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Biện pháp đào tạo hệ đại học tại các trung tâm giáo dục thường xuyên cấp tỉnh khu vực Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long

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Biện pháp đào tạo hệ đại học tại các trung tâm giáo dục thường xuyên cấp tỉnh khu vực Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long

BỘ GIÁO DỤCĐÀO TẠO CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM ĐẠI HỌC THÁI NGUYÊN Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc Thái Nguyên, ngày tháng 10 năm 2009 THÔNG TIN TÓM TẮT VỀ NHỮNG KẾT LUẬN MỚI CỦA LUẬN ÁN TIẾN SĨ 1. Tên đề tài: 2. Chuyên ngành - Mã số: Lí luận và Lịch sử giáo dục. Mã số: 3. Nghiên cứu sinh: Đào Hoàng Nam 4. Người hướng dẫn: PGS.TS Phạm Viết Vượng và PGS.TS Phạm Hồng Quang 5. Cơ sở đào tạo: Trường Đại học Sư phạm -Đại học Thái Nguyên 6. Những kết luận mới của lu ận án: - Về lí luận, luận án đã xác định bản chất của quá trình liên kết đào tạo là quá trình phát triển và hình thành năng lực mới cho cả hai bên nhằm một mục tiêu nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo. Do vậy, kết quả đào tạo tại TTGDTX phụ thuộc vào chất lượng của trường đại học -người đảm bảo chất lượng và phụ thuộc vào điều kiện của TTGDTX c ấp tỉnh, sự phân định này là yếu tố đảm bảo hiệu quả đào tạo; chất lượng đào tạo đại học tại các TTGDTX được đánh giá dựa vào chuẩn và nhu cầu của xã hội. Tại các TTGDTX cấp tỉnh khu vực ĐBSCL, sản phẩm đào tạo được xã hội thừa nhận và đáp ứng được yêu cầu phát triển của các ngành nghề ở địa phương là ch ỉ tiêu cơ bản để đánh giá chất lượng; giải pháp nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo đại học thông qua hình thức liên kết giữa trường đại học với TTGDTX cấp tỉnh có ý nghĩa, tầm quan trọng đặc biệt để nâng cao hiệu quả đào tạo, đặc biệt là đối với các vùng khó khăn. - Về thực tiễn, luận án đã chứng minh: đào tạo đại học tại các TTGDTX đã tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho một bộ phận lớn người học được tiếp thu nền học vấn cao, góp phần đào tạo nguồn nhân lực tại chỗ cho các địa phương và giảm sức ép vào học tập trung tại các trường. Hình thức liên kết đào tạo sẽ giúp các TTGDTX sớm tiếp cận được các chương trình đào tạo tiên tiến, phương pháp dạy và họ c hiện đại, có điều kiện bồi dưỡng để nâng cao trình độ cho đội ngũ giảng viên và cán bộ quản lý của trung tâm. Chất lượng đào tạo là yếu tố quyết định sự tồn tại của cơ sở giáo dục; quan hệ giữa các cơ sở giáo dục cần phải được thể chế hoá bằng pháp luật - đây là yếu tố đảm bảo nâng cao chất lượ ng đào tạo trong quá trình liên kết đào tạo. Biện pháp liên kết đào tạo đại học tại các TTGDTX cấp tỉnh khu vực ĐBSCL cần tập trung vào hệ thống các tác động đa diện về các mặt của quan hệ liên kết như: tăng cường nhận thức; quá trình quản lí; tăng cường và đảm bảo điều kiện đào tạo và đánh giá. CÁN BỘ HƯỚNG DẪN NGHIÊN CỨ U SINH PGS.TS Phạm Hồng Quang PGS.TS Phạm Viết Vượng Đào Hoàng Nam 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Reason The Tenth National Communist Party Congress stated that the strategic aim to change our country into a country which consists of rich people, strong country, a fair, democratic, and civilized society. The Congress has clearly stated “In order to achieve successful industrialization and modernization, we must have strong developing steps in education and training, promote human force, the basic factor of rapid and stable development.” Developing education and training is considered the first national policy, the foundation to develop human force. From that, during the past years, education branch has had many reforming methods in the tendency of diversifying training modes to supply the education demand for every class of people and to establish a studying society “everyone can study, study continuously and study during a lifetime”. Formal education is connected with non-formal education Continuing Education Centers (CECs) play their important roles in education. Training co- operation model between universities and CECs to supply the human force demand to the provinces, especially the mountainous, rural areas in particular Mekong Delta (MD) - places having limits about conditions to develop higher education training. During the past years, CECs in MD plays a positive roles in advancing people’s knowledge in various economic parts as well as standardizing officers. This is, probably speaking, an effective training method which has been applied for years and still suitable in the next stage because of people’s great and plentiful study demand. However, beside the positive effects, there are some shortcomings that should be surmount to increase the training quality. The above analysis proves that systematic researches must be very necessary in enhancing higher education’s quality at these centers, supply high quality human source demand of MD. That is also the reason why the writer choose his thesis research topic which is: “Higher education training methods at the provincial CECs in MD" 2. PURPOSE Science theory and reality are established to propose methods for higher education training at CECs in MD following the viewpoint of training human