Chuyên đề ngữ âm và trọng âm tổng hợp các cách phát âm và đánh dấu trọng âm

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Chuyên đề ngữ âm và trọng âm tổng hợp các cách phát âm và đánh dấu trọng âm

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Chuyên đề ngữ âm và trọng âm tổng hợp các cách phát âm và đánh dấu trọng âm Chuyên đề ngữ âm và trọng âm tổng hợp các cách phát âm và đánh dấu trọng âm Chuyên đề ngữ âm và trọng âm tổng hợp các cách phát âm và đánh dấu trọng âm Chuyên đề ngữ âm và trọng âm tổng hợp các cách phát âm và đánh dấu trọng âm Chuyên đề ngữ âm và trọng âm tổng hợp các cách phát âm và đánh dấu trọng âm Chuyên đề ngữ âm và trọng âm tổng hợp các cách phát âm và đánh dấu trọng âm Chuyên đề ngữ âm và trọng âm tổng hợp các cách phát âm và đánh dấu trọng âm Chuyên đề ngữ âm và trọng âm tổng hợp các cách phát âm và đánh dấu trọng âm

TỔNG HỢP CÁC CÁCH PHÁT ÂM VÀ ĐÁNH DẤU TRỌNG ÂM A NHỮNG QUI TẮC CƠ BẢN VỀ CÁCH PHÁT ÂM Để phát âm tiếng Anh tương đối chuẩn, nhà chuyên môn nghĩ hệ thống ký hiệu phiên âm, để người đọc dựa vào mà đọc cho dễ Phiên âm quốc tế hiệp hội Phiên âm Quốc Tế đặt gọi tắt I P A Bộ Giáo Dục Việt Nam dùng cách thức sách giáo khoa B BỘ KÝ HIỆU PHIÊN ÂM QUỐC TẾ I NGUYÊN ÂM (VOWELS) [i] âm có từ sit,hit [i:] âm có từ seat, leave [e] âm có từ bed, get [ỉ] âm có từ map, have, bank, back [a:] âm có từ far, car, star [ɔ] âm có từ not, hot [ɔ:] âm có từ floor, four [ʊ] âm có từ put [ʊ:] âm có từ blue [ʌ] âm có từ but, cup [/∂/] âm có từ again, obey [ɜ:/ ∂:] âm có từ fur Ghi chú: Dấu [:] ký hiệu cho ta biết từ phải đọc kéo dài Dấu [:] đặt sau nguyên âm nguyên âm phảI đọc kéo dài II NGUN ÂM ĐƠI (DIPH THONGS) [ei ] âm có từ : lake, play, place [ai ] âm có từ : five, hi, high [ɔi] âm có từ : boy [aʊ ] âm có từ : now, how [∂ʊ ] âm có từ : nose, so [i∂] âm có từ : near, hear [e∂] âm có từ : hair, pair [u∂] âm có từ : sure, poor III NGUYÊN ÂM BA (TRIPTHONGS) [ai∂] âm có từ : fire, hire [au∂] âm có từ : flour, sour [ei∂] âm có từ : player IV PHỤ ÂM(CONSONANTS) [ŋ]: âm có từ : long, song [ð]: âm có từ : this, that, then [θ]: âm có từ : thanks, think [∫]: âm có từ : should, sure [t∫]: âm có từ : change, chin [d∂]: âm có từ : just [r]: âm có từ : red, read [l]: âm có từ : well, leader [h]: âm có từ : hat, hot [t]: âm có từ : tea, take [k]: âm có từ : cat, car [∂]: âm có từ : usual [z]: âm có từ : zero ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số Here to learn- Here to lead [g]: âm có từ : game, get [ju:]: âm có từ : tube,huge [s ]: âm có từ : sorry, sing Chú ý: Những ký hiệu [w] [ju:] khơng cịn coi phụ âm mà coi bán nguyên âm Có cách viết âm u: [u] [ʊ] V CÁCH PHÁT ÂM CỦA MỘT SỐ NGUYÊN ÂM VÀ PHỤ ÂM Nguyên âm “A” 1.1: A đọc [æ] * Trong từ âm tiết, tận hay nhiều phụ âm Examples: Lad [læd] :con trai Dam [dæm] : đập nước Fan [fæn] : quạt Map [mæp] : đồ Have [hỉv] : có * Trong âm tiết mang trọng âm từ nhiều âm tiết đứng trước PÂ Examples: Candle [`kændl] : nến Captain [`kæpt∂n] : đại , thuyền trưởng Calculate [`kỉkjuleit] : tính, tính tốn Unhappy [ʌn`hỉpi] : bất hạnh, khơng vui 1.2: A đọc [ei] * Trong từ âm tiết có tận là: A+ PÂ+ E Examples: Bate [beit] : giảm bớt, hạ bớt Cane [kein] : gậy Late [leit] :muộn Fate [feit] : số phận Lake [leik] : hồ Safe [seif] :an toàn Tape [teip] : băng Gate [geit] : cổng Date [deit] : ngày tháng * Trong tận ATE động từ Examples: To intimate [`intimeit] : cho hay, thơng đạt To deliberate [`dilibreit] :suy tính kỹ * Trong âm tiết trước tận -ION -IAN Examples: Nation [‘nei∫∂n] : quốc gia Translation [træns`lei∫∂n] : dịch Preparation [prep∂`rei∫∂n] : chuẩn bị Asian [`ei∫∂n]: Người châu Canadian [k∂`neidj∂n] : Người Canada * Ngoại lệ: Companion [k∂m`pænj∂n] : bạn đồng hành Italian [i`tælj∂n] : Người Italia Librarian [lai`bre∂ri∂n] : thủ thư Vegetarian [ved∂i`te∂ri∂n] : Người ăn chay 1.3: A đoc [ɔ:] * Trong từ âm tiết tận “LL” Examples: All [ɔ:ll] : tất Call [kɔ:ll] : goi điện Tall [tɔ:ll] : cao lớn Small [smɔ:ll] : nhỏ nhắn ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 2 Here to learn- Here to lead 1.4: A đọc [ɔ] * Trong âm tiết có trọng âm từ , từ âm tiết bắt đầu W Examples: Was [wɔz] : khứ to be * Ngoại lệ: Want [wɔnt] : muốn Wash [wɔ∫] : tắm rửa, giặt giũ Watch way Waste Wax [wɔt∫] [wei] [weist] [wæks] : xem,đồng hồ đeo tay : đường : lãng phí : sáp ong 1.5: A đọc [a:] * Trong từ âm tiết tận R R+ PÂ âm tiết từ A trước R+ PÂ Examples: Bar [ba:] : chấn song, quán Far [fa:] : xa xôi Star [sta:] : ngơi Barn [ba:n] :vựa thóc Harm [ha:m] : tổn hại Charm [t∫a:m] : vẻ duyên dáng, quyến dũ Departure [di`pa:t∫∂] : khởi hành Half [ha:f] : nửa * Ngoại lệ: scarce [ske∂] : khan 1.6: A đọc [e∂] * Trong số từ có tận ARE Examples: Bare [be∂] : trơ trụi Care [ke∂] : cẩn then Dare [de∂] : dám, thách đố Fare [fe∂] : tiền vé Warre [we∂] :hàng hoá Prepare [pri`pe∂] : chuẩn bị * Ngoại lệ: are [a:] 1.7:A đọc [i] * Trong tận - ATE tính từ Examples: Itimate [`intimit] : mật thiết Animate [`ænimit] : linh hoạt, sống động Delicate [`delikit] : tế nhị, mỏng mảnh * Trong tận - AGE danh từ âm tiết Examples: Village [`vilid∂] : làng quê Cottage [`kɔtid∂] : nhà tranh Shortage Damage Courage [`∫ɔ:tid∂] [`dỉmid∂] [`kʌrid∂] : tình trạng thiếu hụt : thiệt hại : lòng can đảm Luggage [`lʌgid∂] : hành lý Message [`mesid∂] : thông điệp 1.8: A đọc [∂] * Trong âm tiết khơng có trọng âm Examples: Again [∂`gein] : lại, lần Balance [`bỉl∂ns] :sự thăng Explanation [ekspl∂`nei∫∂n]: giảI thích ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số Here to learn- Here to lead Capacity [k∂`pæs∂ti] : lực National [`nỉ∫∂n∂l] : mang tính quốc gia Cách đọc nguyên âm “E” 2.1: E đọc [e] * Trong từ âm tiết tận hay nhiều PÂ(trừ R).Hoặc âm tiết có trọng âm từ Examples: Bed [bed] : giường Get [get] : lấy, tóm Met [met] : gặp gỡ Them [ðem] : họ Debt [det] : nợ Send [send] : gửi Member [`memb∂] :thành viên November [no`vemb∂] : tháng 11 * Ngoaị lệ: Her [h∂:] : cô Term [t∂:m] : học kỳ 2.2: E đọc [i:] * Khi đứng liền trước tận PÂ+ E từ be, she, he, me Examples: Cede [si:d] : nhượng Scene [si:n] : phong cảnh Complete [k∂mpli:t] : hoàn toàn, hoàn thành Benzene [ben`zi:n] : chất benzen Vietnamese [vjetn∂`mi:z] She [∫i:] 2.3: E đọc [i] * Trong tiền tố BE, DE, RE Examples: Begin [bi`gin] : bắt đầu Become [bi`kʌm] : trở thành Decide [di`said] : định Return [ri`t∂:n] : trở Remind [ri`maid] : gợi nhớ Reorganize [ri`ɔ:g∂naiz] : tổ chức lại 2.3: E đọc [∂] Examples: Silent [`sail∂nt] : yên lặng Open [`oup∂n] : mở Chicken [t∫ik∂n] : thịt gà Generous [`d∂en∂r∂s] : hào hiệp Sentence [`sent∂ns] : câu, kết án Cách đọc “AI” 3.1: AI đọc [ei] * Khi AI đứng trước PÂ trừ R Examples: Mail [meil] : thư từ Sail [seil] : bơi thuyền Wait [weit] : chờ đợi Said [seid] : khứ say Afraid [∂`freid] : e sợ Nail [neil] : móng 3.2: AI đọc [e∂]: * Khi đứng trước R Examples: Air [e∂] : khơng khí Fair [fe∂] : bình đẳng Hair [he∂] : tóc ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số Here to learn- Here to lead Pair [pe∂] Chair [t∫e∂] Cách đọc “AU” 4.1: AU đọc [ɔ:] * Trong hầu hết từ chứa AU Examples: Fault [fɔ:lt] Launch : cặp đôi : ghế tựa : lỗi lầm, điều sai lầm [lɔ:nt∫] Audience [`ɔ:di∂ns] : hạ thuỷ : khán giả Daughter [`dɔ:t∂] : gái 4.2: AU đọc [a:] * Trong số từ mà ta phải ghi nhớ Examples: Aunt [a:nt] : cơ, dì thím mợ Laugh [la:f] : cười Cách đọc “AW” * Tất từ chứa AW thường đọc [ɔ:] Examples: law [lɔ:] : luật pháp Draw [drɔ:] : kéo, lơi, vẽ Crawl [krɔ:l] : bị, bị lê Dawn [dɔ:n] : bình minh Cách đọc “AY” * AY thường đọc [ei] hầu hết từ chứa AY Examples: Clay [klei] : đất sét Day [dei] : ngày Play [plei] : chơi, kịch Tray [trei] : khay Stay [stei] : lại Pay [pei] : trả * Ngoại lệ cần ghi nhớ: Quay [ki:] : bến cảng Mayor [me∂] : thị trưởng Papaya [p∂`pai∂] : đu đủ Cách đọc “EA” 7.1: EA đọc [e] * Trong từ : Head [hed] : đầu, đầu não Bread [bred] : bánh mì Breath [breθ] : thở Breakfast [`brekf∂st] : bữa ăn sáng Steady [`stedi] : vững chắc, đều Jealous [`d∂el∂s] : ghen tuông Measure [`meʒ∂] : đo lường Leather [`leðə] :da thuộc Pleasure [`pleʒə] : niềm vui, niềm vinh hạnh 7.2: EA đọc [i:] * Trong từ như: East Easy Heat Beam [i:st] [i:zi] [hi:t] [bi:m] : phương đơng : dễ dàng : sức nóng : tia sáng ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số Here to learn- Here to lead Dream Breathe Creature [dri:m] : giấc mơ [bri:ð] : thở, thổi nhẹ [`kri:t∫ə]: tạo vật, người 7.3: EA đọc [ə:] * Trong từ như: Learn [lə:n] : học Earth [ə:θ] : trái đất Heard [hə:d] : khứ hear Earn [ə:n] : kiếm sống Pearl [pə:l] : viên ngọc * Trong từ như: Bear [beə] : gấu Pear [peə] : lê Tear [teə] : xé rách Wear [weə] : mặc Swear [sweə] : thề [tiə] : nước mắt Clear [kliə] : rõ ràng Beard [biə:d] :râu [greit] [breik] [steik] : vĩ đại, to lớn : làm vỡ : lát mỏng [si:] [fri:] [hi:l] [t∫i:z] [ə`gri:] : trơng, they : tự : gót : phó mát : đồng ý [gærən`ti:] : đảm bảo, cam đoan 7.4: EA đọc [eə] 7.5: EA đọc [iə] * Trong từ như: Tear 7.6: EA đọc [ei] * Trong từ như: Great Break Steak Cách đọc “EE” 8.1: EE đọc [i:] * Trong từ như: Gee Free Heel Cheese Agree Guarantee 8.2: EE đọc [iə] * Khi EE đứng trước tận R từ Examples: Beer [biə] : bia rượu Cheer [t∫iə] : vui vẻ Deer [diə] : nai Career [kə`riə] : nghề nghiệp [endʒi`niə] : kỹ sư Engineer Cách đọc “EI” 9.1: EI đọc [i:] * Trong từ như: Ceiling [`si:liη] Deceive [disi:v] : trần nhà : lừa đảo ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số Here to learn- Here to lead Receipt [ri`si:t] 9.2: EI đọc [ei] * Trong từ như: Eight [eit] Weight [weit] Freight [freit] Neighbour [`neibə] * Trong từ như: Other [`aiðə] Height [hait] 9.3: EI đọc [eə] * Trong từ như:: Heir [eə] : giấy biên lai Their [ðeə] 9.4: EI đọc [e] * Trong từ như:: Leisure [`leʒə] : họ : số : trọng lượng : hàng hố tàu : hàng xóm : cáI hay cáI kia(Br E) : chiều cao : người thừa kế : nhàn rỗi Heifer [`hefə] : bò nái tơ 10 Cách đọc “EX” 10.1: EX đọc “eks” * Khi EX âm tiết mang trọng âm: Examples: exercise [`eksəsaiz] : tập Excellent [`eksələnt] : tuyệt hảo, cực hạng Expert [`ekspə:t] : chuyên gia 10.2: EX đọc “iks” * Khi EX âm tiết không mang trọng âm, đứng trước PÂ: Examples: Explain [iks`plein] : giảI thích Experience [iks`piəriəns] : kinh nghiệm Experiment [iks`perimənt]: thí nghiệm Expensive [iks`pensiv] : đắt đỏ 10.3: EX đọc “igz” * Khi EX âm tiết không mang trọng âm, đứng trước nguyên âm âm H câm Examples: Examine [ig`zæmin] : sát hạch, kiểm tra Existence [ig`zistəns] : hữu Exhibit [ig`zibit] : trưng bày, triển lãm Exhausted [ig`zɔ:stid] : kiệt sức, cạn hết 11 Cách đọc “EY” 11.1: EY đọc “ei” * Trong từ như: They [ðei] : họ Prey [prei] :cầu nguyện Grey [grei] : xám Obey [∂`bei] : lời 11.2: EY đọc “i:” * Trong từ như: Money [`mΛni:] : tiền ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số Here to learn- Here to lead Storey [`stɔri:] : tầng, lầu Key [ki:] : chìa khoá 12 Cách đọc nguyên âm “i” 12.1: i đọc [ai] * Trong từ âm tiết tận i + PÂ Examples: bite [bait] : cắn Site [sait] : móng địa điểm Kite [kait] : diều Tide [taid] : thuỷ triều Like [laik] : ưa thích, giống Mine [main] : cáI tơi Twice [twais] : gấpđôi * Ngoại lệ: To live [liv] : sống To give [giv] : cho, tặng 12.2: i đọc [i] * Trong từ âm tiết tận i + PÂ + E Examples: Bit [bit] : miếng nhỏ, mẩu Sit [sit] : ngồi Him [him] : anh ấy(tân ngữ He) Twin [twin] : sinh đôi 12.3: i đọc [i:] * Trong từ có nguồn gốc Pháp văn Machine [mə`∫i:n] : máy móc Routine [ru`ti:n] : cơng việc hàng ngày Magazine [mỉgə`zi:n] : tạp chí 13 Cách đọc nguyên âm “IE” 13.1: IE đọc [i:] * Khi nguyên âm từ: Examples: Grief [gri:f] : nỗi buồn Chief [t∫i:f] : sếp, người đứng đầu Believe [bi`li:v] : tin tưởng Relief [ri`li:f] : cứu trợ 13.2: IE đọc [ai] * Khi nguyên âm cuối từ âm tiết Examples: Die [dai] : chết Lie [lai] : nói dối Tie [tai] : thắt nơ, buộc 14 Cách đọc nguyên âm “o” 14.1: O đọc [əʊ] * Khi đứng cuối từ: Examples: no [nəʊ] : không * Ngoại lệ: Go [gəʊ] : So [səʊ] : Potato [pə`teitəʊ] : khoai tây Tomato [tə`mə:təʊ] : cà chua Mosquito To [məs`ki:təʊ] : muỗi [du:] : làm ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số Here to learn- Here to lead * Khi đứng từ âm tiết tận PÂ hay PÂ+ E âm tiết có trọng âm từ nhiều âm tiết Examples: comb [kəʊm] : lược * Ngoại lệ: Cold [kəʊld] : lạnh Code [kəʊd] : hệ thống mật mã Mode [məʊd] : kiểu cách Sofa [`səʊfə] : ghế bành Lotus [`ləʊtəs] : sen Soldier [`səʊdʒə] : người lính Moment [`məʊmənt] : chốc, lúc long [lɔη] :dài Strong [strɔη] : khoẻ Soft [sɔft] : mềm Bomb [bɔm] : bom Fond [fɔnd] : thích 14.2: O đọc [ɔ] * Khi đứng từ âm tiết tận PÂ âm tiết có trọng âm số từ nhiều âm tiết Examples: Dot [dɔt] :dấu chấm Nod [nɔd] : gật đầu Logic [`lɔdʒik] : lơ gích Doctor [`dɔktə] : bác sỹ Coffee [`kɔfi] : cà phê Document [`dɔkjumənt] : tài liệu Voluntary [`vɔləntəri] : tình nguyện Opposite [`ɔpəzit] : trái ngược [bɔ::n] : sinh 14.3: O đọc [ɔ:] * Khi đứng trước R+ PÂ Examples: born North [nɔ::θố] : phương