones' new single f) across b = i ahead of me tunately only slipped a few feet d) through after behind their mother down to the ledge a = v e = iv b) Your b) The climber lost his hold, but for­ a) off b) b) ahead of c) e) ahead of f) behind g) after h) in front of better if you climb onto this wall a) behind d) behind a) ahead of/in front of b) across, behind f) towards c) up down to d) out of, around, into, down to a) You need a visa to get into the United States ACROSS behind b) The brother and sister ran away from summer camp around away from c) couldn't run for the bus because my suitcase was so heavy across through d) can't get out of this armchair 10 onto e) The winner stepped onto stage f) The gun was aimed at the presi­ dent a) around b) into to towards DOWN into down towards ahead of out of c) into, onto Thi/c h an h sir dung gidi ttir tien g A nh - 131 SECTION TWO I a) on top (of) c) At the station news stand b) above d) Next to the baker's c) beneath e) It's on the right of It d) down/up f) No on the left of it e) under a) the river/wall f) above b) the station/garage g) under (neath)/below c) the station h) after d) the river a) above/on top of e) the chemist's b) after/below f) of the bank c) below/on g) the railway d) above/on on the right of left of next to, by f) on top of/above/over along, next to around, against, next g) ovec/on b = iv e = iii c = v to, on the right of near d = vi f = ii a) opposite a) In chess, a bishop is ranked above Arab Emirates in wealth d) before a) facing c) lived one floor below him b) in front of d) The US national flag is always c) over/across flying over the American Embassy d) after building e) behind e) Your book is on (top of) your pen f) opposite f) What he did is beneath contempt g) before g) You'll find more fish down the h) across KEY river b) over c) across a knight b) Saudi Arabia is after the United line h) the river e) under a = i a) In the park b) No it's next to the restaurant Richardson 92% A Employment exchange Manson 79% B Department store Little 60% C Travel agent's Fellowes 58% D Boutique Herries 55% E Bank Smith 39% F Dry cleaner's (ones 10% C Patisserie H Cafe a) by Supermarket b) at I Post office c) alongside K Record shop d) beside L Pet shop e) against f) on the left of g) next to h) near 132 - Thiic h anh suf dung gidi t€r tien g Anh M Doctor N Dentist a = lv b = vlii c d = vl e = vii f = i h = v “ g = ill SECTION THREE l a) on b) within a) facing each other b) across/over the river c) around c) opposite d) at d) behind/in front of e) at f) in Consolidation g) on/in a) around b) under h) at a) in, in c) against b) on, within d) near c) on, at, at e) before d) on, in f) opposite g) along h) on top of ACROSS e) on f) within g) at a) on January before b) at 9.20 up c) at 9.00 down I’d like to visit you at Easter The next to plane arrives on Saturday at 6.30 p.m at Please cable if this is OK near Sorry, we're not at home in April 13 behind We're free around the end of March 14 opposite Can you come on the 25th or 26th ? 15 towards DOWN by front under facing on 10 against 11 below 12 around a) by b) after c) past d) to e) after by g) after a) It's quarter past one b) I must pay the deposit by Satur­ day c) The concert begins at quarter to eleven and finishes at half-past twelve d) The train left at ten to eleven, but unfortunately I got to the sta­ tion at five past eleven e) She'll see you after work f) You must arrive before ten-thirty h&nh suf dung gidi tir tien g A nh - 133 a = iv past b c = v past, in past = viii to in d = ii to f = vi after Consolidation e = ill g = i to h = vii past, in 8.55 BC218 Edinburgh g = iv d = l a) No, not the weekend d) It's at 28 10.10 PA2190 Dallas e) At 7.40 10.20 SAS202 Stockholm f) About two hours 10.15 PA1918 New York g) About three and a half hours a) during b) from, to at, by.6.50 until, at, 13.03, by, in, 16.22/16.52 