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Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:katana 2 docx

Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:dragonfly 2 docx

Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:dragonfly 2 docx

... right. 2 22. Flip 1 flap over, and pullthe next flap towards the left. Model won’t lie flat. 22 -23 24 . Repeat 22 -23 on left.Turn over. 25 . Fold top point to center. Turn back over. 26 . Valley ... downwards.Don’t crease. 20 . Reverse-fold, flipping overthe rectangular single-ply.Press flat and sharpen allcreases.16 -20 21 . Repeat 16 -20 on left. Turn over.not tocorner 23 . Bisect lower angle,swiveling ... crease sharply.18. Reverse-fold, 1 layerover 2. Crease only the rearhalf sharply. Note bisectedangle.$ Dragonfly, v2 (continued)Copyright 1998 -20 00 Stephen Hecht. All Rights Reserved19. Pull...
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Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản: humming bird docx

Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản: humming bird docx

... Hummingbird - Collin Weber Page 2 of 4Hummingbird - Collin Weber Page 4 of 4Hummingbird - Collin Weber Page 3 of 4...
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Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:goldfish-ranchu docx

Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:goldfish-ranchu docx

... convexes outwards. 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 .30.31. 32. Now valley fold then unfold Steps 25 and 26 . Lift up the first layer then fold in the left corner along creases made in Step 26 .Fold the next ... assembly as shown. 20 . 21 . 22 .Valley fold then crimp fold each side.Fold assembly in half whilelifting out the layer at thetop and a triangle at thebottom 1/4 23 . 24 . 25 . like this and ... 1994c1. 2. 3.4.A 12 to 15 cm square ofpaper will do nicely. Foldin half and unfold.5.Fold and unfold vertically,creasing the centre only.6.Fold to the mark made instep 2 and unfold,...
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Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản: dragon fly docx

Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản: dragon fly docx

... right. 2 22. Flip 1 flap over, and pullthe next flap towards the left. Model won’t lie flat. 22 -23 24 . Repeat 22 -23 on left.Turn over. 25 . Fold top point to center. Turn back over. 26 . Valley ... downwards.Don’t crease. 20 . Reverse-fold, flipping overthe rectangular single-ply.Press flat and sharpen allcreases.16 -20 21 . Repeat 16 -20 on left. Turn over.not tocorner 23 . Bisect lower angle,swiveling ... crease sharply.18. Reverse-fold, 1 layerover 2. Crease only the rearhalf sharply. Note bisectedangle.$ Dragonfly, version 2 Copyright 1998 -20 00 Stephen Hecht. All Rights ReservedThis model’s...
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Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản: katana ppt

Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản: katana ppt

... ofcolored paper one sideat a time to create asingle colored guard.Paper Katana Page 2 7. Slip the 2 sectionsunderneath into the topsection. Note where theraw edges lay.8. Roll the tube ... a 10" pa pe r c ut into thirds the m ode l w ill be a bout 6 inches.Paper K atana Page 3 12. This fold involves spreading, sinking and colapsing all in one step. Don't panic.W ork...
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Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:battle cruiser_2 docx

Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:battle cruiser_2 docx

... front. 20 . Finished from on top 21 . Finished from the side.Klingon D-7 Battle CruiserBy Perry Bailey Copyright 1997, and 20 001. Start with bill facing up fold in half, crease and unfold. 2. Fold ... diagonls across the bill and a valley fold between the two x’s.4. Using the diamond formed by the 2 big x,s swivel fold out the end of the bill as you fold it over.5.Should look like this now,...
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Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:Fluff All docx

Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:Fluff All docx

... 22 .Swing over. 23 .Petal up. 24 .Swing up. 27 .Valley outwards .26 .Swing down .25 .Sink triangularly. 28 .Precrease flap halfway. 29 .Valley along precrease. 30.Valley ... base ofmodel. 32. Pull up the thick set of layers31.Swing over flap A, whileincorporating a reverse fold.A gusset will form where flapA meets the point.Flap AEdge B 22 -331 /2 36-37,39-403-534.Repeat ... bottom.14.Pull one layer through. 15.Valley folds.16.Turn over. 12. Precrease.17.Swing down. 18.Open out top. 21 .Sink halfway .20 .Squash.19.Collapse into rabbit-earformation.Stand58.Swing down....
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Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:jack_in_a_box_2 ppt

Tài liệu Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:jack_in_a_box_2 ppt