Bắc Sort [sɔ::t] : thứ, loại Pork [pɔ::k] : thịt lợn Morning [`mɔ::niη] : buổi sáng Portable [`pɔ: təbl] : mang 14.4: O đọc [Λ] * Khi đứng từ âm tiết âm tiết có trọng âm số từ nhiều âm tiết Examples: come [kΛm] : đến Some [sΛm] : vài Done [dΛn] : khứ Love [lΛv] : tình yêu Among [ə`mΛη] : số ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số Here to learn- Here to lead [`m Λðə] Mother :mẹ Brother [`brΛðə] : anh,em trai Nothing [`nΛθiη] : 14.5: O đọc [ʊ:] / [u:] * Trong từ sau đây: Do [du:] : làm Move [mu:] : di chuyển Lose [lu:z] : mát Prove [pru:v] : chứng minh 14.6: O đọc [ə] * Trong âm tiết khơng có trọng âm từ nhiều âm tiết: Examples: atom [`ætəm] : nguyên tử Compare [kəm`peə] : so sánh Continue [kə`tinju] : tiếp tục 15 Cách đọc “OA” 15.1: OA đọc [oʊ]( [ou]) * Trong từ âm tiết tận hay phụ âm Examples: coal [koul] : than đá Coat [kout] : áo khoác Goat [gout] : dê Loan [loun] : tiền cho vay Toast [toust] : bánh mỳ nướng 15.2: OA đọc là: [ɔ: ] * Khi đứng trước R Examples: roar [rɔ:] :gầm; rống Board [bɔ:d] 16 Cách đọc “OO- OU- OW ” 16.1: OO đọc là: * Trong từ sau đọc [u] : Book [buk] : sách Good [gud] : tốt Look [luk] : nhìn, trơng Wood [wud] : gỗ Took [tuk] : khứ take Foot [fut] : bàn chân * Trong từ sau đọc [u:] Cool [ku:l] : mát mẻ Food [fu:d] : thức ăn Spoon [spu:n] : thìa Tool [tu:l] : dụng cụ Bamboo [bæm`bu:] : tre * Ngoại lệ: từ sau đọc [Λ] Blood [blΛd] : máu Flood [flΛd] :lũ lụt * Những từ sau đọc [ɔ:] door [dɔ:] : bảng : cửa floor [flɔ:] : tầng, gác ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 10 Here to learn- Here to lead 35 A government B musician C disgusting D exhausting 36 A successful B interest C arrangement D disaster 37 A competition B repetition C equivalent D disappointment 38 A private B provide C arrange D advise 39 A academic B education C impossible D optimistic 40 A study B knowledge C precise D message 41 A industry B performance C importance D provision 42 A contain B express C carbon D obey 43 A impress B favor C occur D police 44 A regret B selfish C purpose D preface 45 A govern B cover C perform D father 46 A writer B teacher C builder D career 47 A morning B college C arrive D famous 48 A ambitious B chocolate C position D occurrence 49 A furniture B abandon C practical D scientist 50 A devote B compose C purchase D advise I Which word has the stress pattern pronounced differently from the others? A polite B entranceC attempt D agree A category B accompanyC experience D compulsory A attract B socialC verbal D signal A apply B approachC primary D accept A unexpected B optimisticc education D responsible a qualified B specializeC vacancy D identify A depression B informal C interview D attention A obedient B candidateC attendance D security II Choose the word whose primary stress is different from that of the rest A biologist B counterpartC compliment D kindergarten A applicant B maximumC category D inflation A renovation B communicationC intervention D expedition A different B bambooC rainfall D wildlife A personality B rhinocerosC gorilla D opponent A leftovers B windsurfingC enthusiast D scoreboard A comfortable B tsunamiC precision D involvement A struggle B rubbishC nonsense D development A nursery B certificateC curriculum D intelligence 10 A industrial B interfere C develop D activity 11 A incredible B unexpectedC unnoticed D outstanding 12 A overwhelming B intellectualC interesting D economic 13 A inaccurate B illegalC positive D domestic 14 A confident B eternalC dangerous D healthier 15 A independent B academicC compulsory D unexpected 16 A secondary B immediateC miraculous D domestic 17 A simple B politeC formal D instant 18 A beautiful B terrificC wonderful D marvelous 19 A conical B differentC symbolic D careful 20 A cultural B mischievousC interesting D responsible 21 A finance B serviceC order D company 22 A interview B agencyC addition D customer 23 A prisoner B diffficultC exercise D disaster 24 A improvement B occasion C believe D interest 25 A influential B opportunityC temperament D expectation 26 A picture B numberC water D advice ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 55 Here to learn- Here to lead 27 A organize B embarrass C discourage D surrounding 28 A podium B titleC notice D pioneer 29 A nature B marriageC value D belief 30 A police B spiritC banquet D culture 31 A determine B maintainC sacrifice D apologize 32 A inversion B miserable C pleasant D difficulty 33 A swallow B surviveC digest D finish 34 A product B satisfy C pleasure D however 35 A happiness B rewriteC eject D oblige 36 A compare B compose C company D consist 37 A manage B recognizeC argue D discriminate 38 A entertain B understandC recommend D develop 39 A offer B listenC precede D follow 40 A interview B appropriateC employ D describe 41 A support B fascinateC accept D believe 42 A inform B appealC attempt D hesitate 43 A integrate B defeatC advise D compete 44 A engrave B categorizeC memorialize D discover 45 A extremely B necessary C necessity D co-operate 46 A politics B historic C electric D specific 47 A committee B referee C employee D refugee 48 A stimulate B subtractC announce D maintain 49 A determine B appearance C develop D difference 50 A romantic B following C summary D physical VIII Choose the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words A altogether B amphibian C historical D psychology A enjoyable B enthusiasm C intelligent D territory A overlook B overnight C overcome D overcoat A bulletin B enjoyable C colorful D beautiful A amusement B autograph C criticize D fluoride A ability B already C retirement D uniform A excellent B gymnastics C stadium D restaurant A champion B common C peaceful D respect A eventual B qualify C president D volleyball 10 A penalty B personal C position D powerful 11 A village B begin C column D pity 12 A average B aquatic C athletic D available 13 A schedule B report C promise D orbit 14 A accurate B customer C computer D exercise 15 A fancy B portrait C endless D require 16 A disappear B government C hurricane D triangle 17 A synthetic B thoroughly C tornado D formation 18 A basket B blossom C firewood D perhaps 19 A disease B people C upset D upstairs 20 A grapefruit B orange C release D pumpkin IV Choose the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words A authority B disadvantage C photographer D relationship A combination B satisfactionC