to/past, by, 18.30, for, c) through/for two, during d) for ACROSS e) about up f) as from inside g) since at h) in (side) i) within a = vi b = iv from c = iii since d = i 10 for f = v 11 after a) I will have to go to school until DOWN I'm sixteen past b) He stayed in China for two years within c) Report to the welfare officer be­ during tween one and five p.m before d) Inflation has risen during the few years e) They've been in power for about two years SECTION FOUR a) from f) I haven't been there since my childhood c = vi c) In an hour and 38 minutes 10.10 AF103 Paris CDG e = ii b = li f = vii b) After 15 May 1983 9.25 BA4242 Miami a = v e = iii a) Because of a serious accident, Elena was unable to walk from eight to 13 b) Martin has been living in Holland for six years c) African children spend about six years in full-.ime education d) He proposed to his fiancée during a Mediterranean cruise e) As from tomorrow I'll give up drinking f) He was in prison throughout 1967 134 - Thiic hành sü dung gidi tir lién g Anh b) owing to/due to c) for d) through e) with f) out of g) of h) because of'due to a) He lives for his family b) am not trembling with fear, but anger c) He went abroad because of the unemployment situation d) His tongue swelled from lack of water e) You were not paid due to com­ a) with puter error b) like f) I joined this society out of concern c) by for handicapped people d) with g) Owing to lack of interest the lec­ ture has been cancelled e) as a) like h) The fight was started through a b) like regrettable misunderstanding c) as a) by b) via d) as, as a) The teacher says there isn't much c) by improvement in her work, but d) by means of she's getting better little by little e) by, with b) Alcohol makes some people act f) by like fools g) with c) Watches are made with precision h) by means of d) won't be able to write/speak a = v b = vi c = vii d = i e = iii f = ii g= viii h = iv a) with a knife about these plans with convic­ tion, as I don't e) As a doctor/nurse, I advise you b) by ship/boat to c) by means of the window f) The apple tree is growing little by d) via Dover and Calais little/by the year e) by telegram/telex 4 a) for f) with a cleaner b) for a) Green is made by mixing yellow c) towards and blue, d) for b) German politicians are elected by e) for (means of) proportional repre­ sentation f) in a) .for listening to music c) I always make clothes by hand b) .for digging d) Parcels should be tied with string c) .for holding down papers e) The Prime Minister travelled to d) .for cutting e) .for telling the time f) .for drinking out of g) .for writing h) .for putting flowers in Australia via Singapore, i) All the dresses were designed by Yves St Laurent g) The refugee left the country by means of a false passport h) You can go by road or by air to a-for-iv b-in-v c-in-i d-for-vi e-in-ii f-in-iii Moscow, but not by sea Thi/c hành sir dung gidi tCr tién g A nh - 135 Consolidation SECTION FIVE a) because of/through/due to a) at b) through b) about c) towards/for c) around d) with d) near e) like e) in f) for f) about g) via h) through i) as )) from g) by h) about k) by/with 1) owing to/because of m) by b = iii a) c = i f= ii g i = vi d = v = iv around b) near n) with c) about a) the door d) by, at b) money/revenge e) about c) an attacker f) near d) a scarf e) the window c) The Alps are inaround Switzer­ .for money, jealousy, key, the knife/blunt object, land scarf, d) The Crown Jewels are kept in the .the fa ll, a joumey/traveiling, via Tower of London ACROSS e) Australia is near New Zealand for f) There are mines around the north by via in a) Versailles is near Paris b) The Colisseum is in Rome f) motor bike door, a= vii e = ix h = viii of England through towards 11 like 12 of I a) over b) against c) between d) like e) below/under f) beside DOWN owing to because of with as 10 out of g) up to h) after