... 12. 13.14.❴✎❵✦❬★❛✪❜✫❭✭❝✮❭✭❞✰❝✱❩✌❡❢✵❣✛❤★❤◆✐ ✂✁☎✄✝✆✟✞✡✠☛✁✌☞✎✍✑✏✓✒✕✔✗✖✙✘✛✚✢✜✙✣1/37.1/ 12 6.1. 2. 1/ 121 / 12 8.1−44.3.5.I. PRECREASES.✤✎✥✦✘★✧✪✩✫✚✭✬✮✚✭✯✰✬✱✖✌✲✳✵✴✛✶★✶✜✷✂✸☎✹✝✺✟✻✡✼☛✸✌✽✎✾✑✿✓❀✕❁✗❂✙❃✛❄❆❅❈❇o1801/ 12 6. 7.o90o1.90o90o90o 2. 9.10.II. ... ✿◆✻❖✽◗❘✷❚❙✌❅✲✺❋●✚❯✄✳✲●✭❅✡✯✲✱✴❙❲❱✩❇❚●❳■❋✳✲❂❲❍✌❊❋❅❆●✭❯✄✱❨❂✆❩✗❂✚❬❭✵✸✷❉❍❲✯✲✺❫❪❀✷❚❙✌❅✲✺✤❑❴✭❵❜❛◗❝✦✩❞❝✦❢❡▼✬✚✦✰✬❵✿✡❣✐❤❦❥♠❧♥❧✒♦✎♣✄q❚r✡❧ts❘✉✈❧✒✇♥①✡②✭③④❧♥♣❆❣✻✚❣✐❤❦❥♠❧♥❧✒♦✎♣✄q❚r✡❧ts❘❥♠③✐✇✒⑤✭③④♦◆⑥❁✉✈♦⑧⑦⑨③④✇♥r✡⑤✾⑩❈♦✎③❷❶✫♦◆♦✎⑤❘⑦⑨⑥✏♦✲❥✡✉❷♦✲✉⑨❣❸❣✐❤❦❥♠❧♥❧✒♦✎♣✄q❚r✡❧ts❘❥♠❧✒r✁⑤✴①✸③④②✴♦❹♦✲s✚①✁♦❆❣❺❣❼❻✟⑤✭q❚r✡❧✹s✄⑩❈❥✁⑦❾❽✄③✏r✄✉✈③✏♦✎❿◗✿✡❣✴➀✐♦✎❿❈♦✲❥✲③➁r✁⑤✾③④②➂♦❜r✡③✏②✴♦✎⑥❦✉✈✇ts✚♦❆❣✭➃✫②✴✇✹✉✤s✚✇♥➄✚✇ts✚♦✲✉➅③④②➂♦✟❧t❥♠⑥④①✁♦❜✉❷✇✹s✚♦❭✇✒⑤✭③④r❃✉✈✇♥➆✩❣➇❣❼➈➅⑥④♦⑧⑦⑨⑥④♦✲❥✁✉✈♦❃❥♠③✐✇♥⑤❈s✚✇t⑦✎❥♠③✏♦✲s✾✇✒⑤✭③④♦✎⑥➉✉✈♦✲⑦⑨③✏✇✒r✁⑤❈✉⑨❣✭➃✫②✴✇t✉✟s✚✇♥➄✚✇ts✚♦✲✉✤③④②✴♦❃✉✈➊❖❥♠❧✒❧✰✉❷✇✹s✚♦❹✇✒⑤✭③④r✄③✏②✴⑥④♦◆♦❆❣✚❣❼➋✟✇♥➄✚✇ts✚♦❜♦✲❥✁⑦❾②❘③✏②✴✇✒⑥➉s❖✇♥⑤✚③✏r➌q❚r✡➍✴⑥◆❣❈➎❜s✴s✾✇✒⑤➏s✚✇✹⑦✎❥✲③④♦✲s☞s✚✇✹❥✲①✡r✡⑤➏❥♠❧▼⑦⑨⑥④♦✲❥✁✉✈♦✲✉➐❣➑❆❣❼➎❜s➂s❖➄❆♦◆⑥④③④✇t⑦✎❥♠❧✰❥✲⑤❈s➒②✴r✁⑥④✇♥➓✎r