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Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV STUDY ON ABILITY SHRINKAGE POROSITY FORMATION OF A380 ALUMINUM BY TAGUCHI METHOD NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ KHẢ NĂNG HÌNH THÀNH ĐỘ XỐP CO NGÓT CỦA HỢP KIM NHÔM A380 BẰNG PHƯƠNG PHÁP TAGUCHI Anh Tuan Do 1,a, Tran Vung Vu 1b, Van Thuy Hoang 2c, Thi Mo Pham 2d Hung Yen University of Technology and Education Vocational Intermediate School No.14, Ninh Binh a;; c; ABSTRACT The current paper on shrinkage porosity formation of die casting for automobile part product, the following issues are focused: filling simulation, defect analysis, finally the use of the Taguchi multi quality analytical method to find the optimal parameters and factors to increase quality and efficiency with the aluminum A380 material die casting Experiments were conducted by varying molten alloy temperature, die temperature, plunger velocities in the first and second stage, and multiplied pressure in the third stage using L 27 orthogonal array of Taguchi method After conducting a series of initial experiments in a controlled environment, significant factors for pressure die casting processes are selected to construct an appropriate multivariable linear regression analysis model for developing a robust performance for pressure die casting processes The appropriate multivariable linear model is a useful and efficient method to find the optimal process conditions in pressure die casting associated with the minimum shrinkage porosity percent Keywords: Taguchi method, die-casting, shrinkage porosity, aluminum A380, optimization TÓM TẮT Bài báo nói trình hình thành xốp co ngót vật đúc áp lực cho phần sản phẩm ô tô Các vấn đề sau tập trung: mô điền đầy khuôn, phân tích khuyết tật, cuối sử dụng phương pháp phân tích Taguchi đa chất lượng để tìm thông số tối ưu yếu tố để tăng chất lượng hiệu hợp kim nhôm A380 đúc áp lực cao Các thí nghiệm tiến hành cách thay đổi nhiệt độ nóng chảy hợp kim, nhiệt độ khuôn đúc, vận tốc pittông giai đoạn thứ hai, áp lực giữ giai đoạn thứ ba sử dụng L 27 mảng trực giao phương pháp Taguchi Sau tiến hành loạt thí nghiệm ban đầu môi trường kiểm soát, yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến trình đúc áp lực lựa chọn để xây dựng mô hình phân tích hồi quy tuyến tính đa biến phù hợp cho việc triển khai trình đúc áp lực cao Mô hình tuyến tính đa biến thích hợp phương pháp hữu ích phương pháp hiệu cho trình tối ưu đúc áp lực cao liên quan đến phần trăm tối thiểu xốp co ngót Từ khóa: phương pháp Taguchi, đúc áp lực, xốp co ngót, hợp kim nhôm A380, tối ưu hóa INTRODUCTION High-pressure die casting (HPDC) process is significantly used in the industry for its high productivity and less post-machining requirement Due to light weight and good forming-ability, aluminum die casting plays an important role in the production of 579 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV transportation and vehicle components It has a much faster production rate in comparison to other methods and it is an economical and efficient method for producing components with low surface roughness and high dimensional accuracy All major aluminum automotive components can be processed with this technology The development of industrial die-casting and requirements for higher quality product, shorter development times and more complex geometry, the use of computer aided simulation has become essential to stay competitive In 2001, M Avalle et al [1] compared the production of the original parts and standard specimens The study of die-casting defects and fatigue strength of aluminum also found that: defects in material fatigue strength are lower than the materials containing defects in castings M Avalle made a total of three defects in a sample: the porosity, the cold fills and the aluminum oxide film They make the results: in particular, the tensile strength decreases linearly with the porosity range and other defects, the fatigue strength is not only related to defects with the nature of the material itself So that, improve the quality of the casting from reducing casting defects and materials selection M Avalle in another study [2] for static and fatigue strength of a die cast aluminum alloy under different feeding conditions indicated that three batches of different samples conducted - neither the same gate nor flow channel design, would be porosity and impact casting defects, thereby affecting the static and fatigue strength The HPDC castings production process has many defects, such as: shrinkage porosity, misrun, cold-shut, blister, scab, hot-tear… Several previous studies of defects in aluminum alloy by the method of HPDC and disability solutions Techniques such as cause-effect diagrams, design of experiments (DOE), casting simulation, if-then rules (Fuzzy Logic Controller), genetic algorithms (GA) and artificial neural networks (ANN) are used by various researchers for analysis of casting defects Dargusch et al [3] used pressure sensor in the cavity to make a confident statement of aluminum that molten metal velocity increases and porosity development with high pressure die- casting G.O Verran [4] used the design of experiments (DOE) to find out the best parameters in production and notice that: porosity