vocabulary unit 13-14class

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vocabulary unit 13-14class

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Unit 13: FILMS AND CINEMA READING + To discover /dI’skVvE /: to find something that you didn’t know before.: khám phá - discovery (n) : the process of finding something + sequence (n): a set of events, actions, numbers … that happen pr are arranged in a particular order.: một chuỗi, một loạt sự kiện …. + still (adj) / (adv) : not moving : không cử động + to set : to cause sth / sb to be in a state: làm thành, làm cho biến thành + motion /’mEUSn /(n) : a particular movement made usually with your hand or head. : cử động + to move / mu:v /: make sth/sb change position : chuyển động  movement / ‘mu:vmEnt /(n) : an act of moving : sự chuyển động + decade /‘dekeId /(n): a period of ten years: thập niên + existence / Ig’zIstEns / (n) : the state of being real or living : sự tồn tại  to exist / Ig’zIst / : to be real or appear in the real world : có thật hoặc hiện diện, tồn tại + scene / si:n / (n) : hiện trường, quang cảnh + to play character part : have a part in play : giũ vai + audience / ‘C:diEns /(n) : the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to sth (a play, concert, sb speaking, etc.) : khan thính giả + change / TeIndZ / (v) – (n) : become/ make sth different ; replace : thay đổi, thay thế + completely/ kEm’pli:tli /(adv): totally:hoàn toàn + to prepare / prI’peE /: to make something ready for use.: chuẩn bị  preparation (u.n) : the process of making someone or something ready for something: sự chuẩn bị + to spread / spred /(v/n): to gradually affect or cover a larger area: lan ra , bao phủ … + rest (n) : the part of something that remains: phần còn lại + silent / ‘saIlEnt /(adj):not making noise; quiet + appear (v) / E’pIE /: xuất hiện ; dường như SPEAKING + science fiction: sách, film về khoa học viễn tưởng + cartoon / ka:’tu:n / (n): film hoạt hình + horror(n) / ‘hArEr /: (unc. & c.n): sự / điều sợ hãi  horror film / story … : phim , truyện kinh dị + detective (n): thám tử  detective film / story / novel : film, truyện trinh thám + engage / In’gEIdZ / (v) : - thu hút lôi cuốn ai thích mình. - thuê ai làn cho mình việc gì - bắt đàu chiến đấu + engaged (adj): a/ ~ in / on sth : busy doing sth – Ex: He is now engaged on his second novel. b/ ~ to sb: having agreed to marry sb. – Ex : She's engaged to Peter. + to hit – hit – hit : touch something with force: va mạnh , đánh ai + iceberg / ‘aIsbB:g /(n): an extremely large mass of + exhaust /Ig’zC:st/ (v) : to make someone extremely tired and without energy : làm kiệt sức - exhausted /Ig’zC:stId/ (a): mệt nhoài ; cạn kiệt + thriller(n) / ‘OrIlE /: phim, truyện, tiểu thuyết xôi động về tội phạm + action film: film hành động + terrify (v) / ‘terE,fai /: làm ai sợ hãi  terrifying (adj): gây cu65c kỳ sợ hãi  terrified (adj): bị sợ hãi + to prefer sth to sth : thích … hơn … Ex: I prefer films to novels. + character / ‘kXrItE / (n): tính cách; nhân vật WRITING: + sink – sank – sunk : to go down below the surface : chìm + luxury /’lVkSEri /(n-adj): ( thứ) xa xỉ đắt tiền + terrify (v) : to make someone very frightened:lảm ai sợ hãi + irritate / ‘IrIteIt /(v) : to make you feel annoyed or impatient: làm ai bực mình, tức giận + horrify (v) : make sb feel extremely shocked, disgusted or frightened: làm ai bị sóc, tức gai64n sợ hãi + bore (v) : to make sb feel bored, especially by talking too much : làm ai chán nản + surprise / sE’praiz / (v-n): to give someone a feeling of surprise: gây ngạc nhiên + amuse / Amju:z /(v) :to make sb laugh or smile enjoy but do not really need: đồ xa xỉ + liner / ‘laInE /: a large ship that carries passengers : thuyền chở hành khách + tragic / ‘trXdZIk / (adj): making you feel very sad, usually because sb has died or suffered a lot : làm đau buồn + voyage / ‘vCIIdZ / (n/v): a long journey, especially by boat or into space: du lich bằng thuyền hay phi thuyền + to base on / beIs /: to use particular ideas or facts to make a decision, do a calculation, or develop a theory: dựa trên cơ sở để quyết định + disaster / dI’za:stE /: (n) : something very bad that happens and causes a lot of damage or kills a lot of people : thảm họa + to occur / E’kB: / : to happen, especially unexpectedly ; to exist or be found somewhere. + generous / ‘dZenErEs / (adj) : ( ≠ mean ) : giving people more of your time or money than is usual or expected: rộng rãi, hào phóng. + adventure / Ed’venTE / (n) : an unusual, exciting or dangerous experience, journey or series of events : sự phưu lưu mạo hiểm + excite (v) : - to make someone feel happy and enthusiastic about something good that is going to happen: gây hứng thú, hào hứng - Ex: The prospect of working in Australia really excites me. - to make someone feel lively, nervous, or upset: gây lo âu  excited about (adj): hứng thú; lo âu + embarrass / Im’bXrEs /(v) : to make someone feel nervous, ashamed: làm ai bối rối , xấu hổ + frustrate / frV’strEIt / (v) to make someone feel ice floating in the sea : tảng băng trôi + include / In’klu:d /(v): to contain someone or something as a part. : bao gồm, gồm có LANGUAGE FOCUS: + fascinate / ‘fXsIneIt / (v): to attract and interest you very strongly: lôi cuốn, gây hứng thú rất nhiều annoyed and impatient by preventing them from doing or getting something: làm thất bại, vỡ mộng  frustration (n) sự cản trở làm thất bại + to depress /dI’pres / : makes you feel unhappy and disappointed, to make you want to stop trying to achieve things: làm nản lòng Để đọc và sử dụng phần phiên âm quốc tế, xin Thầy cô tải Font Phonetic tại : ( Có hướng dẫn cài và gõ phiên âm ) http://baigiang.violet.vn/present/show/entry_id/5027558 EXERCISE 1. Motion picture is not only an art but also _____ a. an industry b. industrial c. industrialize d. industrialized 2. She has got a headache whenever she has to read for any ____ of time. a. long b. lengthening c. length d. lengthen 1 . 