Modern Developments in X-Ray and Neutron Optics Episode 4 potx

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Modern Developments in X-Ray and Neutron Optics Episode 4 potx

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102 S. Lagomarsino et al. Fig. 6.5. (a) Intensity distribution in monomodal regime for the first mode in front of and along a front coupling WG, (b) Intensity profile along 0Y of the same waveguide calculated with computer code (full line) and with (6.17) (open circles) The distribution of intensity for the first mode in free space close to the WG exit coincides with the diffraction pattern of a confined wave with amplitude given by (6.17) by a slit with size d corresponding to the WG gap. In the near field zone, i.e., Δx<x dif ∼ d 2 /4λ =1.6 × 10 4 nm, where Δx is the distance from the WG end, the beam cross section is practically constant (∼d). At Δx = x dif it is possible to note a focusing effect (see Fig. 6.7a) with a clear narrowing of the cross section. In the far field zone x>x dif the beam diverges with the divergence ≈λ/d. 6.3.2 Radiation from an Incoherent Source at Short Distance As mentioned before, the WG accepts and transmits the coherent part of radiation. WGs are used mostly with synchrotron radiation sources, but it has been demonstrated that they can provide useful intensity also with table- top laboratory sources [15,44]. For the latter we have to investigate the effect of the illumination of the waveguide entrance with spatially incoherent radi- ation on the properties of the exiting beam. This may enable us to derive the geometrical condition for optimized coupling. For excitation of indepen- dent modes in the front coupling waveguide the next condition, based on the definition of the transverse coherence length, L c , should be fulfilled: 2d ≤ L c = λX/s, (6.18) where X is the distance between source and waveguide, d is the thickness of the guiding layer, 2d is the spatial acceptance of the waveguide, s is the size of the source, and λ is the wavelength of the incoming radiation. If the equality sign holds in (6.18), the distance X can be considered as X min , the minimum dis- tance for coherent illumination. If d = 100 nm,s=15μm, and λ =0.154 nm then X min = 20 mm. An incoherent source of radiation in computer code is considered as a set of N radiators with random initial phases distributed 6 Theoretical Analysis of X-Ray Waveguides 103 Fig. 6.6. Intensity distribution in front of and inside a WG illuminated by an extended source. Case (a)isforadistanceX min = 20 mm, which corresponds to the lower limit for spatially coherent illumination for a gap d = 100 nm, a source size s =15μm, and λ =0.154 nm (Pt cladding). In case (b)atX =10mmthe illumination is spatially incoherent under the same conditions within the interval [−π, π]. The elementary radiator gives rise to a spherical wave with the origin positioned randomly within the source area s. Figure 6.6a, b illustrates the intensity distribution calculated following the code described above, in front and inside a planar WG with Pt cladding layer, for a distance X = X min and X min /2, respectively. The gap was d = 100 nm, the source size s =15μm, and λ =0.154 nm. Figure 6.7a, b shows in more detail the distribution at the exit of the WG, and Fig. 6.7c, d the cross-section profiles just at the WG exit at a distance x = x dif for X = X min and X = X min /2, respectively. As can be seen, for X = X min the WG can provide a single mode coherent beam, whilst for X = X min /2 a clear mode mixing takes place. 6.3.3 Material and Absorption Considerations In the front coupling mode with an air or vacuum gap, absorption losses are due only to the penetration of the tails of the intensity distribution into the cladding material. Rigorous calculations should involve physical optical considerations, but simple ray-tracing can give very good approximate values for the estimation of absorption losses. In the case of independent mode propagation, the variation of power along the WG length X (θ<<θ c ) is given by [45] W (X)=W 0 R Fr N (θ m ) ≈ W 0 exp(− β δ 3/2 X d √ 2 θ 2 m ), (6.19) W 0 is the energy of radiation coupled by the waveguide, R Fr is the Fresnel coefficient of reflection for the vacuum–cladding layer boundary, N = Xθ m /d 104 S. Lagomarsino et al. Fig. 6.7. The intensity distribution in the vicinity of the exit of the waveguide illuminated by an incoherent source located at the distance X min =20mm(a)and X =10mm(b). The vertical intensity distribution just at the exit of the WG and at a distance from the waveguide end corresponding to x dif for X =20mm(c)and X =10mm(d)(seetext) is the number of reflections that the ray undergoes. The same function W (X) can be calculated using the computer code. A very good correspondence is found between the calculated X abs according to (6.19) and the result of a computer simulation based on the solution of parabolic wave equation. 