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ART BOOK NEWS ANNUAL VOLUME 4: 2008 Book News Inc. 5739 NE Sumner Street Portland, OR 97218 visit Art Book News Annual is for artists, architects, designers, photographers, art historians, educators, museum professionals—and librarians in these fields. Like its parent publi- cations, Art Book News Annual presents books from several hundred publishers, arranged by subject, with thoughtfully prepared annotations. Please note that entries appear as they were originally published in the previous year's two Book News quarterlies; readers need to verify current price & availability by contacting publishers or book vendors. This outline of the Library of Congress subject classification system is a guide to contents. Selections from Reference & Research Book News and SciTech Book News Entries include the following data: Library of Congress classification, LCCN, ISBN, title, author (often "Title main entry" to indicate collective authorship), series, publisher, copyright date, pagination, price, and (pa) for paperback binding (otherwise assume hardbound). Reviews note lack of subject index or bibliography (assume present if not noted). Size is indicated if over 11 inches tall. Published since 1976 and 1986, SciTech Book News and Reference & Research Book News annotate high-level books for librarians, academics, and professionals in the sciences, social sciences, & humanities. The two quarterlies appear in print, and their contents are licensed to Bowker's Books in Print with Reviews, Baker & Taylor's Title Source, ProQuest, EBSCO, Syndetics Solutions,, Thomson/Gale, and BookNews Online. AArrtt BBooookk NNeewwss AAnnnnuuaall is published each year in February. Publisher: Fred Gullette Editors: Jean Brodahl, Jane Erskine, and Shannon Hendrickson BBooookk NNeewwss,, IInncc 5739 NE Sumner Street Portland, OR 97218 (503) 281-9230 Copyright 2008 Book News, Inc. AA GGeenneerraall WWoorrkkss ((iinncclluuddeess mmuusseeuumm ssttuuddiieess)) BB PPhhiilloossoopphhyy RReelliiggiioonn PPssyycchhoollooggyy ((iinncclluuddeess aaeesstthheettiiccss)) CC AArrcchhaaeeoollooggyy DD FF HHiissttoorryy ((bbyy ccoouunnttrryy;; iinncclluuddeess aarrttss && ccuullttuurree)) GG GGeeooggrraapphhyy AAnntthhrrooppoollooggyy HH SSoocciiaall SScciieenncceess ((iinncclluuddeess mmeeddiiaa && ggeennddeerr ssttuuddiieess)) JJ PPoolliittiiccaall SScciieennccee KK LLaaww LL EEdduuccaattiioonn MM MMuussiicc NN VViissuuaall AArrttss EExxhhiibbiittiioonnss HHiissttoorryy ooff aarrtt TTeecchhnniiqquuee,, ccoommppoossiittiioonn,, ssttyyllee AArrtt ccrriittiicciissmm PPoorrttrraaiittss CCoonnsseerrvvaattiioonn EEccoonnoommiiccss ooff aarrtt AArrtt && tthhee ssttaattee PPuubblliicc aarrtt NNAA AArrcchhiitteeccttuurree NNBB SSccuullppttuurree NNCC DDrraawwiinngg DDeessiiggnn IIlllluussttrraattiioonn NNDD PPaaiinnttiinngg NNEE PPrriinntt MMeeddiiaa NNKK DDeeccoorraattiivvee && aapppplliieedd aarrttss NNXX AArrttss iinn ggeenneerraall ((wwoorrkkss ddeeaalliinngg wwiitthh ttwwoo oorr mmoorree ffiinnee aarrttss mmeeddiiaa)) PP LLaanngguuaaggee && LLiitteerraattuurree ((iinncclluuddeess ffiillmm)) QQ SScciieennccee RR MMeeddiicciinnee SS AAggrriiccuullttuurree TT TTeecchhnnoollooggyy ((iinncclluuddeess ddiiggiittaall ddeessiiggnn)) TTHH AArrcchhiitteeccttuurraall eennggiinneeeerriinngg TTRR PPhhoottooggrraapphhyy TTTT CCrraaffttss TTSS MMaannuuffaaccttuurreess ((mmeettaallwwoorrkkiinngg,, jjeewweellrryy,, tteexxttiilleess)) UU VV MMiilliittaarryy && nnaavvaall sscciieennccee ZZ BBiibblliiooggrraapphhyy MMUUSSEEUUMM SSTTUUDDIIEESS SSeeee aallssoo ppaaggeess 3300 && 4411 ffoorr mmoorree oonn mmuusseeuummss,, ggaalllleerriieess,, && eexxhhiibbiittiioonnss AC1 978-1-84217-235-3 BBeeyyoonndd ppiillggrriimm ssoouuvveenniirrss aanndd sseeccuullaarr bbaaddggeess;; eessssaayyss iinn hhoonnoouurr ooff BBrriiaann SSppeenncceerr Title main entry. Ed. by Sarah Blick. Oxbow Books, ©2007 200 p. $80.00 A former Keeper of the Museum of London, Spencer (1928-2003) virtually created the study of medieval pilgrim souvenirs and secular badges. Here colleagues and other scholars influenced by his work present 13 essays on his life and on topics that he either began to address or might have addressed had he lived longer. They include pilgrims’ badge and ampullai possibly from the Chartreuse, prescriptions and surviving amulets from late medieval England, and the iconography of late medieval bicaudal and other felines. No index is provided. Distributed in North America by The David Brown Book Co. AM7 2006-102098 978-0-7591-0976-6 IInn pprriinncciippllee,, iinn pprraaccttiiccee;; mmuusseeuummss aass lleeaarrnniinngg iinnssttiittuuttiioonnss Title main entry. Ed. by John H. Falk et al. (Learning innovations) AltaMira Press, ©2007 315 p. $80.00 Falk et al. (Institute for Learning Innovation, Annapolis) bring together 17 essays that describe how museums are learning institutions. The volume is part of the National Science Foundation’s initiative In Principle, In Practice: A Learning Innovation Initiative on Museum Learning. It aims to collect knowledge about learning in museums, examine where it leads in terms of practice and community, and consider what still needs to be learned to face the challenges of the future. Essays cover how people learn in museums, including discussion of families and school groups and the role of exhibitions, and how to engage audiences through customized and personal experiences. The issue of institutional authority, the importance of socially relevant goals, and issues relating to controversial topics are explored, as are how to foster a learning-centered culture, and how to make changes. Contributors are consultants, researchers and scholars, or are associated with museums in the US, UK, and Australia. AM7 2007-003783 978-0-7591-0970-4 TThhee mmaannuuaall ooff mmuusseeuumm lleeaarrnniinngg Title main entry. Ed. by Barry Lord. AltaMira Press, ©2007 301 p. $100.00 Savvy curators and museum staff have come to understand that the focus of the museum is not as much what is going on in the cases as who is watching what is going on in the cases. This collection of 12 articles examines the why, who and how of museums, explaining the rationale for interactive learning environments, describing the basics of museum- based learning, maximizing the potential of museum learning, making museums whole-family experiences, and creating bonds with formal learning institutions and the community at large. Articles on how to develop resources for museum learning emphasize the role of museum educators in organizing and budgeting, space and media planning, eval- uating, marketing, and sustaining participation. The case studies and examples are inspiring. Art Book News Annual 2008–1– Welcome to the fourth issue of Art Book News Annual, a bibliography of scholarly books for artists, architects, designers, photographers, art historians, archaeologists, educators, museum professionals, librarians, and booksellers. Here you’ll find listings of 1,207 books (from 365 publishers), arranged by subject, with thoughtfully prepared annotations. Entries appear as they were originally published in the eight 2007 issues of Reference & Research Book News and SciTech Book News. Please don’t rely on the price information you see here. You’ll need to contact publishers or book vendors to learn current price and availability. Some hints for navigating Art Book News Annual: Arrangement is by subject, according to the Library of Congress classification system. You can browse the whole issue, or see the guide on the inside front cover. To go straight to “Art,” begin at page 41. Some titles cross several subject areas. We’ve listed them only once, but our “See also” notes will guide you. Each listing begins with an alpha-numeric Library of Congress subject code, and the listings progress from A to Z. For example, the first listing is AC1; the last entry, on page 126, is Z1033. Please contact us if you are a bookseller or an editor interested in using our content, or if you are a publisher interested in having books reviewed by Book News. We’d be delighted to hear comments and questions from readers. Call, e-mail, or visit our website. (503) 281-9230 AM7 2006-000102 0-7546-4560-6 TThhee rreessppoonnssiivvee mmuusseeuumm;; wwoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh aauuddiieenncceess iinn tthhee ttwweennttyy ffiirrsstt cceennttuurryy Title main entry. Ed. by Caroline Lang et al. Ashgate Publishing Co., ©2006 276 p. $99.95 Sending patrons through static displays when they have just come in from the world of video games may already be a lost cause. In this col- lection of articles designed to help administrators and curators think of museums as learning spaces responsive to their audiences, contributors work from experience to describe understanding and developing audi- ences at the theoretical, policy and practical levels. Topics include influ- ences on museum practice, government policy, the public access debate, prioritizing audience groups, building capacity for sustainable audience development through networks and partnerships, developing web resources, evaluation, funding, applied research, audience advocacy, cre- ating