Báo cáo khao học: "Dominance of the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon rubescens in a plantation of Pinus pinea seedlings inoculated with Suillus collinitus" ppsx

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Báo cáo khao học: "Dominance of the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon rubescens in a plantation of Pinus pinea seedlings inoculated with Suillus collinitus" ppsx

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K. El Karkouri et al.Dominance of R. rubescens in a P. pinea plantation Original article Dominance of the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon rubescens in a plantation of Pinus pinea seedlings inoculated with Suillus collinitus Khalid El Karkouri a , Francis Martin b and Daniel Mousain a * a Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Symbiotes des Racines ** , Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, AgroM-INRA, 2 Place Viala, 34060 Montpellier Cedex 1, France b Unité Mixte de Recherche INRA-UHP Interactions Arbres / Micro-organismes, Centre INRA de Nancy, 54280 Champenoux, France (Received 15 January 2001; accepted 28 June 2001) Abstract – We examined the below-ground mycorrhizal diversity of P. pinea seedlings inoculated with S. collinitus six years after out- planting in a disturbed site, located at La Petite-Camargue (Gard, France). This was performed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and the sequencing of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS). Seven and one plants corresponding, respectively, to inoculated and non-inoculated (control) treatments were chosen randomly. Examinations were carried out directly from ectomycorrhizae. A total number of 233 root tips was examined. Five ITS RFLP taxa were detected. The ITS taxon I corresponded to the ectomycorrhizal species Rhizopogon rubescens. This fungus was abundant (55%) in the P. pinea ectomycorrhizal community. Theother ITS taxa were rareandremained unidentified. The current P. pineaplantation showed a restricted diversity of the ectomycorrhizalcommunitywhichistypical of ectomycorrhizal communities in young plantations established in disturbed stands. Pinus pinea L. / plantation / ectomycorrhizal diversity / PCR-RFLP / rDNA (ITS) Résumé – Dominance de l’espèce mycorhizienne R. rubescens dans une plantation à Pinus pinea. La diversité ectomycorhizienne de plants de P. pinea, inoculés par S. collinitus, a été examinée six années après transplantation dans un site perturbé de La Petite-Ca- margue (Gard, France).L’identification de cette diversitéfongique a été effectuéeà partir de l’espaceurinterne transcrit (ITS) del’acide désoxyribonucléique (ADN) nucléaire et ribosomal. Deux marqueurs moléculaires dérivés de la réactiondepolyméraseenchaîne(PCR) ont été utilisés : le polymorphisme de fragments de restriction (RFLP) et le séquençage des produits d’amplification de l’ADN. Sept et un plants correspondant, respectivement, aux plants inoculés et non inoculés (témoin) ont étéchoisis au hasard.Le typage moléculaire a été réalisé directement à partir des ectomycorhizes. Deux cent trente trois racines courtes mycorhizées ou non ont été examinées. Cinq types d’ITSRFLP ont été détectés. Le type I correspond à l’espèce ectomycorhizienne Rhizopogon rubescens. Cette dernière, est domi- nante (55 %) dans la communauté ectomycorhiziennedecetteplantation.Les autres types d’ITS RFLP ont été rares etrestentnonidenti- fiés. La plantation de P. pinea a montré une faible diversité ectomycorhizienne qui est typique des communautés ectomycorhiziennes des jeunes plantations établies dans des sites perturbés. Pinus pinea L. / plantation / diversité ectomycorhizienne / PCR-RFLP / ADNr (ITS) Ann. For. Sci. 59 (2002) 197–204 197 © INRA, EDP Sciences, 2002 DOI: 10.1051/forest:2002006 * Correspondence and reprints Tel. 04 99 61 24 53; Fax. 04 67 54 57 08; e-mail: mousain@ensam.inra.fr ** Present address: Unité Mixte de Recherche INRA-ENSAM Sol et Environnement, Équipe Rhizosphère et Symbioses. 