low indices are related with low speeds from slow and fast shots and high upset pressures M Anijdan et al [5] used genetic algorithm (GA) methods to determine the optimum conditions leading to minimum porosity in aluminum alloy die casting V.D Tsoukalas [6,7] used the design of experiments (DOE) and genetic algorithm (GA) methods to determine the optimum conditions leading to minimum porosity in aluminum alloy die castings G.P Syrcos [8] used Taguchi method to determine the optimum conditions leading to casting density in aluminum alloy die castings In this paper, the ProCAST® Software commercial is used for analysis casting defects and die filling simulation to enhance the quality and efficiency of die casting The Taguchi method control with design of experiments will be developed to improve aluminum die casting quality and productivity in the cold chamber die casting method After conducting a series of initial experiments in a controlled environment, significant factors for die casting processes are selected to find the optimal parameters to increase the aluminum die casting quality and efficiency EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 2.1 Die-casting body design In order to understand how the casting generated defects start its source, casting design began to proceed from the casting wall thickness, holes, fillets, draft angles and to find out the ways designing better and faster Die casting of this study is provided through aluminum diecasting factory, so the casting body no changes The casting is designed on CATIA software, shown in Fig 580 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV Fig Part product is designed Moreover, the die casting material selection is very important; the nature of the material will directly affect the quality of the casting and die-casting parameters configuration, taking into account the casting and casting pressure, this study selects casting material as the aluminum alloy A380 The chemical composition of the aluminum alloy used in the experimental procedure is given in Table Table Chemical composition of the alloy A380 used 2.2 Taguchi design Taguchi method is one of the efficient problems solving tools to upgrade the performance of products and processes with a significant reduction in cost and time involved [4, 6, 7, 8] Shrinkage porosity formation in pressure die casting is the result of a so much number of parameters Fig shows a cause and effect diagram that was constructed to identify the casting process parameters that may affect die casting porosity In this case, holding furnace temperature, die temperature, plunger velocity in the first stage, plunger velocity in the second stage and multiplied pressure in the third stage were selected as the most critical in the experimental design [7, 8] The other parameters were kept constant in the entire experimentation The range of holding furnace temperature was selected as 640÷700°C, the range of die temperature as 180÷260° C, the range of plunger velocity in the first stage as 0.05÷0.35 m/s and in the second stage as 1.5÷3.5 m/s, the range of multiplied pressure in the third stage was chosen as 200–280 bars The selected casting process parameters, along with their ranges, are given in Table Table Parameters with their ranges and values at three levels Process parameters Holding furnace temperature ( °C ) Die temperatute ( °C ) Plunger velocity, 1st stage (m/s) Plunger velocity, 2nd stage (m/s) Multiplied pressure (bars) Parameters range 640–700 180–260 0.05–0.35 1.5–3.5 200–280 581 Level 640 180 0.05 1.5 200 Level 670 220 0.2 2.5 240 Level 700 260 0.35 3.5 280 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV Fig Cause and effect diagram The experimental layout plan with five factors and three levels using L 27 orthogonal array, 27 experiments were carried out to study the effect of simulation input parameters, shown in Table Table Experimental layout using an L 27 orthogonal array Trials Plunger Plunger Multiplied furnace Temperature velocity velocity pressure Holding Die temperature 1st stage 2nd stage A B C D E 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 2 10 1 11 2 12 13 2 14 2 2 15 2 3 16 1 17 2 18 3 19 1 20 3 21 3 22 1 23 2 24 3 25 3 26 3 27 3 3 582 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV 2.3 Die-casting process analysis Analysis software is used as a ProCAST® commercial using finite element method analysis for a casting process In this study, all parameters can be able to affect the analysis process, choice of material aluminum A380 alloy die casting, cold chamber die casting method with H13 material molding The ProCAST with VIEWCAST module can provide temperature field, thermal cracking, flow field, solidification time, shrinkage analysis This paper focused on analysis of shrinkage porosity base on parameters input form Table 4, each experiment was repeated five times in order to reduce experimental errors Table Shrinkage porosity results of the L 27 array design 2.3.1 Analysis of casting defects The analysis of defects simulated by ProCAST software with modules VIEWCAST can detect many types of disabilities casting Defective products not necessarily reflect the loss of the original function, for example, the internal pore trims acceptable The casting with the gating