environments for learning, museum professions, and a hint of where museums will go from here. Topics include responses on such issues as developing the inclusive model, digital technologies, and taking collective responsibility for making museums accessible. AM11 2007-004412 978-1-59874-168-1 CCrreeaattiinngg ggrreeaatt vviissiittoorr eexxppeerriieenncceess;; aa gguuiiddee ffoorr mmuusseeuummss,, ppaarrkkss,, zzooooss,, ggaarrddeennss && lliibbrraarriieess Weaver, Stephanie. (An experienceology guide) Left Coast Press, ©2007 207 p. $65.00 Weaver has worked in visitor-consulting for the San Diego Zoo and the Chicago Children’s Museum, among other institutions. Here she offers advice on creating visitor experiences for museums, parks, zoos, gardens, and libraries that set them apart from competition and encourage return and good recommendations. In addition to practical advice, the author incorporates case studies and theory, including the four realms of expe- riences: educational, entertainment, esthetic, and escapist. Readers will find insights on determining what visitors want, motivating staff, and breaking down the visitor experience by components, among other topics. AM121 2006-038334 978-0-7591-0968-1 TThhee mmaannuuaall ooff ssttrraatteeggiicc ppllaannnniinngg ffoorr mmuusseeuummss Lord, Gail Dexter and Kate Markert. AltaMira Press, ©2007 153 p. $70.00 This guide covers strategic planning for museums, with discussion of why they need strategic plans, the roles and responsibilities of those involved, and an outline of a ten-step process. Further explained are methods for use by the museum board and staff leadership, cultivating strategic thinking, aspects of the strategic planning retreat, writing the plan, implementation, and evaluation. The last chapter focuses on trou- bleshooting. The book is aimed at management, staff, trustees, volun- teers, and donors; government and foundation staff, professional colleagues and service providers, and community and institutional partners; and teachers and students. Case studies are included by con- tributors from specific museums in the US and Europe. Lord is affiliated with a cultural planning firm and Markert is associated with the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore. AM121 2007-010448 978-1-933253-04-6 SSeeccrreettss ooff iinnssttiittuuttiioonnaall ppllaannnniinngg Title main entry. Ed. by Elizabeth E. Merritt and Victoria Garvin. Am. Assoc. of Museums, ©2007 118 p. $35.00 (pa) The editors (the director of the Department of Museum Advancement and Excellence and the former assistant director of professional edu- cation at the American Association of Museums) present ten pieces that give advice on best practices in institutional planning. In addition to pre- senting a window into institutional planning at their own institution, they present insider perspectives from the Shady Side Rural Heritage Society, the National Portrait Gallery, Longwood Gardens, and the New York Botanical Garden. They also present papers that discuss funding and finances. AM122 2006-028807 978-1-933253-07-7 22000066 mmuusseeuumm ffiinnaanncciiaall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn Title main entry. Ed. by Elizabeth E. Merritt. Am. Assoc. of Museums, ©2006 199 p. $55.00 (pa) This reference presents up-to-date statistics on a wide range of institu- tional activities, including attendance, operating and non- operating income and expenses, earned income sources, and costs of collections care. New features in this latest edition include financial trend analysis from 2000-2005 and commentary on how to develop a successful financial strategy for a museum. The new worksheet feature allows administrators to compare a museum’s financial performance to the field-wide averages and to gain insight into areas of operation that may need improvement. AM133 2007-010294 00253 CCoolllleeccttiioonn ccoonnuunnddrruummss;; ssoollvviinngg ccoolllleeccttiioonnss mmaannaaggeemmeenntt mmyysstteerriieess Buck, Rebecca A. and Jean Allman Gilmore. Am. Assoc. of Museums, ©2007 150 p. $55.00 (pa) This resource for museum professionals offers clear guidance on solving a number of problems that typically arise in collections planning and management. Some of the “conundrums” addressed include unsolicited doorstep donations, loaned items whose owners cannot be readily located, and restricted gifts. Sample agreements and other reproducible forms are provided in the appendix. Buck and Gilmore are also the authors of The New Museum Registration Methods. AM151 2006-026269 978-1-4051-3076-9 EExxhhiibbiittiioonn eexxppeerriimmeennttss Title main entry. Ed. by Sharon Macdonald and Paul Basu. (New inter- ventions in art history) Blackwell Publishing, ©2007 254 p. $84.95 Macdonald (social anthropology, U. of Manchester, UK) and Basu (anthro- pology, U. of Sussex, UK) compile 10 essays by art historians, anthropol- ogists, curators, and artists from Europe and the US, who put forth the idea that contemporary exhibitions do more than disseminate knowledge, but are also experimental practices in “meaning-making” and means of generating knowledge and experience. Some of the essays were based on those presented at a panel entitled “Exhibition Experiments: Technologies and Cultures of Display” at the Anthropology and Science conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists held in Manchester in 2003. Subjects discussed in the essays relate to museums and contemporary museum design, exhibition as film, specific projects in places such as Chicago and Portugal, social documentary, and reflexivity. AS222 2006-012666 978-0-87413-937-2 BBeettwweeeenn tthhee rreeaall aanndd tthhee iiddeeaall;; tthhee AAccccaaddeemmiiaa ddeeggllii AArrccaaddii aanndd iittss ggaarrddeenn iinn eeiigghhtteeeenntthh cceennttuurryy RRoommee Dixon, Susan M. Univ. of Delaware Press, ©2006 156 p. $55.00 Although the members of the Accademia degli Arcadi largely supported restraint, elegance and Enlightenment ideals, they were also well aware of their proximity to the court and the papal curia and the tensions those views, particularly the participation of women, would create. Therefore the Arcadians expressed themselves in a less-direct way, in their meeting gardens, as well as more directly in theater. Dixon (art history, U. of Tulsa) describes how Arcadian developments of space and the physical world expressed their views, how their friends and enemies perceived those views as expressed in their garden and landscape, and how the Arcadians came to be regarded as social reformers. As the gardens are currently under renovation this is particularly timely. Distributed by Associated University Presses. Art Book News Annual 2008 –2– AS911 1-57387-251-2 AAnnnnuuaall rreeggiisstteerr ooff ggrraanntt ssuuppppoorrtt;; aa ddiirreeccttoorryy ooff ffuunnddiinngg ssoouurrcceess;; 22000077,, 4400tthh eedd Title main entry. Information Today, Inc., ©2006 1402 p. $249.00 The fourth edition of this valuable reference includes details of 3,459 grant support programs of government agencies, public and private foun- dations, corporations, community trusts, unions, educational and profes- sional associations and special interest organizations. It covers a broad spectrum of interests from academic and scientific research, project development, travel and exchange programs, and publication support to equipment and construction grants, in-service training and competitive awards and prizes. Support programs are divided into 11 major fields, which are subdivided into more specific fields. Four indices—subject, organization and program, geographic, and personnel—facilitate the user’s search. Individual entries include contact information, areas of interest, names and types of programs, eligibility, financial data, and sta- tistics on applicants and awards. The volume begins with an introduction to program planning and proposal writing (complete with a sample budget) and a listing of foundations offering new grant programs in 2007. HHIISSTTOORRYY OOFF SSCCHHOOLLAARRSSHHIIPP && LLEEAARRNNIINNGG,, TTHHEE HHUUMMAANNIITTIIEESS AZ105 1-55238-172-2 MMiinndd tteecchhnnoollooggiieess;; hhuummaanniittiieess ccoommppuuttiinngg aanndd tthhee CCaannaaddiiaann aaccaaddeemmiicc ccoommmmuunniittyy Title main entry. Ed. by Raymond Siemens and David Moorman. (Media studies) Univ. of Calgary Press, ©2006 317 p. $44.95 (pa) The “mind technologies” Siemens (humanities computing, U. of Victoria, Canada) and Moorman (a senior policy advisor with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada) reference in the title to this collection of 18 papers is a term that refers to the “computer-assisted tools, methodologies, and structures that capture the ways in which those in the arts and humanities carry out the practices associated with their disciplines.” Presented in the belief that the Canadian academic com- munity has made an internationally significant contribution to this realm, the collection contains case studies of innovative projects and activities that have resulted, including contributions to areas of archival representation and communication of results; technologies associated with critical inquiry and analysis; and activities of