1. INTRODUCTION In natural ecosystems, roots of forest trees live in as- sociation with below-ground soil-born fungal communi- ties and populations forming symbiotic structures called ectomycorrhizae (ECM) [11]. The ectomycorrhizal my- celium of these symbiotic organs grows and develops or not fruit bodies above the ground. The ectomycorrhizal symbiosis is known to improve the mineral nutrition, the growth and the adaptation of forest trees. Ectomycorrhizal fungi have thus been exploited in many reforestation programmes (for a review see [17, 18]). However, knowledge of the structure and the composition of the ectomycorrhizal fungal communities (EFCs) of the young plantations is still limited [10, 22]. In addition, comparing to the number of recent reports performed on the analysis of the EFCs from mature forests [e.g. 4, 5, 8, 13, 14, 23, 24], information on the EFCs in the young plantations and in the young stands [3, 24] and their rela- tionships with those of the mature forests are rare. In the Mediterranean region, the deterioration of for- ests and its consequences on soil conservation and the stress accompanying the outplanting of young forest trees are often related to the drastic edaphic and climatic conditions. Indeed, for example in the region of “La Pe- tite-Camargue” (Gard, France), the Brasinvert’s domain of approximately 200 hectares of calcareous arenosol was subjected to ecological disturbances (violent storms and drought stress) before 1983, leading to the death of 90% of mature Pinus pinea trees between 1983 and 1986 [2]. After that disturbance, an experimental plantation was established in the domain in 1990 with nursery-non- inoculated and– inoculated with S. collinitus Pinus pinea seedlings [2]. The present investigation examined the diversity of below-ground P.pinea EFC sixyears afteroutplanting in this disturbed site. This wasperformed using PCR-RFLP and sequencing of the rDNA ITS directly from the ectomycorrhizal root tips. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. The experimental plantation of P. pinea The description of the experimental P. pinea planta- tion in the Brasinvert’s domain (latitude: 43 o 28’ 12"; longitude: 4 o 18’ 52"; altitude: 1 m) was detailedby [2]. Two treatments were carried out: seedlings inoculated with S. collinitus (J 3.15.2) and non-inoculated (= con- trol) seedlings. This fungus was collected under a 20- year-old P. pinea plantation in a calcareous arenosol site at “La Grande-Motte” (south of France) in 1985. It was also distinguished from other Suillus spp. [16] and from other S. collinitus strains [6] using ITS sequence and isozyme analysis, respectively. Each treatment was sub- jected to a fertilization with a liquid fertilizer (formula 8- 6.5-13, Dynaflor  , Sète, France) diluted at 0.5% (D), a fertilization with the same solution at 0.1% (D/5) and no fertilization (NF) in the nursery. The inoculated and the control P. pinea seedlings were introduced in three ran- domized complete plots (I, II and III) in the plantation in January 1990.Only 55plants of plot III (36 m × 24 m) in- oculated with S. collinitus (J 3.15.2) and the correspond- ing 14 control plants, all fertilized with the D/5 solution, were considered for further sampling and DNA typing. The inoculated and the control treatments were distrib- uted in three and two lines of plants, respectively. The two treatments, the lines and the plants were 9, 3 and 1.5 m apart, respectively. 2.2. Sampling plants, roots and ECM Soil was carefully removed starting near the base of the plant stem until the roots appear. Digging was then carefully continued in a centrifugal direction to the end of the long roots of 0.97– 2.3 m of length. No abundant roots and young mycorrhizal morphotypes were ob- served during root and ECM surveys. Two types of ECM were found: young ECM with well developed mantle and old ECM associated to dried black roots and having either no mantle or a naturally damaged mantle. A total of eightplants corresponding to 12.7% and7% ofrespec- tively inoculated and control treatments were examined randomly (table I). The inoculated treatment was exam- ined