for society need. 3. OBJECTS Research objectives Higher education training’s activity at the provincial CECs in MD. Research objects Higher education training methods at the provincial CECs in MD toward society need. 4. RESEARCH LIMITATION - Methods affecting elements of higher education training process at provincial CECs are concentrated in order to enhance training quality. - Researches at 3 centers in Bac Lieu, Ben Tre, Bac Lieu and five universities in Can Tho and Ho Chi Minh city where the co-operation with these centers is deployed. - Research period is from 2004 to 2008 5. SCIENCE SUPPOSITON Higher education training at the provincial CECs in MD is an important method with the purpose of supplying socio-economic development demand of the whole area. If there is a system with global methods that fit to activity features of the centers, training quality will be enhanced. 6. RESEARCH TASKS • Studying theory foundation about higher education training at provincial CECs in MD. • Surveying reality of training quality at the provincial CECs in MD. • Proposing training methods at the provincial CECs in MD. 7. ARGUMENTATIVE METHOD OF THE RESEARCH This topic is researched depending on viewpoints of dialectical and historical materialism, structure – network, logic – history, reality and development. 8. RESEARCH METHOD The following methods are taken: 2 8.1. Group of theory researches: Methods of analysis, collection, systematization and generalization toward argumentative and legal documents are used to define instrument concepts and to form theory frame for the topic. 8.2. Group of Reality Researches 8.2.1.Surveying methods: - Reality survey to collect training process information at the provincial CECs in MD. - Investigation method by making questionnaire and communicating directly with managerial staffs, lecturers of the CECs, universities, and some of MD province leaders. 8.2.2.Summarization method about training experience at the provincial CECs in MD. 8.2.3. Professional method by asking educational experts’ opinions about training quality and methods at the provincial CECs in MD. 8.2.4. Experimenting method. Its purpose is to determine effect and practicability of training co-operating methods applied the provincial CECs in MD. 8.3. Assistant Method: The thesis uses mathematic statistics to handle the above said collected data 9. NEW CONTRIBUTION - About the theory: the thesis has contributed its part to make clear training process’s particularity at the provincial CECs in MD so that development tendency of continuing mode in current social background will be found. - About the reality: the thesis proposes and verifies suitable, feasible method to enhance training quality at the provincial CECs in MD. 10. THESIS STRUCTURE - Introduction - Chapter 1: Argumentative foundation of training methods at the provincial CECs. - Chapter 2: Reality of training quality at the provincial CECs in MD. - Chapter 3: Methods to enhance training quality at the provincial continuing centers in MD CHAPTER 1 ARGUMENTATIVE FOUNDATION OF TRAINING METHODS AT THE PROVINCIAL CECS 1.1. GENERAL 1.1.1. Researches about Continuing Education: Continuing Education is an issue remarked by many countries. A work that is accepted as a philosophy of the twenty – first century education is the report of International Committee about the twenty-first century education, under the control of Jacques Delors, with the so-called name “study, a potential treasure”. In which chapter 5 is reserved for analyzing lifetime study. From that it is concluded as a philosophy of education necessary for the twenty-first century: study for a lifetime and study in the whole society. Apart from the above research, there are many other researches by Alvin Toffler, Warren Bennis, Stephen Covey, Gary Hamel, Kevin Kelly, Philip Kolter, John Kotter Michael Porter, Perer Senge, Thomas L. Friedman, Raja. Roysingh, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi that analyze the specific features of a modern society, established on the foundation of the system of rapidly developed, strongly changed scientific knowledge and global information. In France, all people studying and studying for lifetime idea is proposed by Paolo Lange, an education manager in the 1960s of the twentieth century. In Japan, since the beginning of 1970s of the previous century, Japan education has reformed in the direction of giving conditions for all people to study for lifetime. From 1984 to 1987, Japan proposed the guideline: Establishing a lifetime education institution in transition to a new stable education system. In the U.S, in April of 1984, in the report of Federal high quality education Committee to the Congress, it emphasizes: putting all force in lifetime education, opening an education tendency with studying socialization aim. In Korea, on the thirty-first of May 1995, Council of Education Reforming researched and 3 published the book “new education system”, its basic viewpoint is establishing a vivid and open education society. In Vietnam, non-formal education and formal education have been deployed since 1945 and developed strongly. Continuing education has been up to now listed in such stages as anti-illiteracy campaign, continuation classes, continuing education. The appearance of continuing education from provinces to districts, communes gives people a chance to study more. About legal foundation, non- formal education and regular education are institutionalized in Law of Education. 