3. They left _____ the end of the film although it was not as interesting as they had expected a. in b. at c. for d. during 2 . 4. The film is _____ a beautiful princess, who had had a long sleep before a prince came and woke her up. a. about b. in c. on d. for 3. 5. The majority of people claim that it is ____ from some films that leads to crime among teenagers. a. interest b. excitement c. violence d. thrill 4 . 6. She shows considerable talent for performing so she has become famous rapidly. a. excitedly b. interestedly c. thrillingly d. quickly 7. After the film had been shown, her fame ____ rapidly. She became more popular than any other actresses. a. spread b. performed c. changed d. replaced 8. It is rather nonsense to think that film makers may be ___ by a computer which is devised to take over the work of many people. a. shown b. replaced c. played d. developed 5. 9. You needn't worry about the illumination. You can ____ the camera on automatic. a. replace b. spread c. place d. set 6 . 10. I like science fictions _____ detective films. a. over b. more than c. better than d. much than 11. _____ milk is often added to _____ tea in ____ UK. a. no article / no article / the b. The / the / no article c. A / a / no article d. The / the / an 12. Mary is _____ accountant. She goes to work five days ___ week. At the weekend, she stays at ____ home and does her housework. a. a / the / the b. an / a / no article c. no article / no article / no article d. the / a / a 13. I have bought _____ FM radio for my aunt, who live in ______ countryside. a. a / no article b. no article / no article c. an / the d. the / a 14. ____ air is made up of elements such as ____ oxygen and ____ nitrogen. a. An / an / a b. The / the / the c. no article / an / a d. no article / no article / no article 15. _____ sun gives off _____ heat and ______ light. a. no article / no article / no article b. The / no article / no article c. A / the / the d. The / a / a 16. He looked very _____ when he got out of the house. He may have got some ____ experiences. a. frightening / frightening b. frightened / frightened c. frightened / frightening d. frightening / frightened 17. The film was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it rather ____ . Many audiences failed to hide their ____ feelings. a. disappointing / disappointed b. disappointed / disappointing c. disappointing / disappointing d. disappointed / disappointed 18. It was a long and _____ journey so we all were too _____ to enjoy it. a. tired / tiring b. tiring / tired c. tiring / tiring d. tired / tired 19. Larry had been driving all night to get there on time so he was _____ by the time he arrived. It was an _____ drive. a. exhausted / exhausting b. exhausted / exhausted c. exhausting / exhausting d. exhausting / exhausted 20. ______ do you prefer, action films or love stories? a. Which b. What c. How d. Why 21. It was not until the police found out more evidences that they could leave their place. a. The police could not find out more evidences; as a result they could not leave their place. b. Only when the police could find out the evidences they could leave their place. c. None of them could leave their place until the police found out more evidences. d. Due to the fact that the police found out more evidences, they could leave their place. 22. I have bought ____ new shirt. ____ shirt matches with ___ suit that was made by _____ well-known tailor. a. a / The / the / the b. a / The / the / a c. a / The / a / a d. the / The / the / a 23. _____ cinema changed completely at the end of ____ 1920s. a. Ø / Ø b. The / the c. A/ the d. Ø / the 24/ The bird _____ its wings, flying peacefully in the sky. a. spread b. opened c. stretched c. widened 25/ Which word has the sound / e/ as in “end” ? a. sequence b. completely c. scene d. decade Rewrite the following sentences: 1/ The performers did not appear on the stage until all of the lights went out.  It was not …………………………………  It was not until all of the lights went out that the performers appeared on the stage. 2/. It was not until he finished his homework that he turned on the TV to enjoy his favourite film.  Only when ………  Only when he finished his homework did he turn on the TV to enjoy his favourite film. 3/ You shouldn’t leave until the rain stops.  Not until ………………………………………………………….  Not until the rain stops should you leave. 4/ This child couldn’t speak until he was 4 years old.  It was until ………………………………………….  It was until the child was 4 years old that he couldn’t speak. 5/ No body can leave class before they all hand in their papers.  Until all their ……………………………………  Until all their / the papers are handed in, no body can leave class. 6/ The last I saw him was two days ago.  I haven’t ……………………………………………………………………  I haven’t seen him for two days. 7/ Swimming is more interesting than running.  It is more ………………………………………………………  It is more interesting to swim than to run. 8/ The boys didn’t stop making noise until the teacher came in. It was not …………………………………………  It was not until the teacher came in that the boys stopped making noise. 9/ These boys always do the stupid thing.  All what ………………………………………………………………  All what these boys always do is stupid. 10/ Mary came to the orphanage. She wanted to help the orphans.  ( so as ) ………………………………….  Mary came to the orphanage so as to help the orphans o0o . Unit 13: FILMS AND CINEMA READING + To discover /dI’skVvE /: to find something that you didn’t

Ngày đăng: 04/06/2015, 02:00

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