in both Spring and Autumn 1996 (i.e. six years after outplanting), while control treatment was examined in Spring of the same year. Nearly all the roots (4 to 9 per plant) and all the young ECM observed were sampled, while the old ECM were chosen randomly. Both roots and ECM were found at 10–30 cm of soil depth. How- ever, prior to excising the root tips, the root systems were carefully washed to remove most of the adhering soil substrates. A total of 233 ECM (9 to 53 per plant) were taken (140 young ECM, 91 old ECM and two short roots – which seemed non-mycorrhizal) using a binocular mi- croscope (table I). They were then washed once with H 2 O 2 during 30 seconds and then three times with autoclaved H 2 O, and stored at –70 o C for further DNA 198 K. El Karkouri et al. extraction and molecular analysis of the P. pinea EFC. The sampling approach described above presents three advantages: the plants were not completely removed from the soil, the plantation was less damaged, and links between the roots and the plants were ascertained. 2.3. DNA extraction and PCR amplification Total DNA was extracted from the fresh vegetative mycelia andfrom the single ECM usingthe CTABproto- col [7,12]. The nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS = 3’end of 18S + ITS1 + 5.8S + ITS2 + 5’end of 25S) wasamplified by PCRusing ITS1 and ITS4 primers [25]. The amplification reaction consisted of a total vol- ume of50 µL.The first 25 µL corresponded to the diluted total DNA (1/100, 1/125 or 1/250) of the mycelium, or (1/2.5, 1/5, 1/10 and 1/15) of the root tips. The second volume correspondedto a PCRmixture adjusted to25 µL with deionized water (MilliQ). The reagents of the PCR reaction and their final concentrations were: 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.4), 50 mM KCl, 2.5 mM MgCl 2 , 0.05% W-1 (GibcoBRL, Life Technologies), 200 mM each of ultrapure dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP (Pharmacia Biotech), 0.2 mM each of the two primers (Eurogentec, Belgium) and 1.75 units Taq DNA polymerase (GibcoBRL, Life Technologies) [12]. The PCR cycles were ensued according to [7] using a PTC-100 thermocycler (MJ Research, Inc., Watertown, MA, USA). Negative controls (no DNA template) were made in all PCR experiments to check DNA contamination of reaction mixtures. The pUCBM21 DNA (molecular weight marker VIII, Boehringer Mannheim), cleaved with HpaII and DraI plus HindIII was used as size stan- dards. Size of the PCR and RFLP fragments were deter- mined using the ImageMaster 1D Gel Analysis (v 3.0) programme (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech). For RFLP analysis, thenon reproduciblebands withsize lowerthan 67 bp were not considered. 2.4. RFLP analysis Ten microliters of ITS products were mixed with 1.5 µL of the React mix, containing 5 units eachof HinfI, AluI, MspI, CfoI, and RsaI (GibcoBRL, Life Technol- ogies), and adjusted to 15 µL with deionized water ac- cording to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The amplified products and the restriction fragments (RFLPs) were electrophoresed on 1.5% and on 2% high Dominance of R. rubescens in a P. pinea plantation 199 Table I. Number of plantsand ECM examinedand results ofthe successful PCR-ITSamplification and ITS-RFLPtypes obtained inthe P. pinea plantation. Seasons Total of PCR of Y. ECM ITS-RFLP types & plants ECM [O. Y. ] T [s d t ] I II III IV V Spring C1/L2 28 1 [620] 12[1200] 00750 I2/L2 22 [19 3 ] 3 [1 2 0 ] 10002 Autumn I1/L1 20 [0 20] 17 [17 0 0 ] 11 0600 I2/L1 35 [13 22] 21 [8 12 1 ] 0 10 0 0 11 I3/L2 21 [12 9 ] 9 [0 9 0 ] 90000 I4/L2 9 [5 4 ] 0 [0 0 0 ] 00000 I5/L2 45 [23 22] 17 [3 14 0 ] 17 0000 I6/L2 53 [13 40] 39 [0 39 0 ] 39 0000 Total 233 [91 140] 118 [41 76 1 ] 77 10 13 5 13 ECM: ectomycorrhizae. O.: old. Y.: young. C and I: control and inoculated plants, respectively, with their corresponding numbers and lines (L) in the plot. T [s, d, t]: total of successful PCR amplifications [single, double, triple amplified DNA bands]. 