1.1.2. Researches on training co-operation between higher education training places and CECs. Continuing education development issue is emphasized in researches that community must consider continuing education a condition to develop people’s knowledge standard, everyone’s and local government’s responsibility. These researches also point out continuing education tendencies: - From concentration to non-concentration; - From the tendency imposing top down to taking the initiative bottom up; - From the tendency state-centered to community-centered; - From the tendency formal to non- formal; - From rigidity to flexibility; - From the activeness of education branch to that of community. Training co-operation is the content and also one of the forms of continuing education tendency in our country at present. In our country, Law of Education in 2005, article 46 obviously defines about higher education training co-operation. Now, higher education training co-operation shows many drawbacks on aspects, many theory and reality problems, higher education training co-operation has not been researched systematically. 1.2. BASICALLY RELATED CONCEPTS 1.2.1. Continuing Education The term Continuing Education is sometimes used equally with the term “Adult Education”, “Out of school Education”, “Community Education”, or Non-formal Education, [85], although their meaning are not completely the same. In 1987, UNESCO take out the concept: continuing education is all studying chances for people who wish and need to study more after the anti-illiteracy campaign [according to 114]. In Vietnam, researchers believe that non-formal education is understood organized activities for people who don’t study in the formal education system. Continuing education is non-formal education type to help people to study continuously in their lifetime in order to widen their knowledge, advance their knowledge standard, professional skills, professional qualification to improve their living quality, get jobs and adapt well with social life. In modern society and developing tendency in future, because the distance between basic and non-basic knowledge is gradually narrowed and removed, there are only formal education (which means initial education) and continuing education (means continuous education). This concept fits to UNESCO’s concept and it is established legally in Vietnamese Education Law issued in 2005. Law of Education in 2005 [94] defines that the national education system consists of formal education and continuing education. The state has the policies for developing continuing education, does the education for all people, establishes studying society. The forms of continuing education include: + Working – studying + Far Study + Self – study with teachers’ guide. 4 1.2.2. Training Training is a social activity to transmit and spread experience to learners. Training always connects with certain careers, which is decided in scale, knowledge, structure and limits about time, space, content and characteristics. Continuing education is a training type to help learners studying, working, studying continuously, studying for a lifetime to complete and widen the knowledge, advance learning capacity, professional skills and professional qualification to adapt well with the change of job and social life. 1.2.3. Organizing training operation Training co-operation is a combination of education places to organize and execute a process which forms learners a series of knowledge, attitude, skills, and other correlative virtues. Training co-operation which is done according to the contracts between universities and CECs is one of the suitable and effective training co-operation forms in current stage. In this form, universities are responsible for training quality, CECs are responsible for surveying learning demand, planning opening time, making reports to authority organs, preparing facilities and buildings to serve training process, assigning managing officers and joining the managing process. 1.2.4. Training quality: * Quality: Thought about quality was formed early in human history. In modern society, quality issue is more and more deeply remarkable and on the top – ranking which many manufacturers and service supply officers pay attention to because of their organization’s survival and development. Quality assurance is a survival issue not only enterprises, organizations but also all social aspects relating to supply - demand link in society. Quality is the scale that the product satisfies the customers’ demand, and fits to the stated purpose. * Educational quality: Educational quality is the suitability of learners’ development compared with the aim of education process. Educational quality consists of two important components: - The first component reflects studying aspects including knowledge, skills, attitude. - The second component is the