knowledge transfer, training, education, and support. Distributed in the US by Michigan State U. Press. AZ182 2006-280485 978-0-8020-9037-9 EE ccrriitt;; ddiiggiittaall mmeeddiiaa,, ccrriittiiccaall tthheeoorryy,, aanndd tthhee hhuummaanniittiieess O’Gorman, Marcel. U. of Toronto Press, ©2006 141 p. $50.00 O’Gorman (English, U. of Detroit Mercy) explores how the university environment, founded on the logic of print culture, might be transformed to suit a digital culture at a time when digital media is influencing every aspect of our lives. The text examines the philosophy behind the U. of Detroit Mercy’s Electronic Critique (E- Crit) Program—an interdisciplinary program combining English, communications, computer information systems, and art—and how digital media can be incorporated into aca- demic discourse, scholarly practices, pedagogy, and institutional struc- tures at any university. For scholars and practitioners concerned with the practice, and future, of the humanities in higher education. AZ182 2006-022458 978-0-8204-8857-7 TThhee ffiigguurree ooff tthhee rrooaadd;; ddeeccoonnssttrruuccttiivvee ssttuuddiieess iinn hhuummaanniittiieess ddiisscciipplliinneess Morris, Christopher D. Peter Lang Publishing Inc, ©2007 276 p. $74.95 Morris (English, Norwich U., Vermont) packs literature, religion, phi- losophy, visual art and popular culture on this road trip to where artists and writers anticipate the aporia or “pathless place.” Given the aporia is a world understood as wholly figural, he analyzes the path of American literature to that not-so-distant place, the linear tropes leading to it by de Man and Derrida, the implications for theology both within the Christian Acts of the Apostles and the Four Roads of Taoism, the reflexivity of the road film and its influence on the intellect and soul, the myriad paths of popular culture that are in fact only one, whether they be painted as televised baseball, the graphic novel or the video game, the figural road as university in Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s The Gates, and in a nimble conclusion, the ultimate fate of curriculum and ethics. PPHHIILLOOSSOOPPHHYY B59 2006-004801 978-0-7425-5175-6 PPhhiilloossoopphhyy aanndd tthhee iinntteerrpprreettaattiioonn ooff ppooppuullaarr ccuullttuurree Title main entry. Ed. by William Irwin and Jorge J. E. Gracia. Rowman & Littlefield, ©2007 297 p. $28.95 (pa) While few philosophers would today admit to sharing Plato’s views of the corrupting influence of poets, one can perhaps hear an echo of Plato’s hostility in philosophy’s neglect of popular culture. Suggesting that this stance is misguided, Irwin (philosophy, King’s College) and Gracia (phi- losophy, State U. of New York at Buffalo) urge that philosophy engage with popular culture because it may spur greater interest in philosophy and because it can help philosophy stay engaged with the agora (or the mall). The first six of the twelve papers they present address theoretical issues concerning the philosophical study of popular culture, including the use of allusion in art, the basis of audience ties to popular fiction characters, the nature of aesthetic communities, and the transactional value of entertainment. The other six papers use the interpretation of tel- evision shows, films, children’s stories, comic books, and pop songs to raise economic, aesthetic, ethical, and political issues. B824 978-90-420-2180-8 IInntteerrpprreettaattiioonn aanndd ttrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn;; eexxpplloorraattiioonnss iinn aarrtt aanndd tthhee sseellff Krausz, Michael. (Value inquiry book series; v.187) Editions Rodopi, ©2006 154 p. $46.00 (pa) Krausz (philosophy, Bryn Mawr College) considers the concepts of inter- pretation and transformation in the visual arts, in connection with the emotions and the self. His discussion includes three features of inter- pretive activity: reference to something separate from itself, judgments about objects, and elucidation; and he examines works such as Da Vinci’s Last Supper, Van Gogh’s The Potato Eaters, Christo and Jean- Claude’s Gates, Rembrandt’s Self-Portraits, and others, in light of these features. Some of the information in chapters has been previously pub- lished elsewhere. B831 2006-037592 978-0-8248-3177-6 CChhiinneessee mmooddeerrnniittyy aanndd gglloobbaall bbiiooppoolliittiiccss;; ssttuuddiieess iinn lliitteerraattuurree aanndd vviissuuaall ccuullttuurree Lu, Sheldon H. U. of Hawai’i Pr., ©2007 264 p. $22.00 (pa) Lu (comparative literature, U. of California, Davis) takes an interesting interdisciplinary approach to the study of Chinese modernity, starting from the traditions of the late nineteenth century up to today. As he advances in time he also advances in technology, starting with art and literature and working through photography, film and computer media. He notes that as time progressed male and female bodies and their pleasures became open topics, and the physical self became not only an object of perusal but also more intensely subjective. He duly considers the socialist lifestyle and its influence upon the spirit and sense of liter- ature and the arts, and examines Chinese urban and artistic space in terms of the social and political demands of China’s governance. He also comments upon how globalization and the rising Chinese economy have brought art into commercial and popular culture. B2430 2006-017387 978-0-8166-4516-9 LLaaccaann’’ss mmeeddiieevvaalliissmm Labbie, Erin Felicia. U. of Minnesota Press, ©2006 264 p. $25.00 (pa) Labbie (English, Bowling Green State U.) argues that French psychoan- alyst Jacques Lacan (1901-81) can be considered a medievalist because he cites courtly love poetics as a means of developing and articulating his theory of desire, and because his methodologies follow those established by the medieval scholastic scholars who sought to determine the potential for the human subject to know and to represent real universal categories. B2430 2005-010232 978-0-8204-7862-3 LLyyoottaarrdd,, BBeecckkeetttt,, DDuurraass,, aanndd tthhee ppoossttmmooddeerrnn ssuubblliimmee Slade, Andrew. (Currents in comparative romance languages and litera- tures; v.146) Peter Lang Publishing Inc, ©2007 136 p. $58.95 Looking closely at the work of the three writers, Slade (philosophy, U. of Dayton, Ohio) argues that the contemporary thought of the sublime attends to the demands of the historical situation in its ethical, political, and artistic dimensions. The aesthetic of the sublime in art and literature best informs the understanding of 20th-century art in general, he says, and this category becomes the privileged mode in the attempt to bear witness to the truth of the historical situation in the mostly highly developed countries of the world. Art Book News Annual 2008–3– B2758 978-0-826-48778-0 TThhee aaeesstthheettiicc iinn KKaanntt,, aa ccrriittiiqquuee ((rreepprriinntt,, 22000044)) Kirwan, James. (Continuum studies in philosophy) Continuum Publishing Group, ©2006 200 p. $39.95 (pa) Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment is both seminal in the study of aesthetics and problematic in its assertions about taste and desire. Kirwan (Anglo-American studies, Kobe U.) re-examines Kant’s text to find new solutions, working from recent research on the Critique and its con- texts. He finds new relationships between the subjective and the uni- versal in taste, the nature and the dependency of the sublime to the observer, and the issue of the “true” and “false” sublime, and the rela- tionship of free or dependent beauty to what Kant called “fantastic desire.” This is a paperbound reprint of a 2004 book. B2949 2006-026883 0-8101-2362-2 HHeeggeell aanndd tthhee aarrttss Title main entry. Ed. by Stephen Houlgate. (Topics in historical phi- losophy) Northwestern U. Press, ©2007 352 p. $29.95 (pa) Hegel’s ideas on aesthetics raised dialogue from the moment of their first publication, and this collection of articles covers a wide range of the topics still under discussion, including the conceptual basis of Hegel’s organization of his aesthetics and the application of that through to architecture, painting, music and tragedy. Not all of the contributors here are disciples of Hegel, so the mix is lively as are the articles, which cover the symbolic and the classical in Romantic art, Hegel’s approach to archi- tecture and the beauty of sculpture, the eccentricity inherent in painting, music, theories of tragedy, the end and the future of art, post-Hegelian reflections on the end of art and nature, abstract art, religion and the modernity of Hegel’s approach to art, the resulting “religion” of art, and the testy relationship between Hegel and the Romantics. B3376 2006-033278 978-0-7391-1562-6 MMyyssttiicciissmm aanndd aarrcchhiitteeccttuurree;; WWiittttggeennsstteeiinn aanndd tthhee mmeeaanniinnggss ooff tthhee PPaallaaiiss SSttoonnbboorroouugghh Paden, Roger. (Toposophia) Lexington Books, ©2007 209 p. $26.95 (pa) Paden (philosophy, George Mason U.) was innocently writing about the history of utopianism in political philosophy and urban planning, when he ran across a reference to a house that philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) designed and