1 Two short roots which seemed non-ectomycorrhizal were included. resolution agarose gel (Sigma), respectively, stained with ethidium bromide, and photographed under ultravi- olet light using the Imager 2.02, a system including a mi- cro-computer incorporating an image processing software v. 2.02 related to an UV cabinet by a CDD cam- era (Oncor-Appligene). 2.5. ITS sequencing The sequencing reactions were performed on the am- plified ITS of mycelia and some representative ECM (No. 125, 18, TQ & TU) showing single ITS products. The double stranded ITS products were then purified us- ing the QIAquick PCR purification Kit (Quiagen) in ac- cordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Both strands were sequencedseparately using theBigDye Ter- minator Cycle Sequencing Kit, the AmpliTaq DNA Polymerase FS (Perkin Elmer Applied Biosystems, Fos- ter, City, CA, USA) and the ITS1 or ITS4 primers. Se- quencing products were analysed using the automated ABI PRISM 310 DNA Genetic Analyser (Perkin Elmer Applied Biosystems) at the DNA Sequencing Facilities of INRA-Nancy (France). The sequencing data were ed- ited using Sequencher (Genes Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI, USA) for Macintosh computers. 2.6. Molecular identification of ECM Each “ITS RFLP-type” corresponding to a pool of ECM was named “ITS RFLP-taxon”. To identify these taxa, the ITS RFLP patterns and the ITS sequences were compared with referenced ITS RFLP patterns of ectomycorrhizal species, and with GenBank ITS se- quence database, respectively. ITS sequences were then deposited in theGenBankdatabase. The determinationof the taxa having the closest sequence was performed by DNA sequence comparison using the Blastn program at the National Center for Biotechnology Information. 3. RESULTS Amplification yield of the fungal ITS of the 140 young ECM was high (84%) (table I). In contrast, the old ECM and the short roots of P. pinea did not pro- duce any PCR products. The lack of PCR products with the old ECM likely resulted from the presence ofenzyme inhibitors and/or to the poor quality of these ECM (dry roots without mantle or with a naturally damaged man- tle). Therefore, only young ECM were considered in the subsequent calculations. The amplification products of the young ECM showed either single (29%), double (54%) or triple (approx. 1%) ITS bands, suggesting the presence of fungal contaminants in most mycorrhizal roots. The additional bands showed a low intensity and thus did notaffect the analysis.The absence ofacommon ITS product in the 233 mycorrhizal root tips indicated that there was no amplification of the P. pinea ITS. 3.1. Identification and frequency of the ITS RFLP taxa The size of the PCR products ranged from 600 to 740 bp. The digestion of the ITS products of the young 200 K. El Karkouri et al. Table II. Sizes of the restriction fragments of the amplified ITS of the vegetative mycelia of Suillus collinitus and Rhizopogon rubescens and the four ITS-types detected in the plantation. Taxa & Uncut ITS and ITS-RFLPs (sizes in bp) ITS types ITS HinfI AluI MspI CfoI* RsaI* S. collinitus (J 3.15.2) 698 186/136/114/93/86 635/81 410/154/89 351/332 706 R. rubescens (R 19.1) 726 215/192/126/112 384/258 468/241 363/162/135 733 I 737 212/190/135/112 384/258 468/241 367/165/137 743 II 616 267/208/92 524/65 425/127 301/275/162 621 III 603 264/196/89 508/87 405/115 301/155/115 583 IV 637 270/147 628 216/170/102 207/137/124 488/106 * CfoI andRsaI were used to digesttheITSproductsof only 4 representativeECM(No. 125,18,TQ & TU)corresponding to the4 ITS-RFLP types(I, II, III & IV), respectively. ITS-type V was not determined because it showed restriction digests from a double ITS amplification. ECM with HinfI, AluI and MspI yielded five ITS RFLP types (I to V) (table I). The sizes of the RFLPs, excepted the ITS V where all ECM showed double amplified ITS products, are given in table II. Type I was similar to the RFLP pattern of R. rubescens (R 19.1) (table II and figure 1, lanes 2 and 3). The ITS sequences of R. rubescens (R 19.1) (EMBL accession # AJ277644) and ECM 125 (type I) (EMBL accession # AJ277645) exhibited 96% and 