creative capacity and adaptation of learners after the education process. * Training quality “Training quality is understood a typical type to reflect the education and training results continuously from the beginning of the training process to its end” [ 15]. The concept of training quality has a close relation to the concept training effectiveness. The historical characteristics of quality requires the concern to training aim, contents, programs, teaching staff, building and facilities, managing mechanism to serve teaching and studying activities in each stage. Training quality is the knowledge that the trained product achieves in comparison with the stated purpose in the real supply conditions. * Enhancing training quality Enhancing training quality is improving every step, every stage, every training time relating to, teachers, learners, managers, service people. * Enhancing university training quality Enhancing university training quality in continuing education type is executing the suitable methods with adult learner training, closely connecting with the society’s demands and suitable with the demands of the province’s development to get the highest training purpose 1.3. FEATURES OF HIGHER EDUCATION TRAINING CO-OPERATION MODEL IN PROVINCIAL CECS. 1.3.1. Continuing education in the national education system. 5 Continuing education type has the following features: - Organizing forms: in-service study, far study - Flexible studying time: non-frequent getting together, studying on weekends, studying in evenings, studying after working time - Places of studying: tends to make the studying places nearer to learners, opening classes in local areas, far from formal universities - Studying objectives are all people, no distinguishing in ages - Studying programs concentrate on practicing, solving more real problems than formal training, tend to supply the temporary demands. - Purpose and meaning of continuing education is widening the understanding, advancing learning capacity, professional skills, professional qualification, improving living quality, getting jobs and adapting to social life. 1.3.2. Legal foundation of higher education training in provincial CECs Item 4 of execution and organization Status of the Continuing Education (issued and enclosed with Decision n 0 01/2007/QD-BGDDT dated on January 2 nd 2007 by Minister of Training and Education Ministry) defines: - When executing continuing education programs to get technical degrees, technical schools, universities are allowed to co-operate with CECs with the following conditions: + CECs must assure the facilities and buildings, managing officers must be suitable with each training co-operation major. + Training co-operation is executed according to training co-operation contracts; technical schools, universities are completely responsible for training co-operation. - When executing continuing education programs to get college, university degrees, universities are allowed to provincial CECs with the following conditions: + CECs must assure the facilities and buildings, managing officers must be suitable with each training co-operation major. + Training co-operation is executed according to training co-operation contracts; technical schools, universities are completely responsible for training co-operation. 1.3.3. Scientific foundation of higher education training co-operation at the provincial CECs: Scientific foundation of training co-operation between universities and the provincial CECs is the educational argument for adults, making real situations about lifetime learning issue. Learners of training co-operation classes are adults, which is the premise to help them study well in long time. However, a part of learners are middle –aged, so health has certain affect on their study. Their intelligence, attention, flexibility are worse than young ones. Many learners of co- operating classes are officers or workers in various economic classes who have jobs and stable life, they have to be worried a lot about their work, so they sometimes ignore and don’t really spend time for studying. 1.4. AFFECTING FACTORS TO THE HIGHER EDUCATION TRAINING QUALITY IN PROVINCIAL CECS. Affecting factors to the higher education training in continuing education: - Capacity of universities are shown in their available forces as: + Knowledge and capacity of teaching staff joining the training process. + Training programs. + Training methods. + Studying materials to provide learners. - Capacity of CECs are: + Buildings and facilities for teaching. + Managing staff. + Following training regulations. - Studying, spirit, awareness, methods of learners. - Social environment, education movement in the local areas 6 1.5. EXPERIENCES IN HIGHER EDUCATION TRAINING IN CONTINUING EDUCATION TYPE IN SOME COUNTRIES. 1.5.1. Experiences in adult learner training. Generally, training plans of countries always connects with the real human force of each branch, each area. In the plans, defined statement of quantity and types of labor need training, advancing knowledge, studying programs, suitable studying forms with each type of learners, the training prosperity of each organization, of the whole branch according to the balance in training the economy and society of the country, necessary cost for training. On that foundation, various training types are deployed to supply the human force demand. Continuing education is appreciated and promote well its role in training plan. Universities are flexible in executing training models in continuing education general situation. 