Current Trends and Challenges in RFID Part 12 pot

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Current Trends and Challenges in RFID Part 12 pot

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Using CDMA as Anti-Collision Method for RFID - Research & Applications 15 τ Φ 12 ( τ) -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 (a) CCF of original Code 1 and Code 2 τ Φ 12 ( τ) -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 (b) CCF of adjusted Code 1 and Code 2 Fig. 15. CCF of both, origi nal and adjuste d Gold code s 4.3 RX system path The major tasks of the Receiving system are: • Receive incoming si gnals from several transponders, i.e., downmixing, analog baseband processing and A/D conversion • Find separate data streams (transp onders) by des preading, demodulating and decoding the signals The Receiving system mainly consists of a hardware part that is needed to mix down the backscattered RF sig nal, cente red at f c = 866.5 MHz, into baseband, despread, demodulate , and decod e the baseband si gnal in order to determine the transpond ers’ data. F igure 16 presents the structure of this receiving part of the RFID reader. The incoming RF signal is caught by a receiving antenna (RX) and amplified by a following low noise amplifier (LNA). A s ubsequent Zero-IF IQ-Demodulator mixes down the RF signal directly to baseband. The output of the demodulator consis ts of differential I- and Q-signals, which are band-pass filtered, twice amplified and active low-pass filtered. It has to mentioned that the IQ si gnals are completel y handled differe ntially throughout the amplifier and filte r stages to keep the signal-to-nois e ratio (SNR) at a high level. The succeeding Analog-to-Digi tal conversion (ADC) module samples both, the I- and Q-s ignal, simultaneo usly. The A/D converted signals are fed into a digital signal processor (DSP) block with a data rate of 450 Mbps (Sampl ing of 2 channels with each channel having a res olution of 15 bit (14 data + 1 status bit) including a sampling rate of 15 Msps). The DSP module de spreads, demodul ates and decodes this data stream. The results are the user data of each recognized transponder. The following paragraphs focus on the details of the receiving system. 4.3.1 Demodulator The incoming low-noise amplified signal is fed into the demodulator. The demodulator uses the se cond RF synthe sizer signal (the first is used as RF si gnal so urce for the transmit path, see above) as lo cal oscillator (LO) so urce, to mix down the RF signal dire ctly into baseband (Zero-IF ). The demodul ator is based on the LT5575 chip (Linear Technolog y, 2010a) and is 50 Ω-matched between 865 MHz and 868 MHz. The outp ut of the demodulator is differential with 2 I- and 2 Q-signals, respectively. 319 Using CDMA as Anti-Collision Method for RFID - Research & Applications 16 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH RX LNA Zero-IF Demodulator Band-pass filter Amplifier Amplifier Active low-pass filter ADC module DSP DSP Clock generator Multiplexer PDAP 3xPLL 3xVCO V ref PLL VCO I Q 0 ◦ 90 ◦ 14 14 14 14 f -Div. ADC ADC Fig. 16. Architecture of receiving system 4.3.2 Band-pass filter The differential working band-pass filter, which succeeds the demodulator, is used to suppress the DC-par t of the baseband signal, i.e. mainly the non-inform ation carr ying down-mixed carrier signal, and high-frequency disturbing signal s (from the internal mixer of the de modulator). Therefore the passband is se t between 16 kHz and 20 MHz. 4.3.3 Amplifier stage The followi ng amplifier stage is buil d upon two differential amplifiers (LTC6421-20 (Linear Technology, 2010d) and LTC6420-20 (Linear Technolo gy, 2010c)), each with a differential voltage gain of 10 V/V. 4.3.4 Active anti-aliasing filter The last analog signal processing stage is an active anti-aliasing filter for the succeeding ADC module. The cut-off frequency of the 4th order low-pass filter (Chebyshev characteristic) is currently set to 2.5 MHz. This stage is based on an LT6604-2.5 (Linear Technology, 2010b). 4.3.5 A/D conversion One very important part of the receiving system is a well-designed A/D conversio n stage for the baseband signal. The subjective of the ADC module is a time synchron sampling of the differential I- and Q-signals. The module is base d on a dual A/D converter of type AD9248 from Analog Devices (2010a). Two channels may be samp led synchro nously with a resolution of 14 bit per channel. Maximum sampling rate is 40 Msps. As the fast parall el input of the succeeding DSP module has only 20 bit the internal multiplexer of the A/D converter is used to transmit the I- and Q-data after each other. Therefore one status bit is used to indicate the current transmitted channel data. Here, the A/D conver ter is drive n with 15 Msps per channel, which corr esponds to an overall sampling clock rate of 30 MHz. The 14 bit per channel plus the status bit and the sampling rate, generate in total a data rate of 450 Mbps to be handle d by the subsequent DSP module . 