94% homology with the R. rubescens ITS sequence present in the database (GenBank accession # AF158018) [23] (figure 2). This species was the dominant (55%) mycorrhizal symbiont on most inoculated plants sam- pled, at distances ranging from 4 to 21.6 m in the plot. None of the other ITS types (II to V) showed aRFLP pat- tern similar to ITS RFLP patterns of reference strains which included six Suillus species (e.g. S. collinitus, fig- ure 1), Thelephora terrestris and Cenococcum geophilum. The ITS sequences of types II (ECM 18), III (ECM TQ) and IV (ECM TU) did not correspond to any ectomycorrhizal fungi in the GenBank ITS sequence da- tabase. In contrast to the dominant R. rubescens mycorrhizal type, the four other ITS types were detected at a low rate (4 to 9%), in no more than two plants and, at distances of 0.4, 16.4, 0.2 and 2.8 m in the plot, respec- tively. 4. DISCUSSION Diversity of below-ground mycorrhizal fungi in a P. pinea plantation was examined six years after outplanting seedlings inoculated with S. collinitus. This analysis was performed using PCR-RFLP and sequenc- ing of the nuclear rDNA ITS. The absence of visible above-ground fruit bodies, at that time, was consistent with the fact that diversity of below-ground ECM does not necessarily reflect the above-ground fruit body pro- duction in mature forests [5, 8]. Five ITS RFLP types were detected on the root system of 6-year-old pines. This low ectomycorrhizal diversity is supported by pre- vious reports which showed that distribution of species- abundance of young Pinus trees follow geometric series with poor-species communityand few dominant species, while those of mature Pinus forests fit log-normal series with a stable and high species diversity and equitability [13, 15,24]. The poorcommunity in theplantation is also typical of fungal communities developing in severe envi- ronmental conditions [19]. The structure and the compo- sition of ectomycorrhizalfungal communities (EFCs)are also knownto beinfluenced by several disturbances such as fire [13], earth-worm activity, N deposition or Dominance of R. rubescens in a P. pinea plantation 201 Figure 1. Patterns of the uncut amplified rDNA ITS and the HinfI, AluI and MspI digests of ITS of S. collinitus (J 3.15.2) (1), R. rubescens (R 19.1) (2) and the abundant ectomycorrhizal ITS RFLP-taxon I (3) of P. pinea, six years after outplanting. The CfoI and RsaI were used to digest the ITS of one representative young ECM (No. 125) of the ITS RFLP-taxon I. M: Molecular marker. 202 K. El Karkouri et al. 150 R. rubescens (AJ277644) GGTT ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) R. rubescens (AF158018) CGTAGGTGAA CCTG CGGAAG GATCATTAAC GAATATAATT CAGAGGGGCT 51 100 R. rubescens (AJ277644) GACGCTGGCC GAGGAAACGA GGCATGTGCA CGCTCTTCTG TTTTTCATAA ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) CGCTGGCC TTGGAAACGA GGCATGTGCA CGCTCTTCTG TTTTTCATAA R. rubescens (AF158018) GTAGCTGGCC TTGGAAACGA GGCATGTGCA CGCTCTTCTG TTTTTCACAA 101 150 R. rubescens (AJ277644) CTCACCTGTG CACCTAATGT AGGATGCTCC TCTTTCGGGA GGGGGGACCT ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) CTCACCTGTG CAC CTTATGT AGGATGCTCC TCTTTCGGGA GGGGGGACCT R. rubescens (AF158018) CTCACCTGTG CACCTAATGT AGGATGCCTC TCTTTCGGGA GGGGGGACCT 151 200 R. rubescens (AJ277644) ATGTCTTTGT ATAACTCTTC GTGTAGAAAG TCTTAGAATG TTTACTATCA ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) ATGTCTTTGT ATAACTCTTC GTGTAGAAAG TCTTAGAATG TTTACTATCA R. rubescens (AF158018) ATGTCTTCAT ACGCCTCTTC GTGTAGAAAG TCTTAGAATG TTTACTATCA 201 250 R. rubescens (AJ277644) GAGAGTCGCG ACTTC TAGGA GACGCGAATC TTT.GAGATA AAAGTTA.TT ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) GAGAGTCGCG ACTTCTAGGA GACGCGAATC TTCCGAGATA AAAGTTAATT R. rubescens (AF158018) GAGAGTCGCG ACTTCTAGGA GACGCGAATC TCT.GAGATA AAAGTTAATT 251 300 R. rubescens (AJ277644) ACAACTTTCA GCAATGGATC TCTTGGCTCT CGCATCGATG AAGAACGCAG ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) ACAACTTTCA GCAATGGATC TCTTGGCTCT CGCATCGATG AAGAACGCAG R. rubescens (AF158018) ACAACTTTCA GCAATGGATC TCTTGGCTCT CGCATCGATG