1.5.2. Experiences in selecting learners. In the US, Japan, British, when they select learners, the requirements about graduating degrees, professional capacity, learning capacity and devoting capacity of learner after the courses are arranged top. Learners must have petition asking for studying, write an essay, have recommendation from their managers. Therefore, right at the enrolling step, capacity and morality of learners are arranged top with certain criterions done a third person, not only based on the exam papers. 1.5.3. Experiences in designing training program. Designing programs must help learners to approach their studying and careers in different ways. Plans must be diversified and flexible: short-time program, multi – module short-time programs, long-time programs, training online programs With multi-module short-time programs, after finishing, learners are provided with certificates. With long-time programs, learners are provided with bachelor degrees if they have a science thesis, diplomas if they don’t have science thesis. Studying time is often in afternoon after working time, on weekends or certain time summer. Contents of training programs in continuing education of the countries tend to providing knowledge and skills for people who directly work. With knowledge of a bachelor degree, programs both provide large knowledge deep in certain professions, paying attention to science research from working reality to social life. Learners, after choosing a major, designs a studying plan which is suitable with working conditions to finish the course. 1.5.4. Experiences in teaching method and learners’ results evaluation Higher education and postgraduate training programs applied in continuing education emphasize practice. The programs are founded on learners’ experience, and helps teachers or counselors share, explore that experience and test theory through real working of learners. Individual learning effectiveness includes natural satisfaction in completion and training, being interested in new things, requirement of new knowledge understanding and skill training. Real effectiveness: connects with increasing the stability in working, enlarging possible ways in training professional qualification and achievement in working, real application Economy effectiveness: connects with making conditions to get higher salary. Researches conclude that all methods must assure the purpose of training with knowledge, skills and attitude for learners, be used generally, synchronously in a class time, be flexible and able to encourage learners to take part in learning process. CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 1 1. Continuing education exists as an essential requirement of society. The development of continuing education is becoming a tendency in the development of modern education. Continuing education helps people have chances to study, study continuously, study for a lifetime, and forms a studying society. 7 2. The development of continuing education in out countries at present does not supply the demand of life reality. Many theoretical issues have not been studied systematically, executing education and training process still have many drawbacks on aspects as program contents are not essential, training methods are not really suitable with learners’ features, training steps are not close, facilities and buildings are not sufficient Besides, some social factors also have considerable effects on training quality. 3. International experiences about continuing education are very plentiful and diversified, many good, useful lessons need researching to gradually apply to the real situation of our country. 4. Higher education training co-operation model in Vietnam between universities and CECs are considered new creation, which encourages the development of universities and provincial CECs and serve the development of human force for areas. CHAPTER 2 REALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATIONS TRAINING AT PROVINCIAL CECS IN MD 2.1. GENERAL ABOUT EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN MD Education and training in MD from 2000 to 2005 had considerable development. - About student quantity: The number of children going to nursery schools multiplies 22.5 times; kindergarten pupils 1.3 times; junior high school students 1.13 times; senior high school students 1.3 times; career training enrolment 9.5 %; technical secondary school students 1.47 times; college and university students 1.24 times. - School – class network: there are elementary schools and junior high schools in all communes and wards; there are high schools in most districts. In 5 years, 13 career schools and 12 colleges and universities are established. At present, in the whole area there are 182 career training places, 25 colleges and