✡⑤✭③❁❥✲❧❋⑦⑨⑥④♦✲❥✁✉✈♦✲✉✫❶✐②➂♦✎⑥④♦❹✇✒⑤➏s✚✇✹⑦✎❥✲③④♦✲s✰❣✴➔✴r✡⑥❼③④②✴♦❹➄❆♦✎⑥✏③④✇t⑦✎❥♠❧✰⑦⑨⑥✏♦✲❥✡✉❷♦✲✉⑨→❈✉❷③❁❥♠⑥✏③s✚✇♥➄✚✇ts✚✇✒⑤➂①➌♦✲❥✁⑦❾②◗✉✈♦◆①✡➊✾♦✎⑤✭③✫r✲q✐✿✲➣✲✶✇♥⑤✾③❷❶✫r➂❣↔❣❼➎❜s➂s❖③❷❶❦r✄➊✾r✡⑥✏♦❹s✚✇✹❥✲①✡r✁⑤❈❥♠❧▼⑦⑨⑥④♦⑧❥✡✉✈♦⑧✉✫❶✐②✴♦✎⑥④♦❹✇♥⑤❈s✚✇✹⑦◆❥♠③④♦⑧s✩❣❴❆❴✭❵❼↕➛➙✦➝➜➟➞❷➠❵✿✡❣✐❤❦❥♠❧♥❧✒♦✎♣✄q❚r✡❧ts✾r✡⑤❳⑩❈r✁③④②❀✉❷✇✹s✚♦⑧✉✫③④r✄➊✾♦✎♦◆③✫③④②➂♦➌⑦➐♦✎⑤✚③✏♦✎⑥✐⑦➐⑥④♦✲❥✁✉✈♦❆❣✻✚❣✐❤❦❥♠❧♥❧✒♦✎♣✄q❚r✡❧ts❘❥♠❧✒r✁⑤✴①✸♦✎➆✚✇t✉✈③✏✇✒⑤✴①➟⑦⑨⑥④♦✲❥✁✉✈♦❹❶✐②✴✇t⑦❾②◗s✚✇♥➄✚✇ts✚♦❜③④②➂♦➌✉❷➊❘❥♠❧♥❧✰✉✈✇✹s✭♦➡✇♥⑤❘③④②✴⑥✏♦✎♦❆❣❸❣❼➀❼❥♠✇t✉✈♦❃✉✈✇♥➊✶➍✴❧♥③❁❥✲⑤✴♦✎r✡➍➏✉✈❧✒♣✄③✏②✴♦❹⑥④✇♥①✡②✭③❼❥♠⑤❈s❘③④②✴♦❹⑩❈r✡③✏③④r✡➊➤➢✰❥✲❿❀❥✲③❼➥✡➦✸s✚♦✎①✡⑥✏♦✎♦✲✉➐→❈❥✡s✴s✚✇♥⑤✴①☞❥➊✾r✁➍✴⑤✭③❁❥♠✇♥⑤✶q❚r✡❧ts✩❣❈➃✫②✴♦❹➄❆♦✎⑥✏③④✇✹⑦◆❥♠❧❈➄✁❥♠❧✒❧♥♦✎♣✶q❚r✁❧✹s❘⑦⑨r✡⑥✏⑥④♦✲✉❷❿❈r✡⑤❈s✴✉✐③④r◗✿♠➣❺r✲q✤③④②➂♦➡❧t❥♠⑥✏①✡♦❃✉✈✇ts✚♦❆❣❈➀✐r✡③❁❥✲③④♦③✏②✴♦❹➊✾r✭s✚♦✎❧➧❣❺❣❼➀✐♦✎➄❆♦✎⑥➉✉✈♦✟q❚r✁❧✹s✩❣➇❣❼➀❼❥♠✇t✉✈♦❹③④②✴♦❹❧♥♦⑨q❚③✐✉❷✇✹s✚♦❃❥♠③❭➥✡➦✸s✚♦✎①✁⑥④♦✎♦⑧✉⑨→✴❥✁s✴s✚✇♥⑤✴①✾❥✸s✚✇t❥♠①✡r✁⑤❈❥♠❧❋➊✾r✁➍✴⑤✚③➉❥♠✇♥⑤✶q❚r✡❧ts✩❣❈➃✫②✴✇✹✉✫✇t✉✫③④②✴♦➊✾✇♥⑥④⑥✏r✡⑥✫✇♥➊❘❥♠①✁♦❜r♠q➨✉✈③✏♦✎❿❸❣