AAGAACGCAG 301 350 R. rubescens (AJ277644) CGAAAAGCGA TATGTAATGT GAATTGCAGA TCTACAGTGA ATCATCGAAT ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) CGAAAAGCGA TATGTAATGT GAATTGCAGA TCTACAGTGA ATCATCGAAT R. rubescens (AF158018) CGAAAAGCGA TATGTAATGT GAATTGCAG A TCTACAGTGA ATCATCGAAT 351 400 R. rubescens (AJ277644) CTTTGAACGC ACCTTGCGCT CCTCGGTGTT CCGAGGAGCA TGCCTGTTTG ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) CTTTGAACGC ACCTTGCGCT CCTCGGTGTT CCGAGGAGCA TGCCTGTTTG R. rubescens (AF158018) CTTTGAACGC ACCTTGCGCT CCTCGGTGTT CCGAGGAGCA TGCCTGTTTG 401 450 R. rubescens (AJ277644) AGTGTCAGTA AATTCTCAAC CCCTCTTGAT TTGTTTCGAG GGGGAGCTTG ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) AGTGTCAGTA AATTCTCAAC CCCTCTTG AT TTGTTTCGAG AGGGAGCTTG R. rubescens (AF158018) AGTGTCAGTA AATTCTCAAC CCCTCTCGAT TTGTTTCGAG GGGGAGCTTG 451 500 R. rubescens (AJ277644) GATTGTGGGG GCTGCCGGAG ACTAGGACTC G TCCTTGA CTCGGG.CTC ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) GATGGTGGGG GCTGCCG.AC CCTAGGACTT TAATCTTGGA CTCGGGGCTC R. rubescens (AF158018) GATAGTGGGG GCTGCCGGAG ACTAGGATTC G TCCTTGA CTCGGG.CTC 501 550 R. rubescens (AJ277644) TCCTTAAATG CATCGGCTTG CGGTCGACTT TCGACTTTGC GCGACAAGGC ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) TCCTTAAATG CATAGGCTTG CGGTCGACTT TCGACTTTGC GCGACAAGGC R. rubescens (AF158018) TCCTTAAATG CATCGGCTTG CGGTCGACTT TCGACTTTGC GCGACAAGGC 551 600 R. rubescens (AJ277644) TTTCGGCGTG ATAATGATCG CCGTTCGCTG AAGCGCATGA ATGAAG.GTT ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) TTTCGGCGTG ATAATGATCG CCGTTCGCTG AAGCGCATGA ATGAAG.GTT R. rubescens (AF158018) TTTCGGCGTG ATAATGATCG CCGTTTGCTG AAGCGCACGA ATGAAATGTT 601 650 R. rubescens (AJ277644) CCGTGCCTCT AATTCGTCGA CTTAGTATCT CTTCCGAGAG AAAACGTCTT ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) CCGTGCCTCT AATACGTCGN CTTAGTATCT CTTAGNAGAG AAAACGTCTT R. rubescens (AF158018) CCGTGCCTCT AATACGTCGA CTTTT ATGTCTT 651 700 R. rubescens (AJ277644) CTTCATGAC. .TTTGACCTC AAATCA ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) CCTTATNAC. .TTTGACCGN AAATCAGGAA G.ACTACCCG CNGACTCAAA R. rubescens (AF158018) CCTCATTGAC TTTTGACCTC AAATCAGGTN GGACTACCCG CTNAACTTNA 701 727 R. rubescens (AJ277644) ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) R. rubescens (AF158018) GCATATCAAT GAGCGGANGA AAAGAAA Figure 2. Sequence alignment of three R. rubescens ITSs written from5’ to 3’. Accession numbers in EMBL database are put in brackets. occurrence of heavy metals [4]. In the present site, the death of 90% of mature P. pinea trees, the lack of soil ploughing and the high soil salinity revealed by the pres- ence of Salicornia sp. [2], before and/or after outplanting, probably affected the survival of resident mycorrhizal fungi and the colonization of the roots with diverse mycorrhizal propagules. These factors in combi- nation with the severe conditions in the plot, suggested by the presence of large number of either dried or dead ECM, may have limited the mycelial extension (ECM at a depthof 10–30cm) upto thefirst soil horizon O [2] and influenced the development of fruit bodies, at the sixth year of planting. In contrast, temporal ectomycorrhizal surveys carried out under inoculated P. pinaster seed- lings showed the presence of ectomycorrhizal fruit bod- ies during ten years of planting [9, 10]. However, the number and the identity of these ectomycorrhizal species were not high (1–4 species) and not identical each year. This suggests thatthedevelopment of fruitbodiesand the survival of resident ectomycorrhizal species may be sub- jected to distinct influences each year under the experi- mental plantation. The mycorrhizal fungus R. rubescens (ITS RFLP type I) was the dominant taxon in the P. pineaEFC. Sim- ilarly, some Rhizopogon species were also found to dom- inate the ectomycorrhizal communities of Douglas fir and pine seedlings grown on disturbed forest soils [20], 1-year-old P. muricata seedlings after fire [3] and the resistant propagules community (RPC) in young P. muricata bioassay seedlings [23]. Propagules of some Rhizopogon species were described