Start Testing Your Vocabulary

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Start Testing Your  Vocabulary

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_— l€Sf/Your = NEW ng Testing Your Vocabulary PETER WATCYN-JONES Test Your series developed by Peter Watcyn-Jones Đ CONTENTS Opposites I: adjectives The face Prepositions of place Missing verbs The body Missing verbs Opposites 2: more adjectives Countries and nationalities crossword 10 Test Jobs1 11 12 13 14 1Š 16 17 18 19 Missing verbs Choose the word | Jobs2 What's the weather like? Missing verbs $ Plurals crossword Food and drink1 Opposites 3: verbs Prepositions of time 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Missing verbs Food and drink2 Choose the word Today, yesterday, etc Food and drink Opposites4: more verbs How they look? Complete the dialogue The house1 20 What are they saying?1 30 31 32 33 ` ` ` Introduction To the student Test Missing verbs “ 38 36 37 38 39 Missing verbs Shops etc The house Prepositions Opposites 5: various words In the living-room Missing verbs What's the matter? What are they saying? In the kitchen: Choose the word Irregular verbs crossword Ì Sports and pastimes | 4: Sports and pastimes 44 In the town 45 Who's saying what? 46 Jobs in the home 47 Irregutar verbs crossword 48 Prepositions 49 Word association 50 Animals, pets, etc, What are they? (categories) $2 ‘Odd man out $3 Crossword: what’s the word? $4 Words that sound the same $8 Adjective + noun 56 Group the words 37 Choose the word 40 58 New words for old 59 Getter words “0 Where are they? Answers 36 39 42 48 50 St 52 56 58 62 66 67 68 79 71 72 74 Tả T6 78 79 82 PENGUIN BOOKS Publishes by the Penguin Group Penguin Books Ltd, 27 Wrights Lane, London W8 STZ, England Penguin Books USA Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia Penguin Books Canada Ltd, 10 Alcorn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 3B2 Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd, 182-190 Wairau Road, Auckland 10, New Zealand Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England First published in Sweden by Kursverksamhetens fOrlag 1982 Published in Penguin Books 1985 Revised edition published 1996 10987654 ‘Text copyright © Peter Watcyn-Jones 1982 Ilustrations copyright © Sven Nordqvist 1982 All rights reserved Printed in England by Clays Ltd, St Ives ple Set in Times ptm the ( nited States of America, this book is sold subject «ne condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, sold, hired out, or otherwise citcutated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser TITLES Test:Your © Start IN THE SERIES Test/Your © Vocabulary Testing Your Vocabulary PETER WATCYN-JONES Test/Your xi ® Vocabulary Test/Your xi Vocabulary PETER WATCYN-JONES PETER WATCYN-ÏONES ti PtGNĐĐ Test/Your xửi Vocabulary PETER WATCYN-JONES & Test/Your ® Vocabulary PETER WATCYN-JONES aerial eit INTRODUCTION ‘Nowadays few people will dispute the importance of vocabulary, especially the need for active vocabulary practice The Test Your Vocabulary books filled this need when they first came out, and they continue to so, There are six books in the series, from elementary to advanced level In this new edition of the series each book has ten new tests To facilitate self-study there is a full Answer Key Students using Test Your Vocabulary will find leaming vocabulary both stimulating and enjoyable Start Testing Your Vocabulary is the first book in the series and is intended for elementary students It contains sixty tests and aims to build up a basic vocabulary of approximately 850 words These are arranged into areas such as jobs, food, sports and hobbies, the home and parts of the body, plus verbs, prepositions and adjectives Since the student’s range of vocabulary at this level is not very wide, approximately half the tests are picture-based Other techniques employed are gap-filling, crosswords, choosing the appropriate word or aitonym, one-sided dialogue writing, grouping words under the same headings and finding the ‘odd man out’ TO THE STUDENT This book will help you to learn a lot of new English words But in order for the new words to become ‘fixed’ in your mind, you need to test yourself again and again Hete is one method you can use to help you learn the words Read through the instructions carefully for the test you are going to try, Then try the test, writing your answers in pencil a When you have finished, check your answers the test again, paying special attention to the 3° Tey the test again five minutes later You can the picture tests) or by asking a friend to test Rub out your answers and correct any mistakes you words you didn’t know or got this either by covering up you Repeat this urttit you can have made Read through wrong, the words (for example, in remember al the words Tey the test again the following day (You should remember most of the words.) Finally, plan to try the test at least twice again within the following month Afler this most of the words will be ‘fixed’ in your mind Missing verbs Fill in the missing verbs in the sentences below Choose from the following (see example): swim write drink dance sleep cry read run laugh drive listen sing ¡ They say that people from Wales can UNG I feel very tired today because I didn't very well, very much last night I don't like going to the beach with my friends because [ can’t [always Do you to the news on the radio in the morning wit work or you go by bus? It’s no good asking John to waltz ~ he can’t don't like babies; they think I'll stay in tonight and ¬ too much! some letters Ilike Dave Allen very mụch He`s so funny He always makes me I0 We usually champagne on New Year°s Eve 11 lalways se 12 [find it hard to «othe newspaper before I go to work these days | really must stop smoking Opposites 1: adjectives Write down the opposite of each of the words on the left Choose from the words on the right (see example): ADJECTIVE OPPOSITE good te bad " closed fat new big poor tall bad fuli dry young slow open wet short thin hot 10 old ° " TH ri low cold tt happy empty 12 fast soft 13 high small 44 rich sad 33 hard old The face !-!5 next to the correct words (see example) Write the numbers mouth tongue Ag hair eyelash “ we chin ear cheek Jaw ¬ few eyebrow lip " teeth freckles Prepositions of place Look at the drawings and fill in the missing prepositions in the sentences below Use each of the following once only: in through on inside in front of hext to behind outside over between =e The post office is under opposite bank and the library — 8i w+ the bed The car is parked seuss, the phone box ... subsequent purchaser TITLES Test :Your © Start IN THE SERIES Test /Your © Vocabulary Testing Your Vocabulary PETER WATCYN-JONES Test /Your xi ® Vocabulary Test /Your xi Vocabulary PETER WATCYN-JONES... self-study there is a full Answer Key Students using Test Your Vocabulary will find leaming vocabulary both stimulating and enjoyable Start Testing Your Vocabulary is the first book in the series and is... WATCYN-ÏONES ti PtGNĐĐ Test /Your xửi Vocabulary PETER WATCYN-JONES & Test /Your ® Vocabulary PETER WATCYN-JONES aerial eit INTRODUCTION ‘Nowadays few people will dispute the importance of vocabulary, especially

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2012, 11:21

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