6.4 Direct Front Coupling When the incoming beam is directly coupled to the waveguide (see Fig. 6.1b), the interaction of the beam with the cladding layers must be considered in detail, especially if the cladding material for the photon energy considered is weakly absorbing. This analysis, which reveals several interesting diffrac- tion and refraction phenomena, substantially modify the wave field in the waveguide. For a more complete treatment see [46]. 6 Theoretical Analysis of X-Ray Waveguides 105 6.4.1 Diffraction from a Dielectric Corner Let us have an S-polarized plane wave of wavelength λ =0.1nm incident at right angles to the side of a planar hollow X-ray waveguide. The gap d is limited by two cladding walls with refractive index n = ε 1/2 =(1− δ − iβ). In the following, silicon is considered as the material constituting the walls. At the given photon energies in this paper β<<δ. We start by considering a single dielectric corner (half of the waveguide in our case). In this case Kopylov and Popov [47] have shown that the diffracted field U(x, y) can be expressed, in the paraxial approximation, as U(x, y)=  F (η)+M (η,ν), vacuum (F (ν)+M(η, iν))exp(−ν 2 ), material (6.20) M(η, ν)=(πi) −1  ∞−ia −∞−ia exp(−t 2 − 2tη √ i)/  t 2 − ν 2 dt ≈ M 1 (x, y)+M 2 (x, y) η = |y|  k/(2x),ν=  kx(β +iδ),k=2π/λ, where F (x, y) is the Fresnel integral and M (x, y) is a new special function whose influence is more significant for weakly absorbing materials. In the approximation of relatively large distances, x, from the WG entrance (x>> 1/(kθ c 2 )withθ c =(2δ) 1/2 the critical angle for total reflection), the function M(x, y) can be expressed asymptotically as a sum of two terms M 1 (x, y) ≈  2x πk exp  i ky 2 2x − i π 4   θ 2 c x 2 − y 2 , M 2 (x, y) ≈  2x πk exp  ik(θ c y − θ 2 c 2 x)+i π 4   θ c x(θ c x − y). (6.21) The first one, M 1 (x, y), is a correction to the Fresnel edge diffraction term due to the material of the wall, and the second one, M 2 (x, y), represents a lateral plane wave propagating in the wall material along the material–vacuum interface 0X, with the enhanced phase velocity V p = c/ε 1/2 and entering into the vacuum at the critical angle θ c [47]. In (6.20) and (6.21), the origin of the y coordinate is at the vacuum–wall interface. The superposition of the direct and diffracted beams with the lateral wave gives rise to an interference pattern of successive maxima and minima (see Fig. 6.2 in [46]). Coordinates of maxima in the spatial intensity distribution can be found from the condition for constructive interference of wave fields described in (6.20) and (6.21). The comparison between the spatial distribu- tion of intensity calculated analytically using the above equations, and the result of a computer simulation based on the parabolic wave equation (PWE) numerical solution [43], reveals a very good agreement between the two [46]. 106 S. Lagomarsino et al. 6.4.2 Diffraction in a Dielectric FC Waveguide We extended the same formalism to the analysis of the field at the entrance aperture of the waveguide. In the following, the origin of the y coordinate is in the middle of the gap d, and the cladding walls are at ±d/2. An approximate solution in the far field zone (x>(d/2) 2 /λ) is the superposition of the field Φ(x, y) ≈ ˜ Φ(kθ)exp  −iπ/4+ikθ 2 x/2  / √ λx, where ˜ Φ(kθ) ≈ d  sin(kθd/2) kθd/2 + cos(kθd/2) (kd/2)  θ c 2 − θ 2  , (6.22) with two lateral plane waves, M 2 (x, y) (see (6.21)), entering into the vacuum gap from the opposite boundaries y = ±d/2 of waveguide. In (6.22) θ = y/x. The spatial spectral amplitude ˜ Φ(kθ) in (6.22) includes the sin function of (kθd/2), corresponding to the Fraunhofer diffraction of a plane wave from a thin slit and a correction term due to thematerialofthewalls. The