built for his sister in Vienna between 1926 and 1928. Like others before him, he finds connections between the house and his philosophy, but takes a new approach by focusing on the philosopher’s substance rather than his style of writing. He hopes to get back to that utopianism matter now. PPSSYYCCHHOOLLOOGGYY,, CCOOGGNNIITTIIOONN,, CCRREEAATTIIVVIITTYY,, CCOOLLOORR PPEERRCCEEPPTTIIOONN BF109 2006-033015 978-0-393-32955-1 HHooww ttoo rreeaadd LLaaccaann ((rreepprriinntt,, 22000066)) Zizek, Slavoj. (How to read) W.W. Norton, ©2007 132 p. $11.95 (pa) In this American reprint of Zizek’s (humanities, Birkbeck College) 2006 text, the author examines a selection of extracts from Lacan’s written works, analyzing them in detail to reveal their central ideas. For Lacan, psychoanalysis is a procedure of reading, and each chapter reads a passage from Lacan as a tool to interpret another text from philosophy, art, or popular ideology. BF241 2005-019299 978-0-19-517691-9 IInn tthhee mmiinndd’’ss eeyyee;; JJuulliiaann HHoocchhbbeerrgg oonn tthhee ppeerrcceeppttiioonn ooff ppiiccttuurreess,, ffiillmmss,, aanndd tthhee wwoorrlldd Hochberg, Julian. Ed. by Mary A. Peterson et al. Oxford U. Press, ©2007 634 p. $75.00 This volume broadens the audience for the seminal work of Hochberg (retired from Columbia U.) in the still not fully-focused field of visual per- ception. Peterson (U. of Arizona) and fellow cognitive scientists at the U. of New South Wales and the State U. of New York School of Optometry introduce 20 of Hochberg’s previously published papers over the past 50 years and commentaries on them. With his ingenious experiments and simplicity principle serving as springboards, discussion focuses on per- ception as a constructive process: e.g., the role of schematic (mental structure) maps, perceptual organization, and the nature of movies in the mind’s eye. BF531 2006-032704 978-0-307-33788-7 EEmmoottiioonnaall wweellllnneessss;; ttrraannssffoorrmmiinngg ffeeaarr,, aannggeerr,, aanndd jjeeaalloouussyy iinnttoo ccrreeaattiivvee eenneerrggyy Title main entry. Ed. by Osho. Harmony Books, ©2007 293 p. $22.00 Osho (1931-90), the well known teacher of self-directed individual spiri- tuality, explains the nature of emotions, how to reclaim inner harmony, and watchfulness as the key to transformation. Suggested meditations and exercises are included. The material has been compiled from various discourses to live audiences. There is no index. BF1591 1-905125-08-9 TThhrroouugghh aa ggllaassss ddaarrkkllyy;; mmaaggiicc,, ddrreeaammss && pprroopphheeccyy iinn aanncciieenntt EEggyypptt Title main entry. Ed. by Kasia Szpakowska. Classical Press of Wales, ©2006 274 p. $90.00 Egyptologists gathered in September 2003 at Baskerville Hall in Wales to share information on current investigations into phenomena related to magic, dreams, and prophecy in Ancient Egypt. Their topics include corn-mummies as amulets of life, Egyptian dream exegesis from a com- parative perspective, a black cat from the right and a scarab on your head, and the power of knots and knotting in Ancient Egypt. Distributed in North America by The David Brown Book Co. AAEESSTTHHEETTIICCSS BH19 2006-034893 978-0-8204-8810-3 BBeeaauuttyy aanndd tthhee aabbjjeecctt;; iinntteerrddiisscciipplliinnaarryy ppeerrssppeeccttiivveess Title main entry. Ed. by Leslie Boldt-Irons et al. (Studies on themes and motifs in literature; v.88) Peter Lang Publishing Inc, ©2007 295 p. $76.95 Attesting to the importance of concepts of the beautiful and the repulsive in life and art, these 18 essays consider the binary opposition beauty/the abject from multiple theoretical perspectives, through a variety of media, and across several temporal frames. The contributors examine the meanings and depictions of beauty and the abject in painting, photog- raphy, film, literature, cultural studies, architecture and linguistics, in the images of Renaissance portraiture and James Bond films. The editors are all from Brock University in Ontario, Canada. BH39 978-90-420-2222-5 AAeesstthheettiiccss Sesemann, Vasily. Ed. by Leonidas Donskis. Trans. by Mykolas Drunga. (On the boundary of two worlds; identity, freedom, and moral imagi- nation in the Baltics; 8) Editions Rodopi, ©2007 279 p. $81.00 (pa) Though written many years earlier, Lithuanian philosopher Sesemann’s (1884-1963) introduction to aesthetics was published only in 1970, in Lithuanian. Donskis offers an introduction that puts it in the context of Lithuanian and Eastern European philosophy, and explains his methods of analysis. Among the topics are the beauty of time, the problem of artistic creativity, a historical survey of aesthetic theories, and the classi- fication of types of art. Only names are indexed. BH39 2007-013079 978-1-4331-0069-7 TThhee aaeesstthheettiicc hheerrmmeenneeuuttiiccss ooff HHaannss GGeeoorrgg GGaaddaammeerr aanndd HHaannss uurrss vvoonn BBaalltthhaassaarr Bourgeois, Jason Paul. (American university studies series; VII, Theology and religion; v.268) Peter Lang Publishing Inc, ©2007 144 p. $59.95 Gadamer (1900-2002) and Balthasar (1905-1988) are rarely seen together within the field of Roman Catholic theology, but Bourgeois (theology, Quincy U., Illinois) seeks deep structural affinities in the aesthetics and hermeneutics in both, as expressed through shared metaphysical and anthropological assumptions about the dialogical nature of truth and interpretation. There is no index. BH39 2006-937940 978-0-7618-3678-0 AAeesstthheettiicc lliiffee;; tthhee ppaasstt aanndd pprreesseenntt ooff aarrttiissttiicc ccuullttuurreess Redner, Harry. Univ. Press of America, ©2007 496 p. $49.95 (pa) Responding to the imbalance in the arts between the inherited wealth of the past and the impoverishment of the present, Redner explores features of past societies that favored the creation of art and how they are missing today. He covers general aesthetics or art theory, the history of art or artistic cultures, and a critique of judgment or criticism of criticism. Art Book News Annual 2008 –4– BH39 2006-028408 978-0-8047-5488-0 TThhee aaeesstthheettiicc ppaatthhss ooff pphhiilloossoopphhyy;; pprreesseennttaattiioonn iinn KKaanntt,, HHeeiiddeeggggeerr,, LLaaccoouuee LLaabbaarrtthhee,, aanndd NNaannccyy Ross, Alison. (Cultural memory in the present) Stanford U. Press, ©2007 236 p. $24.95 (pa) Ross (critical theory, Monash U.) finds the paths of these worthies cross to some extent in the a case of aesthetics, particularly in the case of Heidegger, Lacoue-Labarthe, and Nancy on the notion of presentation. She starts by describing those individual and collective paths, their origins and their contexts, then analyzes the formulation of the problem of presentation in Kant’s doctrine of taste, the pragmatic anthropology in Kant’s project of aesthetic representation in the third Critiques, Heidegger’s reading of Kant and historicism of relations of presentation, technology and art as relations of presentation in Heidegger, Lacoue- Babarthe’s figuring of the political end and Nancy’s touch of the limits of presentation. The result is well-paced, subtle and yet often surprising. BH39 2006-006598 978-0-8047-4424-9 TThhee eenndd ooff aarrtt;; rreeaaddiinnggss iinn aa rruummoorr aafftteerr HHeeggeell Geulen, Eva. Trans. by James McFarland. Stanford U. Press, ©2006 206 p. $19.95 (pa) Geulen (German, U. of Bonn) examines the notions of Hegel, Nietzsche, Benjamin, Adorno, Heidegger, Holderlin and others on the fate of the arts in modernity and postmodernity, constantly asking why there is a com- pulsion to say art is at an end. She plays the thoughts of each against each other, seeking out their motivations and collective obligations to declare that all the great work of art may have been done, analyzing the turning points and revelations they found in their own work and that of their predecessors and contemporaries. Particularly interesting is the chapter on Heidegger and myth and the epilogue that comments on what Geulen calls “the mysterious yearning for the chasm.” BH39 2006-043022 0-89503-306-2 EEvvoolluuttiioonnaarryy aanndd nneeuurrooccooggnniittiivvee aapppprrooaacchheess ttoo aaeesstthheettiiccss,, ccrreeaattiivviittyy,, aanndd tthhee aarrttss Title main entry. Ed. by Colin Martindale et al. (Foundations and fron- tiers in aesthetics) Baywood Publishing Co., ©2007 247 p. $49.95 The underlying notion is that because aesthetics, art, and creativity are present in all human societies, they must have some biological and evo- lutionary function. The topics include an evolutionary model of artistic and musical creativity, cognitive poetics and poetry recital, the infor- mation approach to human sciences, a neural-network theory of beauty, and whether artistic creativity and affective disorders are connected. The editors are from psychology and arts, so perhaps the individual contrib- utors are as well. BH39 2006-026856 978-0-7546-5707-1 RReefflleeccttiioonnss oonn aaeesstthheettiicc jjuuddggmmeenntt aanndd ootthheerr eessssaayyss Tilghman, Benjamin. Ashgate Publishing Co., ©2006 176 p. $99.95 Tilghman (Kansas State U.) finds himself to be consistently anti-theo- retical but nonetheless Wittgensteinian. To prove it here he keeps firmly in mind