transportation D necessary A hockey B involveC review D select A defensive B spectatorC technician D wonderful A eleven B exampleC origin D synthetic ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 56 Here to learn- Here to lead A exhaust B expectC extra D except A discharge B honeyC decide D appoint A captain B belongC respect D avoid A evaluate B favorable C convenient D relationship 10 A signature B scholarship C terminal D transaction 11 A approve B foreignC master D woman 12 A because B bedsideC behind D between 13 A language B nationC private D themselves 14 A address B approachC other D respect 15 A belong B involveC people D enjoy 16 A postpone B purposeC postcard D product 17 A necessary B comfortableC secretary D accomplished 18 A suggest B reportC profit D career 19 A attend B publicC damage D practice 20 A geography B memoryC computer D commercial V Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions Exercise 1 A admire B honour C title D difficult A describe B struggle C political D society A independence B politicianC immortality D different A comfort B nationC apply D moment A ashamed B positionC begin D enemy A influential B creativeC introduction D university A profit B suggestC surrender D report A career B majorityC continue D education A vocational B employerC minority D reasonable 10 A general B opinionC abroad D surprise Exercise A realize B improveC possible D comfortable A important B especiallyC prefer D influence A mineral B exampleC diamond D popular A republic B collectorC situation D inscription A protection B separateC develop D encourage A recognize B stimulateC activity D adult A intelligent B directC desire D satisfactory A relationship B commandC vocabulary D island A define B ideaC express D figure 10 A suppose B expectC unusual D literary Exercise A individual B reputationC experience D scientific A carpenter B reviseC ignore D traditional A necessary B achieveC poetic D communicate A influence B modernC consider D different A contain B poisonousC chemical D scientist A discover B unhealthyC amount D realize A avoid B gestureC permit D exact A forefinger B preciseC specific D computer A involved B equalC machine D eventual 10 A operation B officialC community D efficiency Exercise A redundant B harmonyC grammatical D essential ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 57 Here to learn- Here to lead A absolute B accuracyC obvious D original A machine B enthusiastC replace D fortune A unemployed B necessityC generosity D represent A furious B wonderfulC reaction D honesty A return B lotteryC reward D immediate A address B millionaireC believe D mislead A estimate B medicalC advice D vegetables A addition B exemplifyC incredible D candle 10 A aesthetic B particularC disease D acceptability Exercise A physical B activityC increase D expectancy A conform B perhapsC remove D various A percentage B advantageC examine D influence A decay B purposeC however D invention A prefer B electricityC invent D collaborate A amazing B abilityC performance D television A appear B audienceC government D talented A painter B energyC express D boundary A inspire B resignC dangerous D exchange 10 A commodity B materialC deposit D quality Exercise A petroleum B resourceC occur D anger A producer B consumeC companion D situation A attract B descendC noticeable D control A widespread B anxietyC explode D alternative A direction B communityC garbage D utility A product B convertC efficient D dispose A biological B expeditionC synthetic D scientific A experiment B giantC windmill D software A geometric B supplyC potential D pollution 10 A destroy B disappearC development D independent Exercise A extent B synonymousC admit D manuscript A inadequate B availableC authority D purpose A demonstrate B responsibleC simplify D celebrate A secondary B expectationC supervision D sociologist A instead B furiousC campaign D apartment A balcony B accidentC mechanic D survey A flexible B togetherC domestic D relaxed A control B giantC windmill D software A geothermal B experimentalC elementaryD geographical 10 A attendance B compulsoryC geography D similar Exercise A politics B imaginaryC result D annoyed A Japan B astronautC unfortunate D approximate A consequently B profileC initiate D project A conference B announcementC arrival D reception A argument B definiteC museum D permanent A treatment B preventC intelligent D acquire A affirm B relyC infection D remedy A effort B distinguishedC available D luxurious A physiology B economicsC nominate D competition ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 58 Here to learn- Here to lead 10 A contribution B appropriateC opportunity D anniversary Exercise A afloat B superiorC passenger D contribute A chemistry B originalC tribute D emphasis A sentimental B commonplaceC mathematicsD information A pronounce B AmericanC soldier D prefer A muscular B instrumentC dramatic D argument A magnetic B radiationC unpleasant D equipment A distraction B considerableC recommendD description A probability B attitudeC technological D entertainment A emergency B encourageC shortage D distraction 10 A natural B surplusC dynamite D decision Exercise 10 A legacy B illuminateC humanity D commemorate A numerous B recentC telescope D forever A behaviour B predictC occurrence D environmental A mishap B evacuateC vigorous D moderate A unspeakable B accomplishC emotional D tendency A expression B responseC psychologist D vehicle A development B preventC common D avoid A supply B relieverC effective D remedy A familiar B repellentC antiseptic D survive 10 A ingenious B deviceC enormous D dangerous Exercise 11 A identify B considerableC inhabitant D urface A variety B terminationC humanity D diplomacy A unthinkable B arbitraryC division D volcano A intricate B ridiculousC romantic D outdated A planetary B psychologicalC explorationD distribution A property B attitudeC summarise D astronomer A discovery B universeC sestablish D result A recession B conclusiveC observation D expansion A impetus B dominantC emerge D element 10 A introduce B invasionC incorporate D extend Exercise 12 A missionary B variousC technology D calculate A controller B averageC extensive D magnetic A genetic B arbitraryC division D volcano A atmosphere B ancientC powerful D appoint A confirm B monetaryC policy D proverb A recession B excessC demand D