✚❣❼➀✐♦✎➄❆♦✎⑥➉✉✈♦✟q❚r✁❧✹s✩❣➑❆❣❼➃✫②✴♦❹➊✾r✭s✭♦✎❧❲✉❷②✴r✡➍✴❧ts➒⑩❈♦❃✉✈♣✭➊✾♦✎③✏⑥④✇✹⑦◆❥♠❧➩❣➫➀➭r✁③❁❥♠③✏♦❆❣↔❣✐❤❦❥♠❧♥❧✒♦✎♣✄q❚r✡❧ts❘s✚r✲❶✐⑤❲❣➥✚❣❼➀❼❥♠✇t✉✈♦❹③④②✴♦❹❧♥♦⑨q❚③➁➢✰❥✲❿❀❥✲③❜➥✁➦✶s✚♦◆①✡⑥④♦◆♦✲✉✐✉✈✇♥➊✶➍✴❧♥③❁❥✲⑤✴♦✎r✡➍➏✉✈❧✒♣✄❶✐✇♥③④②❘③④②➂♦➡⑩❈r✁③④③④r✁➊➯❿❈❥♠⑥✏③✎❣❈➎❫➊✾r✡➍➂⑤✚③➉❥♠✇✒⑤q❚r✁❧✹s✾✇✹✉✫⑤✴♦◆♦✲s✚♦✲s✩❣✭➲✤r✡➍❳②➏❥⑧➄❆♦❭③④r✸❿✴➍❈✉✈②❘r✁⑤❳③④②➂♦➌✉❷✇✹s✚♦❹③✏r✶➍✴⑤✭q❚r✡❧✹s❘❥✄➊✾r✡➍➂⑤✚③➉❥♠✇✒⑤✸q❚r✡❧✹s✰❣✿✎➦✭❣➡➳❈✇♥❽❆♦❹✉✈r➂❣✩➀✐♦✎❿❈♦✲❥♠③✐r✁⑤❳③✏②✴♦❹⑥④✇✒①✁②✚③◆❣✿✡✿✁❣❜➔✴r✡❧ts✾♦✲❥✡⑦❁②◗✉✈✇✹s✭♦➡r✲q➅③✏②✴♦❹❧✒✇ts❖✇♥⑤✾②❈❥✲❧➵q✏❣❈➸✫♦❃⑦✎❥♠⑥✏♦⑨q❚➍✴❧✰❶✐✇✒③④②❘③✏②✴♦❃⑦⑨r✡⑥✏⑤✴♦✎⑥❁✉➐❣tẽéẹềềểễếệềếềẹìẹỉềỉỉềềẹĩẹíịềẹẽéịếòòòỏõóọồổtịềỗốềỗẹộềỗỉềềềẽéờốởỡểệềếệềếềĩốẹòớợỏùõóủũúụừịềẹểỉềềtềéỉộỉềỗỉĩửétỉịữứửétịềởữựẽềềỗềềỳệềếịữỷửétỹĩỳềỗýềềềỗữỵềềếẹỉẽềỗẹtẹỉữỹýỗểỵềtéộtỉéềẹ❺✂❻☎❼✝❽✟❾✡❿☛❻✌➀✎➁✑➂✓➃✕➄✗➅✙➆✛➇❆➈❈➉11. THE SPRING1.4. 2. 3.X2X2X2o180o1805−7➊✎➋✦➆★➌✪➍✫➇✭➎✮➇✭➏✰➎✱➅✌➐➑✵➒✛➓★➓◆➔❖✂☎◗✝❘✟❙✡❚☛✌❯✎❱✑❲✓❳✕❨✗❩✙❬✛❭❆❪❈❫90o 90o90o15.11. 12. 13.14.❴✎❵✦❬★❛✪❜✫❭✭❝✮❭✭❞✰❝✱❩✌❡❢✵❣✛❤★❤◆✐ ✂✁☎✄✝✆✟✞✡✠☛✁✌☞✎✍✑✏✓✒✕✔✗✖✙✘✛✚✢✜✙✣1/37.1/ 12 6.1. 