Wittgenstein’s remark that ontology is best understood as grammar as he looks behind theories to get a clearer view of essential problems and their solutions. He seeks to emphasize the importance of the representation of the human in art and our human response to art, with the idea that reflection upon life and the importance of art within in is the best way to think seriously about both. Along the way he reflects upon the nature of the literary work of art, aesthetic descriptions and “secondary senses,” the ontology of literature, understanding people and understanding art, aesthetic theory, the importance of nonsense, Le Brun, understanding of culture through its architecture and painting, language and painting, literature and morality, and a conceptual dimension of art history. BH85 2007-007389 978-1-4051-7355-1 GGlloobbaall tthheeoorriieess ooff tthhee aarrttss aanndd aaeesstthheettiiccss Title main entry. Ed. by Susan L. Feagin. Blackwell Publishing, ©2007 146 p. $39.95 (pa) Twelve essays make up this collection, which focuses on the theories and practices of arts around the world, with specific attention to those that have been ignored or marginalized by analytics or Anglo-American aes- thetics and philosophy of art. It also aims to extend ideas about aesthetics and art. Some of the topics: Chinese visual artists and their use of con- temporary forms of Western art, musical traditions in Vietnam, theories of Islamic art, the function of the gamelan in central Java, Japanese architecture, and Balinese aesthetics. Contributors are scholars of phi- losophy, art, aesthetics, and criticism, and are based around the world. There is no index. BH202 2006-618809 0-8264-8796-3 AArrtt aanndd ffeeaarr ((rreepprriinntt,, 22000033)) Virilio, Paul. Trans. by Julie Rose. (Continuum impacts) Continuum Publishing Group, ©2006 61 p. $16.95 (pa) This text was first published in France under the title La procédure silence (2000, Editions Galilee). The current publication is a reprint of the English version, with translation and a preface provided by Julie Rose, which was published in 2003 by Continuum. In the text, Virilio (director, École Spéciale d’Architecture, Paris) presents two essays on the devel- opment of art and science during the 20th century, which further develop his earlier theory on the “aesthetics of disappearance.” Virilio reevaluates 20th-century theories of modern art and duration, the spoken word and the right to stay silent in an era that is increasingly shaped by the shrill sonority of contemporary art. BH301 2007-416618 978-90-420-2125-9 NNeeoo aavvaanntt ggaarrddee Title main entry. Ed. by David Hopkins. (Avant garde critical studies; 20) Editions Rodopi, ©2006 454 p. $132.00 Perhaps through attrition, perhaps through sheer tenacity, the avant- garde of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s is deemed ripe for a re-reading. Fortunately these 20 articles take an interdisciplinary approach and has the advantage of enough time passing to insert a modicum of distance, although certainly not reverence. Topics include the fine arts, with con- tributions on Duchamp and Morris and their takes on death and irony, work across art forms, such as neo-dada performance art and concrete poetry as well as film, work at the periphery, such as that in Brazil’s self- styled position as vanguard of the 1950s, the attempt to produce avant- garde radio, the trouble with gender and the avant-garde, the new political situationalist avant-garde, and theoretical reflections ranging from nature and ecology to the uses of structure and repetition. RREELLIIGGIIOONN,, MMYYTTHHOOLLOOGGYY,, RREELLIIGGIIOOUUSS AARRTT BL325 978-0-8020-9013-3 VViirrggiinniittyy rreevviissiitteedd;; ccoonnffiigguurrttiioonnss ooff tthhee uunnppoosssseesssseedd bbooddyy Title main entry. Ed. by Bonnie MacLachlan and Judith Fletcher. (Phoenix supplementary; v.44; Studies in gender; v.1) U. of Toronto Press, ©2006 204 p. $55.00 Art historians and other scholars of the humanities from Canada, Britain, and the US explore the concept and representation of virginity from classical times to the work of Margaret Atwood. Their topics include the invention of virginity on Olympus, the chastity of women and the safety of the Roman state, images of the crucified virgin saint in Medieval art, and play and empowerment in Walter of Wimborne’s Marie Carmina. BL503 2005-015985 1-904768-90-3 TThhee eenndd tthhaatt ddooeess;; aarrtt,, sscciieennccee aanndd mmiilllleennnniiaall aaccccoommpplliisshhmmeenntt Title main entry. Ed. by Cathy Gutierrez and Hillel Schwartz. (Millennialism and society) Equinox Publishing Limited, ©2006 308 p. $26.95 (pa) Generated by the Center for Millennial Studies at Boston U., this last in a set of three volumes examines influential millennialist movements and texts. Gutierrez (religion, Sweet Briar College, Virginia) and Schwartz (cultural historian/visiting scholar, U. of California, San Diego) introduce 19 offerings that include poems and studies of historical and contem- porary end-time views. The eclectic topics discussed include Christian apocalyptic fiction, Spiritualism, Y2K, and Seattle’s Space Needle in a doomsday scenario. The glossary defines utopic and dystopic terms. Distributed in North America by David Brown Book Co. BL619 2006-032416 978-1-84593-225-1 RReelliiggiioouuss ttoouurriissmm aanndd ppiillggrriimmaaggee ffeessttiivvaallss mmaannaaggeemmeenntt;; aann iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ppeerrssppeeccttiivvee Title main entry. Ed. by Razaq Raj and Nigel D. Morpeth. CABI Publishing, ©2007 227 p. $110.00 In case studies, researchers in tourism from Europe, China, Australia, and Canada present personal, theoretical, and empirical insights into pil- grimage, religion, and tourism. They explore increasing linkages and interconnections between shared sacred and secular spaces; religious and pilgrimage activity related to ancient, sacred, and emerging tourist desti- nations; and new forms of pilgrimage, faith systems, and quasi-religious activities. Distributed in the US by Oxford University Press. Art Book News Annual 2008–5– BL790 2006-025008 978-1-4051-2054-8 AA ccoommppaanniioonn ttoo GGrreeeekk rreelliiggiioonn Title main entry. Ed. by Daniel Ogden. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world. Ancient history) Blackwell Publishing, ©2007 497 p. $149.95 Historians, religious scholars, and archaeologists discuss various aspects of Greek religion during the archaic, classical, and Hellenistic periods, about 776-30 BC. They do not consider myth extensively, another volume in the series being devoted to that, but do encounter it often while exam- ining other topics. Among those topics are the gods and the dead; local religious systems; mysteries and magic; and intersections of Greek religion with literature, philosophy, and art. BL795 2006-049930 978-90-04-15242-7 PPhhrryyggiiaann rroocckk ccuutt sshhrriinneess;; ssttrruuccttuurree,, ffuunnccttiioonn,, aanndd ccuulltt pprraaccttiiccee Berndt-Ersöz, Susanne. (Culture and history of the ancient Near East; v.25) BRILL, ©2006 410 p. $236.00 Berndt-Ersöz explores Phrygian cult and cult practices through a detailed analysis of rock-cut monuments in their preserved context in central Anatolia, and in combination with other Phrygian religious material groups. She draws on already published and recorded material, partly at least to indicate where and how further surveys and excavations should be undertaken to clarify issues she raises. An underlying question is the role of the Phrygians in the formative stage of the Iron Age and subse- quent centuries. The study is updated from her 2003 Ph.D. dissertation in classical archaeology and ancient history at the University of Stockholm. BL803 2006-025010 978-1-4051-2943-5 AA ccoommppaanniioonn ttoo RRoommaann rreelliiggiioonn Title main entry. Ed. by Jörg Rüpke. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world) Blackwell Publishing, ©2007 542 p. $174.95 These 31 articles focus on how humans behaved within the political, cul- tural, social and economic contexts of Roman religion, with contributors covering the importance of what the Romans believed, early religions and their urban cohorts, religion and the integration of policy and the empire, and a host of media (the epic tradition, coins, reliefs, inscrip- tions, home religion), symbols and practices (sites, games, processionals, prayers, hymns, music, dance, sacrifice), and related religious identities (Roman diaspora Judaism, religious individualism and intellectual choices, institutional religious options such as Mithrasism and “Romanness”). The collection closes with observations from the outside, including exported Roman religion, the Roman East and Roman religion under the purview of Tertullian. BL910 978-1-85285-533-8 TThhee DDrruuiiddss Hutton, Ronald. Hambledon & London Press, ©2007 240 p. $29.95 In contrast to the usual academic approach treating Druids only in the context of ancient history, Hutton (history, U. of Bristol, England) ana- lyzes how this mysterious pagan group associated with Stonehenge was viewed in eras from the Roman to the present. In an account intended to be accessible to nonspecialists, he traces the motives behind several countries’ appropriation of Druid ancestry. The only thing remotely “racy” about the book, as the publisher promotes it, is a movie still from The Viking Queen. Distributed in North America by Palgrave Macmillan. BL1105 2006-044419 978-0-8160-5458-9 EEnnccyyccllooppeeddiiaa ooff HHiinndduuiissmm Jones, Constance A. and James D. Ryan. (Encyclopedia of world reli- gions) Facts On File, Inc., ©2007 552 p. $75.00 This 600-entry reference covers the major tenets, practices and people of the Hindu religion, back into prehistory. Along with such fundamental elements as meditation, gods and goddesses, worship, funeral rites and texts such as the Bhagavad Gita, this covers more complex theological issues such as the development of Jainism and Sikhism and the social and political impact of the caste system. Jones and Ryan, both of the California Institute of Integral Studies, include everything from biogra- phies of theologians and Hindu poets to descriptions of rituals and fes- tivals, historical events, and relations between Hinduism and other faiths. This is accessible to the curious amongst high school students, under- graduate and graduate students, and general readers. BL1105 978-0-7007-1267-0 EEnnccyyccllooppeeddiiaa ooff HHiinndduuiissmm Title main entry. Ed. by Denise Cush et al. Routledge, ©2008 1086 p. $225.00 Composed of some 900 entries ranging in length ranging from 150 to 5000 words, this encyclopedia is intended to provide an undergraduate audience with an understanding of the depth of scholarship that encom- passes recent debates and discoveries alongside standard material on popular and vernacular dimensions of Hindu religious practice in India and around the world. The editors (all of Bath Spa U., UK) provide a thematic list of entries at the beginning of the volume, the headings of which may give the reader a sense of the encyclopedia’s scope and con- tents: cast and lifestyles, central concepts, contemporary media, cos- mology, deities, diaspora, ethics and contemporary issues, inter-faith and inter-religious dialogue, major movements and figures, modern and con- temporary period, myth and mythical characters, philosophy and the- ology, politics and nationalism, sacred geography, sacred texts and languages, scholars and writers, traditional arts and sciences, women and gender, and worship and practice. BL1214 2006-017086 978-0-7391-2510-6 BBhhaakkttii aanndd pphhiilloossoopphhyy ((rreepprriinntt,, 22000066)) Singh, R. Raj. Lexington Books, ©2007 113 p. $24.95 (pa) Singh (philosophy, Brock U.) locates bhakti within a variety of faith and thought systems of India, including Vedanta and Buddhism, with special emphasis on such texts as the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavadgita, the Bhakti Sutras and the Buddhist Sutras, focusing on the relation of bhakti as expressed in them with secular philosophy. He covers bhakti as a perennial concept within faith and secular philosophy, its role in early Buddhist thought, its relation to philosophy in the Bhagavadgita, its relation to love in the Narada Bhakti Sutra and in the philosophies of art. This is a paperback reprint of the original 2006 edition. BL1243 978-90-04-15843-6 TTeemmppllee ccoonnsseeccrraattiioonn rriittuuaallss iinn aanncciieenntt IInnddiiaa Slaczka, Anna A. (Brill’s indological library; v.26) BRILL, ©2007 412 p. $134.00 Revising her 2006 doctoral dissertation for Leiden University, the Netherlands, Slaczka examines three important construction ritual of the Hindu tradition: laying the first stones, placing the consecrated deposit, and placing the crowning bricks. She draws heavily on the rich accounts in many Sanskrit texts on architecture and religion that date from the seventh to the sixteenth centuries. Chief among them is the Kasyapasilpa, a South Indian treatise on art and architecture and ritual written about the 11th-12th centuries. BL2080 978-0-295-98718-7 FFoorr ggooddss,, gghhoossttss aanndd aanncceessttoorrss;; tthhee CChhiinneessee ttrraaddiittiioonn ooff ppaappeerr ooffffeerriinnggss Scott, Janet Lee. U. of Washington Press, ©2007 311 p. $30.00 Scott (East Asian research, Harvard U.) has been conducting field research on the venerable tradition of ritual paper offerings for many years in Hong Kong. Noting that the 1997 transition to mainland control has actually strengthened appreciation of traditional Chinese culture, she examines offerings’ mediating role in worship and identity, their diverse forms, construction, and the relationship between shopkeeper and cus- tomer. The book includes color photographs and a glossary of Chinese characters. BM488 2006-049242 978-90-04-14030-1 LLee RRoouulleeaauu ddee ccuuiivvrree ddee llaa ggrroottttee 33 ddee QQuummrraann ((33QQ1155));; eexxppeerrttiissee——rreessttaauurraattiioonn——eeppiiggrraapphhiiee;; 22vv Brizemeure, Daniel et al. Ed. by Jean-Michel Poffet et al. (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah; 55) BRILL, ©2006 652 p. $254.00 The Copper Scroll found in two pieces in the caves at Qumran in 1952 was chopped into 23 pieces shortly afterwards to facilitate its reading. In addition to this disgrace, the copper began to degrade. The conservation of the pieces, their documentation, and transformation into facsimile is documented in these two volumes. Publication in a lavish full-scale format (11.25x14.75″ ) allows for color reproductions of each piece after conservation, as well as a wealth of other images, including full-scale plates of X-rays taken before and drawings made after their conservation. Detailed scholarly material is included related to the Scroll, its study, con- tents, and conservation. A translation of the Scroll into French and English, with the original Hebrew is also included. Other than the trans- lation of the Scroll text and an English version of the introduction, the volumes are in French. Art Book News Annual 2008 –6– BM729 2006-038220 978-0-8047-5321-0 TThhee sshhaappee ooff rreevveellaattiioonn,, aaeesstthheettiiccss aanndd mmooddeerrnn JJeewwiisshh tthhoouugghhtt Braiterman, Zachary. (Stanford studies in Jewish history and culture) Stanford U. Press, ©2007 300 p. $55.00 Braiterman (religion, Syracuse U.) explores the figure of revelation as an overlap between aesthetics-art and religion, by setting the Jewish phi- losophy of Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig against its immediate visual environment in early German modernism, especially German expressionism, as seen in Kandinsky, Klee, and Franz Marc. The rela- tionship, he explains, is not based on common theological or aesthetic contents, but on intersecting discourses of form-creation, sheer presence, lyric pathos, rhythmic repetition, open spatial dynamism, and erotic pulse. Some of the material has been published separately. BP163 2006-031060 0-275-98732-9 VVooiicceess ooff IIssllaamm;; 55vv Title main entry. Ed. by Vincent J. Cornell. (Praeger perspectives) Praeger, ©2007 1249 p. $450.00 Insisting that a monolithic view of Islam is both wrong and dangerous and also believing that the full lived experience of being Muslim can only adequately be described by those who can bear witness to their own tra- ditions from within, Cornell (Middle East and Islamic studies, Emory U., US), Henry-Blakemore (co-founder and trustee, Islamic Texts Society of Cambridge, UK), and Safi (Islamic studies, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US) present a five-volume work that is intended to provide non- Muslim general audiences at the senior high school and university under- graduate levels with as wide a depiction of Islamic doctrines, practices, and worldviews as possible. Some 50 articles by scholars that are also practicing Muslims representing a diverse range of places, traditions, cul- tures, and beliefs are presented in volumes that individually address the grand traditions and beliefs of the religion; the spiritual experience of Islam; everyday experiences of family, home, and society; Islamic cul- tures’ art, aesthetics, and science; and Muslim progressives, modernists, and other reformers. BQ128 978-0-415-31414-5 EEnnccyyccllooppeeddiiaa ooff BBuuddddhhiissmm Title main entry. Ed. by Damien Keown and Charles S. Prebish. Routledge, ©2007 923 p. $225.00 Buddhism is such a broad field that before now, no single-volume ref- erence aimed for comprehensiveness. This thoughtfully prepared work fills that gap, addressing in scholarly, yet accessible fashion, Buddhism’s history, traditions and schools, significant people, canons and text, con- cepts and ideas, rituals and customs, sacred places, and diaspora. Of the 340 alphabetically arranged, signed entries, some, on major topics, run as long as 5,000 words; a smaller portion are about 500 words, and most are somewhere in between. Entries are cross-referenced and an initial list of entries by major topic will help readers navigate. Editors Keown (Goldsmiths College, U. of London) and Prebish (Pennsylvania State U.) have coordinated the efforts and contributions of 23 scholars in various fields of Buddhist studies. No entry-specific references are supplied, but the general bibliography is arranged topically. A chronology, a pronun- ciation