4.3.6 DSP module The purpose of the DSP is the handling of all calculations, necessary to evaluate the transponders’ user data. Therefore, the following stages are neces sary: • Data acquisition (from ADC module) • Despreading of baseband signals • Demodulation of despreade d signals • Decoding of demodulated data 320 Current Trends and Challenges in RFID Using CDMA as Anti-Collision Method for RFID - Research & Applications 17 The followi ng paragraphs give a short introduction to these topics. The data acquisition phase has to be accomplished only once, against what the following stages have to be passed through by every transponder respectively spreading code available. Data acquisition As the amount of data to handle is quit large (450 Mbps) the data streams are not handl ed in real time. However, through the usage of this DSP (ADSP-21469 from Analog Devices (2010b)) the processing speed is quite high. The A/D converted data signals are acquired through the DSP’s PDAP (Parallel Data Aqui sition Port) inte rface. From there, they are transfered to an internal 8x32 bit buffer. Finally, the data are passe d via DMA access to an internal memory. As of limited memory capabilities the data is transferred block-wise to the external memory. As the sampled values are stored as 32 bit values (DWORD), the amount of data for one shot (duration is T shot ≈ 188 μs) is 90112 samples per channel, so in total 720896 bytes or 704 kbytes. Desp r eading The process of despread ing is the mos t calculation intensive operati on the DSP has to handle. As this phase needs more time than the data acquis ition process the system is, up-to-date not able to work real-time. Parallel processing would be a good sol ution. The DSP itself has a clock rate of 450 MHz. Despreading data from the baseband signal has to be done for I- and Q-channe l separately. The despreading operation is realized using the cross-correlation between I and Q signals and the origin codes used by every transponder in the field. If s [k] is the I or Q signal and c [k] one of the corresponding codes of one of the transponders, the cross-correlation Φ s,c (τ) between these signals is done by multiplying every time instance signal s with code c. Equation (15) shows the correspondi n g relati onship between c [k] and s[k],whereas matches the convolution function: [s  c][τ]=Φ s,c (τ)= +∞ ∑ t=−∞ s ∗ [t] · c[τ + t] (15) A code length of 128 chips corresponds to 1280 samples (R chi p = 1.5 Msps and R sample = 15 Msps) and 90112 sample s per channel for I and Q. This results into 230,686,720 multipl ications and 180,224 additions. One goal was to red uce this high amount of ope rations. This is realized through estimatio n of the time moments the chips appear within the IQ signals. This estimation method works as follows. The IQ baseband si gnal is sampled and corr elated among the first 2 · 1280 = 2560 samples. This results in 6,553, 600 multiplications and 5120 additio ns. The first maximum, corresponding to the first peak indicates the initial index i 0 to start the despreading process. The following peaks are estimated by jumping from i 0 , 1280 sam ples ahead. As cer tain incertitud es (oscillators, etc.) will lead to synchronization errors, the correlation is not only made at sample index i 0 + n · 1280, but at 5 samp les before and after the estimated time index. That means, the second peak is determ ined by executing the cros s-correlation Φ i,1 (τ) as give n in Equation (16). Φ i,1 (τ)= i 0 +1280+5 ∑ t=i 0 +1280−5 s ∗ [t] · c[τ + t] (16) The result is 11 correlations per pe ak and a new synchroni zation index, as the new peak indicates the next starti ng point for the succeeding peak estimation. With 70 data peak s within one shot and 1 within the initial guess, the total number of cor relations per channel 321 Using CDMA as Anti-Collision Method for RFID - Research & Applications 18 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH is 2560 + 69 · 11 = 3319. This leads to 8,496,640 multiplications and 6,638 add itions in total for both channels. This is only 3.6% of the full correlati on. Demodulation The process of demodulation inherits the merge of the I and Q signal s. According to their signal quality, estimated