regular A inflation B successfulC cartoon D purpose A creation B inspirationC intervene D opportunity A throughout B appealC resourceful D maximum 10 A maintenance B significantC executive D reluctant Exercise 13 A accept B interactionC advancement D untamed A undisturbed B anotherC pessimistic D epidemic A release B retirementC appear D implement A transform B exhilarateC precaution D rigorous A environment B attentionC adaptable D auditory A convey B describeC approval D testimony ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 59 Here to learn- Here to lead A communicate B infectC descendent D regulate A infection B disasterC public D surround A unsinkable B effectiveC disease D positive 10 A approach B involveC expose D garbage Exercise 14 A nominate B susceptibleC resistant D recovery A eliminate B domesticateC unlimited D sabotage A substantial B technologicalC exponnentialD infiltration A immunity B pursuitC perfection D confident A accompany B unfinishedC contagion D separate A athletic B lucrativeC conservative D distinguish A predecessor B competitionC indestructibleD democracy A outstanding B minorityC determined D evidence A material B indestructibleC phenomenonD evidence 10 A facility B believeC however D approximate Exercise 15 A together B exchangeC information D descriptive A detail B concludeC convincing D continent A recombine B interventionC eradicate D employee A initial B isolateC community D humanity A automobile B alternativeC practical D automated A dependable B assortmentC suitable D commercial A infrastructure B convenientC executive D creative A schedule B elasticC improvement D equipment A comfortable B flexibleC prosperous D endeavor 10 A enthusiasm B chemistryC explosive D synthetic Exercise 16 A substantial B apologizeC numerous D advancement A apparent B arrangeC underground D display A interrupt B potentiallyC argumentativeD simultaneous A seasonal B extinctC marine D fantastic A tropical B incredibleC uncomfortableD behind A create B ordinaryC attitude D scholar A obtain B theoryC illustrate D diagram A gravitation B manufactureC behaviour D recommend A messenger B assistantC enable D require 10 A agree B religionC suitable D occur Exercise 17 A accent B unlikeC cultural D climate A information B togetherC residential D cosmopolitan A average B attractiveC gallery D numerous A audience B exceedC convince D assure A superior B repetitionC entertainment D incorrect A passenger B explorerC Italian D continue A traveller B EuropeanC century D spacecraft A unmanned B valuableC comment D surface A leisure B unnecessaryC result D repeat 10 A already B complainC arrangement D temperature Exercise 18 A exist B unfairC decline D menace A ecologist B historicalC suspect D humorous A deteriorate B religiousC integral D persuade ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 60 Here to learn- Here to lead A flourish B notableC acclaim D dominate A pioneer B equalityC attempt D proportion A imitate B balloonC fashionable D pastime A capable B encourareC designer D intense A construct B efficientC remember D influence A address B exceptC sufficient D colony 10 A perspective B centuryC engaged D nomadic Exercise 19 A migrate B inhabitC character D diversity A environment B surviceC inhabitant D customer A tolerant B acknowledgedC prepare D announcement A advance B ancientC cancer D annual A theory B tragedyC intend D govermant A inspire B wealthyC protect D extinct A simplicity B pollutionC electricity D activity A mathematics B statisticsC academy D mechanic A serious B mistakeC circumstance D original 10 A valley B mountainC peninsula D scenery Exercise 20 A particular B impressedC knowledge D immense A excellent B fertileC century D include A recent B familyC interesting D immediate A forgettable B importantC periodical D remove A appreciate B relationshipC business D within A involve B benefitC advice D consult A reliable B novelistC actual D physical A miraculous B occupationC occasion D attach A prosperous B musicalC success D moderate 10 A exceptional B composerC encourage D preservation Exercise 21 A resources B increaseC farmland D disaster A iron B metalC forest D dessert A technological B populationC communication D information A hostility B microchipC equality D destruction A humble B concernC orphan D terrible A adequate B revealC construction D together A experience B discomfortC support D friendship A numerous B admitC occasion D attempt A immediate B successC eagerness D phonetic 10 A conference B horribleC experience D language Exercise 22 A result B strengthenC forget D abolish A suggest B relateC empty D effect A colleague B availableC different D sacrifice A discovery B researcherC remain D label A identify B continueC popular D consumer A product B satisfyC mistake D however A approval B novelC compulsory D illusion A inversion B miserableC pleasant D difficulty A establish B relyC project D require 10 A organize B embarrassC discourage D surrounding Exercise 23 ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 61 Here to learn- Here to lead A chemical B accumulateC opinion D available A computer B machineC instant D appliance A eventual B electricityC popularity D volunteer A deliver B avoidC manage D advise A cooperate B enoughC discuss D saturate A alternative B energyC process D temperature A potential B possessC survival D current A burglary B employmentC courageous D dependent A comment B nourishC marine D landscape 10 A obstacle B governmentC courage D dismiss Exercise 24 A opportunity B decorationC temperament D expectation A particular B equipmentC identify D miracle A complete B commandC common D community A journal B mourningC calcium D although A memory B compareC connect D upgrade A stimulate B permanentC fertilizer D variety A accelerate B digestiveC disorder D infantry A convenient B previousC management D purchase A deliberate B dramatistC discovery D improvement 10 A redundancy B comparisonC maintenanceD capacity Exercise 25 A interview B essentialC industry D comfortable A confirm B convenientC tranquility D awkward A industrial B destructionC extreme D energy A behaviour B requiremenhtC abundant D estimate A historical B generalC obvious D mordernize A continent B permissionC circumstanceD interest A recycle B completelyC introduce D alternative A religious B miserableC perform D include A