universities, 65 majored training places; in 100% provinces there are CECs and community colleges; in 82/119 districts and towns there are CECs and in 555/1505 communes and wards there are community learning centers. - About teaching staff: over 80% kindergarten teachers, 84.57% elementary and junior high school teachers and 95.51% high school teachers achieves the standard and above standard. Nearly 30% college and university teachers have postgraduate degree. - About education and training budget target: In 2005, state budget disburses 3921.740 billion VN dong on education and training in MD (about 17.2% education and training cost of the country). In the total disbursement for development, the one for education increases from 8.5% (in 1998) to 12.4% (in 2000) and gets to 13.9% (in 2003). However, in comparison with Red River Delta, the quality of high school education of MD has a big gap. The fraction pupils with weak and bad learning capacity of MD is higher than the average of the whole country. In the high school graduation exam of school year 2003 – 2004, if the graduation standard is that the total marks of 6 subjects is from 30 and no subject is under 5, 50% to 66% high school students in most parts of Red River Delta get the graduation standard while except for Ben Tre province which get 39.3%, under 30% high school students of the others in MD get the graduation standard, even some provinces get under 10% ( lower than the Northern mountainous provinces such as Son La, Ha Giang, Lao Cai and Lai Chau). This shows that the quality of education in MD should be worried. 2.2. REALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION TRAINING IN PROVINCIAL CECS IN MD After the complete liberation of the South, as the requirements of training labor force for the country establishment process, beside universities, colleges, majored schools, regular training places; the system of CECs is founded in provinces of MD. The centers have diversified the training types, continuously expanded the size to meet the learning requirements of people. The centers co- operate with higher education training places in the country to train thousands of officers and laborers who have university degrees, contributing in enhancing people’s knowledge and training labor force for the local. 8 UNIVERSITY TRAINING WORK OF 4 CECS BEN TRE, AN GIANG, BAC LIEU, CA MAU. Provinces Quantity of co- operating universities Quantity of training majors Quantity of learners / year Quantity of graduating students Learners of Informatics and English / course An Giang 13 25 3.700 2.902 1.150 Bac Lieu 15 22 3.500 2.500 905 Ben Tre 14 24 3.499 2.063 1.500 Ca Mau 13 17 2.900 1.905 820 Beside the above results, the provincial CECs in MD still have some drawbacks in doing the training work as follow - The organization and working systems of this training mode are not identical throughout the country. The role and position of this model are not correctly evaluated although it has been bringing its positive effects into play. - University training process is influenced by the bad side of the market mechanism, there are some negative phenomena in enrolment, studying, examining and granting degrees. In general, the quality of university training in CECs is still low in comparison with the standard and with the career requirements in society, as well as has not met the requirements of socio-economy development of MD area. 2.3. REALITY OF UNIVERSITY TRAINING QUALITY IN PROVINCIAL CECS OF MD AREA. 2.3.1. Reality of enrolment in provincial CECs in MD. Chart of comparing (percentage) between recognition and application in enrolment Recognition(%) Application (%) Set measure Methods Very necessary Necessary Unnecessary Good Normal Not yet good 1. Making surveys about knowledge, learning requirements of society and officers in the provinces. 77,27 18,18 4,55 22,73 50 22,73 2. Making surveys about labor use requirements of offices, companies, factories in the provinces. 63,64 31,82 4,55 22,73 18,18 54,55 3. Collecting co-operating classes 54,55 45,45 0 50 36,36 18,18 4. Considering the plans of organizing classes with Department of Education and Training, Department of Plan and Investment, Department of Finance and Department of Domestic Affairs. 50 40,91 9,09 18,18 22,73 36,36 5. Working with co-operating universities. 81,82 18,18 0 54,55 18,18 18,18 6. Announcing the co-operating class enrolment. 86,36 13,64 0 63,64 13,64 13,64 9 The above chart shows that although the officers in CECs have very good recognition of necessary contents in enrolment, the application of these contents has the contrary result. After the survey, the result is got as follow In good set measure, most contents only get the average, the best practiced content is announcing the co-operating class enrolment with 63.64%. The second position is working with co- operating universities with 54.55%. The content with very low evaluating opinions is in good set measure. Two contents having similar fraction, 22.73% in good set measure are making surveys about knowledge, learning requirements of society and officers in the provinces and making surveys about labor use requirements of offices, companies, factories in the provinces. The worst evaluated content in the good set measure is considering the plans of organizing classes with Department of Education and Training, Department of Plan and Investment, Department of Finance and Department of Domestic Affairs with 18.18%. 