correction term shifts the positions of the angular spectrum maxima towards smaller angles. It is easy to show that the spectral amplitude ˜ Φ(kθ) in (6.22) is equal to ˜ Φ(kθ) ≈  +∞ −∞ ϕ(y)dy, where (6.23) ϕ(y)=  cos(kθy), |y| <d/2 cos(kθd/2) exp[−kμ(|y|−d/2)] , else, where μ =(θ c 2 −θ 2 ) 1/2 .Forθ values equal to the waveguide resonance angles θ m , the function ϕ(θ m )=ϕ m corresponds exactly to the expression of guided modes. Taking the orthogonal modes {ϕ m } of the waveguide as a basis, the projection of the field Φ(x, y) on the guided modes at distances x>x min = (d/2) 2 /λ is given by [26] Φ(x, y)=  m=m max m=0 c m (θ m )ϕ m (y), (6.24) where the coefficients c m are given by c m (θ m )=ϕ m  −1  +∞ −∞ ϕ m (y)dy. (6.25) θ m are the resonance angles, μ m ≈ (θ c 2 −θ m 2 ) 1/2 ,andm max is the maximum number of allowed resonance modes. Taking into account the propagation factor exp(−iχ m x) for each mode, where in the parabolic approximation (θ<<θ c )χ m ≈ θ 2 m [k/2 − i(β/δ 3/2 )/(2 1/2 d)] [45], the wave field Φ(x, y)at any point of the waveguide is given by Φ(x, y)=  m=m max m=0 c m (θ m )ϕ m (y)exp(−iχ m x). (6.26) 6 Theoretical Analysis of X-Ray Waveguides 107 Fig. 6.8. Total field in a waveguide with Si walls and a 30 nm gap (wavelength = 0.1 nm) with a plane wave at the entrance: (a) analytical solution; (b)com- puter simulation; (c) computer simulation, with a step function field (U =1inthe gap, 0 elsewhere) at the entrance (from Bukreeva et al. [46] with permission of the publisher) The total field U(x, y) is therefore given by the superposition of prop- agating modes (6.26) and function, which represents a sum of two lateral waves M 2 (x, y) (see (6.21)) entering into the vacuum gap from the opposite boundaries, y = ±d/2, of the waveguide Ψ(x, y) ≈ d √ λx exp  iπ/4 − ikθ 2 c x  2  cos (kθ c y) kθ c d/2 exp (ikθ c d/2) . (6.27) In Fig. 6.8 the global intensity distribution in the vacuum guiding layer for a 30-nm gap waveguide with Si walls and photon wavelength λ =0.1nmis shown. The waveguide supports only one mode. Figure 6.8a depicts the ana- lytical solution given by (6.26) and (6.27), and Fig. 6.8b represents the result of the computer simulation based on the numerical solution of the parabolic wave equation (6.14). The agreement is very good. Figure 6.8c shows the intensity distribution when the field at the waveguide entrance is a step func- tion (U(0,y)=1fory ∈ [−d/2,d/2] and U(0,y)=0elsewhere),and therefore penetration through the cladding walls is excluded. Figures 6.8a–c 108 S. Lagomarsino et al. shows that the interference of a guided mode with lateral waves introduces a strong spatial modulation of the signal. A more quantitative comparison, not shown here for reasons of space, gives a very good agreement between the asymptotic solution and the computer simulation for both the distribution of the intensity and of the phase of the resulting field along the optical axis 0X (see Fig. 6.1). The contribution of the field diffracted and refracted by the cladding walls is not only related to the spatial modulation of the signal. Both analytical and computer calculations show that the field penetrating into the waveguide from the weakly absorbing cladding walls significantly increases (approximately 1.5 times) the electromagnetic power in the waveguide compared to the case when the field at the waveguide entrance is a simple step function, thereby eliminating penetration through the cladding walls. In Fig. 6.9 we report the normalized integrated power within the WG gap as a function of propagation distance x. We have shown here that the calculation of the field in a hollow weakly absorbing X-ray waveguide must take into account the interaction of the incoming beam with the cladding material at the entrance of the waveguide. The total field in the guiding vacuum layer can then be expressed as the super- position of guided modes with nonuniform plane waves penetrating into the guiding gap from the cladding walls at the critical angle of reflection, θ c (lat- eral waves). An analytical expression of the total field is given and compared Fig. 6.9. The normalized value of the electromagnetic power integrated within the vacuum gap vs. coordinate X calculated for a step-like entrance function (bottom lines) and for the total field calculated following (6.25) and (6.26) (top lines). The solid lines are the result of a computer simulation while the dashed lines are the result of an analytical calculation (from Bukreeva et al. [46] with permission of the publisher) 6 Theoretical Analysis of X-Ray Waveguides 109 with the results of a computer simulation based on the numerical solution of the parabolic wave equation. The two independent approaches to the diffrac- tion problem, the asymptotic analytical solution and a computer simulation, demonstrate very good qualitative and quantitative agreement. 