2. 1/ 121 / 12 8.1−44.3.5.I. ... ÿ✁ ✄✂✆☎✆✝✄✝✟✞✡✠☞☛✍✌✏✎✒✑✔✓✕✌✖✑✔✌✗✝✙✘✚✑✜✛✢✛✕✣✥✤✧✦★✠☞✛✩✝✍✪✬✫✬✭✍✣✥✮✯✣✰✓✕✌✗✝✱✓✩✲✥✑✜✎✳✣✔✝✵✴✏☛✗✪✶✓✢✌✍✷✸✣✺✹✱✓✩✪✶✎✯✓✢✌✍✷✧✲✻✮✯✣✔✑✚✪✶✣✔✪✻✂✗✼✽✭✍✣✝✱✓✩✪✶✎✾✑✜✌✗✲✁✣❀✿✗✣✥✎❁✫✽✣✺✣✥✌❂✎❁✫✽✠✧✘✚✑✜✛✢✛✕✣✥✤❃✦★✠☞✛❄✝✄✪✽✓❄✪✽✠☞✌✄✣❅✭❆✑✜✛❇✦❈✠✜✦❉✎✯✭✍✣❀✫✬✓❄✝✏✎✯✭❊✂✵❋●✭✍✣❍✲❏■❃✎✯✭✍✣❀✌✏☛✍✞❃✿❑✣✺✮✽✠✜✦✲✁✮✳✣✔✑☞✪❁✣✔✪✽✠☞✎✳✭✍✣✥✮✳✫✬✓❄✪✶✣❀✎✳✭✍✣✥✮✯✣❀✫✬✓✢✛✕✛✵✌✄✠☞✎▲✿❑✣❀✣✥✌✄✠☞☛✍✷✚✭◆▼✗✑✔▼❑✣✺✮❖✦★✠✚✮▲◗✑☞✲✒■✵✂ÿ✥❘✏✂❅❋●✛✢✠◗✪✶✣❀✎✳✭✍✣❀✛❄✑✥✤◗✣✥✮✒✪●✿✗✑☞✲✒■❂✎✳✠❃✪✶✎✯✣✺▼✼ÿ✺❙✱✂❯❚❱✠✧✌✍✠✚✎❱☛✍✌✏✦★✠☞✛❄✝❂✎✳✭✍✣❀✞❂✠☞☛✍✌✏✎✒✑✔✓✕✌✖✑✔✌✗✝✙✘✚✑✔✛✕✛✕✣✺✤❲✦★✠✚✛❄✝✍✪✻✂✗✼✽✭✍✣✪❁✞✖✑✜✛✢✛❊✪✯❳◗☛✗✑✔✮✯✣✔✪✽✓✢✌✙✎✳✭✍✣❀✞❂✓❄✝✄✝✱✛✕✣▲✫✬✓✕✛✢✛❑✦★✠☞✮✳✞❨✌✗✑✔✎✯☛✍✮✾✑✜✛✕✛✢✤❂✠☞✌❩✎✯✭✍✣✆✦★✮✳✠☞✌✏✎✬✛❄✑✥✤◗✣✥✮✥✂ÿ✥❬✏✂✆✼✽✭✍✣❭✪❁▼✍✮✯✓✢✌✍✷✸✓✩✪✬✲✁✠☞✞✡▼✍✛✕✣✥✎✳✣✔✝✵✂❪❴❫✆❵●❛❉❜✍❝❡❞ÿ☞✂✬❢❣✑✜✛✢✛✕✣✥✤✧✦★✠☞✛✩✝❂☛✍▼✖✠☞✌◆✣❍✑☞✲✒✭◆✪❁✓❄✝✱✣❤✂✐✱✂▲❥✍✠☞✛✩✝❂✓✕✌✖✭✗✑✜✛❦✦❧✎✳✭✍✮✯✣✺✣♥♠❑✑✜▼✗✪✬✠✜✦❉✎✯✭✍✣❀☛✍▼✄▼❑✣✺✮✆✪❁✣✔✲✁✎✯✓✢✠☞✌❊✂✄♦❱✓❄✝✄✝✱✣✥✌❩✝✱✓❄✑✔✷☞✠✚✌✗✑✜✛❊✦★✠☞✛✩✝✍✪✬✑✜✮✳✣❅✌✄✣✥✣✔✝✱✣✔✝✸✦★✠✚✮✣✔✑✚✲❏✭❂♠❯✑✔▼❊✂❙✱✂▲♣❱✌✏✦★✠☞✛❄✝❂✿✗✑✚✲❏■✡✎✯✠❃✪✶✎✳✣✥▼❩✐✱✂ ✍✂✆❋●✛✢✠◗✪✶✣❭✪❁✓✕✌✍■❂✎✳✭✍✮✯✣✺✣♥♠❑✑✜▼✗✪✻✂❘✱✂▲q✬✣✥▼✗✣✔✑✜✎▲✪❁✎✯✣✥▼❩✐✧✎✯✠❃ ✧✠☞✌❩✎✯✭✍✣❀✠☞✎✳✭✍✣✥✮✰✪✶✓✩✝✱✣◗✂❬✱✂✆r▲▼✗✣✥✌✖✎✯✭✍✣❀✛✩✑❍✤◗✣✺✮✒✪✽✑✔✎❱✎✳✭✍✣❀✞❂✓❄✝✄✝✱✛✕✣◗✴◗✫✬✭✍✓✢✛✕✣✆▼✄☛✍✛✕✛✢✓✕✌✍✷s✝✱✠✔✫✬✌◆✎✯✭✄✣❅☛✄▼✍▼✗✣✥✮✆✪❁✣✔✲✁✎✳✓✕✠☞✌t✂✍✼✽✭✍✣✥✮✳✣❀✞✸☛✗✪❁✎✿✗✣❭✪✶✓✢✹✸♠❯✑✜▼❆✪❖✠✚✌◆✣✔✑✚✲❏✭❩✪✶✓✩✝✱✣◗✂✄✼✽✫✽✠❃✭✍✓❄✝✍✝✏✣✥✌✖✞❂✠☞☛✍✌✏✎✒✑✔✓✕✌✸✦★✠✚✛❄✝✍✪✬✑✔✮✯✣❭✌✍✣✥✣✔✝✱✣❍✝✵✂✉✂✬❢❣✑✜✛✢✛✕✣✥✤✧✦★✠☞✛✩✝❂☛✍▼❩✑✜✎✰✈☞✇❃✝✱✣✥✷☞✮✳✣✥✣✔✪✻✂✍q✬✠☞✎✒✑✔✎✯✣❭✎✯✭✍✣❀✞❂✠✏✝✱✣✺✛①✂②✱✂▲✼✽✭✍✓✩✪✽✓❄✪✬✑❃✝✱✓❇③✟✲✁☛✍✛✢✎✬✪❁✎✯✣✥▼✖✓✕✌❆✪✶▼✍✓✢✮✯✣✔✝✸✦★✮✯✠✚✞⑤④⑥✑✜✮✳■✖⑦✆✓✕✮✾✲❏✭✍✣✺✌✱✿✗✑✔☛✍✞⑥⑧⑨✪❶⑩◗■◗✣✥✛✢✣✥✎✯✠✚✌❊✂✍❥✍✠☞✛✩✝✖✝✱✠✔✫✬✌◆✎✯✭✄✣✦★✮✳✠☞✌✏✎✬✛❄✑✥✤◗✣✥✮✽✠✚✌◆✣✔✑✚✲❏✭❩✪❁✓❄✝✱✣❀✑✚✪❷✦❸✑✔✮✆✑✚✪❖✤◗✠✚☛❩✲✥✑✜✌❊✴✍☛❆✪✶✓✕✌✄✷✧✎✯✭✍✣❀✓✕✌❆✝✱✓❄✲✥✑✔✎✯✣✔✝❂✘✚✑✜✛✢✛✕✣✥✤✧✦★✠☞✛✩✝✵✂✍❹●✠☞☛✖✫✬✓✕✛✢✛✌✍✣✺✣✔✝❂✎✯✠✧✮✯✣❍✑✜✮✯✮✾✑✜✌✍✷✚✣❡✎✳✭✍✣❀✭✍✓❄✝✍✝✏✣✥✌✖✛❄✑✥✤◗✣✥✮✒✪✻✴✱☛✍✌✏✦★✠☞✛❄✝✏✓✕✌✍✷✧✘◗✣✥✮✳✎✯✓✩✲✥✑✜✛❯✞❂✠☞☛✍✌✏✎✒✑✔✓✕✌✖✑✔✌✗✝❂✘✚✑✜✛✕✛✢✣✥✤✸✦★✠✚✛❄✝✍✪✻✴✑✚✝✍✝✱✓✕✌✄✷✸✭✍✠✚✮✯✓✢❺✥✠☞✌✏✎✒✑✔✛❊✠☞✌✍✣✔✪✻✂✵⑩◗✣✥✣❀✎✯✭✄✣❅✮✳✣✔✪✶☛✄✛✕✎✽✠✚✌◆✌✍✣✺✹✱✎▲✝✱✮✾✑✥✫✬✓✕✌✍✷✄✂✈✱✂▲✼✽✭✍✓✩✪✽✓❄✪