guide, and a guide to Buddhist scriptures are provided. BR115 978-2-503-52295-1 CCrreeaattiioonnss;; mmeeddiieevvaall rriittuuaallss,, tthhee aarrttss,, aanndd tthhee ccoonncceepptt ooff ccrreeaattiioonn Title main entry. Ed. by Sven Rune Havsteen et al. (Ritus et artes; v.2) Brepols Publishers, ©2007 269 p. $81.00 To trace part of the transformation of the concept of creation from bib- lical to modern times, scholars of music, literature, the visual arts, and theology focus on medieval liturgical practice, artistic production in the modern era, and the interconnections between the two. Their topics include creation and recreation in Irish bardic poetry, the new manner of composing in the years around 1800, and vignettes of Kabbalistic and deconstructive thought. Distributed in North America by The David Brown Book Company. BS191 2004-115579 0-8146-9050-5 IIlllluummiinnaattiinngg tthhee wwoorrdd;; tthhee mmaakkiinngg ooff tthhee SSaaiinntt JJoohhnn’’ss BBiibbllee Calderhead, Christopher. The Liturgical Press, ©2005 216 p. $39.95 Calderhead, a contributor & scholar, provides a detailed description of the background, decision-making, and production of the St. John’s Bible— a monumental project using ancient calligraphic techniques to create a complete contemporary Bible rendered into English from the New Revised Standard Version. It’s almost surely the greatest mss. since Gutenberg. Fine photos show artists and monks at work, scribing with egg yoke, gold, silver & pigments as well as such details as sharpening a quill. The calligraphy was done on vellum in a lively edged-pen hand faintly related to italic. A reduced facsimile 9.75x15″ is being prepared as the original parts are finished; two volumes are now available at under $70 each (their titles begin with The Saint John’s Bible St. John’s in Collegeville, Minnesota is a modern university founded by Benedictine monks and is the home also of the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. BS191 2004025099 0-8146-9051-3 TThhee SSaaiinntt JJoohhnn’’ss BBiibbllee;; vv 22:: GGoossppeellss aanndd AAccttss Bible. English. New Revised Standard. Handwritten and illuminated by Donald Jackson. (series: title) The Liturgical Press, ©2005 158 p. $64.95 This is one of seven volumes representing a monumental project using ancient calligraphic techniques to create a complete contemporary Bible rendered into English from the New Revised Standard Version. Almost surely the greatest mss. since Gutenberg. Artists scribed with egg yoke, gold, silver & pigments. The calligraphy was done on vellum in a lively edged-pen hand faintly related to italic. This reduced facsimile, 9.75x15″ is being prepared as the original parts are finished; two volumes are now available. Printed on paper that hints at vellum, the work is a fine example of bookmaking—a craft that is too rarely manifest today. Aside from its obvious interest for religious collections, the work will embellish any graphic arts collection. St. John’s in Collegeville, Minnesota is a modern university, founded by Benedictine monks, and is the home also of the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. BS191 2004025099 978-0-8146-9052-9 TThhee SSaaiinntt JJoohhnn’’ss BBiibbllee;; vv 11:: PPeennttaatteeuucchh Bible. English. New Revised Standard. Handwritten and illuminated by Donald Jackson. (series: title) The Liturgical Press, ©2006 158 p. $69.95 This is one of seven volumes representing a monumental project using ancient calligraphic techniques to create a complete contemporary Bible rendered into English from the New Revised Standard Version. Almost surely the greatest mss. since Gutenberg. Artists scribed with egg yoke, gold, silver & pigments. The calligraphy was done on vellum in a lively edged-pen hand faintly related to italic. This reduced facsimile, 9.75x15″ is being prepared as the original parts are finished; two volumes are now available. Printed on paper that hints at vellum, the work is a fine example of bookmaking—a craft that is too rarely manifest today. Aside from its obvious interest for religious collections, the work will embellish any graphic arts collection. St. John’s in Collegeville, Minnesota is a modern university, founded by Benedictine monks, and is the home also of the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. BS440 2006-034946 978-1-58297-460-6 EEvveerryyddaayy bbiibblliiccaall lliitteerraaccyy;; tthhee eesssseennttiiaall gguuiiddee ttoo bbiibblliiccaall aalllluussiioonnss iinn aarrtt,, lliitteerraattuurree,, aanndd lliiffee Lang, J. Stephen. Writer’s Digest Books, ©2007 426 p. $19.99 Having written about biblical themes in some of his many previous books, Florida-based author Lang here explains the people, places, events, and phrases of the Bible that find their way into popular culture. He presents them alphabetically within sections of people, places, and things; and words and phrases. There is no index or cross-referencing. BS445 2006-020112 978-0-934686-03-7 IInn tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg;; bbiibblleess bbeeffoorree tthhee yyeeaarr 11000000 Title main entry. Ed. by Michelle P. Brown. Smithsonian Books, ©2006 360 p. $40.00 (pa) This oversized catalog (10.5x9.5″) was published to accompany an exhi- bition held at the Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery in Washington DC in collaboration with the Bodleian Library, U. of Oxford, the UK. It presents essays by scholars of medieval manuscripts on the making of early bibles, their transformation as they traveled from the east to west, the bible as a type of icon, and the history of early Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean. These themes are continued in the presentation of the plates and entries of the exhibition itself. Art Book News Annual 2008–7– We're always delighted to hear from our readers. Contact us at (503) 281- 9230 or BS538 2005-034703 978-1-4051-0136-3 TThhee BBllaacckkwweellll ccoommppaanniioonn ttoo tthhee BBiibbllee aanndd ccuullttuurree Title main entry. Ed. by John F. A. Sawyer. (Blackwell companions to religion) Blackwell Publishing, ©2006 555 p. $149.95 Offering readers a one-volume reference source about 21st- century approaches to the Bible, this volume explores the ways the Bible has affected all the major social contexts where it has been influential: ancient, medieval and modern. The 30 articles are written by distin- guished specialists and are organized into sections on revealing the past, the nomadic text, the Bible and the senses, and reading in practice. The articles emphasize the multi- faceted nature of the Bible and its impact on the world and help to bridge the gap between specialist biblical studies and other disciplines, such as literature, art, music, history, the- ology, politics and psychology. BX290 2006-287476 978-0-521-81113-2 EEaasstteerrnn CChhrriissttiiaanniittyy Title main entry. Ed. by Michael Angold. (The Cambridge history of Christianity; v.5) Cambridge U. Pr., ©2006 722 p. $180.00 The 24 chapters of this work present thoughtful discussion of the history, culture, and theology of the Byzantine, Russian, Armenian, Ethiopian, Coptic, and Syrian Christian churches, among others. Rather than fol- lowing a strictly chronological framework, the articles are thematic, with treatment of such topics as art, liturgy, contact with the West, specific the- ological movements, and issues associated with being a minority religion. The final three articles are on contemporary issues, addressing the impact on Russian Orthodox religion of emigration, communism’s impact, and modern spirituality in the Orthodox church. With articles by noted scholars on issues, trends, and the history of the various lines of Eastern Christianity from earliest times through the present, this will be a useful reference to a wide range of readers, from the interested public and students to the scholar. Angold is emeritus, Byzantine history, U. of Edinburgh, Scotland. BX880 2006-019316 978-1-4051-1224-6 TThhee BBllaacckkwweellll ccoommppaanniioonn ttoo CCaatthhoolliicciissmm Title main entry. Ed. by James J. Buckley et al. (Blackwell companions to religion) Blackwell Publishing, ©2007 523 p. $149.95 Why do some theologians relate Romantic understanding of religion to subjectivity or even cultural relativism? How was the Black Death perhaps offset by technological innovations that led to considerations of faith? Do not expect pat answers in this collection of 33 articles; each con- tains its own surprises and alternate insights. Contributors cover history, cultures, doctrines and practices in such topics as the worlds of the Old and New Testaments, the early Church, the middle ages, the Reformation, modernity and post-modernity, cultures from the Holy Land to India, Africa, Europe, Great Britain and Ireland, Latin America, North America, Asia and Oceania, the practice of Catholic theology and the development of doctrine, God, creation and anthropology, Jesus Christ, Mary, the concept of “church,” the liturgy and sacraments, moral theology, the end times, spirituality, institutions, the Holy See, ecumenism, inter-religious dialog, art and literature, science and technology, and justice and peace. BX1973 978-0-85989-566-8 