significant B quantityC committee D believable 10 A ambitious B constant C investment D exhaust VI Choose the word that the stress is on the first syllable: A company B protect C situation D possession A volcanic B welfare C retain D organic A legal B convention C cosmetic D absorb A discover B scientificC horrible D develop A American B intelligentC impossible D comfortable A forbid B fearsomeC inject D involve A discard B disposalC especially D element A investigate B irrigateC intensity D nonsmoker A alone B customerC conceal D conflict 10 A apprentice B attendanceC basic D caress VII Choose the word that the stress is on the second syllable: A sulphur B sulphuricC undergrowth D tissue A solidify B sectionC scalpel D process A independent B whetherC open D together A sugar B doubleC enough D argue A special B medicineC language D experience A gallery B everyoneC reservation D guitarist A police B governmentC modern D consequent A safeguarding B resourcesC sanguine D property ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 62 Here to learn- Here to lead A part - time B obstacleC mineral D outnumber 10 A element B erosionC gesture D foreign VIII Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group: A private B propertyC approach D foreign A outnumber B continentC scholarship D illustrate A nation B possessC themselves D provide A different B instructionC anything D singular A meaning B businessC recognize D prediction A example B followingC homonym D difficulty A understand B overcomeC disappoint D apparent A maintain B reclaimC enjoy D concert A suggestion B cigaretteC environment D protection 10 A necessary B continueC irrigate D different 11 A American B representC discover D adventure 12 A experience B communicateC frightening D inherit 13 A disappoint B ancestryC comfortable D heavily 14 A repeat B betweenC caress D welfare 15 A military B committeeC intimacy D surgery 16 A before B arriveC imply D countless 17 A incredible B humidityC necessity D definition 18 A begin B mountainC kingdom D passage 19 A dinosaur B calendarC eternal D history 20 A document B developC opponent D astonish 21 A definition B productionC situation D politician 22 A photography B qualificationC occasion D Canadian 23 A ancient B edibleC visual D delicious 24 A personal B entryC personnel D sample 25 A accordance B understandC acupuncture D incomplete 26 A appropriate B emotionC pronounce D situation 27 A cultivate B machineC terminate D operate 28 A prediction B judgmentC intelligent D compulsion 29 A unlucky B displeasedC courage D encourag 30 A combination B illustrationC comprehension D origin 31 A follow B apologyC experience D direct 32 A explain B obtainC promise D suspect 33 A national B complainC alone D accept 34 A community B peninsulaC participant D concentration 35 A accuracy B individualC recreation D independence 36 A beginner B encounterC disappear D remember 37 A accident B directionC factory D hospital 38 A ambulance B anotherC government D institute 39 A against B believeC drainage D enrich 40 A accordance B understandC acupuncture D incomplete IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions A adorable B ability C impossible D entertainment A engineer B corporate C difficult D different A popular B position C horrible D positive A selfish B correct C purpose D surface A permission B computer C million D perfection A scholarship B negative C develop D purposeful ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 63 Here to learn- Here to lead A ability B acceptable A document B comedian A provide B product 10 A different B regular 11 A education B community 12 A politics B deposit 13 A prepare B repeat 14 A preface B famous 15 A cartoon B western 16 A Brazil B Iraq 17 A scientific B ability 18 A complain B luggage 19 A offensive B delicious 20 A develop B adjective 21 A beautiful B important 22 A element B regular 23 A punctual B tolerant 24 A expensive B sensitive 25 A education B development 26 A attend B option 27 A literature B entertainment 28 A attractive B perception 29 A chocolate B structural 30 A cinema B position 31 A natural B department 32 A economy B diplomacy 33 A arrest B purchase 34 A expertise B cinema 35 A government B musician 36 A successful B interest 37 A competition B repetition 38 A private B provide 39 A academic B education 40 A study B knowledge 41 A industry B performance 42 A contain B express 43 A impress B favor 44 A regret B selfish 45 A govern B cover 46 A writer B teacher 47 A morning B college 48 A ambitious B chocolate 49 A furniture B abandon 50 A devote B compose 51 A remember B influence 52 A medium B computer 53 A national B cultural 54 A successful B humorous 55 A construction B typical 56 A accident B courageous 57 A accordance B various 58 A telephone B photograph ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 64 C education D hilarious C perspective D location C promote D profess C achieving D property C development D unbreakable C conception D occasion C purpose D police C forget D childish C teacher D theater C Norway D Japan C experience D material C improve D forgive C dangerous D religious C generous D popular C delicious D exciting C believing D policy C utterance D occurrence C negative D sociable C economic D preparation C percent D become C recreation D information C cultural D expensive C important D national C family D popular C exception D attentive C informative D information C accept D forget C recipe D similar C disgusting D exhausting C arrangement D disaster C equivalent D disappointment C arrange D advise C impossible D optimistic C precise D message C importance D provision C carbon D obey C occur D police C purpose D preface C perform D father C builder D career C arrive D famous C position D occurrence C practical D scientist C purchase D advise C expression D convenient C formation D connection C popular D musician C arrangement D attractive C glorious D purposeful C dangerous D character C balcony D technical C expertise D diplomat Here to learn- Here to lead 59 A romantic B illusion 60 A bankruptcy B successive 61 A designer B origin 62 A capital B construction 63 A apartment B tradition 64 A monitor B organize 65 A accurate B discussion 66 A probable B assembly 67 A damage B faster 68 A factory B reporter 69 A amazing B following 70 A because B become 71 A pollution