through the maxi mum correlation values , the signals are weig hted and s uperimposed. This process of demodulation is beyond this paper’s scope and not further described. Decoding user data The demodulated signal stream is Manches ter coded (Lo effler et al., 2010) and needs to be decoded accordingly. The resulting data stream corresponds to the transponder’s respectively the user data. Frequency in MHz Signal power in dBm Distance 1 m Distance 2 m Distance 3 m 866.5 865862859856853 868 871 874 877 880 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 Fig. 17. Spectrum of backscattered signal fro m transponde r 5. Measurements This section presents measurements of various parts of the system, including transponder, analog baseband processi ng and DSP. 5.1 Transponder measurements Figure 17 shows the spectrum of the backscattered transponde r signals. For this measu rement an RF signal (P TX = 10 dBm, f carrier = 866.5 MHz) is fed into the linear polari zed trans mit antenna. One transponder is placed at a distance of 1, 2 and 3 m. The resulting reflected signal spectrum after the receiving antenna is shown in Figure 17. As expected, the backscattered signal parts drop with increasing distance from the read er’s antennas. The IQ constellation diagrams of the received RF signal are shown throughout Figure 18(a) to Figure 18(c). It can be shown that the backscattered signals show a mixture between ASK and PSK modulation. For instance, as in Figure 18(a), the mean of the data points (from the two states of the one transponder) is not the origin (0,0). This discrepancy is the effect of multipath and structural antenna mode scattering. S ame applies for Figure 18(b) with 2 322 Current Trends and Challenges in RFID Using CDMA as Anti-Collision Method for RFID - Research & Applications 19 transponders , generati ng 2 2 = 4 constellati on po ints, and Figure 18(c) with 3 transponders, gener ating 2 3 = 8 constellation points. The number of conste llation po ints for n transp onders is 2 n because all n trans ponders have 2 states sharing the same coherent RF signal fro m the reader. However, as expected the transponder s show a near exact BPSK modulation (as configured in Subsubsection 4.2.3), if the ASK part is neglected. Inphase in mV Quadrature in mV Frequency of occurrence 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 (a) IQ constellation diagram for 1 transponder Inphase in mV Quadrature in mV Frequency of occurrence 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 (b) IQ constellation diagram for 2 transponders Inphase in mV Quadrature in mV Frequency of occurrence 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 (c) IQ constellation diagram for 3 transponders Fig. 18. Various IQ constellation di agrams for 1, 2 and 3 transponders in the field of the reader 5.2 RX measurements Two measurements have been carried out to show the basic working pr inciple of the analog baseband processing module. The goal of this module is the signal conditioning for the succeeding ADC module. Figure 19(a) shows the output of the demodulator, i.e. the I- and Q-signals. As mentioned above these signals are handled differentially (I + , I − , Q + and Q − ). To sim plify matters the differential signals have been put together (I = I + − I − and Q = Q + − Q − ) . The signals are amplified and filtered with a resulting signal as shown in Figure 19(b). The signals were recorded with 2 transponders in the field. As in the IQ measurements before , 2 transponders generate 2 2 = 4 different signal levels (evaluated from Figure 19(b)) leading to a quasi QPSK-like signal with an elliptic distribution of the absolute 323 Using CDMA as Anti-Collision Method for RFID - Research & Applications 20 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH values: 0.1 V + j0.2 V ≡ 0.23 e +j49.4 ◦ ≡ 0.23 e j0 ◦ (17) 0.3 V − j0.4 V ≡ 0.55 e −j50.5 ◦ ≡ 0.55 e j260.1 ◦ −0.2 V − j0.2 V ≡ 0.27 e −j123.7 ◦ ≡ 0.27 e j186.9 ◦ −0.4 V + j0.5 V ≡ 0.59 e −j233.6 ◦ ≡ 0.59 e j77.0 ◦ Although the phase relations between the different states is about 90 ◦ in this measurement, usually the phase is randomly distributed, being dependent on the geometric formation between transponder and reader antennas. This snapshot was taken because of easy visibility. 