a) How tall are you ? b) Are you like your father ? c) Is (Notre Dame) a beautiful church? d) How old you have to be to vote ? e) Was his work up to the usual standard 136 - Thtfc h&nh sir dung gidi tCf tien g Anh Is this (bag) leather e) What's Ethel's Guest House like? g) What's the temperature f) How many bed does the motel f) h) Are you like your (sister) a) Can ^ju tell the difference be­ have g) Are many of the hotels big /Do tween margarine and butter b) You can't vote if you're under eighteen beds h) What's Ethel's Guest House like many of the hotels have over 200 c) The class can't take over twelve people ACROSS unlike d) That instrument sounds like a guitar up to against e) Won't red clash against an orange background over 10 near 11 under f) Her husband doesn’t come near her in stupidity 12 by 14 together with g) 1don’t think she’s up to the stand­ ard of my class 15 near 16 in 17 plus 18 minus a) in addition to, plus b) In addition to c) plus d) plus DOWN e) minus f) plus, times near g) besides over about h) divided by a = v b = iii c = iv d = i 11 up Consolidation at in addition to e = ii 12 besides a) between 13 between b) around c) after d) plus SECTION SIX e) over a) in favour of f) on/around b) for the sake of g) against h) below d) against I) times e) opposite to c) contrary to j) plus f) for a) What are the differences between a hotel and an inn ? g) for b) How many hotels are near here? h) behind/against/in favour of a = ii b = iv c = iii d = v e = i c) Where's the motel d) How many hotels are there in the village Thifc hclnh suf dung gidi tCr tieng Anh - 137 a) The International Monetary Fund is behind the government's plan a) was between rwo policemen b) You don't think about me when C) I'm out of sight Those two seem to have an in­ to revive the steel industry U) I'm all for having a party as soon visible wall around them as possible c) The (new) football team are be­ think "The Tempest" Is among d) Shakespeare's best plays hind his (new) ideas e) Some people never go outside d) Are you in favour of Women's their own experiences Liberation ? e) There's a law against drinking f) I’m sorry, but 1think your brother g) If you want to find their phone is beyond hope now and driving a) All his beliefs are contrary to number, look under his name mine not hers b) I'm for restructuring the com­ pany The person we re looking for is h) c) I'm against siting Cruise missiles in Europe d) Are you in favour of his plans for a secret ballot inside this house a) apart from/except (for) b) ? apart from/except (for) e) but/except (for) e) My father is behind my brother's business a) among barring d) e) except (for) but a ■= iv b) between := i = iii = ii b c) in e d) inside Exceptions : f e) outside/beyond a) f) within/inside g) between b) turquoise C) Maradona h) among d) India a) in b) under c) of e) among f) around g) outside h) under b) in, among c) between d) in, among, around e) between 138 - Thực hành sử dụng giới từ tiến g Anh = vi d =v c = = g = Coca-Cola New York for b) over C) for d) out of a) among, inside e) a) c d) on e) as for after a = vi d = ii h = i b e = iii = vii f viii iv v Consolidation The incorrect ones are : a) a good film beyond, of, of, from, to, between, b) oriental philosophers c) your health against, in favour of, between, away from, for, for, without, contrary with­ d) exams out/beyond, except (for), as among, e) your friends f) a journal under a) on b) away from c) with prejudice .his country ■■ Muslims and Hindus g) h) .peace from - to inside - outside a) behind b) to c) on with - without against - for in favour of - against off - on d) of e) of a) behind = for f) from, from b) as for = as to g) off, of h) behind a) Which country did Karl Marx come from b) Do you take tea with or without sugar ? c) How far away from the USA is the USSR d) On which animal you find a mane e) Does the national