B excitement 72 A encourage B tropical 73 A atmosphere B Atlantic 74 A tomorrow B continue 75 A population B communicate 76 A committee B comedian 77 A company B atmosphere 78 A century B evening 79 A pleasant B famous 80 A supper B support 81 A rescue B request 82 A hundred B thousand 83 A approach B method 84 A gallery B museum 85 A picturesque B company 86 A condition B endanger 87 A enemy B engineer 88 A summit B submit 89 A superior B material 90 A authority B development 91 A award B enroll 92 A champion B matches 93 A colorful B summary 94 A economics B philosophy 95 A biology B absolutely 96 A politics B literature 97 A profitable B reliable 98 A likeable B oxygen 99 A apology B stupidity 100 A abroad B active 101 A arrow B arrive 102 A excuse B suburb 103 A fascinate B discourage 104 A tenant B common 105 A revision B remember 106 A Christmas B champion 107 A crowded B language 108 A marvelous B courageous 109 A animal B bacteria 110 A wonderful B beautiful ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 65 C description D incident C piano D phonetics C history D quality C announcement D eventful C different D expensive C following D inviting C sentiment D industry C forgetful D decisive C regret D study C actress D coverage C covering D finishing C beneath D beggar C usually D rememr C discover D advancement C athletics D Canadian C popular D informing C ability D continuum C communist D completion C customer D employment C exciting D managing C suppose D mother C supply D supreme C receive D repeat C relic D relax C police D reserve C tolerant D industry C element D beautiful C destruction D interest C energy D envelop C suppose D support C experience D superficial C competition D capacity C music D below C direct D famous C similar D impressive C engineering D preposition C photography D geography C chemistry D statistic C dependable D forgettable C museum D energy C generously D astronomy C address D attend C arrest D about C garden D swimming C horrible D terrify C rubbish D machine C dialogue D adverbial C chemise D chimney C practice D propose C delicious D religious C habitat D pyramid C colorful D successful Here to learn- Here to lead 111 A fantastic B gymnastics 112 A difficulty B equality 113 A challenge B counter 114 A advance B ancient 115 A female B fellow 116 A severe B harbor 117 A father B woman 118 A example B paragraph 119 A discover B appointment 120 A partner B excuse 121 A eleven B yesterday 122 A recognize B interfere 123 A receive B angry 124 A guidance B degree 125 A police B avoid 126 A color B passion 127 A license B suppose 128 A powerful B proposal 129 A example B exercise 130 A explosive B exploring 131 A dividend B division 132 A family B enemy 133 A assistant B difficult 134 A reference B coverage 135 A foreign B avoid 136 A student B famous 137 A evening B afternoon 138 A regard B award 139 A balcony B envelope 140 A temperature B direction 141 A gather B unique 142 A accomplishment B environment 143 A comprise B depend 144 A tropical B collection 145 A friendliness B occasion 146 A importing B specific 147 A federation B unpolluted 148 A deposit B festival 149 A surprising B astonishing 150 A interview B industry 151 A extreme B generous 152 A friendly B extra 153 A vocabulary B influential 154 A tourism B dictionary 155 A geography B imaginative 156 A ashamed B absent 157 A advantage B laboratory 158 A employee B Japanese 159 A lemonade B apartment 160 A powerful B acceptable 161 A electronic B education 162 A industrial B electrician ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 66 C politics D emphatic C simplicity D discovery C complain D guardian C carrier D annual C husband D mature C tutor D surface C degree D weather C telephone D favorite C important D telescope C apple D parents C attitude D evening C clarify D tolerate C hungry D proper C awful D safety C arrange D pattern C behave D children C painting D member C athletic D position C exactly D exporting C expression D excellence C distinctive D disgusting C assembly D harmony C important D encourage C positive D referee C revise D review C refer D practice C institute D possible C easy D believe C chocolate D location C pollution D condition C locate D fashion C experience D satisfaction C design D novel C tendency D charity C pagoda D deposit C impolite D important C disappearing D profitable C institute D resident C amazing D interesting C essential D difficult C lonely D clothing C along D orphanage C engineering D biological C household D computer C comfortable D unless C because D instead C bamboo D courage C economical D disagree C mathematics D understand C passenger D preference C deficiency D possibility C manufacture D accidental Here to learn- Here to lead 163 A finish B revise 164 A purpose B entrance 165 A interesting B necessity 166 A excellent B popular 167 A chemical B upset 168 A jungle B volcano 169 A referee B microwave 170 A powder B process 171 A defrost B harvest 172 A sociable B reserved 173 A enroll B summer 174 A beautiful B expensive 175 A theater B mobile 176 A annoy B enough 177 A sociable B photograph 178 A although B generous 179 A neighbor B receive 180 A appearance B orphanage 181 A customer B stationery 182 A machine B distance 183 A number B transmit 184 A massage B exhibition 185 A telephone B emigrate 186 A tonight B dinner 187 A saucepan B steamer 188 A lighting B refrigerator 189 A destroy B remember 190 A chemical B medicine 191 A cruel B excited 192 A include B escape 193 A equipment B traditional 194 A magical B immediate 195 A festival B buffalo 196 A report B across 197 A improve B comment 198 A semester B festival 199 A underline B satisfactory 200 A behavior B participate 201 A enroll B hobby 202 A activity B unite 203 A voluntary B education 204 A citizenship B assistance 205 A environment B encourage 206 A humid B airmail 207 A notice B effect 208 A concern B comfort 209 A customer B grocery 210 A organize B community 211 A offer B rural 212 A delay B create 213 A migrant B remote 214 A tragedy B unpleasant ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 67 C prefer D produce C music D typhoon C pollution D environment C efficient D beautiful C steamer D cupboard C surround D marine C manufacture D immortal C flavor D defrost C appear D village C generous D humorous C hobby D favor C plenty