5.3 DSP measurements The DSP module comes with some debugging functionalities. One of these functionalities is able to provide the DSP values, from its internal or external memories, via USB to a host PC. Figure 20 shows the results of a full cross-correlation. For simplicity the CCFs have been normalized to one. The values show the maximum number of samples (90112) and the peaks, with each peak describi ng a bit. The value of the bit may be positive ( +1) or negative (−1). The dif ference between the peaks and the noi se floor is an indicator for the quality of the communication link. Time in μs Voltage in m V Inphase Time in μs Voltage in m V Quadrature 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 (a) IQ signal after demodulator / 2 Transponders Time in μs Voltage in V Inphase Time in μs Voltage in V Quadrature 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 (b) IQ signal after baseband processing / 2 Transponders Fig. 19. IQ signals after de modulator (right) and after baseband processi ng (left) 6. Results According t o the measurements the proposed system worked as expected. It was proved that the UHF RFID system for broadcasting information data using a CDMA method worked out ver y good. During the experiments there was a maximum di stance to the antennas being around 15 m. The transmitted RF-power at 866.5 MHz was 20 dBm. The introduced transponders are semi-pas sive, which means that the communication link is still passive, whereas the data gene ration (on the transponder’s sid e) is active, driven by 3.3 V power supplies. Smaller problems arose, when v arious transponder had a different path length to the antennas. In that case one transpo nder (the neares t) do minated the second transponder (more far away) which often occurred to a non-detection of transponder two. This problem is known 324 Current Trends and Challenges in RFID Using CDMA as Anti-Collision Method for RFID - Research & Applications 21 Sample index Normalized CCF CCF of Q component with Code 1 (Transponder 1) Sample index Normalized CCF CCF of I component with Code 2 (Transponder 2) 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Fig. 20. Cross-correlation of signals with origin spreading codes - Process of despreading / 2 Transponde rs in CDMA systems and is referred to as near-far problem (Andrews, 2005). One possibility to red uce the near-far effect is t he usage of Huffman sequences (Liu & Guo, 2008). But this approach asks fo r more than 2 states of the load impedance of the transponder’s modulator. Nevertheless, carried out indoor exp eriments showed that the near-far effect of the propose d system is, in fact, very low. Also, theoretical work, which states an advantage (this statement is only valid for certain cases) of CDMA-base d RFID systems compared to state-of-the-art RFID systems based on TDMA methods, complies with the measured results of the proposed CDMA-based UHF RFID system. 7. Conclusion This article presented an implementation of a CDMA-based RFID sys tem work ing in the UHF region. At the beginning the article gave a short introduction to anti-collision methods used in RFID technology. Subsequently, a performance comparison was made to show the effect of using CDMA in RFID. It could be stated, that CDMA does outperform traditional TDMA methods, but only in particular fields of applications. The implemented RFID system itself is build upon a Transmitting system provid ing a continuous electromagne tic wave. This emitted RF carrier is backscattered through one or more designed UHF tags. Each of these semi- passive operating transponde rs gener ate a unique sp reading sequence. The proposed spreading sequences are Gold codes providing a good orthogonality. A simple modulator on the transponder generates the desired backscatter signal. The Receiving system captures this signal by down mixing the RF si gnal to baseband . Further analog signal processing and subsequent A/D conversion gives the DSP the chance to despread, demodulate and decode the desi red transponder signals. The significant advantage of such a structure compared to present systems lies in the ability to avoid particular TDMA-based anti-collision schemes. Certainly, this will lead to less time needed for inventorizing RFID tags, as this can be achieved within one time slot. However, the number of tags to be read this way, is somewhat limited (due to the usage of CDMA), whereas TDMA methods may recognize a huge amount of transponders, indeed, at the expens e of time to identify. 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A Low Delay M ultiple Reader Passive RFID System Using Orthogonal TH-PPM IR-UWB, Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2010 Proceedings of 19th International Conference on, pp. 1 –6. 328 Current Trends and Challenges in RFID [...]... 