system and biscuit is show in Fig Fig Casting product 583 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV However, with large structural castings, defect analysis of this study focuses on maximum porosity in the selection casting, and the important parts of the casting shrinkage analysis (an important component), casting defect analysis are described as follows: - Solid fraction may be available shrinkage prediction casting position, the present study is in accordance with the theory prediction of defect, and ProCAST manual [9] referred to in the final period of solidification Shrinkage solid fraction prone is greater than 0.7, here as the reference value of 0.7 solid fractions When the solid fraction area below this value and the area around the solid phase rate rather than this value, we can predict this area shrinkage porosity occurred - The maximum porosity analysis using the Shrinkage Porosity function ViewCAST comes defined in the manual, in accordance with the ProCAST user manual Shrinkage [9], a volume fraction of 1% (0.01) or less shrinkage (naked eyes not visible micropores) and 1% (0.01) as compared to the above shrinkage porosity (visible to the naked eyes) According to the above definition and with the solid fraction, it can be used to analyse basis of the maximum porosity Shrinkage analysis: Fig Casting measurement area For the amount of inspection shrinkage casting part used for the ViewCast module function for quantitative analysis, as shown in Fig 2.3.2 The analysis of variance (ANOVA) The responding graph show in Fig learned that the best combination for this study, aluminum die casting shrinkage porosity defects: A B C D E Fig S/N Response graphs 584 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV 2.3.3 Process parameter optimization using MVLR The objective of the process optimization is to select the optimal control variables in aluminum die casting process in order to obtain the minimum porosity In this work, the fitness function used in the optimization procedure was based on the MVLR (Multivariable linear regression) model In most case, the form of the relationship between the response and the independent variables is usually unknown Multiple linear regression (MLR) is a method used to model the linear relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables MLR is based on least squares: the model is fitted such that the sum-of-squares of differences of observed and predicted values is minimized Let x ; x ; …; x r be a set of r predictors believed to be related to a response variable Y The linear regression model for the jth sample unit has the form: Y j = β +β x j1 +β x j2 +… +β r x jr +ε j (1) Where ε is a random error and the β i , i=0, 1,…, r are unknown regression coefficients In this paper, there are five independent variables and one dependent variable The relationships between these variables are of the following form: F(x)=β +β A+β B+β C+β D+β E (2) Where: F(x) - dependence variable A (°C) - holding furnace temperature B (°C) - die temperature C (m/s) - plunger velocity 1st stage D (m/s) - plunger velocity 2nd stage E (bars) - multiplied pressure during the third phase The results after analysing by Intercooled Stada 8.2 Software The final MVLR model equation for porosity after substituting regression coefficients is as follows: F(x)= 3.054569 – 0.8844*10-3A – 0.83*10-3B - 0.03059C + 0.01754D – 0.00201E (3) Fig Experimental and predicted values of shrinkage porosity Fig show that: there is convincing agreement between experimental values and predicted values for Shrinkage porosity percent 585 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Matlab code for finding optimization shrinkage porosity value Program in Matlab clc; clear all; close all; f = @(x)3.054569-0.8844e-3*x(1)-0.83e-3*x(2)- 0.03059*x(3)+0.01754*x(4)-0.00201*x(5); options = optimset('GradObj','on'); [x,fval,exitflag,output] = fmincon(f,[670;220;0.2;2.5;240],[],[],[],[],[600;180;0.05;1.5;200],[700;260;0.35;3.5;280],[],optimset('Dis play','iter')); x fval Results: x = 700.0000 260.0000 → A= 700°C B = 260°C 0.3500 C = 0.35 m/s 1.5000 D = 1.5 m/s 280.0000 E = 280 bar fval = 1.6725 Shrinkage porosity: 1.6725 % By Program in Matlab we are known as the best combination in the 27 experimental configurations This result is similar with ANOVA, the best combination for this study: A B C D E CONCLUSIONS In this paper, the optimum process parameters values predicted for casting of minimum shrinkage porosity (1.6725%), the best combination parameters given as follows: Holding furnace temperature 700 °C Die temperature 260 °C Plunger velocity, 1st stage 0.35 m/s Plunger velocity, 2nd stage 1.5 m/s Multiplied pressure 280 bar The model proposed in this paper gives satisfactory results for the optimization of pressure die casting process The predicted values of the process parameters and the calculated are in convincing agreement with the experimental values REFERENCES [1] M Avalle, G Belingardi, M.P Cavatorta, R Doglione, Casting defect and fatigue strength of a die cast aluminum alloy:a comparison between standard specimens and production components International Journal of Fatigue 24, 2002, p 1∼9 586 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - 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