✬✑✔✌✍✠☞✎✳✭✍✣✥✮✰✝✱✓❇③✟✲✁☛✍✛✢✎✬✪✶✎✳✣✥▼❊✂✍❹●✠☞☛✖✌✍✣✺✣✔✝❂✎✯✠✧✠☞▼✗✣✥✌❩✎✯✭✍✣❭✑✔✮✯✞✖✪✬✑✔✌✗✝◆✪✳❳❻☛✗✑✚✪✶✭✖✦★✠☞✛❄✝❂✎✳✭✍✣✥✞❨✎✳✠✎✳✭✍✣❭✪✶✓❄✝✏✣✔✪✁✂✗✼✽✫❣✠❃✪✯❳◗☛✗✑☞✪❁✭⑥✑✜✮✳✣❡✌✍✣✺✣✔✝✱✣✔✝✸✿✗✣✥✭✄✓✕✌✗✝❂✎✯✠✡✝✱✠✡✪✶✠✄✂ÿ✥✇✏✂✆❼❧☛✍✛✢✛❊✠☞☛✍✎▲✪❁✠☞✞❂✣✆▼❆✑✜▼✗✣✥✮▲✫✬✭✍✣✥✮✯✣❀✓✢✌✗✝✱✓❄✲✺✑✜✎✯✣❍✝✵✴✍✑✔✌✗✝✟♠❯✑✔✎✯✎✳✣✥✌❊✂ÿ✡ÿ✚✂❱❢❣✑✜✛✢✛✕✣✥✤✧✦★✠☞✛✩✝✖✝✱✠✔✫✬✌◆✫✬✭✍✣✥✮✳✣✆✓✕✌❆✝✱✓❄✲✥✑✔✎✯✣✔✝❯✂ÿ✥✐✏✂✆❼❧☛✍✛✢✛✵✠☞☛✄✎❱✎❁✫✽✠✧✛✩✑✥✤◗✣✥✮✒✪●✠✜✦❉▼✗✑✜▼✗✣✥✮▲✠☞✌✖✣✔✑✚✲❏✭❩✪✶✓✩✝✱✣◗✴✄✑☞✝✍✝✱✓✢✌✍✷✡✑❡✞❂✠☞☛✍✌✏✎✒✑✔✓✕✌✸✦★✠✚✛❄✝✖✑✜✎▲✎✯✭✄✣❅✿✗✠✚✎✯✎✯✠✚✞❨✠✜✦✎✳✭✍✣❀✭✍✣✔✑☞✝❯✂ÿ✥❙✏✂❅❽✗✓✢■◗✣❀✪✶✠✄✂❑❾❿✮✒✑✔▼◆✑✔✮✯✠✚☛✍✌✗✝◆✎✯✭✄✣❅▼❆✑✜▼✗✣✥✮▲✠☞✌✖✣✔✑☞✲✒✭❩✪✶✓✩✝✱✣◗✴✱✎✳✠✸✛✢✠✏✲❏■✡✎✯✭✍✣❀✭✍✣✔✑✚✝✵✂✍❹●✠☞☛✖✌✍✣✥✣❍✝✟✎✳✠✪❁✛✕✓✕✷✚✭✱✎✳✛✕✤❃☛✍✌✱✦★✠✚✛❄✝❂✎✯✭✍✣❀✭✍✣❍✑☞✝✙✎✳✠❃✝✱✠✡✪✶✠✍✂❯q▲✑✜✿✍✿✍✓✢✎✬✣✔✑✜✮✬✎✳✭✍✣❭✑✜✮✳✞✖✪✁✂ÿ✁ ✄✂❅⑩◗✭❆✑✜▼✗✣❡✎✳✭✍✣❀✭✍✣✔✑☞✝❯✂✗☎✆✝✍✝✖✑✸✲✻✮✯✓✕✞✡▼✸✎✳✠✧✮✯✣✔✝✱☛❆✲✁✣❀✎✯✭✍✣❀✌✍✣✔✲✒■❯✂✍◗✑☞✲✒■❃✓❄✪✬✲✁✠✚✞❂▼✍✛✕✣✺✎✯✣✔✝✵✂➻✂➼☎➽✝➾✟➚✡➪☛➼✌➶✎➹✑➘✓➴✕➷✗➬✙➮✛➱❐✃★❒9.7.5. 2 44.X 38.X 36.o1809090ooo90o90V. 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