1997) 348 Current Trends and Challenges in RFID Taking into consideration the fact that the stabilizer is on input to the part of the tag chip and it influences tag’s antenna unit, it is necessary to make the synthesis of a module which was divided into two parts: rectifier and voltage regulator Rectification of the voltage induced in the tag antenna loop, takes place in half-wave and full-wave rectifier... aspects of operating conditions of efficiency identification in anticollision RFID systems Fig 1 Illustration of RFID automatic identification process 336 Current Trends and Challenges in RFID To generalise, the operation of passive anticollision inductive- (LF, HF), and also propagation (UHF) coupling RFID system is characterized by the interrogation zone (IZ) which is estimated in any direction of... Calculated interrogation zone for n-tags which are located on height zID xBk xB3 xB2 xB1 x step k yAk n-tags located in Pi(xi,yi,zID) points, where i=1 n step 3 yA3 step 2 yA2 step 1 yA1 y yBk xBk x xAk k-step yAk Fig 2 Graphic representation of the process of determining the interrogation zone in anticollision RFID system using MC method 338 Current Trends and Challenges in RFID orientation in 3D space... components are given by: Bx  Bx  sin( ) (18) Bz  Bz  cos( ) (19) Fig 6 Typical orientation of tags working in anticollision RFID system in relation to components of magnetic induction vector 346 Current Trends and Challenges in RFID Fig 7 Orientation of a tag, which is deviated of  and  angles from components of magnetic induction vector: a) deviation in 3D coordinate, b) deviation of  angle on... attacks), and Alomair et al had extended the above protocol to prevent DOS attacks and possible key exposure 332 Current Trends and Challenges in RFID problem Since these extensions are not relevant to our improvements, we will not discuss these parts for easy presentation, and interested readers are referred to [1] for details Fig 1 The UCS -RFID protocol 3 Extending the USC -RFID to untraceability In Section... presented above is marginal, yet very interesting from a scientific point of view 3 Conditions of correct operation of anticollision RFID system with inductive coupling Passive RFID systems with inductive coupling are widespread (ID World, 2009; Wolfram et al., 2008; Jones & Chung, 2007; Paret, 2005) These systems can operate in individual and anticollision regime (Finkenzeller, 2003), and the need to design... Tags,” In RFID Privacy Workshop, 2003 [8] S A Weis, “Security and Privacy in Radio-Frequency Identification Devices,” Masters Thesis MIT, 2003 [9] G Avoine, E Dysli, and P Oechslin, “Reducing time complexity in RFID systems,” The 12th Annual Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography(SAC), 2005 [10] H Y Chien, “SASI: A New Ultra-Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol Providing Strong Authentication and. .. PP for the random variables xi and yi (which are stochastically independent, and which have a uniform distribution) in function of the m·n has been presented in Fig 3 Fig 3 Example result of probability PP of sampling of independent random variables xi and yi in function of numbers product: multiple sampling of m and n-tags location Assuming that the probability PP exceeds the value 0.95 independently... independently for the random variables xi and yi, the value m·n=250 was determined during the calculation of interrogation zone in automatic identification process These parameters were determined for 106 sampling of 250 independent random variables xi and yi which have a uniform distribution For every sampling, the minimum value of probability PP has been searched The determined value of m·n=250 is... anticollision RFID system For a laboratory process of automatic objects identification the solution of the problem consists in finding the interrogation zone of given RFID system, with its shape, location and Application of Monte Carlo Method for Determining the Interrogation Zone in Anticollision Radio Frequency Identification Systems 337 ΩID Axis of symmetry of RWD antenna and interrogation zone of RFID system . of Load Modulation in RFID Systems Op erating in Real Environment, Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE 7: 243 –246. 326 Current Trends and Challenges in RFID Using CDMA as Anti-Collision. i.e., downmixing, analog baseband processing and A/D conversion • Find separate data streams (transp onders) by des preading, demodulating and decoding the signals The Receiving system mainly consists. effect of multipath and structural antenna mode scattering. S ame applies for Figure 18(b) with 2 322 Current Trends and Challenges in RFID Using CDMA as Anti-Collision Method for RFID - Research

Ngày đăng: 19/06/2014, 19:20

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