D difficult C movie D machine C lucky D describe C orphanage D volunteer C outgoing D humorous C different D classmate C friendly D beautiful C furniture D deliver C address D device C contact D arrange C experiment D invention C demonstrate D introduce C sorry D problem C beside D object C fixture D safety C forget D injure C calendar D precaution C afraid D upset C marry D appear C remember D fortunate C interesting D dangerous C electricity D furniture C lunar D remember C revise D believe C memory D meaning C pronunciation D conversation C tradition D necessary C favor D offer C register D explain C academic D application C similar D character C establish D organization C discuss D pancake C contact D surface C product D market C resident D delicious C restaurant D neighborhood C prefer D urban C believe D harvest C supply D typhoon C relative D hospital Here to learn- Here to lead 215 A information B entertainment 216 A damage B revive 217 A asleep B conscious 218 A stretcher B towel 219 A ambulance B injection 220 A happen B beautiful 221 A relax B recognize 222 A permanent B power 223 A photography B minority 224 A practicality B politician 225 A managerial B determination 226 A deposit B festival 227 A surprising B astonishing 228 A interview B industry 229 A extreme B generous 230 A friendly B extra 231 A philosopher B patriot 232 A pollute B severe 233 A economical B personality 234 A interrupt B interview 235 A mechanic B terrific 236 A interesting B surprising 237 A understand B engineer 238 A applicant B uniform 239 A paper B tonight 240 A money B army 241 A cartoon B open 242 A manage B shortage 243 A remain B convenient 244 A maintain B marine 245 A important B community 246 A toothpaste B sandwich 247 A aerobics B activity 248 A police B gymnast 249 A different B dangerous 250 A visit B unload 251 A provide B improve 252 A attraction B collection 253 A opposite B bakery 254 A variety B sensible 255 A preventive B literature 256 A documentary B advantage 257 A introduction B television 258 A economy B diplomacy 259 A forget B harbor 260 A family B enemy 261 A conscientiously B communication 262 A collaborate B commercially 263 A linkage B password 264 A universe B Internet 265 A inapplicability B recoverable 266 A participant B philosopher ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 68 C government D population C promise D bandage C sterile D tissue C awake D treatment C minimize D handkerchief C hospital D overheat C realize D relatively C permission D carpet C heroic D carpet C uncontrollable D comfortable C unbelievable D inability C institute D resident C amazing D interesting C essential D difficult C lonely D clothing C along D orphanage C atmosphere D habit C tragic D humane C preparatory D entertainment C intervene D interstellar C Arabic D Pacific C amusing D successful C benefit D Vietnamese C yesterday D employment C lecture D story C afraid D people C paper D answer C village D teacher C volunteer D memorable C challenge D device C organize D diseases C cartoon D chocolate C badminton D basketball C teacher D farmer C difficult D delicious C receive D correct C contain D borrow C musician D musical C arrival D realize C appointment D continue C measurement D temperature C magazine D popularity C graduation D reputation C informative D information C tutor D surface C assembly D harmony C connectivity D multimedia C impractical D fluctuation C resource D birthright C diagram D procedure C diagonally D congenially C observance D nominate Here to learn- Here to lead 267 A monotonous B refundable 268 A principal B geothermal 269 A picturesque B etiquette 270 A entertain B biotech 271 A independent B education 272 A important B silently 273 A advantage B chemical 274 A advisable B reliable 275 A destination B presidential 276 A technology B document 277 A transit B transmit 278 A installation B disadvantage 279 A available B potential 280 A ecologist B fertilizer 281 A equality B difficulty 282 A tenant B common 283 A animal B bacteria 284 A writer B teacher 285 A company B atmosphere 286 A considerate B photographer 287 A apply B anthem 288 A scenery B festival 289 A prevent B recent 290 A opposite B geography 291 A apply B persuade 292 A preservative B congratulate 293 A president B physicist 294 A economy B unemployment 295 A recommend B volunteer 296 A elephant B dinosaur 297 A abnormal B initial 298 A significant B convenient 299 A catastrophe B agriculture 300 A settle B protect 301 A organism B attraction 302 A popularity B laboratory 303 A imagine B inhabit 304 A periodic B electric 305 A advertise B advantage 306 A represent B permanent 307 A future B involve 308 A accuracy B fabulous 309 A facilitate B intimacy 310 A reduction B popular 311 A amaze B offer 312 A socialize B memory 313 A biology B ability 314 A actor B career 315 A similar B attractive 316 A facility B characterize 317 A agreement B elephant 318 A professor B typical ThS Nguyễn Văn Nam – THPT Tân Yên số 69 C residential D renewable C gratitude D guarantee C cosmonaut D Internet C reminder D attachment C impractical D entertainment C performance D permission C conception D deposit C admirable D acceptable C economic D comparison C facsimile D competitive C transact D translate C dissatisfied D disappointed C unlimited D infinite C dangerous D scientist C simplicity D discovery C rubbish D machine C habitat D pyramid C builder D career C customer D employment C community D circumstance C appear D attend C atmosphere D location C receive D remote C geometry D endanger C reduce D offer C preferential D development C inventor D property C communicate D particular C understand D potential C buffalo D mosquito C innocent D impatient C fashionable D traditional C dictionary D supervisor C compose D relate C prevention D engagement C politician D documentary C continue D disappear C suspicious D contagious C adventure D adverbial C sentiment D continent C prospect D guidance C immediate D optimist C participate D hydrology C romantic D financial C release D believe C tradition D animal C interactive D inaccurate C rubbish D cocktail C chemical D calculate C irrational D variety C mineral D violent C accountant D develop Here to learn- Here to lead

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2016, 16:01

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