6.5 Conclusions The analysis of the behavior of WGs in three different coupling geometries has led us to some conclusions about their optimal use as a function of the source characteristics. We have shown in Sect. 6.2 that the angular acceptance of RBC WGs is by far larger than the beam divergence of most synchrotron radiation beam lines, at least at photon energies below 50 keV and gap values below 100 nm. On the other hand, the spatial acceptance is much smaller than the full beam size at the distances typical of synchrotron radiation facilities. Therefore, to maximize the total flux, a prefocusing optics with quite long focal distance, providing an input beam for WG matched to its spatial and angular acceptances, should be used. Similar considerations are valid for front coupling WGs, but in this case the spatial acceptance is on the order of the gap value, and the angular acceptance is larger than in the RBC case. There- fore, focusing optics with a much shorter focal distance are best matched, as demonstrated also from the experimental point of view in 2D WGs [9]. In any case, irrespective of the coupling mode, the total available flux is limited by the coherent flux, as expressed by (6.1). It is interesting to note that this is a limit applicable to any kind of optics if the requirement of a coherent beam holds. This is an interesting point to consider especially when designing optics for coherent sources such as free electron lasers. The emerging field of coherent diffractive imaging [48] is attracting great interest for its impressive potential in the structural determination of nonperiodic objects with nanometer resolu- tion. WGs, because of their characteristics, are ideally suited for this kind of application. A first demonstration of the possibility to make coherent diffrac- tive imaging experiments using the beam from a WG has been recently carried out [49]. Another aspect to consider in regard to the best coupling mode is that RBC cannot be used in the soft X-ray range, because of the strong absorp- tion from the cover layer. Therefore, in this spectral region only FC (with or without prereflection) must be used. In this case, it has been shown here that careful considerations of all the refractive and diffractive effects resulting from interaction of the incoming beam with the cladding must be taken into proper account to predict the field distribution and the intensity inside the WG. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge partial financial support from Italian pro jects SPARC and SPARX. 110 S. Lagomarsino et al. References 1. E. Spiller, A. Segm¨uller, Appl. Phys. Lett. 24, 60 (1974) 2. 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Fresnel lenses [ 14, 15] These attempts have not been successful since spurious refraction effects appear and since the machining of the lenses strongly increases the diffuse scattering The second problem arises from the fact that experimentally, the absorption is not defined by the intrinsic absorption of the material but more by inelastic scattering in the material This could be solved by cooling the CRL . Spectrometry, 33, 360 (20 04) 45 . A.V. Vinogradov, I.A. Brytov, A. Ya. Grudsky, M.T. Kogan, I.V. Kozhevnikov, V.A. Slemzin, Mirror X-Ray Optics (in Russian) (Mashinostroenie, Leningrad, 1989) 46 . I. Bukreeva,. Giannini, A. Cedola, D. Pelliccia, S. Lagomarsino, W. Jark, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 041 105 (2007) 7 Focusing Optics for Neutrons F. Ott Abstract. Neutrons beams are difficult to handle since the neutron. Brillouin is developing a converging multibeam very small angle neutron scattering 7 Focusing Optics for Neutrons 117 (VSANS) spectrometer which will use about 120 beams, multiplying the luminosity

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