flag of Japan have a moon on it f) Which island is off the south coast of India ■■ Mahatma Ghandi his life fear, poverty and hatred f) f) on 'Ghandl' b) c) d) e) d) without e) out of a) c) beyond = outside d) off = away from e) except for = apart from ACROSS in favour of opposite beside away 12 as for 13 inside 15 around 17 contrary 19 without DOWN a) He came from Germany b) (depends on students) c) The USA is about 50 km away from the USSR in support for the sake of out d) You find a mane on a horse e) Yes, the national flag of Japan a moon on it from Sri Lanka is off the south coast beyond of India outside over 10 after 11 with 13 in 14 except ThvTc hanh sif dung gidi tif tieng Anh - 13 a) despite/in spite o f b) for all 15 among 16 under 18 as to c) desplte/in spite of/for all d) for all e) desplte/in spite of SEC TIO N S E V E N f) despite/in spite of a) in a) Despite/in spite oOTor all his kind b) with ness b) Despite/in spite c) for d) under e) by c) Despite/in spite of using f) with d) Despite/inspiteofhiswife'sdeath g) in in a fall h) for e) Desplte/in spite of the failure of a = iv b = d = vi e = vii/i viii g = v h = c = i/vii f) Despite/in spite of the change of f = ii iii a) by government a) of b) with b) in c) with c) under d) in d) for e) of e) in f) out of f) for g) from g) >n h) of/out of h) with of the heavy rain a - platinum a) This town can be dangerous by night b) We have to sleep with mosquito b) in oil nets here c) of eggs c) The document was sent under d) of bricks separate cover e) of glass d) He lost his passport in his care­ f) with lead lessness g) with eggs and oil e) This taxi service is only for dis­ h) of gold abled people He's in a bad mood b - cream d - bristle and plastic a) .of marble g) The car will only start with the choke h) People look younger by soft light­ ing l a) into b) for c) against d) into e) to into g) for h) into 140 - Thtfc hanh suf dung gidi tir tien g Anh c - felt e - watercolour d) Our cakes are made from the finest a) into b) for c) against d) from, to ingredients e) I'm In a difficult situation f) The puppy grew into a dog within e) against f) for a couple of months g) This kind of comedy is for chil­ g) into dren h) Despite the cold winter the rose h) from, to a) into b) into c) from to bush bloomed the next summer i) This jumper is made of pure new wool d) against e) for j) f) to Consolidation b) with c) in a) with b) for d) with e) by c) in spite of d) in f) of g) for h) under e) into f) under ACROSS in g) for h) for i) for all j) of a = iii e = i I’m taking this dress back to the shop to change it for a larger size a) under b = vi f = iv c = v d = ii a) Fabian continued drinking, in spite of the doctor telling him not to b) Could you lend me £30 against my watch as security c) Ronald Reagan went from being despite for to out of DOWN against under in spite of from of an actor to the President of the USA Thifc hanh sit dung gidi tCr tieng A nh - 141 Thực hồnh fiử d ụ n g Working with EN GLISH P R E P O S IT IO N (tái bán) DIANE HALL "DịcA uử CẨÚ qiải LÊ HUY LÂM - PHẠM VĂN THUẬN Chịu ưách nhiệm xuất bán TRẦN ĐÌNH VIỆT Biên tâp ĐÀO TRỌNG ĐỨC Trinh bày sách PHẠM VĂN VINH Sửa in VÂN ANH NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỔNG Hộp THÀNH PHỐ HÓ CHÍ MINH 62 Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai - Quận •BT 8225340 - 8296764 - 8222726 - 8296713 - 8223Ó37 Fax: 8222726 E-mail: nxbtphcm@bdvn.vnd.net Thực liên doanh PHẠM THỊ THANH TẤM In 1.000 khổ 14.5x20,5cm X í nghiệp In M A C H IN C O - 21 B - T - Xuân Q.1 - Thành phô' Hó C hí Minh Sô' xuất 507-181 / X B - Q L X B c c 8-4 2005 In xong nộp lưu chiểu tháng 8-2005 Notes Notes [...]