2.3.2. Reality about higher education training content and program in provincial CECs in MD Learning Program Easy So so Difficult Very difficult Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % 0 0 6 60 4 40 0 0 Subject Textbooks Very suitable Suitable Not suitable Not concerned Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % 1 10 7 70 2 20 0 0 Reference Materials Rather many Many A few Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % 0 0 0 0 10 100 Interest Measurement of Learners S Very interested Interested Normal Uninterested Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % 0 0 1 10 9 90 0 0 Testing and Evaluating Content Very difficult Difficult Normal Easy Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % 0 0 0 0 10 100 0 0 Quantity of learners in a class Very crowded Crowded Average A few Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % 4 40 6 60 0 0 0 0 Learners’ level in Science Research Good Rather good Average Weak Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % 0 0 0 0 10 100 0 0 Quantity of teachers’ time Much Reasonable A little Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % 0 0 5 50 5 50 Teachers’ teaching observation Frequent Normal Rare Never Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % 2 20 4 40 4 40 0 0 Learners’ self-study [...]... xuất các biện pháp đào tạo hệ đại học tại các Trung tâm giáo dục thường xuyên (TTGDTX) cấp tỉnh khu vực Đồng bằng Sông Cửu Long (ĐBSCL) nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu về nguồn nhân lực phục vụ cho sự nghiệp phát triển kinh tế, xã hội trong toàn vùng - Đối tượng nghiên cứu: Biện pháp đào tạo hệ đại học tại các TTGDTX cấp tỉnh khu vực ĐBSCL nhằm nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo nguồn nhân lực cho khu vực 2 Các phương pháp. .. Tên tác giả : Đào Hoàng Nam Tên luận án : Biện pháp đào tạo hệ đại học tại các trung tâm giáo dục thường xuyên cấp tỉnh khu vực đồng bằng sông Cửu Long Ngành khoa học của luận án : Lý luận và lịch sử giáo dục Mã số : Tên cơ sở đào tạo : Trường Đại học Sư phạm - Đại học Thái Nguyên 1 Mục đích và đối tượng nghiên cứu của luận án - Mục đích nghiên cứu: Thiết lập các luận cứ khoa học và thực... hiện ưu điểm, tồn tại và những nguyên nhân trong công tác liên kết đào tạo hệ đại học tại các TTGDTX cấp tỉnh khu vực ĐBSCL - Luận án đề xuất 8 biện pháp liên kết đào tạo hệ đại học tại các TTGDTX khu vực ĐBSCL: 1 Nâng cao nhận thức của xã hội đối với giáo dục thường xuyên 2 Xác định trách nhiệm giữa các TTGDTX với các cơ sở giáo dục đại học trong tổ chức và quản lý liên kết đào tạo 3 Nâng cao chất... đích và các nhiệm vụ nghiên cứu - Các biện pháp đề xuất là đồng bộ, có tính khả thi và giá trị thực tiễn - Các kết luận khoa học của luận án có thể vận dụng vào quá trình tổ chức liên kết đào tạo hệ đại học tại các TTGDTX cấp tỉnh khu vực ĐBSCL - Các kiến nghị khoa học của luận án cần được các cấp có thẩm quyền xem xét Cán bộ hướng dẫn Nghiên cứu sinh PGS.TS Phạm Hồng Quang PGS.TS Phạm Viết Vượng Đào Hoàng... nghiệm khoa học để làm tăng tính chính xác và tính khái quát của các kết luận khoa học 3 Các kết quả nghiên cứu chính - Luận án đã phân tích làm sáng tỏ những đặc thù của quá trình liên kết đào tạo hệ đại học tại các TTGDTX cấp tỉnh khu vực ĐBSCL, phát hiện xu thế phát triển của phương thức giáo dục thường xuyên trong bối cảnh xã hội hiện đại - Luận án khảo sát thực trạng, đánh giá hiệu quả đào tạo, phát... nhóm phương pháp nghiên cứu khoa học giáo dục: Nhóm các phương pháp nghiên cứu lý thuyết gồm các phương pháp phân tích, tổng hợp, so sánh, phân loại, hệ thống và khái quát hóa các tài liệu lý thuyết Nhóm các phương pháp nghiên cứu thực tiễn gồm các phương pháp khảo sát thực trạng, phương pháp tổng kết kinh nghiệm, phương pháp chuyên gia, phương pháp thực nghiệm sư phạm Nhóm các phương pháp hỗ trợ chúng... chương trình đào tạo phù hợp với đặc điểm của phương thức GDTX 5 Sử dụng phương pháp dạy học theo hướng phát huy tính chủ động, tích cực của người học 6 Bồi dưỡng nâng cao trình độ chuyên môn, nghiệp vụ cho đội ngũ giảng viên và cán bộ quản lý 7 Nâng cấp chất lượng cơ sở vật chất và thiết bị dạy học 8 Đổi mới công tác kiểm tra đánh giá kết quả học tập của sinh viên trong qúa trình đào tạo 4 Kết luận . dục; quan hệ giữa các cơ sở giáo dục cần phải được thể chế hoá bằng pháp luật - đây là yếu tố đảm bảo nâng cao chất lượ ng đào tạo trong quá trình liên kết đào tạo. Biện pháp liên kết đào tạo. đào tạo nguồn nhân lực tại chỗ cho các địa phương và giảm sức ép vào học tập trung tại các trường. Hình thức liên kết đào tạo sẽ giúp các TTGDTX sớm tiếp cận được các chương trình đào tạo tiên. kết đào tạo. Biện pháp liên kết đào tạo đại học tại các TTGDTX cấp tỉnh khu vực ĐBSCL cần tập trung vào hệ thống các tác động đa diện về các mặt của quan hệ liên kết như: tăng cường nhận thức;

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2014, 00:35

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