TThhee aarrtt ooff tthhee bbooookk;; iittss ppllaaccee iinn mmeeddiieevvaall wwoorrsshhiipp ((rreepprriinntt,, 11999988)) Title main entry. Ed. by Margaret M. Manion and Barnard J. Muir. University of Exeter Press, ©2006 337 p. $110.00 Scholars based in Melbourne whose research focuses on medieval books designed for use in public or private Christian worship, examine specific French, Italian, and Netherlandish books from the 14th to the early 16th centuries. Most of the contributors are art historians, so illustrations and decoration receive considerable attention. Eight color plates are included, along with many black-and-white reproductions. Distributed in North America by The David Brown Book Co. BX2333 2006-016886 978-1-57003-630-9 SSaaiinnttss aanndd tthheeiirr ccuullttss iinn tthhee AAttllaannttiicc wwoorrlldd Title main entry. Ed. by Margaret Cormack. (The Carolina lowcountry and the Atlantic world) U. of South Carolina Press, ©2007 280 p. $49.95 Historians and scholars of religion from the US and Europe explore changing images of specific saints and the societies that created those images to suit varying psychic and social needs; and the nature of the relationship between holy persons, holy objects, and holy places. Among their topics are St. Benedict the Moor from Sicily to the New World, the search for an American Marian cult in New Orleans, and the influence of pilgrimage on artistic traditions in Medieval Ireland. BX2640 978-2-503-51528-1 MMaannuussccrriippttss aanndd mmoonnaassttiicc ccuullttuurree;; rreeffoorrmm aanndd rreenneewwaall iinn ttwweellfftthh cceennttuurryy GGeerrmmaannyy Title main entry. Ed. by Alison I. Beach. (Medieval church studies; 13) Brepols Publishers, ©2007 347 p. $81.00 Derived from papers delivered during a 2002 conference held at the monastery of Admont in Steiermark, Austria, this volume presents ten scholarly papers on manuscripts, monks, nuns, and theology during a period of great change and rich philosophical thought. Among the paper topics are an overview by senior scholar Rodney Thomson (emeritus, history and classics, U. of Tasmania), the function of the illustrations in Admont manuscripts, scholasticism at Admont, and the reception of Bernard of Clairvaux’s writings on the Song of Songs in 12th-century Austria. Three essays are devoted to aspects of women’s art and writing at Admont. Distributed in North America by The David Brown Book Co. BX4656 2007-003842 978-0-8109-9402-7 PPaattrroonn ssaaiinnttss;; aa ffeeaasstt ooff hhoollyy ccaarrddss Calamari, Barbara and Sandra Di Pasqua. Harry N. Abrams, ©2007 159 p. $24.95 This collection of holy cards, which Roman Catholics use to inspire prayer (or even just to collect and trade) includes beauties from the Victorian age along with more modern renditions. Here we find patron saints for both brides and abandoned people, grandfathers, amputees, Algerians and Italians, those with AIDS and those who care for them, the blind, the lame, and those with cows. The photography is superb and the captions are sincere, giving Catholics and non-Catholics alike a com- fortable idea that perhaps they will not face strife, skating or working as an obstetrician alone. BX4700 2007-013001 978-0-87580-375-3 IImmppeerriiaall ssaaiinntt;; tthhee ccuulltt ooff SStt CCaatthheerriinnee aanndd tthhee ddaawwnn ooff ffeemmaallee rruullee iinn RRuussssiiaa Marker, Gary. Northern Illinois U. Press, ©2007 307 p. $42.00 Drawing on the scholarship of gender and politics in late medieval/ early modern Europe and archival evidence, Marker (history, State U. of New York at Stony Brook) argues that the stage was set for Catherine I becoming Russia’s first officially crowned female ruler by veneration of the “masculine” qualities of St. Catherine. In making this overlooked con- nection, he discusses why this particular saint became linked to the legit- imacy of female rule in Russia, and profiles previous female rulers and Catherine II (the Great). Illustrations include Orthodox iconic images of St. Catherine and scenes from the life of Catherine I. BX4700 2006-049192 978-90-04-15503-9 PPaarraabblleess;; BBeerrnnaarrdd ooff CCllaaiirrvvaauuxx’’ss mmaappppiinngg ooff ssppiirriittuuaall ttooppooggrraapphhyy Brunn, Mette B. (Brill’s studies in intellectual history; v.148) BRILL, ©2007 344 p. $129.00 Though he traveled much, Cistercian monk Bernard (1090-1153) never visited the Holy Land, so he was free to envision Jerusalem as he thought fit. Bruun (Centre for the Study of the Cultural Heritage of Medieval Rituals, U. of Copenhagen) explains how his topography of the city was composed of a range of theologico-literary topoi and included such fea- tures as the Garden of Eden, Babylon, and the wilderness. Art Book News Annual 2008 –8– [...]... 978-90-04-15451-3 On the cusp of an era; art in the pre-Kusana world Title main entry Ed by Doris Meth Srinivasan BRILL, ©2007 402 p $228.00 No book has been produced before on pre-Kusana art, and Srinivasan (State U of New York-Stony Brook) attributes that to the fact that no fulllength study has been done of Kusana art as opposed to art done during the Kusana period—that pre-Kusana art would have preceded Contributors... Inuit art collection of E Daniel and Martha L Albrecht, based in the Heard Museum in Phoenix, is the subject of this handsome oversized (9.75x11.25″) catalog, which was published to accompany a traveling exhibition Expanding beyond description, the entries that accompany each work of art contain lengthy commentary by the work’s artist, making this an unusually rich resource for the contemporary art and... of Art displaying Navajo weavings from as many as four generations of artists from four families Five essays discuss tradition and ethnography, market and community, and principles of art as they apply to contemporary Navajo weaving, also offering perspectives from weavers and educators Color images are included among the essays, and the second part of the book comprises 19 plates accompanied by artist... the art of the book describe the workings of a scriptorium, the intellectual implications of frontispieces, and legacies; those ion th arts and artistic interchange include paper, pottery, poetry and motifs; and those on religion examine patronage of astrologers, Islamic conversion, religious diversity and the Mongol legacy of dynastic legitimacy The color and monochrome plates are well-chosen Art. .. Throughout, he details the trade, artistic, and political relations with the city’s neighbors Several sets of color plates present charters and works of art and architecture This is the paperback reprint of a hardback edition published by Saqi in 2003 Distributed in the US by Consortium DS36 2007-007207 1-4262-0092-7 Lost history; the enduring legacy of Muslim scientists, thinkers, and artists Morgan, Michael... (emerita, Marshall U., Huntington, West Virginia) has produced an impressive history, chronicling the artistic production in all media of Cherokee artists from the earliest examples to contemporary artists Organized chronologically and by media, Power describes in careful detail the development of artistic styles, objects’ use, the impact and influence of European settlers, and media and techniques... 978-0-7734-5547-4 A life of Frederick, Prince of Wales, 1707-1751; a connoisseur of the arts Vivian, Frances Ed by Roger White Edwin Mellen Pr., ©2006 497 p $139.95 The late art historian Vivian was undoubtedly motivated to research the life of Frederick, Prince of Wales, because of his reputation as a patron of the arts who sponsored artists who had immigrated to England, including Amigoni and Jean Baptiste Vanloo,... colleagues to think about effective ways to participate in movements to build community and create social capital and active citizen engagement in community and civic life Their topics include reasserting native narratives from a Powhatan place of power, archeology and community after the Loma Prieta earthquake in California, and race on the Illinois frontier Art Book News Annual 2008 CC175 2007-001955... cities, and people, as well as different styles of art and architecture, events, inventions, and political parties An approach that emphasizes society and daily life is present, and entries are included describing classes and class systems As is common in encyclopedias, the majority of the entries are biographical, with many entries devoted to composers, artists, and writers, as well as the more expected... western Europe, both Russia and Turkey are included The two world wars, their participants, victims, and long-term and farranching impacts are a predominent theme Many entries are biographies—of writers, artists, filmmakers, political figures, and thinkers Entries are included for individual countries and for some major cities, particularly where their history during this era was of widespread importance . the future of art, post-Hegelian reflections on the end of art and nature, abstract art, religion and the modernity of Hegel’s approach to art, the resulting. favored the creation of art and how they are missing today. He covers general aesthetics or art theory, the history of art or artistic cultures, and a

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