... red beds h) It's not up to hotel stand ard , bu t it’s b e tte r than th e usual gu est house 90 - Thực hành sử dụng giới từ tiếng Anh C om pare th e hotels, using th e So sánh các khách sạn với nhau, sử p repositions you have been prac- dụng nhữ ng giới từ m à bạn đã và đang tising, like this : thực hành, n h ư ví dụ này : The S heraton isn’t near th e village It’s g o t over tw o hundred beds and... sitio n s to from ac­ n h ữ n g giới từ ch ín h xác để tạo th àn h cepted phrases in English (Use a n h ữ n g cụm từ đuợc chấp n h ận trong dictionary if necessary.) tiếng Anh (Sử dụng từ điển nếu cân thiết.) P repositio n Phrase O ut o f sight mind th e questio n his g re a t w orks doubt you and me belief th e po in t luck o n e ’s experience T hực hành sử dụng giđi từ tiến g A nh - 103 3 IF N O T... những tw o o f the given alternatives are từ lựa chọn được cho là chấp nhận acceptable, the o th e r is not W hich được, từ kia thì khóng Từ nào không one is incorrect in each case ? đúng trong m ỗi trường hợp ? a) I w ork for - myselfja company/a good film b) He's speaking in - Polish/oriental philosophers,'the department 108 - Thực hành sử dung giới từ tiếng Anh c) I know q u ite a lot a b o u t -... underground station Ngói nh à đó chỉ tro n g vòng năm phút đi bộ từ nhà ga xe diện ngầm 100 - Thưc hành sử dụng giới từ tiếng Anh ith o u t excluding Không tính đến It is im portant that all officers a tten d the m eetin g w ith o u t exception Đ iều q uan trọ n g là t ấ t cả 8Ĩ q uan p h ả i dự họp, k h ô n g có m ộ t ngoại lệ nào S e t p h r a se s Cụm từ cô định B eside the 'point/question K hông liê n q... Thưc hành sử dụng giới từ tiếng Anh ith A tta c h m e n t Sự gắn bó Both m y g ra n d p a ren ts still live w ith m y parents Cả ô n g b à nội n goại của tô i v ẫn còn số n g với b ố m ẹ tôi ithout S e p a ra te d Tách rời N o -o n e can live w ith o u t fr ie n d s K h ô n g ai có th ể số n g m à k h ô n g có bạn X ER C1SES Think BÀI T Ậ P p re p o sitio n s Hãy suy n g h ĩ vê n h ữ n g giới từ trên... ll y mine 96 - Thực hành sử dụng giới từ tiến g Anh f) Many policem en and w o m en a r e _ capital p u n ish m en t because th ey th in k it w ould m ake th e ir jo b s easier g) He w o n ’t do a n y th in g _ m e while I’m ill h ) The local council i s _ o u r plans to build new sp o rts facilities in th is tow n 2 M atch each sta te m e n t w ith a re- So ghép từng câu với m ộ t... tá c p h ẩ m h ay n h ấ t cùa Tchaikovvsky around S u rro u n d in g , o n e v ery sid e Bao q uanh, ở m ọi phía cùa of Sharks w ere sw im m in g around the tin y boat Cá m ập d ang bơi q u a n h chiếc th u y ề n nhỏ 98 - Thực hành sử dung giới từ tiến g Anh E n circlin g , e n c lo s in g Bao vây, bao quanh The w all around the castle was tw o m etres thick Bức tư ờ ng th à n h bao q u a n h lâu đ... trả lời bên dưới chúng a) How do you w ork o u t th e cu rren t o f an electrical b) How many room s does this 88 - Thực hành sử dụng giđi từ tiếng Anh house have ? appliance 7 :) Why do you think you failed th e exam s, Miss Jones ? 1) How do you change fractions into p ercen tag es ? 2) W hy w as th e re a strike last w eek ? i) The fraction tim es o ne hundred ii) A lot o f reasons : new tim etab... so m eĐối lập với cái gì th in g W h y are you against e v e ry th in g our society believes in ? T ại sao b ạ n chống lạ i mọi diều m à xã hội của ch ú n g ta đ ẫ t niềm tin vào ? 94 - Thực hành sử dụng giđi từ tiếng Anh N ot to g ive s u p p o rt to Không ủng hộ đối với The Labour P arty is a g ainst B ritain rem aining in the EEC C ông đ ả n g k h ô n g ủng hộ việc nước A nh ở lại tro n g khối EEC... g e n e ra lly but u se d Như except, n h u n g được sử dụng mang tính khái quát hơn It was a w onderful holiday excep t for the food Đó là m ột kỳ nghỉ tu y ệ t vời ngoại trừ thực p hẩm 104 - Thưc hành sử dụng giđi từ tiếng Anh xcepting A s e x c e p t, s lig h tly m o re N hư e x c e p t, hơi tran g trọ n g hơn fo rm al NB A p a r t f r o m , e x c e p t, e x ­ cept f o r a n d e x c e p tin g a

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