to be tolerant to drought stress [20], to resist to fires [3] and to have per- sistent propagules which respond rapidly to disturbance and increased drastically in colonization success [23]. These data support the fact that R. rubescens was able to cope with the various disturbances cited above in the P. pinea plantation and thus competed well against the S. collinitus inoculant. Its massive presence on P. pinea roots therefore suggeststhat this speciesfollowed similar ecological strategy observed for other Rhizopogon spe- cies [3, 23] and these abilities may be a characteristic of the genus Rhizopogon. On the other hand, 20 and 80% of single R. rubescensECMwere detected aloneorwith one additional fungal contaminant, respectively. This result suggests that R. rubescens species might be in succes- sively phasesof competitionor interaction with other un- identified saprophytic, pathogenic or symbiotic fungus. Indeed, other reports showed various states of composite ECM e.g. between Rhizopogon or Suillus spp. and Chroogomphus spp. under Pinus species [1, 26]. In contrast to R. rubescens species, S. collinitus, which was inoculated on P. pinea seedlings, was not de- tected six years after outplanting. The absence of S. collinitus ECM explained necessarily the absence of its fruit bodies in the plantation, at the time of surveys. However, the absence of S. granulatus and Lactarius deliciosus fruit bodies in a plantation of P. pinaster inoculated with these species did not necessarily indicate their exclusion [9,10], since no fruit body and ECM relationships were investigated using molecular tools. In our study, the exclusion of the inoculant was unexpected for the following reasons. The S. collinitus species is a common symbiotic partner of the P. pinea species, in the Mediterranean region [6, 21]. It was, in addition, col- lected under a 20-year-old P. pinea plantation on a cal- careous arenosoland was introducedinto similar edaphic conditions. Ourresults, suggest thereforethat the ecolog- ical conditions citedabove might have affected the adap- tation of S. collinitus species in the plot and its competitive ability against R. rubescens.IfLaccaria bicolor S238N is a competitive fungus which persisted 10 years after outplanting Douglas-fir seedlings [22], the S. collinitus inoculant seems to be very sensitive to changing sites. More knowledge of the ecological strat- egy of this model species under young Mediterranean plantations should therefore be investigated. This should contribute tothe determination inwhich appropriatehab- itat S. collinitus species would be competitive, dominant and efficient. The current investigation suggests that the analysis of ectomycorrhizal communities in the young plantations provides valuable information on the structure and the composition of the ectomycorrhizal communities and on the ecological strategyoftheir members. Thesecouldim- prove the management of the plantations in Mediterra- nean ecosystems. Acknowledgements: Funding for this work was pro- vided by the European Contract MYCOMED (AIR2- CT94-1149, EC DGXII). We thank the Cemagref team (Division Agriculture et Forêt Méditerranéennes, Groupement d’Aix-en-Provence) which allowed us to work in the experimental plantation “La Petite Camargue”. Dr. K. El Karkouri was supported by a post- doctoral grantsfrom the EuropeanContract MYCOMED to carry out this work and from the INRA (Département des Forêts et Milieux Naturels) to prepare this manu- script. 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(AF158018) ACAACTTTCA GCAATGGATC TCTTGGCTCT CGCATCGATG AAGAACGCAG 301 350 R. rubescens (AJ277644) CGAAAAGCGA TATGTAATGT GAATTGCAGA TCTACAGTGA ATCATCGAAT ITS RFLP type I (AJ277645) CGAAAAGCGA TATGTAATGT. El Karkouri et al.Dominance of R. rubescens in a P. pinea plantation Original article Dominance of the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon rubescens in a plantation of Pinus pinea seedlings inoculated

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2014, 14:20

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